THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1913. EVENING EDITION. NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS ; i' mows or AltAGO. Qiinnliil In Tlln TlttlPR.1 Tht rovlval ineotliiKS at FIsli trop closed about n week ago. EvanBollst Hill of Ocorsln con clutited the meetings. Ho Is Intend ing to bo back in April and " " rovlval meetings in a tnuernnelo for several weeks. IJorn To Mr. ami Mrs. Iloiibeii Young, March 8, a boy. Thomas Ilarklow preached a flno Bornion in tho Arago Bchool Iioiiho on March J. Thoio was a largo crowd present. Tho Klshtrap school children aro busy proparliiB a program for tho last day of school. Tho school closes in about two weeks. Sunday school wns organized at tho United Urethren church Sun day, March U. MrH. J. H. Hudn bauRh was appointed as superinten dent and MIsb Maudo Alhee as sec retary. Sunday school will begin Sunday morning. March 10. Spelling school was not hold at tho Arago school house Wednes day evening, March 12, on account of tho Btormy weather. Mlsa Mcrlo Kadabaugh has boon employed to teach tho spring school at Fat Elk ngaln this year. Sho will begin school thcro April II, immediately after tho school at Arago cloaca, which sho 1b teach ing now. Frank Flshor of this vicinity haB movod to Fat Elk. Mrs. Frank Mlllor vlRlted hor sister-in-law, Mrs. Marlon Clinton, a fow days last week. MIbs Hazel ltadabaugh Bpont Sat urday and Sunday with her par ents, roturnlng to Coaullio to school on Mondny. TIlOUIIIiH AT COQL'ILLK. Claim Illegal Votes Were Cast nt Hccont School Elect Ion. Tho Coqulllo Sentinel says. "Having Batlsfied thomselves that thoro wore n number of Illegal votes cast ut tho bcIiooI meeting Wednesday night a petition for an other mooting la out, and is be ing Quito largely Blgned by those persona who nro opposed to tho site ' selected by that mooting.' At the election, tho school board was given authority by a voto of 78 to 30 to purchaso a school slto and by a majority of flvo votea woro instructed to purcnuHo tho llarrowfl and Strnng site. STILL IT GllOWS. Tho GOLDEN RULE continues to Brow. It will contlnuo to grow. It must bo so. Somo day It will cover tho entlro block nnd extend Homo ton or twonty stories In tho nlr. Sooner or lator tho bank will bo pttahod from tho corner. In tho Bqueozo tho Fin nlah Co-operatlvo store will bo pinch ed until it will glvo place. For tho ilrat tlmo, Tho Cooa Day Times will bo routed. Stafford nnd hla sweets will seok covor. Tho Chambor of Com in or co will bo boosted to about tho Blxteonth lloor. Sengstnckon and his Tltlo oh, woll, let It go at that; nut tiio Goldon Rule must grow. This Is only n dream, but stranger things havo happened. MJW PHILIPPINE PLAN. Agiilnulilo WantH U. H. to Treat the Philippines Like England TreatN Canatlu. (Ilf AuocltleJ J'n.s to Coot Ilajp Times.) MANILA, March 1G. Kinllo Agu Inaldo, formor loador of tho Philip plno insurgents, expects booh to visit Cunada to study tho working In connection between the Dominion and Great Hrltaln. Ho bollevea that a similar connection botweon tho Philippines and tho United States might bo tho best solution of the Philippine problem. P. I). CHAMBERLAIN, represent ing L. C. Smith & Hros.' Typewriter Co., of Portlnnd, Is nt HOTEL CHANDLER. Ho Is n TYPEWRIT Kit EXPERT and docs ItEPAlltlXG and CLEANING of all mnkoa of machines. No Reason for Doubt We want your confidence want you to feel you can depend on eur honesty and sincerity. When we say Rexall Orderlies will rive you better results than any similar remedy, and promlso your money back If they don't, you ought to believe us. ffeotqg&fotclcipa tMta juit like candy. Tbey net uiy, Tbey csuss no inconvvuience whatever. Our faith in them la backed by knowledge of what they art made of and observation of ever caiea of