The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 12, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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By COL. GEORGE W. GOETHALS, Chief Engineer of the ('mini.
In the Youth's Companion.
At its narrowest part, tho Isth
mus of Panama Is only forty miles
wide ns tho crow files. It runs
onqt and west, and the canal crosses
It diagonally from Colon on the
north to Panama on tho south. In
a general direction from northwest
to southeast. Tho Pacific termin
us of tho canal Is twenty-two miles
east of tho northern entrance. In
length It is fifty miles from deep
water In tho Caribbean to deep wa
ter In tho Pacific.
Tho distinctive geographic foa
turo of tho portion of tho Isthmus
traversod by tho caunl Is the
Chagros Itlvcr, with a drainage ba
sin of about 1300 square miles. It
risen In the San Was country and
flown parallel to tho coast lines for
tho greater part of Its length, un
til tho Obispo river Joins it. Then
It turns almoBt at right angles to
the westward, pursues this general
course for nlno miles, and then fol
lows a tortuous route In a general
direction to the Caribbean, which it
enters about seven miles west of
tho canal entrance It has twenty
six tributaries betwen tho mouth of
tho Obispo and the Caribbean. Of
theso, tho (Jatun and Trinidad riv
ers, which enter from tho east and
west respectively In tho vicinity of
Gntun, aro tho most- important.
Tho country Is low and lint for
a mllo and a quarter from Linton
Day to tho Mind! hills, which riso
to an clovatlon of from 50 to GO
feet abovo sea level. Tho valley of
tho Chngres lies on tho south sldo
of theso hills. Except whero tho
Quobranchn rango encroaches on It
at Oatun, It Is low nnd broad, ox
tending for miles up tho (latuu nnd
Trinidad rivers. Toward Uohlo,
about eight miles abovo Gntun, tho
hills converge, but at this point tho
rlvor is still virtually at sua level.
Abovo Uohlo tho nscont Is rapid,
tho vulloy contracts and tho adja
cent hills are stoop. At Omnium,
about 31 miles from Colon, the
Obispo Htvor, which rises In tlio
continental dlvldo, Joins tho Chn
gres from tho south.
Ilotitu tho InUiiiuih.
Tho lino of tho canal, after cross
ing tho Mlndl hills, follows tho vnl
loys of tho Chugres and Obispo
rivors, and nftor crossing tho conti
nental dlvldo, pauses through tho
valley of tho Rio Grande to tho Pa
cific ocean, That valloy broadciiH
out nB It approaches tho Pacific;
tho bankB aro low and flat.
Tho rainfall on tho Isthmus aver
ages about 120 Inches during tho
nlno months of tho year that con
stitute tho rainy season. This, to
gether with tho oxteiiBlvo dralnngo
area aud tho precipitous character
of tho hills, makes tho Chagrcs
rlvor and its tributaries torrential
atroanis. How to control thorn wuh
tho chief problem that had to bo
Various mothods had been pro
posed. Tho French company, which
contemplated tho construction of
tho Boa-lovel cnunl, considered tho
niothod of diverting tho river on
tlroly away from tho cnnnl lino,
nnd also tho method of construct
ing a dam BUlllcIontly high to keep
In check all the flood waters,
which might than bo gradually dis
charged through tho completed ca
nal by menus of sluice gates at tho
bottom of tho dam, While these
projects wero bolng considered nnd
dlHCiissod, the company oxenvuted
a section of tho canal, and In order
to protect It from the flood wutora
of tho streams, built additional
channels on either Hide of tho en
nal tu caro for tho Hood wntors.
When, owing to lack of funds, this
typo of construction was changed,
It was proposed to build a dam
across tho valloy of tho rlvor at
Uohlo, and thus create a laku that
would glvo control, to u limited ex
tent; tho surplus flood waters wore
to bo carried through n diversion
channol specially constructed for
tho purposo.
Tho now Panama en mil company
adopted tho lock typo of canal, with
a dam at Uohlo. This meant a so
lution Blmllnr to that ndopted by
tho first company, lly adopting this
construction tho now company wns
nblo to utlllzo to tho best advan
tage all the oxcavntlon that had al
ready been done. Acting under au
thority of law, tho President of
the United States secured from tho
republic of Panama, thu necessary
conceBBlon for tho work nnd for
jurisdiction ovor a strip of laud for
tho construction of tho canal; ho
also acquired tho rights aud prop
erties of the New Panama Canal
Company. Tho trausfor took place
on May -t, 1004. lly tho same act
Congress adopted tho recommenda
tion submitted by n board of euglu
eorn in Its report of 1 1 0 1 . Tho
plan, In this instauco, provided for
a dam at Uohlo the solution for
the control of tho Chngres nnd Its
tributaries that had heou outlined
by tho Kronen company.
