The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 03, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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- VM
The Most Exclusive, the Smartest and B
in Women's High Class Spring Apparel
nnna vaV
The most economical of all
Baking Powder
Absolutely Puro
Royal Baking Powder is made from
pure grape cream of tartar, and is
the embodiment of all the excellence
possible to be attained in the high
est class baking powder.
Royal Baking Powder is more eco
nomical than any other leavening
agent, because of the superlative
quality and absolute wholesomeness
of the food it makes.
Mixtures made in imitation of genuine baking powders, but containing
nlum, arc frequently distributed from door to door, or advertised and
offered at a low price. Such are mixtures of unliealthful ingredients.
In England, France, Germany and some sections of the United States
the sale of alum baking powder is prohibited by law. Alum is a corro
sive mineral add, and physicians condemn baking powders containing it.
Tho labol upon baking powtiora must
show tho Innnottlontsm
Steamer Sails This Morning
for San Francisco With
Large List.
Tho Kcdondo Balled thin morning
for Sun Francisco with n good enrgo
of lumber from tho Smith mill and n
full list of pusBongors. Sho Hallod at
8 o'clock.
On tho noxt trip tho Hednndo will
Bo to San I'oilro, hut will stop both
wnys nt Snn Francisco for pnBBcngors
nnd will tal(o on north bound freight
thoro on tho return
Among those Balling on tho Hedon
do woro tho following:
Huinh llolley, Mrs. L. Honor, W.
W. Krynn. Mrs. W. W. Ilryun, Mns
tor HolibliiB, MaBtor Ilobblna, Dr. M.
A. ItohhliiH, Mth. M. A. ItohhliiB, J. K.
Lyon, W. A. Cooloy, Mrs. W. A. Cool
oy, S. T. I.ovln, W. .1. Morrison. F.
Goiunlcr, Allco Johnson, C. F. John
son, Mth. C. F. Johnson, Mustor I,.
Jlertrnm, O, Johnson, M. Johnson, J.
II. Flnnngan, J. It. Ilorthold. II. A.
Dow, A. Y. Meyers, J.Goosch, Ulchnrd
Loy, Geo. Putreo, K. Anilorson, J.
Rotllos. J. ApnducB, and J. Gorleu.
PANY' made Its Initial appcarftneo nt
tho Unynl Thontru Inst night In Llttlo
Miss Portland. Tho Ulg Four Com
pany Is composed of four of tho host
mimical comedy pooplo that has been
booh In Mnrnhtlold for n long tlmo.
Their opening bill wiih a soronin from
start to llnlsh and tho packed house
that greeted thorn rolled so much
from laughter thnt thoy were nearly
trown Into Renslcknoss. Mr. Hnr-
rlngtnn nnd Frank McSorloy nro two
comedlaiiB thnt know how to croato
laughs and by tho many funny sit
uations thoy caused rounds of laugh
ter during tho wholo of tho forty
minute playlet. Miss Naudla Melville,
who played tho rolo of Lillian Port
hind. Is n charming llttlo miss, and
by her dainty and winning person
ality sho won tho audience from tho
start. MlfcH Margarctto Elcnnoro was
seen In a very dllllcult rolo to good
ndvnntngo nnd rondorod somo very
good singing. Mr. Lomnnskl Is to lie
congratulated on securing thlH ex
cellent company for n limited on
gngonient. Thoy will remain tho
bnlnnro of tho weok changing tho bill
oach night. Tonlght'B bill will bo
"In (lay Pnreo." which Is Bald to
bo much better than their opening
one, which Is Haying a great deal ns It
will bo hard to find n play that will
crcnto more laughs than tho one they
opened In,
cor.vruv shouts at halves.
Capt. Donaldson to Make a
One-Story Structure Out
of Burned Building.
Tho Donaldson building nt tho'
northeast corner of Hrondway and
Central will ho repaired and rebuilt
as n ono-Btory building.
This was announced nt a meeting
of the city council last evening. Tho
matter was brought up by City
Attorney Cobs who said thnt nppll-,
cation for the ponnlt hnd been
mado to the building inspector. Ho
said that there was nothing in tho
lire limit ordlnanco which prevent
ed tho granting of tho ponnlt for
work, He said that some thought
thnt tho repair could be stopped
but ho read a section of tho ordln
anco showing that in en so of u ton
per cent damage of a building tho.
repairs must bo made In ncoord
nnco with the ordinance.
