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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1913)
um THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1913. EVENING EDITION. mi COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALOXKY Kdidir mul I'ub. IAX K. MAI.OXKY Xevs Kililor OfUclul I'niK'i' of Coos Comity. OFi-K'IAIi I'AI'KIl (IK Till OF MAHKIIFIKM). (MTV Tin: (ii.ii ui:aim:ii. A RUM WAINS S NORTH BEND NOTES. w ES - I i , C A. Painter mul wife will leave on the next Ueilonilo for San Fran l llll llll' 1II.M IllMtWII.ll 1VJ1 iJUII 1 1 iiii- Tclseo. j Rev. I). A. Mel.eoil, Mr. and .Mrs. C. A. Sinllli ami Mr. and Mrs. C. .11. Worrell loft today for an over NEWS fc FROM WRITHlt In Scrlbnor'n Mwxn zliio liaa observed that tliere CIIOSICX TO Hi;i'Hi;si;.T Mini n baa been a imsalnc of tho IIKXIl IIICII SCHOOL IX COOS old school readliiK book which used to hold so largo a place in the Interests and affections of youthful learners. When the modern youngs ter Is asked by his obi-fashioned COINTV ti:st. oitATomr.vii cox- The North Head IiIkIi Heliool hold an oratorical try out this inorniiiK " . ..... ...I.1..I. ... . ..! . rotative to bring home his i-omHim ' " P"" ""'ll "' 'V.1' T1 " " book from school tonight. ho; '"'!llll "P0"1 .? ,c l Jl" ? evinces well-bred Hiirprliio and re-' " !j' " " " ""'" '" nllnn flint "Wo imii'I MlPV'rn col- for tM0 McCoriliac lovlllg Clip, Which P"?", .. l ' I will he hold In Myrtle 1'olnt on Krl- day for an over Sunday stay at Goodwill's on South Coos lllver. Miss Violet Johnson returned yes torday from a visit of several weeks with relatives In Portland. Ii. .1. Simpson, who was expected homo yes torday on tho Speedwell, will not return for another week. The former V. It. Simpson and Dr. llartlo houses nro being moved from the Southern Pacific right-of-way to tho lots which G. 13. Maybco recently bought on Shormnn avenue. Miss Mngglo Wilson is reported i m miitn Hint Hi., ino.l- (,n-v- Anr11 n- Tho 'stHt8 wore: quite ill at tho Louie Anderson homo. , l ov r lVi Is oh Ii le sonet r.K!,'-vl Chnpello. lliiliy Watklns and John Froinni and wire or Port Or a bo or Mil is iohiiik somctiiiiib j Nnom, Smth Mg8 Watklns winning ford are guests at tho N. II. Welling l"" ."" .lUAl """" '". "'".iv a cobo niarcin. Three tunercnt u calirornia exciiange. ,. w-' scts of Judges rendered decisions, Laps ho Is gaining also. Hit t ,llB,,0Jat nvorngo being taken to does seem that no old school rcml-. , ,, h t, 8llrcessful contestant. or tlint was handed around the fain ily circle under the evening lamp. I'lic Judges woro high school pupils, tho high school tenchera and two that belonged to John and descend- ,,., i,n,., i p. Mnllnn oil to Mary and even to a third rjnm, A H nori,y8lilre. North Uend won tho cup InBt year with Charles Van Hllo as representative. Marshtlold will bo represented by Leslie Isaacson, who was nlso a con testant Inst year, fourth, according to whether or not tho hooks wore "changed." bad points of advantage over the Im poreonnl property which Is marked with tho name of a certain school nnd no Intimate and sacred associa tions linked with its begrimed pages. A boy who hns really revelled In "Tho Arab'H Farewell to Ills Steed" or "Itlenzl's Address to tho Kom nns," or other stirring selections, nhould bo encouraged to inako these acquaintances of the school room tho friendships of the homo and tho fond occasion for Intercourse with bis pnrcntM over the things lie Is concerned