&1"trr&k2'''mi'4fa . jOB THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1913 EVENING EDITION. TIMES WANT AO UrniilH.1- niiilil nl Cfiaml- ler no"-" -TilCmll house ( Kw 0 ,u" .itf nnlntcd nnd pnpcrod, ' rx .llMi diamond Hllrlc pin. "RE? tfw T,,,,w omco aml get reward. S 8X C Koa-onablo. 1. S, Knin""' " rmzi Komi Thwitoi- piiviiio 0lNTbco !ln immo .loo Miller. Z bo I ml at Times ofllco by glngjor thlB noHco. m-(iiii V"' '" i,,,,lt,,,K tifflgAm-b nt ''""-" "lct-'- Trrriiiu ciii io i ii"''' ,- "n livlnis wltli piiroiilfl liroforroil. Address In own' handwriting. K. Y Times olllcc. 7,;., cur good nine room 'tfniiroc lotH, 112x120 5Mlly View, for 16000 nih If taken boom. Apply to Charles Arlniidson, phono 40-L or P. O. Hox 555, MnrHhflolil, Or. mil SIM: A few nettings of thoi. onsbbrcd block Minorca ckkh. C E .Nicholson, 721 North Second it'rect, Mnrshflold. mil Sl.l MiiiUIi folding bed, fluiricr sawed oak with French plate mirror top, minus bargain, Plume aS-I-It. almoBt now. A I J Oil lti:XT I'"le m'uu Iioiiho In i r..i.i,ln irnml L'nrdon Boot, with largo la'rn, also orchard. Phono J62-J. WlNTIMt Currier boys to deliver tb'o Times. Must bo In Fourth grade or higher In school. In qulro nt Times alllro nftor 4 o'clock. V.NTKI Young man to Icnin mittrcsB inaUng and upholster ing. Woven Wire MnltrcHM and DcddlHR Co., 515 So. Uroadway. Spring is here and if you need a Spring Tonic Try the Arch Spring Tonic It's worth it's weight in gold. For sale at "The Busy Corner." Price, $1.00 Per Bottle Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co, "THE BUSY CORNER." PHONE MAIN FOR QUICK WORK, FOR PROMPT WORK, ' FOR GOOD WORK, Telephone the old reliable Coos Bay Steam Laundry We always deliver the goods. Phonej7-J Marshfield fish! Fish! fish! jTu run Ml Fish Flsl, ?is' "" fc,cs' "V "io Ur5t uricty l tho county. Stauff Grocery Co. Phono 102 Maskers "andles. !!-asiii.'W,m;t "... DM .V"'"' "WAN U: rf.n. -raelf nalnfuiiv i.i. ?. leen e' .n,crvo.sess, and r'e to kT, n l nnwinB hor Ills nl mVkm? and WWer troub. frottfpnd; PIH give quick &,lthnan!?!s?ry'n-1ro'l't & ho guffl, anl strength. No irt?cyi'ills.FrsKv on8, Tho Dusy Cor- Wr.'ers hi,,, :," l l ' w, "le r iui n '" "0l ,'4-'- l0!!8 us at once. Tol. WANTED To buy a f,.,v ,ivos of bees. Stntu kind of hives and prices. AddrcBB C. C. W., p. o. Box 73, Allegany, Ore. WANTED A mauled woman for kitchen work In Hay City board Iiib hmiHc. Prefer woman whoso liiiBlmiid will board In tho Iioiiho nlso. PohIIIoii for ninii In mill. Phono 3090. WANTKD Up-to-date gardener. 'I'd ophono 3151. FOR SAM? Ono luiimli l(l feet, flpocd modol, with two cyllndor, 8 horBopowor online, rovorso gear, eoniploto equipment Including ono 00 amporo storage battery. Speed 13 mllcB. Inquire of M. O. Colo man, North Pond. FOR LEASE Storo nt present occu pied by MarHhflald Cyc.Iery. Itont $25. Lcnso hns fifteen months to run. Host offor takea It. Apply to Mnrshflold Cyclory. FOR SALE Five gallon colVee urn, Hiiltnblo for roBtaurant or hotel, cheap If taken nt once. I). Y. Stafford, Mnrshflold. FOR HAM? India Runner duck ckkh for hntehlng. Corner or .South Seventh nnd rngorsoll StB. William Shook. FOR SALE :t(l(tl) reel .Myrtle lum ber; nlso ono I li. p. gasoline en Kino. Phono (i-.I. FOR SALE Ono net double harness. Apply 227 South Fourth stroot. I'Olt SALE Eggs for hutching, Wlilto leghorn and llhodo Island Hods, nlso two dozen Brown Leg horn lions for sajo. C. 13. Jor dan, EaBtsldo. WANTED Twelve experienced mln era nnd timber men. Apply Heav er Hill Coal