Otto Schottcr. agent for Captntn I
Donaldson, Bald that ho did not;
know JtiBt what kind of repairs t
woro to be innde, that being loft to
the architect. He Bald that Cap-j
tain Donaldson Intended to erect'
n good building on tho corner with-!
in tho next three years nnd thnt
tho work now would be only tem
porary. Inspector Tribboy said that tho
plans were putting a Bloplilg roof,
nliove tho first story, placing an
attractive metnl coping around tho
building, tearing out tho old stair
ways, otc. He said the detailed
plans had not been submitted mere-,
iy a sketch of them.. '
After hearing City Attorney Gobs'
statement thnt tho lcpnlr of tho
building ns a one-story structure
could not bo proventcd, thoro were
vnrlous expressions by different
members. Councilman Ferguson ,
Bald that ho thought that a one
story building on tho property
would bo better for tho public
than to have tho property vacnnt
or loft In Its present condition. i
While no ofllclal action was taken
by tho council, It was understood
that Inspector Tribboy would grant
a permit for n one-story structuro
Iluinns All Gone.
Councilman Winkler brought up
ew Spring Tailored Smite
O, $18.SO, $20.00, B2
Up to $40oGG
The newest models direct from New York and Philadelphia, portrayina
the style points that distinguish the new spring fashions. All the new material
Wool Esponge, Bedford Cords, Needle Cords, Diagonals and others. Som
showing quaint Orientalism in line and colors. Ullie
A special feature is the recently arrived shipment of
smart tailored suits made up to our special order, of a
quality usually selling at $22,50 and $25,00, You will
note the new short coats in cutaway effect, the waist lines
that are nearer normal, Made of blue and black serye.
Jackets lined with soft silk; skirts with high girdle effect,
ovelty Spring Coate
in distinctive models. All the new materials and colors.
NOTE THIS: Every Suit and Coat in this store priced at lowest possible fin.
tires. 'We absolutely guarantee you a saving on each and every garment.
ooey Talks"
0'Connell Building, Phono 361-J
tlon of chimneys and stovepipes
should lie revived, beeniisu ho hnd
bnrely escaped u bad fire becauso
a tenant had run a stovepipe
through two walls without proper
W. S. Turpen said he thought
It- would bo a good thing to license
plumbers tho same us other cities
wore doing nnd lo said thnt It cer
tainly would ho a good thing for
the city plumbing Inspector.
Inspector Trlhbey said thnt tho
license would enable the city to
oust' any plumber who did not do
kooii wont.
Finally on motion of Councilman
Copplo the petition was laid on tho
tnble, Councllmnn Ferguson being
tho only to vote against tabling It.
.Mayor Straw brought up tho
Our Spring Jewelry
0 - r ,
V rS&sjrJ.
affi&m. -
mS K vW aBr A .
ff Is arriving by
every express.
See our window
and then call in-
" cint arirt kt ittJII
r, , ,1 U1V4W UilM TV lu W X1.
o .
snow you
.r. v
Many New Things
Which are not in the window.
Red Cross Jewelry Dept.
Expert Watch Repairing
Councilman Ferguson said that ho
wroto II ro Insurnnco also that Alva
Doll nnd others did nnd thnt ho
thought that thoy should be given
tho question of obstacles or InimpB chnnco nt It. Finally It waB ic-
placod ncross tno streets to stop """' ' i" "' '""'""-
auto speeding. Ho wild thnt tho Old Wnterlglit.
council had gonernlly been blamed Tho old question of Robert Mnrs
ror it although ho nnd none of tho den's waterlght on tho city park
other councllmon nppnrontly hnd was brought up again Inst night by
not henrd of it beforo tho obatn- J. M. Upton who asked that the
clcs woro put down. council do something about It. Ho
Councllmnn Merchant reported and Mr. .Mnrsdon stnted thnt Mr.
that tho lost of the bumps hnd Mnrsdon hnd refused to sell the
boon loin up yesterday. , wnterlglit to K. W. Wright with
Mr. Winkler snld that whoever tho old brewerv property for $3,
dld It should bo Instructed not to 000 becnuso ho thought tho city
do nnytlilng of tho kind ugnln with-' wnuted It. Mr. Mnrsdon said that
out llrst obtaining tho sanction of iU) 1 1 n I not previously been In a
tho council, I position to give tho city a title to
Klnn Short WcIuIiIn. I It nnd thnt anvwav the liinn who
City Attorney (loss was Instruct-' was Interested with hi in wanted question about nn Injunction re
ed Inst evening to draft' nn or.-rn-, $5000 for If. straining tho city from pnylng tho
Mice to rogulato weights and iiicas-j Some of the couucllmen said that C003 May Times for publishing thu
urea In Mnrshflold. Tho mnttor.n fow years ago tho council had city legal notices. Tho temporary
wns brought up by n letter from refused to consider giving more Injunction wns secured by A. H.
