THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 1913.-EVENING EDITION. BIG REMOVAL SALE! STARTS THURSDAY, MARCH 20TH, AT 9 A. M. SHARP. Everything Goes Regardless of Cost Our entire stock of suits, coats, dresses, ladies' misses' and children's furnishings must be sold by April 1st, when our new home on Central Avenue will be completed. We will positively not move a dollar's worth if we can help it. We have marked every article down to nearly nothing. Ladies will find bargains here that will astonish the most critical shoppers. Everything goes in this big sensational bargain event. sz udte: $5.00 $22,00 Now Silk f 3 jc Dresses VlO.tO $30,00 Ladies' Suits, IO O Extra sizes pix.tJU $25,00 Ladies' Chinchilla dji g og uoatS---------------- $12,50 Ladies' Black djg og $IL!'".""""1"."...$7.85 $10.85 $15,00 Misses' C y gg $20.00 Ladies' CO QC Suits . . . jM.OJ $9,00 Misses' c 1 c Coats pJjD $4,50. Capes, j 1 c On sale at p 1 DU $10,00 Girls' &a ne Coats p4.!0 $6,00 Girls' tti oe Coats $JOJ $5,00 Girls' y e Coats (fr.DU $1,50 Petticoats, AQ On sale at OrC $4,50 Two-Piece di an Skirts JJ.OV $25.00 Ladies' M c 7JT Suits . . . $13. 3 $6,50 Two-Pieco dc in Skirts qO.J: 25c Ladies' and Misses' 1 r - Hose 1 1 C 35c Ladies' and Misses' 1 Q- Hose, all colors 10c Handkerchiefs, J On sale at 25c Children's Hose, 1 Jn On sale at acC 25c Children's Shoulder 1 O Supporters I JC 75c Silk Hose, l all colors 101 $u&s: $19.50 $1,50 Combination no- Suits VOC $4,50 Silk Petticoats, on On sale at ty&Oy 25c Ruching, yard, il- On sale at &2& 50c Back Combs, 10- On sale at yOC 25c Back Combs, ' 1 o n On sale at .100 75c Bolts, - A.n On sale at : HtJl 50c Belts, XfKn On sale at JOO $8.00, $9.00 and $10.00 White Serge Dresses $5.00 The Ladies' Emporium Second Ave. Coos Bay Paint and Wall Paper Cos Old Stand $6.50 to $8.00 SILK KIMONAS Choice $383 E SKIRTS IG MHUS Wlhh in; TKillTKIl TIIAX KVKIl. r Btloon vrtwi i.-...,.. i.. "Kuijilri', to I'ivm-iu New i.'ttmill'N In KLIi-l... W VOKK, March 17. Tlioro .. ,vvlu inuiiKii i() fill uown F I. .J!' "' ',0 tlB,,,Ur "'"" - .. uvcrt'c irom I'nrl" Rtltl (O Vnu. V.m.1. 1... n FJjn"n, who arrival on ' the ?r wuhT , """' ib:, ' ." " "k fcBrS.:'"'. .?." ."'ouiHCH Xt v i. I c,tu,,,,l" micciiy "' Jt from Paris creator Zh hX?"' f"r ',rCBSeS W ah tighter at tl.o ankles, IM J .J??80 .t " Knoos uot,' :."., T" 110w B'yi fii!.u ?aJlo-Emplio. ' R Sf, Momwi ,o li0" t lb ?'!" r"" J' oitrwTn,' Ul '"" w tr "K TO mvoft, ., Linv 'i;.;',': .. . VEl.7vn " ""T MATE T tbi w .v,urch 17- ' C2e,nPk m,Clnl8 W ?w ofM. .. .m. .azo at tlio Liy belter. Tsnuov' t,, k- i e"eta now coinimiilon lKAite 1 T THINK OF THIS? WO.MKN FIX $10 AS HKillKST HAT I'ltlt'i:. r.iilcut Ktylt'N Do Xot Mali,' l'nlr Sc.v look I'rt'Klcst mill Dain tiest ly mi)' .Mi-aim. 1'OItTLANl). March 17. How niueh hIioiiM u woman sienil fur a lint? ltucontly Corvnllls clubwomen, In anHworliiK the qneHtlon, Hot $7 as the proper limit. Xot to exceed ?10 In the answer of the Political Kqnlty I.cnKUO, which at its Bosslon In tho Kllorn hall, Intlorucd In an informal way a proposal made by Mrs. A. 10. Clark to spend not exceeding that llguro for any hat. In callhiK attention to tho sub ject of expouslvo mlllinory, Mrs. Clark said that sho would pledge herself not to exceed flO for a hat. Mrs. M. L. T. Hidden, prosldont of tho leaguo, said that sho hoped tho memboiH of tho organization would adopt tho suggestion and ul so endeavor to porsundo other wo nion to cut down on mlllinory. "1 urn not a beliovor in those Into models In nu.