Co. FOR HAM? Dry wood, fir nnd nl dor, nt Campboll's Wood Ynrd, Ferry landing. Phono irrt-L. If you havo anything to soil, rent trndo. or want bolp. try n Want Ad 298 US Dayton Bicycles $10.00 for a Name At prosont It looks ns though "Coo's King" and "Coos Quoon" would win. Beat It and Take $10.00 Wo don't oxnoct to soil $1,000,- 000 worth of Coos King bicycles to tho U. S. Kovornmont. as tho ways nnd means committeo sooms to havo nil It can do to provide funds for battleships. Howovor, wo startou out to make, tho namo "Mnrshflold Cyclory" n synonym for Quality WATCH us aiiow.' Marshfield Cyclery Agents for nicyclos DAYTON Motorcycles OLIVER TYPEWRITERS fPhono 1D8-R 172 N. Broadway TONIGHT at TEe Royal Tho Rev Players prchcnt "AX IRISH A.MKRIOAX COUSIN" A four act dramii Last night's program was well at tended nnd was well liked and to night's bill Is still better. 1 XKW PICTURES 1 Wli-n Leo Surrendered Kay Deo. A two reel featuro of tho Civil War. Ilrtiln vs. Iirii-ivii Thanhauser. Saw Wood Punch. Plnney's Luck Punch Ilnlcony 15c Lover Floor 25c mm TIDHS I'Olt MARCH. Below Is glvon tho time nnd height of high and low water at Marshflcld. The tides nro placed In tho order of occurrence, with their tlmos on tho first lino and heights on the second lino of each day; n compai Ison on consecutlvo heights will Indlcnto whothor It Is high or low wnter. For high water on tho bar, ditiiBtrnct 2 hours 34 minutes. 11 I Irs.. 4.27 10.30 5.00 10.10 1.0 10.39 1.8 11.0!) 2.2 1L51 2.C Ft.. . 1 1 IB.. Ft... I Irs.. Ft. . . His.. 0.0 11.11 o.r. 12.00 o.n 12.57 0.0 1.0 5.43 1.5 0.35 1.2 7.48 3.8 i.r.o n.si r..27 i.:i (1.D7 Ft... K.S VI?ATIII?ll FORECAST. Hy ABBoclnted Press OREGON Fair tonight with light frost In west and heavy frost In east. Wednesilny fair with rlshiK tempernturo; north wcHterly wIiuIb. LOCAL TKMPKItATUItK RKCORI). For tho 2 1 hourH ending nt 4:13 n. iu March 11, by llenj. OhUIihI, special governiuenl me teorological oliBorvor: Maximum 51 Minimum 34 At 1:13 a. m 3 1 Precipitation 7S Precipitation hIiico Sep:. 1, 1012 15.01 Precipitation mimo period provlous year 44.09 Wind: Northwest; cloudy. :: ; (I New IIiilckN. (Banc It. Tower has sold n 25 horsepower Ruick touring enr to Dr. I. II. Hurtle of North (lend and also one to Oscar Gates of Dandon. Concert Sunday Director Ponton of tho Coos liny Concert Hand nn nounced today that a rrou concert would be glvon at tho Masonic Op era House next Sunday. .Mivt WodncMjny Tho Epworth Lcngue of tho Marshlleld Methodist church will meet at the church Wed nesday evening to olect olllrors nnd transact other business prior to n social. Dance Hull Wymnn Albco nnd Jus. Hncxltlno nrc roportod to bo building n largo dance hall on tho former Jacob Evans ranch on South Inlet, about quarter of a mllo ft v.i tho bridge. 1'iiiicnil Sntn rdny It Is nnnoun- On sale at our store, or postpaid to your address at factory prices no more. Ask for Catalogue. Pioneer Hardware Co. Marshfield, Oregon. IJ I A Essal The Only Stock in Southern S1 CgUll cod thnt the funeral of J. S. Coke, Sr., will bo held at Dora, Saturdny. at 12 o'clock. Tho body will bo brought hoio by R. .1. Coke tomor row on next day on tho Speedwell, Mniinger Her' Manager Desmond o.f tho V: A. Smith company's yards at Hay Point Is spending n fpw doys In Marshlleld with (lenoral Munngor T. V. Smenton and other olllclals of the Smith company. l'lmorth Socltil Tho Epworth League will hold a buslnesB meeting at tho M, K. church, Wednesday eve ning nt 7:30, followed by a social for members