smsssM DID YOU MR STOP ggKBg? TO LOOK BACK AND REGRET? (BfJtt NOW IS YOUR TIME, A miiiiII nd hi Tin Time wnnt column nmy bring yon results Tin mediately. Try oiu'. MEMBER OP THE A8SOOIATKD PRES I.VI.illllUllCd 111 iOICJ .... i , im( MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, -MARCH 10, 1913 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. JYiayAdveSuct.31"11 No-20 VOL. XXXVI. m Tho Const Mn.ll., A WT ARTICLES A WWt A(vt44 I flra ct found, though ''"" "" I I yll'K ll9 FT IT l -trr:.ji..n! l'w lon.l Tl.oy J,W 'V1 - &.1 atf VI M 0 i-J ere 111 , a yu- Lfl.UUEQVlST TO BE APPOINTED COUNTY ATTORNEY BY GOV. WEST Dislriot Attorney Goo. M. BrOWIl 01 nUJruuiny n.wv roi nauu. MATTER REFERRED TO HHIM BY GOVERNOR. Present Deputy Dislriot Attor ney Will Land County . Position. nOSEM'KO Ore, March 10.. District Attorney Coo. M. Brown, "compliance with n reciuost from rnr Wear today selected Lnw- A. UUcivlHt or Coqulllu to M appointed Comity Attorney or COOS LOlltliy umn'i " '",",, , ir the legislature iirovlilliiK for I- - of dlHtrlct ultornoyH. The Iary Is to bo $1S00 nor iej'r Drown fonwirdod his boIcc Uon of Mr I.UJenvlst this nfler noon ami It Is expected Hint tiro oSclal niuiolntiiiont will bo mndo l.mnrrmv at SilU'lll. Mr. Mljcnvlst has boon deputy district attorney under DlHtrlct At oroer Drown for tlio past four jtars, attending to matters In Coob nd Curry louiiiich. ws i:n''ifii iifi'. Tim above iiowb will not lio n nrprlie hero ns tiny niipciliitmuitt cl Mr. Mlljeqvlst wiih rather ex ited by tlioso who had been pay Isr attention to tho mnttor. A mmlcr of other candidates wero Hiked ot for tho plate nud Homo oi these being democrats, it wiih ex pected that Gov. West, who Ih n democrat, would glvo tliom pro (trecre over n Kopubilcnii. Tho ippolntnicnt will ho until tho next ttneral election n year irom turn till. WILSON WANTS NO RELATIVES Opposes Appointment of Sec ond Cousin From Portland As Philippine Official. A MAHHLE CONFIRMED. I mi noes l'l laSi4 H FRONT II INLOLVED a McCit" sn Ml NM ki C A. Smith Company and boutnern Pacific Clash Over Local Property. A case InvoIvliiK n 10-3i Intorost a the waterfront from Mill Slough near tho depot will bo honrd In j mncisco this week. Tho C. smith company nnd tho Southorn fKiile aro tho contending imrtles. "tract Is cry valnablo. Including Property on wl Uh tho Bonvor "' coai bunkers are located, ns - iwcr vninniiio waterfront. C, "nt wlle ,,l Southorn i. WIMP u n"", "'" iiuny inim ln b,. hm' u,cv "Hnnly boiiKht tho !:trMV VV11'1 !M(I not miv 1,l ltMi-c '? M,irx. who now "" la San P.,oiu,. I urn I.. . " ......... .uin, nil- xt Ida 10-32 Interest. Sho did Win1 .i. ' nucll0 to hor Intor i"1 'a tee nrnnnriv n...i ,i. c...i. Nfiw,1Pdlii,,oLii?..1't' " desired Praporiy KtU.C' A" Smltu company """IIll Out Inn linn.. c n . .. Wi here. . ::..." .Mu'"l,"" (ji'i imiik ; : ""' "ie" "rH "II- iiffl,,,ln t,,e ,"lbln"i no. ' n" ' Br!f,c- 'owevor. now thro,Wn?'81'1" nt th0 whole ilSi.i ?f,,aw ,b I',,l80,, As '.original Btrin wn ti.iio,,.! i 00unrtu. ..." ............ iiitu .fc, tw"". "rBeij nmrUod by tho 1 to It, ,, , w H,"o question ,..V exact Inntlr i." i. ..ii. mir S?.2i,.her..,mnvcmontB nnt- fBtirU'i'i clday tf OC0 ul tt nCtdlUK strtel s. , -, tt FrU Mrs. irgelt trs. I t MrtJ lnasOE(: 1.LBW-- jllldetl: and " WASHINGTON', March 10. Tho Hoiiuto today confirmed tho nomination of John II. Murblo to bo n member or tho lutei'Htuto tommerco commlH-hIoii. LET US TALK IT OVER tllr AmocIaIM I'rrta to Cod liar TlmM.) WASHINGTON, March 10. l'rPBldent Wilson hnd beroro him to dny the nucstlou or whether ho should consent to tho appointment of n rolntlvo to n public olllco. Snt urdny, whon Captain Alfred Wilson, of 1'ortlnnd, Oregon, a Heeond cousin of tho prcHldout, wiih HURKCHted to tho secretary of war an n member of tho I'hlllpplno Commission. Garri son consulted tho president and found him dlslnellncd to appoint n relative to otllco. A dulcKntlon of westorners nKaln today pressed tlio appointment