THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1913 EVENING EDITION. NOT TO BUILD HONDO They Are Ready STARTS TODAY III FRISCO GE WIJBK W 0 I 1 (ConUniidinPnonOnoJ south through the city. Tho filial tcrnitnntlon of this will probably Mot bo announced until tho nego tiations hntween tho Southern Pa cific nnd Tornilnnl lttillwny for tho franchlso In Mnrshfiold aro com pleted. All Feeling .liilillniK. North Hend la busy todny. so busy that only pleasant memories of tho hlg Jubilee there Saturday aro lurking ' tlio minds of all. Tho starting of railroad work on tho brldKo and clearing and the consequent business activity makes tho celebration seem remote. While there were no formal ex ercises Saturday night, many North Bend and Marshfleld men united In llttlo colobratlons there. Tho affair Saturday was most successful and tho 'big hammer" which weighed 135 pounds, will bo excavated In years to como nnd tho people then will mar vel at tho "great men who must havo Inhabited North Hend In tho tlmo of L. .T. Simpson to wield eucli hammers. Many Congi'iil illations. Hero are messages from soino of tho Important men who, nlthoiigh tin ablo to bo present In person, wero In spirit, and had Dr. Hartlo, chair man of tho day, convey their sen timents to tho gathering: Mayor .1. H. Uonson of .Myrtlo Point sent tho following message: Tho city of Myrtlo Point unites In extending hearty congratulations to North Hend and all of Coos Hay upon tho nssuranco of getting a railway, In extending best wishes for the success of tho celebration and tho enrly realization of the railroad. Wo hope that good will prevail, that sectional strife will bo nwopt aside and all will unlto for tho betterment o ftbo country. L. ,1. Simpson wired as follows from San Francisco: Will you pleaso convey to all Ihe peoplo of .North Iloud my heartiest -wishes on tho nctual beginning of tho railroad that In and tho big city that It Is going to make; my only rcgrot Ir that I can't he with you but anyway, I rojolco with you. Messrs. W. .1. Wllsey and 11. A. Sumner Jointly sept tho following incssngo: Wo congratulate the peoplo of Coon Hay upon tho beginning of tho railway. TIiIh Is but tho .be ginning of groat things lor tho Im perial Hay of Oregon. Ho nulled lu nil thlugH for tho good of Cooh Hay and tho hand of destiny will do tho rcHt. C. A. Smith Denies Rumor of Building New Pasenrjer Steamer. "Hiilld a new boat for tho pass enger traffic between Coos Hay and San Francisco, absolutely, nnd em phatically, no," was tho personal statement of Mr. C. A. Smith to Tho Times when . nsked concerning tho rumor that the C. A. Smith Company was nbout to lot a con tract for a now steel steamer. "I was talking on tho telephone tho other day to .1. W. Dennett Just after his return from San Francisco," Mr. Smith continued, "and Mr. Hcnnctt mentioned tho need of a modern passenger boat and I suggested that ho and n number of other business men form a company and build It. He asked me If I thought It would pay and I told him ho has lived hero longer than I and that he should know. Mr. Bennett said such a boat would be In competition with tho Hcdondo nnd I told him that that should not ho considered. "And thnt'8 nil I know about nny new passenger steamer," Mr. Smith concluded, with a smile. first displav spitixfi hats In tho season's most stylish cre ations will bo shown Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the Clark Millinery, Hroadway and Central. Ladles of tho city aro Invited to Inspect this display. Brings Locomotive for Smith Powers Company and Big List of Passengers. Tho Uedondo nrrlvod In Into Sat urday after a good trip up tho coast from San Francisco. Sao hnd a good cargo of freight and a full