-MMAfa&g Xh a ?5- . ''. uL., Iri.Vi.l niJtoJU,J mum i. WfiflWiiihit ' .FT' TTJ THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1913. EVENING EDITION. JLLaWi2ijJKg8 a rt The Sign of Good Candy Always fltT 01' Till! KlKfiO.V, l '"' LXTV ny, a cornor nnclt nml A. felilntlfh. kr. kA'J'-Jt Upion, i 11. nlml'fl le'cr, i ""- ir'Tlli: STATU OF P. milroil to nll- Eke complaint filed IV. l,(UO entitled l"c . , li. xiVii iriini i"" ....uimIIiiii of tills I wt publication la of March, 1!U. (to appear ami lalnt on or liofon- prll, 1313. which le iasi iiuuiiv...- , the eamo news by tlio Court . .....i.. ..f mini. lUBIlcauuii " " rment will no uik- . trmt Hiproof nml . iti rntt IIPPIV 10 uiu v-umi. mdcil In tho com- statement ' L nf foreclosure) Mint of a certain il4. 1911. iroin D. Upton and Mull in fivor of Tlionms Lbkh mortgago de li. Upton and Jioii j Thomas ii. wnue- i SB. i arm mo fc Section 33, Tp, I V. of Willamette tit ttio tiaynieni m Mtt each for tho , liiedJuno 14.1911, IB. Upton and Moll ITboraas ii. wnec- I mortgago TliomiiH feed to these plain- km la tho payment .Iwrjr noto mnilu uy Mieeler In favor of lite Juno 14, 1011. ! 190C.S4. with In- i of eight per rent Llio to eccuro tlicso payment of the le Md owing these Mendsnt Thomas Interest thereon at er rent per annum III; and that said rt be sold In tho ! Sheriff of Coos tod the proceeds Ipplled to tho costs Inch talc and this I to the satisfaction i siren by tho do- ipton and .Moll D. Wheeler nnd kte plaintiffs, and t to to nald to the f.rt for said Albert Ipton his wlfo kpreientMltes, and l other relief as equitable In the iimuoni U inndo nnt to an orcer p. Jo&n 8. Coko, Mt Court ot tho or Coos Count v rch 10th, 1913, miw the defend 'teeler bo required 1 aa answer tho "rein within nlv I te of tho first -Kmmons, which 1 Publication In Hi.. rt, 13. and said bribes that this 'nimsneu onco n cilre veekd rum. rt 0th, 1913, to 'Held, Coos Conn- l 10th day of W R. PECK-. " for the Plain. I March 10. Inst nnrni nTiirr 1 hhhhN S hh IS ON MARKET General Merchandise AVo nro llio largest buyers of all kinds of inerchniidlso from Manufacturers, Sheriffs and Re ceivers sales in tho Norlhwesl. Wo cany nt all times an enormous stock of new an.l second liaml mill, mining "l electric machinery, miscellaneous hardware, sinks ami plumbing Niipplft-s.' AVIienevcr In nceA ir any hollers, engines, pumps, generators, dynamos, iloiikoy..iKliit.s ator whcclH, ruble, chain, rails, rope, f,liuftlnK, haiiKcrs, hoves, Kears, imll.-ys, hulllnK, sproekelchalns, i vryor lieKliifr, elovalor Imekels, I lieams, lint ami eorniKiUeil Iron iooIIiik, rnhlici- roofing, hnlliling p. per, Hhect anil Mrnp Iron, limUockH, HlelKes, Hedges, nes, wheel harrows, pitcher pumps, pint-form Ncales, lron'and wood hlocks, IioIIh, hiiIh, wiisIhtm, nails, (,.. . Also all nIcs or Mcani water and gas plK-, cast Iron Mill plpo and llltlngs, pliimhlng goods, Imth tnhs, haslns, tollelH, lnks, laundry tray.s, bibbs, wink traps, flro and garden hoso ami vIhch, write ns for prices before buying elsewhere as wo run tmvu you nionouy. Itemeinber wo positively guaranleo all our goods to ho absolutely as represenled or money re funded. Our prlce-s poslllvely defy compedlloii. "Thirty Years In I'oitland." . Itererences any Hunk, . Hanker or Mercnut Ho Agency. AVo carry u completo lino or now ami llrst-class plumhliiK-siippIles and can wave you money. AVrlto for our prices on anything In tho machinery, pipe, hardware or plumbing supply line. We will allow 5 per cent discount on all goods purchased or us during (he month r March ir advertise, incut hi paper is mentioned. , J, SIMON BRO. i "mi: iM.r.Mm,; tupst iiustkiis" .