:CfWB THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELP, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 19 13-EVENING EDITION. AUTO FARE 20c Round Trip between Marshfield and North Bend MARSHFIELD- NORTH BtNU AUTO LINE Gorst & King, Props. ictures&Framing Walker Studio w premiums havo arrived tit last i until giro ono ucimiiiut :, collage dinner set away abso ... i... i(h nvorv $35.00 worth mods purcliaecit from ub. Soo n la our winuow. wo gvu . ..... nnrMmnn. which will bo I (in J.U.V. , --- j for premiums as long as we aro ft illness. t BayTca, Coffee & Spice House LeSDM ,81 Mnrlcct O'CouiiclI UlUg. Star Transfer id Storage Co. ared to do ill kinds of bnullnj kort notice. Wt moot all trains tots ind wo also bavo tho latest i Ftjnoldi Piano Moror. Vi iatw oar work. H.HeisnertProp. ftoiti J8-R. 120-J 9-I f and Second Hand furniture Id ob (lie Installment plan. RIXGTO.V, DOYIiU & CO., 302 Front St. i SiO-L Mnridifleld. Or. Lots at Bunker Hill freer of county road. Centrally k j. uniy jti&u. AUG.FMZEEN at new Inrntlnn fm fitr. Marshfield SESSIONAL DIRECTORY IJIMIV ricrr.ivii -"""."'i Humming Engineer mid Architect. LMb Mnntliflelil. Oro. L ttmrjirr lOXTIUCTOH AND . . IIUIUIKU ' furnished on request. "1 SPeC flCfitlnilB fl,r.,lal,,l fko,A?jftC8t Job Buaran. W EDMAfl, L52 St Phnnn nnn rOSTUvn tcajjreet Phono 103-L '""ALLINER esn"--. "TURPEN, Oregon. ' "UJUIOW "I - "" .i-.., SVUASDLER. Architect. fee ,,,. '. Htv. SfcAPwlora. 1 w short -m.0 hl&n da" t in. V.rt nce at th vr. T" .6c reason- TG0MERY "eandlnsurance Cqos Bay Business College You know what you are worth today. What are you going to be worth five years from today? When we build a house we have a plan. When we build a ca reer, most of us putter, dawdle, dream dreams, and wait for some favorable breeze to waft us to harbor. Lack of business training is not only a handicap it is an absolute block to your advancement. Will you con sider this a little while you are building the man or woman who later will be YOU? Start right by starting NOW For something worth while. Positions in abund ance and no trained help. DAY ANDNIGHT SCHOOL Telephone 402. OfnVo XMioim 582 ItcsidoiKJc phone All Donald MacKirtosln "REAL ESTATE Vm INSURANCE ' Opposite Grand Theater BAND0N, ORE. THE MERCHANTS' CAFE Announces Its Removal from its former quarters on Commercial Aveinio Into tbo lurgor and more comiuodloiiu rouma of tbo Baltimore Cafe ? dtrhoeadwayr which It will occupy horenftur. iiS'iU Tho Morchnut'H popular lunch counter baa been Installed. Tho imino good cooking, tho huiiiu clean, sanitary and prompt Bervlce, thu hiuiio reaHonablo prices. Como In nml bco iiio In my now homo. TTheMerehants5' Cafe FRANK SMALLWOOD, Prop. Taxes! Taxes! Taxes! You have but a few days in which to pay your taxes and secure the three per cent discount. Give us a list of your property and wo will sec that they arc promptly attended to. First National Bank Of Coos Bay FLANAGAN & BENNET BANK Capital and Surplus .$100,000 Oldest Bank in Coos County. Interest Paid on Time deposits. Taxes can be Paid at this Bank. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. " HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqulllo Office Phono 191 Platting Lands a specialty. Farms Timber Coal and Marshfield Ofllco 14-J. General Agents "BASTSIDE." C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS. ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT TnE FUEL HILL IN TWO HV USING OUR WOOD. PnONE 100. I 182 SOUTH BROADWAY FLOCK'S BEES ARE POISONED Pinlrle City Fancier T,onps ft( Col onics by Art of Unknown Person. PRAIIUH CITY, Ore., March 11 John Flock, prominent and success ful beekeeper of thin place, hns lost more than 50 colonies of his pure bred Italian bees through tho net of Homo person or parsons not yet made known. Tho agent UBed to accomplish tho ilendlsh purpose of tbo perpetrators was formaldehyde, as Bhown by a caroful and critical analysis of tho honey In each col ony. In fact, tho presence of this poison was rankly profuslvo In each dead stand or bees and tbo fumes wero so powerful thnt Mr. Flock was rendered sick after a brief ex amination of tho colonies affected by tbo deadly poison. The direct monoy Iobb to Mr. Flock, although large, lH not his greatest Iohs. For nine years now bo has been engaged In carefully building up his approximately 100 colonies to their present purebred condition, having purchased from tlmo to tlmo puro Itnllan queens and a number of puro Italian colonics, imvlnir lnrirn hiiiiih tlmrnfnr. llnr. lng the pnHt season his colonics wore In flourishing condition and ho sold about $1200 worth of honey, nnd mr. mock was congratulating hlm seir on tho success nnd ilnal outcome of his boo culture nnd was making arrangements to doublu his colonics this Benson nnd enter more exten sively Into tho Industry. Now, In tho light of what has hnpponed, ho Is undecldedo whether or not 1io dnro tako grentor rlskB by restock ing and addlnir to his dcnlctnd nil- (IIIICH. Composition and Clhiaracteir Off Oregon's Population WASHINGTON, D. C. March 11. The composition nnd characteristics or tho population of Oregon, as re ported at tho Thirteenth Decennial Census, aro given by Director Dur- nnti or tuo llurcnu of the Census, Department of Commcrco nnd Labor. It was propnred under tho super vision of Win. C. Hunt, chief statl clnn for population, Statistics or Color nativity, parentage, sex, stntc or nirtn, citlzonslilp, ago Illiteracy, school attendance, mnrltal condition, nnd dwellings and families tiro represented. OHKGO.V FAIR DATES. Hovelling Will Have Meeting from Sept. 17 to Sept. li(. KUOHNi:, March 11. Walter n. Jones, secretary of tho Lano Coun ty Fair Association, attended a meeting or the district fair associa tion at HoBohurg and brings a re port or tno program or races us nr inuged for tho several lairs to bo held In western Oregon this yenr. Mr. Jones wns accompanied by J. 10. Klrklaud, who now has charge of tliu local track. Tbo dates or sev eral race meets this year wore fix ed as follows: Medford Sopt. 10. 11, 12, 13. UoKoburg Sopt. 17, 18, 19, 20. Kugeno Sopt. 24, 25, 2(1, 27. Salem Sopt. 29 to October 21. Havo your Jon printing dono at Tho Tlmos ofllco. FOR QUICK WORK, FOR PROMPT WORK, FOR GOOD WORK, Telephone the old reliable Coos Bay Steam Laundry We always deliver the goods. Phone 57-J Marshfield Singer Sewing Machines Wo havo thorn for ront or for sale. Machines Ilopalred. Supplies and Ncedlos for Salo. W. J. HITZ, 131 l'nik Ave. Marshfield. Phono 280-X. City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drlrers and ronsonablo charges. Our motto. "Will go anywhere at any time." Stands Blanco Hotol and Blanco Cigar Store. Dny Phonos 78 and 46 Night Phono 46. nARKER GOOnALK. nrwrlxtor W. 8. BROWN A. II. HODGINB Marshfield Paint (Sh Decorating Co. Estimates Furnished. Phone 1H7-L Miirsliflelil. Ore. wEnm The Sign of Good Candy Always You Auto Call Pootc PHONE 144-J NIGnT AND DAY Stand front of Blanco Billiard Parlor TWO NEW OARS After 11 P. M. Phono