Wt ".'vPftrtmir-' ' - rt - , " ?-' -; j-ft ,t THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1913 EVENING EDITION. T '. i? nrfi - 7T l!3Xy&UtllHt3 Which Would A Government Bond Or a Lottery Ticket? Let us show you. FIXUP Norih BaaA- Mavshficld. Undermuslins Wc have received the first shipment of New Mus lin and Crepe Underwear, also a biff line of Em broideries and Linen. Wait for our swell line of Suits and Coats, or you will be sorry. The Golden Rule jTirst National Bank Bldg. We received a shipment of COLUMBIA Graphonolas From $20.00 Up and also Phonograph Records, The Latest Songs , Come in and listen to the band or the greater ar tists, You are always welcome, Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY MAIN PHONE AN EXTRACT FROM EXTRACTS Our extracts nro Bunrnnteod to bo puro and glvo good sntls- i n' Wo cn,r' full lino nnd our prlcos aro right. Try n . or 8 oz. bottlo of our vanilla extract, nnd compnro this with oiner extracts that you pay moro for. All our extracts nro put rfi .' . '" bottles, thoroforo you got full wolght, so don't bo do ii1 b,y tl10 ,arso parolloled bottles that aro used by other firms "lai really contain no moro. but appear twlco as largo. When you ouy extracts from us wo soil y ou extracts nnd when you want E"ss call on tho glnss company. This Is our policy. Try us nnd -v .i no iiinKO Rood. COOS BAY TEA COFFEE AND SPICE HOUSE in Wiono 301. J O'CO NNELL BLDG. QRPHEUM T1n rm uviiTlVA counU.y Ilrnilin Aom-,'IAU SAV,'I IS A DOLLAR KARNHD A good drama on oeon )ToiuAC,OLS J'VKR Comedy. Don't forgot a laugh is good for Established Admission, Times Want Ads. Bring Results You Prefer? We know your an swer, The same reason that actuates thinking men to buy a government bond instead of a lottery tic ket compels them to buy their Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings At The Fixup because they possess a a substantial value and a fixed standard of quality, excellence and price, Suits from $8.50 to $30. Shoes $3.50, $4, $4.50. Hats, $1.50 to $4.00. B ir CORNER." 298 US 181 Market nveniie. TONIGHT loc, Never more. TIDES Toil MAKCH. Dolow Is (,'lvon the ttmo and height of high and low water at Marsh field. Tho lidos nro placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino and heights on the second lino of each day; a corapai Ison on consccutlvo helghtB will Indicate whother It Is high or low water. For high water on tho bar, aubstrnct 2 hours 34 minutes. liJillrs.. 5.27 12.00 a. 35 11.09 Ft... 5.11 0.5 4.2 2.2 ll'Ilrs.. 0.07 12.57 7.1 S 11.51 Ft. .. 5.8 0.C 3.8 2.5 WEATHER FORECAST. Ily Associated Press OREGON Genorally fair, with heavy frost In west to night and Friday. Southwest ' to west winds. I LOCAL TEMPERATURE I RECORD. For the 21 hours ondlng nt 1; 13 a. in., March 13, by HenJ. Ostllnd, sieclnl govornuicnt me teorological observer: I Maxiinuui -t! ! .Mlnliiiiini 35 1 At 1:13 a. in 51 I Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1912 10.13 Precipitation same period previous yenr 4 1.09 Wind: Northwest; rain. Will llullil. Tho Coos Buy Homo Tolephono Co. Is figuring on pur chasing a couplo of lots nnd erect ing a warehouse for tholr supplies. .Moves to Mnr.shflcld- I). L. Wood ruff and family aro moving today from their ranch near Coqulllo to Marshflohl. They brought tholr household goods with them on the morning train. lmpiov(" Home Cloo. Ross of Catching Inlet Is erecting nn ex tensive nddltlon to His dwelling Iioiibo on Catching Inlet. When completed it will bo one of tho largest 4n that part of tho country. Contests Claim. Arthur K. Peek, II. H. Land Commissioner, has been advised that tho contest of Robert M Smylhlngton vs. W. J. Rust baa been Bet for hearing boforo him for c ,31.00. in Southern Oregon 3 On sale at our store, or postpaid to your address at factory prices no more. ' Ask for Catalogue. Pioneer Hardware Co. fiarshfield, Oregon. TiriTT ' 'M.iHIIIIWIIIMIMmi Umbrellas Covered nt Marslifield Cyclery Dnyton Agents. Phono 138-It 173 Broadway z W l .ttt.T.i.t.