THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1913 EVENING EDITION. ugs! Rugs! Ru 25 atterns rmmmmmmaMmmMKmmmmmmmmmwmmmwBMaMmmamBmgBBHSBmts iammamaammmima czsmmmmmmmmmammmm I 1 1 iiPpwli 1QQ ake Ponjltry Raising Proftable 60X30 leavy Reversible Smyrna SEE OUR WINDOWS 95 C 2 To Customer Only oing & Harvey Co. We Always Sell IL For Less Tlio Improvement of the egg In dustry lias recently rccolvcd much attention. Tliu bureau of chemis try of the United States ilcimrtmont of ngrlcultuio has n stuff of chem ists iiitd bacteriologists working In tho food research laboratory at uiiiuiiu on various problems con nected with tho egg business. Tho bureau of animal Industry has sovornl scientists Investigating oth er phases or the subject. This bu roaif also has a field experiment station at Frankfort, Knn., and Is carrying on nu extonslvo education al campaign for hotter eggs. Tho Kansas experiment station Is mak ing oxteiiBlvo researches on tho Im provement of the qunllty of eggs, on tho sources of Infection and their rolatlvo Importance. Tho .Alassnchusotts Instltuto of technolo gy has received a beuuost of JG0O0 lor Investigating problems, With so many offortB bent toward doing away with tho great losses Incident to tho egg Industry, we may bo confident that I he practical application of the results or scien tific research will soon roplace our wasteful methods of handling oggs. Tno following discussion setB forth tho subject in Its present stago of development, unci must prove help ful to all who put In practice the various suggestions. The enormous losses connected with tho egg Industry are mainly due to three causes. 1, Incuba tion; l, decomposition; a, break age. Tho losses duo to Incubation can easily bo provontod by having tho hatching done as early as pos sible, and then keeping tho mal6s from tho females. In this manner millions of dollars could bo annu ally saved. It Is almost incredible that our farmers should sustain thu tremendous losses caiiBod by MARSHFIELD DRUGGISTS DESERVES PRAISE Tho Lockhnrt-PnrsonH Drug Co. deserve pralso from Marsbflold poo plo for Introducing horo tho ulmplo buckthorn bark ami glycarlno mix ture, known us Adlor-1-ka. Thin ulmplo Gorman romody first be came famous by curing appondicltls nnd It has now boon discovered that A SJN'QLH DOSE rollovos sour stomach, gas on tho stomach and constipation Instantly. It's quick action Is a big surprlao to pooplo. blood rings during tho hot summer months, when it Is so ridiculously easy to preyent them. Nevertheless such Is the fact. Many farmers seem to think that tlio hens don't lay so well when they are not with tho roosters. Thoro is absolutely no foundation to tills belief as has been roneut- edly demonstrated at tho experiment stations, With tho hot weather prevalent during tho summer, only three dnyH uro necessary for tho development of tho omryo chicken to such an oxtont us to niako tho ogg unfit for consumption. Nor Is Hits all, Tho losses duo to fertili zation are manifold and far-reaching, bocauso fertilization of tho eggs also causes loss through decompo sition. Tho dovoloping chicken within tho egg takes materia! out of tho shell to build up Its body, thoro- foro making tho shell oxtromoly weak and brittle. Such eggs break very easily and soil othor oggs In tho packago with tholr contents. In a fow bout 8 the consequence Is that mora or less of tho oggs spoil. Thoro aro othor factors besides mating which cause nu infection by microbes during egg formation, lu birds tho oviduct, whoro tho white and tho shell aro formed around tho yolk, opens directly in to the cloaca or Dowels. Tho cloa ca, being full of focal matter, con talus millions of bactoria. It Is not surprising that soma of theso bacteria should make their way from tlio bowels Into tho oviduct, whoro they may got Into tho egg. In general it may bo said that Intestinal troubles, especially con stipation, favor tho Introduction of bacteria into tho oviduct and there fore decreaso tho keeping quality of tno eggs. Hxcesalvo fatness of tho laying hens, greatly favors disorders or tho egg producing and tho dl gostlvo organs. This shows tho Im portance of balanced rations and lots of range lu tho' production not only of many but also of