' r u THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 1913. -EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES M. O. .MALoXMY ICdltof mill Pu 1AN K. MALONHY News Keillor Ofllelnl Paper of Coin County. OKl-'R'JAL PAPIOIt OK Till: CITY OF .MAItttllFIF.LD. FARMING HF.CO.MIXd A PROFF.S HIOX. TIII-3 "cow rollogo" 1h no longer laughed nt. It Is recognized lodny us one of the most val uable avenues (o a practical cducn tlon, nnd tlio agricultural college linn cdiud Into ItH own. A monthly magazine published by tlio Ohio State ITiilvorslty contain? some facts In this connection that nro Interesting, and I hey can prac tically ho iliipllruttMl In most of the ntnto unlverHllk'H throughout the country. In the Olio university tboro aro 1)274 BtndontH nnd of the whole number 79 I are registered In the Collego of Agriculture, while 252 nro In tlio kindred department of domestic science; that In to say. nearly one-third of tlio whole mini bor of students in one state univer sity nro fitting themselves for tin occupation for which a few years ngo it was thought no preparation was necessary except to learn how to in 1 1 lc n cow and handle n hoe. It In known now that successful farm ing requires n good knowledge of more things thnn any other calling. It Is said that the universities or lown, Michigan, Wisconsin nnd many other states present relatively the satno statistics. Incidentally this Ohio University imif,'a-.lno contains some otuer in teresting facts, 'i tabulates the oc cupations of the parents of the stu ueiils. The children of bankers, lawyers, nnd professional men tiro In tlio majority, but the fathers of XI ft students are farmers; III labor ers, IS blacksmiths. .1 watchmen, K tinners, ft slioemakerH, 1) harbors, CI carpenters, ft gltissworkers, (5 Janitors, l gardeners. 10 innohln InlH, :i coal minors, 10 plumbers, 3 iiervtiiits. This list Is Interesting mi showing how much more general education Is becoming and the part that state universities nro taking In Klvlng nil mi onnal opportunity. Scientific fanning Is becoming n profession, and Its development Is one of the most important ruiiciiniis our Stato University Is undortnk-liiK. HiU UEfTEB WRUER :: WITH THE TOAST ' AND THE TEA (.'t)i kvkxixo. ! (No pleasure Is comparnhlo to tlio standing upon the vnutngo ground of truth.--Hacon. Thoro -M-W- The Symptoms. Mapleton Man, Formerly, of Coos Bay, Outlines Ad vantages of Coast. ' The following story sent out from Ktigeno will be of Interest on Coos Hay because .loo Morris Is well known liens through recent business visits, and also because In by-gono vears ho resided here: "The secret of Mnpleton's phe nomenal progress and Increase In population hns been discovered the rapid advance of the city at the head of the tide on the Sltislaw Is duo to the advertising letters of Joe Morris, Jr., who Is one of the city's lending citizens. Mr. Morris Is n letter writer without a poor, ills communications grip tlio" rci?i ient nnd lend him to Mapleton un erringly. Mr. .Morris, who In addition to his othor duties Is postmaster, re cently received a letter from W. 15. Ingersoll, of Ilend, Inquiring about Mapleton, Mr. Ingersoll nsked: "What Is the population of Maple ton? What aro tlio opportunities for young moil? Are renl esttito values high? How is Mapleton reached? How soon will the rail road be there? Please add to theso answers anything else that is on your mind." The direct questions In the let tor were answered briefly and cnt ogorlcally. but In regard to ; o other things that Mr. Morris "had on his mind" ne went Into more detail. This part of the letter was as follows: "We have more climate than any other town of its size on the const. The hind extends to the riv er on both sides, thus making u Inrge area of tlllablo soil. This Is no crossroads village. The road stopped when It got to Mapleton. niiil has been hero ever since. :Sv ery Inhabitant Is contented and many