THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 19 13 EVENING EDITION. I COOS BAY TIMES i local overflow. -.-,-r- - M. O. MALONKV Kdltor niul Pub. DAN K. .MAI.OXKV Xe Ktlllor Official I'niM'f of Coos County. uM'ici.vii rArhit ok tin-: citv OK MAItKIIKIKM). TIIK VARYING IMPORTANT x i:vs. OK KVE.N THOUSAND nion fall In liiil tli'. Is the summary of news from tho Halkim war In re cent (llBpntclius. That 1b rather a Inrgo event. Jt was tlio result of a three-days' conflict between 100, 000 Bulgarians and 70,000 TtirkB nt llulalr. and It wan estimated tlrot the. killed on each side numbered nt least 11501) practically the same number fell in tho battle of Gettys burg, the greatest engagement of our Civil War. Seven thousand men killed In battle means a tremendous con flict nnd an awful loss, and yet at this dlstauro men lingered no longer around the bulletin boards to read thu announcement than they would If one prizefighter had whipped an other. In these days something more than even big is required to mnke news, World events do not ntlr the blood unless our own Im mediate Interests are at stake. It Is doubtful If thu announcement nnd demonstration of perpetual mo tion would now erentu the Interest that tho first phonograph did, and It nil gues to show that this gen eration Is going a fast pace and t lint wo are becoming accustomed to bigger things. Moreover, peoplo nulekly tiro of a "serial." Tho battle of llulalr would have been a much bigger event' at the beginning of the wnr thnn It was this week. There must lo novelty as well as Importance In the ucwM to prolong Interest. News in tho technical sense Ih n curious commodity. The clover cst and best trained newspapermen have hard work to keep up with Its varying force and effect; but most of them have learned that In their business the news Itself is not of so much Importance as the varying Btates and receptivity of tho pub lic mind. Itnv Is Holler. Melvln Steen. the lad who was poisoned the nig it bo fore lasi, Is said to ho getting along nlcelv today at the home or his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ous Steen on South Fourth street. It la claim ed today that he was not poisoned by candy as ho first claimed. An nnnlyslB of some of the candy that ho got from Clow Why Is being made. He ate an applo also and some think that lnnybo some of the spraying poison was not washed oft the fruit. Only nn overdose of the poison saved tho lad. How The Ladies Dress in Butte Deal Progrox-lng. In a letter to Justice Pennoek today, C. A. Sehl bredo who is In Portland with Ma jor Kinney, says that the Klnnoy Wllsey deal Is progressing nnd It looks as though It will go through. He savs a number of moddlorfl are trying to block It, but If the titles nro round nil right, Major Kinney will deliver deeds to Wllsey in I'ortlnud soon. Putcr Coming S. A. D. Putcr, who gained considerable notoriety In connection with tho Oregon tlmbor Innd frauds, Is expected In via Drain today to Join his son, W. S. Putor, who has been hero tho Inst few weeks. Mueli Pneumonia Tho cold weather of tho last few dnyB hns re sulted In considerable pneumonia on the Hay and ninny colds nnd cases of la grippe. Several families, who have been living to Improvised homes have suffered most severely. TWO FOR PIiACi:. WITH THE TOAST ' AND THE TEA I Some Coos Hay women wear them selves out worrying about what to wear. -U-W-A woman and her money aro soon separated In a 10-cent store. the fame, a pretty girl In spires moro envy than a clever one. Tho senson for spring pools will noon bo open. -K-M-Clulm for men have added much Jo the happiness of home. one has discovered nn attor ney In San KrauclKco named I.oiiIh II. Hrownstone. Not many lawyers on Coos Hay can put up a front lllto that. -K-K-Wc give you one guess as to whe ther thu Mexican situation tins made Colonel Uoosevolt wish ho wuh pres ident again for about three days. -k-k- I.oony Limerick. A glrllo named Kale from up state Mndo n date with a follow for S Rut she kept hint waiting So ho cancelled the dating, Now wusn't that careless of Kate. Don't for (.'Ills. Don't say "This is so sudden" until tho gentleman has finished spunking. Don't tiiarre with "hlin" over tri fles. There Is plenty of time ror Htich amusements after you hnvo him lied rast. --!t- 11K.UTY HINTS KOIt Ono of the best way to remove ! j ogg stains from tho