The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 06, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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A Running Record of In
dividual Opinion by a
Quiet Obserrer.
Editor Times:
There la one subject that never
crows old. That Is, "the evils of
our dlvorco lawB,"
Now, before wo ko any further, 1
want to say that the evil Is not in
our dlvorco laws any moro than
the crlnio of larceny grows out of
the statutes on that subject.
Our dlvorco laws wero made by
the brainiest men wo could Bcaro
up. They aro the result of huri
dreds of yoars of research, and the
experience of our loglBlutors, many
of whom have tried the law tlicin
solvcs. Thoy aro tlio cpltonio of
wisdom, as all laws ought to be
(this Is not slurring the legisla
tors, either.)
"Tho ovIIh of our dlvorco laws"
la a mine tnat has been worked by
the press and pulpit for ages. It
turns out about tho same kind of
uuggots year In and year out. When
ever thero Is a scarcity of news a
reporter Id sont over to tho court
houfio to dig up tho number of dl
vorco sultB granted or filed within
a given tlmo. Usually this Is ac
companied by extracts from some or
the most salacious petitions all
good reading' matter. Then tlioro
la tho moral lesson drawn by tho
editor, which Is a real mental rest
to write. Tho conclusion Is always
the same: Something wrong with
our dlvorco laws.
About over so often tho ministers
of tho gospel, as a sort of holiday
for themselves, and as n treat for
tho congregation will deliver n stir
ring sermon on "Tho Evils of Our
Dlvorco Laws." These sormons are
always well received, hecauso tho
congregation feels "tills Isn't meant
for me."
I bollove that marrlngo Is a sa
cred Institution nnd that dlvorco Is
a godsend. That doesn't sound Just
Under our laws, whon a foreign
er comes to this country, ho must
declare his intention to becomo u
a citizen: then ho must wnlt flvo
years or more. After that, ho 1st
trlod, as you might say, and If ho
is found worthy ho Ib permitted
to voto and help mako divorce laws.
Why does It take so long for him
to becomo u citizen? That hu may
mako himself acquainted with our
laws and our plan of government.
Thon, this government wants tho
time to satisfy Itsolf that our frlond
Is worthy to becomo a citizen. It
tu a good theory, anyhow.
Hut, on tho other hand, now,
Gladys moots Harold down at tho
restaurant about 11 o'clock p. m.
for tho first tlmo. Tho chances are
thero aro a couplo of other IdlotB In
tho bunch. Thoy destroy a quanti
ty of beer or chnmpugno; thon thoy
will begin to talk about mnrrlago
that Is tho chosen subject for idiots
and champagne Hnrold will dare
Gladys to got marriod; Gladys is
gamoy and won't tako n daro.
Thon, tho next morning before
Harold and Gladys becomo duly so
ber, wo aro able to road In tho pa
per In big head llncB, about n "pret
ty llttlo romanco;" "A Marrlngo as
tho Result of u Daro."
Maybo ono couplo will hot tho
othor thoy will bo married first.
Thoro Is n rush for tho dork's of
fice. Thon wo havo two crimes com
mitted Instead of only ono, two mar
riages that aro bound to result In
Tho papors glvo a half column to
tho "Jolly llttlo romunco." Every
body rends It because it 1b good
In a fow weeks or months two pe
titions for dlvorco nro filed. Then
tho howl Is mndo In tho press that
our dlvorco laws aro rotten.
Instead of a mnrrlneo llconso. Hnr
old and his man frlond should have
been' given Hlxty days U Jail, nnd
tho girls sont home. If thoy hud
homos; nnd If thoy hnd nono well, 1
wouldn't know what to do with them.
A rnarrlago llko ono of these ought
to bo nnnullod by tho Judgo tho next
morning without taking a bit of evi
dence. Tho trouble is not with the dlvorco
laws, but with tho mnrrlago laws.
I was born in tho country und a
dlvorco was so rare u thing thnt It
caused almost ns much comment as
a lynching.
You boo, It was usually llko this:
Tom nnd "Sary" wore horn, If not
on tho saino section, In tho snmo
township and range. Thoy nttonded
tho snmo school; nt noon they played
"button, button, button, who's got
the button?" nnd when Tom got It
ho gavo it to Sary,
This was tho first open dcclnrntlnn
of lovo. When snow ennio, Tom
washed Snry's face in it. Sary
luughod nnd trlod to wash Tom's. He
Invariably lot nor. This was a mu
tual acknowledgment of tho divine
passion. Tom rurrled hor books for
her to tho corner whoro ho turned
south and she wont on east.