with most iutlmatoly. Heading aloud Is unfortunately go ing out of fashion among school children nnd their elders as well. This may be partly because of the hand If he loves her In the same tone that alio aska the grocer if the eggs he baa in stock are nlco and fresh. -tt-tt-Itovengo generally proves a boom erang. Tho unreal pleasures of llfo aro the most expensive. -K-K- An artist may paint his wife, but usually alio paints herself. -::-::- Tho nicest girl tho young man passing of tho old reading hook , knows Is the ono ho Ih moat afraid and the coinnauloiislilii which It on-, or. tailed. Or tho loss of the reading book may bo only another Indica tion of the loss of somo of tho character than it Is to reform homely nnd significant coinrado-. bad one ship which children should find In their homes. At nny rate. If Is worth wlillo to cling rather tenaciously to the, drinking one. things that mean Inspiring fellow- Hlilp around the evening lamp. The --tt- It's far easier to form a good a -::-- Yes, Alnnzo, thoro'H a vast dif ference between being cordial nnd s- j Sy PS!U$UBN3Y rw-th. .rfv T7 K k ---m- i L '- VJJ I MVHTI.K WH.VP ,,,., 4 and J. It. Robertson homes. Chns. (Inuntlott, who hns been em ployed In tho Southern Oregon Com pany atore, nt Umpire, and wife have returned to Cold Ilench, whero Mr. Oauntlctt expects to engage In busi ness. Walter J. Tanner nnd wife nro ex pected hore aoon from Medford. C. A. Strickland and wife havo written friondH tliat they will inovo hero from Ashland soon. i. A. Loninla hna resigned his po sition with tho Coos liny Orocory Company and with A. H. Wllmot hns started an unto truck mid delivery business In North Uend. They will bo th flint to alnptnil frntii ?ntt1i ft. 1t .l,lnl, ..111 l, na annn na (lir. II V IlinrkOtcd weather permltB I Tll ,,()rt Orford Commercial Club Mlko Kohoo tins boon laid up for ' "ot In regular nieetlng at millng's a fow dnva as a result of a stool ! naniwnro more nun won noHiiuy o ICvents There as Told by the Port (Irloid Tribune. Messrs. Vaiighan and Oaks, trav eling salesmen, passed up tho coast Inst week. The former represents tho A. II. Daly Co.. logging supplies, of Marahrield. and the latter tie American Steel and Wlro Company of Portland, and Mr. Oaks loft tho agency for thla company with the (lllllima hnrdwnro atore. The gen tlemen aald that the day of the coaat railroad. Is at liniul. u song that all traveling men aro singing nowdnya. m . Tho little mill In Port Orford, with but two men, cut ISOO feet of cedar ono day last week. Who can boat It? Its first shipment of clear cedar left here Monday on the llrooklyn for San Kranclsco, which also took riOu.Oiiu cedar shingles. Port Orford Is to have another saw mill In tho near future, If ru mor la correct, na It Is reported that I,. Knupp has bargained for the sale of his timber to a party 11BII1UHH HI iurui l.UIlll. 1 nuy Willi" , ... ..... .,-(l...... Imimwl. o associated with Ned Calloway in w '" wllrl l)e ,,"t,,I? ."" '' " '? ho auto atago service to Ten Mllu.'ntoly. Tho tract contains roiwltl- ,l, la n.nrfn.l frnin Snrlli In. ' Cralllo WllltO Collar tllllt Will 1)0 0118- apllntor piercing his hand at the shipyards tho other day. Waltor S. Smith nnd family havo arrived hero from Walla Walla to inako their homo. Mr. Smith fnrmcr ly ran n notion store hero nnd his wife Is the (laughter of C. W. Tay lor. Tho North Uend baseball team hna elected H. U. Kern manager, It. P. Kohoo treasurer, and Jeff Unrtmnn