Do Lepliuiy'N Plan.
Shortly nftor tho United States
took over tho work, tho question
of tho typo of canal was again ag
itated and becnuso of tho Import
ance of tho question thu president
convonod un International board of
engineers to consider the subject.
Ho accepted aud recommended tho
adoption of tho plnn proposed by
tho minority of tho bourd, and ns a
result, tho typo of caunl now build
ing was authorized by Congress In
Juno, 190C. Tho developments dur
ing construction loavo no doubt as
to the wisdom of tho cholco.
Tho plan adopted dlfforod from
tho ono proposed by tho board In
its report of 1'JOl, by plnclng tho
dam across tho Chngres valloy at
Oatun, instead of nt Uohlo. In oth
er words, It conforms to tlio plan
submitted to tho International con
gress ot 1879 In Paris by Godln
do Loplnny, who assorted that It
would cost loss, roqulro nhonor
tlm for construction, call for loss
sacrifice of life because It would
concentrate tho work at three dif
ferent nolnts. Instead of spreading
fit over virtually tho until o Isthmus.
As the result of tho Spanish War,
and the Investigations mndo reln
tlvo to tho transmission of yellow
fever, the health conditions in 1!)()G
were of less Importance than they
had been In 1S7U. but tho consider
ations udvnnced by du Loplnny
found favor with tho minority of
tho board, who advocated tho lock
typo of canal. Moreover, this typo
of canal meant strnlghter courses,
and therefore greater ease and safe
ty In navigation.
Tho plan contemplates n soa-lo-vol
channel fiOO feet wide nt tho
bottom, nnd forty-ono feet deep at
mean tide, from deep wntor In tho
Caribbean to (Intuu, a distance or
eight miles. Uy tho construction of
u dam across tho vnlley of tho
Chagrcs at this point, the great
flow of the river Is checked and
tho water rises, flooding the sur
rounding country. In this way Is
created an artificial lako through
which will pass the cannl channol.
Thin lako Is to ho mniutnlned nt a
normal olovatlou of 85 feet nbovc
sea lovol, and will hnve n total area
of ICi square miles.
Tho difference In level from tho
sen to the lnke Is to ho overcome
by thrco locks In ono flight. The
wntcr will bo hack through the
channol cut in tho continental dl
vldo to Pedro Miguel, nhout 32
miles from Gntun. Thoro another
dnm with locks will confine the
waters on tho south sldo. Then a
descent will bo mado by menus of
ono lift from tho ST. foot level to
tho GIi foot lovel, nnd n laku will
ho maintained by two dnms nt Mir
aflores, one and a quarter miles
south of Pedro Miguel. From thlp
oolnt to bou-IovoI In tho Pacific the
descent will bo mndo by two locks
In u flight nt Mlraflorcs.
Tho depths of tho channel be
tween Gntun nnd Mlraflorcs In to
bo IT foot, aud below Mlrnflorcs
In tho sen lovel section of tho Pa
cific, in foot at menu tide. The
variation in tho tides on tho At
lantic sldo averages two feet; on
tho Pacific sldo between 20 and 22
feet. Tho menu tides of tho two
oconns must bo on tho same level
ml ns tho datum piano ( that Is
tho piano from which all dlfforoncet
or lovol nro figured ) Is menu tldo
It follows that on tho Atlantic side
Mioro Is a maximum lift between
tho sea and tho lako of SO foot,
when tho lako Is at Its norninl
stngo, and that on tho PnclHc side
thoro Is n mnxlmum dlfforenco In
lovol of 00 feet to bo ovurcomc
botweon sea lovol and tho summit
Tho plnn provides n channel In the
lako that hns a minimum of .100
Vet bottom width through tho Cu
lubra cut, n distance, of nlno miles
and wldoiiB toward Gntun to fi00
feet for n dlstnucu of thrco miles,
S00 feet for a dlstanco of four inll
and 1000 foot for a distance of Id
nlles. Uotween Pedro Miguel nnd
Mlrnflores tho channel has n bot
tom width or 500 feet, nnd this
width obtnlns through tho Bon lovol
tioctlon rrom Mlrnriores to deep wn
tor In tho Pacific.