-.HI to .".: l'roiit, St., Corner flraut St., I'OUTLAM), OIIKCO.V. i. : .- VAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo KqulpiK?d with wlrcleem nnd nubmnrlno lxll SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD for SAN FRANCISCO and SAN PEDRO-MARCH 16, AT 4:30 P.M.' til INcnucr ItowrvntloiiH T.'rnm San IVhiicI.mco Must Ho Mado t NO.! I'lfo llulldlug, or Lombard street Pier 27. All reservations must bo taken up i!l hours before Nailing. INTKIt-OCEAlf TKANBI'OUTATION CO. PHONR 44. C. V. McOKOUOE. AKont. SPEEDWELL THE NEW Steamer CAlT. DUIITIS, Master. i Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay Friday March 16, at 4 P. M. TIII3 fil'ICRDWEMi la speedy and has excellent pnsscngcr accom modations, largo clean and airy rooms and electrio lights and wireless. .r freight and passage, apply, A. V. Kstabroolc Co. Titlo (iuaranteo and Abstract Co., Iii:i-(I17 Santa Marina llldg., Sail Kraiicisco. Marshfield. WE AVILL MAU, YOU 1 for each Hot of old Faloo Toot Bout us. Highest prices paid for old Cold, Silver, old Wntchca, broken Jowolry nud Proclou? StonoB. Money Sont by Iteturn Mall. Phlln. Smelting & Iteflnliig Co. Established 20 YearB. H0JI Chestnut St., l'lilladclphlo, I'. TO DENTISTS. Wc will buy your Gold FHIIdri, Gold Scrnp, and Platinum. Hlgu oat prlcon paid. Fisher Auto Service Win. Fisher, Proprietor. Phono ordors to Illllycr's Clgnr Stnnd, Phono 18-J. After 11 p. m phono C-J. NlRht phono 181-lt. Mnrshlleld. O roo n . Save That Bundle for Me A BQiuiro deal and a clean shirt HOIt SAHTEK, Twin City Laundry Phone 2(i:i-.l I'll Call. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIHELESS SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR. PORTLAND WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12 AT 1 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CONNECTING AVITII THE NOItTII BANK KOAI) AT POUTLAND NOItTII PACIFIC &TEA.AISHIP COMPANY. Phono 1 1 O. F. McOEOItGE, Agent. DBirnnv nn VBlK.Vr us. ' tlven th ... i."rt ? c',a"': Ik. .. ' a"u III e terms and con. Z! th City of 1 "P. redeem and ,vll lmnrm.n.. Hasp i. ''"'J and imiwi lt eent nor bSj1 ml. Urn V. m lon,l8. , . face valuo w " ' d .,. owners .MUed to r.. EQUIPPED AVITII WIHEIjESH S??"? Breakwater ALAVAY8 ON TIME. SAILINGS FROM POHTLAND, Tuesday evening of each week at 8 P. M. SAILING FItOM MAHSUFIELD, Saturdays, Marcli 15th, 12:510 p. in.; Marcli 22, I) . in.; March 20, 2 p. m. Phono Main 88-L. jr. O. MILLEIt, Agent. i Twin City Laundry tiOOIl WOICIC GOOD SEItVlfK Not in any Coinbiiie. H bonis woik for women Our Agents call anywhere. Phono l!(lil..I. First ClassWeaving promptly dono at Gardiner's Rag Carpet. Factory Cor. Union and Montana Street. Phono 131. North Bond, Or UAMKOIIMA SUPPLYING FKESII. .AUli;. STUFF EGGS AND IIUTTEIt CHEAP IN POUT LAND. PORTLAND, Ore., Mnrch 17 The Telegram Bays: "Now green stuff from tho gnrdonB of tho const country now is more In ago, nnd with tho spring season woll on tho ninrkcts within a Halo while will bo loaded with all ninnner of fresh produce. For tho tlmo the earliest of tho spring offerings como from California, and for that reason aro selling at rathor high prices, but from this tlmo on the drift will bo downward. Asparagus of fine nunlltv now In available at tho retail stores at 1C to 20 cents a pound and groou peas from tho south nro going at 30 cents. Beans at tho snnio tlmo aro to bo had In a small way at 35 cents and cu cumbers nro obtainable at a ciunrter apiece. Now rhubarb is much more plentiful that it was a weok ago and Is retailing