The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 13, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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nuTii'Wwi''! ""
Absolutely Pure
Absolutely has no substitute
Many mixtures arc offered as
substitutes for Royal. No other
baking powder is the same in
composition or effectiveness, or
so wholesome and economical,
nor will make such fine food.
Royal is the only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
Marshficld Lodge Initiates
New Members and Enter
tains Many Visitors.
At n mooting of Mnrshlleld lodge
of Klks, No, lino, Inst evening,
thrco cnndldntcs wero Introduced In
to the mysteries of ISIktlom. Tltoy
woro Otto Copenhagen, the Onr
illncr rnllrond contrnctor, wlio was
Initiated for Tnconin lodgo. Hurry
13. Ilultuinnn, of Mnrshlleld nnd
F. V. Cntterlln of Ilnndon.
There wiib n fnlr nttcndnnro of
members nnd n number of visit
ing momliors.
Tho business session nnd Initia
tion wns followed by n llttlo In
formal bnnquet.
It wns nnnouneed that ovor
94,000 lind been raised towards
wiping out tho debt on tho lodgo's
building slto nnd that plans would
soon bo stnrtcd for tho now homo
which tho lodgo plans to erect thin
Among tho visiting KIkb present
woro: J, C. Mngulro of Ogden, 719,
T. A. Gnrrow of Portlnnd. 112, Ij.
11. Murphy of Wnho Kalis, 10S7,
"W. 11. Mnek of Kugone, 351. K. I..
Director Fenton Announces
Program for Entertain-
bent at Masonic.
Director Fenton of tho Coos nay
Coneort Hand today nnnouneed that
tho following progrnni would bo ren
dorcd nt the Mnsonle Opcrn llouso
next Sunday afternoon at 2:!I0:
Mnrch, "Our Senntor" Ilrooko
Ovorturo, "Light Cavalry". . .Suppo
Waltz. "Woniiui Divine".... Tounnl
Solcetlon, "Hohomlan Olrl,". ..Ualfo
Slmplo Avon Thorno
Selection, "Tho Deggnr Student".
March, "King of tho WlndB". . . .
Ilrooks or Contrnlla, 10S3, It.
I'cnrson, of Portlnnd, 1-12, and L.
T. Morgan of Hartford City, Ind.,
Messrs. S. Whltsott, Cicorgo Lulrd
L. II. Murphy nnd II. J. McDlnrnild
of Ilnndon came ovor to sou that
Mr. Cntterlln, tho caudldnto from
I.. M. Tosslor or Mnrshlleld will
bo Inltlnted nt tho meeting uoxt
Wednesday night.
Thirty Days Must Elapse to
Allow Enactment of New
A special meeting of the Port of
Coos Hay Commissioners hns been
called for S o'clock this evening nt
the Mnrshflold Chamber of Com
merce to pass BOinu nddltlonnl or
dinances and resolutions to clear up
tho details for tho sale of the $300.
000 bond Issue. Tho ordlnnnces
and resolutions me of a minor
chnracter but arc required by C. W.
MeXcar and Compnny before thoy
will ndvnnco the money on the
In a letter today requesting tho
nddltlonnl actions, tho McNenr Corn
puny says thnt tholr bond attorneys
found no vltnl or serious defects nt
all. However. It will bo necessary
for thirty days to olndso after the
passage ofthe ordinance before the
money can bo paid, thnt length of
tlmo being required to eliminate
tho possibility of tho recall being
invoked on tho ordinance.
In their opinion on tno nbstruct
of tho bond, Caldwell, Musslleh nnd
Ueed, the noted bond nttorneys, pay
a high trlbuto to Mr. Peck's work
In preparing tho abstract. They
"It Is not often thnt we iiinko
any favorable conunont upon u
transcript submitted to us but wo
cannot refrain from snylng thnt
this record you havo sent us bIiowh
unusual care and skill In Its pre
paration nnd In handling tho many
extremely dllllcult questions thnt
woro presented to tho uttorneyH
who had to do with tho organiza
tion or tho port nnd tho Issuance
ot tho bonds."
It Is stuted that the bonds tiro
being printed nnd will bo forwarded
hero at onco to bo signed nnd pre
pared bo that tho money can bo
turned over to tho Port or Coos
Day soon after tho now ordinance
goes Into effect.
