The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 03, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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Jcffersonian Simplicity Marks
Decoration of Capital for
Iltr Ami Intel 1'itm to Coon lly Time 1
WASHINGTON. March. 1. Prest-
tlont WIlson'B desire for Jeffersonlnn
simplicity Is distinctly reflected In
tho doeorntlonB of the Nntlonnl Capl
tnl for his Inauguration todny. While
the city is nflutter with green nnd
white the color scheme ndopted for
the whole nffnlr nnd there nro oc
cnHlonal blazes of red. whlto and
hlno frooni entwined flags, rosettes
nnd streamers with hero nnd there n
toiichc of Princeton's orange nnd
blnelt. yet tho whole effect Is one of
simple dignity.
The centrnl point of this decora
tion scheme Is tho Court of Honor,
that wide cxpnnse of Pennsylvania
avenue Immediately fronting nnd ex
tending the entire length of tho
Whlto House grounds. Usunlly,
great columns nnd nrches of elnssl
cnl design, with shields nnd bnnnors
and the Insignia of n Roninn triumph
hnvo mnrked this precinct of ehlof
nctlvlty. Hut today simplicity Is the
ilonitnnnt noto, with nature taking
tho place of art, nnd grent forest
collars replacing tho clnsslc columns
nnd Venetian mnsts for past Innu
gurntlons. Hoforo this wldo nrcn
usunlly stand out the monuments nnd
trees of Lafayette Square, hut today
theso were shut off by grent tiers of
seats, rising to tho trco tops nnd
sweeping along tho wholo front of
the park.
In chousing tho decorating scheme
for this central point the Court of
Honor, nH well ns for tho broad nlnn
fronting tho Union Station, the em
bellishment of public and private
buildings and the decorations gen
orally along tho thoroughfares, the
Innugural Commltteo was guided by
President Wilson's desire to avoid
elaborate display.
It was with this Idea In view that
the principal fenturo of tho Presi
dent's reviewing stand was designed
iih n replica of tho portico of Monti
cello, tho homo of Thoinns Jefferson,
regarded ns a typo of that simplicity
which the early President exempli
fied. This replica of Montlcollo Is
directly In front or tho Whlto Iloiiso,
forming the left front of tho broad
Court of Honor. While preserving
tho severe design of tho original
structure, tho ropllca suggests some
of the stately old mnnslons of tho
South, tho row of coloonlnl pillars
along tho front resembling tho por
ticos of .Mount Vernon nnd Arling
ton, ns well ns thoso of .Montlcollo
Army of Inauguration, 30,000
Strong, Present Imposing
Sight Today.
(Ilr Associated rrri to Coo I1jr Times
WASHINGTON. Mnrch. 4. The
Army of Innugurntlon, HO, 000 strong,
swinging with measured trend to tho
blare of a brigade of bands, marched
in rovlow today from tho Capitol to
tho White House, a mngnlflcent tri
bute of wolcomo to the administra
tion of Woodrow Wilson.
Historic Pennsylvania nvenue, tho
path of other nrmles of pence nnd
war, wns like a vnlloy between hills
In a glory of color with tho sim
plicity of natures green nnd white
domlnntlng tho color scheme nlong
the line of mnrch, whlto the dazzle of
uniforms, tho Dash of guns, sabres,
gold laco and brass buttons, nnd the
confused roar of bunds, bugles, lum
bering nrtlllery and tramping thou
sands, added vividness nnd stirring
nctlvlty to tho brilliant scene. High
on either side of tho nvenue, its bull
dings nnd reviewing stands were
pneked with humanity, rising from
tho solid mnscs along the curbs, to
the dcnBc throngs In balconies, win
dows nnd store tops, And through
this valley of humanity and color
a martial host undulated nnd rolled
nlong with tho steady sweep of a
great river.
The street pngent was tho climax
'to tho Inauguration ceremonies at
tho Capitol, adding tho outward spec
tacular features to the formnl ex
ercises which had just taken place nt
tho Scnnto Chamber nnd east front of
tho Capitol, Since early In the morn
ing tho ranks of tho marchers had
been lying In restive division wait
ing for tho word to advance.
Whilo President Wilson was sol
emnly repeating his oath of olllce, to
tho slow measures set by the Chief
Justice tho troops at parade rest
ivoro coming to attention nnd long
Hues were strnlgtcnlng Into columns.