good oggs. Tho healthier tho chickens tho more eggs they will lay and tho better will those oggs bo. Though wo cannot always pro vent tho microbes from ontorlng the ogg during Its formation, wo can prevent them from gottlng In aftor tho egg Is laid. Infection aftor oggs aro laid probably causes more loss than that taking plnco during S. P. IS BIG TIMBER OWNER Hum "2ra" MO FARE 20c Round Trip between Held and North Bend WIFIELD- NORTH BEND AUTO LINE N 4 King, Props, THE RECORD PHOTOGRAPHING AIJSTRACT COMPANY Havo photographic coplos of all records of Coos County to date, abstracts of titles, prosont ownors, or any othor Information rotating to roal ostato fumlshod on short notlco. MUSINESS OFFICE: 117 North Front St., Mnrshfleld. Phono 1JJ1J W. J. RUST, Manager PAST AX1) COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo Kqulpied with wlrcks nnd submnrlno bell SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD for SAN FRANCISCO TUESDAY, MARCH 4, AT 8 A. M. All Pawtenger ItpmirvatloiiH From Sun Irniirlsco Must Ho Made nt 805 Fife HuJldlng, or Lomburd street Pier ii7. All reservations must ho taken up ill howl's before hailing. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE 44. 0. F. McQEORQE. Agent. El I Pat Bundle for Me I dl ana a clean shirt. mm ciTmw... lCity Laundry " I'll Call. NM Button Shoes I 'w Children. 'WSJ?' Le,atllor B,,tton r "lies and Misses', at wiboe Shop SPEEDWELL THE NEW Steamer CAPT. RURTIS, Master. Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay Friday March 14. THE SPEEDWELL Is speedy nnd has excellent passenger uccoiu. modutlons, Inrgo clean and airy rooms ami electric lights and wireless. For freight and passage, apply, A. F. Estabrook Co. Title (Jiinriuiteo wml Abstract Co., llit-(U7 Santa Marina IJIdg., San Francisco. Mnrshflold. V Allh Sntn,; K, ,pPrtotor. .Jt0iV,yer'8aie U t.i "..' After 1 1 r. . 3.fci: -"-ti"H. J?bS2? -T?n,"aB. BlectrU InUV.,'"11! Heat. RlntrnnM. er. 0m' w Hot and u?A ooos r W "Un.Prop. B)i" nd upwards PL Market f ge Company fchtoVtart, Mgr. ' lire ft.k?rt Cleaned. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR. PORTLAND SUNDAY, MARCH 2 AT 6:30 A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANV. Phono 44 v' McGEOHGE, Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILINGS FROM PORTLAND, Tuesday evening of each week at H P. M. SAILING FROM MARSHFIELD, Saluidays, March lht, 8 p. in., March 8th, 0:!I0 n. in., Murch IHlli, '! I. m March 21!iul, 0 u. in., March 20th, 2 p. in. Phone Main 8H-L. O, MILLER, Agent. REAL ESTATE, RENTALS AND INSURANCE We Iitivo some of the best bargains in Real Es tate to bo found in Mnrsh field. 1 lore are some of the bargains which will pay you to look up befoic you locate. Two lots on South Broadwav, 80x120 feet, for $2(500. "Four lots and eight-room house on easy terms, in llnslside, and some fine building lots to be sold on "easy terms. TTnvc some nice building lots in Bunker ITill, only five minutes' walk from the Smith mill. TTnvo a seven-room house and four lots in Bun ker TTill for $2000, part cash, balance on time. Al so lots in Bay Park. FoV particulars see PARKER. & LEATON Rooms .1 and 2. Lockhart Bldg., over Hub. Or phone 199-R. Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call at PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and make selec jtiou from the largo stock now on hand. Sir. Wilson has in his employ the only practical marble and granite cutter in Coos County. And nono but the best work is turned out. hioiigh (o Keep Mills In tho Northwest Running 20 Yours. WASHINGTON, March G In ad dition to bolus Interested In th largest steamship lines of tho coun try, and the greatest oil Holds, tho Southern Paelflc Railroad Company Is disclosed In a report of tho Oopartmont of Commerco and Ixi hor to. ho tho largest holder of standing timber in tho United States. Tho Joint holdings of tho Soutih I'M Pacific and tho Woyorhausor In terests would, according to tho re port, keop all the sawmills In Cali fornia, Oregon and Washington go ing for 2 U years at tho present rato of output. Tholr timber would keep nil tho 40,584 sawmills In tho united States going at full ipeed for four and a half years. Adding tho holdings of tho North ern Pacific to