OF OltKCOX IK )? I lit, 1)1 1,1)88
SALEM. Mnrch 1.1. Dopostts In
all of tho banks of tho stnto totalled
$121,011,988.88, at the closo or bus
iness February !, 1913, or an In
crenso of $5,030,453.26 ovor tho de
posits nt tho closo of business on
Fobrunry 20, 1912, according to n
statement Just completed by Will
Wright, fltnto superintendent of
Yakima apples and potatoes,
your grocer for thorn.
Our Fine Furniture
Makes Fine Homes
- a ' k'-".$-
Fine Furniture Means
Attractive Homes
and attractive homes add to the welcome; son
and daughter take pride in inviting their friends
home This is a most welcome influence for the
young people and an endeavor should be made
to provide a home environment that will inter
est and please them,
"Where's My Wandering Boy (or Girl) Tonight" could be solved many
times if a home atmosphere were created that the young people could be inter
ested in. Besides, the luxurious utility of fine furniture, adds much to the com
fort of the entire family.
Three Floors of Home Making
and Artistic Furniture
To Marshfiold's great number of young business men
and the wives who aro helping them keep their expendi
tures within so much To young home-makers every
where who prizo beautiful and serviceable things for the
home, yet have to practico strict economy.
The Going (b Harvey Store
lias a double fascination in new distinctive furnishings
and decorations, unique in their low price, even in this
home of true economy.
State Senator Explains the
Changes Made in Regu
lations at Legislature.
Editor Coos liny Times-
In responso to u lequcst of many
sportsmen for an explanation of tho
provisions of the game law enacted
by the recent legislature, regarding
tho open season for birds, will say
that the following sections will no
doubt prove of Interest to tho pub
lic. District No. 1 shnll Includo that
portion of the Btuto of Oregon lying
west or the Cascndo mountains.
Tho open season for game nnlmuls
nnd birds In game district No. 1 or
tho stnto or Oregon shall bo as fol
lows: Oninc Animals Deer with horns
rrom August 1 to October 31 of each
year. Hag limit, threo bucIi deer dur
ing any one Benson.
Silver gray squirrels rrom October
1 to October 31 or euch year, ling
limit, rive such squlnols In any sev
en consecutive dnys.
(lame Hlrds Ducks, geese, rails,
coots and shore birds, open season
in Multnomah. Clatsop, Columbia,
Tillamook and Coos counties, Sep
tember Kith to December 31. Hag
limit, 30 or such birds In seven con
secutive days. Additional open sou
boii, Clatsop county, (leeso rrom
Mnrch 1 to April 30.
Mnlo Chinese torquntus phonsnnt,
sooty or blue grouse, ruffed or na
tive pheasants, open boubou from Oc
tober I to October 31. ling limit,
II vo of nny or nil of such birds dur
ing any ono day or ten during nny
consecutive dnys. There sluill be
no open Benson on nny Chinese
pheasantB In Coos and Curry coun
ties In gnmo district No. I of tho
Btnto of Oregon.
Mountain or plumed, California
nnd valley qunll Open season Octo
ber 1 to October 31 or each year.
Dag limit, ten ot such birds In nny
Bovcn consccutlvo dnys.
Doves and wild pigeons Open
scnBon rrom Soptombor 1 to October
31 or each year. Dag limit, ten or
bucIi birds In nny one day or 20
In nny seven consecntlvo dnys.
It shall bo unlnwrul nt any tlmo
for nny person within tho stnto of
Oregon nrtor having killed any doer,
to mutilate, or havo In posesslon, tho
enrcass or skin thorcof In any mnn
ner so ns to disguise tho sex nnd
prevent tho same from being ascer
tained or determined; nnd It shall
bo unlawful for nny person to havo
In possession tho plucked carcass In
nny innnuer bo as to disguise the
spcclcB or kind of gnmo bird whllo
In tho Hold or forest, or whllo upon
nny highway, train, enr, bont or oth
er conveyance returning from nny
hunting trip with gun or other hunt
ing equipment.
It shall bo unlawful within tin
Btato or Oregon ror nny porson nt
nny tlmo to havo In possession more
than 10 pounds or nny dried, smok
ed, ovnpornted or Jerked venison or
door meat.