W. Resldonco Phono 8-J. Careful Drivers -: Good Oars NOTICE TO ELECTORS. Notice Is hereby given that a special municipal election will be hold in the City of Marshfield, Coos County, Oregon, on Tuesday, tho 18th day or March, 1913, bo tweon tho hours of 8 a. m. and 7 j). m. In tno Hall over the raiace Hestaurant, and formerly Known as tho Socialist Hall, to voto on tho following questions: "Do you approvo of tho Terminal Railway dealings with tho Southorn Pacific Interest with a view to tho transfer to It of Us present steam franchise In the City of Marshflold." "Shall tho City contribute J1G0 monthly to tho support of tho Cooa Bay Baud." JOHN W. BUTLER. i Thu whlto population Is divided Into four groups: (1) Nntlvo, native parontagt that Is. having both par ents born In tho United States; (2) nntlvo, foreign pnrontngo having both parents born abroad; (3) na tive, mixed parontngo having ono pnront nntlvo and tho other rorelgn born; (4) rorelgn born. Color nml Xntlvlts'. Or tho totnl population or Oregon, 41C,8"il, or G2 per cent, nro native whites or native parentage; 13C, 238, or 20.1 per cent, are nntlvo whites or rorelgn or mixed pnrcnt ugo; and 103,001, or 10. 3 per cent, aro forolgn-born whites. Tho cor responding percentages In 1900 wero C1.0, 20.5, and 13, respectively, tho proportion of forelgn-bom whites having Increased somewhat durlnu tho doendo. Tho percentage of Chl ncso and Japancso Is 1.0; of In dians. 0.8; of negroes, 0.2. In 20 of tho 34 counties tho percentage or forelgn-bom whites Is less than 15; in G counties it ranges from 15 to 25; in G counties exceeds 25. In 3 counties tho proportion of nntlvo whites or rorelgn or mixed parentage oxceeds ono-fourth. Of the urbnn population. 55.4 nor cent nro nntlvo whites of nntlvo par ontngo; or tho rural, G7.5 per cent. Tho corresponding proportions ror nntlvo wintcs or foreign or mixed pnrentngo aro 22.8 and 17.9 per cont, respectively. Tho porcontngo or foreign-born whites Is 18.G In tho urbnn population nnd 12.G In tho rural; tho porcontngo of Chinese nnd Jnpancso is 2.7 in tho urbnn nnd 0.G In tho rural. Tho negro popu lation Is very largely urban, and tho Indian population Is almost entirely rural. In tho totnl population of tho stato thoro nro 384,265 males nnd 288, 500 romulcs, or 133.2 males to 100 fomnlcs. In 1900 tho ratio was 129 to 100. Among native whites tho ratio Is 119.5 to 100 and nmong roroign-uorn wiutes 2UU.'J to loo. In tho urbnn population there nro 131.2 mnles to 100 females, and In tho rural, 34.!i. Ktnte of Birth. Of tho total nntlvo population thnt Is, population born in the Uni ted States 40.2 per cont woro born In Oregon nnd 59.8 per cont outside tho stnto; of tho nntlvo whlto popu lation, G0.1 por cont woro born out 8ldo tho stnto; of tho nntlvo negro, 8G.4 por cent; nnd tho nntlvo Indian, 19.7 por cont. Porsons born out sldo tho stnto constitute a larger pro portion or tho natlvo population in urban than In rural communities. Foreign Nationalities. Or tho rorolgn-born whlto popu lation or Oregon, porsons born In Germany represont 17.4 por cont; Cnnnda 12; Swedon, 9,8; England, 7.8; Norway, G.G; Italy, 5.4; Russia, 6.2; Austria, 5.1; Ireland, 4.8; Fin land, 4. G; all other countries 21.2 per cont. or tho total whlto stock or rorolgn origin, which includes persons born abroad and nlso natives having ono or both pnronts born abroad, Gormnny contributed 22.4 per cont; Cnnnda 12.5; England, 9.5; Sweden, 7.G; Ireland, 7.1; Norway, 5.G; Rusla, 3.7; Scotland, 3.5; Swit zerland, 