constipation and other forma of bowel trouble in which they cave prompt and pleas ant relief. Don't take our word make ui prove it. Uae Iteiall Orderlies, and if you don't feel like coming back to thank ui for telling you about them, then come back and we will return the money you paid us for them. Ve won't obligate you in any way whatever, Merely ask and back goes your money to you. Hake You Feel Great That's what Iteiall Orderlies do, because the thorough cleamtinK they fire the bowels their toning utid atrcogtheniog effect upon thu bowvU the influence they exert toward promoting prompt, easy and regular action of the bowels, thus freeing the ayiteiu and keeping it free from tho CAUTION: Please bear in mind that Itexall Orderlies are not sold by ail drug gists. You can buy Itexall Orderlies only at The lUiall Stores. You can buy IlexoU Orderlies in this community only at our store: LOCKHART PARSONS DRUG CO., TCornBer marshfield The QXCiXgi Store Hare Is a Itexall Store Id ne arly .every town and city In the United State CanaJa n,l least UriUln. Turn U a dUIeW lUxal Remedy for nearly everyVJfiiry huniw IU ea eieciaUy designed for the particular UI for which It U recommended. "uu"u Unit 1 seh etpecially i Ttio Rexall Store. COALKDO CULLIXGS. I (Special to Tho Tlmoa.) D. L. "Woodruth and family have moved to Marshfleld. Their many friends wish them Huccess In their now home. Mr. Stolnogar has lcaBCil tho D. L. Woodruth farm nnd will movo there this weok. Coalcdo has another notion store, mnnnged by Mlsa II. Paddock. Mia. II. Wltchey visited In Co qulllo last week. Mrs. M. O'Toole nnd daughter went to Coqulllo one day last weok. Mrs. Davenport la spending tho week vlHltlng friends and relntivea In Coqulllo. Mrs. Ilostwlck and Mrs. Potera visited Marshfleld fiiends cm Tues day last. Mlsa Violet Menus and Mrs. A. Young visited Mmahfleld Saturday. Jack O'Toole was a business vis itor In Mnrauflold one day last week. A. II. Powers was hero ono day last week looking after bualnesa. CUMilNGS OK COQUIIjIjK. Coos County Seat. News as Told by Tho Sentinel. Tho hnndsomo new realdenco of Leo Cnry Is ncarlng completion. Mr. Gary Is In Portland thla weok, nnd whllo thoro will buy electric light ing fixtures for IiIb now homo. Mrs. It. II. Mast, who recently went to Corvnllls unil took hor dnughtor, Miss Letu, to Portland for medical attention, advises Mr. Mast that their daughter Ib recovorlng, which iiowb will bo welcomed by mnny friends. At an adjourned session of the city council last Friday night, N. Plyler was appointed night marshal by Mayor Morrison, which appoint ment was confirmed by tho nlder mnnlc body. Mr. Plyler served In the snmo capacity two years ago. Messrs. Gilbert & Gllnor of Marah (lold havo opened u roller skating rink in Hcazlet'a hall. Mr. Smith having gono to Portlnud on a abort vacation, Theo. Ilrndley of Marahllold is clorklng at Knowl ton'a drug store temporarily. Mr. C. M. Genzoli nnd MIbs Mnr cllla Smalley, botli ir Arngo, jtho brldo being a daughter of Andrew Smalloy, a woll known pioneer, were married by Justlco of tho Peace J .J. Stanley last Saturday, tho nuptial knot boing tied In this city. Tho groom la a dnlrymnu. L. II. Hazard haa a new Studcbak or "Illi" automobile ordered through Mr. Lamb, and expects tho car within a fow dnys. Mr. Moon made tho run by nuto between Coqulllo nnd Myrtlo Point tho other day In twenty minutes. Hut ho won't do It ngaln. Frnnk Elbert McNnlr, born Fob. 7, 191I1, died Wcdncsdny. nnd wns burlod at Masonic cemetery on Thurs day, Itov. CleavoB of tho Mothodlat church, South, olllclatlng. PROTEST IS MADE. Illy AMOflatd 1'rrM to Cooi llajr Times.) WASHINGTON March 10. Count Von ItoruHtorff, tho German Ambas sador, haB communicated tho facta relating to tho Imprisonment of tho Gorman consular agent nt Hcrnio hIIIo to tho Gorman Minister in Mex ico City. Ho nlBo naked for olllclal advices regarding Mullor's plight in order to dotormlno what furthor ac tion might bo tnkon. PIjAN RIG HUDGET. Ill-It Ish Parliament to Set Aside sjt I II, 000,000 for Military. Ilr AioclloJ I'rin to Coon IUr Times.) LONDON, March 1C It Is esti mated that tho amount which the Houbo of CominoiiB la to bo asked to appropriate this yenr for oxpondl tnro on tho Hrltlsh army is $141, 000,000 against $1 III), 000. 