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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1913)
-i THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1913 -EVENING EDITION. ,iU. H-j-ri2S, 3 AUTO FARE 20c Round Trip between Marshficld and North Bend MARSHFIELD- NORTH BEND AUTO LINE Gorst & King, Props, Miss Anna Johannsen So for tho put three yean, con ducted a very HUcrcBBful HAIR DRESTING ESTABLISHMENT U san Francisco, Iiiib located In uinhfleld, and Is now prepare, to 2 nealn treatment, shampooing, and facial mnsngo, using oloeinc Antt and vibrator. Ililr ork, BwltchPB. Jnnes, curia. miffi.etc done to order, cltlior from wmblngs or now linlr. 22 y, I'ourtrriilh st. or I'lioni' IMit-L Loir In prlco, high " qunllty. Electric Irons Wo lint c a few M-cnud-liniid Iron In RmhI working coiitlUlon it $1.73. Xnr Irons ?:"() "! Coos Bay Wiring Co. phone 237-J 103 N. Broadway WE WILL MAIIi VOW 1 lor each sot of old Fftlfo Tout teat us. Highest prlcos paid for old Gold, Silver, old Watches, brcken Jewelry and Prcclou Stones. Money Sent by Ileturn Mall. Phils. Smelling & Refining Co. Kitabllshcd 20 Years. MUOstnutSt., Phlhulclphlii, P. TO IIKNTISTS. We will buy your Gold Pilling), (!old Scrap, and Platinum. Hlgu ut prlcos paid. tf.S. IlltOW.V a, H. HOBGINS Marshfield Paint. Decorating Co. KMIiuiitcs Furnished, I'liono 1H7L Mnrtdiflold, Ore, Singer Sewing Machines We hire thorn for rent or for buIo. Machines Repaired. Supplies and Needles for Snlo. w. j. hit, "I Park Ate. MiirslificM. . l'liiuiD i:ji-". Twin City Laundry Wl) WORK GOOD SF.RVICE Mt In any Combine. H limns woik for women. Our Acents mil unywhciv. mono ,ii;.,i. Save That Bundle for Me A squaro deal nnd a clean Blilrt. HOIt S1ITI,'1 Twin City Laundry inon "!. t ... I'll Call. Phone 203.J WhitcDuck Button Shoes for Children. I.for Lad,es n'"l MlBsea', nt mewectric Shoe Shop fisher Auto Service Wni iji-i Phone n;"tr' lrI,"otor. Etaod ! PhnnVS Tt0 ""Iyer's Cigar Mamliiioi-i 4A-". 01'"' ..., ui-un, fi R?r,clL uUdInB. Electro S&heST "gat Eegautl, Cold I Wafer W,th "ot and no t'bi, ooos RtM. ?' A Meain, Prop. Onr n",,S u a"y ttml upwards Union Storage Company E,Pt pE'ken "ea n1, Mgr prnltnr n , Cnrlets Cleaned. Stain-1 Pnclte(l. Shipped, ?8-' Front nna "l"rol. wave nr,i...'.. .. Phono 19G. a nr (l0'g & Harvey. Hav That R00f Fix(;d a NOW r . Sep noRTHELL - PHojrr 8i2i. Use Electric Roof Signs They will bo seen for miles and afford the widest and most attractive advertising obtainable for lit tle expense. Now York's sky line is ablaze after night with electric roof signs, which arc seen by millions of people in the street i n tholiar bor on the elevated on incoming and outging trains. That electric signs arc profitable to the advertis er is evidenced by the number already installed in Marshficld. There is room for many more. "We can help you secure the location and our experts will bo glad to design an effective instal lation for you. The cost of operation is surpris ingly little. For particulars telephone 178 and ask for the New Business Department. Oregon Power Co. 2nd and Central FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Re don do K(julpM(l with wireless nnd submnrlno bell SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD for SAN FRANCISCO TUESDAY, MARCH 4, AT 8 A. M. All Passenger HcscrvnUoiiH From Sim Francisco Must Ho Mndo M 805 Fife Building, or Lombard street Pier 27. All reservations iiitiNt ho (.liken tip 21 hours before Milling. INTIJR.OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PIIONJR 44 C. F. HcOKOROE. Agent. Steamer SPEEDWELL CAIT. BUUTIS, .Master. Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay Thursday p. m. February 27. Til 13 SPEEDWELL Is speedy nnd lias excellent passenger accom modations, large clean and airy rooms and electric lights mid ulroless. -tMiM Kta&t .&. I' or freight and passage, apply, A. I Kstahrook Co. Title Guarantee and Atatract Co., (lltMItT Santa Marina Itldg., San Fnuicl.sco. Mnrshflold. S. S. ALLIANCE EOUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR PORTLAND SUNDAY, MARCH 2 AT 6:30 A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CONNECTING WITH THE NOKTH HANK HOAl) AT POHTLANI) NOKTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono -I I O. F. McGEORGE, Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SteamshiP Breakwater ALWAV8 ON TIME. SAILINGS FHOM POltTLANl), Tuesday evening of each week at H P. M. SAILING FIIOM MAHSIIFIKLI), Sattudays, Mairh Iht, H p. sit., March Nth, l:it(t a. in., March l.'tli, 2 p. in.; Match 2t!nd, U a. in., March 20th, 2 p. in. JLt..fl.s.ti2. UM-tH ite'.ZA.l,.. Phone Main 8ff-L. J. O. MILLER, Agent. Steamer Washington Sails for San Prancisco from Coos Bay, With freight, only, Wednesday p. m. February 26. r. 8. HOW, Agemt. Ocean Dock. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS. ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL BILL IN TWO BV USING OUR WOOD. PHONE 100. 182 SOUTn BROADWAY PRESIDENT W ON n ANNOUNCES REFORMS DESIRED Inaugural Address Short Buti?"r "j0"1"8 ,ta enterprise would ...v; iivuh niilUllUDO UIlll 1 III IUIUU I, Outlines Policy He Will Carry Out. tllr Anwlticj I'rtii lo Cool llr Time. J WASHINGTON, I). C, March !. scorning to he careful, shamefully protiigni as wen as admirably effi cient. We hnvo been proud of our Industrial achievements, but we have not hitherto stopped thought fully enough to count tho human nnal tliri (uiu, tt 1lt.... Mti..rr...i n... in,,,, u I , iiti, . , . I . w, ..v- ,wCT. wi mun oiillliuil lliu, uiiiuimonB inaugural nuuress of energies overtaxed and broken, wns as follows: the fearful physical nnd spiritual There lias been a change of gov- cost to the men and women and eminent. It began two yenrs ago, children upon whom the dead when the House of Representatives weight and burden of It nil has became Democratic by a decisive fallen pitilessly tho years througn. majority, if has now been complot- Tho groniiB nnd agony of It all ed. Tho Senate about to nssetnhlo had not yet reached our ears, the iu uimi uu Democratic, tiio or- solemn, moving undertone of our llces of President nnd Vlco Presi- life, coming up out of tho mines dent have been put Into tho hands and factories and out of every of Democrats. What docs the home whoro tho struggle had Its clinngo menu? That Is tho tpieB- Intlmnto nnd fnmlllnr seat. With tlon that Is uppermost In our minds tho great government went many today. That Is tho question ' nm deep secret things which wo too going to try to answer, In order, If long delayed to look Into and Bcrut- 1 may, to Interpret the occasion. Inlzo with candid, fearless eyes. It means much more than tho T,,o great government wo loved mere success of n party. Tho sue- nns too often been made iibo of cess of a party means llttlo except for private and selfish purposes nnd wncn tiio nation is using that party u'oho who used 11 mm lorgonen for a lnrgo and deflnlto purpose. H'o people. No one enn mistake tho purposo At last a vision hns been vouch- for which the nation now seeks to snfed us of our life as a whole, use tho Democratic party. It seeks Wo sco tho bad with tho good, tho to use It to lutorprot a chango In debased and decadent with the Its own plans and point of view, sound and vital. With this vision Some old things with which wo we approach now affairs. Our had grown familiar and which had duty Is to cleanse, to reconsider, begun to creep Into tho very hnblt to restore, to correct the evil wltlt- or our thought and of our lives, out Impairing tho good. 'to purify have nltered their aspect as wo and humanize every process of our have latterly looked critically upon common life without weakening or them, with fresh, awakened eyes; sentimentalizing It. Thero hnB hnvo dropped their disguises nnd been something crude nnd heartless shown themselves nllon and slnls- and unfeeling In our hnsto to suc- ir. Home new tilings, ns wo look ceed and bo great. Our thought frankly upon thorn, willing to com- hns been "Let every man look out prohend their renl chnracter. have for himself, let oven- ccncrntlon como to nssunio tho aspect of look out for Itself," whllo wo renr thlngB long bolloved In and famll- cd giant machinery mndo It Impos lar, stuff of our own convictions, slide that anv but those who stood Wo hnvo been refreshed by a new nt the levers of control should insight Into our own life. have a chanco to look out for Wo fcc that In ninny things that themselves. Wo nnd not forgottou. life Is very grent. It Is Incompnr- our morals. Wo remembered well nhly grent In Its material aspects, enough thnt wo had sot up a pol- In Its body or wenlth, In the ill- lc' which wns meant to servo the versify nnd sweep of Its