secretary. At the dnnro InBt Snt onlng. Among other business tran sacted tho club passed resolutions similar to those recently adopted by the Curry County Commercial club, allowing tho Injiistlro and uao leasnesa of the Forest Kosorve In this county and asking that it be done away with. Copies of tho res olutions were aent to Oregon'H rep resentatives at" Washington. K. J. linker, elllclont deputy gamo warden, who hns chnrgo of Coos --- It's dtlllcult for a married man to Influence of homo llfo nnd Im- keep a secret after hla wife flnda pulses, not ns n thing apart from out that ho has one. lint as n part of tho larger Inter- -jt-jt-catrt of school mul life, Is too vital Kvery time a man gets his month nnd significant thing to ancrltlco ly gns bill Iio'h glad that he does lightly. j not have to buy tho stuff by tho , ton. It TwiTH f HE'tOAST ' J AND THE TEA i - ('(Kill KVi:.l.(.'. s- IIo that docs good for good's nnko Rcoka uolther praise nor reward, though auro of both at Inst. Penn. .MoiiKit.v i:cusi:. Onco wo thought, when folk woro Hiirly. When they wrangled into mid onrly, Crumbling at life's hurly burly. They woro mean; No pollto nnmo Itad wo for It While we grimly grinned nnd boro It, In our spleen. When a mnn boat wife nnd babies, Itaging with tho devil's rubles. Without prolmhlys or muyhes, Ho wiib tough. Neurasthenia! Nothing to It; Jlo wnH Just a brute to do it. And his head was tilled with auet Or such stuff. Now no longer nro there sinners, For the chronica nnd beginners Are Just temperamental winners Wntch their curves. Illd you kill someone? Oh, pllllo! "When ho crosaod tho Stygian rltllo You weren't sinning, so why anllllo It wnu norvea! This tho spirit or Uie time Is, This tho burden of my rhymo Is, VVb no matter what your crliiio la, Oreat or small. "You'vo n lovely disposition. Sent you Homoono to perdition? Merely cnll In your physician Kervea Hint's nil! The first bird of spring attempted to slug, I tut ere he had sounded n note, lio fell from tho limb n dead bird was him, The music hud friz, in hla throat. (All rights reserved) : : Lust week when they took Harry Thaw to Now lork to toatlfy In urdny night, $1!H5 was tilccn 'n nn-i nn, Curry, and who hns been on of this will pay for tho uniforms which tni business In this vicinity for have been ordered this week. .Man- tl few days, departed for Coos Sat- nger Kern la out nftor the ureal .ay (0 try to arrange for more dency of the Coos County Leiigue, viHcnt control of that Inrgo mid florst & King atuto that last Sat- territory. Wo doubt If urdny they carried 1001 peoplo ho- thuro be a more capable deputy In tween North Uend mul Murshllold. ,,,0 ,, ,, wo .novo Hint when T. A. Collvor has purchased nine SIr, .-ioy shall havo found aueli lota In the west part of town from n ,,, ho Hhould give such a dopu- A,m" ll0,y.l0.,.', for $."000, ...n.. .ii ty all the authority tho deputy naks T. A. Collvor, who recently Rold , ,,,, ,,, tno iippoliUmoiif and hla Shore Actos ranch to L. J. Slnip-,(lll.