Mr !i 1 ill WH ivztim THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 1913. EVENING EDITION. - i .1- -- .. . I m MIIIIW W in lf " Kkv The Sign of Good Candy Always AUTO PARE 20c Round Trip holwcon Marsh-field and North Bend MARSHflELD- NORTH BEND AUTO LINE Gorst & King, Props, Coos Bay Business College Yon tsnniM wiin vmi nrn worth todav. What are you going to be worth five years from today? When we build a house we have a plan. When wc build a ca reer, most of us putter, dawdle, dream dreams, and wait for some favorable breeze to waft us to harbor. Lack of business training is not only a handicap it is an absolute block to your advancement. Will you con sider this a little while you arc building the man or woman who later will be YOU? Start right by starting NOW For something worth while. Positions in abund ance and no trained help. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Telephone 402. Office Plionc 582 IvGsitlonco phone 911 Two Lots at Bunker Hill on corner of county ronil. Centrally located. Only ?G50. AUG. FRIZEEN t new locution 1150 Front Sir. .Miirshllcld Domialdl MacKibtosh - v REAL ESTATE KIKE 1NSUHANOI3 Opposite Grand Theater BANDON, ORE. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY i pNN.JAMI.V OSTMNI), J - Consulting Kiigiucci and Aieliitoil. Phono tOil.Ji .Mui-diflehl. Ore. ' JM. WltlGIIT, CONTRACTOR AND iuiM)i:u Estimates furnished on request. Plans mid specifications furnished If desired. An lioncst Job guarnn teed. Phono 121 -It. OLIVIA KDMAN, Mcchuno-Tlicrnplst Sclontlflc Swedish Massago, Mcdlc- Gyinnnstlcs 025 8. Sixth St. l'liono UD.VIt. J QUI, OSTMNI), Piano Tuner nml Hopnlrcr. lib S. Sixth Street, l'liono 103-1. PKRIj KILI3Y ISAMJNHKK Pii.nlht mill Tcm-licr Itoaldouco-Studio, 2.17 So. Hroadwaj Phono 18-L. TAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EqulpiMtl with wireless nnd submarine bell SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO for MARSHFIELD MARCH 25, AT 3:00 P. M. Ml I'nonenttcr Reservations Vrnin Sim lYiiiicNro Must Ho Made nt HO." Tlfo Hulldliig, ' Lombard street Tier 1!7. All reservations must lio taken up -I lioiirs before sailing. 1NTUR-0UIJAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE 44 O. F. McOKOROE. Agent, W SI. S. TUHPK.N, AKCIIITKCT Marshflold, Oregon. S.S SPEEDWELL OAPT. 1IURT1S, Master. Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay Friday March 1 6, at 4 P. M. TIIK SPKKDWEMj Is speedy nnd has excellent passenger urroiu innthitloii.i, Inrgo clean and ulry rooms and electilc lights ami wireless. Tor f rcl;;li t and passage, apply, A. V. Kstabrook Co. Tltlo (Jiiarentco nnd Abstract Co., (ti:t.(M7 Santa Marina Hldg., Snn l-Vanclsco. Marshflold. DK. W. SIOIIHOW, Dentist. 171 Grimes HulldliiK, over Omm', Theater. Olllco Phono 20. W. Q. CHANDLER, Architect. Itoonm 801 and JI01I, Coko Ilulldlni Mnrhhfleld, Oregon. DIt, A. J. IIENimY'H Modern Dental Purlorx. Wo nro oqulppod to do high class work on short notlco at the very lowest prices. Exnmlnntlon freo. Lady attondnnt. Coltu Hlds., Opv Chandler Hool. phono 11 "-J. WHEN' YOU WANT A MKSSKN GEK HOY Something sen for or delivered . P II O N 1: 120-L nnd wo'll do It. Chnrgoa roason ablo. m,f nmvnv. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR EUREKA t FRIDAY, MARCH 21 AT 9:30 A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK HOAD AT PORTLAND NOKT11 PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono -II O. P. .McGEOHGE, Agent. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Strent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS jteamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILINGS FROM PORTLAND, Tuesday evening of each week at H P. .M. SAILING FROM MARSHFIELD, Saturdays, March 1.1th, l!I:ilO p. in.; March 22, U . in.; March 21), 2 p. in. Phono Main Ufl-L. J. O. MILLER, Agent. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio The Star Transfer and Storage Co. la nroparod to do all kinds of haulln on short notice. Wa incot nil trains , and boats and wo also havo tho latest stylo Roynolds Piano Mover. W guarantoo our work, L. H. Heisner,Prop. Phonos 98-R. 120-J M, Steamer Washington Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay, With Freight, only, F. 8. DOW, Agent. Occnn Dock. COOS RAY PLATE AND WINDOW GLASS CO. .1, A, Goodwill and W. E. Sawyer. Plate, Art and Window Glass, Mir- ror.s, Prismatic Glass. Mall orders and phono orders given prompt attention. Estimates fur nished. Phono 70-L. 727 So. Mrondway. Marshflold. Until nl Vnisxtwl IllMfl FlllnilltA nw urn. ocuiiiu uu ,. . , bold on tho installment plan. OlllgCI OCVYIII5 IUUllllllt.3 Wo have thom for rent or for salo. Machines Repaired. Supplies and Needles for Salo. W. .1. HIT., lit! Pail; Ave. Marshfleld. Phono U80-X. HARRINGTON, DOYLE CO., :t(t'J Front St. Phono ;U0-L Marshfleld, Or. Have your job printing douo it Tho Times ofTlco. Have That Roof Fixed Parker & Leaton rul Estate, Dentals and Insurance J.hait UulldliiK, Over Huh Cloth. Uninuc Pantatorium THE MODERN DYERS, CLEANERS, PRESSI'MM and HAT RENOVATORS Agent for EiVwnrd II. Strausa & Co., Pino Tailoring Let us innko your next suit. 25.1 CENTRAL. Phono 250OC FOR QUICK WORK, FOR PROMPT WORK, ' FOR GOOD WORK, Telephone the old reliable Coos Bay Steam Laundry We always deliver the goods. The Fine. Qratknn of Eric Bolt Marshfeld Student at Willamette Had Masterpiece in Newberg Contest Tho following la tho oration or Kile Molt, hoii of .Mr. and Mrtt. Oeo. N. Holt, the ii)ircHt'iitatlo of Wilhtiuctlo ITnlviM-rtlty of Siiloni In ilio OreRon ntntti oralorlcnl eon-oat at NVwbiMK. nnd whllo Mr. Holt did not win tho eontuHt, IiIh doehuua tlou on "National Vitality" Ih ro Kiuiled as n ninHli'i'iilt'co at Willa mette. TIiIh land, iihutidniilly endowed hv ItH Creator, has been dovoloped hy men Into a world power. Upon Ha hoII our forefathers fought and died in tho ailvanceinont of groat principles, forging n nation to Ktnnd in the very forefront In this, tho most remarkable period of the world's history. Our horltago was conceived In tho hearta of thene men. horn of their life blood and nurtured by their unswerving dovo- A Wonderful Tonic ' That Aids Digcslion Thousands aro unahlo to digest ccr tain .Unds of food. In most cases it Is not tho fault of tho food, nor tho stom ach. It Is probaulo that tho stomach has booii abused. Many resort to pro digested foods and various kinds of medicine1! to Rot roliof from dynopsia, hidicestlon and heartburn, hut without permanent benefit. If your stomach was in perfect con dition, you would not nood medicine to digest tho foods you cat. Jayuo's Tonic Vcrmifugo is a stomach rogulator. It gots tho stomach in such a condition that it will, digest food without othor assistance It overcomes the acidity and stimulates tho coating of tho stomach and intestines so that thoy will properly absorb and assimllato tho nutriment from tho food oaten. Huf forers from dyspopsla and indigestion will And pormancut relief in a short timo after beginning tho uso of the tonic. Tor children, tho addition of a llttlo sugar will mako it most pala table Many forms of supposed Indigestion aro tho result of intestinal parasites, for which Jayno's Tonic Vormlfugo is unsurpassed. Insist upon Jayno's; ac cept no othor. Millions havo praised it for mora than eighty years. Sold by druggists everywhere Dr. D. Jayno tc Son, Philadelphia, Pa. For GOOD SHOES mid Good Kopalrlntj nt Right i Prices, go to i AUGUST OLESEN ! 