energy, humblest us well as tho most pow- lu tho Industries which hnvo been orf"l- with an oyo slnglo to thu conceived nnd built up by the gen- slnndards of Justice nnd fair play. Ins of Individual men nnd tho Mm- nnd remembered It with pride. Rut ItlosB enterprise of groups of men. we were very heedless nrd In n It Is grent, also, very great, in Its uurry to do great, moral force. No whore else In tho Wo hnvo como now to tho sober world have noblo men nnd women second thought. The scales of exhibited In more striking forms heedlessness hnvo fallon from our tho beauty and energy of sympn- eyes. Wo hnvo mndo up our minds thy nnd helpfulness nnd counsel In to squnro every process of our nn- thelr efforts to rectify wrong, nl- tlonnl life again with tho standards lovlnto sufforliig nnd set tho wenk wo so proudly set up nt tho hogm- In tho way of strongth nnd hope, nlug nnd hnvo always .carried In Wo hnvo built up, moreover, n great our hearts. Our work Is a work system of government, which tins of restoration. stood through u long ago as In o hnvo Itemized with' somn do- mnny respects n modol for those Kreo of particularity tho things thnt who seek to sot liberty upon foun- 0UK,t to j)0 iturcil and hero nro dntlons thnt will enduro against H0I110 of tll0 cllf t0I8. fortuitous change, ngiilust storm ' nrirr wiiinii ph uh off from nnd nccldont. Our life contains oy- ,lir propor part In tho commerco ory grent thing nnd contnlns It In (!ll, v.-orltl. violates tho Just prln- ricu iiiiiiiiuiiiiiu. ,,,,,, nr tiivnt nn. mill 11111 ken tin Rut tho evil hns como with the KOvornment n fncllo Instrument In good nnd much flno gold has been tll(, ,,,, of ,,rvato Interests, corroded. With riches hns como A m,,klng nnd currency system lnoxcusnblo waste. Wo have sciuiin- lmBU(, U)0I1 tno nocpsHity of tho dered n great part or what wo government to sell Its bonds fifty might have used, and hnvo not vtnl. B0 ,, ,.f0Ptly udapted to stopped to conserve the exceeding clu.0tratliig cash and restricting bounty or nature, without which cru(j(Bi An ludiistrlul system which, tnke MANY A SUFFERING WOMAN It on nil Its sldos, flunuclal as well Drags hersoir painfully through ndiulnlstrativo. holds capital In her dully tasks suffering from hnck- leading strlngB. restricts the lllior ncho, hondnche, norvousness, nnd ' ' ""ltH " "PPortuiiltles ot loss of sleop. not knowing hor Ills 'Ior. nnd exploits without ronow nro duo to kldnoy nnd bladder troub- Ing or consorvlng tho nntural ro les. Foley Kidney Pills glvo (julclc sources or tho country, rollof from pain and misery, n prompt A body or agricultural activities return to honlth and strength. No "over yet given tho edlclency of womnn who suffers can afford to ov- grent business undertakings, or orlook Foley Kldnoy Pills. For snlo by served ns It should ho through tho Lockhnrt & Parsons, Tho Busy Cor- Instrumentality qf sclonco tnkon di ner, rectly to tho fnrm, or afforded the I REAL ESTATE, RENTALS AND INSURANCE AVc Imvc sonic of the best bargains in Jveal Es tate to bo found in Marshl'icld. Here are sonic of the bargains which will pay you to look up bel'OiC j'ou locate. Two lots on South Broadway, 50x120 feet, for $2000. Four lots and eight-room house on easy terms, in ISastsidc, and some fino building lots to be sold on easj' terms. Have some nice building lots in Bunker ITill, only five minutes' walk from tho Smith mill. Have a seven-room house and four lots in Bun ker Hill for $2000, part cash, balance on time. Al so lots in Bay Park. arf'W' f Tf $ ." ll For particulars see PARKER & LEATON Booms 1 and 2. Lockhart Bldg., over Hub. Or phone 399-B. THE RECORD PHOTOGRAPHING ABSTRACT COMPANY Have photographlo copies of all records of Coos County to date, abstracts of titles, present ownors, or nny othor Information relating to real estate furnished on short notice BUSINESS OFFICE: 117 North Front St., .Marshfield. Phono 151 J W. J. RUST, Manager facilities of credit best suited to its practical needs. Watercourses undeveloped. Waste places unreclaimed. Forests untcuded, fnst disappear ing without plan or prospect of ro nowal., unregarded waste heaps at every mine. We have studied ns perhaps no othor nation hns tho most ortectlvo moans of production, but wo have not studied cost or economy ns wo should either as organlzors of In dustry, us statesmen, or as lndl