With tho InBt word of swenrlng In
tho new president, the commnuds
rang out nnd wore echoed nlong tho
lines; thoro was a rattle of nrms, n
clatter of hoofs, and the great par
ndo was In motion behind tho car
riages of President Wilson nnd Vice
President Marshall. And then with
tho steady "Tramp, tramp, tramp"
of mnrehlng feet, the nrcn in of col
or wound down from Capitol Hill
and breasted Its way toward the
Whlto HoiiBe, to which tho presiden
tial pnrty had driven briskly ahead
to take places for the rovlow.
Tho chief olllccrs nnd divisions of
tho pnrndo wore ns follows:
Grand .Marshal of tho procession,
Leonnrd Wood.
First Division. Itegnlnr Army. Na
vy nnd Marine Corps Mnjor llc.ior
nl W. W. Wotherspoon, Commanding.
Second Division, Stnto Mllltla
Ilrlgadlor Gcnornl Albert L. Mills,
Third Division, Veteran nnd Pa
triotic Organizations General .lames
J5. Stuart, of Chicago, Commanding.
Fourth Division, Clvlo Organiza
tions Robert N. Harper, Coiiimnnd
, liiK.
As tho pro csslnn took up tho
mnrch. tho noted Essex Troop of
New Jersey swung In behind tho
cnrlago In which J'iMxIdeiit Wilson
nnd former P -esldent Taft rode
Then camo Vlco-Prosldont MnrMinU'H
carriage and behind that tho lllnck
llorao Troop of Culvor .Military Aca
deniy, prancing and bowing to tho
lively music. A roar of wolcomo
opened up before the wholo party iih
it started and swept along boninu It.
Then came Major General Wood.
Chief of tho Staff or tho Army, and
Grand .Marshal of the profusion,
heading the military bodies, hand
somely mounted and with tho showy
uniform of his high rank. Then the
nrmy contingent, headed by tho West
Point cndotM: long straight Ilium of
gray lacing tho incline, each line
stopping as one man, heads up.
chests high, plumes adulter, title
barrels glistening. An ovation
greeted them.
Tramping clone behind came tho
First llnttnllon of Army Kuglneois,
tho 17th V. S. Infantry nnd Hand
from Fort McPlierou, (la., and a
regiment of eoaHt artillery from Fort
Monroe, The crack Seventoonth, In
full inarching order, a solid column
of full-dross sen Ire blue, swinging
easily to the lively music of their
baud, made a splendid appearance.
Commanding no less Interest than
tho West Point cadets camo tho mid
shipmen from Annapolis, In their
regulation short navy-blue Jackets
and tan loggias, the young sallois
woro received with waves of cheers.
Hut now the assembled thousands
out up a now loar. A regiment of
bluo Jackets turns Into the nvenue.
They tramp along briskly, with tho
rolling quick-stop of men who nro
jiot strangera to the sea, A squad
ron of tho Fifteenth cavalry, a bat-1
tnllon or the Third Field Artillery f
nnd n detachment of tho Signal Corps
brought up the rear of the division
of regulars.
Then mnrchod tho second division,
mnilo up of mllltla. Delaware's
xroops ie. . iiwiHw i y ii e i.meniiir ,. nr0 8llfrorlnir from Ecemn.
and IiIb stall. .Now Jersey Presl- rsorlimis or any other kind of skin
dent WIlson'B own Stnto sent Its i trouble, dron Into our store for Instnnt
entire mllltla establishment, Indud-, at itch iawoB" you t0 8,op
JIIK IIH llilllllill'll III lltllill It-BIMll'H.
In Hue cnino tho state troops of
School, In their uniforms of endot
bluo, wore a subject of remark In
contrast with the remnant of tliolr
ancestors, who liinrchod wrapped In
mtltl-colored blankets nnd In full
feethers nnd war paint. Cadet bat
talions from tho Virginia Military
Institute nnd Culver Mllltnry Aca
demy brought up tho rear of that
Tho third division, niado up of
veteran anil patriotic organizations,
wns suggestive or the fast dimin
ishing ranks of tho veterans or the
north and south. Hoth sections wore
represented. tho nearby northern
states ami the District or Columbia
furnishing tho larger number of men
In bluo with hero and there tho men
In gray mingling with their former
Tho fourth grand division, com
posed of civic bodies, was probably
tho most d I verso of all.