215 South P.roadway. Will Furnish Your House On the Installment Plan W. K. Wiseman Sill North I'ront St. Dub. Phono 2'JG-X. Res. Phono ICC Low in price, high In quality. Electric Irons We have a few seco'iiMiaud irons In good working condition ut $1.75. New Irons, up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J 1C3 X. Rroadway (Ion. Upon siieh a foundation and with material of the saino kind wo mo do eloping a race whoso hcarlH throb with patriotic Impulse nnd wurni sympathy for mankind. We are Justly proud of this nation, which has advanced so far In hor brief snap of existence. Hut with our prido there eonies another thought must she flnnlly decllno? Cluiirded hy tho Sphynx and Pyra mids thoro Is traced upon tho HnudR of JOgypt a civilization ouco great and powerful but now wrapt in sol itude. From tho ruin- covered hills of Rome comes tho silent testimony, Rome wns, hut Is no more. Thus has history ropealod Itself. History Is tho record of the struggle of nations for perpetuity. It Is the slory of their groping for some menus of availing destruction. Rome relied upon her legions for life, whllo Oreeco fllrovo for exist ence not alone hy her soldiers, but Dj a great wealth of learning. And yet both peoples failed to see that buck of war and back 'of learning there Is a factor which must not he Ignored hy our nation It It Ik lo endure. National perputnlty cannot bo sus tnlned by war. Though war may ho the cause of rapid territorial ex pansion and materialistic gain it cannot preserve tho vital element In the nation. Its greatest evil, however. Is In Its toll of human lives and the consequent weaken ing of tho nation. Todny Franco stands before the world as an. ad monition against wnr. Her soldiers were sacrificed at .Magentu until the hue of their blood iih It flow ed beneath the ollvo trees gnvo us our color "niageiita." Her heroes lay wlililii the shndows of the pyra mids, they rested In thousands nt Moscow and Waterloo, Whllo those too weak to represent their coun try m the front were left lo pur netiiate the nice. The result? Tin Ice the Napoleonic enlistment standard was lowered until (he words "surfer the lllllo children to come unto me for of such Is the niiu of I'Vniico" have become all too significant. Had wnr tho pow er ' to mako u nation live, France has laid enough noble lives upon her nltar to endure without end. There enme u Hum In our own history, when, "for every drop or blood shed by tho lush nnothoi must bo shed hy the sword." Through thu death of over one million of our nation's best, slav ery wan expunged. To crown this carnival of death the redeemer of the black man died hy tho assassin's bullet. Hut an almost sovored flag was dipped In, his life's blood and mado whole again mid "Old Glory' once more waved over a united peo ple. Their places seem to bo filled now. A now generation guides our national destiny. Hut emi it ho as strong as If theso million men had never died? Wo can never measure our loss. Wo can never know how far tho men that are fall short of tho men that might havo been. War inenns wpiikoncd manhood and weakened manhood