- r ftfu-jl Th Only May 1. The contest Is over a coal entry of Mr. Rust on Isthmus Inlet. After Forger. Sheriff W. W. ' dago, who arrived from Coqulllo last evening left this morning for Price, Utah, for tho bogus check nr tlst, known ns William Edmonds. Judge Coko nnd Clerk Watson today signed the application for requisition ' import). Hunker Hill Rooming Jas. Forty waB In from liny Park this morning and reports that Hunker Hill Is booming In tho building line. Tho new Studdon boarding house Is pro-' gresalng nicely and a largo building being erected by Knud Erlokson is rapidly Hearing completion. Hallway Changes. Paul Sterling rnllway ugent In Coqulllo, arrived In ' tho city this nfternoou to take tho I pluce of J. C. Miller, whllo tho lat-l ter makes a vacation trip east. W. i 1 ir..1.. ,. l. Innnl rnmiit ...til no-' it iiuiiii ui inu iuv.t.1 iuuu ..in .in sist In tho Coqulllo depot whllo Mr. Sterling Is In Mnrshflcld. City to Build. It Is expected that WANT ADS. FOR HUNT Five room house on KastBhlo, good garden spot, with large barn, ulso orchard. Phono 3C2. WANTED To rent two unfurnished rooms, suitable for light house keeping In neighborhood of Alder street. Must bo cheap. Phono 138, before 7:30 n. m. and after 0:30 p. m. WANTED Light housekeeping room close In. Phono 217-X. FOlt HALE OR RENT Two new modern bungalows Just bolng com pleted nt Enstslde. Will sell ou thu Installment plan, lnqulro 1022 Elrod. FOlt RENT 7 i.'iom house In liny Park. Apply .Ins. Forty or phoned 301-X. FOlt SALE CHEAP If taken nt onco, lino launch Tourist. Also runabout automobile. Inquire 1). O. Wnlcott. WANTED Roomers, private home. Nice rooms nnd homelike. Phono 200-1, or call 471 Klrod ave. TO HOME SEEKERS: Aiijoiii de siring to build n homo, either in Marshlleld or EnstBldo, can nr rnngo to sucuro sultublo building lots upon their own terms of pay ment. IT you want to own your own homo nnd got clear rid of the "blooming" landlords, sec TITLE GUARANTEE & AB STRACT COMPANY, Coko build ing, opposite. Chandler Hotel. WANTKD Hoy to work In printing olllco beforo nnd after school. Ap ply Times olllco. FOlt SAIjK SharplesH Separator, 500 poundB cnpalcty $40.00. Phono 3153. FOlt SALE Gordon colt, it years old. Would mnko flno racer. $125. Phono 3153. FOlt SAIjK Incubator and brooder. Inquire nt 138 Third street. FOlt SALE Will sell my retail cigar store right If taken soon. Howard's Cigar Store. l-'Olt SALE fins Range, good ns now. Phono 307. FOlt HKNT Rooms. Apply nt 170 South Urondwoy. WANTKD Girl. Muxt bo llrst class body lronor. Apply Twin City Laundry. Phono 1124 North Bend. WANTKD Chamber maid ut Chand ler Hotel. FOR RKXT Small house on Kast sldo, nowly painted and pnpored, near Rrldgo. Apply Hnzar atoro. FOR SALK A few settings of thor oughbred black Minorca oggs. C. K. Nicholson. 724 North Second stroot, Marshflohl. FOR SALK Miuitlo folding bed, quartor sawod oak with French plato mirror top, nlmost now. A bargain. Phono 384-R. FOlt SALK Ono launch 20 feet, spoed model, with two cyllndor, 8 horsopowor onglno, reverse gear, comploto equipment Including ono CO nmporo storage battery. Speed 13 miles. lnqulro of M. Q. Colo man, North Bend. FOR SALK A good nine room house and threq lots. 112x120 foot, In Hay View, for $5000 cash If taken soon. Apply to Charles Arlandson, phono 40-L or P. O. Box 555, Marshflold, Or. WANTKD A married woman for kitchen work In liny City board ing lionso. Prefer woman whoso husband will board In tho houso nlso. Position for man In mill. Phone 300C. WANTKD To buy n fw hives of bees. State Kind oi mvu nu prhes. Addreu C. O. , P. O. Box 73. Allegany. Ore. FOR SALB Drr wood, ttr ami al der. t Campbell's Wood Yard Ferry landiug. Phono 1M-L FOR" SALIC India Runner duck cgsts for