C. II. McLnug'-lln, who stnted thnt than $1000 for It nnd that there O'Hrlen, All tho inombors of tho
tho peoplo should bo protected wasn't nny usu bringing It up council nnd Mayor Straw had been
ngnlnst short weights nnd mens- again. sorved with notices. Ho wnuted to
uros In conl. fuel nnd products by' Mr. .Mnrsdon snld that ho thought know whnt to do nbout It, nnd If
somo sort of regulations and ho the city ought to treat him fnlrly It would ho necessary Tor him to
suggested n city Bcnlo or welghma- in tho matter. Finally It was ro- got an attorney to defend him. Ho
ter who would bo empoweied t furred to tho flnnuco coinniltteo and snld If It was, ho wanted to get 11110
test scales, weign lonus nuu o- tno city engineer. who owed Him n bill.
Amino measures and flno tho or-, I(it (imlrm.(i I city Attoruoy (loss snld thnt ho
fending pnriles. Later In n ver- John Johnson was awarded the would appenr for tho vnrlous ones;
bnl talk 'to tho council, ho explain-, contract for improving Hall aveuuo Ho said thnt all thoro wiih to do
ed that It probably would not bo from Front street to Fourth streot, was to fllo n demurrer nnd In April
uocesBiiry to go to the expense nf'lio being tho lowest blddor by nbout nsk that tho Injunction bo dissolved,
keeping a regular innn for tho $r00 nnd over $1000 under thu When naked aiiout tho oxpoiiBo or
placo but to have somcono make city onglncor'B estlmato. Tho bid- It, ho Bnld ho did not think It
tho Invostlgntlons nnd tests at un-jders woio ns follows: would he ory much, Judging from
expected momenta occnslonnlly. I Hugh Mcl.nln $11933 for rond, tho naturo or tho injunction, Tlio
After some discussion tho emui-i $iiS5 Tor sldownlk and would nllow Injunction does not provont tho
ell ordered tho ordlnnnco drafto-1 $10 per 1000 for all of old linn- publication of tho lognl notices In
for coiiHlderntlon nt tho next meot-'bor thnt could bo used. J Tho Times, tho council having do
ing. I K. C. I'orhani $3tiri0 for rond- Hded to hnvo thorn published In
Thanks city Attorney. 1 wny, $GfiO for sldownlk nnd $12 Tho Times becnuso of Its circula
tion motion by Councllmnn Al-,por thousand for old lumber usod. ' tlon on Coos Hay being two or
len, city Attorney i.ohh kh joiiii .lonnson 3iau lor road- inreo tinies us great us nny other
a voto of thanks by tho council ror way, $(121 for sldownlk nnd $10,pnpor nnd much lnrger outside.
tho nblo way In which he derond- por thousand for old lumber used. Tho report of Max Kruger. Ho-
ed tho city in tno unmngo sun i w, is, wi
.Inck I'nrker and for tho reasonnblo wny, $02 1 f
IIboii $4134 for road
1 way. ui ior su owa k aim sin
bill of expense turned In. Tho bill por thousand for old lumber used.
of oMionse to tho city was $0G.(, Turn I'liindicis Dohii.
oneOinlf of tho general dofenso ho-1 A potltlon from locnl Joiirnoy
lug shnred by tho C. A. Smith Co., 1 men plumbers of Mnrshflold naklng
n in.dofondant 111 the case. .:r. I the city to ronulro nil nlumbors do-
(loss oxplulned thnt tho city's bill 1 lug work horo to pass nn oxniulnn-1
mor Mnuzoy mid Cluy StutBiiinn, tho
Judges of election of tho flro do-
partment. of tho election of Dan
Keating ns chief and Carl Albrecht
as assistant chlof, Jnnunry 1C, was
Mrs. Fred Knisc, uliohiiUe
staying at the homo of her pun
In South' Marshricld while rKi
orating from her recent lllneiiui
been taken to .Mercy Homltil ut
uud(rgone another operation. St
is 111 a rather serious condition.