of Wilson and secretary Garrison told them that ho would have no objection to tho appoint ment of Wilson if tho president Is willing The appointments mndo nro: For Hist assistant postmaster Kouornl, Daniel K, Itoper of South Carolina. For fourth assistant poHtmnstor KCiiornl JnmcB I. Illakcslco of 1'entiBylvnuln. For United States Judge of Porto IMco Potor J. Hamilton of Ala bama. For commissioner of Labor Btn- HstlcH Charles P. Nelll of District of Columbia. AN ACTIVH ciunpalBn has been Inntigurntcil for now mombcra of tho Cliumhor of Commerce and for subscriptions to that excel lent organization. Marshflcld, like overy other town that expects to got nhend and Increase ln prosperity, cnir only hope to attain Its full growth and to live up to its fullest opportunities by extending Its commercial ac tivities through souto organization that Is truly representative of Us full citizenship. Tho Chamber of Commerce Is tho organization In this city Hint fulfills that mlsBlon and the mission of vital Importance to every cltlzon of the town wago earner, property owner, omployer, merchant and professional man alike. . Ah Iiiih been said of other similar organizations elsewhere, It may bo that tho Chamber of Commerce Iiiih not done nil that It might have done for MarBhfleld. Hut If It linn not, no one Ib so keenly nwaro of tho fact that It l'asn't, ns aro tho old wheel-horses who havo sweat blood nud sacri ficed time and money In an effort to Do Things. If tho Chumbor'or Commerco Iiiib fallen short of what tho good citizens expect of it tho fault llecat tlio door or our men nnd breth ren who havo stood around and looked on, liiBtond of Jumping In and helping. You, my brother, must bear the blame. Mnrshflold must keep its plnco in tho prorosslon, must bo alert to tho now opportunities Hint nro crowding upon It. must havo a live up-aiid-dolug Chamber or Commerce. It Isn't n luxury It Ib a neces sity to the town's well being. Tho things which tho Chamber of Commerce havo not ncconi plInhod tiro chnrgcablo to you. (II vo thifl orgnnlzntlon' the onthuslnsm, tho co-oporntlon, tho nd vlco, tho energy, tho dues nnd tho mornl support that you onlookers aro holding bar-It, and Well, tho Chambor of Commerce won't exactly set tho Hay on flro, but there will bo things doing In plenty. Tho nssorlntlon needs your support: tho city needs your thought and effort- In its behalf; but more than that you need tho additional Impetus to the clty'n growth and prosperity -which can bo given only by a big, Ilvo cpmmerclnl organization with overy member working toward tho city's upbuilding. Kvery new Industry brought to Mnrshfleld; every local Industry strengthened; overy fnnilly added to tho clty'B population affects fav orably vour pockctbook, your investments, your business; or your posi tion. Do you practico a profession In Mnrshflold? Do you own proper ty In' Mnrshfleld? Do you do business in Mnrshfleld? Kvery new family tnat comes to town IncreaBCB tho valuo of your property; Increases your opportunities for business; Increases your professional practice. You nro personally Interested in n greater Marshrield. . Aro von n oalnrloil employer or a wago earner? A prosporouB, lively, growing, go-ahead town nicniiB moro employment, bettor wages, hlghor salaries. You nro interested in a greater Mnrshflold n largor and moro prosperous city. It moans something to you porson- Tako tho brond-mlndcd vlow, find don't sneak out of tho back door when you see D. C. Greeno nnd Hugh Mcl.aln of tho member ship committee headed your way. Como in. tlio waters mio. FEDERAL TROOPS OEFEATEO BT REBELS IN NORTHERN MEXICO KING GEORGE TO END WAR W S W E Not Allow Visitors to In terrupt His Business Hours Henceforth. IPjr AwodntM IV" lo Cooi Djr TlmM. WASHINGTON, March 10. After four" strenuous days in which his eonforonroH with Domocratio load ers woro frcnuently Interrupted by liund8hakorH, Prosldont Wilson do elded today that horonftor ho will innko iippolutmoutH only after 11 o'clock