hatching. Coiner of South Seventh and Ingeraoll St. William Shook. FOR SLK KOOO feet Myrtle lum ber; also one 1 h. p. gasoline en gine. Phone C-J. FOR SALK Ono set double harness. Apply 227 South Fourth street. WANTKD Twelve experienced min ers and timber men. Apply Beav or II1U Coal Co. tho Marshflohl city council nt Its next meeting will mnko arrange monts for tho erection of a ware house on South Fourth street near Curtis, for storing the city's ma chinery, etc. Tho building will prob ably cost ?1S00. Tho two lots were bought a year ago for this purpose. McLalu lias Chance. Tho Mnrsh flcld Chambor of Commerce todny wired Its Indorsement of tho candi dacy of Hugh McLnln for United States marshal In Oregon to Sonntor Chamberlain. It Is nld that Mr. Mc Lalu has a good chance of winning the plum. Special Services Archdeacon II. I). Chambers arrived from Hnndon on tho noon train today and will remain hero nbout a week holding services In tho Kplscopal church. There will bo an Illustrated lecturo In the church tomorrow ovenlng at 7:30, to which all tho ipombors of tho church nnd friends nro cordially invited. Initiate Big Class. Tho Mnrsh flcld Knights of Columbus plan to Initiate a class of fifteen candidates next Saturday ovenlng. Big prepara tions nro being mndo for tho event and a big social session will follow tho conferring of tho degrees. Be sides the local members a number of visiting members are expected to bo present. Will Return licit 13. II. Meade, formerly with tho Margaret lies troupe, writes friends here that ho has partly recovered from tho stroko of pnrulysls, which ho Buffered at San Francisco several months ago. Ho has not fully regained his speech or tho use of his right side, but Is well enough so that ho plans to roturn to Coos Hay and travel through this section. Taxes Heavy. President W. U. Douglas today romlttcd tho tnxes of tho Coos Bay Homo Telophono Co,, to tho Oregon Stato Treasurer. The taxes this year nro about $1800, or $400 moro than last year. Tho tel ephone taxes nro supposed to bo fix ed at about two per cent of tho company's gross Income, but Mr. Douglas says that It Is mora than that bccaiiBo tho company's Income last year was only nbout $50,000. Svw Auto Truck The Bronkwa tor will bring In n now Fodernl nuto truck for Oco. Ooodriim, who has sold It to Wnltor Russell, who will put It on tho North Bend Mnrshllcld run. The truck Is n ton nnd n half capacity and Is tho latest type. Mr. (ioodrum oxpcctB a carload of eight Ford autos on tho Brenkwnter but they failed to get to tho Breakwater dock In Port land In tlmo to bo loaded for this trip. Auto Accident D. I.. Footo had an nuto accident last night ou tho North Front street elovated roadway near whero Dr. Dlx had an accident n yenr or so ago. In mak ing tho turn, Footo's innchluo Hkld ded Into the railing nnd tore off nbout 100 feet of tho rail. Ono of tho planks wont through tho front of tho car and lot her down off tho road. Four passengers In tho car got out without Injury. Mr. Footo was not hurt. Tho damngo to tho car will amount to about $25.00. Heavy Snow in Hills. Benjamin Ostllnd returned todny from a camping trip In tho hills bolow Myr tlo Point. A pnrty of five consisting of Benjamin Ostllnd, Joel Ostllnd, Jnko Illlstrom, II. Splker nnd A. Wvninn hnvo boon spending n fow weeks nt tho cabin on the Splkor clnlm, 39 miles from Myrtle Point. Tho bracing mountain nlr dovolopod such appetites that Mr. Ostllnd camo out yesterday to procuro a now sup ply of provisions. On his way out yestorday ho had to mnko his way through snow four nnd ftvo feet dcop. Ho secured a number of fine snow pictures whllo thoro. A FltKSII SUPPLY of FRKSH OLYMPLV OY8TKRS JUST HK CK1VKI). Frco Delivery. P1IONK your ORDKIt to PHONK 7.1-T. No One was ovor Poisoned from eating Stafford's Candy PUUK WHOLESOMK IlKALTHFUL Flowers! Flowers! 