Finally one night tit spoiling school
or prnyor mooting ho won the Car
neglo medal for heroism by asking
Sary If ho might "seo her homo."
After that It was smooth sailing.
Later on tho UBual thing happened-
theywero married. Tom know
Sary nnd Sary knew Tom and there
wob never any divorce.
Too ninny marriages aro "pot
luck" transactions. Thero Is about
tho same chance of their turning out
right ns thero Is in drawing tho big
prize in a lottery In which you aro
not a stockholder.
This talk against tho dlvorco ovll;
this advocating "make divorces hard
to get," gives mo that wan, tired
reeling. Somo people seem to think
that divorces aro llko a contagious
diseaso thnt thoy nro "catching,"
and if something Isn't done to stop
it, you and I nro liable to tako down
with It.
Then thoro aro somo peoplo also
who think that It Is a crlmo to get a
dlvorco and that tho Dertlllion meth
od ought to bo brought into vogue.
Of caurso thoro nro times whon a
dlvorco is granted on porjurod testi
mony, but the only difference It
mnkes Is, the wrong party secured
tho dlvorco.
If a man fools a women into bo
Ilovlng thnt ho Is ono of tho few
chosen ones, nnd ho turns out to bo
a good-for-nothing loafer, nnd won't
work to support his wife, sho ought
to bo given n dlvorco.
And yot "non-support'' is no lcgnl
grounds for n dlvorco. Tho law tolU
a woman that if her husband is too
lazy to work and won't support her,
alio will havo to tako her modlclno
and support him, or words to that
Tho only way for a woman to got
rid of that kind of a man is to got
him In range somo tlmo when sho
Is splitting kindling wood and let
tho axo slip.
Tho ldoa of making a woman Hvo
with n drunkon bruto; making it
hard for hor to get n dlvorco; mak
ing It n mnttor of such oxpenso that
sho cannot afford It; all seems to mo
to bo utterly dovold of good senso.
Whon n man has a wlfo who thinks
that the chlof duty of a married wo
man Is to dress up nnd go to purtlcB
and "who loves her hUBband dcnrly.
hut another man twlco as well," I
can seo no reason In asking him to
llvo with hor.
Tho main troublo nbout divorces Is
tho unnecessary notoriety. Nineteen
out of twenty nro secured without
any opposition. Thero ought to bu
nothing In tho petitions to attract tho
attention of the public. Hut entor
prlslug nttornoys enn't resist work
ing In harrowing details. Just why
thoy do It, I cannot understand, un
less It Is for tho sake of tho frco
advertising thoy got or an aversion to
seeing their stenographers Idle. Kv
ory dlvorco petition Is rubborod over
by tho roportors nnd, If thoro Is suf
ficient nasty slop In it, It npponrs
that evening und tho next morning In
tho papers.
Thero nro things that happen In
every family If they wore paraded bo
foro tho public would mnko tho mar
ital rotations of tho wholo world look
llko a dead failure What Ib the uso
of charging drunkonnos, Infidelity,
desertion nnd cruol and tnhumnn
troatmont nil In n petition nnd go
ing In to tho hnrrowtng dotulls of each
when nny ono of thorn Is good?
Thoro Is no occasion fur It oxcopt the
anticipated column wrltoup in tho
papers. You wll notlco that by way
of appreciation for tho "good story"
on tho pnrt of tho reporter, tho namo
of tho ontorprlslng lnwycr Ib usually
Tho other dny I road almost n col
umn In n Portland papor, taken from
a potltlon Just filed, whoro n drunk
en father camo homo in a perfectly
awful condition; tried to mnko the
2-year-old Infant drink whlskoy from
n bottlo and when tho heroic mothor
objected, tho fnthor promptly knock
ed her down with a club, bent hor
into Insensibility, tore tho hnlr from
her scalp, thon choked her until sho
was ns black In tho faro ns a Stet
son hat. After that, ho spent tho
rst of tho tlmo until breakfast was
ready In kicking, cursing nnd calling
hor vJlo nnmos, to-wlt: Thon thoro
followed something tho papers Just
had to loavo out.
At breakfast he told her that tho
coffco tustod llko it had been doctor
ed with something to cure tho liquor
habit, and thnt hor tea wns Just
Hwoetonod wind. Ho told hor thnt tho
only redeeming featuro about hor
biscuits was that thoro was no stom
ach strong enough to throw them up.
After bronkfnst, Instead of giving
H for liousohold expenses nnd kiss
ing hor good-byo, ns n loving nnd
provident husbnnd ought,, he squirt
od tobneco Julro In hor car.