will never leave. The North Star on n clour ovonlng nppears to be a comparatively short distance north of here, nnd we nro satisfied from this observation that wo are nearly In the exact center of tlio universe. "There l an excellent chance for young men inntrlmonally Inclin ed, us thero aro 17 elderly muldeiis, assorted sizes and ages, who are looking for u eimnco to help Home mnii find his slippers ovory morn ing. "Thev nre nil good looking and well educated, in fact the stranger mnrvels at the neglect, nevertheless this Hlato of afrnii-H exists and tho remedy Is only an Influx of home- HOP E 10 GEI JETTY STARTED Port of Coos Bay Delegates Confer With United States Engineers in Portland. ".Messrs. Peck, Dennett nnd Seng stneken of Mnrshlleld had a very sat isfactory Interview with Mnjor Mor iow and Cnptaln Polhemtis, United Stntes englncors, this morning," This Is the gist of n telegram from Portland to Tlio Times in roforenco to the conference between the repro scntntives of the Port of Coos liny nnd United States engineers, relative to the jetty work on Coos Hoy. While It does not Bpcclllcnlly stato that ar rangements for carrying out tho pro ject ns desired by tho port commis sioners, it indicates progress In that direction. Tho plan of the Port Commission was to take llftO.OOO or $200,000 of the sum dorlvcd from tho Port of Coos Uny $300,000 bond snlo now being coiiBunintcd and stnrt the re construction of tho Jetty. Tlio Jden was to have the United Statos engineers supervlso tho work and have It dono tho same ns n government Job, tho only dlfforoneo being that tho Port of Cooh Hay would bo defraying tho exponso. Ily this arrangement, it Is belloved tho Jetty could bo started tills spring and bo woll underway by tho tlmo tho next congress moots, when It Is bo lloved tho money necessary for tho reconstruction or tho Jetty will bo appropriated. Cnptaln PolhomuB, who had chnrgo of tho Jetty work horo before, and who Is familiar with tho sltuntlon, was tho man whom tho Port Commission desired to hnvo sent hero for tnklng chnrgo of tho work. . SHAFT TO sikrra POKT. Heroic .Monument to Commemorate Passing of .lomitiln .Miller. uaivIjA.xi), March is. nou-' -Tllden. the Oakland jxulptnr i lnodelllng n monument, entitled ".loaqiiln Miller embarking '- V-'-halln." which will prolmb'y l-r erected In tho park opposite th" new city hall. The clay group which the sculp tor has fashioned shows a heroic figure of tho dead poet borne nloft by u .Mexican, an Indian, n monk, a pathfinder, u minor nnd a cowboy, rude pall henreru bomlntr Mm r, .,, r ii,; ..i ."'"".." :" vm" ui wii- iuuiu.'UI id II Hllip IIOIIIKl tor Valhulln. The llguro or the poot Is wrapped In tin Indian blankot, his white locks fall about his should ers nnd his hands nro folded In his lap. Tho pall hoareis typify tho front ier era to which Ml Mm- lintmi .? h a slngln' in tho valley mi' a ., J- who are willing '"' , sculptor hns constructed peace upon tho Inno; J! "loiufct tho rents and tolls fronil''" -'t" " " Hlgual of Its puss- fli iwiMiwllnuu iiornu u'Iiiimi nre net!-.'"". COOS BAY DEVELOPMENT NEWS WILL DOUBLE ITS CAPACITY Manager Wernich of North Bend, Makes Important Announcement. Hoy A. Wernich, manager of the North Ilend Manufacturing Co.. who has Just returned from nn extended business trip through California and north to Senttle, was a Mnrshlleld visitor this afternoon. "Iluslnoss prospects nre excellent on tho outside," said Mr. Wernich to Tho Times this afternoon, " and were never better on Cooh liny. On my way homo from California I run up to Seattle, whero I placed an order Tor $0,000 worth or additional machin ery nnd I expect to practically doublo our output with In tho noxt few months." "I found much Inquiry concerning Coos Hay nnd with tho high tide of business on the outside nnd the rail way building horo we should enjoy a long season of iinparalellod pros perity. I was na far soutn as Han Diego, but