jn tho morning or for tho oast room in tho nftornoon. Ho plans to como to tho executive of- I flees nbout 0 o'clock nnd dovoto two full, uninterrupted hours to wont. Mombers of tho cabinet and poisons for whom ho Bonds will not bo sub jected to tho now rulo. On cabinet dayH ho will boo visitors boforo 11 o'clock, tho hour of mooting. w SNt.. EXPECTS PEACE IN BALKANS SOON Premier Asquith Says That Early Settlement of Euro pean War Is Now Expected. Illjr AhoiUIcI I'itm lo Cool nr TlmM, J LONDON, Mnrch 10. Tio Unlkan situation was up for discussion In tho IIouso of Commons todny. Pro mlor Asquith said, "An agrcomont on ono or two points only, nndtheso not vital ones, Is required to com ploto tho nccord of tho iiowers on tho (location of tho boundaries or Albnnln. Turkey has agreo'd to med iation by tho powers nnd wo nro now waiting to hear whothcr tho allies also will accopt." Asquith added that tho sottloment wan reached on tho question of Sor vln's economic nccoss to tho Adrian Ine nud ns to tho autonomous gov ernment of Albnnln under tho Kuro- ean gunranteo Convenes Parliament Again And Expresses Hope of Early Settlement. Wr AMorttte.) Pim lo Cooj liar TlmM 1 LONDON, Mnrch 10 King George opened todny tho third soi slon of tho present parliament after a prorogation of only two days, the briefest roccsB on record. Tho stnto ly ceremony was porformod in tho House. Of the Ilnlknn war, to which much of bin speech was de voted, tho King said: "1 am -hopeful that' the consultations between the powers will cnnblo them not on ly to secure n complcto understand ing among themselves, but to excr clso boneflceut lufluenco in hasten ing tho conclusion or tho war." During tho royal procession that preceded tho opening or parliament; several groups or women who tried to present' petition:! to the King, were arrested. Threaten Siiffi'iiKclto). A notablo demonstration of hos tility against tno suffragettes oc curred during tho parade, ono group of rivo requiring tho protection of 100 policemen to keep back tlio mob that wns exnsperatcd by the recent outrages of tho militants. Two Biifrrngottes wero arrested in tho vicinity or Marlborough houso nnd escaped rough handling only through tho enorgotle action, or tho police. Shouts or '.'Duck them ' nnd "into tho lako with thorn" brought together n mob or 3000, nil bent on taking the women from tho hands of tho police. Insurgents Overwhelm Huer ta's Forces in Sonora, Wounding Many. ' BUT littleTopposition ALONG NORTH BOUNDARY New President .Endeavors to Strengthen Forces For mer Rebels Enlisting. tllr Ana lli. I'itm to Coo liar TlmM 1 DOl'GLAS. Ariz.; .March 10. Af ter n battle lasting from Saturdar morning until yesterday nftornoon, S00 stnto troops today hold Noco zitrl, tho ' l!50 lliiertn soldiers do fending tho town retreating to Agua Prleta, according to ndvicc.i received hoie today. H tho in surgents lako Aguo Prletn they can mnrch wostwnrd nlong tho border oucountorlng only small garrisons at Nogales, Naco nnd other small towns. At none or the other posts on tho Sonorn-Arlzona border aro thoro moro than 300 federal troops. Tho Hucrtn forces in northern So nora do not exceed 1000 men and It was sfild on good authority that the stnto government (Insurgent) hits raised nu army of 10,000. Many Are Wounded. A special train bearing 17f de feated federal soldiers arrived nt Agua Prleta today. Lieutenant Co lonel Lopez, tho federal command er, was a passenger on tho train, in a critical condition, being shot through tho neck. Twenty other wounded nto being cared for Agua Prleta. ItlXltlMTS I'Olt Alt.MY. 8KT l'lHK TO DEPOT. SiilVnigcttcn Charged Willi Starting Moro ConllagratloiiM. t llr AmocIXcJ I'rvn lo Coo llir Time LONDON, Mnrch 10. Militant Biifrrngottes sot flro today to Saun dorton Station of -tho Great Western railway thlrty-ono miles from Lon don, burning It to tho ground. Two plncards found In the vicinity said. "Humlng to got tho vote," and "Votes for womon." TO ARBITRATE WAGE TROUBLE win