at 10 to 20 cents a pound, according to tho slzo and quality. Ar tichokes bold at 1C cents apleco and Mexican tomatoes aro retailing at 20 cents a pound. Tho staplo vege tables, such as colory, cauliflower and cabbage, aro selling at last wcok'B prices. In tho fruit markot this weok thcro is nothing distinctly now. but It will Intorcst householders to know that apples of all sorts nro still sel ling at tho lowest prices known in tho local ninrkot in years. Tho ap-plo-solllng campaign of n weok ago aroused gencrnl Interest In and ma terially Increased the local sale ot tho fruit, but with further arrivals from many of tho orchard districts of tho Northwest the supply of the fruit now is apparently as big as over and prices remain Just whoro they wero boforo tho campaign was started. Good apples aro to bo bad (at prices from ?1 u box up. Fine Florida grapefruit now Is among tho prominent features in tho fruit displays. Tho largo sizes are going at in cents apleco and tho me diums at 10 to 12 1-2 cents. Oran ges aro llnnly held and dealers say tho prospect is for hlghor rather than lower prices as tho season advances. The best now retail at CO to GO cents a dozen. Last week's prices bold on practi cally everything In tho poultry lino. Best hens aro retailing at 25 cents a pound nnd brollors and fryers nro reported scarce and Arm at .10 to 35 conts. Dressed ducks nnd tur keys nro going nt 30 conts. Tho markot for tho tlmo Is all but bare, of geeso. In tho llsb market thoro Is a great er vnrloty than usual from which se lections can bo made, tfiul prices thoro rnngo from 2 1-2 to 25 cents a pound. Smelt Is still tho cheap fea ture, retailing at 10 pounds for a nuartor, Chinook salmon holds at 20 cents n pound, whllo the steolhcad variety Is going nt 15. Halibut nnd solo nro selling nt 10 cents a pound. Sea porch nnd black cod aro nvnllablo at two pounds for a quar ter, while catllsb, sturgeon und crop pies aro going nt tho rnto of two pounds for 35 cents. Flounders and herring aro hold at three pounds for 25 conts, lako whltollBh at 20 cents n pound nnd salmon trout at 25, Shrimp rotall at 15 conts a pound, crabs at 10 to 20 conts nploco und razor clams at two dozen for a quar ter. Tho egg markot for a weok lias been working steadily down and now COOS BAYITES E M OH A Number Start for the Al berta and Manitoba Country. Tho following lettor contains news that will bo of Interest to many Coos Bay friends of the par ties mentioned. Mr. and Mrs. T. AA lllgglnson formerly resided on a ranch on Catching Inlot and nro now on their wny to Red Deer. Alborta, where Mr. Hlgglnson Ib superintending tho construction of a now saw mill. At Burton, Wash ington, they nro visiting Mrs. Illg glnson's Bister, Mrs. Hunt, who will bo pleasantly remembered here, having made extended visits to Coos Bay. Editor Times: A party of five left Marshfield on tho Brenkwator, March 8, for dlfforont points north. Every thing on bonrd of steamer seemed to bo pleasant and sunny as wo loft Mnrsljfleld, people on shore wore bidding good-byo to thoso on deck, Coos Bay bar was smooth, oven doors nnd windows of state rooms woro loft open, whllo wo crossed over, but the scene changes aB wo sail outsldo to tho deeper waters of tho Pacific. Ono by ono tho pnssongerB began to disappear and ns tho steamer plya hor way through tho choppy waters, a por boii could easily count thoso on deck and by dinner tlmo only 10 or 15 partook of the sumnttimin meal. Wo woro told that tho wind blow at tho rate of 90 miles nn hour, but nftor lonvlng Astoria and get ting to tho Columbia, people began to appear