only. Members nro rc- nicBieu to utlng their pennies. ('Iiiiiikch Agencies John A. Parker of Parker and Leaton has given up his position with tho Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Compnny nnd taken the district agency for tho Western Union Life Insurance Compnny of Spokane. Ktole Liquor Mnrshal Carter has not comploted his Investigation of tho orgy of tho young boya on Knob Hill Sunday. However, ho Iiiib been Informed that tho boyB stole tho liq uor from a prlvato homo. Ho Is looking Into It further today. Divorce Cute. Tho divorce of W. II. llurghngen, tho Hunker Hill mnn who had troublo with his wife of threo weeks, Is being henrd boforo Judgo J. S. Coke In his chambers today. Tho rnso Is n rather salacious ono. A number of witnesses nro be ing heard. Ilaselmll Plans It Is expected that a meeting of tho bnsoball fans will bo called soon to try and nrrnngo for tho Benson. It Is n llttlo early yet but some of tho boys want plnns tnadu. Already somo of tho local players are trying themselves out to see If they enn "come back." Sun day, Eastslde and Mnrshflold ptrk-up nines played a few Innings Just for n work-out. Child Poisoned Molvln Hteen, the young son of Mr. mid Mrs. Gust Stceu of South Fourth street, Is suf fering from poisoning sustained Inst evening from eating candy. Tho lnd had been down town uud got somo candy ro says, In ono of tho stores. He wns taken sick boforo ho got homo and n physician had to work with him for several hours, ho being In n critical condition. Today ho Is consldornbly Improved. I'lidcrgoes OjM-t-nt Ion. E. W. Katnmorer Is In receipt of n letter from Mrs. Kammorcr, who with tho children hns been spending somo time In California for the benefit of her health, saying thnt she Is now convalescing from a minor operation performed recently In n Sail Fran cisco hospital. Mr. Kammercr ex pects to Join his family In San Francisco some tlmo this week for a brief stny. Whllo nway Mr. Knm merer will also purchnso a new stock for the Toggery. County Hospital Tho Coos coun ty commissioners nt a meeting nt Cnqulllo yestordny decided to build n county hospltnl at tho poor farm near there. At presont under n contract with tho Wilson hospital, tho county Is paying out about $400 pot month for caring for tho ailing poor which they think Is too much. Tho hospital Is to bo built this year nt a cost of $1500 or $2000. Will Aid Wire. At Coqulllo yes tordny, Judge Hall sentenced Prank Stevens to pay $10 per month for ten months for tho sup port or his wire. Stevens nnd Ma rio Shunkl were married thoro n few months ago nnd sopnratcd af ter four days of married llfo. No Xchh r Kinney No nows hns boon received from Portland nB to developments in the Klunoy-WilBoy deal. Trustee Rust bus not been apprised or nny chnnges. Whllo thoro hns been moro or less talk or Mr. Rust being nppolnted receiver, no doflnlto steps havo been taken. It Is now said that P. 13. Holllstor and tho creditors ho represents will not opposo Rust for tho placo. Try Tho Times' Want Ada. Stafforfs Caedly lis the Best AN EXTRACT FROM EXTRACTS Our extracts nro guaranteed to bo puro and glvo good satis faction. Wo carry a full lino and our prices nro right. Try a 2, 4 or 8 oz. bottlo of our vanilla oxtrnct, and compnro this with other extracts that you pay moro for. All our oxtrncts aro put up in plain bottles, thereforo you got full weight, so don't bo de ceived by tho lnrgo pnrolloled bottles that nro used by other ilrniB that roally contain no moro, but appear twlco as