THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1913 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES M. V. MALONEY Editor ami VuK DAN K. MALONEY News Ktlltor Official I'iiiht of Coos County. Ul'lJCIAI, PAPER Ol'' TIIH CITY OK MABSIIFIELB. Entered at tho postofflce nt Mnr9h field, Oregon, (or transmission through tho malls as second clus mall mattor. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. DAIIjY. Ono year $6.00 Por month r WEEKLY. Ono year $ 1.50 When paid strictly In ndvnnco Hie ubscrlptlon prlco of the Coos Bay I mi 1- r An ..- ........ - ) r.l tnr lx montliB. Dedicated to tho sorvlco of tho pcoplo, that no good cause shall lack champion, and thnt ovll shall no.' thrlvo unopp ised. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAIIjY TIMES. Mnrnhflcltl :: :! s: : Orecoa A PUBLIC LIBRARY. m IIP. TIMttH iinlnH with nlimmirn I that Dandon Is agitating tho mattor of a frco public library In that city. With Its nccustomed ' 111 mill til. II III! Iin ULUlimiilln-ll .,.,, i public spirit there Is no doubt thnt la1nlB"nK? ... tho ontcrprlslng clty-by-thc-sea will ' w 'lc1' BMUr ft rally to tho support of this necessary a 0I,U0' V , public Institution tho flro department have a public I dedication nnd John D. Ooss hiib- Bests tho following toast: , "May she he like our dear old maids always rendj, but never' called for." I I THE QUIET OIlSEKVEIt SAYS: I ; I "If people didn't chnngo their i I minds, thore wouldn't bo no bus! ness for furniture Btores." I Full Many. Full mnjiy a man Has lost his grip By being shy One poker chip. Harry McKoown. Full ninny a man Has lost his stack By being shy Ono doggono Jnclc. Honry Hugglns. Full many n mnn Hns lost his beans By having ono With' two atiocns. W. J. Conrad. Full many a man Has fallen from grnco When a greenhorn partner Trumped his ace. George Goodrum. A Ciirlout Word. Them Is n word In the English first two lottors or male, tho llrst three first four n great man SLAP AT WOMEN OF 0005 BAY There was ho mo slight objection from somo of the ultra conservative , nnd tho whole a great woman. The I word Is "heroine." --- when Mnrshlleld llrst established its THE BACHELOR GIRL SA1S. frco public library, but It would bo "That irreslstlblo dcslro that n wo Imposslblo to find nnyono now who mnn hns, to cuddlo up a Huffy kitten would object to any nld offered this nnd coo to It, Is tho samo emotion Important feature of tho city's llfo. I that a mnn feels nt tho sight of n Any public spirited mnn or woman Huffy woman nnd mistakes for should bo willing to contribute either . love." by direct tnx or othorwlso to help maintain n public supply of good books. All tho progress of tho rnco, I TOM NOWLIN'S MILLION. I nil civilization results from educa-, 1 Ji" ""!!-"?.."r-.1.!!?. If I hud a million dollars s a k laru-a.-srjK' w- Portland Paper Says Society Leaders May Dress More Cheaply Here. The Portland Telegram says: "Necessities for a socloty woman: Two ball gowns, $28(5 each ...$r70 One threo-plece afternoon suit . 200 Ono tnllorcd suit 12a One suit for auto wear 85 One evening coat 125 Three hats, $25, $G0, $80 ... 10G NORTH 10 IMPROVE LOCAL OVERFLOW. Want Highway to Empire Changed and Plan to Hard Surface to Sunset Bay. At a meeting or the North Head Commercial club last evening, n plan to Bectire the straightening of tho count road between North Head nnd Empire nn.l Inter the haul sur facing of tho highway was advo cated. Br. Hurtle and Messrs. McLeod nnd Kern were appointed a com mittee to go to Coiiulllo tomorrow to take up with tho county eoiuinis- Totnl $1270 "Following in tho wnko of Mrs. Ttoosovelt. who nssortd early In her Blotters tho project. career as tho wlfo of tho President, ' Tho plan Is to Imvo the road that a woman could dress on MOO a Jf EJ wtZnX year, and Queen Mary of Englnnd, ' following tho present road to Slx who laid down tho grent emphasis tcenth Btreet and thence following on simplicity of gowning