tho greatest activity Is In tho vicinity of Los Angoles. Tho building permits Issued In Hint city were ovor $2,000,000 last month. Thoy say that n now house Is com pleted In Los Angeles unit suburiibi ovory seven mlnuteH of tho work ing day. Thoy use a total or more thnn 2"i0,000 llr doors ench year and or that total North Ilend rurnlsheft 80.000, so thoy know Hint we nre on the map, anyway." While In San Francisco Mr. Wer nich was In conrorenco with L. .1. Simpson nnd says that ho expects to return to North lloml nt an early day. ixseiupn.ors ti.mhkr ItltOKIvltS WORK SCHK.Mi: ACTIVITY 01 KENTUCK INLET New Sawmill, Broomhandle Factory and a Coal Mine. Kcntui'k Inlot has caught the spir it or Industrial activity nnd a num ber or now enterprises nro already In progress or construction there O. Gllbertson nnd "Mr. Nunor, re cently arrived rrom Wisconsin, nro pushing work on their now sawmill, which will have a dally capacity of 15,000 root. A now broom huiidlo fnctory with a dally capacity of 7ft00 handles Is also planned nnd will bo pushed to early completion, The Smith Ilros. hnvo reached tho .100 foot level In their new conl mine on tho old Stevens place and say tlio prospects aro lino for one of tho best mines on the Hay. BUILD DUES IN HER M It AT Till: IIOTI5I.S. Thoro's a alienee In tho woodland 'copr the brooklet's swoot re frain, Thoro's a freshness on the hilltops fairly shoutlu' "spring" out loud (All' there's twenty acres, mobbe, that's a-waltlu' to bn plow ed.) Thoro's a glint or green n-coiuln' on Hie tender pastcher grass, An' the broiuos fairly whisper of the early garden hiihs! There's a dream o' hotter weather with a lot or promise in--(An' n mile or more or rendu' that we've got to patch again!) Spring's n-whooplu' up her slngiu' like a dad-bitrueil Baptist choir, Hut tho song or work, I swauiiy, sounds a dozen uotch'oH higher; You Itlu Jexl depend upon It. In the keutry some blamed thing A lua squeezes im' the nectar an' tho poelry r Hprlng! Ifihii I). Wells. Chrlsrofforson, the air ship man, Is said to have earned over 520,000 last year. Yet some peo ple say a man can't live on air. you would get up In tho world, climb. -tt-M-Mnny n meek and lowly mnn hns ruled tho roost an a baby. you utlllzo tho time wasted In waiting, It Is not wnsted. likes to oxorelso her soubo of humor when the Joke is on snino mnn, -tt-W- 1 Till: OTIKT OIIKK.ltVK.lt SAYS - Don't be too economical, Somo Coos Hay people hnvo tried to kill two birds with ouo Htone and both birds got away. -u-tt- Decoptlan Is all right on tho stngo, but in married lire you nro sure to be found out. No, Cordelia, as far as we know, tho hookworm hns novor been edu cated to hook a woman's gown up the liack. A flue Illustration of bow not In ny it and of the need of tact wnB filvon by (lovernor Hodges of Kau nas when ho first ontorod public life. Ho hud to nddress tho resl lonts of u penitentiary. Ho began with "Follow citizens," and recol lected that their crimes had de prived them of citizenship. So he addressed thoin aa "Follow con victs," but this was n boomerang mat hit himself. in despair he cuncluiUul with- "I don't know i.ww to uddross you boys, but I'm iiiifibty Kind to see so many of you lioro" A iuui with his wits about iim would have said something like this; "Gentlomen, It is my prlvl logo to spoulc of" whntovor wns tho subject. lortoil now hecnuso or the Innhll Ity or theso ladles to euro ndoqunto lv for their property. "If you know uny young men In Ilend who nro your particular friends nnd want to get In on the ground floor, let thorn know nboiit this opportunity, as this undiscov ered parndlse of domestic felicity can i omnia uuluvaiU'd but a hhorl time now, ror spring with Its early udvent Into Mapleton Is already supplying u background or verduro that well becomes those blushing dniusels nnd their bewitching at tract limn can blush unseen but one more short season nt least. Please hnvo your