(iptmi of .h HHBtanta. Mr. Bon. nns purcnascu uio taicmiiK in- !,,. ,,w noWH ,H nolu. he la lei raueii 01 ma orouier, j (Special to Tho Times.) DKXMAItK. March II. Mr. 10. J. llonnett and Dnle Uonnelt wont to Myrtle Point Monday to purchase milch cows for their dairy at Crys tal Spring. Frank McMullen drovo down (o Capo Hlauco Saturday to bring home Mrs. .McMullen mid the two little girls, who hud been visiting Mrs. McMtilleu'a mother during the pnst week. A brand new stock of pills mul powders hns juat been received nt Deiimurk atore mid now you may be cured of the ilia of tho flesh without coiiHultlng anybody but tho almanac. Mrs. Foreman nnd Clifford Syd iiam visited nt Myron Cliipshnw'a lust Sunday. A dance over on Sixes next Snt urdny evening Is the center of In terest for youthful minds in thla Itninedlnto vicinity this week. The school board In u body made a very pleasant mul profitable visit to Denmark school last Thursday af ternoon. Nearly every morning wo honr tho plaint of n new volte that hna novor called to the world boforo mul another little brownish or mouac-cnlored being wabbles into the fold at night, claiming care mul attention. Soon will tho swish of the cheese mice mul tho song of tho butter paddle bo abroad in the laud and tho yellow streams will pour out of nnd Into old Coos mid Curry counties once more to muko glad the hearts of the "he milk mnids" that nro so numerous In these parts. 1, vuii I vlfl In tif mul ruHlllllfn mill ver. Tho latter conalata of elgh y , POI1Ii,.tK his duties with n ma ncrea and ho has also secured fortj,. iiniirmJiit that meets tho sup acre, from Wm. I aekstron, who has , """J UA w.'ti, purchased part of the C. I. none, . , . " -.,..inll .i,, IMU ivnini Ft HV l !.. VIMIV brake ranch. Along the Waterfront. Is almost porfect, without arousing unnecessary nutngonlani. Wo trust Mr. Flnloy will fully appreciate Mr. linker's lltuess, mul accord iitm tho An effort Is being made by tho . full limit of confidence and author LIIIIW III .UH I III IV IU (UnillJ III f . .... . .. ...... . ': - -" Hurt ho declined tn hiioiiiI tho tiliilit i HtOCKIIOKiers 111 1110 Bcnoou- ty In town, preferring to return to Mut-w Itundolph to sell the boat to the teawnn. Harry Isn't nH crazy as ho I merchants of Gold ilench. llundoii used to be. A New York woman charges that after a hot discussion over mi old Surf. Tho sternwhooi steamer Dora, running between this place and Myrtle Point, which has been under bill her dentlat, Just for rovongo.lBoInK repairs for tho past flvo pulled one of her perfectly sound I weoks. will reauino hor run toinor-, (TltUV COl'.NTV WANTS .WTO HOAI) TO HKAC'II ItltllllS OK IIANIIO.V. Xch.s of Clly-by-the-Hen as Told by The SiiiT. Horn At Ilmulon, March f. 1 1 ;i , to Mr. mid Mrs. Win. I. Inn. a son. Horn At Ilmulon. March I, I!) Ill, to Mr. nnd Mra. 11. (1. Hdwnrda, a daughter. It. II. Derby, who haa been laid up with a badly cut fiwd for a couple of weeks, la able to be' nrouiul ugalii without crutches. "UimI" Nelson, working In one of tho Randolph tie rumps, was brought to tho Hmorgoiicy hospital Friday evening with a badly cut foot. L. It. Febuscho, tho mnn who la' operating the lledell patent amalga mator at Whiskey Hun, reports that operations in the bach milling lino uro assuming quite Inrgo proportions mid tlint somo amazing developments mny bo looked for when everything gets to going there. At Couulllo Inst Friday evonlng tho Coiiullle high school basket bull team walloped the lliindon high school team to the tuuo of 07 to II. COLD IIKACII. Mnrch 1 1. The people of Curry county uro making n determined effort to secure the HAD IIAXIIOX CASK. 1.-..1:. i.n!i.. Kin.' ..fii-n ..... t'iMt raw. The Norma, which Vat been co-operation of the stale mul nu- -" '"''"" -" .