THE COOS AY TIMES, MAftSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1913. EVENING EDITION. r MM 1: LEFT BABES TO BURGLAR Fm; little children of Chi cago MINISTER AWAIT RE TURN OP MOTHER WHO WAS PARAMOUR OF SAX FRANCIS CO GENTLEMAN IlUHGLAH. IDj AioUId rrcM to Cool I!t7 TlmM.J CHICAGO, March 13. Five lit tle children of Ilev. Neater K. Clork soD woro loft motherless when tho woman rnn'nwny with Owen Conn, tho "Bontloman burglar" now under arrest In San Francisco eagerly awaiting tho roturn of "mainina" to day, ClnrkHon having atntod that he would "forgive and forgot" If she would roturn In ropennnttineo. The woman Is bolloved to ho in Omaha. UPTON STANDS PAT. Not Likely to Chimp) CImIIciiku for Anierlca'H Cup. tnr AMOClttKj Vtru to Coot lUf TlmM.J LONDON, March 13.- Sir Thos. Ltpton said this afternoon that there was llttlo likelihood that ho would modify his challenge for tho Ameri ca's cup or that ho would race with a ninety-footer. A deflnlto decision on this point ho mild would ho de layed until onicial notification that tho challenge was rejected had reached him. CLARKE IS CHOSEN. Klectcd President Pro Tcni of the United Stntes Senate. tl)r AMocl'tfel l'rni to Com I)r TlmM.J WASHINGTON, March 13. Sena tor Jumes P. Clarko of Arkansas, a Democrat, wob today elected presi dent pro torn of tho scnato and watt Immediately sworn In und presided during tho eloctlon of tho other of ficers for tho now congress. Tho vote was Clarko 41, Gallnger, Republican, 18, and CInpp, ttrlstow and Uornh, 1 oach. Clapp voted for Urlstow and DrlBtow for Clapp. La Follotto vot ed for Borah. BREAKWATER TO LEAVE FOLD. Southern Pacific Strainer Will Find Ilcrth for Future. A Portland nowspapor BayB: Furthor segregation of what was known as Harrlman proportion from common terminal facilities may ap ply to tho stcamor Drcakwntor ply ing between Portland and Coos liny, which is owned by tho Southern Pn ciflc and tins borthod for n long por lod at Alnsworth dock, but spneo she occuplod, aa well as that of her car go is in demand. Tho steamer may bo shifted to ono of tho docks ho tweon tho bridges until tho South ern Pacific property at tho foot of Davis Btrcot Is prepared for her ac commodation. With tho Ilroakwater nwoy from the Alnsworth dock, space will be avalblu for steamers or tho Hamburg-American lino and nH thoy will be in port but once a month, thoy will not Intorfero materially with the Tcssols of tho "Dig Three" Fleet. Details of tho chango hnvo not been settled, but propnbly will be tuts month. safety for ships. New Wireless Device to Safeguard Coast Shipping. PAUIS, March 13. Ships thut feel their way along tho coasts of Franco in foggy wenthor tiro to hnvo tho bonoflt of a now wireless "com pass'' which will enable thorn to ascertain, practically automatically, their correct position, nnd so steer a safo course. Tho wlrolcss "compass" permits tho detection of tho direction from which a wiroless oloctrlc signal Is sent, and tho signal Itsolf will des ignate tho point of Its origin. Send ing stations are to bo established at lighthouses nnd other polntB of van tage along tho const, and two al ready are in oporatlon on small is lands off tho harbor of Dresr. Sig nals from this chain of shoro points will bo sent automatically at regu lar lntorvals whenovor fog provnlls, and a vcssol equipped with tho re ceiving compnss will be. nblo to read tho exact direction of tho pltico of origin of thoso warnings. On tho re ceipt of two Buch signals n ship will find It possible by ulmplo process of trlangulatlon, very readily to deter mine nor exact position. A great advantage of this system of safety nt sea is tho fart that the new compass Is very cheap; fur thermore it Is self operating and does not require tho attention of an oporator. Tho next stop wjll ho to Install two more soiidlng stations near Havro, nnd others will bo set up In duo cour3o until tho entlro ccust is