passenger Hat, tho regular travel being augmented by tho coming of laborcis tor Wlllott & Ilnrr. Ucsldes 170 tons of miscellan eous freight for Marshfleld, tho Hc dondo had another 00-tn locomo tlvo for tho Smith-Powers Com pany. It Is a. duplicate of tho No. 101, which they recolved some months ago, and tho now ono Is No. 102. Tho Itedondo also hnd about 1-30 tons of cement for tho now pulp mill. The Itedondo will sail at 8 o'clock Tuesday morning. The following aro tho pasBcn gcin arriving on tho Itedondo: M. Glass, !0. Nlcnatndt, F. M. Slsslngcr, Kdnn K. ICIsscngcr, Lou isa Elssmluger, J. C. THdorf, .1. Cllnklnbcnrd. II. A. Dow, W. J. Morrison, W. L. Hlnko, G. Hnnscn, C. II. Uronghton, F. .1. Jacobus, Potor Dlctro, 12. L. Sparks, It. M. Stnnbroiigh, .1. Goslln, Mrs. W. K. Dungnn, Mrs. Ferry. T. II. Shanks, Mrs. Evn Smith, Kd Kunpp nnd family, T. Hogllo, P. Coruno, A. Amhrozlti, G. Gnndeuclo, T. Giovan ni, P. Giovanni, F. Frnnclsco, D. Vccchlo, H. Cnvnllo, J. Hoslno, .1. Triiyomeal, P. Pletro, J, Vnlen, A. Vandorstln, F, Scott, C. Frnrnr nnd C. Kynti. H ror you n ere The Newest and Best in Clothes for Men and Young Men The standard conservative 3-button model. The young mannish 2- button model. The English model, distinctively different. The Norfolk, especially popular model. ' TheF Maker: Alfred Benjamin & Co. Hecognlzed ns America's fore most and host manufacturer of high grade eiothlng, has com bined tho most popular nnd most worthy fabrics with their Ideas of good clothes, and now wo of fer to you tholr product In gar ments! that aro sure to pleaso you. Suits priced $15 and up. New Spring Styles: You Know Us Wc nrc In business rljrht here where you live. Yon are nn ncqunlntnncc, neighbor or n friend of ours. This moncy-bnek-If-not-sntlsflctl offer should prove the sincerity of our claims. AMOXt! Til 1-3 SICK. Tho llttlo dnughter of .Mr. anil Mrs. A. II. Woodworth of South Mnrshfiold, la reported 111. Mm. Hay Hronks Is confined to her homo In Day City on account of Illness, Mrs. John Kooutz of South Mnrshfiold Is confined to her bod by lu grlppo and bronchitis. Mrs. Homor Mnnzoy la confined to her homo with an uttnek of lu grlppo. 4 I AT THE HOTELS, i COOS .1. Smith, Portland: II. Short, Lakeside; Howard Hyosly, Myrtlo Point; M. AdnniH, Camp 7. HLAN'CO -Howard Hvana, Hue ley, Wash.: V. F. O'Hrlen. Fred Nolseu, Portland; Frank Feiiuor, Sun Francisco; t'lliin Tholo. West port; W. G. Knioraon, Olo Paulxou, t'ainn li: L. No. Allegany: Frank Gauthlcr and wlfo, Potrnlln; G. C. Gnnthler, Coqulllo. LLOYD II. Coon. .1. I.. Hrnfl ford, Portland; Henry S'an.o.v, Gardiner. CHANDLER Carl Sllrek. C. J. AdauiH, Milton Glass, Geo rue Han sen, .1. II. Hi-rtholf. II. A. Dow. San FrnuclHco; T. It. Shanks, Itlchmoud; J3. It. Noiistudt, Oakland: 1-3. P. Sehow, Portland: W. W. Hrynn nnd wlfo, Gardiner; J. .IiiiiIhIi, Si-iittle: A. W. U)nii, A. (ioodiunu, Ei-cmm-i ba, Mich.; M. A. McLuukIiIIu, South Inlet; II. Doyer, Amsterdam; .1. A. Wang, Seattle; F. D. I.ayton. K. M. Lnyton. L. K. Reynolds, Port land; G, Hanson, Oakland, When wo any wo tallevo wo hnvo tho lnxntivo nnd back up our statement with our unqualltird prom iso to return without queMlon or formnllty tlio money pnld in for It, if It docs not provo entirely anils fnrlnry to you, wo lirlievo wo oro en titled to your confidence. Our bunlnesi sueceai nnd prrstlRO depend upon your confidences In tin. We know wo muit acruro nnd hold your ronfidenco in order to cot nnd keep your patronnse. Therefore, wo would not ilnre mnko this offer If wo veru not positively ccrtnln that wo can provo our claims for Our etperlenco with them nnd tlio mnny report wo.hnvo received from those who hnvo lined them provo tlmt they nro renlly the