And sho had been Buffering theso
Indignities for yoars.
Tho hiiBbnnd promptly nccepted
sorvleo, waived tlmo, and tho cauo
was advanced on tho doekot, und sho
hud hor dlvorco In twenty-four hours.
All of which wns right and proper.
Hut why nil that stuff?
I do not mean to say that tho
abovo Is exactly literal, but It will
remind you of something you hnvo
It Is hard enough to get n dlvorco,
but It Is too easy to get mnrrlod.
Is too often tho fatal sequence. La
grippe coughs hang on, weaken the
system, and lower the vital resist
ence. R. O. Collins, Postmaster, Par
negat, N. J., says:- "I was troubled
with a Bovoro La Grlppo cough which
completely oxhnusted me. Foloy's
Honey and Tar Compound soon stop
ped tho coughing spoils entirely.
It can't bo boat." For salo by
Lockhart & Parsons, Tho Busy Cor
Pictures & Framing
Walker Studio
Mnrshflold dopot, Hillyor's Clgnr
North Bond Dopot, S. S. Jcnnlng'a
Round trip 20 cents.
Wa treat you right.
Low hi price, high In quality.
Electric Irons
Wo havo n few Nocotid-liniid
irons in good working condition
nt $1.70.
New irons, $3.50 up.
Coos Bay Wiring Co.
Phono 237-J 163 N. Broadway
for each sot of old Falso Toot
sont us. Highest prlcoa paid for
old Gold, Silver, old Watches
brokon Jowolry and Precloa
Money Sont by Roturn Mall.
PIU In. Smelting & Refining Co.
Established 2U Years.
803 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa,
We will buy your Gold Filling),
Gold Scrap, and Platinum. Higu
t prices paid.
Miss Anna Johannsen
who for tho past three years con
ducted a very successful
In San Francisco, has located In
Marshflold, nnd Is now proparod to
give scalp treatment, Bhnutpoolng,
nnd facial mnsago, using rploctrlc
dryer nnd vibrator.
Hnlr work, switches, Janos, curls,
puns, oic, uono to order, either from
combings or now hnlr.
22ii N. Fourteenth st. or Phono Hlil-L
Marshfield Paint
(2b Decorating Co.
Kutlnwitcs Furnished.
.Phono 1H7-L Marshflold. Ore.
Singer Sewing Machines
Wo havo them for rent or for salo.
Machines Repaired.
Supplies and Needles for Salo.
131 Park Ave. Mnrshfleld.
Phono 1.11-X.
CEIVED. Fro Delivery. PHONE
yonr ORDER to PHONE 73-J.
Twin City Laundry
Not In any Combine
H hours work for women.
Our Agents cull nnywhere.
Phono 20.1.J.
Have That Roof Fixed
WIONK 8121
The Sign of
Good Candy
Doctors Use This for Eczema
Dr. Evans, Kx-Commlssloner of Health,
Bays: 'There U ulinout no relutlou be
tween akin dUeanvH una the blood." The
akin must bo cured through the skin.
The Korms must bo washed out. and ko
salves huve lontr &ko been found worth
less. The most advanced physicians of
this country aro now agreed on this, and
uro prescrlbliiK u wash of wlntci green,
thymol and other InKredlents for ecrema
und all other skin diseases. This com
pound la known as V.V.I). Prescription
tor Jvcrema,
Dr. Holmes, the well known skin spe
cialist writes: "I am convinced that the
D.D.D, Prescription Is uh much a speclllc
lor eczema as quinine for maluriu. We
havo been presorlblntf tho D.D.D. remedy
We, ourselves vouch for 'the D.D.D,
Prescription for eczema and absolutely
I'll.Pfllltiin ... .lfY . m
nu.uM.vo IIIUI 11 Will IUKB UWUY UO
itch the Instunt you apply It.
If you pro sufrerlnjr from any form of
akin troublo we would like to have you
come to our store, for we have had tho
agency of this remedy for bo ninny
ft?.1?, u,'.nt w? can te yu aout
D.D.D. Proscription and how It cures
eciems. In fact, we are so sure of what
1 iPi .' "J Uo for yu u'at we will bo
Mad to let you have ail bottlo on our
guarantee that it will cost you nothing
unless you Una that It does tho work.
5.?5.,n.nt """ trial bottle for :5o
might to lie enough to absolutely prove
tno merits of tho remedy.
J1"?1?. ,n, our "tore anyway and vra
Will toll you all ubout this wreat remedy!