-inory and dross," said Mrs. Hidden, "and think that women dressed up in tho latest styles are not tho prettiest and dialnUesby any 'A0""8. . has boon sent to cheor him. Tho deception will ho practised on Co hlnibuH to proven t him from dying with grief over tho loss of his mato. FLANAGAN & BENNET BANK Capital and Surplus $100,000 Oldest Bank in Coos County. Interest Paid on Time deposits. Taxes can be Paid at this Bank. THIi IlKCOItl) lMIOTOGRAl'IIINfl AIlSTItACT COMPANY Havo photographic coplos of all records of Coos County to dato, abstracts of titles, prosont ownors, or any other Information rotating to real oatato furnished on short notice I1USINKSH OFFICII: 117 North Front St., Marsliflclrt. Phono 151J W. J. RUST, Manager C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. ItOTAIh DNPAItTMKNT LUMIIF.It, liATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND 1)001 W. KOOFIXa l'APKIt, 1710. CUT TIIH FUKL HILL IN TWO 1IY USING OUIl WOOD. PHONE 100. 182 SOUTH HHOADWAY Personal Guarantee to all Skin Sufferers" Taxes! Taxes! Taxes! You have but a few days in which to pay your taxes and secure l!ic three per cent discount. Give us a list of your property and we will sec that they are promptly attended to. Thi .( 'At?ffireii10edv,hat,wo have 4r" ' with h y an1 that we n n ..;i'n it ih. ' - ivo . D'r to iii ' .e -'lve our fe. ?" p-Wp our ;v9 r.. .. u kaii Ai. . J W1. flit V" " e we ''tti. f kiiit ut ne will sav rsQ1?otlkUbrtctzfH'': tnm S$ ltl!.we tu.rzt,f a, Dsnrlnpl hat a ":. l'rescr itinn . - in work,' thiS Red Cross Drug Store. bottle will cost you nothing. You alono to judge. Again and again we have seen how a few dropa of tills simple wash applied to the akin, takes away tho itch, in stantly. And the cures all seem to be perniununt. D. D. D. Prescription made by the U n. I). Laboratories of Chicago, is composed of thymol, Glycerine, oil of wlntorBrcen and other healing, soothing, cooling Ingredients. And if you ore Just crazy with Itch, you will feel soothed and cooled, the itch absolutely washed away the moment you applied this D. D. d' We have made fast friends of mora than one family by recommending this remedy to a skin sufferer here and there and we want you to try it now on our positive guarantee. First National' Bank Of Coos Bay Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. 1I12NIIY SRNOSTACKKN, Mgr. Coquillo Ofllco Phono 191 Platting Lands a specialty. Farms Timber Coal nnd Marshflold Ofllco H-J. General Agents "EASTSIDB." White Duck Button Shoes for Children. Also new Patent Leather Button Shoes for Ladles' and Misses', at The Electric Shoe Shop You Auto Call Foote PHONE 144-J NIGHT AND DAY Stand front of Dlanco Hllllard Parlor TWO NEW OARS After 11 P. M. Phono W. Residence Phone 8-J. City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers and reasonable charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhere at any time." Stands Blanco Hotel and Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 and 46 Night Phone 46. RTKm OfWlDATW. prmirltqii The Right Kind of Cook observes two rules nlwuys. First la to buy only the choicest poultry, meats or provisions. Second is to coolc them exactly according to di rections. The result is always sure. To follow tho first rulo It is always best to trade nt this market. Do In;,' so will save you from disappointment and savo you money ns well. MAIIBIIFIELD OASn MARKET. FOURIER BROS. Marslillcld Telephones North Ilcutl 221 -.7 TwoMnrkctu Hi V. S. nROWN $ A. II. IIODGINS Marshfield Paint (2b Decorating Co. Estimates Furnished. Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to cull at PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and make sele( tion from tho largo stock now ou hand. Sir. Wilson has in his employ the only practical marble and granite cutter in Coos County. And nouo but the best work is turned out. CTsB a2m I "ed Cross Drug Storo. C?nrfiil Driven . !- IO