at tho tlmo Broadway to Newark and theiico on of tho coronntlon, Mrs. Woodrow to Newark Into Empire. It Is Wilson assorts that sho Intends to claimed that the cost of changing spend but $1000 n year on dress dur- the road would hu small and that Ing her stny nt tho WJiIto IIoubo. It would then bo on n pormnnent ..Portland women think that that route which would permit poriun Miuidurd In too low. That It might nenf Improvements. Besides thu bo t'lirrlcil out In Butte, for Instance, chnngo, the committee will ask to or Coot Bay, but Washington, or , have tho road graded this year. Portland never! Tho plan Is then to levy n ten- "Of course." say they, "ono enn mill special road tax In tho North uress on tnnt ono tan oven dross on ; Bond district for the nurnoso of ho of Mnrshlleld should bo sulllcicnt I surely would bo gay. I,.r.n.t?-p."n,,l,11 ,0 1,00Hl thl8 ""'I Hit am willing to take it chanco n w-nnV i. 'i. At It. should It ever como my way. Z!tiJSti - rnA u, moBt of County nnd thats why Tho Times n unrtta nf old Coos Bnv ?iiS . .?..f -l. 1 J. ,r"".1.1,.?.8. nnd dlfforont kinds of boats ,.....,... .. ,. ,u,,,,u, . Huiuiih Atll. ,. .. tr nii n .nt inr mi. IM i snroly got their goats. If I had n million dollars what It goes after tho successful out come of Its effort In tills lino Is as Btired. WITH THE TOAST AND THE TEA M t: GOOD EVENING I Tho llrst lesson tnught by (lowers R tho sacred slgnlllcanco nf bonuty tho place which boauty occupies In tho scheme of things. F. II. Hedge. I would form tho biggest pool To tako care of all tho paupers And sond poor kids to school. And to thoso who did not know It I would tench tho Golden Rule. Now as I havo not got tho million, nnil T u'linl In II vi nml llirli'n ' I could thank you very nicely whon you sond along thnt five. T. C. NOWLIN. Paso Uobles, Calif. Where lie Was Valuable. "Yes," said tho colobrntcd oculist, "ho had somo rnro trouble with his ovos. Every tlmo he would read -tt-tt- double. And yet ho Is nblo to hold Tho Quitter. la very high-salaried position." What, boaten, you say? You'ro still ' "Why, whnt can ho do?" said a breathing, i friend. And talking nnd walking around; "Tho gas company gave him a Job If you'ro dead, sure, you ought to bo reading meters. lonving. -::-::- For your placo Is undor tho ground. What Was Worse. 1 "Can you Imagine," said the face There s no room on tho earth for n tlous teacher of nntural history, quitter: "anything worso than a gliaffo with Thnros work to he dono everv dav. .. anm Hivnnt?" - W WW It t'WIU " $150 a year, but tho wlfo of n Presi dent cannot ho well dressed on $1000." "Somo of them wish thnt It could but doubt It oven tho example of tho llrst lady of tho land can chnngo tho tide: others declare that It Is not tho fault of tho women thnt clothes cost as much ns thoy do, that It 1b a man-mndo profit, whllo others ns- sort that In making n stand for slm- ginning hard surfacing tho highway. There Is three miles of road to Em pire nnd It is bolloved thnt tho ten mill levy would do tho work next year, tho following year another ton mill levy would carry tho hard sur face paving on to Charleston and tho fourth year's ten mill levy would complete tho hard aurfneu roadway to Sunset Bay. Br. Ilnrtlo and others ar onthu- Bushing Work W. S. Turpon who or Homo la tfv, , - o was 85 Vl "H J .-".'" "v.i" .... . in.. : ",;.""' piiwupo. vi? '"' s. nan uiuiiku i l" iuiiiuhuiiiiik ui uiu rop n . . ,-- "turaski . Donaldson block, Is rushing It nnd H,,M nf,J 1,ul the Si" says he will make a good appearing' f " " '.nrr'val tA one Btory structuro out of It. 11. A. I l'""il8lB' "e'ii Hnrrls Is tho contrnctoor. 