again, aonio showing signs of distress, but tho change from tho ocean to tho smooth' wa ters of the Columbia was indeed a welcome state of affairs. AVo ar rived at Portland Sunday at 3:30 p. in. Iloro wo parted with MrB. James Mcintosh and hor brother, Will Major, who aro on their way to Manitoba, another ono of tho party lort next morning for Spokane, nnd tho remaining two for Tacoma. Wo nrrlved In tlmo to catch tho steamer going to Burton nnd took Mrs. Hunt completely by surprise, ns sho wns npt expecting us until tho next day. Wo will visit hero and "tako life easy" for a few weeks, then., proceed on our. north ward Journoy. MRS. TIIOS. HiaoINSON. HOOM AT FLORENCE. I Steamer Washington Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay, With Freight, only, V. B. DOAV, Agemt. Ocean Dock. A modern Brlct. . uilding, Eloctrl: Light, Steam Heat. Elegantlj Furnished R001113 with Hot and Cold AVator. HOTEL COOS O. A. Mctlln, rrop. IUtes: 60 cents u. day nnd upwardi Cor. Broadway and Market FOR A GOOD WATCH OR FINE JEWELRY E. C. BARKER JEWELER Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing. 200 Front St.. Marshfield. tor foment and in.;.'. 1 ."WHgned. tho Ms onice ' Dank In 3s Conn- fn. rtm?".0' IClt, .:'e t ti:Lala mce lor nav Bennett if . ce 'xm 1 Dank In .... "'. Coos p.. , - vwnir Etf that in,...' ! W,a later! lo-wlt: on I or M,,,.,.,, tSUlAMa. I1 Ml"-sh- "8 doj e at COOS HAY PLATE AND AVINDOAV Grass co. J. . Goodwill and AV. E. Sawyor. I'lnte, Art and AVindow Glass, Mir rors, Prismatic Glass. Mall ordors and phone ordors given prompt nttontlon. Estimates fur nished, Phone 70-L. 727 So. Broadway. Marshfield. Singer Sewing Machines Wo havo them for rent or for sale. Machines Repaired. Supplies and Needles for Salo. 131 Park Ave. AV. J. RITZ, Phono 280-X. Marshfield. Parker & Leaton Ileal Eitnte, Rentals and Insurance Loikhurt Building, 'Over Hub Cloth- lug Store, Marshfield, Ore. Uniqoe Pantaiorium THE MODERN DYERS. CLEANERS, PRESSEHS and HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Kmvard n. Strauss & Co., Fine Tailoring. Let ua innko your next suit. 255 CENTRAL. Phono 250-X FOR QUICK WORK, FOR PROMPT WORK, ' FOR GOOD WORK, Telephone the old reliable Coos Bay Steam Laundry We always deliver the goods. Phone 57-J Marshfield Do You Leave Your Doors Unlocked? You would not do that, and you should no moro bo without lire in surance. Tho open door would udinlt tho burglar, and tho lire fiend is Just as insidious. Ho plays no favorites, but attacko in sured and uninsured property allko. Don't risk your savings for tho small coit of a policy. Ours aro the safest and best. I. S. Kaufman (b Co. Many People Brought Thcro by (he Porters Starting Mill. The Eugouo Guard says. AV. II. O'Kolloy arrived homo last night from Florence whoro ho has been looking after tho starting of work on a rcsldonco for hlmsolf and ono for A. Plhlgron, who Is associated with him. Thoy will nlso Dunu sevornl small bungalows for rent Mr. O'IColloy says tho report that lin Intends to build a 40-room ho tel Is Incorrect, but there Is a move on foot to erect such a build ing, perhaps this year. If It Is built it will bo financed by u com pany, consisting, of mombers of tho ilrm of Porter Bros, and other prominent property ownora in that part of tho state. Mr. fYKnllnv unvn Hint Vlnrnnm WW. ..W......O -.w . " . ..... -. ..V.., .,.. ...... .w.w.w Is bolloved to havo about rcacneu lias a very lively appearance New tho low lovol for tho soason. Fresh people nro coming In on every locals nro retailing at 25 conts a doz- stago, and on ovory boat, and the on, or two dozen