mustache Is I I to use n little soup and water I nftor each meal. I -It-U-Ile Ih a wiso mlllloualru who keeps lils mouth shut and lets his money tall. -K-K- After you hnvo had a streak of Kood luck, tho other kind never rooms worth while. If n man wan offered bis choice of tamo or fortune, he'd take the for tuno nnd hope to acquire fame later. And n woman would rather have n man stare nt her than hnvo him net ns if ho thought she wasn't worth staring at. -K-H-Poots aro horn, hut not nil of "thorn nro paid. -W-K-Now a scientist has made thu claim that cheoso causes appendicitis, AVo hnvo known cheese to do worso things than that. -H-R- THINGS IIAItl) T(l KK.MK.MHKKt What your wife told you to bring homo. In llrown Considered A. II. Derbyshire mi Coom ('.unity Appointee. Tho Hoseburg Review printed tho following the day pruvlous to tho selection of I.. A. I.lljeqvlst for tho county attorneyship appoint ment In Coos county: "District Attorney Georgo M. Hi-own hns been requested by Gov ernor West to recommend someone Tor tho county attorneyship of Coos, ns provided under tho now stnto law abolishing district uttorneys nnd substituting county attorneys. Mr. Hrown nnnoiinced todny that ho would decide on nn nppolntoo to morrow. It Is believed Hint his choice rests between A. II. Derby shire of North Hoiul, nnd I., A. 1.11 leqvlst or Marshfleld. both or whom hnvo served iih llrown's deputies. Chns. McKnlght. ono or the uttor neys ror tho derenso In the McClal len trial. Is an actlvo aspirant for tho position, which pays $1S00 a year, but now that the mnttor Iiuh been left to Drown It Is considered that ho stands little or no ohunco of getting It. Drown's salary rs at torney for Douglas county will bo $2100 u year." I AMONG Til 13 8I01C. V. C. .Getty, whoso wlfo nnd llttlo boy hnvo boon staying at Umpire for Mrs. Gotty'H health, wont over Satur day In answer to a message saying the llttlo boy was qulto fllclc nnd would hnvo to bo taken to tho hospi tal. It Is hoped that no sorlous re sults may ensue. CoiiulHo llorald. cooriMiK sum: kactohv. K. I.. Tozler. who has a shoo and harness shop In tho Train building, has Just received from Portland a vamping machine ror use In tho manufacture of shoes, lie makes a specialty of building loggers' heavy shoes, and horoto roro Iiiib bought tho upper? roiuly nmdo In Senttlu. Ho will now do this work hero. Ho has otbor fln Ishing machines coining from Min neapolis. Coqulllo Herald, IIIINHV HLACK WHITK.S. J. S. I.uwronco has received a let ter from II. N. Hlack. who Is visit ing his sou. J. D. Hlnck, In tho lledlnnds district or California. "I'nclo Henry" says ho Intended to come homo about March 1st, but ho had heard so much nbout tho "glorious sunshlno" or Southorn California that ho wanted to seo some of It, nnd thought ho might hnvo to stay till thu tlrst of May. Coqulllo Herald. Slim' KOIt CHICKK.N Til IKK. C. D. Stokes, formerly or Marsh flold, was qulto sorlously wounded nt Forest Grove rucontly by Win. C. Golgor, a neighbor, who had boon troubled by ehlckon thieves, nnd hearing Stokes passing In tho road fired at tho sound. Ho got him in both legs with a lond or bird shot at a distance or 3T yards. Glegor Indemnified Stores to tho oxtont of $500 down nnd further guarantees. Ills old friends horo novur expected to hear of Charley being shot as a chicken thief. Coqulllo Herald. HHIKKS OK HANDON. XcMh of Clty-by-llie-Sea ns Told by Tlio Recorder. Whltsott & Johnson's nnd W. C. Sellmor'H Fords, which woro ordered n short tlmo ago, will be horo on this Droakwater. Mrs. Molborg. wlfo of Captain Molborg of tho schooner Oregon, was taken 111 during tho last trip of tho boat to Ilnndon and wns taken to tho Haiulon hospital for treatmont. Sho will probably remain until tho Oregon roturns ngaln. .1 nines Olson, of Lnnglols, passed through Ilnndon Wednesday on his return trip from Portland. Ho says The Ilutte Miner prints the follow ing editorial comment on the artldo In tho Portland Tolegrnm. rellectlng on the dress of tho women of Ilutte and Coos liny: There are scribes on certnln publi cations In the cast who think they nro writing u certain brand of hu mor, nnd It gets by In some respects, until they endeavor to got facetious with topics of which they know noth ing. Then they fnll down, and very hard at that. They always fall down when they try to get funny with Ilutte. It Is