'i" ., Sells Iot Hugo Qulst nnd Ooo. F. I X7 A NTV A tv urch havo sold tho southenBt cor-, I T N Jl A r of Second nnd Hull nvenuo to E, I '" Mure nor W. Sullivan for $2000. It Is 10 x 100. Tho denl wns mndo by Wnlter Itlchnrdson. They bought tho prop erty Inst year for $1000. For Jetty Work Secretary Henry Songstacken of the Port of Coos Bay Commission will leave Saturday for Portland, nnd while thore will confer with Major Morrow about thu coi struction of the Jotty. It Is bolloved thnt Captain Polhemus can bo so cured to como hero to tnko chnrgo of tho work on tho funds of the Port of Coos Bay Commission until tho next Congress makes an appropria tion for tho work, FOB i.i.'iui. ... $-5. I.cnsom8V;,'j mn. Host nffn, .:,"" W Mnrshfleld c W "l wit iMoxTrr-H ueroronccs renulr.j .l care TImcs. Wtii- iiiJ 111 Timber Deal. It Is expected that thu urrlvnl hero of C. It. Smith will result In the consummation of n deal for tho sale of it considerable tract of timber by either thu Monn hIiii Woodenwnro Company or tho Southern Oregon Compnny to tho Swnyno & Hoyt IntorcBtB for tho now North Bend bill. It Is nlso expect ed thnt Mr. Smith will nlso begin preparations for thu starting of op erations hero by thu Monacsha Woodenwnro company as ho Is said to expect an early settlement of thu question raised by the government about tho title to thu timber on tho old Coos Bay' Wagon road grant nnd nlso of tho railroad grants. LosTwni huuTrr nnl dlnmond T usi nioiuny klndlV j s Cnrl W Evert ' once. Howard. von ha i.i. :. .,.- ..a r '.ii v ntiA .1 ""rd'Hobya WANTED (Soiit,.1Zr"- " Uo K,' Tgoa pllclty Mrs. Wilson Is domonstrntlng , MiaH,. nvm- th.. ntnn her superior roflnomont nnd rccognl-j Thl, Inn mKht nfroct tll0 MnrB,. Hon of her duty to the Nntlon. flold-to-thu-sea boulevard plan same Now what do you think of thnt ladles? Tho nbovo Is front tho Port land Telegram. Portland again points tho scornful linger of onvy nt our socloty leaders. Of courso It Is envy. Anyway tho Coos Buy woman does not rcqulro nil tho trappings and dec orations that a Portland woman wenrs to mnko hor nttractlve. Tho Coos Bay womnn docs not llnd It neccssnry to cover hor bond with diamonds until hor faco looks like n bowl of cracked Ico In order to attract attention. It Is not necessary to paint thu Illy or gild gold. Wo might say something about beauty unadorned but wo forbear. Anywny a Coos Bay womnn In n $12 gown looks bettor than u Port land socloty lcador In a $1200 cos tumo. So thore! PHOSPER MIIjIj CUT. what. BEAVER 11 And n man who admits ho Is beaten Is only around In tho way. Tho wny you travel's a hard ono? Havo you tried to Improvu It nt nil? Kvor plckod up n slono? You don't answer. And you dare complain when you fnll? Run nlong; I've no tlmo for u quit ter; I havo troubles enough nnd to spare: And tho prlsreH of llfo only go to tho mnn Who Is ready to do nnd to dnro. Solected. Klnmnth Falls Is still talking about Its relation to Biblical his tory. One passage in tho good hook reads: "And in Canaan, thoro was a rlvor called Moandor." Mill Slough meanders. Therefore, hero Is Canaan! -tt-tt- When Mnrshflold gots hor new auto flro engine It Is proposed thnt "Yes, sir, ' camo tho nnswer from ono boy. "What, pray?" asked tho teacher In surprise. "A centipede with corns." On Front Street, of Coiir-e! Huston tho hour nnd quicken -Tie ' day When tho dally papor will tragically say "He dodged n street car. And was struck by a drny." Said to Be Turning Out About (10,1)00 Feet Per Day. Tho Dandon Surf snys: "In re modelling tho Prospor mill It was tho original Intention of tho compnny to Increnso Its cutting capacity from 15.000 foot to 00,000 root por day. Under tho management nf E. Fans, who succeoded In getting back most of tho old crow who worked thoro undor tho mnunRCiuont of Win. Hick. Ing, nnd with dipt. Wnrron Parker! as head sawyer, tho mill Is now turn-1 lug out an averago of nbout C0.000 foot dally." fiOM) FROM SAND. SPORTM.VN'S VIEW. F. P. Norton hands Tho Times n copy of tho Pacific Horso nnd Sports mnn's Review, of Portland, which snys: "Our good friend, Frank P. Norton of Mnrshflold, Is having n hard tight on his hands to koep tho 'city fathers' of his homo town from cutting a street through tho