ONE THREAD OF KINDNESS DRAWS MORE THAN A 60 H. P. AUTOMOBILE J mST ARTICLES NOW IS VOI'll TIME. flr(. , .j.-.MijIiioimli Times wnnt -".r.i....l t'w tlicnH Tlit-y A small ail In The Times want column may lit Inn you results im mediately. Try one. cet rciiii MEMBER Or THE ASSOCIATED PRES .. . .1 I ...1 I.. IOTO VOL XXXVI. Tho Const Mall. Many Small Craft Reported "wrecked by, Storm Near Hamburg Last Night. i nss OF LIFE IS L HARDTO ESTIMATE Twelve Known Dead and List of Fatalities May Reach Fifty Soon. C, jluoclttl I'rrn to Coon llr Timet.) HAMDUIIO, Gcrtunny, March 18. Klchty ships, miilnly hiiiiiII craft, ,ere tank off this port early today In a southowestorly liurrlcniio. TwcKo deaths nrc reported nnd It Is St Hint tllc ,lonlh ,l8t "my rtacb fifty. I'ltOM iun.ii FAMILIES. Klnir t.'emgc ll'"l 't"l'l Greece tm' V, y,,nr Noted Kelntlw'N. Df Awltlel ''"" " L" "" TlmM'l ATHKNS. Greece. March 18. King Ocorso wiih In his CStli yenr and had ruled 50 years. Ho wns i brother of Queen Mother Alexan dra of England nt U)" "f ,no ,nl King of Denmark A prevlouH at tempt to itBBiiHslnate hliu In 18U8 vts frustrated. Crown Prince Con ittntlne, who Ims lieen In netlvo command of the troops during hos tilities In Turkey, will succeed to the throne, Large Number Wanted in Chi cago in Connection with Insurance Swindles. Br Aueclatrt rrfu la Coo DtJ Timet.) CHICAGO, Mnrch 18. Tho ro nwkablo extent of nrson frauds by muni of which the liiHurnnco compa nies havn lifpn Hivlnillrul nut nf mil. lloni of dollars was disclosed today then Judgo Wudo in municipal court Issued seventy wnrrnntB for peraoni Implicated by ovldenco In tho audi of assistant Stnto's Attornoy Johnson. One hundred nnd fourteen war rants for thirty-two alleged mem Mrs of the arson ring wore Issued ly Judge Wado In municipal court at th elnstnnco of assistant iej Attorney Johnston. Twonty ' of tho men nnmed In the wnr nata e business men, some of thorn wealthy. Their names woro not Bide public pending tho sorvico of warrants. When tho nrrcsts nro Wt on today's wnrrnnta tho to 1,1 jnuber of persons taken into ?i..7.aj v.m "BBrognto forty-four, ,.' . to have been complicated In '"v fires from which tolls of $800,- j!w rV.,lected ln Insurance talon declared that a largo num ber warrants growing out of smnl uiProbab,y would b '""wed fa Z1? a,lcKCd Gu,lt In connec " Hh the Important fires. Only 315 Up to 3:30 This Afternoon-Late Voting May Be More Brisk. 5PJ,vi'! 3:? thls a'tornoon lt SDetiai :, .. """ Veen cast at M5p,lM t0 ass " "to r Li!? flc and Terminal rall BaJ Sft"' al on tho Coos lSr,I!? Th,B forenon. ,h K m "m.18 ox,,octe(1 that ,tftttK ,?iW,U.b0 ,leavy- but !Wratlveh i. Lvote ca8t win be krf "el "eht. Ollitn num. The hi . ,u vimg. lr 8l.b.allot8 will be comnaratlvo- ' v nomon n ..- ,V1!1 be known ,d and the reslts tonight. ftn b" or 10 o'clock rt'ffift !'. nv Cathcnrt and Vwn and vL iro tno Jlldses of "trkg. and - T. Merchant, tho i.!.1 aa , tr Cvi?." Would carr'- Man- W .Ji,g?n ot tho band said th th t.?.nd somo Pron,1" ,g"dtarrv7 ,a""y proposition rfy by even n larger vote. tffS01'08 and ""nses f '. beo ad. nfliTA 9. ' --- - illlfflTLOST DURING HURRIGANE ON GERMAN COAST 'B FRAUO NET FOR 70 IHI VOTE IS CAST TODAY MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 18, TUG ROBARTS LOSES BARGE Wrecked with Load of Coal from Coos Bay on North Spit of Siuslaw. (Special to Tho Times) FLORENCE, Ore., March 18. The tug UobnrtB, while crossing In over tho Sluslaw bar, wns carried onto tho North Spit by n strong wind. They cut tho hawser and tho tug got out safely but tho barge was carried on the beach. With favor able wenthor tho barge can be taken off without much loss. Tho Kobarts wiih bringing u barge loaded with three hundred tons of conl for Johnson nnd Anderson, tho