I.lmoii Hay opens on tho sen In
tiucli n direction ns to bo exposed
lo tho vlolout storms that at time?
provnll on this conBt, and arc
known as northerns. To protect
'ho channel, nH well ns to ohtnln
u shelter under which vessels mny
Hocuroly llo during such storms
breakwaters aro proposed virtually
unclosing tho bay. The general di
rection of tho northers Is west of
north, nnd tho breakwntor rrom tho
thoro on tho west sldo or tho bay,
or Toro Point, Is nt right angles to
this direction. During the dry son
tion, tho piovnlllug winds nro from
thu northeast.
Against Wind and Sen.
Although theso winds cronto n
sen, tho waves nro not dangerous;
tho east breakwater Is proposed to
protect tho channel against any
silting that theso seas may cronto.
Tho west breakwntor Is to bo 11,
000 foot long, Its top will bo ton
reel nbovo mean tldo, nnd will hnve
a thickness or rifteon feet.
On tho Pacific sldo thoro nro no
storms that necossltuto nrtlflclal
protection for tho entrance. Hut
tho littoral drift from cubI to
west caused such deposits of sod
linont In tho French chnnnol ns to
cnuso tho constnnt uso of dredges
In order thnt shipping might rench
tho wharves constructed nt that
end for tho railroad. To proven!
this silting, a breakwater Is con
structed nt right nnglcs to tho di
rection of tho littoral drift, and ex
tending from tho mainland to the
Islands in tho Pacific, about four
miles ofT tho coast. This breakwa
ter is being constructed from spoil
taken from tlio Oulebrn cut.
In ordor to hold Its concession
tho now Pnnniua canal company
continued tho work of o.cnvntlng In
Culobrn cut until tho transfor of
property was effected. Tho United
States unon taking possession, con
tinued this work of oxcavntlon.
mndo uso of tho appliances that
had been rocolvod from the French
and nt tho snmo tlnio undertook
such prollmlnnry nrrnngoiuents ns
seoiued nccossnry for tho vigorous
prosecution of tho work. Theso
preliminary arrangements consisted
of Bnnltary work; draining or oil
ing pools, cutting grass and brush
to provent mosquitoes from breed
ing; municipal Improvements In tho
cities of Colon nnd Pnnnmn, as well
ns within the Cnnnl Zone; provid
ing sultnblo quartors for employes;
enlarging the commissary depart
ment ot tno Pnnnmn Hnilroad, In
ordor to supply tho necossarles and
conifoits of Hfo to thoso ongagod
on the work; purchasing the heavy
oqulpmont needod for tho ndvan
tagoous and economical prosecution
of tho work; establishing mnchlno
shops for the erection, maintenance
nnd ropnlr of vailous kinds of ma
chinery; estnhlls.ilng a civil gov
ernment, with courts, police, lire
department, schools nnd postolllces;
double tracking thu Pnnnmn rail
road, thus giving Increased facilities
for handling spoil; nnd organizing
u purchasing department In tho Un
ited States. To tho care, foresight
and thoroughness with which this
prollmlnnry work wns carried out Ib
due the success that has attended
tho project.
Tho work of construction natural
ly divides Itself Into four parts,
the excnvatlon of the central por
tion through tho summit level; tho
construction of the lucks nnd dnms
nt either side, tho excavation of
the channels below thu lucks to
deep water In thu ocean; nnd thu
reconstruction of tho Pnnnmn rail
road, so far as It Is mndo neces
sary by tho creation of tho lake,
which obliterates virtually thu en
tire length of the old Hue.
Tho oxcavntlon of tho central
portion, mainly a trnnsportutlon
problem, Is divided Into two purtu;
the laku section, extending from
Gntun to the Chngres liver, nnd thu
Culobrn Cut section, commonly call--Ml
"thu Cut," uxtendlng from the
Chngres river to tho Pedro Miguel
locks. Ilecaiiso of the hike, tho
ttnount of material that had to bo
removed in thu former section wns
relatively small, nnd thu excavation
there Is virtually completed; tho
total amount removed nggregatcd
1 2.3X1,055 cubic yards. Thoro re
main about 150,000 cubic yards of
gravol und silt brought down by tho
Chagrcs river during Its flood
stuges, to liu re uoxed by tho
Tho dlfllcultM encountered In
ilie excavation ill oui h thu coutl
lontul dlvldo ere due t i the heavy
rainfall nnd t ie ins .i.tly varying
geological fo i a loi Provision
had to bo nint'e n k c i tho water
)f the adjacent ro.mtiy from enter
ing tho excavated urea and for tho
npld and thorough drainage or thu
water due to rains and seupago that
'ollccts within thu limits or the
Cut. Following, as tho canal does,
tho vnlley or thu Obispo river,
which hns two tributaries entering
from each side. It had to bu pro
.Ided with two diversion channels,
mii on cither side, to tnko euro or
:lio wnteis thnt would otherwise
iavo rioodod thu excavation. Uy
hose thu streams are carried out
ildo or tho Cut mid How Into tho
Chngres fur enough below tho cn
lal to cause no trouble. On thu
outh sldo of tho divide, a dam
milt by thu French across thu Illo
Irnudo, created u reservoir ror sup
lying water to tho adjacent towns
mil Piimtiuu, nnd thus, In n men
inro, tho control or theso wutors
.viib secured, thu surplus Is carried
)ff by n diversion chnnnol also cou
itructed by tho French.