raco truck, hut Mr. Norton Is somo tighter hlmsolf when occasion domands nnd wo look for him to be nblo to protect thu peoplo of Mnrshflold ugnlnst tho foolishness of "peanut politicians." Everybody's chewin' it. Chewin' what? "Best-yu-got" Buiidou Men Have Vision of For tune In Black Sand Now. Tho Dandon Surf says: Mr. Smith, tho gontloman who re cuutly Intulled tho gold savins ma chine nt Whlskoy Run, reports that Local Railroad Arranges Its Schedule to Run Trains There Tri-Weekly. Beginning next Monday, Denver Hill will again he plnced on tho mnp by tho Coos liny Rosohurg and Eastern Railway and regulnr train sorvlco will bo ufTordod tho town. For somo tlmo past, since tho coal output of tho mlno was ro duced by changing from tho old to tho now shaft, no trains Imvo boon run In thoro. Now Supt. MUlor has arranged to glvo It a threo-tlmo-n-wook sor vlco, beginning next Monday. This will result In tho afternoon train service changing some In Marsh Hold. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, the afternoon trnln will lcuvo Mnrshlleld at 1:30 ami mnko tho run Into Denver Hill and nut, making Coqulllo nml Myrtle Point tho snmo hour ns usunl. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Suturdnys tho afternoon trains will leavo horo at 2 o'clock nnd run us nt pres ent, no stop being made at Heaver Hill. Tho morning trnln sorvlco will bo tho samo as at present and the returning trnln sorvlco In tho nftor- juoon, us at present. I Sunday Trains Later. Supt. Miller Is nlso tlgiirlng on 0 TEACHERS MEET FOR RENT fv..Z7T- ,,111 l" .V"."lr BDM, " '" CKiiart By 1.VI Ott n "v..riV,,,.r"l'Kw for hitriui VVi I'ono 314Xl(.v1 i' ik mini-; i RKS for )...., i ribbon Darred Rock, fr ng. $1.00 for is! Vli brake, Phono 314X4 vi WANTED Girt r7ZT" chnmber work, a..'.1? k0"C,,,,mAppM- FOR SAIiE A ,.,vm.. llrst class condition. hM Times omco. m FOR NAliE fln r., , nation heater; also klttTnl nui mint), oi -j sevens, limine iii-J. FOR S.I,E Mtrll. cm, I nnd planing mill at a tirnil IttHlklii .1.1.. m . M ivi . jMiurvss a ttrila FOR RENT 1'urnW.d m. light houso keeping rocal nor (jcnirni anil .North .V FOR SAIilJ. hatching, -Mnllnnl dotl ( riiono I6-J. IMPORTANT MOVE TO ORGANIZE A NEW ASSOCIATION TO IM PROVE SCHOOLS. Tho llrst meeting to organize it Parents nnd Tenchors' Club In Mnrsh lleld will bo held at Central school iiuimu iiiiiiui iuv iiiiuriiuuii iil .i;.iu, ().'y 'pi) inV On Tho iniivo Is mi Importnnt ono for tiirio years 'on' farm V tho city and should moot with u gon- property. From 1109 li uiwun mill iiu, iti i unjitJiinu 1111111 viiu parents nnd school patrons nnd nil who have tho welfare of tho school pupils of Murshllold at heart. MIsh Topping, tho city librarian, will prcsldo nt tho meeting. Tho following progrnm will bo giv en: Plnno solo Miss Edna Larson. Rending Miss Harriot Hanson. Vocnl solo Mrs. E. L. Robinson. Address Mrs. Ooo. Hazor, presi dent Parents nnd Tonehera club, of North Bend. Address Supt. F. A. Tledgon of tho Mnrshflold schools. MRS. ELIZA FBITON DIES. 000. Address Hot A. E, onice. FOR SAU: Kuim for White I.niiKslmns, V.M Black Mlnnrcns, $1.59 Phono 112-J. FOR SALi; Three cood I M0 foot, In tho nut rcsldonco section ot Soiul street; nlso two loll ti'il room houso and barn cs street. Will soil cheap If I nt once. Apply to onrl Sovonth street, South Vw Mother of Ev-Senutor Fulton Suc cumbs to Paralysis. PORTLAND, March 0. After lingering for n row days, Mrs. Eliza A. Fulton, mother of C. W. Fulton, ov-l'nltcd Stntes senntor. died nt tho mnchlno Is doing nil and inura Sin y t i service llo ant" thnn was expected of It. Through To It o now but 'it .ml tin nppllcntlon or the force or gravity ' eHed In tho train crow hovlnS !,'0,i..!:r. f,"iC.k8'.,,V,0r, ,,,ro"e.r, P'Mlo wirk sove,!,0da?" week. Later Z..TL "..ii ll' ",,B '""oujiuroiwhon tho Smlth-Powora lino Is com proved so troublosomo pnsses off with tho lighter sand nnd gravel and tho clean gold nnd platinum