mniit plrnilng nnd sntisfuctory bowel remedy we know of, Jleiall Ordorlles tnstn liko candy. They nro soothing nnd ensy in nction. They don't cauao grlpinc, nnuien, pureinK or eicenlve looseness, na do the usual physio or laiutive. Ilexnll Orderlies seem to net as ft tonlo atrcticthencr upon tho nervcj and muscle of thobownli. They prompt ly relieve constipation. They net to overcomo tho causo of constipation. Tliey tend to eliminate tho cnuo of rirk hendnehc, bllioitsnras, Imd breath, nirvoiwnea nnd other ilia attendant upon innctivo bowels. Make Us Prove This Wo wnnt you to comn to our storo nnd net n pnekaao of Ilexnll Order lies. Uso n few or mo up tho entire box. Then, if you nro not entirely satisfied, comn back nnd nnd wo will promptly return tho money you pnld us for them. You promlso nothing you sign nothing you olillwato voursclf to us in no wny whatever. Wo necepl your mero word. Don't you now IHInvo that Ilexnll Orderllet nro worthy of n trial? Could utiy offer bo more fair? Try Them at Our Risk Wo nartlculoily recommend Riis It Orderlies for children, nged persons nud for dellcnto people. ltexall Orderlies come In vest pocket tin boxes. 12 tnblels, 10c: 30 tablets, L'5c; SO tbluta, 60c. Usual doso one tublct. CAUTION: Pleaso bear in mind that ltexall Orderlies are not sold by all drut ihtt. You can buy ilexnll Orderlies only at The ltexall Stores. You can buy ltexall Orderlies in this community only nt our atora: LOCKHART PARSONS DRUG CO., lr MARSHFIELD TflO faXCiM StorO OREGON Thfr l a Tleud! Btnre In nrarljr every town ami city In the United Slain, Cuniida nnd Ori-st llrltoln. 'Iliero Is n illllrrent ltexall Ilemodv for nearly every ordinary human Ill each ciiwvlitlly ilmlsncd fur the particular III for which it U rccuininciiiled. The Ucxall Stores nro America's Greatest Drug Stores Arrow Shirts Stetson Hats m mm mi AnA it ',! Wli rjtnj.rln p,li Agents for: "Stetson Shoes "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. Marshfield Myrtle Point Bandon WE WILL MAIL YOU 1 for each Hot ot old Falso Tout eont ua. lllghost prlcoa pnld fir old Gold. Silver, old Watches broken Jewelry and Preclou Stones. Monoy Sent by Return Mall. Plilla. Snieltlng Ai Refining Co. Established 20 Years. Hint CliCHluut St.. PlillHilclphla, Pa. TO DliNTISTS. We will buy your Gold Fllllufo, Gold Scrap, and Plntlnum. Illgu 08 1 prices paid. Till? ItKCOItl) PHOTOaitAPHING AHSTRACT COMPANY Hnva photographic coplos of all rocords of Coos County todite, abstracts of titles, present ownors, or any othor Information relitlsj to real cstato furnisuod on short notice IIUSINKSS OFFICI'3: 117 North I-'ront St., Mnrnliflolil. Phone 1311 W. J. RUST, Manager W. 8. HUOW.N 55 A. II. IIODGI.NS Marshfield Paint, i Decorating Co. IMImates I'tiinlshcd. Phono 187-L JIarslifleld, Ore. KS IH'NKItAL xoTirl:. McmbeiH of ArnKo Lodge, No. 28, of North Hend, and ineinbera of SiiiiBet Lodge No. CI, I. O. O. P. and inenihoiB of Myrtlo Lodge, No. 3, KulghtH of PythliiB: You nro horoby notified to meet nt I. O. O. F. hall, Marshfleld, nt 1 o'clock Hlinrp, Tuesday, March I. 1913, to attend tho funeral of our lato brother, William McKwcn of Arugo Lodge. I. O. O. F., nnd Mr lo Lodge, No. 3, Knights of Pythias. Sojourning brothers nro respect fully Invited. lly order of tho N. O. nnd C. C. I. LANDO, Secretary I. O. 0. F F. S. UOUSLl'3Y, Keoper R. & S., K. of P, A FllHSII SUPPLY of FRKSII OLYMPIA OYSTHHS .1UST R13 OKIVKI). Pico Delivers-. PIION13 your to PI I OX 1 3 7!t-L ja:ss iiowi:l troiuli: i.v marsiifii:ld. MnrsMlold people linvo foynd out that A SINGLI2 UOSK or simple bucktliorn hark, glyccrlno, etc., ns compounded In Adler-1-kn, tho Ger man bowel nnd stomach reniody, rolloves lOiiBtlputlon, sour