Siuslnw Jetty contiiietors from Coos Hay. THE RAINBOW Capt. Edwards' Launch Sunk on North Coos River by Accident Yesterday. Tho launch Rainbow struck u snag nenr Ox Head on North Cook Itiver yesterday and punched a big holo In the bottom, flooding the engine room and lower portion of tho boat. Tho damngo, although considerable, will probably not lay tho vessol mi lone as Capt. Edwards i hopes to float her on tho high ttdo today and then bench her near Al- . legany where lepaliH can bu made. Capt. Ott states that tho snng vas struck a llttlo way bolow Ox Head but that the boat did not bo- gin to take water until sho struck on the mud a llttlo further up stream. Capt. Herman Edwards was nt the wheel. Mrs. Stemmerman, O. C. Smith and two or throo others wero on bonrd but they got off In nmmi bonts. Thero wns no dnnger as tho water was comparatively shallow. Marshfield Woman Makes Sensational Charges Against Husband. Deputy Sheriff Clyde Gago wns hore from Coqulllo todny to servo notices In a dlvorco suit of Clara n. Wheler vs. AV. H. Wheelor. Mrs. Wheeler Is suing for a decreo on tho grounds of cruel and Inhuman treat ment and asks for one-third of her husbnnd's property. II. G. Hoy Is her attorney. In her petition for divorce, Mrs. Wheeler makes several sensational charges against the well known resi dent of Marshfield. Sho says thoy were married In Portland, December 4, 1910. She was then a widow, well advanced in years and delicate. Since their marirago, sho says in her petition, that Mr. Wheeler has caused her much misery nnd mental anguish by relating obsceno stories, tales of his immoral life beforo he married her, of how ho beat animals, how he beat his son and children, how ho perjured himself and sent an enomy to tho ponltentlnry for five years, flaunted his vices boforo her and heaped other indignities upon her. . , ... Finally, ho threatened her life, threatened he would commit suicide and oven accused her of trying to poison him. The Wheelers reside on Commer cial avenuo west and are now living apart. Both aro quite advanced In years. Mr. Wheeler owns three resi dence lots where he lives, C4 acres of tide islands in Coob Bay nnd other property and Mrs. Wheeler wants nn undivided third itnerest nnd also an allowance for her support. She savB that Mr Hampton and Mrs. Lf M. Kessler have heard Mr. Wheeler's attacks on her. WEDGEWOOl) Stoves and Ranges MA MRS. WHEELER ASKS DIVORCE -Fully Guaranteed. See ad, page & T Geo. B. Cox and Other Offi cers of Defunct Trust Com pany Held for Misapplica tion of Funds. Illr AttoelaleJ Pith to Coot lltr Timet.) CINCINNATI, March 18. George II. Cox, former president of tho de funct Cincinnati Trust Company, two former olflccrs of tho company and eight members of the bonrd of di rectors were nnmed In sonletl In dictments, returned by tho grand ury yesterday. Tho envelopes con AFTER 8 YEARS Aberdeen Dispatch Tells of Re marriage of B. F. Willey of Marshfield. The following dispatch from Ab erdeen, Wash., printed In a Port land paper will bo or Interest on Coos Hay: "Tho remarriage of II. K. Wil ley of Marwhflold, Or., nnd Mrs. II. C. Wllloy of Aberdeen, which took placo at Marshfield this week, Is the romantic ending of n divorce suit which occupied tho attention of the courts about eight years ago. "After the divorce Mrs. Willey nnd her three young sons remained hero, while Mr. "Willey took up his iCHiucuco 111 Oregon, it was at the funeral of Mr. Wllloy's mother In this city some months ago that a reconciliation took place. "Since that time arrnngoments for tho reunion of tho family havo been continued and on Tuesday hut Mrs. Wllloy after settling up her affairs hero, went to Mnrshflold with her throo young sons. "Until two weeks ngo she bad filled tho position of