vlduuls. Nor hnvo wo studied nnd perfect ed the means by which government may be put at the Bervlco of hu mnnlty, in safeguarding the health of tho nation, the henlth or Ita men nnd its women nnd ItB child ren, ns well as their rights In tho struggle for existence. This Is no sentimental duty. The firm basis of government Is Justice, not pity. These are mntters or Justice. Thoro can bo no eiiunllty or opportunity, tho llrst essential or Justlco In tho body politic, ir men and women and children be not shielded In their lives, their very vitality, from tho consequences or ureal IndiiRtrini and social processes which thoy cannot niter, control, or singly copo with. Society must seo to It that t does not Itself crush or wenkon or damage Its own constituent parts. The llrst duty of law Is to keep sound the society It serves. Snnltnry laws, pure food laws, and Inws determining conditions of la bor which Individuals are powerless to determine for themselves nro In tlmnto parts of tho very buslncsa or Justlco mill legnl efficiency. These nro some or tho things wo ought to do, nnd not leave tho others undone, tho old-rnshloncd, nover-to-be-neglected, fuiitlnntontnl safeguarding or property nnd or in dividual right. This Is tho high enterprise or the now day; to lift everything that concerns our Ilfo ns n nation to tho light thnt shlnea from tho henrthflre of ovory mini's conscience nnd vision of tho r'glit. It Is Inconceivable that wo should do this as partisans: It Is Incon- coivnmo wo should do It In Ignor ance or the rncti, .1 they are or In blind haste. Wo snail restore, not destroy. Wo shall deal with our economic system ns It Is nnd ns It may bo modified, not na It might be R wo had a clean sheet or pa per to write upon; nnd stop by Btop wo shnll mnko It what It should be, In tl.e spirit or thoso who question their own wisdom nnd Book counsel and knowledge, not shnllow solf-sutlsrnctlon or tho excitement or excursions whither they cunnot toll. Justice, nnd only Justlco. shall nlwnys bo our motto. And yet It will he no cool pro cess or mere science. The nation bus boon deeply stirred, stirred by n solemn passion, stirred hv tho knowledge or wrong, of Ideula ' f. or government too often dobnuched nnd made tut Instrument of evil. The feelings with which wo fnco this now ugo or right and oppor tunity swoop across our heart strings llku some air out or God s own presence, whoro Justlco nnd mercy are reconciled nnd tho Judgo nnd tho brother nro one. Wo know our tnsk to be no mere tusk of politics but a tusk which shall search us through nnd through, whether we bo Indeed their spokes men nnd interpreters, whothor wo hnvo tho pure heart to comprehend nnd the rectified will to chooso our high course of action. This is not n day of triumph; It Is n day of dedication. Hero mus ter, not the forces or party, hut tho forces or Immunity, Men's henits wait upon us; men's lives hnug In the balance; men's hopes call upon to say. what we will do. Who shall live up to tho groat trust? Who dares rail to try? I summon nil honest men, nil pat riotic, nil forward-looking men, to my side. Gold helping mo, I will not fnll them, ir they will hut counsel nnd sustain me! A FRESH SUPPLY or FRESH OLYMPIA OYSTERS JUST RE CEIVED. Free- Delivery. PHONE your ORDER to PHONE 73-J. Mbby COAL. Tno Rind YOU Imvo ALWAYS USED. Phono 72, Pacific Livery mid TrntiNfor Ciiinimnv. DRUNKENNESS Is n curnblo disease, which requires treatment. Tho ORRINE treatment can bo used with absolute confldonco. It destroys nil doslro for whlskoy, boor, or othor Intoxicants. Can bo glvon In tho homo. No sanitarium ox ponso. No loss of tlmo for work. Cnn bo given secretly. If nrtor a trlnl you fall to got any bonoflt from Its uso your money will bo refunded. ORRINE Is prepared In two forms: No. 1, secret treatment, n powdor; ORRINE No. 2, In pill form, for thoso who doslro to tnko voluntary treatment. Costs only $1.00 a box. Como In nnd tnlk over tho matter with us. Ask for booklet. Owl Prescription Phnrmncy, Front St., Phono 74-J. Note thnt word prescription. For GOOD SHOES and Good Repnlrlng at Right Prices, go to AUGUST OLESEN 215 South Broadway. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio TWIN CITY AUTO STAGE LINE Mnrshflold depot, Hlllyor's Cigar Stand. North Bond Depot, S. S. Jennlng'a Store. Round trip 20 cents. Wo troat you right.