Tammany Hall, 1,500 strong,
headed by two bands, oach "bravo"
topped with a pnro white silk beaver,
and carrying a red, whlto and blue
umbrella, accompanied by .'15 "real
Indians" In full regalia, was march-
lug at tho Inauguration of tho tlrst
Democratic President In twenty
yea is.
Foremost In tho this civic diver
sion came the Woodrow Wilson Club
of Trenton. And then camo fully
It.OOO college students frnm all parts
or tho country. Princeton, lu honor
or Its former President, hnd 1,000
men In Hue, who marched lu cap and
uown, each vonrlng a Princeton
badge on his left arm. Tho Duck
worthy Club or Cincinnati, with BOO
marchers In whlto overcoats and
dark red umbrellas, was a notewor
thy patch or color lu the wholo
Other notable organizations lu
tho Hue wore the Jefferson Club of
Philadelphia, tho Iroquois Club or
San Francisco, tho Mooss Green Club
or Louisville, the Horka County Club
or Pennsylvania, with Its ramous
band enlisted during tho war, tho
Indiana Club or Indianapolis, and
countless other clubs, many In showy
uniforms and with striking dovlces.
Your Druggist
Stops Tliat Itch
Pennsylwinln, MiiBsnchuiwetu. Mary
laud, Georgia, Connecticut. Virginia.
North Caiollna.'llhodo Island, Maine,
Michigan, Ohio and other states
Mllltla representation from the
states was not so great thla yonr as
at previous Inainjiiials, but there was
a greater ropioseiitntlou or lobular
troops. Indiana- -Vice-President
Marshall's state - was totally unrep
resented Many of the states, how-
We lltlVO Mnlii iithnr rt'tnnillfta rVin skin
troubles, but nono that wo could recom
mend u UiKlily it this, n mild wash of
Oil of liiuiKtviu Thymol and a few
other liiiiroiliinu that hnvo wroutiht
mich wundvrful euros all over the coun
try. This compound Is known ns D.D.D.
Proscription for i:eonu and It will cool
nnd hmi tho Itchy, burning skin as
liothlnir rise can,
A 2 5o tuul buttle will prove It.
ift''ll."','e uU. ,lu"' drutsKlsts hnvo
TUMI. PiowMlptlon ko to them If you
can t conio to u but don't accept somo
UlKl'll'llt ID HUB I 11 II IV.
Tho Montlcollo replica forms tho
innln pnrt or the rovlowlng stand nnd
In this was erected tho glass en
closure, where, rroo rrom tho possi
bilities of Inclement wenther, tho
President could rovlow tho marching
thousands of tho Inaugural parade.
Tho decorations of tho portico
wore In keeping with no color other
than whlto along Its entire front nnd
without the usual dlsplny of lings,
sunbursts nnd other elnbornto de
signs. Its only dn8h or vivid color
was In a sinnll draped President's
Hag, barely discernible above tho
chnlr occupied by tho President. Tho
whlto or tho rovlowlng BtnndB was
relieved only by a rew garlands of
lnurol nnd ovorgrecn, while farther
back tho Court of Honor was en
closed by high walls of fresh green
codnr trees brought rrom the Virgin
la hills.
Tho Court or Honor extended tho
Treasury Hulldlng, nt Fifteenth
street nnd Pennsylvania avenue, to
the Stnto, War and Navy Hulldlng,
at Seventh nnd l'ennsylvnnln nvenue,
n dtstnnco of n little moro than 1,000
feet. This stretch wns practically
enclosed with tall and graceful ccdnr
trees about thirty feet high, making
a complete circle or tho enclosuro
nnd forming tho background for tho
reviewing stands. At either entrance
to tho Court were placed two giant
cedars, looming somo fifty feet high,
these hugo products of nuturo ro
placlng tho ponderous nrches which
nt former Inaugurations wcro ninong
the innln rentures or tho decorations.
In choosing the colors green or
tho forest trees nnd whlto of tho
rovlowlng stnnds without the usunl
bunting, shields nnd Hags, Wnddy I).
Wood, nrchltect and ehnlrmnn or tho
decoration committee, kept in mind
that tho Inaugural parado would
supply amplo color, with Its thou
sands or uniformed soldiers, sailors
and marines nnd gnlly drcsod civic
bodies from nil parts of tho country.