protected. If YOU ARE A DRINKING MAN You had bettor stop at once or you'll Iobo your Job. Every lino of business Ib closing its doors to "Drinking" mon. It may bo your turn uext. Hy tho aid of OHHINE thousands of men hnvo been re stored to lives of Bobrloty and In dustry. Wo are so sure that ORR1NE will benefit you that wo say to you thut if after n trial you full to get any bonoflt from its uso, your monoy will bo rofunded. When you stop "Drinking," think of the money you'll envo; besides, itober men nro worth nioro tw tholr employers and got higher wages. Costs only fl.OO n box. Wo hnvo an Interesting booklet nbout OR ItlNE that wo aro giving nwny freo en requQBt. Call at our store and talk It over. Owl 'Prescription Phar macy. Front 8t Phono 74-J. Note that word, 'prescription. I THE NEW TEACHER. I 4 by Dr. Frank Crane. At the close of the first day of school the new teacher said. 'Now, children, listen, and I will tell you how I hnve marked you and give you my reasons. "In the first place, I will explain that I do not mark at all upon how well you get your lessons. You nitty really know much more about tho subject than you can tell. Be sides you are not here to get les sonB and pass examinations. You aro here to grow. So I murk you upon how you show that you are stinking that kind of effort which forms character. "Jimmy Fitch I havo given a good mark because ho was tho only one In tho room who ttskod what the word 'syndicate' meant. None of tho rest of you know. Why did not you ask? Asking questions Is tho best way to learn. Slurring over things you don't understand Is the best way to becomo tin lg siorasniiH. If you aro not curious it Is a sign you are stupid. "Etta Rogers gets a good mark because her finger nnlls nro clean. And sho Is tho only child here whoso finger entU are not in mourn ing. You will find It qulto as im portant when you grow up to have clean finger nnlls as to know al gebra. "Emma Montgomery is marked 'good' bocauso when a button wnB torn front hor dress playing at re cess sho took n noodle and thrend Xrom .her desk nnd sewed It Jon. Also she carefully picked up the orango pool sho had dropped. 1 would rathor havo you nil learn to clonn up your own litter and look nftor your own clothes thnn to know how to spell every word In tho dic tionary. "Willy Watora I havo a high mnrk bocauso when I nsked him who Na poleon Bonnpnrto waB ho snld, 'I don't know.' Ho probnbly had n vaguo notion,-but ho did not Book to decolvo me. I want you, when you cannot toll n thing In plain words, not to hem nnd haw, but to any at onco, 'I don't know. To have an honest snlnd is bettor tlian having a stuffed ono. "Charles Stuart Is commended be cause ho stands up straight, sits pro perly In his Bent and Is not other wise slovouly In his habits. "When Jqnnlo Jones failed in hor spelling tho word 'cholor' she went to the foot of tho class with a unillo nnd for that sho gets a high mark. Somo otliora of you pouted nnd sulked. There Ib noth ing you can do that is bo commend able as to be a good losor. Any body can succeed pleasantly; It takes n noble natura to fall good nnturcdly. "During tho tiny six promises wore mndo me by six pupils. Only one of thorn, Henry Clark, did what ho promised to do. So he has a high rating. When you become men nnd women and get tho habit of promis ing thoughtlessly nnd not keeping your word you will bo a nuisance to all thoso who hnve to do with you Do what you say you will do; that Is better than being nblo to bound Illinois or tell tho capital of Kami ehatka. "Now you mny run homo chlldron. And rumombor that In this school there nro no rules but two; Do what you think is right nnd bo cheer ful. Atid in enso you don't know, ask." DIFFER AllOW HONOR. English Women Score Bachelor Who Has Been Bridegroom 10 Times. LONDON, .March 1 1. Harvey Sta- uleton's pride In the possession of a gold modnl presented to him by tho test grateful