ror 4i corns, nnu in s.treots nro thronged with Strang somo cases doalers aro offorlng what era looking for rooms and houses thoy declaro aro good eggs at 20 to rent. Porter Bros., who aro now cents. ... operating tho sawmill there, are Best butter holds ot last weoK s bringing In a largo numbor of fa quotation, 45 conts a pound. IKE JHZERS ARE CONVICTED White Duck Button Shoes for Children. Also now Patont Leather Button Shoes for Ladles' and Misses', at The Electric Shoe Shop You Auto Call Foote PHONE 144-J NIGHT AND DAY Stnnd front of Blanco Bllllnrd Parlor TWO NEW OARS After 11 P. M. Phone 5 -J. Residence Phone .S-J, Careful Drivers :- Good Cars Have That Roof Fixed NOAV See COltTHELL PHONK HI21. Three North Carolina Univer sity Students Convicted of Manslaughter. (nr AmocUIM I'ren to Coot Hr TIikm. HILLSBORO, N. C. Mnrch 17. Three students of tho University of North Carolina, Ralph Oldham, Will Morrlman and Aubrey Hatch woro found guilty this afternoon of manslaughter, in connection with the death or a fellow student, AVII1 Rand, whllo tho latter was Dorng hazed last Soptombor. rJaeh was sontoncod to four months in Jail. MARSHFIELD DRUGGIST MAKES A STATEMENT. AVo always udvlso peoplo who havo stomach or bowol trouble to seo a doctor. But to thoso who do not wish to do this wo will say: try tho mixture of slmplo buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., known ns Ad-lor-I-ka. This almplo now remedy Is so powerful that JUST ONE DOSE usually relieves sour stom ach, gas on tho stomach and con stipation QUICKLY. Peoplo who try Adlor-i-ka aro surprised at its QUICK action. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. mllles, and they all need houses In which to live, but there are fow vacant buildings. Tho city council of Florence, at Its Inst meeting, provided for tho building of a public dock and warehouse and It Ib expected that an olectlon will bo ordered In the near future to voto upon the prop osition of Issuing bonds with which to Install a system of waterworks, tho water to bo brought down from ono of tho lakes above the city. Tho big sawmill is turning out lumber in large quantities and tho machinery appears to bo working smoothly. Tho capacity of tho mill is between 130,000 and 150,000 foot a day. SPECIAL ROAD TAXES. JUST RECEIVED A largo shipment of Electric Cut Glass Shades. Call and seo our stock of glass ware AVo also have some of the latest designs In shower fixtures, from two light to five Everything in olectrlcal supplies, Barnard & Langworthy Douglas County Commissioners De cides to Let Them AValt. The Rosoburg Revlow says: Altering their original decision of ten days ago, the county court has come to tho final conclusion that the taxpayers of Douglas coun ty noed not pay tholr special road tuxes for this year unless they wish to. It was the court's plan nt first to compel everyone affect ed to pny their special road taxefl and then refund them It the coun ty lost its threatened lawsuit with tho AVoyerhauser Timber Co. to test tho validity of tho levies. It Is now the plan to leave the payment ot tho special taxes to the option of tho taxpayors. If tho county wIiib tho lawsuit, which may not be settled during tho present year, the special road taxes that should havo been liquidated this year will bo collectible in 1914. Should the county lose, It will refuud what will havo been paid in on that Item, Tho court's order dealing with this matter affects 172,000 In road moneys. Libby COAL. Tne Hind YOU hY0 ALAVAYS USED. Phone 73, PciT Livery and Transfer Company. Havo your Jod printing done at Tho Times office.