itsi njS,iiihT.UMtt "fajktrt rtTltlfjjyfc, I i'Ll v " w THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1913. EVENING EDITION. 'TO-vT- ? ft EHI r 1 FiTnrMfci if F1 111! 'JSffS'yBKlVil7 (Willi ' I SPPS If 1 i 1 1 flHDKN&&3FAfK0m)itfCVT HHl $ U 1 ESfflSffliK?P Copyrltht Hart Rf further & Mrx ,0 you want new clothes for Easter Sunday ? Everybody 'decorates" for that day, or before; 10 reason why you shouldn't. You'll tad the proper things for it here. Hart Schaffner & Marx Spring suits; new stylish models in Spring overcoats ; the latest shapes in Spring hats; the finest neckwear in ew patterns. Woolen Mill Store TMi store Is tlio homo of Hurt SchnfTnor & Murx Clothes. Don't Wo ry Because It's Raining If you need any Drug Wants Ci Up "298" "The Busy Corner" and you'll get your orders filled as quick, with the same accuracy ' and care as you Would if you came to the store in person. Try it and see how it works. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE "THE BUSY CORNER." MAIN 298 US s0RPHEUM TONIGHT T WILL REPEAT IuuST,m""A K001 ,1,w,m- Wa. ITAX w COOOAX'S TENEMENT featuring Arthur John- ,BE TEXACIOl-s i.., ..... Tu ' "u"i iv goou conieuy. ni PAII.M liri T v . iui,ij .v good country drama. Established Admission, j&c, Never more. Storage Company Umbrellas Covered Trackers ' Jlsr' nt Flrilturo Pn, c?rl)eta Cleaned. ififS SfSMSSr d' Marslifield Cyclery '( OHa... ' . PhOnO 10ft 11, ..In.. A.rn.Wc. a Going & Harvey! Phono 108-R 173 llrondway w frrk &r 'rimes roit march. Below Is given tho Hmo and height of high and low water at Mnrshficlil. Tlio tides are placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino and heights on the second lino of each day; a coiup.ii Ison on consecutlvo heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low water. For high water on tho bar, mlmtrnct 2 hour :m minutes. 1711m.. a.fii i.n 'Ft... :i.o i,.. i 0.2 i.i IS Mis.. I. Ill) 10.58 n.12 o.o I Ft... 2.8 G.C 0.7 0.0 itiiiiH.. n.nfi 5.5 1 ii. oo Ft . . I !l 2.2 5.8 0.1 special service In Etninnnuul ISplscn pnl church, consisting of a short ad rcss, followed by a meditation ana instruction, by Archdeacon II. U. Chambers. The service will bo short and no offerings will bo taken nt nny of these services. Tho people of Mnrsliflold are cordially Invited. Ilujx Properly. Carl and Jay Clluklnhonid lave purchnsed two lots nt tlio corner of .Johnson ave nue and Hioadwny from George llellonl of Coiiuillo for ?2000. Will Move Secretary John Mot le, or the .Mnrsliflold Chamber of Commerce Is making preparations to move the last or tho week to tho now tiiurters on tho second floor of the First Xntlonal lJniil: building. WHATMICIt KOUKCAST. - lly Associated I'rcss OIIKGON Occasional rain tonight mid Tuesday. South westerly winds, brlBk to high along coast. LOI'AIj TI'MI'KHATUUK ItKCOItl). For tho 2 1 hours ending nt l:i:i n. m March 17, by lVenJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorological observer: Maximum GO Minimum 10 At l:i:i n. in 18 Precipitation nono Precipitation since Sept. 1, l 1 01 2 IG.-1G Precipitation same period I provloim year 1C.I7 Wind: Southwest; Cloudy. Mlllis In Portland C. J. Mlllls, as sistant to Presldont Sproulo oC tho .Southern Pacific, wns. In Portland last week on business.' lie arrived there the day before O. F. McKnlght left and Informed tho latter that tho Coos Dny-ISugenp lino would ' be rushed to completion as rapidly as possible. Flics Contest Edward T. Cronk rlght today filed a contest against the honiestend of Heuben A. Uevol bymer, the land being located on Larson's Inlet. The dato or the hearing of tho contest has not been