means Impaired national vitality. Neither can education achieve permanent progress for tho nation. It should bo the menus of Inform-' lug and elevating public opinion for, a nation never advances boyond the goal of Its Ideals. Tho ambi tions mid achievements portrayed In tho nil mid literature of nnclout Greece were hut tho reflection ol her national life. Ah tho Grook declined, tho time rmue when his learning wns moro than an enfoo bled manhood could hear nnd IiIb Bcoplor passed oiMo7n "T i" .nuiu uillo tn wi.i. .V'uer w ri - " n iimii it OCICI1C0 tO H liu " i only half . "!"" " hi, u.., Ho Ib In tho cntly Ll ' 7 yot how far advanced fti,; drous heights may Wht H before the ciowiuVL'i " 'paehedl Ho Imi .nN J on,,, ami ,i,,lWl, tni" the unseen force that nrLh,eu' olorn and riMlu.H " P?1 Ho has defied the law. '" and snlls aloft us 7lfn l.r,tf ..u hu.ib mot a. tho m?;'"' a Slstlno Madonna nHel'MIH a .Messiah. Hud, am ?BW man's u.,.,i... a.r.0..the.'ruitlc, achievements am . .."? ttm of pi ogress U.ey rest "7 ,or miimIIK. .....i .i... '.. '"I upon iv. tlonVnho'lVV1 degonerato there wmi"? ' who,, neither art n ' fi Bdenco can save us. eral"re How, tliun, may w Twin City Laundry Gt)OI) WORK GOOD SKItVIl'K Not In any Combine. H hours vtoik for women. Our Agents call anywhere. Phono UOH-J. First ClassWeaving promptly done ut Gardiner's Rag Carpet .Factory Cor. Union and Montana Streot. Phono 131. ' North Dond, Or A Message to Railroad Men. K. S. llncon. 11 Hast streot, Until, .Me., soiids out this warning to railroaders everywhere: ".My work as conductor caused n chronic in flammation of tho klduoys mid I was miserable and all played out. From tho day I began taking Foloy Kidney Pills I hognn to regain my Btrongth, nnd I am hotter now than I havo upon for 20 yoarB." Try thom. Lcckhnrt & Parsons, Tho liusy Corner. A. modern nrlcB, .uildlug, Uloctrl: Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. IlOTEh O O O S O. A. Metlln, lro. Rates: 50 cents n day and upward for. Itrnndwav and Market FOR A GOOli WAT II OU FINK JKWRMIY E. C. BARKER JKWKMMl Fine Watch nnd Jewelry Reialrlng. 2(1(1 Front St.. .Marshfleld. WE WILL L1L YOU f 1 for each sot of old Falso Toet sent us. Highest prices paid for old Gold, Silver, old Watches, broken Jewelry and Preclour Stones. Money Sent by Return Mail. Phlln. Smelting & Itcfinlng Co. Established 20 Years. 80.1 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, P. TO DENTISTS. We will buy your Gold Filling), Gold Scrap, and Platinum. High est nrlcoB paid. Fisher Auto Service Win. Fisher, Proprietor. Phono orders to Hlllyer's Cigar Stnnd, Phono 18-J. After 11 p. m. phono 5-J. Night phono 181-H. Marshfleld, Oregon. Do Yoii Leave Your Doors Unlocked? You would not do that, nnd you should no moro be without II ro in surance, Tho opon door would admit the burglar, and tho fire fiend la Just ns insidious. He plays no favorites, hut attacks in sure i and uninsured property allko. Don't risk your savings for tho small co3t of a policy. Ours nro tho safest and host. I. S. Kaufman Wh Co. Save That Bundle for Me A squnro deal and a clean shirt. 