Tho moving panorama of tho tiny
wns counted on to lend brlllnncy and
life to tho occasion, while at tho
Biitno time President Wilson's desire
for simplicity wns gratified In a most
effective manner.
As tho rovlowlng parado swung
around tho Treasury and Into tho
Court of Honor, the first thing to
meet tho vlow wns tho ropllca of tho
homo of Jefferson standing out on
tho left from Its background of for
est green. Midway was tho glass en
closuro to surround President Wil
son and tunny distinguished olllelnls
and guests, ninhnssadnrs and min
isters of foreign countries and rep
resentatives or tho army, navy, Ju
dlclnry nnd Congrcsii. Flunking tho
President's stand nt olther side was a
largo stand draped with green gar
lands. To tho right rose tho long
tiers of scats for tho general pub
lic, which had boon eagerly bought
many dnys ago, until filled to Its ut
most capacity.
Tho snmo dignity In stylo nnd col
or wns observed throughout tho city
In the decorations on public nnd semi
public buildings. At every hand
garlands of ovcrgrecn nnd miniature
cedars and plno trees met the eye,
along tho fronts of otllco buildings,
hotels and other structures. Hero
and there a building was draped with
roBtoons or green and whlto bunt
ing. Along with this prevailing hue
or green and white, tho Individual
taste or each citizen round expression
In Hags, emblems nnd transparencies.
U you havo anything to Boll, rent,
trndo. nr want holp, try a Want Ad
Peevish Children
Suffer With Worms
Don't b angry with yonr child be
ctu8 ha or iho is continually irritabls.
In ninety-nine out of one hundred cases
yon will And that tho tronblo ia worms. J
Among the common symptoms of the
presence of round worms are nervous-!
new, which often leads to epllepti.
form attacks; dizziness, vertigo, caprf.
doua appetite, restless sleep, Itching of
the eyes and nose, nansea and often
hysteria. Round wonm, are several
Inches in length and Infest the stomach. '
Occasional!) several hundred are found
In a single person. Thread worms are
rmaller, often not longer than a quarter
?i n tnch. The symptoms denoting
their presence are about the samo. but
in this case the child has no appetite. '
Jaynea Tonic Vermifuge is unsm '
S5n??n.rem?7ln(f.wonn8' Not only
will it destroy them, but its tonic offectj '
will restore the stomach to healthy ao-'
.vlty. As Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge '
seldom purges, the indications of its '
beneficial effects will be the Improved I
coS?,tton of-th6 PBn uauig it.
Millions of nantntji fc.rro t,-.i... ivi.
medicine for more than eighty yean. '
Insist upon Jayne's Tonic Vermlfug I
and accept no other. Bold by druggllS '
SdpE? Pa ' D' J,iyn0 Son7hUi I
Wo have received Iho first shipment of New Mus
lin and Crcpo Underwear, also a biy line of Em
broideries and Linen.
Wait for our swell line of Suits and Goats, or
you will be sorry.
The Golden Rule
First National Bank Bldg.
Coos Bay Business College
You know what you are worth today. What arc you
going to be worth five years from today? When we
build a house we have a plan. When we build a ca
reer, most of us putter, dawdle, dream dreams, and
wait for some favorable breeze to waft us to harbor.
Lack of business training is not only a handicap it is
an absolute block to your advancement. Will you con
sider this a little while you are building the man or
woman who later will be YOU? Start right by starting
NOW For something worth while. Positions in abund
ance and no trained help.
Telephone 402.
M AB NOW oi.
K IX AM. hi,.,...-. T'
TKU1). "'
Coos Bay
Ci.m,Ib Kanm
Phono "Tin-if ..
"niiiiriiT A-
.irsT iti-:ri-:ivi:i
A Iiu'ko shipment of llleelrle Cut
(lass Shade.
Call and neo our stock of rUibh
waro. Wo also havo somo of tlio
latest deslKiis in showor fixtures,
from two llKht to five. Kverytlilnj?
In electrical supplies,
Barnard & Langworlhy
ever, wl.hl, did not semi ..oops be- ,rNiinrwhawmirwfi "ffi for 5R
causo of the lonit dUtiuue to lie that wo offer you a full hUo bottle on
travelled woro represented by their JJd Kmrun.oo: ir you do not timi that
Governors ami staffs In the Fourth .Jfu "nofo "'cnt!' ' AT 0NCB "
Indian lied Cross Drug Sloro.
Grand Division.