it- yrW ;t thangl: B tlio tidal liow thoro. WANTS 1L0 PEACE I I'OPIJ PIUS DKTTKIt. ns Was W. Lw Secretary of stn Tniic I h0rnei9? Diplomats of His nv for Harmony. SHTON',MCOO,,D'rT'me'-1 '$ lBm.M.,wh 10. Sec ftt receive,! ,",by BPlntnient ;1"mtl. ,"a t0(lay most of tho M lef.Ur.P8 In Wnslllnn-lr, M .. lry ln n .i....V e... J.. corn. , "..'"'" "ions speech TV"1 ot thft 1 namo ot the iloin,L.l.Ve earnest dnsim nt i C:"on to Btrencthon n, A nemVw "'n'1 Stnte! TJ. ot naiin er8.. of the great fjUMla ,hfatthe Possibility of fCwaton nf 11 ,,u imougn JiH, "Wtj In International Pontiff Not Seiioii'.iy HI Kepoi'ted. Dr AhocUIoJ I'rtu to Cooi Par TlmM. nOME, March 10. Tho Indispo sition of Popo Plus Is pursuing its normal courso with ovory promise of his speody recovery. There Is no ground for tho roports of an aggra vated condition. Commission Begins Investiga tion of Claims of Firemen On Eastern Lines. lllr AmooIMM I'rfM to Coon IUr TIbim J NEW YORK, Marc 10. Arbitra tion of tho differences botwon fifty four wostorn railroads and thirty llvo thousnnd flromon was begun horo today boforo n nonrd or nrouru BETTER WAGE Wl Chicago Investigattion of Re lation of Vice and Low Wages Continues. Pr AMorlaleJ l'rM lo Coof Wr TlmM.l CHICAGO, Mnrch 10. Sovornl of Chlcngo'a loading merchants today continued to glvo ovldonco of tho Invostlgntlon Into tho rolntlon of STNDIGATE BUYS ROOD PROPERTY Mexico Increasing IVdcral Klrcngth l'niin ItelK'l llniuls. Wr AwoiUtvJ I'm. lo Cog. I)y TIiiim.) MEXICO CITY, Mnrch 10.- Ac cording to otllelals horo tho now administration found tho federal army numbering less tnnn 35,000 men, although Presldout Madera had repeatedly declared tt contain ed 15,000. Tho ranks nro bolng filled from rebel bauds who havo surrendered and from recruits. THINS OVEIt AMMUNITION. Millionaire Matador Given Supplies To 1'Ydcrnl Army. (llr AmoditM rrr.a lo Coot liar TlmM ) MEXICO CITY, March 10. -VI-cento Scgurn, n retired mllllontilra Matador, who several mouths ago purchased a supply of arms and am munition In Now Orloans to nld tho rovolt started by Felix Diaz at Vora Cm., has turned over tho bill of lading for tho supplies to tho Moxl cnrT government, which will havo them dollverod to tho federal army fighting ngalust the rebels In tho northern state. tlon, choson undor tho Erdmnn act. vlco to low wages for womon. Tho CONESO OF ARSON TRUST Chicago Man Claims That He and Thirty-five Others Started Fires. inr AwoiiateJ Pr to Cooa Bar TlmM. CHOICAGO, March -0. Donja mln Fink, an alleged "flro bug.' hns mndo a dotnlled confession Im plicating 35 mombers of tho alleged "arson trust," accordlug to Hrst Assistant United States Attornoy Johnson today. Fink Is also known as Franklin nnd Flnkolborg. A FRESH SUPPLY of FRESH OLYMPIA OYSTERS JUST RE OEIYED. Frco Delivery. PnONE your ORDER to PHONE 73-J. Tlio hoard, which consists of William L. Chambors of Washington, as chairman, nnd neutral mombers, W. W. Atorbury, vlco prosldont, of Pennsylvania lines in tho east, rep resenting railroads, and Albert Phil lips, third vico-presldont of tho llrothorhood of Locomottvo Firemen nnd Englnomen,, hns until April -to tnko testimony and roach a decision. WOULD DISBAR C. S. DARROW Los Angeles Attorneys WouW Prevent Accused Lawyer From Practicing. (Pr Aaioclatoil Pra to Cooa Par TlmM. LOS ANGELES, Mnrch 10. Hen ry J. Stevens, president of tho Los Angeles Bar Association, announc ed today that at tho next meeting of tho trustees ot that body, which probably will ho ln two weeks, tho question of disbarring Clarence S. Darrow will ho considered. The disbarring of Darrow was suggested Saturday by District Attornoy Fred ericks. If you have anything to sell, rent, trade, or want help, try a Wnnt Ad witnessos woro gonerally candid In tholr expressions Hint tho wugos might ho Incronsod with profit In tho employment of inexperienced help, but wages for experienced help could not bo so rapidly advanced. Accord ing to witnesses womon store om ployes aro gonerally moral