remains In tho mnchlno. Tho mnchlno linn dlos eighty ynrda por dny and In ordlnnrlly rich snnd will pllo up n fortuno for Its ownor In n short tlmo. If tho mnchlno continues up to tho mark thoro will bo big stunts pulled off In bonch mining, ns tho bonch sands nro known to bo Immensely rich on each side of us. A GOOD CANDY Bradley Candy Co, ' $ makin' it. Everybody ' s sellin' It. IMPORTANT NOTICE. At tho request of many citizens of MnrshfJeld. nn open meotlng or all votors, Including Indies, Is called to bo hold at tho Chamber or Commorco room In tho First Nntlonnl bank building. Monday, March 8, 1913, at 8 o'clock p. ni. for tho purposo of oxtondlng to Hon. I. S. Smith n homn- comlng wolcomo In recocnltlon nf hin 15th vnluoblo services nnd boosting for "P tu glass to tho figures plotcd and business Increases, ad ditional train crows will bo avail able and tho Sunday sorvlco Installed. WEATHER AT ROSICItl'RG. Tho Rosohurg Nows snys: "Tho month or February, 1913, maintained tho gonoral roputatlon for climatic conditions In tho Ump qua Valley. Although thoro woro only 28 days In Inst month, 20 of thoso had sunshine. Tho great est number of hours of sunshine oc curred on tho 25th, whon Old Sol beamed upon Rosohurg for S.5 hours. "Tho totnl precipitation tor tho month was 5.7 or an Inch. Tho highest temperature was on tho whon tho morcury mounted 65 MANY A SUFFERING WOMAN Drngs herself pnlnfully through her dnlly tnsltB suffering from bnck ncho, hoadncho, nervousness, nnd loss of sleep, not knowing hor Ills nro duo to kidney nnd bladder troub les. Foloy Kidney Pills clvn nulck rollof from nnln and mlsnrv. n nronint return to health unit Htrniu.tli Vn '.t'VTI.',lTiviIe eiDtrli womnn who suffors can afford to ov- org and timber men. Apj'J onooit jyoiey Kidnoy Pills. For salo by or Hill Coal Co. KucKiiuri k I'nrsons, iiio uusy Lor- -nor. 1 1, WANTED To ctclianjeonAI ncrcs of tho beat truci orp land In tho country, modenll largo now barn, overrcoim go with land, on wawriv, ty rond, desirable locttloi miles from city postoncv at Four thousand dcillin,' chnnco In nart or whole I- ronl cBtnto. with bulldbtit out buildings, will anna mortgngo in dineren.i In North licna, nai Hold or Mllllngton. SU Co., Mnrshllold, Orfjoa, nnd 8, 13G uroaawa)-. loos ami utirry counties, during his Tho coldest day was tho 22nd attondanco at tho legislature of this I (Washington's birthday) when tho stnto, Just adjourned. thermometer registered 22 dogroes W. S. CHANDLER, 'above zero. Tho mean tempera- Chalrmnn Executlvo Committee turo for tho month was 40.1." Undermuslins 1I have received the first shipment of New Mus lin and Crepe Underwear, also a bi,g line of Em broideries and Linen. Wait for our swell line of Suits and Coats, or Hon will be sorry. The Golden Rule First National Bank Bldg. Men's Shoes (All Leather) $3.50 to $7.00 At FIXUP Marshfield North Bend OR SALE OR UEXT-H'Wj four lots In Eaatslde. Jnmes D. ClInklnDeim. i Orogon, .. Km FOR i'T "-.-.H nor, v vi.i" -- ,,,M Forry landing. Pboae lH If you havoanytblnjtoiell . ..! y. iKnnt hem. try "1 UUUU, Ul - I ' I .- . nnIA fill. IJouso'nT-thrJ' foot, In nay vib. , cash if taken soon, m Charles Arlandson. pi or P. O. Box 55 5. Mn " -nTP AfiAl.V Tlio Big Tour Caff In tin entirely new Wi liTe Roy TONIGH 1000 feet new I Will Furnish Your House On tho Installment Plan W. K. Wiseman 311 North Front St. Bus. Phono 29C-X. Ros. Phono 160 First Class Weaving promptly done at Gardiner's Rag Carpet. Factory Cor. Union and Montana Street. Phone 131. North Bend, Or. plcturt ...... ia ...ti-i ird ,,m I-,.,..-.., m,. '." a tonight' BIO 111-,.. - their best bills. The bet "how I" the tho money. ... HKteSl T.nor l-ioor -" e-r-T-T..TrrfATtU FOB A """" ; " ,vi ft OK ""'. E.CBARK" Fine AVtcH "fd Je mill i'i""? mm" JUST BECi:" jw .V linn" " . fila.,s Shades. wi Call and ee our . ware. Wo a's0In sbo' iuiusi. -'., jn rive. - from two i B' ,. In electrical buw--- Barnard & W