15 Cents the Bunch A comploto lino of velvet nnd silk back flowors in hunches or wreaths at "Always Something Now" Peoples'S-IO-IScStore O'CO.VNKLL HUILDIXO. Fish! Pish! Fish! Smoked 1 M Dried Fih 5lt Fih Phklod FUli Kippered l'Uh All Muds, all (dawn. Ily tho piece, canned, or by the box, largest variety. In the uounty. Stauff Grocery Co. Phono 102 Maskoy's "andles. SOCIAL CALENDAR THURSDAY A. N. W. Club with Mrs. Olivia Kdinan. Young Ladles Aid of the Norwe gian Church. Social Sewing Club with Mrs. .1. C. Swlnford. Mlnnle-Wls Club with Mrs. Chus. Davis. FRIDAY Ladles Art Club with Mrs. L. F. Fnlkensteln. PERSONAL NOTES JOU ItOONKY of Camp 6 Is lit Mnrshflcld today. GUNK TKRIIY of Allegany Is la town ou business. C. ANDKItSON of Sumner Is la town today on business, MRS. W. II. SANFORD of Sumner Is a Marshlleld visitor today. B.MIL STONI2 Is In town today from Catching Inlet on business. DR. DIX loft this morning on a pro fessional trip to Myrtle Point. B. R. KKLLKR Is making a business trip through the Coqulllo valley. WM. CANDLIN camo over from Co uullla this afternoon ou business. MRS. K. It. ROBERTS Is among tho Catching Inlot visitors todny. MRS. P. D. BLAKE Is spending tho day In town from Catching Inlot. C. II. KRUQER of Allognny Is a business visitor to Mnrshflcld to day. MRS. WILL EICKWORTII of Mllllcoma Is In town todny shop ping. NINIAN WE11STER of North Coos Rlvor Is spending tho day Iir town. C. II. DUNGAN of South Coos IHvor Is a Mnrshflcld business visitor today. ARCHIE JOHNSON returned last ovenlng from n business trip to Hnndon. D. T. CIIANTLER returned this morning from n business trip to Runnier. II. LOCKIIART roturned last even ing from a Bliort business trip to Hnndon. GKORQE S12LANDER of Catching Inlet is in town for tno day oa lnialtinaa nml lilnnmiro. MR. REHFELD and son returned this morning from a snort busi ness trip to Allognny. F. O. HORTON roturned this af tor noon from n buBlnes trip to Myr tlo Point nnd Coqulllo. HENRY HIOtHNS Is mnklng a short visit to Marflh field today from his North Coos Rlvor ranch. EUGENE O'CONNELL nnd wlfo ro turned this morning from a two days' fishing trip to North Coos Rlvor. JUDGE HALL roturned from Co qulllo this nftornoon, tho March session of tho county court having closod this morning. MISS MARY ROONEY will leavo on tho Spcedwoll tomorrow for Bouthorn California In hopofl of benefitting hor health. ,. GEO. LAIRD and L. B. MURPHY of Hnndon loft this morning oit tho Drain stage for Gnrdlnor and othor northern points. MRS. CHAS. VAN DUYNB was a pnssenger on tho Bronkwator this morning. Mrs. Van Duyno Is Jubc rotumlng from n four months vis it with hor parents, Judgo and Mrs. Roborts of Oklahoma. J I). GOSS loaves on mo Nana Smith for San Francisco, whoro he- will take depositions in mu cobo of tho C. A. Smith Company vs. tho Southern Pnclllc ovor an Interest In tho tldulnnd botweon Mill Slough and Hnll avonuo. From thero, ho will go to Salem to try tho "Flro Pit Aero" case In tho supromo court. MYmfPOlNT WET AND DRY ELECTION. don't huvo to In Marshflold. Just SARTERS. Is Your Hot Water Bottle Leaky? How often hnvo you suddenly needed your hot water bottlo--only to find It lonky nnd unfit for You will not hnvo this trouble with tho "Kantleok" Water Bot tle. It Is positively guaranteed to bo porfoct In workmnnshlp and mntorlals. H It shows any Imperfections within two years rrom the dny you buy It, tho manufacturers gunrnntoe to roplnce It without charge. (ANTLEE Water Ilottlet ure inude of the fln.-nt J'l, Tub btr, with triply re-i uiir- 1 '" 3 and perfectly adJuttMt iorlei that make leakage inn., iblu. The surface Is soft una ii. .' In-T to the touch. Kvery bottle Is full M"'y. Vailous bUes, prices ju I iher than for the ordinary kind. We are the exeliibUe .uoius. If you will call, we win Madly show you our com pie 10 )im of rubbor goods. The Store for Penhhir Hcmcdlos mid Quality f.ooils.