Our premiums havo arrived at last
and wo will glvo ono beautiful 32
pleco cottage dinner sot away abso
lutely freo with overy $35. QO worth
of goodB purchased from us. Soo
them In our window. Wo glvo checks
with ovory purchaso, which will bo
good for promluniB as long us wo nro
In business.
Coos Bay Tca.JCoffee & Spice House
Phono 301-J 181 Mnrket
O'Connell Rldtt.
Do You Leave Your
Doors Unlocked?
You would not do that, and you
should no moro bo without flro In
surance. The open door would
admit the burglar, and tho flro
fiend is just as insidious. He
plays no favorites, but attacks In
sured and uninsured property
alike. Don't risk your savings for
the small cost of a policy.
Ours are the safest and best.
Coos Bay Business College
You know what you are worth today. What are you
. going to be worth five years from today? When we
build a house we have a plan. When we build a ca
reer, most of us putter, dawdle, dream dreams, and
wait for some favorable breeze to waft us to harbor.
Lack of business training is not only a handicap it is
an absolute block to your advancement. Will you con
sider this a little while you are building the man or
woman who later will be YOU? Start right by starting
IMOW For something worth while. Positions in abund
ance and no trained help.
Telephone 402.
Use Electric
Roof Signs
Thoy will be seen for miles and afford the widest
and most attractive advertising obtainable for lit
tle expense. New York's sky line is ablaze after
night with electric roof signs, which aro seen
by millions of people in the street in the har
bor on the elevated on incoming and oniging
That electric signs aro profitable (o the advertis
er is evidenced by the number already installed
in Marshfield. There is room for many more.
"We can help you secure the location and our
experts will be glad to design an effective instal
lation for you. The cost of operation is surpris
ingly little. '
For particulars telephone 178 and ask for ihe
New Business Department.
Oregon Power Co.
2nd and Central
Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire
and Marine Insurance
Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.
Coqulllo office Phono 191 Platting Lands a epoclalty.
Farms Timber Coal nnd Marshflold Omco 14-J.
General Agents "BASTSIDB."
Taxes! Taxes! Taxes!
You havo but a few days in which to pay your
taxes and secure the three per cent discount.
Give us a list of your property and wo will see
that they arc promptly attended to.
First National Bank
Of Coos Bay
By furnishing us with a list of the
property on which you wish to pay taxes,
we will ascertain, free of cost, how much
your taxes are,
Flanagan & Bennett Bank
in on Tin: u
8Kii.i,K uiion
::.:.::: nr
Coos Bay
CciHtilinS i:ns
1'li.nw loa-i! u,.
T M. WltlOIIT.
. uiM)i:u
KIaJ?.".5d 8;iecl""ii A
:r ""; A? w i
ivwu. I'UUUO JZl-Jl,
AlilftliaMM fM
Scientific Swedish Mimi
.. .. . Gymnaitlci
a-O H. Hlxtli St. I-,,
J I'fflllfi Turin J
-- AMuia mum ffnud
41b 3. Sixth Street Plocil
- ii. -i. ..i ,
Hoaldonco-Studto, 237 So. Bn
mono u-L.
Mnrsbflold, Ortroa.
FVt. w. Moimow.
Ly Dentlit
171 fHninu lliill.llni. ..
Theater. OOlcc rhotni
Itootus 301 and 302, Colli
MartJifleld, Orrja
ryt, a. j. HKNrmrs
1-r Modern DmiUI Pf
Wo aro oqulppod to do l!ri
work on short notice it ti
lowest prices. Eximlsitlet
Lady attendant. Coh Bll
Chandler Hotsl. phosi 1W
Real Estate and to
244 North Front Strefll
New and Second Hand I
sold on tlio Installment
802 Front St. .
Pl.nnn !MO.Ii MtfliMl
nt new locUon
IRA Trout; fitf. '
,,., anvntv. MABCB!
Get In line. Do mW
. n..((or and TBI
jiixueri. -"
278 "''""' t- untlrl- SPljJJ
Unique PantaM
UO., lino " j
mnko yonr next J
n:. AnM Ser
renaonuuio ""-"- nj '
Will go WflaiVi
bi.a. ninnco HOW ,ti
S..S. naTPbon-'"
uikui okv" -r
..t. nna in.
SifgkwS T !!
.. iicllvercd tnA, I
ii it n N B "".. ,
and we'll do It.
ble- cnA8jn
TiTe Star Ti
And Storage
..-,-. to do hi LS
phnrt notice. '.., tM
" u a And we a'80 "iatir.
I. S. Kaufman (h Co.
Red Cross Drue Storo.
puonen " -
1 1