clerk at tho geuornl delivery window at tho post ofllco. Mrs. Wllloy Is well known an a woman of scholarly nnd ar tistic tastes. "Her pictures havo won premiums nt nil exhibitions at which rhcy havo been exhibited.' Mexican Federal Army Starts Troops to Subdue Insur- rectors Near Border. I WOMAN LEADS ItKIIEI.S. I (By Asosclated Press.) LAREDO, Tex., March IS. All trace of tho Carranznstas who dashed into Neuvo La redo with a woman lendor wai lost today. Tho federals ex pect 500 reinforcements to dny. - Dr Awoclttel I'rfii to Cooa Dtr Timet. MONTEREY, Mexico, March IS. General Trucy Aubort today sent Oftn rvnvnrnmnnt trnmiH nnil nrtll- lcry to assist in tho protection of Neuvo Laredo, on tne unueu ainieB frontier, against an attack ot the Cnrrnnzn rebels. Another column of governmotn troops has heou sent from Monterey to capture eiguiy rnhnln u'lin linvn tfllfpn nOHSPKsloil of San Nicholas Hidalgo, about flvo miles nway. KEnELS LOSE AGAIN. .Mexican Federals Defeat Insurgents in Neuvo Leon. (Dr AxaeUted Fmi la Coot Vtj Timet.) MnVTOTlHY. Mxlen. Mnrch 18. A column of 400 fedornls com manded by- Aubort defeated 500 followers or uarranza ai roriero in thn Rtntn nt NTniivn Leon vesterdnv. The robols retreated towards the north, followed by the rodorais, who occupied Vlllaldama later. a rrnim nf rebels hns taken pos session of Icamolo in the northwest part of the state of Neuvo Leon. HE KISSED Til KM AIjL BUT LANDED IN JAfL SAN FRANCISCO, March 18. Just how many San Francisco girls Fred Wallace, a young law studont, now In tho tolls, hugged nnd kissed without their permission, is being determined by tho police hero. Miss Lydla White and her sister, Mrs. Mona' Lee, who caused Wallace's arrest, testified that ho stopped ilmm nn Hid fltrnet and bolned him- se)f to several large, noisy "smacks." The case was continued 10 numm other girls to give evtaence regain ing Wallace's oscuiatory prowesa L EW TO CAMPAIGN AGAINST REBELS 1913. EVENING EDITION T taining tho Indictments were opened by Common Pleas Judge Cosgrovo today. One of the nine counts In the charges Is "Misapplication of $115, 000 of the hank's money through al leged illegal lonns to tho Ford nnd JohiiBon chair company, now' ln tho hands of receivers." Another count charges Cox nnd others with hnving converted to their own use a prom issory note of tho Cincinnati Trust Company for $352,000. It Is charged that tho men who were llnblo for the noto cancelled It and entered it as paid in the company s books when It lind not been paid HOT SPEECH BY Carolina Senator Charges a Democratic Deal Beat Him Out of Chairmanship. tllr AMo'latr I I'rrrt to Coot flay Tlnira.) WASHINGTON, March 18. Sen ator Hen Tillman's unusunl speech In the Dcmocrcntlc caucus last Friday, when he failed of election as chair man of tho appropriation committee, beenmo public today when It was printed In full under tho authority of tho senate. Tho references to Sen ntor Mnrtlu's activities leading up to his selection for tho appropriation's chairmanship, havo nrouscd n gencr al discussion In congressional circles. Senator Tillman declared 'that ho was unablo to understand why Mar tin should have withdrawn from the contest for party leader nnd should then havo been given tho most Im portant chnlrmunshlp In tho somite. "I would hnto to boltove thnt thero had been nny understanding or any promises or pledges mnde," ho mild. "As I havo no proof, I must per forco lenvo my accusations unsaid. Hut I cannot help tho suspicion thnt there must havo been a deal of some kind, or Senator Martin would not havo rot tired without a showdown." Tlllmnn said that lie given up his plan to dellvor n vitriolic speech be cause ho wanted to promote party harmony. President and Cabinet Discuss Attitude of United States Towards Deal. Ily Auoclated I'rett lo Coot lUjr Timet ) WARIllVriTnV. Mnrph 18 Pres- Idont Wilson and his cabinet work ed two hours todny over a statement doflulng tho nttltudo ot tho United States toward the Chlneso, so-called stx-powor loan. It was to have been mnda public this afternoon but It was announced tnot it prouumy would not be given 0,1. i i 11 today or tomorrow. END ILLINOIS FIGHT. Secretary lli-yan Believed to Be Kent 'Jlicro ror Timi I'lirixisc. tnr AuocUte4 I'reu lo Coot Ptjr Timet. SPRIN'P.PIELD. 