brldcgroosns whom ho has served as best man, has re ceived a rude Jnr since tho presen tation was made public, or account of nn avalnnche of feminine criticism. Ono wosnnn avers that while Mr. Stnpleton snny hnve established a record, he litis not made himself an Ideal. She declares with scorn that the medal winner should hnvo beoti given n leather Instead of a gold medal, and continuing ho Hays: Fancy a man going about for years llko that, taking part In oth er people's weddings nnd nuver hav ing one of his owst. Fasicy a man going nbout for years singing, 'Tho Voice that breathed o'er Eden,' nnd then being content to go on living In lodgings, untouched by tho ro mance and poetry of It all. I sliouitl think the presence of such a person would cast a gloom over any wed ding. I nm sure 1 do not see how any girl could expect hor best friesidB to be brlucsmnlds, wiieu thero wns to bo an undertaker like that for best man." Llbby COAL. Tno Kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72, Pacific Livery and Transfer Company. BEST IN THE WORLD. Yakima tipples nnd potatoes. Ask your grocer for thesis. If you havo anything to soil, rent trade, or wnnt help, try a Want Ad NO WINE AT WHITE IIOl'HK. All Intoxicating IJqiiorc Will Be I tarred. WASHINGTON, March II. The WIIboss administration will bo "dry." This expression is used entirely lis a boiibo that npponls to tho lunor man of tho nation and not neces sarily to those who look for ster eotyped methods of government. II became known that President Wil son nnd his family, all of them, nro nverso to tho use of liquor or wlno lis any form. Intoxicating li quors will hnvo no plnco In the Whlto Houso during tho next four years unless tho president's vlows undergo sharp change. The promlor lis tho president's cabinet, Secretary of Stato Bryan. as Ib well ltnown, has been a pro- hlbltion ndvocato for massy years. On oiso occasion Mr. Bryan would havo mndo It n national Isstio nnd It wns duo to his efforts that tho pro hibition legislation In Nebraska was put Into effect. It Ib wol! known that Speaker Clark Is a teototaler and tins boon for sssassy years. Tho fact that n largo portion of tho Democratic ma jority In tho sennto and houso is from tho south, where prohibition Is genornl, sunkes certnln tho fact that there will be llttlo wlno nnd less wuBsnll than has been known In Wnshlngtou for ninny yenrs. For Los.t o? Hair Wo will pay for v Isit you use If Rexall "93" Ilo'r lou.'c docs not ' promote tho growth of vour hnlr. In Ml our rx 'crii ico with bait tonlca thootidth t ht-4 dono moat to rsiu our coufidcaco Id lteull "V3", Tonlo. Wo liavo iuch well- founded fith in it that we want you to try it at our risk. If it docs not satisfy you in yery particular, wo will pay for what you us o h cxteut of a 30 day treatment. If Rexall "03" Hair Tonlo doe not remove dandrutf, rellove icalp Irritation, atop tho hair from falllnic and promote a new growth of com back to ui and ask ua to return tlis money you paid for it, and we will promptly baud it bark to you. You don't also anything, promise aiy thlnc. brine anything back, or In an warobllsateyouriclf. Isn't thstfshT Doesn't it atand to eason that wa would not make auch a liberal offer If wa did not truly belieyo that Retail "03" Uatr Tonlo will do all wa claim for It that it will do all and more than any other rcmedyr We hare everything there (i de mand for, and are able to jutice tbs merits of tho things we sell. Cus tomers tell ua of their success. There) re more satisfied users of Retail 93" Hair Tonlo thati any similar preparation we sell. Start a treatment of Retail "03" Jlalr Tonlo today. It you do. wa believe you will thank us for this dries. Two site bottles, 60o Mid tl. You can buy Rexall "93" Hair Tools In this community only at ou?tori LOCKHART PARSONS DRUG CO. The llusy Corner Karchnsld 7 JRtjaJfi Jtow Oregon There U a Itstall Store In nearly snr town and