- " .:..,.... ,..:.. ii i... i.i.i .... n.... i .. i i. iiuii.ii Hini'in in It KUUU lllllll llllllll down the ltogue ltlver to the Pncl-I lie ocean. Such a road would form a connecting link between tho rail roads of the Wllluniotto mul l'p-' (per Itoguo river valleys and would,; lo bo Ho of Tho avornge woman nsks her bus- washed." she didn't keep her mouth shut. Wlillo it is well to make things go ns fur us possible, wo cannot nd vlso stretching tho truth. There's one thing tlint may satd In favor of u lazy man. never meets trouble half way. -K-- If a woman Isn't suspicious her husband it's been use she has something cltso to worry her. (Oven tho girl who hns a steak-nml-oulons nppotlto can rnvo over the way tho stage hero kUscs tho heroine's hand. -tt-K- Tho mmi of might, with wenlth to spare, mul rank nnd pedlgreo, will holler In a dentist's chair, tho same us you or mo. "It Is true," said Senator Sor ghum, "that tho devil Is not ns black us ho la sometimes painted. It is nlso truo that he Is not nearly ns white na he la sometimes white- taking her place, will be laid up while her engliio la ovoriinuiea. ar tor which she will take the lute nf tornoon run up tho river under com mand of Captain Frank Wlllnrd Ilmulon Surf, 1'l. CJ .....! .tx.l I ...111 nnll ft',.,., ltni. It l (llltll1n.l lin til,. t.inul II I .11 .II'IUII " J. ..... n.l.l ....... v.i,-- " .-........, .w ..... t,wrt,. -... w.- . Sunday nftornoon nt A o'clock for; fill scenic routo In tho west. The Sun Francisco mid San Podro. i lower Itoguo affords flno' fishing Tho Ailellno Smith mid Nmin Smith snlled this morning for San Francisco, after being barbound hore n couplo of days. Tho Graco Dollar. Kllzaboth, Fi Hold and Hnudnn snlled today from Ilmulon for Sim Francisco. Tho Anvil sailed today from Dilu tion for Portland. AMONG THIS SICK. Easter Marclb 23rd Mew Easter Jewelry Rosaries Crosses Chaihrns Diairaoinidl Rings Lockets Bracelets, Ete City Knglnoor A. II. Gidloy, who has bcon aufforlug from n severe attack of rheumatism, was able to bo jlown town yesterday. .urs. Otto Schottor was nblo to bo out today for tho first timo nftor n Bovcro bIoro of In grippo. mid hunting mul Its proximity to tno const renders It n good place for campers nnd others who wish to escape tho bent of tho Interior during tho not- Suinmor months. Tho Gold Iloacli Commercial club nt n meeting on March S, unanimously adopted n resolution In favor of such n rood mul ovory effort will bo made to secure help from tho statu and nation looking to Its early completion. At Frnzoo, Minn., thoy hnvo just burled a man who bought ills cnllln llfteon years ago and hnd used it for a couch over since. Mnybo ho was atrnia ma relatives would try to work off somo cheap pluo box on him If ho neglected tho matter. HiilMlreed Indian Humid Ov (iiiii'd .liny for OIVene. Andy Winkler, u half breed Iiullun well known in lliindon, wnB arrested and tried before Judge Topping last Friday for u stntutory oIToiibo, al leged to have been committed upon the person of u nine your old girl a fow days previous. After consid ering n nuiBs of testimony moro or less conlllctlug, tho Judge bound the prisoner over In the sum of $800 to appear boforo tho noxt Grand Jury. Ilmidou Surf. "VHTI.K W.vp , NeHr V';rr,;..lle TrM l'i- homo' lii Mais nnM1'? '"mi'ii tl.o hospital at N f n!, month ngo, cni,, fll ' " 'ltnl About nt the home , rh "Jw hi.... i .. ' I'aicni ii. ;"". u. v. nonient, tho imil Jr l last week. l ,attMpiit lio llrenkwiilw il!3,"' J. O. Stenunler ami p v .. lopartedlaatThurRayoih fl went na far a " IT i t vine conveyance am! thnn '.w over tl.o moiuitnl, " ZaZ County BiiiiorliUomicnuT.. or nnd School