111.. March 18. Secretary of State Bryan, who It is believed carries tno auinortiy or tho Wilson administration to settle the Democratic fight over the Illi nois senatorshlp, declined todny to discuss the matter boforo tho reg ular ballot was taken. Tho eleventh Joint ballot for the Inn i' tnriu Konatnr resulted III 110 choice dcsplto Bryan's presence. Bryan said that no nau no --secret message" from tho president an ant Ihn Tllinnln flltuntion. He told tllO Joint session of the legislature thn ho came as a private citizen. DEMOCRATS GET IIUSV. Tnko Choice Rooms in Congress Away From Republicans. tnr Attoclited I'rett to Coot U17 Timet. WASHINGTON, March 18 Demo cratic sonators begau today to seize upon tho choico offices and committee rooms that havo been occupied by Republicans for years. Tho work of moving will be pushed In order that the now occupants may bo comfort ably settled by the time the extra session convenes, April 7th. Virtual ly every Democratic Benator will move. BRIAN!) IS BEATEN. French Premier Refused Vote of Confidence) by Senate. Dr AisocUted V rtet to Coot lur Timet PAniS. Mnrch 18. The French government under tho premiership of Arlstldo Brland, was defeated to day ln a vote of confidence during a debate in tho sonate. Brland and all the mombers of M WILSON WORKS ON CHINA LOAN SIX PAGES. A. Consolidation nd Coos KING GEORGE OF GREECE SLAIN WHILE LEADING ARMY AT SALONKi E No Particulars of Assassina tion of King George Has Reached London Yet. f Ilr Amoi MtiM I'itm lo foo lt)f TlniM J LONDON. Mnrch 18. Tho nows of the asBasslnntlon of King Gcorgo of Greece came from a coi respond ent" of a Greek seml-olllclal news agency nt Siilouikl. It wns filed at Saloulk! nt 0:35 p. in. It Is be lieved that censorship Is preventing the dispatch of tho details.- Until tho Greek embassy nnd Hrltlsh for eign ofllco are without olllclal news of tho assassination. Crown Prince Constantino Ib still nt Junta Ti the Greek army. Queen Mother Al exandra had not received tho news nt n lato hour. E CAVE-IN Large Number of Kentucky Coal Miners Imprisoned by Accident Today. NOT IN KANGKIt. (By Associated Press. HENDERSON, Ky., March 18. Mino nlllclalH deny thnt i 130 men were entombed by n t cave-In nenr hero, ns wiih ro- ported this morning. Ilr AiiotUtM 1'rui lo Coot llr Timet ) HENDERSON. Ky., Mnrch 18. Ono hundred nnd thirty minors wore Imprisoned today In a coal mlno of tho Pittsburg Coal Co. at Bnsketts, nenr hero, bocauso of n cavo-ln thnt clogged tho mouth of tho shnft. It Is believed that thero aro no fatal ities and that the minors will soon ho released. Rev. Clarkson of Chicago Says He Will Not Take Back Woman Who Quit. (Dr Auocltted Prett to Coot fltr Timet.) CHICAGO, March 18. Rov. Nes tor K. Clarkson, of tho Whlto Cross Midnight Mission, declnrcd last night that thoro will bo no reconciliation botweon himself and his wifo, who loft her homo nnd children for Owon D. Conn, tho $100,000 burglar, now undor arrest In San Francisco, Mrs. Clarkson, who is in retirement at tho homo of friends, said that sho bolloved her husband would make overtures for a reconciliation. WOLGAST-MUHPHY GO. Manager Says Ad Will Quit If Ho looses Fight Next Week. Ujr AuocUte4 i'rett to Loot lltr Timet.) SAN FRANCISCO, March 18. If