3.4; Finland, 3.2; Austria, 3.2 per cont. Voting and Mllltin Ages. Tho total number or mnles 21 years of ago and over Is 257,188, re presenting 38.2 por cont of tho pop ulation. Of such males, 54.9 pur conl aro natlvo whites of nativo pnr entngo, 15.G por ront nntlvo whites of rorolgn or mixed parontngo, 24.8 per cont rorelgn-born whites, 3.7 Chlnoso nnd Japanese and 0.5 por rent Indians. Of tho G3, 909 forolgn-born whlto males of voting ngo, 29,675, or 40,4 por cont nro natural ized. Males or mllltla age 18 to 44 number 190, 5G3. Age. Of tho total population, 8.9 por cent nro under flvo years or ago, 1G.8 per cent from 5 to 14 years, Indus! vo, 19.5 per cent from 15 to 24. 33.7 per cont from 25 to 44. nnd It's Time to Get Ready for Easter As tho days grow longer and Easter draws near thoughts turn from cold-proof apparel for win try weather to tho lighter and brighter now things for Spring. Tho spirit of springtime floods tho stores. You can feol Its In fluence even when you sit at homo and read THE TIMES. Every one Is talking or tho now stylos and planning ror now hats, now suits and accessories. Tho advertisements aro particu larly Interesting. They tell ot tho newest styles, tho fabrics and colors to bo tho voguo nnd tho many novel and becoming modes fashion has decreed for tho season. Now Is tho time to prepare, to tako advantngo of early selec tion, to secure your comploto Easter outfit In advance ot tho oloventh hour rush. Read tho advertisements in THE TIMES closely and con stantly every night. They will keep you postod. They will di rect you to tho most rollablo stores and enable you to pur chase your Springtime apparel to best advantage. 20.9 per cent nro 45 years of ago and over. Tho rorolgn-born whlto population comprises comparatively row children, only 3.8 per cent or this cln88 being under 15 yenrs of age, while S2.2 per cent nro 25 years of ngo nnd over. Of tho nntlvo whites of rorolgn or mixed paront ngo, 44.3 por cent nro 25 and ovor; or tho natlvo whites of natlvo paront ngo 50.3 per cont; and of tho Chi nese, 90.5 per cent. Tho urbnn population shows n smaller proportion of children than tho rurnl nnd a lnrger proportion of persons In prlmo or lire. Migra tion to tho city explnlns this nt least In part. Of tho urban population, 38.7 por cont nro from 25 to 44 years or ngo, InclUBlvo, nnd or tho rurul population, 29.4 per cont. School Attendance. Tho census Inquiry ns to school nttendnnco wns merely ns to whether tho person enumerated had attended nny kind or school at any tlmo bo tween Soptomber 1, 1909, nnd tho dnto or enumeration, April 15, 1910. Tho totnl numbor or porsons or school age that Is, rrom G to 20 yenrs, Inclusive Is 175,380, or whom 117,078, or GG.8 por cent, at tended school. In nddltion to theso 1,109 children undor G. nnd 3,222 porsons 21 nnd ovor nttondod school. For boys, rrom G to 20 yenrs, Inclu sive tho porcentago attending school wns u&.r; ror girls, G8.1. For chil dren from G to 14 year, Inclusive, tho porcentago attending school was 85.5. Tho porcontngo ror children or this ngo nmong nntlvo whites or nntlvo pnrentngo was 85.1; among nntlvo whites or rorolgn or mixed parentage. 