stomach or gus ou tho Btomnch INSTANT LY, Jfhls Blmplo nilxturo boenmo. inmotis by Hiring nppouuicuis anu It nntlsoptlolzos tho dlgcsttvo or REAL ESTATE, RENTALS AND INSURANCE Wo. have some oi' tlio best bargains in .Real Es tate to bo round in .Mai'shfiehl. .llere are soino of the bargains which will pay you to look up bel'OiO you locate. Two lots on South Hroadwav, 30x120 feet, for $2(500. Four lots and eight-room houso on easy terms, in Eastside, and some fine building lots to be sold on easy terms. TTave soino nice building lots in Bunker Hill, only five minutes' walk from tho Smith mill. Have a soven-room house and four lots in "Bun ker Hill for $2000, pari cash, balanco on time. Al so lots in liny Park. For particulars see PARKER (& LEATON Rooms 1 and 2. Lockhart "Bldg., over Hub. Or phone 199-K. iBH'B8smtmmmmmmmmBmBmmmmmmmmmamm Singer SewingJMachines Wo hnvo thoin for rent or for salo. Machines Ropnlred. Supplies nnd Needles for Salo. w. j. nn,, iai Park Ave. .Maihliflclil. Phono lai-X. Twin City Laundry GOOD WORK GOOD SFHVK'13 Xot in any Combine. H lioiu-8 voik for Vtoiucii. Our Agents call uuyulicrc. Phono Jdll-.J. Save That Bundle for Me A squnro dcnl and n clean shirt. IIOH SARTICR, Twin City Laundry! FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondol Kqulpptnl with wireless and nubinnrlne Ml I5AILS FROM MARSHFIELD for SAN FRANCISCO TUESDAY, MARCH 4, AT 8 A. M. All PrunpriL'cr ItnCi.rvnMniiu l.'p.m .Qui, I.ViiiirlKri Mukt IlO Made l H05 1'Ifo HiilldliiL'. or Lombard utroet Pier li7. All rckcmtloU intiKt ho taken up 21 hours before Milling. INTKU-OCKAN TnAXSPOItTATIO.V CO. PHOMR 4 O. F. MrGKOftQE. Mnl ItZZ SPEEDWELL CAPT. IIUItTIS, Master. Sails for San, Francisco from Coos Bay Thursday d. m. February 27. TII13 SPKKDWKIJj Is speedy mid tins excellent l'nM',f!,t(ljK!J$l niodatlons, laro clciin nnd airy roouiH nnd elcctilo Hg'" I wireicbs. I lir frclKht nnd pnssnKC, npply, ,., ft.8 A. V. IMnhroolc Co. Tltlo (iiinriiiiteo and "., H (Ii:i-lll7 Santa Muiluu lUilu., Sun Frnnclsco. 5fnrWlf'J- Phono li(i:S-,T I'll Call. White Duck Button Shoes for Children. AIbo now Patent Lnntbnr rtnHnn Shoea for Ladles' nnd Misses', nt The Electric Shoe Shop C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. mrrAin df.pautmf.xt IA'.MHKR, IUTH, SHIXOMCS, MOUM)IXOS, SASH AXI) DOOUS ItOOFIXO PAP13R, I7TC. CUT TIIK VVliX, IlILTi IX TWO UV USIXO OUH WOOD. fisher Auto Service Wm, Fisher, Proprietor. Phono orders to Ilillyer's Cigar Stand, Phono 1?-J. After 11 p. m. phono B-J. Night phone 181-R. Murshtleld, Oregon. A modern HrlcE. uildlug, Eloctri: Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. nOTKL ooos O. A. Metltn, Prop. Rates: 50 cents n day mid upwards Cor. TJrodvv und Market Union Storage Company W. A. Heard. Mer. Expert Packers. Carpets Cleaned. Furnituro racked, Shipped, Stnineil and Konalrml. t 382 Front St. Phono 19C. Leave orders nt Going & Harvey. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS saiiq lrnnM MAVcutritri n rnn PORTLAND SUNDAY, MARCH 2 AT 6:30 A.M nniiron tdip ia.50 OUNXKCTIXa WITH the north hank road at portU- NORTH PACIFIC TEAISHIP CO.MPAM t Phono 4i o. p. sicononas. W- EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILINGS FROM TORTLAND, Tuesday evening ot each m l'. .11. fc SAIL1XG FROM MARSHFIELD, Saturdays, MurhJj J March 8th, 0:!to u. in., March lBth, a p. in. 5 March Mn..1. n,,1. .-. . . .'IlkVII llll, I, in. Phono Slain 85-L. J. O. MILLFJt, Age- Have That Roof Fixed NOW --,' aE3 See CQRTEELt Steamer Washington sill Sails for San Francisco from Coos Baya freight, only, Wednesday p. m. February 26. gans nnd driiwR.aXL tho-tuipurltles HEaiw. is Burpryl mili i uu. luo, lua south nnoAim'.w 0c T. S. DOW, Aget. Miaa;i.t.?i;T