Tho rnlus thnt full within tho ex-
'avutcd area or that seep Into It,
iru cured ror by tho drainage
lltches mndo during tho progress
of tho work. So far as tho ex
cavation In concerned, although thu
irosont machinery Is more power
ful nnd or greater capacity than
hut of tho French, thu methods
idopted by the French for doing
ho work have been used by the
meiicnns. Thoy consist of cut
lugs in thu direction of the length
f thu Cut, up grade rrom either
md, nnd sulllcleiitly steep to pro
Ido ror tho proper drainage. As
he cuttings nro In benches, tho
treutost amount or matoiial can ho
removed with thu least changing or
tho plant. There results then n
lummlt within tho Cut from which
ho wuter flows In elthor direction.
As thu bed of tho cnunl Is below thu
.vutof surfneo or thu Chugres, a
diku has been left ns n barrier at
thu north end of tho Cut to keep
this stream out.
All thu water that drains north
from the summit Is carried by grav
ity to u Hump near this dike, and
ho accumulation Is pumped into
ho Chngres. Tho water collected
to the south of thu summit Is
1 nil ned by gravity to tho old bed of
tho Klo Grande, nt present through
the central culvert of tho Pedro
Miguel locks.
Everybody's chewin' it.
Chewin what?
Try j
Bradley Candy Co, ' s makin' it.
Everybody ' s sclhV It.
For Dyspepsia
If you suffer Stomach Trouble,
and you try our remedy, it won't
coit you a cent if it fails.
To provo to you thnt Indication
and dyspepsia can bo thoroughly re
lieved aim that Hexall Dyipepsln
Tablets wilt do it, wo will furnish
thn medicine absolutely frco if it
falls to civo you imtUfuction.
Tlio remurlcahlo success of RexaU
Dyspepsia Tablets is due to thu high
dejireo of Kclcntit'to skill used in do
viii nt: their formula ns well as to tho
rare eierched in their manufacture,
whereby tlio lulMuown pronertioa
of Ilismiitli-Silliiiitrato nnd Pepsin
bavo been properly combined with
Carminatives und other agents.
llisimitli-Subnitrnto and Pepsin
ro roimtautly employed and recog
nised by tlio entire medical profes
sion as invaluubla in tho treatment
of indigestion and dyspepsia, Their
proper combination makes a remedy
imaluuble for stomach relief.
We nro no certain that thero it
nothing so good for stomach ills as
j on to try them at our risk, Threo
sites, L'5 cents, 60 cents, and $1.00.
You can buy RexaU Dyspepsia Tablotl
In this community only nt our store:
Tho Busy Corner
MnrnhneM Tht ?feat stor Oregon
There U a Hexall Btore In nearly e-ery town
and city in tho United State., OjuiU ami
Clrrat. Britain. There U a ulfTorent llU
Remedy for nearly every ordinary humtn 111
mch especially deigned for the particular ill
for which It is recommended.
Th ftuill Stor.j are America's CiutHt
Dmg Stor..
(j i ass co.
J. A. (loodwlll nnd W. E. Sawyer.
Plate, Ait and Window (ibis, .Ml p.
i-ors, Prismatic (Jlass.
Mall orders and phono orders given
prompt attention. Estimates fur
nished. Phono 70-L.
727, So. Hroadway. Marshfiold.
Ilavo photographic coplos of all records of Coos County to dnto,
abstracts of titles, prosont ownors, or nny othor Information rclntlng
to real estate furnished on Bhort notice
BUSINESS OFFICE: 117 North Front St., Murshricld. Phono 1B1J
W. J. RUST, Manager
Steamer Redondo
Eltilpxxl with wireless nnd submarine bell
All I'nMriigcr ItcucrvntloiiH Pr inn Han Friuiclsco Mtift. llo Mndo nt
H(K Fifo Ituildlng, or Lombard street Pier 117. All reservations
must ho tnken up 111 hours before Milling.