000 Inst year. The aum of $1,700,000 Is to be devoted to aviation. COOS HAY GltAXGE dinner Sat urday noon, March 22, nt Odd Fol lows hall. Fifty cents. TICKETS nt HUHY CORNER. damuge, distress and depression alwajs caused by irregular bowel action all these beiiebcial results from tho use of Itexoll Orderlies help dispel gloom, improve the spirit and add to tho Joy of living. Very often they ward off serious ills that frequently result from continued constipation. Their Easy Action Rexall Orderlies are a common souse remedy for bowel disorders. Easy in action, they do not purge, gripe, nnuseato or cause excessive looseness. They tend to tone and strengthen the delicate intestinal nerves and muscles, promptly relieve constipa tion and help to overcome its cause nnd make its recurrence improbable. In theso things they differ from old fashioned, harsh, disagreeable physic, which usually gives only temporary relief nnd often leaves the bowels in worse conditiou than ever. Wo particularly recommend Rcxal! Orderlies for dehnite and aged per sons nud for childrrn. In vest pocket site tin boxes. 1'.' tablets, 10o: 38 tablets, USc;" M) tablets, fiOc. Usual dosn one tablet. OREGON ro America's Greatest Drug Stores HIT DYNAMITE II Stevedores Foreman Held Re sponsible for Awful Ex plosion in Baltimore. IUr Assoc lateil Press to Cooi liar Times 1 HAIriMOUU, March 17. Will iam J. Homhurdt, tiHslHtunt foro mnti of tho BtovodoroH, who wns hold responsible by tho coroner's Jury for tho dynamite explosion on tho Urltlsh steamer Alum Chlno, March 7, causing tho dt'nth or 30 or moro, seriously Injured three score and a property loss of nearly a million, Homliiudt's alleged act or striking with a bale hook a box contulnliiK dynamlto as Bworu to by a millibar of witnesses nt the Inquest, Is declared by tho Jury to havo been tho direct cause of tho explosion. Uonilinrdt wns Immed iately arrested. HUHKE IS NAMED. Kni'iucr Governor of Norlli Dnkotn To llu U. H. Treasurer. t Ilr Auoclalod I'rrii lo Com Ha Times.) WASINOTON. March ir.. Tho nomlnntloti of .John Iltirke,' former governor of North Dnkota, to bo trensurer of tho United States was sent to tho Senate by President Wil son today. PHI EDMANN'S I' TI KNT TEM.S OF RECOVERY. YntiiiK Man I 'f crlbe. SeiiHntlons After Treat i!"nt '"ny A- petll ikiiu;. NKW YOItK, Mircli 17 A yotniK man who received nil Injection of tho turtle bnclllus administered by Dr. Friodmnnii last Suturday, clnlm accordliiK to tho Trlbuno, to have nlready Improved mntorlnlly and tells an ItnereBtliiKt ale of the sen sations ho felt soon after takliiR tho treatment. "About flvo hours after tho tlmo of tho injection I felt n strnngo sensation in the calf of my Ick," ho snld. "It was like a violent pulsntlon or motion. It began to spread until a tingling Housatlon thrilled my entlro body. "Following tho treatment my tompornturo went very high, but It droppod in a day or two, and this morning was normal. I fool In every way like n different man, wit ha stondlly Increasing nppentito tho night sweats gono and tho fool ing of exhaustion disappearing.' I Tin: kovaij. 