bad enough to have these al leged humorists In tho east doing it, but when It cornea to some western news ohnBer getting funny with tho greatest mining city on earth It Is moro than Ilutto patience can stand. In tho Evening Telegram, publish ed In Portland, Ore., recently wns contnlncd a lengthy nrtlclo regarding what various persona nro stuted to hnvo thought of tho nllcged stntc ment of Mrs. Woodrow Wilson ns to hor Intention to dress on $1000 n year, and In that nowspnper article appeared this vory weighty opinion- "Portlnnd women think thnt stan dard la too low. That It might bo carried out In Ilutte, for liiBtnnce, or Coos liny, but Wnshlngton, or Port land never." And then this nr tlclo goes rambling on. Why thnt romnrk, "In Ilutte, Tor Instnnco?" What does tho alleged critic who wroto that purportedly clover ar ticle know about Ilutto' Doea ho know thnt Ilutto has a greater porcentngo or excellency nnd moro stylishly dressed women thnn any other city In tho United States? Does ho know thnt Ilutto linn n ropututlon ror progress, wealth nnd culture thnt even Portlnnd, Ore., ennnot overshndow? Does ho know thnt but want's the use? H ho knew any or those things ho would not mnke the Billy statement ho docs. Any why compnro Ilutte to Coos liny? Whnt has Coos Day or any Oregon town, Portland Included, ev er ilono to "irlt enttMvirlHon with Dutte'H greatnesH mid prnuress In every direction? Thorp nre hit ml rods of Tliittc cltl roiis who do not ciii I in nun their In comes tire so very large, who dresi In butter taste nud siylo thnn doubtless this Portland Bcribo bad nny knowledgo or. Ills slur Is n gratuitous Insult, n malicious slam and the Inconse quential vaporing or some would-be clllcieut wrltor, who either never has been outside tlio city limits or Port land, nnd hns tlio Ilea, prcsalont among soino eastern scribes, that thero la no world outside their Im mediate precincts, or ho Just has drirted Into tho city rrom some Oro gon "roornl" point nnd Is so dazzled by city lire and activity that be ha lost nil sonso or perspective or re membranco or knowledge as to con dltlons elsowhoro as thoy really aro. Ilutto has no quarrel with Coos Hay. Ilutto docs not know mucn nbout Coos Day nnd thoroforo would not think or tanking Ill-timed or uncom plimentary remarks nbout tho place, thus showing n bettor spirit nnd moro fair play than tho Portlnnd scrlbo, If such n renlly honorable tl tlo run bo conferred nn him, mani fested In inking what he evidently thought wns n facetious lllng nt tho mining metropolis. Maybe that Portlnnd wrltor finds It Impossible to dress on $1,000 n year. Mnybo his wnrdroho costs him as much ns $lir, per year. Ilutto doos not enro about that. This city would not Judge him by bis clothes, but by whnt be expresses as an indication or his opinion regarding llutte's condition and status. To give him nnd his malicious slur oven this much consideration Is Ilka trying to annihilate n Ilea with n gatllng gun, but then consolation ror tho giving or so much vnluublo space Is the thought or what happens to the Ilea rather than pondering on the waste of good ammunition. W mr " UWudecfa i H il I. DOCILE! ON AUTOMOBILES Who won tho world's series 1909. Who borrowed that $10 bill last summer. Who you haven't borrowed rrom. When you vo hud enough to ii,i iJ i. i.iv, ,..... i, viV I t.i. tti a w uiioivav 1'invu nv u lrV i i Hod on bis trip nnd thnt you would When It b tlmo to go homo. sco moro ,,,,,,, tll0 8trcot8 lloro Who was tho tall blondo across hour than you would In Roso- tho street. burg In n day. Those .Now Years resolutions. When Marshfleld was not a fruit- Havo your Job printing dono at fill Hold ror railway stories. Tho Times ofllco. Gives a Little Good Advice to Prospective Owners of Automobiles. Own you own car don't let It own you. A now Mr. Dooloy rises to romnrk thnt thoro nro only two kinds or enrs 'Tho Fords and tho can't affords." You'll want a Ford when tho Benson Is on. Then buy It todny. Thoro nro moro than 220,000 Forda on the world's highway tho best posslblo testimony or their un excelled worth. Prices runabout $G2!i touring car $700 with com ploto equipment f. o. b. Marshfleld. Watch ror tho carload or Fords that's coming on tlio Droakwator and don't rorgot our nuto supply department. GOODUUM'S GAHAGK. Homo of tho Ford and Cadillac. Control Ave, Marshfleld, x--srftTirv f I