thoso of tho South ern Pacific and tho Woyorhausor In trests, all tho sawmills on tho Pa cific coast could bo kopt golnc for 30 yoars, and all thoso of tho United StnteB for nearly six yearn. Tho holdings of thoso three Inter ests uro shown In tho report as follows: Tho Southern Pacific, thu Woyorhausor Timber and Northoru Pacific companies own IOC, 9G and 3G billion feot of standing timber, respectively, In tho Pacific North west. ogg formation, It can bo provoutcd by keeping tho oggn in a cool, dry place. As long us tho eggs aro perfectly dry tho bactoria which aro always present cannot get through tho mlnuto holes In tho shell. Hut as boom as tho eggs aro wot many bacteria grow and movo through tho shell, infect tho egg contents and Bpoll tho ogg. Cold Is one of tho most powerful nlds to tho egg Industry. It pre vents tho bactoria from ponotratlng tho egg shell, because it chocks their growth and motility. Hoforo all, It checks tho growth of tlio bactoria which aro already present In the oggs, which It thus provouts from spoiling. It also provonts tho shrinking of tho eggs, because It checks tho evaporation ot water from tho egg contents through tho pores of the shell. Shrunk eggs, of course, do not bring ns good u price ns utco full oggs. Tho coolor tho farmer keeps his oggs tlio hotter will bo tho prlco tlioy conimnud, provided that tho buyer caudlos them. Clean nests maku tho washing unnecessary. If it alinuld bo neces sary lu exceptional cases, tho ogg Bhould bo rinsed lu clean water and then dried thoroughly. Tho pack ers gonorally object to washed eggs, bocauso washing romovos tho flno film which covers tho shell, thereby facilitating tho ontrnnco of bactoria. EggB should never bo stored In hot, damp places, nor lu places whoro strong odors aro prevalent, bocauso tlioy absorb odors very rapidly. Anothor fnctor which causes much loss In tho ogg Industry is break age This can largely bo prevent ed by handling tho eggu carefully, packing thoin well, etc. Tho losses duo to broken eggs aro not limited to tho broken eggs thomsolvcs, but. as pointed out above, also affect the sound eggs. This Is bocauso thn contouts of tho broken oggs soil many of tho sound oggs, thereby fa voring tlio entrance of microbes In to such eggs. For this reason no weak-sholled oggs, checked oggs, etc., should b& shipped wUh sound eggs. All eggs should bo candled before shipment and everything thut Is not In good condition should bo kept at ihome. Tho losses duo to breakago can b greatly reduced by supplying th hons with plonty of oystor shell. Naturally a thick, strong reguUr s'holl does out allow ovaporatlon to. proceed na rapidly as a thin, weak shell. HIDDLIC IIOM1? HUII.NH. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS. HOOFING PAPER, ETC, i ' CUT THE FUEL RILL IN TWO UY USING OUR WOOD. PHONE 100. 182 SOUTH RROADWAY Steamer Washington Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay, With Freight, only, Wednesday p. m. February 26. F. S. DOW, Ageat. OceB Dock. Hoiiho Destroyed While Owner Vis its With Friend. HOSRUUIIG, March C The home of Mrs. Clydo Cutchlng of Rlddln was totnlly dostroyod by fire. Th loss, which Includos tho dwelline and furnishings will probably total $1D00 upon which sho carried a few hundred dollars' Insurance. Mm. Catching had Just arrived horo from Hldulo to sponu a tow uays vish Ing with Mr. and Mrs. IJ. J. Robin son. Throo hours later sho receiv ed a telephouo message to tho ef fect that hor homo was burning and that all offorts to extinguish the flauios hnd failed. COUNTRY SHORTS at HAINKt Llbby COAL. The Hind YOU hava ALWAYS USED. I'honq 73, PaclQa Livery and Transfer Company. S3) AN EPIDEMIC OF COUGHING. Is swooping ovor tho town, and younc nnd old aro alike affected. Foloy's Honoy & Tnr Compound is a quick safo rellablo family medjclno for cougha and colds. A. S. Jones, of Leo Pharmacy, Chlco, Calif., says:-. "Foley's Honoy and Tar Compound has no equal, and I recommend It as containing no narcotics or other harmful properties." For salo by Lcckliart & Parsons, The Husy Cor i' or. You Auto Call Foote PHONE 144-J NIOHT AID DAY Stand frout of Ulanco Illlllard Parlaf TWO NEW OARS After 11 P. M. Pboa &J. Residence Phono .8-J. Cureul Drlvem :- God 9t ' AU