largo. When you buy oxtrncts from us wo sell you extracts nnd when you want glaBs call on tho glass company. This Is our policy. Try us and seo If wo mako good. COOS BAY TEA COFFEE AND SPICE HOUSE Phono ill) I -J O'CO .WELL ORPHEUM "STAIN" A powerful uud unusual druiiia. "THE THREE BACHELORS' TURKEY" A very laiighublo co y. "AILEEN OP THE SKA."; A tlrninu of (lie j.ea. Established Adhilsslon, 10c, Never more. inedy. PERSONAL NOTES HOCCO 1HASCA of Coos River Is In town todny. U. S. SHAVER of Allegany Is In town on business. MISS IIESSIE ROOKE of North Coos River Is In town today, 1IILLIS SHORT of Lnkosldo Is In Mtushflcld on ImihIiiohh. MRS. CAL 1JRIDGE3 of Coos River is visiting in town today. JOHN ORANT has rotumed homo from a visit on Coos River. R. R. POWNDER of Coqulllo Is n Marshlleld business visitor. 1 MRS. E. L. HESSEY Ib a town vis itor from South Coos River. MRS. LOUGHEED Is a visitor to town todny from Isthmus Inlet. MRS. Ml). NOAII of IsthtnuB Inlet Is spending tho day In town. MISS CLARA WRIGHT or Sumner Is visiting in Marshlleld today. J. J. CL1NKINDEARD of Daniels Creek was In town yesterday. 15. R. HODSON of. South Coob Itlv er Ib in town on n business trip. MRS. A. SANDON of Hunker Hill was n Mnrshflold visitor today. NEIL WATSON of Coos City Is n business visitor to Mnrshllcld to day. MRS. W. II. SMITH of Mllllcomn Is on a business visit to town to dny. MRS. NELS PETERSON or Temple ton Is a Mnrshflold visitor to dny. J. E. PAULSON nnd wlfo or Coqulllo wore Mnrflhlleld visitors yester day. W. It. ROBERTS Is In town today from Allognny attending to busi ness. 'A. T. SIGLIN of Isthmus Inlet enmo to town this morning on u busi ness trip. C. It." PECK will Icnvo overlnnd to- morrow for Salem and Portland on business. S. S. JUMPER, n rancher from Hayucs Inlet Is In town today on business. MRS. It. A. PADGETT or North Hon (I was a Marshriuld business visitor today. OMAR HURFORD or Sumnor enme to Marshlleld this morning to spend the day. EMIL MATSON of Sumner enmo to Mnrshflold this morning pu n short business trip. I). II. JOHNSON or Coqulllo arrived In Die city Inst evening and will remain several dnys. SOL ISRAEL and C. It. PECK nro hooked to lenvo on tho Drain stage tomorrow morning. MR. nnd MRS. FRANK DODSON and MISS ELNA SELANDER nro vis iting friends on Coos River. P. J. FEENEY and wlfo nnd flon enmo over from Hnndou last night ror u row days' visit on tho Hay. MRS. J. It. DODGE or Smith-Powers Cnmp 1 on South Coos River was n Marshrield shopper today. MR. and Mrs. WM. M'COLLOCII or Templetnn nro spoudlug tho day In town on business nnd pleas ure. MR. ISAACSON or tho Oregon Trust Co. or North Ueud, was In Marshrield this morning on bus iness. GEORGE HELLONI nnd wlfo or Coqulllo rotumed homo this af ternoon after u short slay In Mnrshflold. D. D. PIERCE loft on tho afternoon train ror his homo In Coqulllo, ' after looking nftor business in Murshflold, CAPTAIN HARRIS of Sumnor was n visitor In Alarshflold yestoruay, Ho has out yot decided Just when ho will move from Sumnor, but ho may decide to occupy tho former K. O. Hall resldonco In IlLDG. 