Snporvl8or''AE,(?'1 en uru hero today vlsltlnVi'h,',? Point schools, g lbt MWi Mr. Dnvls and Ma aialitim i been cnilHlng limber I? t&lJffi borhood of Dora for tlmmf,v J'lV JlcKlnlor, where they hav'e" JMrs Thos. w. Ounrln tim,,. tor, Alice, went to JlarshfltldZ dnyforn fow days' visit with" ft II. u Keller, a Manhorfd tK mnn Is hero visiting Manager ScTjJ Mlssi's Ornco Kruso and Mdn Marry are here from MinlM guests of Miss Kiigcnla Schlllht .1 J'Y ,' .a,",lr!""Jp """"J 'rom Jims. Held last Friday and has put i Z of inen at work putting th hg section nt First and Spruce itmi to Sllllirnilln inn! nnmnrl.. ii ....', liiylng of hard surface paving. iur. v.-. .ii. (ieiizn , who pnrclutl the It S. Tyrell farm, nr 5 TlllttUil ft MnkiiI. i I tll m - I ....." """ " wm Mini Of In Ph rnwik. XI :W PAPMItATI'mitDcF. FLOUF.VCi:, Ore.. March H-Tli llrat Issue of "Tho Slualaw Pilsi,' which will be a special edition of II pages, will appenr this week. Ttt paper regularly will liavo fight pip mid will be published on Wtii days. Tho pnpor. which is owned br tit Sluslaw Publishing Companr, Ii li lted and managed by It. S. Houtn, formerly foreman of tho moctitbl department nf tho Kugene Cuirdi:! Inst year munager nail Joint ovter of tho Florence West. Tnepltttli woll equipped and cost 13,301). It Is housed In n building oa it) wntorfront specially erected for thi Pilot by William llrynd. Thepw starts out with a circulation ol III and potential subscriptions ol itS clout number to Insure an eirlj dilation of 1000. So Many I.lko Tilbble. "Trlbblo Is a dlscontontod fol low. I don't boliovo ho oven knows whnt ho wants." "Oh, yes. IIo knows what ho wants. Whnt makes him discon tented Is tho fact that ho also knows ho can't got it." Havo your Job printing dono nt Tho Times office UTe Roys! TONIGHT hack .uai.v me i co.mi:dv comiuxv hi nil new spcclnlltlc Thoy nro as beforo a laugh P diiclng quartet that can produce i Hiullca. Ilesldes tliere l HIS SKNSK OF Dim-BrM Films. LONKLINICSS OF NEGLECT -American. JOLLY GOOD FELLOT-M1 nnco. u This is n good program. Tt nlways a goou Pf's"".".. Prlcos: t ur nnor l.lci balconrj" Call and select from our new lines. Always pleased to show our goods. Red! Cross Jewelry Departm't; Jewelers and Opticians. Sunshiny Days Suggest Good Things to Eat .wl,Il..l!8, (inVA TIILVOS WITH TI1K ODOR OF OUT INM)ltR AKOUT TIIKSI. WK IIAVK TI1K.M. DKW'iV AXI) DKLKMOUS FHOM Till! OAUDHX. The Redondo and the Breakwater ItllOUdllT US hAUOU QUAXTITIRS OF SUPPhlKS. YOU WILL 1TXI THKM GIIKKX, t'ltlSI' A.M) APPOTIZIXCJ UKIXK. READ THIS LIST: Coos ltlver Ciitiliriowcr Hot House Cuciunbei-s llnissels Sprouts Asparagus I'ursley Fancy Head Lettuce Fresh HIo Tomatoes Carrots Parsnips Cape Cod Cranberi Viikiuui Ited Apides Sweet Totatoes Florida rpe Fruit ltanauas KVHHYTIIIXO Till-: 11KST AXI) Ahh fi.VUDHXS Ics Cilsp Celery Cabbngo Fresh Gi-ten Spinach Green Onions I-'iivsh HndMies Fresh Turnips Hutnbaga.s Fresli Ithubai-li Xew I'lnenpples Oranges FUKSI1 FHOM COl'XTKY Only Twenty Men and Young Men Jfankj On Saturday, March 15, From 10 tojUj; And in the Evening from 7:30 to jjOM; FOR THE BIG 777 SPECIAL OLLIVANT & WEAVER PURE FOOD GROCERS GOOD PLACE TO TRAnF Hiono 270-J Cor, Central and Third St, At the above stated time only vvejjlljjg for $7.77 one of our $2000j and $25.00 Spring Top Coats ofjhefogB David Adler & Son Collegianjigkej!!? is the most startling snprial ever atteniK CENTRAL AVENUE Store Open Evenings The Bazar Langhorne & I Sales ManiS