llxod. Tho contest wns filed beroro A. K. Peck, U. S. Land Commissioner. I IIOHX. PUTNAM To Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Putnam at their homo In North Hend, Sunday, March 10, mi 11 pound girl. Mother mid child nrc doing well mid tho father thinks the regular March 17 colehratlon should hereafter be scheduled foi ono day earlier. Company Leaves Tho theatrical company, known ns the Ilex players, left on tlio Speedwell yesterday Tor San Frnnclsco. Florence Wiitcrvtorkh L. 11. Mur phy, recently of Idaho, and George Laird of Handnn nro at Florence fig uring on Installing u water system there. Open Wind Mine. 11. .1. Mills. who took a leiifu on J. A. Ward's Mllllcomn coal mine, arrived hero Thursdny on tho llreakwater and Is plnnnlni: to work It. He has mi option to buy It. Today ho Ih ar ranging to pump It out mid start mining coal. Ho has mined In tuv oral Pacific Coast stntes. Is Advanced Cell Iroland has Just iccolvod woril from IiIh brother, Ash er Ireland, who has long been Identi fied with the U. S. Forestry Depart ment at Roseburg, has been advanc ed to n position In tho district ofllcc nt Portland. Mr, Ireland Is unite well known on tho liny, through vis its lioio and tho news of his advance will bo mosot gratifying to his ninny ncqiinlntnnccs horo. Holy Week Addresses Ilcglunlng with this evening and continuing through until Friday, there will bo u D.UHV AM) STOCK FAltMS. If you want a good Dairy or Stock fiii-iii see I'ltgerald or Phono ilim, Marslifield. Foe the Hoiuescekei" Ho cmi show you sumo of I ho best In the county for sale. WANT ADS. FOlt SATiE Whlto Veklii duck eggs for hatching. Andrew Chris tenson, Forndnlo. Phono CC-L. FOlt SAIjE Thoroughbred Hi-ovtn Leghorn eggs for sotting, fl.00 for 15. E. B. Curtis, North Bend. WANTED Girl or Ionian for gen eral housework. Apply Mrs. W. II. Elokworth, Coos Hay Cream ery, Mnrsliflold. FOlt SALIC Incubator and brooder. Inquire at 138 Third street. UTILITY" IJItEl) Huff Orpington eggs for hatching. Phono 294-X. WOMHX A money maker. Guar anteed Hosiery to wonror. Our proposition bents all others. $10 per day. Wrlto Immediately. Quaker City Mills. 30 So. ICth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Funeral .Saturday The funeral of tho late John S. Coke, Sr., wns held Saturday at Dora, Judge and Mrs. J. S. Coke, Tom Coko and othor relntlvcs- from here attending. H. J. Coke, who accompanied tho body here from Los Angolcs, Is now nt Dora nnd will visit on tho liny before returning south. Is Improving Gregory Canty, formerly stownrd at tho Mllllcomn Club, Is now In Portland receiving trentment for his limb. Tho physi cians are hopoful that ho will shortly regain tho lino of his limb. Ho hns been staying nt his old home near McMlnnvllle. An x-ray photo of tho limb showB a most marked Improve ment. Ills aliment wiik tuberculosis of the bono. Many I (optics J. M. Culley wus In fiom Catching Inlet today, lie re cently advertised some plgH for snlo i in Tho Times and says ho sold thorn nil the next day mid had dozens of tails since. Mr. Culley says his wife was so busy answering the phono that she snys tho next timo ho ad vertises In The Times she will make him stay In the house to nuswer tho phone. Denies New Trial Judge John S. Coke has denied n now trial In tho ase ef lleckola vs. tho Coos Hay I.liliu.r Co. The denial of tho mo tion for n new trlnl was on the ground Hint Hcckeln In his petition denied tho delivery of nny contract to tho compnny whllo In his suit he attempted to recover possession of the Brewery saloon undor tho con trait; also becnuso ho begun tho ac tion undor n writ of replevin Instcnd of lining on tho terms of tho con tract. Coiiiltle Booming. 