vririTi,r,&rv I l1. Wiiiiis . vumg . Wlllf On the Breakwater! Watch for (! The Car That Has Created a Sensation . f.' oO Studebaker 25 Five-Passentjer, Four Cylinders, Long Stroke, 3 1 -2-inch bore x 5-inch stroll Innli tiftinnltinon I 1 1 1 w 1 1 W I IwwIUudwt 30x3 1-2-inch Goodrich Tires Electric Horn With I Demountable Rims Acetylene gas primer Studebaker Jiffy Curtains ; Ventilating Windshield ( Speedometer Robe Rail Full elliptic springs Prest-0-Lite tank ) Silk Mohair Top Fxtrn Rim ' Full Set of Tools I Tire Renair Kit Tnol Box F.0.B.FJ tire Holders Demand for This Car Has Been so Gn .1 W i. - In all sections of the country that it has been difficult for the factory b them out fast enough to supply the demand or even furnish all their rem fives with cars for demonstrating purposes. We are pleased to announce f ttrr ...ii it. r .. i !. i .i il I. ! - .X. -iio" win arrive on me tireaKwaier i nursuay, wnen we win oe in a pu prove to you tne statements we nave neen making as to tne superioruy oi i over anvthinn near its nrice. Parties who have been waiting to see the Studebaker "25" are kindly to nhone 34-J at once and make annointments for demonstration. We have also been advised that we will receive a Studebaker "35" before first. Wait and Watch for These Great Cars. It Will Pay ISAAC R. TOWER Studebaker and Buick Representative "THE GUNH BAD GANG IN HOBOES' GAMPS The Metropolitan Ladies' Line ,' Is ready for y"ir Inspection. t TODD. lhB I flilor - l ' ,' n?i' Wo altor and ropalr ladles' salts. KLK'S xotici:. All monibers aro urt;ed to attend reRiilar mooting this evening. In itiation nud important business, Como out. CiEO. UOTNOR, Seerotaxy. COMI'AUi: IIAIXICS IMUOKS on I'l.Ol'lt with others. (Will) OK THANKS. Wo deslro to publicly thank all who assisted us In our sad boreavo ment, the death of Virgil Young. Mr. and Mrs. R. Young. Mr. and Mrs. II. Wltchoy. Coaledo, Oregon. Seven Former Convicts and Offenders In Ono IMace, EU013NE, Ore., March 11. Sher iff Charles Kenyqn eamo In from Wenatchoo for hla prlsonor, Honry Ruff, who was arrestod somo daya ago at tho Park hotel building and had so much monoy In his posses sion that it awakoned suspicion and led to tho discovery from papers In bis possession that ho had recently como from Wenatcheo, Washington. On Bonding n telegram thoro It was learned that ho was wanted for bur glary. Sheriff Konyon says thoro was a gang operating thoro for somo tlmo and all woro 1. W. W.'s. Ho has succeeded in landing sovon of thom now. Two woro convicted and woro out on parolo nnd were sent back to prison, two others nro now In tho pen at Wnlla Walla and two woro Indicted and woro before tho court for trial as ho camo away. Thoy had oporated among tho for mora nnd campers and had stolon great quantities of stuff of all kinds and woro selling It. This Is prob ably whoro Ruff got so much monoy, ns ho was a sort of socrotary for tho organization. Tho suorlff started back to Wonntcheo with his prlsonor wilij opk.v HTitrcrcr. Ilnndon City Council I) wide to fio Ahead Willi Project. Tho city council mot In regular esslon nt tho city hall with Mayor Mast nnd all couucllmon prosont. Tho report of tho vlowers on tho extension of First street Into Rail road street was rakon up. A num ber of tho proporty owners woro presont and ontored somo protests, but tb6 genoral sontlmont of tho mooting wns that tho street should bo opened. Aftor hearing what pro teats woro filed tho council passed tho report upon an ayo and nay vote all councllmon voting ayo. Permission wns granted tho man agers of tho baseball team for tho coming season tho uso of tho ball park, tho latter agreeing to con struct a substantial fonco around GoodrunYs Garage homo of tho CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars S 7 Central A v. Phono S73-Ij. Cleopatra I Special Fcaturo In O big reels I i Tonight at ?ifie Royal! Don't niKs this rare feature ji w p, Helen Gardner, tho enio- p, tlonal actress nt lier best lu H this photoplay. W H K P PRICKS 0 I llalcony lBc. Lower floor, 25c .. . .. ..b nt It Baiti . ' :; it vlTy7m nil concession! IM during ucn !" .......i- TirrT MID J'r',vcl,r'au mitiK)V. SI'Ml, CT'rt.iill.-WWb'iw KRV. Seed Time Is Wo are prepared'" complete line ol Garden Field Flower also Seed Pot Beauty of Hebron. .Si! All kinds of H and Fertilize Coaie i":'v fertilizer. IbeBaa Store of pjionfl