elty In tbe United BUtci. Caul and Oml Britain. There U a different Iteisll Itsmtdy for nearly erery ordinary human ill each etpectilly ilnlni for the particular 111 for which it is noornrtieodcd. The Retail Storas r America's CimImI Drur Stor EX-SENATOR BOURNE TO SERVE WITHOUT PAY WASHINGTON. March 14. Ex Senator Boursso does not bolong to the Inmo duck brigade. Ho will servo for another yenr, It is trtio, as n mombor of tho commission on federal aid to post roads, and also on tho commission to Inquire In to tho readjustment of railway mall pay, but in drawing up tho confer ence report on this itom ho tnndo it read that nieniuors of congress retiring from olllco who continued on the commission should receive no pay. One othor ox-sonntor besides Bourne will como under this pro vlhlosi Rlchnrdson. There aro four of theso commit tees or cosnmisslons. Sonntor Gug genheim, chnirman of tho pneumat ic tubo cosssmlBsion, resigned some tlmo ago, as he will glvo all of his attention to his business. BOILED SHIRT" FORCE AT FLORENCE MILL. FLORENCE. Oro., March 14. All tho "boiled shirt" employes of Por ter Bros.' mill horo are now on hand and consist of n superintendent, as sistant superintendent, foreman, at torney and bookkooper, a numbor that mildly sttrprlsod tho peoplo of Florence, who bollovo that If tho usual ratio of brains to muscle is kopt, evorybody will certainly have a Job. REAL ESTATE WE HAVE IT POR SALE A partial list of what wo havo. One block in Boulovnrd park for 13,000. Ono lot oss Broadway for $800. Tho host cornor lis tho city for $10,000 on good terms. A good cornor 100x 100 for $G,000 on good terms. Lots In Bunker Hill nt fair prices from $200 up to $S00. We havo a good ranch on Wlllnnch slough of 100 ncres that cms bo bought for $10,000, pnrt cash, 29 acres on tho Isthmus Inlet that we can sell for $200 por acre. Wo havo somo flno homes for snlc In tho best pnrt of tho city. Wo hnvo somo water front proporty for sale. 5 nnd 10 ncro tracts for salo on tho Isthsssus Inlet, Home Realty Co. Over tho Onl Drug Store. FOK A GOOD WATUl OR FINIt. JEWELRY . C. BARKER JEWELER Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing. gKt Front St.. Mnrshfielil. COOS BAY PLATE AND WINDOW Gli.SS CO. J. A. Goodwill nnd W. E. Snwyor. Plate, Art and Window Glass, Mir rors, Prismatic Glass. Mall orders and phono ordors given prompt attention. Estimates fur nished. Phono 70-L. 727 So. Broadway. Mnrshflold. Singer Sewing Machines we have them for rent or for sale. Macninea Repaired. Supplies and Needles for Sale. W. J. RITZ, 131 Park Ave. Mnrahflehl. Phone 280-X. The Right Kind of Cook observes two rules always, First Is to buy only the choicest poultry, meats or provisions. Second Is to cook them exnetly uccordlssg to di rections. The result Is ulwtiys miro. To follow tho first rule It Ib alwiiyH best to trade tit this murkut. Doing so will Have you from dlsappolutmeist und Havo you money as well. MARSHFIELD CASH MARK19T. FOURIER BROS. Mnrsliflcld Telephone North Hentl SI2I-.T Two Mnrltei fil Buy Your Meats at the UNION MEAT MARKET AndYou Will Always Have Pure Wholesome Meats. 'Phone 58 The Metropolitan Ladies' Line ': jiJJ Is ready for your Inspection. TODD, T& Tailor "s "SUfe Wo alter and repair ladles' Bulls. THE RECORD PHOTOGRAPHING ABSTRACT COMPANY- Havo photographic coploa of all records of Coos County to (Into, abstracts of titles, present ownors, or any other Information rotating to real estate furnished on short notlco. BUSINESS OFFICE: 117 North Frosst St., Mnrshflehl. Phono 151J W. J. RUST, Manager FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo Equipped with wlrele&s and submarine bell SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO for MARSHFIELD WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, AT 3 P. M. All Paaaenger Reservations Fr om Snn Frnssciflco Must Bo Mndo M 805 Fifo Building, or Lombard street Pier 27. All reservations must bo taken up 21 hours before sailing. 