1). D. Plcrco of tho Coqulllo Mill Co. wns In Marslifield today on business. He repoits that the now city hall Is rapidly neuilng completion and that thoy nro planning a formal open ing In which nil of the towns of tho county will bo Invited to pnrtlc Ipnte. Ills compnny recently pur chased 18,000,000 feet of timber nonr Coqulllo from Georgo Benlo, Mr. Plerco going to California to eloso the dent. Ho says that Goo. Benlo and Grant Benlo nro making money fast In California, Grant having cleaned up $50,000 In the Inst few yearn and Is now building n haiidsomo homo there. Itecovcrlng Itiipldly Harry Gall bralth was In today from their now homo on Isthmus Inlet mid Is recov ering rapidly from tho effects of tho accident In which ho sustained a broken leg tho other day. Whllo mov ing from Enstsldo to tho Hornco Burnham Iioubo on Isthmus Inlet, tho wagon stuck and In helping tho team to movo it Gnllbrnlth was thrown ovor tho embankment about 12 or 15 foot fracturing his log. Ho laid by tho rondsldo until tho furnlturo wns dollvered ana un)ondod, mid tho wagon roturiicd and brought hltn to tills city for surgical treatment. Tho fracturo Is healing rapidly and ho is now ablo to got along without crutch- STILL IT GBOWS. Tho GOLDKN RULE continues to grow. It will continue to grow. It must bo so. Somo day it will covor the ontlre block nnd extend somo ton cr twenty stories In the nlr. Soonor or Intor tho bank will bo pushed from tho corner. In tho squoezo tho Fin nish Co-oporntlvo storo will bo pinch ed until it' will give place. For tho first time, The Coos Pay Times will bo routed. Stafford mid his sweotn will seek cover. Tho Chamber of Commorco will bo boosted to about tho sixteenth floor. Sengstnckon and his Title oh, well, lot It go nt that; But tlio Golden Uulo must grow. This Is only a drenin, but stranger things hnvo happened. FOB SALE Ono launch 20 feet? H II. P. Enquire M. G. Coloman, North Bend. FOB BENT Eight room house, or olther floor singly and bath. See John EUorby after G o'o'ock. FOlt BENT 7 iooih house in Bay Park. Apply Jas. Forty or phone 301-X. FOlt SALE CHEAP If taken at onco. line lnuncli Tourist. Also runabout automobile, Inqulro D. O. Wnlcott. FOR SALE Dry wood, fir nnd al der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing, Phoae lM'L. WANTED Twelve experienced mln ors and timber men. Apply Beav er Hill Coal Co. Swedish Cheese Just arrived a fresh shipment of tho colebrated PBIMOT and MYSOST, In 25o bricks. Stauff Grocery Co. Phono 102 Mnskey's "andles. PERSONAL NOTES j CAPT. W. C. HARRIS of Sumner Is In town today. J. M. CULLEY of Catching Inlet Is In town on business. GEORGE BLAKE Is In town todny from Catching Inlet. TOM LAWHORNE Is a town visitor from Allegnny today. A. 1). WRIGHT of Sumner Is n Marslifield visitor today. OTTO STEPHENS of North Bend was n Marshllold visitor todny. MRS. J. I). CLINKENBEARl) of Sumner Is n Mtirshtleld visitor to day. CI IAS. SPOONER and wife of Catch ing Inlet nro spending the day In town. A. W. ATKINS returned this morn ing from u business trip to Alle gany. C. W. ELLMORE returned to town this morning nfter n short visit In Allegany. MRS. HARRIS of LIbby left yes terday for California to visit friends. MRS. PETER GUILLIAMS of North Coos River Is In town for tho day shopping. MR. nnd Mrs. ANSON ROGERS nro business visitors from South Coos River todny. FRANK FENSLER will bo an out going passenger on the Drain stngo tomorrow. 