Cadets from the Carlisle
Do You Leave Your
Doors Unlocked?
You would not do thnt, and you
should no moro bo without tiro In
surance. Tho open door would
admit tho burglar, and tho lire
(lend Is Just ns Insidious, Ho
plays no favorites, but attacks In
surod and unlnsurod property
alike. Don't risk your savings for
tho small coat of a policy.
Ours are tho safest and best.
I. S. Kaufman (8b Co.
VOll A (JOdli WAT' II
Fine Wateli and Jewelry Ilepnlrlu.
2(1(1 Front St., Marshfleld.
cannot fail to bo Impressed with tho
perfect cleanliness apparent. No
housowlfo could bo moro particular
thnn wo nro to cxcludo dirt of any
kind. Como nnd select your meat
lu porson nnd you will better appre
ciate our caro In this respect. Tlint's
only ono of our wnys of milking this
mnrkot the very best place at which
to buy your ment.
.Mnr.slilleld Telephone North llenil
221-J TwoMnrktf" fJl
Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire
and Marine Insurance
Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.
iiR.vuv si:n'stacki:n, Slgr.
Coqutllo Offlco Phono 191 Plnttlug Lands a specialty.
Farms Tlmbor Coal and Mnrshflold Ofllco H-J.
Gonornl Agents "EASTS! DK."
Taxes! Taxes! Taxes!
You have but a few days in which to pay youi
taxes and secure tho three per cent discount.
Give us a list of your properly and we will see
that they are promptly attended to.
First National Bank
Of Coos Bay
By furnishing us with a list of the
property on which you wish to pay taxes,
we will ascertain, free of cost, how much
your taxes are.
Flanagan & Bennett Bank
M Ml
Parties Desiring Monuments Erected
Would lo well to call at
South Broadway and make selec
tion from the large stock now on
hand. Vr. Wilson has in his employ
the only practical marble and granite
cutter in Coos County. And nono
but the host work is turned out.
T m. wniniir,
J COXTKAcrmi .ivi.
Estimates furnished on
liana and specifications Vffi
If desired. a i.. ........ , .,u-
tcod. Phono 12Mt. J " tMnj
r Li via i:dma.. '
t mlititt it -I'l .
Scientific Swedish Massage, Mrih
WSO H. hlVtl, St. .10n( .,
lMimo Tuner nnd Rmi.!,
Rlvlli Qll ni.. '..'.'
none ijh
41b S. Sixth Strcot.
X in, i, , .
Healdonco-Studlo, 237 So. Broaltu
miU lO-U.
Mnrshflold, Oregon.
ru. W. MOHItOW,
171 Grlmosi Hulldlng, orer Ctuil
jih:iiht. mwu mono 320.
Room ant nnd 0'2, Coke BulWj
.uiir.Miiicni, uregon.
Du. a. j. iiKNimva
iiiiniLiii iriiiiai rinun.
Wo nro oqulppcd to do high dw
work on short notlco at tbt nrj
lowest prices. Examination frit
Lady attondnnt. Coko Dld., Op;
Cbaudlnr llo'ol. phono ll.'-J.
Real Estate and Insurance
244 North Front Street.
New and Second Hand furniture
holtl on .lie .'!"
:itii! rix)nt St.
Phono .'IlO-Ii MarliflcR Or.
nt new location
l."50 Trout Str. ManhBM
Got III lino. Ho measured todr
Export Cutter and Tailor.
27S Front St. upstairs. Suits !?
Unique Pantatoriwn
Agent for Mmvnrd II. 8WJ"
Co., Fine Tftilorlnjj. M
iimko your next suit. o
255 CENTItAIi. riione-
City Auto Service
. . ...! rirlrerl Wa
roasonablo ohargos. our ,
"Will go anywboro at anf
Stands Dlanco o10' " ,.rnj.
Cigar Store. Day Phonw-W " '
Night mono 40. rtM,rletor
BARKER & nnODAIiK. propw
GEK ROY Something s
or dellvereil T
PHONE 1SM-J r.ooa.
and we'll do It. Charge reu
Tho Star Transfer
and Storage Co.
. . ..... nrtS of UanUM
is proparea to no w "-: .n trs'0'
on short notice. We meet all " ,
aud boats and wo also 'er "
atviB novnolds Piano MOier.
guarantee our work.
L. H. Heisner, Pr
Phones 98-R. 120-J "
& JJiMm.