Mrs, Mutton of llandon, ho rtl
cently underwent nn operation il
Mercy llospltnl Is reported U kl
getting along nicely.
City ICnglneer (lldley li ufftrU
from n Bovero attack or la pip;t
Mrs. C. C. doing has been tn
fined to her homo tho last fei 1.1
on account of grip.
August Klckuortli of Ten M.
who has been suffering from 1 w
case of blood poisoning, Is Inprtv
Will Sneddon Is nblo to U
nrter n severe siege of neuriipi
.liiniPH Lcnrnioiiil n ho threw his-
self uudnruenth a logging trail bl
reported recovering ph)lcallr Kl
mentally ho Is apparently wor
In tho season's most muw ;
i,iu Mill in, kIhiwii ThurKV
Frldny and Saturday at theCH-'l
Millinery, IJroadwny and Cfiw
Ladles of tho illy are InrM is
Inspect this display,
si:kd o.vrs at haixiXl
Our promlums luno arrle4atUc
and wo will glvo one beautiful W
ploco cottngo dlniior set aT
lutoly freo with every J35.0J rd
of goods purchased from ui &
thorn In our window. We give tbc
with ovory purchase, which lil
good for promlums ns long,r,
In business.
Coos BayTeaCoffce&SpiceKwstl
,., 181 H
O'Connell Wag.
- - ...i
was merely ior opeiiBfa u, ,
nosses, etc.. nnd did not Include
ono hnlf of tho regular nttornoy
fee. ho hnvlng appeared as tho reg
ular city nttornoy. Tho C. A.
Smith Compnny's bill for dofenso In
tho samo suit wns $588.
Hoiitlne Vroceedlngo.
Tho council adjourned last night
to meet again noxt Monday oven-
Tho current bills were allowed
and $85 voted for tho monthly
support of tho city library.
For City Crematory.
tlon nnd pay yearly llconso of $0 1
wns rend. Hugh' Long, J. S. Chnm
bors, F. H. Storey nnd Ocorgo
Tumor nnd others signed It.
Councilman Copplo said ho op
posed tho plan becmiBu the city
hnd nu inspector who was supposed
to pass on plumbing work nnd see
thnt It wns dono right. Ho said
that to llconso tho plumbers this
wny would tend to mnko n trust to
hold ip prices. Ho said it was
Councllmnn Ferguson said that
other cities required plumbers to
Tho old question of providing a pnss nn examination nnd ho
city crematory was brought up again j thought It was only right to pro
lnst nlcht. W. H. Lingo roportea
thnt Mr. Cnvonaugh, who owns tho
present dumping grounds, wants $5
moro a month ront and that ho (Lin
go) wants $5 moro a month for bury
ing tho garbage
Councilman Ferguson Bald that It
was high tlmo that tho city was pro
viding Its own monns of tnklnrr enro
of tho gnrbago and doing It in tho
right way. Flnnlly it was agreed to
pay tho $10 ralso and tho health
committco was Instructed to try nnd
provide another means of disposing
of tho gnrbago.
City Insurance.
Tho question of who Is to write tho
in8uranco on tho city hall was
brought up last nlgtit by Geo. A.
Haines, asking for n chnnco nt It.
Tho Insurnnco expires March 26, Tho
city carries $3000 on tho city hall.
Henry Songstacken, who wroto tho
present policy, had sont a now policy
nnd a bill for $300 premium. It was
Btated that no ono had ordered It,
tect tho people's health as poor
plumbing was very dangerous.
Eugeno O'Connoll said thnt tho
plumbers should certainly bo re
quired to know their business. Ho
said that when ho was away on a
vacation a few years ago, somcono
did tho plumbing In his apartment
houso nnd did It wrong, costing
him $1700. In nddltlon to tho
plumbing, ho said that tho lnspec-
Is too often tho fatal sequence. La
grippo coughs hang on, weaken tho
system, nnd lower tho vital resist
ence. R. O. Collins, Postmaster, Par
nogat, N, J says:- "I was troubled
with n sovero La Grippo cough which
complotoly exhausted mo. Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound soon stop
ped tho coughing spells entirely.
It can't bo boat." For salo by
Lockhart & Parsons, The Busy Cor
Everybody's chewin' it.
Chewin what?
Bradley Candy Co,1 5 makin it.
Everybody' sscllin' It.
t-t 1 sIIIhW ' Mmb arr'r"" i rfmr-. "- IIM,i mi mimiip-h ,. IR