Ad Wolgast, former light weight weight champion, loses his light with Tommy Murphy, next weok, ho will quit tho ring for good, accord ing to his manager. DANNY O'BRIEN FIGHTS DRAW WITH CAMPBELL. SRATTI.R. Mitreli 17. Tho return engagomont between Danny O'Brien of Portland and Ray Campbell of San Francisco resulted In four slashing rounds to a draw at tho Dreamland pavilion Friday night. Campbell had but one day to got In condition for tho match, having been substituted at the last mlnuto for Ernlo Barlou, who Injured his arm and was unablo to box. MEDFOHD BOY ALTERNATE. WASHINGTON, March 15. Sen ator Chamberlain has nominated Stanley Martyn Halght of Modford as an alternate for Annapolis. WEDGEWOOl) Stoves and Ranges 130 MN HUBBY DROPS ERBING WIFE of Times, Const Mnll n any liny Advertiser. NU t,wl Mysteriously Assassinated To day in Headquarters Near Turkish City. NO PARTICULARS ARE GIVEN IN DISPATCHES Had Been in Field Since Last Fall in Campaign Against Turkish Army. tnr Amoi lain) r-rfit lo Cool nr Timet. SAI.ONIKI. March 18. KltiK George of Greece wns nssasBluatud here this afternoon. King George who had taken por sonnl commnud of his troops dur ing tho early period of tliu war lint! been hero since December when tho Turkish fortrogs wns occupied by the Greeks nfter n short slogo. Tho Queen of Greece also how hoctc heie mid has paid great attentloit to the enre of the sick and wound ed. King George ln December had a meeting hero with King Ferdin and of Hulgarla, to discuss the fata of tho captured Turkish toriltory after tho war. Unionist Member of Parlia ment Scores Treatment of Suffragettes. Ill; AnotUted I'reti lo Coot lltr Tlmat.r LONDON. March 18. Tho motri- od of tho government lu dealing; with the militant stirfrngettes woro discussed in hentcd fashion today in tho House of Commons. Ono ot tho Unionists mombers, Harold Smith, declared that piiBslvo subinlB slon or the authorities to tho "hun ger strikes" and subterfuges hat! brought ridicule to tho administra tion of tho law. "The country faces mob rulo," ho urged, "and emergency monsuroa are necessary. The Homo Secre tary hits reduced tho administration of law to a farce." "It Is n disgrace to a civilized country," ho ndded, "that womoti nro allowed to nponly boast that they aro criminally conspiring to break tho law and that nothing can deprive thoin of tholr liberty." Smith turned cu tho Homo Secre tary and dramatically demanded that ho resign from tho cnblnot. "You nro n liopoless failure, sir," ho shouted. New York Board of Health to Tell Developments of the Friedmann Treatment Dr AitocltteJ Prett to Coot IUr Timet.) NEW YORK, Mnrch 18. Tho progress of 20 persons who receiv ed tho Friedman ntreatment for ttiborculosls In Bellevue hospital yesterday will be told to tho pub lic by a dally sorlcs of bullotlnH from the offices of tho Bonrd oF Health. Tho first three bulletin will not bo Issued, however, foir a week, as no chnngo in tho con dition of nny of tho sufforers Is ox pected within that time. r THE WHEAT MARKET, I Dr Auocltted rrett to Coot IUr Timet.) CHICAGO, March 18. On tho Board of Trado today wheut tran sactions gavo tho following closing figures: MAY WHEAT 88 3-4(0 88 7-8; JULY WHEAT, 88; SEPTEMBER WHEAT, 88 3-8. (Dr AuocltteJ Prett to Coot I)r Timet ) PORTLAND, March 18. Wheat murket hero today showed tho fol lowing quotations: CLUN 85 8C. I1LUESTEM, 80 87. FORTY-FOLD 80 87. RED 84. VALLEY 8C 87. (Dr AuocltteJ Prett to Coot Utr Timet TACOMA, March 18. Wheat quotations woro unchanged today, LIBRARIES IN OREGON, There aro thirteen public libraries and two collogo library buildings provided for In this state, aside from the branch libraries with gifts from Mr. Carnegie and ono, In Multnomai ENGLAND NOWAROUSED BULLETINS ON LUNG PATIENTS