1VER PETERSON roturned to tho Bay tho last or tho week after a ycnr'B absence In tho north. MRS. CLARENCE HARRIS returned to Marshllold this morning nfter spending Sunday In Sumner. C1IAS. STILIIAM came to Marsh field this morning from the lrlu ford Davis pliico on Coos River. MRS. T. J. MACGENN of Emplro left yostordny for San Frnnclsco to visit relatives for awhile. JAMES KELLOND, Jr., who has been visiting his parents since Inst Fri day, returned to Myrtlo Point this afternoon. MESSRS. J. T. and W. CONLOGUE and (CATHERINE nnd BERTHA CONLOGUE or Lmiipn spent Sun day In Marslifield. J. V. S.M EATON and I). C. Des mond or the C. A. Smith Co., loft yesterday on tho Redondo for Snn Frnnclsco. ARTHUR HAM enmo to town from Cnmp 1 this morning nnd will tnko tho nftornoon train for Bnndoii on u few days' business trip. CLEM PAINTER, formerly cnptnln of tho Flyer, mid family, loft yesterday for California where they will probnbly locnte. MRS. CHRISTINE ATKINSON and MRS HARRIS wcro outgoing pas sengers on tho Redondo on a short plcnsuro trip to San Finn cIsco MR. niid MRS. WILL RICHARDS and MRS. WALTER SPADE of Forndnlo were ovor Sunday guests or E. O. Hall and family of Sum ner. ERIK WISTI, the longshoromnn. returned this morning from Ten Mile, whero ho has been engaged In building a residence for his brother. MISS C. CORDELL, who has boon visiting her brother nt the Suiltli Poworn camp on Isthmus Inlet, loft .yesterday for her old home at Sacramonto. P. D. CHAMBERLAIN of tho L. C. Smith Typewriter Co., hns ro turned to Marslifield nfter spend ing several weeks nt Salem In tho Itncrcsts of his house. M. E. BROWN or tho engineering deimrtiuont or tho C. A. Smith Co., and wlfo, left on tho Ro-! doudo yesterday for California In hopes of bouorittlng his health. 13. W. KAM.MERER left yesterday on the Speedwell to visit Mrs. Knmmorer, who recently under went nn operation, and tho chil dren, who nro spending tho win ter with relatives In California. C. A. GLENN arrived horo from Bnndoii Snturday to tnko a posi tion in tho Antiseptic barber shop and will mnko tho fourth innn regularly employed thoro now. MRS. MAGGIE OGREN mid hor mother MRS. FOX, of Bnndoii ro turned to Marshllold this morn ing nftor a short visit with Mib. Fox' sister, Mrs. Jud .Mills of Stunner. F. J. SCHINDLER, who hns boon at Camp 5 of tho Smith-Powers Co., leaves for San Francisco from which place ho goes to Donvor, whero ho will bo located for several months. JAS. NOWLIN of North Coos River Js a Mnrsliflold business visitor to day. Ho says that tho wind storm thero this morning was tho most severe they have had In a long tlmo but ho did not honr of any damage caused by It. GEO. WILSON of Empire was In tho city this morning. Ho has Just re turned from a trip to Port Orford, and oxpects to spond considerable time In the Curry County moun tains tho coming summor, C. S. DODGE nnd family will leavo overland this week for Sacra monto, whore thoy will mnko their headquarters for a tlmo. Mr. Dodgo oxpects to leavo his family thero whllo ho goes to Novada to look up a business proposition. Ho Bnys ho will not engago In too printing business again. AMES S. JOHNSTON, postmnstor at Port Orford, and son, Lowell, nrrlved hero on tho Tramp to se cure treatmont for tho latter s eye, tho optic having boon ln- Jured by a scissors In tho hnnda of his llttlo sister recently. Ho will probnbly regain tho uso of tho eye. 4 I SATURDAY PERSONALS. T A MRS. C. S. HILUORN of Mllllcomn wns n Mnrsliflold visitor todny. W. B. FARRIN is down from Sum ner on business. RAY NORRIS Is In from Fnlrvlow on business todny. JAS. STOCK. Jr.. of Duninr is In Marshllold on business. FRANK SMITH, superintendent of the tho Coos River llntchery. Is