87.3; among forolgn-boru whites, 82.7; nmong Indians, 81.4. Thoro is llttlo dlfTorcnco botweeu ur bnn nnd rurnl communities as re gards tho porcontngo of school nt tendnnco for tho ages 6 to 14; of porsons 15 to 20 yenrs of ago, 38.1 por cent woro reported as attending scnooi in urunn communities ijfnd 43.7 In rurnl. Illiteracy. Tho Census Bureau classifies ns lllltornto nny person 10 years of ago or ovor who Is unnblo to write, ro gardlcss of ability to rend. There aro 10,594 Illiterates In tho stnto, representing 1.9 por cont of tho total population 10 years of ago and ovor, ns compared with 3.3 per cent In 1900, Tho porcontngo of 11 lltorncy Is 0.4 nmong native whites, G.l nmong forolEn-born whites, 3.4 nmong negroes, 36. G among Indlnns, 7.G nmong Chinese, nnd 11.1 among Jnpancso. For all classes combined, tho por contngo of Illiterates Is 1.3 urban communities nnd 2.5 In rural. For ench class scparntoly, nlso, tho per centage Is higher in tho rural popu lation than In tho urban. For porsons from 10 to 20 yearn or ago, Incluslvo, whoso lltoracy de ponds lnrgoly upon prosont school facilities and school attondanco, tho porcontngo of lllttorncy Is very slight, only 0.7. Marital Condition. In tho population 15 years of ago and ovor 47.5 por cent of tho males aro slnglo nnd 27.1 per cent or the romnles. Tho pcrcontngos married Is 4 G.G ror males and G3 ror females; and tho porcontngo widowed 4.3 and 8.G, respectively. Tho percentages or thoso roportod as divorced, 1,2 and 1.1, respectively ( nro bolloved to bo too small, becauso or tho prob ability that many divorced persons class thoniBolvcs as slnglo or widow ed. Thnt tho percentage slnglo Is so much smaller for women than for men Is duo partly to tho oxcoss of males in tho total population and pnrtly to tho fnct that women marry younger. Thus 10,5 por cont or thu romnles rrom 15 to 19 years or ago aro married, ns compared with 0.4 por cent or tho males, and 50.4 por cent or tho females from 20 to 24 yenrs nro mnrrled, as compared with 15.2 por cent of tho mnles. For thoso from 25 to 34 yenrs, tho per centages nro are 7G.6 for females and 45.1 for mnles, and for thoso from 35 to 44, 84-8 nnd 63.8, re spectively. In tho ago group and 45 nnd over tho percentages are nearly equal. That thoro Is n larger proportion of widowors may Indlcato that men moro ofton remarry than women, but, slnco husbands aro gonornlly oldor than their wives, tho marrlago relationship Is more often broken by death of tho husband than by death of tho wlfo. For tho main olomonts of tho population tho porcontngca of mar ried porsons nmong thoso 15 years of ngo and ovor nro ns rollows: Na tlvo whites of nntlvo pnrontngo, 49 for males and G3.7 for fomnles; forolgn-born whites, 47.3 and 71.1, re spectlvely; natlvo whites of foreign or mixed parentage, 41.4 and C5; negroes, 40.9 und 59.2; Indlnns, 48.4 and 56.G. Theso percentages by no means Indlcato tho relatlvo tendency of the several classes as regards marrlago. To detormino thnt, tho comparison should bo mndo by ngo periods, since tho proportion marriod in nny class Is determined largely by tho propor tion who havo reached tho marrying ago. Similarly, tho proportion wid owed doponds largely on tho propor tion past middle life. Tho porcen tago married, ror males and for fe males, is higher In rural thnn In urban communities. Dwellings nml Fmnllle. Tho numbor of dwellings In Ore gon is 14 4,832, and tho numbor of families, 151,858, thoro bolng 104.9 ramllleB to 100 dwellings. Tho aver ngo number of parsons por dwelling is 4.6, nnd tho avorago numbor per family, 4.4, A FRESH SUPPLY of FRESH OLYMPIA OYSTERS JUST RE CEIVED. Pre Delivery. PnONH your ORDER to PHONE 73-J. FOR A GOOD WATCH OR FINK JEWELRY E. C. BARKER JEWELER Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing, Plstr.., Recorder. SOO Front Ht,, uarauneia. wwi