and low wnges hnd llttlo or no bearing upon tho vice traftlc. SAIL SUNDAY ON AL CE Steamer Leaves for Eureka With Good List Due to Return Tuesday. Tho Alliance sailed yesterday for Eureka with a good list of passon gora from horo In addition to tho many through passengers from Portland, Sho also had a good out going cargo of freight. Tho Alliance is duo back, tomorrow and will sail tho Bamo day for Portland. Among thoso sailing on hor woro tho fol lowing.: , Miko Colorat, John Kroloms, L. R. Flomlng, Joo, Pollsch, Geo. Sonk, G. Hanson, R. Stelling, Milton Glass, Uoy Foran. Havo your job printing done at The Times ofllce. Local Men May Erect Fine Apartment House on Park Avenue Near Fourth. Negotiations hnvo just boon com cludod for tho snlo of tho D. L. Rood property on Park nvonuo, bo twoon Third nnd Fourth BtieetB, to n syndlcato which may orect n handsomo now nnartmont houso on 0 portion of It ln tho noar fuluro. Tho syndlcato consuls or w. 11. uin dlngor, D. C. Grcon, Dr. W. A. Toyo. Mrs. V. XV. Greenwood and G. XV. Kaufmnn. All aro Mnrshflold poo plo with tho oxcoptlon of Mrs. Greenwood, who rosldos In Sonttlo. Tho property Is 100x108 foot and lies botweon Third and Fourth, fac ing on tho city park. At prosont, thoro is a largo resldenco on tho property, but tho east portion of tho lot is unimproved and It Is on this portion that It Is proposed to erect tho apartment houso. Although tho prico was not stated. It is under stood that It was about $10,000, Tho location Is ono of tho host In Mnrshflold for nn npartinont houso, holng In and still outsldo of tho business district. It has n flno vlow nud Is sholtored from tho northwest wind. It Is understood that Mr. and Sirs. D. L. Rood aro planning to travol considerably now, hnvlng dis posed of much ot his local holdings and they may niako an Europoan trip this summer. RANK ROIlRER TAKEN. "Australian Mac" Gives Up Fight Agaliwt Evtiadltl Pr Amoi latinl Prwa lo Cooa Par TlmM.l NEW YORK. March 10. John McNamara, "Australian Mac," gave up tho long fight against extradi tion to Canada todny and will bo taken at onco to British Columbia for trial In connection with the robbery of tho Branch Bank of Montreal at Now Westminster. If you havo anything to sell, rent, trade, or want help, try a Want Ad. TltOl'IILi; ELSEWHERE. McaIc'iiii Town Near Laredo Threat ened by Rebels, llr AmoHaIM ITm to fuoa liar TIhim MEXICO CITY, March 10 -A force of 500 followers of Cnrranza, tho jobol governor of tho Stnto ot Coahulla, threatened today tho town of Lampazos In tho stats of Nuevo Loon. Lampazos Is located 75 mllos southwest of Laredo, Texas, and Ik tho most Important town In tho stnto. Six hundred federals from Monteroy, one hundred miles nwny, wero despatched to tho sceno ot Impending trouuie. FOR MEXICAN POST. Benton McMillan May Bo Ambassa dor to Mcvlco. llr AMoclalMl I'hh lo Cooa Par Tlmaa 1 WASHINGTON. March 10.- Ben ton McMillan, formor govornor of Tonnossoo and n former roproson tatlvo In Congress, was brought out today as tho likely selection for ambassador to Mexico. In succession to Henry Lano Wilson. McMillan Is In the city. It is said that ho declined an European post. Ui TlfiRE CAPTURED. Federal Troops Fleeing From Mill Jul; Camp Aro Overtiil.en. (Pr AaaoclateJ Pfcit lo Cooa Par TlmM DOUOLAS, Ariz., Murch 10.--Tho mining camp of El Tlgro. forty miles southeast of hero, fell last night into tho hands of 160 statu troops. Tho 100 federals of tho garrison fled toward tho border, but wero overtaken by tho consti tutionalists, who captured tholr urms, ammunition and nrtlllory af tor a sharp skirmish. POLICE FOR WOMEN. Moro Olllccrs Guarded Suffragette Parade Than Inaugural Parade, Pr AxUte4 1T to Cooa Par TtmM WASHINGTON. March 10 At an Investigation of tho alleged rowdyism In connection with the rocont suffrago parado today, lo lice Chief Sylvester furnished a statement to show that ho had D75 olllcors on duty for tho suffrago parado and only 3C7 for tho Inane ural parado tho day following.