It shnll bo unlnwrul ror nny
son to build or uho nny blind or nny
other structure. In nny public hike
or rlvor, In tho stnto or Oregon, or
In tho Columbia rlvor, or In nny Inko
In the stnto or Oregon, which Is not
wholly owned by himself, his lessor
or licensor, which stnnds more than
100 feet outu In tho water from the
shore or margin of Biich lake or rlvor
for tho purpose of shooting wild
ducks, geoso or other waterfowl
thorefrom nt any tlmo.
Monarch, Derby and Es
kay Gloves.
The Ladies' Home j0Ur.
"' rmiurns.
A Superb Showing of
At $ 1 5, $ 1 6.50, $ 1 8.50, $20.00
and on up to $40.00
Ski.. New distinguished suits tu
tell the authentic fashion sto
ry of the new season, styles
hat represent the latest crea
tions of the best New York
and Philadelphia Makers. No.
where else will you see such
an array of new spring mod
els, which in their distinctive
newness are certain to please
those who seek apparel that
is different.
ItesldeN the small ciilimaH nnd
HlmiKliI lino iiuts (oinhliulioi
empire mid uitmtiiy, the lUkan
mill many olhei- unique Miles arc
slioun In Ilcillonl comN, Mm'
Wene Sitso uml Ninait MUtum In
nil Hie colors; iiImi il. ,,.
Kit bl.ick mid whllo ,.(s lr
me o I o ko riihhlouahle; driiiicd
uml rmi-plnlleil xkltts, collars of
linen, Itengnlluo silk, Mohv Mlk
uml Snlln, liilghleiicil with llulgar.
Inn cuihi oldcry.
"-- V1
111 mm!
1 i m
Some plain to severity, oth
ers that fairly radiate novel
ty and fanciful ideas. All the
new colors and material.
Every garment in this store priced at lowest possi
ble figures. Expert fitter and alteration department in
. "Money Talks"
O'Oonnol Building. Phone 3G1-J
rogriiiLK (Tli.ixos.
Xoun Xotos or Inteiest (Icniictl From
The Herald.
Frank llurkholdor hns returned
rrom n trip to California, coming In
by stngo from Uosoburg, 111 hours
on tho trip. Ho says Coos county
looks bolter to him than over bo
roro, and as ror rain, Coog Isn't In It
with Southern California.
K. F. Morrlssey was In town Inst
weok on his wny to Myrtle Point,
whero tho Coos Hay Paving Co. bus
n paving contract partly finished. If
tho weather continues good, somo
work will probably bo nono there
this week.
R C. Pursley, formerly with Geo.
Robinson, who stnrted business in
Ilnndon on January 1st. has return
ed to Coqulllo on nccount of his
wlfo'a health, nnd has opened n stock
or luon's furnishings, dry goods nnd
men's women's nnd children's Bhoes
In tho Collier building, ono door west
of Rolsom'B confectlonory.
Andiow Jackson, a natlvo fion or
Coos County and n son-in-law or
Mrs. Hudson, or this city, was run
down by nn nutomobllo recontly nt
Montosnno, Wash. Ills leg waB
brokon nnd ho was othorvlso In
jured. W, II. Thomas has bought a rarm
nt Dora and hns moved out to bo nn
honest dnlrymnn.
N. Thatcher had his leg broken
Inst Tuesday whllo working around
tho pllo driver nt tho city dock, nnd
Is around on crutches as a result.
Mnrrlod, Saturday, March 8, 1913,
by J. J. Stanley, Justlco or tho Peaco
at his otllco In Coqullle, Coos County,
Oregon, C. Mnurlla Oenzoll nnd Miss
Mnrellla Smaller, both of Arngo,
Coos County, Oregon. Tho brldo Is
tho daughter of Andrew Smnlloy, n
pioneer of tho Fishtrnp country, a
most estlmablo young lady, a favor
ite nmongst all her ncqunlntnnees.
Tho groom Is a dairyman of tho
same neighborhood, and tho couplo
will mnko their homo on hla dnlry
Manager Green Makes Change
in Service Explains Why
It Was Lowered.
1). C. (Jreen of tho Orogon Pow
or Compnny announced yesterday
that the high voltage borvlco would
bo resumed Inst night ns u result
of tho criticism of tho service of
rored nt tho InBt meeting or tho
city council. Ho said that tho high
voltage had been reduced some tlmo
ngo In older to innko tho Borvlco
hottor but ir tho old servlco was
desired, thoy would glvo It.