PHONE 44 O. F. MeQEOHOE. Agent
Every grocery car-
ries it,
u -i .
iU "ways gives
satisfaction. Made
on Coos Bay, Build
up your communi.
ty by helping and
encouraging home
industry. Order a
can tomorrow. A
trial is all we ask
because it always
I means a steady,
customer for Sun
rise Milk.
CAPT. 11UUTIS, .Master.
Sails for Sat Francisco from Coos Bay
Friday March 14.
THE SPEEDWELL Is speedy nnd hns excellent passenger accom
modations, largo clean mid nlry rooms mid electric lights aud
w irclcss.
For freight nnd passage, apply,
A. F. Mstabrook Co. Tltlo (iunrnntco mid Abstract Co.,
(IliMIIT Snutn Marina Itldg., Sun Francisco. .Mnrsliflold.
ROUND TRIP, $18.50
Phono ! O. F. McOEOHGE, Agent.
Steamship Breakwater
SAILINGS FItO.M POIITLAND, Tucbdnjr evening of each week nt
H 1 Jilt
SAILING KKOM MAHSHFIELD, Saturdays, March intli. 12:fJ0 V.
in.; March lii!, l . in.; March ill), 2 p. m.
J. O. MILLER, Asont.
Phono Main Cfl-L.
Steamer Washington
Sails for San Prancisco from Coos Bay, With
Freight, only,
V. 8. DOW, Agemt.
Do You Leave Your
Doors Unlocked?
You would not do that, and you
should no moro bo without lire in
Biirnnco. Tho open door would
udrait tho burglar, and tho fire
fiend la JuBt as insidious. Ho
plays no favorites, but attacks in
sured and uninsured property
alike. Don't risk your savings for
tho small co3t of a policy.
Ours are tho sarest and best.
I. S. Kaufman (Sb Co.
White Duck Button Shoes
for Children.
Also now Patent Leather Button
Shoes for Ladles' nnd Misses', at
The Electric Shoe Shop
Ocea Dock.
for each set of old False Teot
sent us. Highest prices paid for
old Gold, Silver, old Watches,
broken Jewelry and Preclou
Money Sent by Return Mall.
Phlln. KmoltfiiK & Refining Co.
Established 20 Years.
803 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
We will buy your Gold Fillings,
Gold Scrnn. and Platinum. I II en
I eat prices paid.
Low in pi lie, hlli In qulty!
Electric Irons
Wo hate a feir (ccoHuill
irons in (jimmI nurklng coniiil
ut $1.-...
New Irons, :i,0 up.
Coos Bay Wiring Co,
Phono 237-J 1G3 ,V. DroiJirl
ji'st iti:ci:ivi:n
A lai'Ku shipment (if Kltctrkul
tiliiss .simues
Call nnd wo our stock clfu
warn. Wn nlso have jone cl a
latest deslKiis In shower flcii
rrom two llBlit to me. mcw
in electrical mipimcs.
Barnard & Langworli
First ClassWeavin
nronuitlr done t
Gardiner's Hag Carpet. M
Cor. Union and Monuui s-i
Phono 131. North k
Ttuin rihrLaund
ooi woitK-fiooi) SFJinl
. f 'jiitihlnft
.-NOl III mi " " , 0
H hums o'k '' T
Our AitfiitH call MJ"1"
ni..., "fi:W.
i ,,...
Save That Bundle M
- .1 1 nml A CKW l
A square ucm -unit
Twin City Lad
piiono ;-'
Fisher Auto Service
Win. Fisher, Proprietor.
Phono orders to Hillyer's Cigar
Stand, Phono 18-J. After 11 p. m.
phono E-J. Night phone 181-R.
MurshUeld, Oregon.
A modern Uric
Cold Water. og
U. A. " ,
lUtes: BO cents u.7 -
Cor. Hro'yL!SigggH
Union Storage
W. A. Heaw.
Export rakers. Carp t
stained and HP"'k., :
382 Front St. t J
r.nv orders at WMgg
Parker & Leaton
eal Estate, llentaU
. . . ....ii.ii.iif. 0r
Lockliart u"
Unique Pang
riiri iiv--- -m iirj-i'
Fine Tallorh
e-e awe0