1HI Market u venue. TONIGHT X TUESDAY Royal Auction llrldgo with Mrs. Fred Powers. Lndlcs Episcopal Guild with Mrs. E. S. Hargolt. Auction Hrldgo Club with Mrs. lloyd M. Richardson. WEDNESDAY Methodist Ladles Aid socinl with Mrs. J. E. Edmunds. Jolly Dozen with Mrs. L. W. Langdon. Epworth League at M. E. church, at 7:30 p. m. Ferndale, which ho recently ac quired. MRS. J. C. EGGLESTON expects her brother, L. A. Duncan, and wife, of Snlt Lake City to arrlvo on tho next Hreakwntcr. MRS. 1). A. JONES Is not a mem ber mid did not attend the mooting or tho recently organized bowling club as Incorrectly stated. JACK FLANAGAN nnd WILL DUN CAN loft yesterday for a week's stay on tholr claims In tho Rock Creek Hcctlon nbovo Myrtle Point. VERNON SMITH of tho C. A. Smith Company loft on tho Ado lino Smith todny for Oakland and San Francisco where ho will spend somo time. 1IILLIS SHORT is In from Ten Mile for a few dnys' stay and roports thnt ho and John Herron nnd Carl Schroodcr mado a big killing of ducks tho lust day or tho season, Friday. HELLS PART OP RANCH. Win. LuckMrom Pun bases Thirty Acres Prom W. I. Roncbrnkc. W. I. Honebrnko of Catching In lot has Bold thirty acres of his ranch to Win. Luckstrom nnd lonBod tho balance of his proporty to Mr. Laclc strom for four years. Tho thlrty-acro tract, which Mr. Lackstrom purchased Ib bottom-land and hns nbout n quarter of n mllo of frontngo on Catching Inlet. TJliIs lenvos Mr. Honebrnko plenty or wn torfront ror tho bnlanco or his ranch which consisted or 215 ncros. Mr. Honebrnko plans to movo to Mnrshllold to mnko his homo. Mrs. Ronobrnko has not been In vory good health nnd they will probably spend part of tho early summer with rela tives In Oregon and Washington. I SURPRISE PARTY Last evening n numbor of friends of Chns. ProdolliiB tendered him a surprise pnrty nt tho homo or Mr. and Mrs. John Nnglo In South Mnrsh flold. They congregated nt tho Nngle homo Just boforo his arrival and tho lights wore turnod off when ho 011 tored. Tho shout of wolcomo thnt greeted him mom than surprised him until tho lights wore again turned on so that ho could 800 tho cnuso. Tho evening yua spout Jn various games nnd diversions, fol lowing which, refreshments. Vor(J enjoyed. Mrs. Nnglo having nropurod n lino birthday enko with twonty 0110 candles. Among thoso prosont woro Mrs. Wnltor Hill, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Nnglo, Mrs. C. It. Flanagan, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Doll, Misses Ivy 11111, Alpha Mnuzoy, Holon McLaugh lin, Esthor Nolson, Hess Flanagan, nnd Slgnn Larson, and Mossrs. Goorgo Doll, Joe Schott, Wosloy Sea man, Halbort Carlisle, Roy Abbott nnd Fred Hill. DIES IN CALIFORNIA. Pullier of .Mi. W. H. McPliersou nml Jus, Bering .HiirciiiuhH. Tho rollowlng from n San Fran cisco paper will bo or Intorost horo us .lames Bering or Murshflold nnd Mrs. w. II. McPhorson nro children of tho deceased: John Plorson Boring, the Inst "John Plorson Boring, tho Inst Society of California Plonoors, rtlod nt his homo, 770 Colo stroot, Tues day, nt tho ugo of 85. Ho had boon n resident of Snn Francisco sluco Soptembor, 1810, having coma to tho Pacific Const from Philadelphia nbonrd tho Clnrlssn Porklns with n company ot forty-nlnore, who Balled to tho south fork of tho Yuba RIvor, whoro thoy engngod lu placer mining. Horo Boring mado a rortuno nnd returned to Snn Fran cisco in 1852, entering tho wnro hoiiso business, In which ho re mained until his retirement a row years ago, Tho funeral was held under tho auspices of tho Society or Califor nia PIoneerB." Havo your Job printing dono at Tho TlmoB ofllco. Trv Tho TlmeB" Want Ads. MYRTLE POINT WET AND DRY ELECTION. Perhaps you havo to voto to get a drink in Myrtlo Point, but you don't have to In Marshfield. Just go to SARTERS. Poison Oak nml sunburn cured by using Dcr niol, or money back. 00 In every 100 cases cured by tills great I'oliou Oak remedy. SOCIAL CALENDAR