11011 SARTER, Twin City Laundry Phono 20JI-J I'll Call. JUST RECEIVED A large shipment of Electric Cut Glass Shades. Call and seo our stock of glass ware. Wo also havo somo of tho latest designs In shower fixtures, from two light to five. Everything In electrical supplies. Barnard & Langworthy l.pu,xu,t.y foVcordVed SR lous? Our only ma i , .of Ity of nntlonal lron 7h' 'J. of tho race. For. In i A" ilt" aiysls, the- nation 8, t, ".""; J'Pon living ,o ,n 'iVen'I tho 1 ves or Its rltljnn. Tfn '"J the life of the natlo Vl Per c es cam nt n. i..,'l.eiW' clan culture; PonrtnVKS virile Rome Hut when Greet, Rome lost their Islon o i ,Jz perrect n.nnhond they perlihedI have mi example, however, i people that 1ms retained Itiw, conception of life through the 5 ur es. A people oppressed i lalns o Siberia and crowded 5 the (Ihetlo of our cities; a mm without home or country, , mil desplBed; a people that w. nessed the glory of Oreece tod u, Ronio rlsu In majestic splendor ui sink again beside tho Tiber; t m pie with the same charachrutla todny that thev hmi thin . u.i.. monument to nice culture touched hy religion. Race cult in u Is recowlied It llurbiink as he selects only the coo Btttutlonnlly fit to propogile Hi (pedes. His manter hand uun he castus to shed Its prickly splnis mid forces the plum to yield it Heed. These .achievements are pw Hlblo because plnnts Inherit oil; the tin Its of their progenitors. Tit 4111110 general laws that are opta tive among plants obtain In tb race of men. Sluru no Inherit ot- Iv lllii I'lnmii'tnrl'ttlrt nf mir mm. try advancement must be iadlrid ual. And tho very existence olou nation rests upon Its cltlieni lor, whllo nice progress Is tneuini through Hie masses, tho family b 'ho spring fioui which It li toi lulled. If we aro to sunlreui nation our manhood inuit be krft iinshiliicd. A sword of Damocles hinp w nop lipnilH. Tnlnrntml br IB tl- wakened public conscience todill dlseusn Is working destruction. Not toil.. .In I, ii ..iilllv aiiffnr hut thtf J dofllo tho purity of our wominloolj ...... In.a ........ n..H jtniiiip.n ID. . uilil iuj upuii iiiii wi" "-ii source of their lllflrmltr. And yet. J Bomo of iib would hesitate to jw-jl vont the unfit man iron iwi mining civilization. It Is troew linu rnnunii wlilrli tllO anlDll tU not, hut if IiIh flesh stifles and t trols his reason tno law j -., i.i. ,. Tim nrotMtkin a VIII U IUI ....... " ,- " posterity requires such action. i perpetuity or tno race uiw -r on it nnd tho uplifting of nu" demands It. ... May tho Iilenl ot proaucwi nntlon ot glowing manhood A mnnhood bo instiucu mm r ... ,.. iniio n nr rellpoi lofty and austere, set W" !0,r..?. ,lb '"C Ulta KB CIIOHOIl liiuim.1, - - w Its thomo; human In IU Biiporhumnn In us ru.; -you conceive of a more vM moro Buhllmo rellg on 'orfeir titro than that religion wUtbgJ man to higher l''neD'S and gives hhn a loft er tW llfo? If our .nail"" ' '"JU beacon light of tno W"',J" vco must no us ""i""", ;,)., n Then lot us take care 1 Ml tlon'a veins become cho"i yellow dust. l-ei -"lo. M mighty Blnnt. public o'U that ho will "om "B T1B best U " mnndlng that only the iw w produced and ' f,x"'pTl unflf. In nn,'Vir bo vrlttfa? awakening may t'"e ,bheft Z!i i lottors of gom "".;" Bd eisii our legislative ha .11 ' od on tho8cal oteTrtft , Btato inoso wenlth hut llfo. . rMU(B Whon wo Bound tM & war., when we rTVben ,, worth oi e iiiivM - . . jjcea mand that f b" be J no realize that "Here ' Vc hut llfo," n'rWf;'07S reality tho reality, oi he , J!- ! mnnhood deVOted to V an the perpeiu race. CnrrylnB ulnl'e upo ' ligations which f.',vere,o hlB ideal of nation'. rW wo Bhnll leave .--' 0, u most glorious enduring nation. . avtois2s: ALWAYS USED. 1 "bbi nna r-" wasted on "d.r'urCba" home treatment an ,,n secretly. ,. a trIal,nnly H funded If. a"" a o8iy i failed to benefit. and , , n box. uou". . .. y,ip WoM Wnr e-I K Hhfitlfi. R7-I Mnrchfiol 74-J. Note tnai " tA