1NTER-OCBAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE 44 C. F. McGEOROE. Agent SaS SPEEDWELL CAPT. I1URTIS, Muster. Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay Friday March 1 6, at 4 P. M. THE SPEEDWELL Is speedy nntl has excellent piwscngcr accom modations, large cluati nnd nlry rooms nnd electric lights nnd m IrelcHS. For freight nnd jwiasnge, apply, A. F. Eslnbrook Co. Tltlo Gunrnnteo nnd Abstract Co., li:i-(U7 Simtu Mnrlnn llldg., San Francisco. .Mnrshflehl. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR PORTLAND WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12 AT 1 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CONNECTING WITII THE NORTH BANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC MEAMBUIP COMPANY. I,,,ono O. F. McGEORGE, Agent. j& EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. BAILINGS FROM PORTLAND, Tuesday evening of ends week nt O 1. All SAILING FROM MARSHFIELD, Satsisthiys, March 13th, ISs.lO i. in.; March 22, 0 . us.; March 20, 2 p. m, l Phone Main 80-L. ,. 0, MTLI.EIt, AgoaU Steamer Washington Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay, With freight, only, F. 8. DOW, Agent. Ocem Dock. Try Suaimrise Milk Every grocery car ries it. It always gives satisfaction. Made on Coos Bay. Build up your communi ty by helping and encouraging home industry. Order a can tomorrow. A trial is all we ask because it always means a steady customer for Sun rise Milk. IOiv ill price, high lu quality. Electric Irons Wo have n few second-hand Ii-oiim In good storking condition at 1.75. Ncir IroiiH, $ sip. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J 1C3 N. Broadwij JUST RECEIVED A Ini'Ko shipment of Electric Cm CilHhH .Similes. Call nnd sco oiir atock of glut ware. Wo nlao hnvo some of th latent ilcBlititH In nhower flxturei frons two light to five. KverjrUto In electrical Hispplles, Barnard & Langworlhy First ClassWeaving promptly done at Gardiner's Rag Carpet Factory Cor. Union nnd Montana Street Phone 131. North Bend, Orl Twin Citv Laundry good woric good srnvicBl Not ill any Coinhlno. H hour work for wom Our Apents cull nnywlicrc Plsono soii-d. Save That Bundle for Hi A square deal and a cienn unit BARTER. Twin City Laundry lMI fill Phono uoa-J I'll on . ....j,.. HttttrUl modern uric "" .'..hi Light. Steam Ilea . B eitfjl Furnished Rooms wim -- Cold Water. n n n nOTEIi OOOS fUtess BO cent day and npwiWI Cor. "-"""t iu -", Do You Leave Your Doors Unlocked? You would not do that, and you should no more be without tire In surance. The open door would admit tbe burglar, and the fire fiend is Just as Insidious, He plays no farorltes, but attacks in sured and uninsured property alike. Don't risk your savings for the 8m all co3t of a policy. Ours aro the safest and best. I. S. Kaufman (Sb Co. White Duck Button Shoes for Children. AIbo now Patent Leather Rnttnn Shoes for Ladles' and MIbsoi', at The Electric Shoe Shop WE WILL MAIL YOU 1 for each set of old False Teet sont us. Highest prices paid fir old Gold, Silver, old Watches, broken Jewelry and Preclout Stones. Money Sont by Return Mall. Phlla. Smelting & Refining Co. Established 20 Years. H03 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. TO DENTISTS. We will buy your Gold Flllingj, Gold Scrap, and Platinum. Higu eat prlcos paid. Union Storage Company W. A. Heard, Mfr. . Exnest Packors. Carpts Clean Furniture Packed, bnsppe, Stained ami ""J"""-' ,(. -. Front St. Iho??. ".I Leave orders Going & Parker & Leaton Ileal ICstale, Rentals and Insnrs ....i. nolle Lockhart Ilullcllns. r "u" w inn Store, MnrshRciu, v.- Fisher Auto Service M'm. Fisher, Proprietor. Phone orders to Hillyer's Cigar Stand, Phone 18-J. After 11 p. m. phone 5-J. Night phone 181-R, Marahfleld, Oregon. Unique Pantatoriug Agent for Edward D. S?"u make your next so". . jjsO a now gee uubtw"' j ynoNMi K . ... bM MKm-t.