Mr. Oreon Bald thnt tho high
voltngo wns reduced becniiBo or tho
ninny complaints about Incandescent
Inmps not InBtlng na long ns thoy
should. Ho said tho high voltngo
was burning thorn out nnd tho
Btroug current was not bonoflclnl
to anyone Ho rurthor stntcd that
furnishing tho lower voltnco was
Just as expensive to tho comnnnr
ns tho, high voltage ns tho con
tracts with tho Simpson Lumber
Company nnd tho C. A. Smith Com
pany was on elthor n lint rate unals
or had a minimum fixed which was
more thnn tho company used. Ho
bald that an Increase in tho voltngo
would nlso mean an InerenBo In tho
monthly motor ehnrgo, more olec
tilclty being used under tho high
voltngo thnn tho lower.
Mr. Green will probably nppear
at tho noxt meeting of tho city
council nnd explain tho matter to
tho council,
JOAQUIX MILLKIt Ll-U.-T $5:1,000.
OAKLAND, Cnl., March 13. Mrs.
Abblo Miller, widow or Joaquin Mil
ler, was appointed administratrix or
her husband's estnto horo. Mrs, Mil
ler riled nu Inventory showing $50,
000 worth or real estate, $500 in
cash, $500 In royalties and $2042 in
personal proporty. Miller left no
Xews of CJty.liy.tlie-Sen ns Told by
tlio Recorder.
L. I. Wheoler is today moving In
to his building on tho plank road
and will open up a grocery storo on
tho first floor ns soon ns Mr. Rold
moves into his now building, whjch
will bo about April 1.
It. W. noylo hns disposed of his
Jewelry store to Evorard Boylo.
J. II. Moyers, better known In
Ilandon a8 "Jack" Moyers, and Miss
Myrtle Mooro went to Coqulllo last
Wednesday, whero they woro united
In tho holy bonds of wedlock, Rev.
C. II. Cleaves of Coqulllo officiating.
After tho ceremony tho happy cou
ple went to Mnrshflold and North
Rend whero thoy remained for n
few days and returned to Dandon tho
first of tho weok.
St etuiier (Jnico Dollar's Crew Cltra
Reception by Citizen.
IJANUON, Mnrch 13. CltfieM of
Ilandon nre much elated nt tb en
trance Into this harbor of the net
Dollar bont, tho steamer Grace Dol
lar, which has been specially built
for tho Coqulllo river. TIioenelii
ono of tho llnest plying on the coat.
She Is 230 fot long, 1ms a learn ef
10 root nnd depth or hold of II
feet. Sho is of stool construction
throughout nnd fitted with 1M0
horsepower engines.
A reception was ulvon the offlcW
and crow of tho steamer Grace Dol
lar, by tho Ilnndon Commercial CM
nt tho club's handsomely fitted &"
G. T. Trcndgpld, Gcorgo Topping m
K. Fish mado speeches of eIcomf.
Tho carrying capacity of the Grace
Dollar Is 1,200.000 reel. This ! tie
second largo steamer that Mi w
put on tho Randon run vltmn im
last threo months. . .
FIvo yonrs ago It was dlfflcoU W
two masted schoonors to get
tho harbor, but tho extension oft"
Jotty by tho govornment so improw
tho hnrbor that largo tMS:
nblo to como In hero ictW
Tho results obtained from o
tho harbor havo been so i g rettiw
it will oncourngo still jurther v
rv Tlio Times' Uant &
Llbby COAL. Tne ktnd VOU havo
ALWAYS USED. Phono 73, Pacific
Livery and Transfer Company.
If you havo anything to sell, rent
trade, or want help, try a Want Ad
A lmrltal H.I o' ' " "'J
On. Wool, in nl""d '"
top J3.000. . ....
- ii nmniiway -
uno iui u "- -mu
i,nii rnrner la
for $10,000 on good term
a Boi corner 10W lfll
$5,000 on good terms.
Lots In Bunker "jl.
prices from $200 up t
the ciif
100 f
We havo a
lough . otiW
' .,Anoj,
A' V:" " i, iioimht it ,v'
mill, inn "" -
part cash. jnW
29 acres on tho I. hm per
that wo can bell for
Wo havo wine He jooj
sale In tho hest !"
cll'- water front
Wo havo some aie
property for Bale. pI
5 and 10 acre '
on tho isthmus Ialer.
Home Realty ?'
Over tlio ut