In Murshtlold today on business. MISS OLLIE RICHARDS returned to Marsblleld this morning from a visit with rolntlws In Eaitslde. SUPT. RIGGS or tho Wlllet & Burr Company returned to Myrtlo Point today nrter a visit In Mnrsliflold. MISS LAURA KRUSE or North Hend Is temporarily employed In tho J. W. Bennett ofllros In this city. ELNA nnd 1IILDUR SELANDER re turned this morning rrom n visit nt the Grant Selandcr homo on South Coos River. AL II1TE passed through hero yes terday on route to Coqullle, where ho plnns to locate again nf tor nn extended California trip. J. A. PATTISON or South Mnrsh Ilold left today for Portland In respoiiHo to u messngo stating that his father was serlousiv III thoro. CLIFFORD PERKINS of Gardiner Is In Marsh field on business mid re ports thnt Gardiner expects to hnvo a fnst ball team this son son. Ho Is going to California on business. A. JONES of Bnndon, who Is plan ning to put In a confectionery storo nnd lco crenm parlor thoro, was In Mnrsliflold on business yostordny. F. B. WESTERBERG of tho Pcoplo's 5, 10 nnd 15c Storo, will leavo tomorrow for San Francisco whero he will mnko extensive purchases to culnrgo his stock. CHAS. O. JOHN, a wholesale ment denier from Portland, who hns been on tho Bay a couple of wcoks on business, left for bis homo to dny on the llreakwater. Ills firm plans to put In n distributing branch here. JACK NEIL of Snn Francisco, Port land nnd Kansas City, who expect ed to leavo on tho Breakwater to day for tho north, has changed his plans mid will remain over. Mr. Nell hns Invested extensively In rent cstnte nnd hns confidence In tho future of Coos Bay. ED M'KEOWN will leave today or Monday for Coaledo to become foreman of Smith-Powers Camp No. 2, while Foreman Garrott takes a vacation, Mr. McKcown hns not resumed his old plnco as foreman of tho Smith-Powers cnmp on South Inlot, nluco his return from his honeymoon trip. FOR SCHOOL HOYS. Wo hnvo received a number of mocking bird whistles which will bo given nwny to nil school boys cnlllng nt the Woolen Will Store nltor 2:30 p. m. Tuesday, March 18. WOOLEN MILL STORE. AMONG THE SICK. I Evorybody who has tried our Corona Blend Coffee Como Again. TIioio'b a reason. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House 181 Market Ave. Phono 3JM-J. Mrs. Fred Kruse, who hns been III at Mercy hospital, was brought to tho home of her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Escott, In South Mnrsliflold Inst Friday. Sho Is considerably Im proved, much to tho gratification of her many friends. Florence, tho llttlo daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bnlnos, has beon nick with tho grlppo for tho past wook. Mrs. Bailies' sister, Miss Hn zel Hurrlsnn of Rlverton, nrrlved last week to aid the mother In car ing for her. Tho baby Is reported a llttlo hotter now. Miss Esthor Sllvormnn, English tenchor In tho Mnrsliflold High school, has been 111 of n sovoro at tack of la grlppo. Mrs. E. E. Kolly or South Marsh llold Is recuperating from n sovoro attack of la grlppo. Miss Evelyn Lnngworthy Is suffer ing from a badly Injured foot, an ax having slipped and sovoroly cut her toes tho othor ovonlng whllo chopping kindling. SAVE 'M CENTS por SACK by buying FLOCK of HAINES. BEST IN THE WORLD. Yakima apples and potatoes. Ask your grocor for thorn. VOTE FOR THE SUPPORT OP THE 1 g COOS BAY BAND "Music hath cuarnis," you know, "to sootho tho savago breast." Vote early and often. But don't forgot that BARTER'S fountain mixes drinks to soothe tho thirst. We Keep All Sorts But Recommend BwS&r Kidney Pills We know what they will do PRICE 50c TkTqivjcB m !, 't