rrlends come enrly ho foro the ladles get particular." IIAItl) TI.MKS. Yes, these aro hard times. Wo throw nwny ashes and buy soap. Wo raise dogs nnd buy hogs. Wo grow weeds nnd buuy vegetables. o catch llsh with n rour-dollnr rod. Wo build school houses and send our children nwny rrom homo to bo edu cated. And Inst, but not least, wo send our boyH out with n rorty-dollar gun nnd a twenty dollar dog to hunt ten cont game. Yes, theso nro hard times, but whose fault Is It! Don't place nil tho blame on tho president nnd tho truusts, says an oxchango. Port Orford Trlbuno. Hnvo your jou printing dono a' Tho Times office Tlmoa' Want Ads brine rosults. No Matter Which Way the Election Goes You can sllll buy the bear suit ot clothes on Coos Day ror the price nt the FIXUP $8.50, $10, $12.50, $15, $18, $20 and $25 ror suits that nre tho biggest value on the Hay. Ono price first, last nnd all tho time. FIXUP Mnrslifielil North Ilend Ships In full sail bedeck tho four corners of tho pedestal. On tho back or the monument is engraved (he legend: "To .lonquln Mlllo.. who died with his raco to tho Gold en (Into; February 17, 1013." On its sides nppears the ro Train or .Miller's most rnmoiia poem. Co lumbus: "Snll on, Sail on!" A wish expressed by .Mayor .Mott fur u monument signalizing some great historic event to bo placed In the city lin.ll park led Tllden to un dertake the work. "Tho essenco or tho Ufo or Mil ler belongs to tho pioneer dnys," said Tllden today, "and tho pusslng or that ossenco Is nn historic ovent In this Mute. The llgures support ing the body or Miller bear tho same historic relation to the ago that Is past." PORTLAND. March 17. I'u ..rupitlotts Umber brokers have be , ri,iiu to use one or the patrol laws cussed by the legislature to rrlgat eu small timber owners Into selling their properly. The urgumeiit used Is that the new law compels patrol ling, nnd putrolltig an Isolated claim becomes practically prohibi tive. While tho timber men xnv tlmt they illil not ask to have this law enacted, they believe It is n gooil measure, and thoy nro In pro test against brokers using an unfair or untrue argument In reference to Its results, HOTKL COOS K. J. Darker, Port Oriord; L. II. Kd wards, City; Aiuch 8. .Johnston, Port Oriord; Lloyd Cut lip, Daniels Creek; Mrs, McFnrlln, North Inlet: Kd Ituvniond, Ton Mllo; HLANCO HOTEL K. lr. McLood, Itnudon; .1. I). Colvln, Grants Pass; Alfred ICnes, Coqulllo; (loo. A. Miles, Hillings, Mont. LLOYD HOTHL Phil .1. Otis and wife. Chicago; .loo Frosso, Coaledo; Frank Hassett, Norway; .1. Koudle, Chicago, III.; Iloht. Kd wards, Klgcne, Till': CIIANDLi:it L. D. Murphy, Hnudoii; Ceo. P. La I id, Hntidou; J. I-J. Norton. Coqulllo; F. II. Itydor, linker. Ore.; F. M. Hooves, San Francisco; J. 11. Hnghy, Seattlo; C. K. .Millar. Seattlo: M. HonsdrolT, Snn Francisco. Robert Marsden, Sr . - Erect Four Modern ' nouses There, Robert Marsden. sr ,.. today that he Just rcha" DN lots Hunker Iltll aSd wfti, !" arrangements to erect M1' room houses on them. The hh? near the now hoarding houi. ul' now; ; being constructed air. Mnrsden plnnn to erect m. dwellings, which will mike mJ tab hi Hiiiin. ,..! ...... -V UR? cWor. nt reasonable nKa ' M' J ramllles being coin Wd to LI' ! Improvised homes made b aS . sheds am others lmvin ,i "". tents. However, these hou.w ho two douhle-houseswhTl, P 'v Tulley Is erecting tl.cro for e & ICoown will afford somo relief A number or houses are belif m. Jeeteil In MnrnlninM I...7. "f'" I ror new ones hao yet been let. COOH HAY ClIlAXfli: dinner 5i'. urday noon, March 22, at Odd U lows hull. Fitly ccnti. tickfti 1 nt IllMSV iviliveii lahl Try Tho Times' Want Adi Foley Kidney ITIIs rutl your iiiuivmiiiii rase If you lw uny form of kidney or bladder trcv Hilo. uny backache, rreumatlim, trie acid noisoulm: or Irroculnr n,i ,.i. fill kidney action. They it jBtienglhenlug. tonic and tumftt land contain no linblt fnrmlnjdnri Lockhnrt & Parsons, Tho Duijr Cor- nor. ALIIIXS' WIVIW AI'FCtTKD. I'll 1 1 Xiiliirullatloti ami Five Ycaih Residence .Veces.arv to Vole. j SALH.M, March 17. Tnu Attor-j iiey-Ceuorul rendered nil opinion to the effect that wives of aliens may not' vote until they hnvo taken their full unturnllKiitlon papers and have been residents of this country ror five venrs. although alien mates are entitled to suffrage after tnk-' lug out their llrst papers. ' A difference In the suite and fed eral constitutions causes this var iance to exist, he says. ' HANK OLD SHOKS AND RICK. L.WWDRV SAFKTIKS I'lUIKD. State Labor Cominlsslimcc Wants AshextiK (iuiiiiN over .Machines. SALH.M, Ore. March 17. Plans Tor safeguarding employes in laun dries who work over body, sleovo, nnd cuff Ironors, nro carried In n circular of directions Issued to his deputies by Stato Labor Commis sioner lloff. Ho stntes that tho guard over such ironors will bo asbestos to protect tho worker rrom tho heat ami nt tho samu tlmo cmiBorvo her enorgy, which, ho says will work tor the bonofit of both tho em ployer nnd tho employed. Ho says at tho same tlmo It also will con serve tho bent used. dam: livks von forty DAYS O.V POTATOIM. HARRISHUHC, Pa.. March 18. A bill to protect uowlywcds rrom "obnoxious and noisy" demonstra tions and serenades was Introduced lu tho Iioiiho by Representntlvo Wil son or Clarion. Times' Wnnt Ads lirlntr results. LADIES' SUITS AND COATS WK IIAVH UKCKIVKI) TII12 FIRST SHIPMENT OP OUR NEW LINK OF LADIKS' SUITS AND COATS. THIS IS TIIK FIRST TI.MK RHAL NEW, UP-TO-DATE Sl'113 AND COATS IIAVK IlKKN SHOWN IN MARSHFIELD. IN ADDITION TO 01 VINO YOU A RICAL STYLISH GARMENT W13 CAN SAVK YOU FROM $3.00 TO JS.00 ON UACII The Golden Rule First National Bank IHtlg. Program at, K.Oyfll 1 116lter Announcement A big attraction Is In storo ror tho patrons or Mr. Goorgo Lcmnnskl's Theater, opening ." COPKNHAOH.N, March 18. Dr. Hliidhedo, the famous Danish rood scientist who recontly visited Amer ica and oxporlmented tor Hornco Fletcher or thorotigh-mastlcntlon fame, has published somo now re sults or his experiments. Ho now enjoys Danish state aid. Ho cites tlio enso or Fredorlek Madsen, a gardener, a sound and strongly built mnn, but ono who has novor dono anything to dovolop his strength. This gardener has tor about ton years lived very plainly on ryo bread, potatoes, oat and bnrloy porridge, etc., nnd has never touched meat, or tobacco, cof- iue, ii-u, ueer or any spirits. tie usually drinks water, rarely milk. On this diet he does his gardening work, Including digging and othor sovero work, and In spito of tils oxtreinoly frugal living, unusually poor lu albumen, ho can get through with qulto as much work ns any meat-eating man. For forty days this man lived ex clusively on potntoes, and, contrary to what Is gouorally supposed, this food proved enslly and almost ful ly digestible, only 3 per cent re maining undigested, against from G to 10 per cent of meat and milk, In fact ho was In ovory way sulred by tho potato faro and was unite pre pared to go on living on It, Times' Want Ads bring results. The Team of Hickok & Otis XSESSg. This net has been ono of tho Big Attractions on tho Dig Circuit nnd were on ,r.ent " CtX" Chicago when a ropresentattvo of Mr. Lomanskl Induced them to play a rour weeks engas Hay at a vory largo salary. donni c M MISS HICKOK Is tho nleco of Kx-Presldent Taft and known as tho youngest prima American stage ago 17, weight 80, height 5 leet. ., all to bar l This is tho young lady that tho Now York critics termed tho Child Molba. Don t real singer while you hnvo a chance. . , n the P,CT, Also on the oxtrn nii nm i m.co nu,. m... ....., i,.- ..,...rrnof violinist. "' r.rellit Coast in a novelty singing" m,d dnnchlg 'net. 'T.o'gSrhVpiayod to Iho Coos" Day Valine l,"ekei,TUs8.. Ke?h.Brab.E& Sr' i!, ,r?' s.0..8 ? 'SI?! ffi KoRoyal tMMfStS ADMISSION PR.CFS: I - w ."rY """ """ """ rnvKnVW r Bnnxwzuaia