1 O 4) Tho I)lg Four returned to tho Royal for another limited engage ment and tiio pacitcd House that greeted thorn Inst night gave them moro than n hearty welcome TIiIb little company played another good comedy last night that was an good as any they played, before and kept tho audlenco In a good humor by tho many uproarous laughs they had. Seldom has any company played nero tho second time within such 11 short tlmo that wiib able to draw Hitch a largo house on their roturn engagement and keep up tho same standard of playlets and change ov ery night, such as tho Dig Four has boon doing. Thoy nro deserving of tho packed houses thoy have played to by their good comedy nnd their many friends will bo sorry on their leaving nud wish' for their speedy return ngaln. T.ioy havo announced n complete change for tonight which will be high class vaudeville which thoy aro well ablo to glvo and tho patrons of this Iioiiho may look for ward to sovoral first class acta to night. A FHIvSII SUPPLY of FRESH uui.iii-iv uiainiu) luar Jtr OKIVE1). Frco Dellvory. PIIONI3 your OKDKH to l'HONU 73-J. Trv Tho Times' Want Adu. AUTO PARE 20c Round Trip bel'vccn Marshfield and North Bend MARSHFiELD NORTH BEND AUTO LINE Gorst (t King, Props, Low lit price, high iu quality. Electric Irons Vo havo a tow second-hand Irons in good working condition at $1.75. Xew irons, $3.S0 up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J 153 N. Broadway WITH HOOK Coos Bay Business College You know what you are worth today. What are you going to be worth five years from today? When we build a house we have a plan. When we build a ca reer, most of us putter, dawdle, dream dreams, and wait for some favorable breeze to waft us to harbor. Lack of business training is not only a handicap it is an absolute block to your advancement. Will you con sider this a little while you .are building the man or woman who later will be YOU? Start right by starting NOW For something worth while. Positions in abund ance and no trained help. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Telephone 402. Office Phone 582 Donald MacKimtosIhi KEAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE Opposite Grand Theater The Metropolitan Ladies' Line Is road' for your Inspection. TODD, 'F. Tailor 2" "BA Wo nltor nnd repair ladles' suits. THE ItKCOIlD PUOTOGKAPHINa Havo photographic copies of abstracts of titles, prosont ownora, to real cstato furniahod on short DUSINKSS OFFICII: 117 North Taxes! Taxes! Taxes! You lmvc but a few dnys in which to pity your taxes and secure the three per cent discount. Give us a list of your properly and wo will sea that they are promptly attended to. Thi First National Bank Of. Coos Bay FLANAGAN & Capital and Surplus $100,000 Oldest Bank in Coos County. Interest Paid on Time deposits. Taxes can be Paid at this Bank. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY 8ENG8TA0KEN, Mgr. Coqulllo Office Phono 191 Platting Lands a specialty. Farms Timber Coal and Marshflold Offlco 14-J. General Agents "EASTSIDE." C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTREBNT IAJMUER, LATH, BniNGLES, MOULDINGS, SASn AND DOOK& ROOFING PAPER, ETC. OUT TnE FUEL HILL IN TWO 1JV USING OUR WOOD. PHONE 100. 183 SOUTH nROADWAV Residence phone Oil , BAND0N, ORE. AHSTKAOT COMPANV all records of Coos County to date, or any other information relating notlco. Front St., Marshfleld. Phono lfSU W. J. RUST, Manager BENNET BANK mo Day l ssaWWs"1 Two lois on .. AUc. lr.n k.. i ""-nut i PROFESSIC B,:N7 VPN nuviiE ii.. JO, w rUfl DK vr.s 171 Griis I W. a.c Room JOI Hid DR..UB Ui HI1E.V ICC GUI BOH or dtlltn nil d villfal ible. m 111 Real EsU 244 k Picture H SSH and: U prtputitj on liort tSJ andtottiull juiruwecl L.H.I pbuwU New aJS told O IMIUIIMWI ptione ' ST ALL' WORK. I Kodakl City Oood .& ,alOClt' "Will !' B(nd EJ rlMfSW SKB1 W.8. Mars Sb I'hnW, .vorif Kctlef S 5e'u. rottl sr,i idv hi 1 la v i ..tiris1 rsj folio1' J "".. ,L "1 .Sr SBWJ f..mftr 1 ftflSffSl .iMf " '"'".I i