HaiS'i! THE COOS BAY TIMES, MABSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1913 EVENING EDITION. WE Dayton Motorcycles 11 M ft ToJvii m TM 1 t'lA CAAAgj From My Mechanic, Harry, You All KnoWflHim Portland, Ore., March 3, 1913. E. Bandcl, Marshficld, Ore. I just got off a Dayton motorcycle, and it is the best motorcycle I have ever been It is 0. K. and no hill too steep. on Sgnedj Harry Ingcbrigtzcn. Marshf ield Cy clery Agents for DAYTON BICYCLES Phone 158-R '"'HM " Agents for DAYTONJMOTORCYCLES 172N.'Broadway and TIDES KOIt MARCH. Uolow is Kivon tho timo holght of high and low water at Mnrsliflold. Thu tides aro placed in tho ordor f oennrrenco, with tholr times on tho drat lino nnd heights on tho icrond lino of each day, n compai- Ison on consecutive liolghtB will lndlcato wliothor It is high or low water. For high water on tho bar, MiiiRiriict i nonrs H4 minutes llllrs.. r.3'J 11.12 0.2 1 2.S ii. I 0.7 1.22 l!.:il 12.110 1.0 2.1 fi.fi in... ft Mrs,, iFt... 0,0 0.0 7.09 -0.7 IRSo ICEN SPRING 1913 A. Go AI ounces Heir Opemiog off SPRUNG MILLINERY onday, Marclh 3, amid Following Days A DRUG STORE We Do Care U mrytblng wo do wo tako 4 peatwt caro nnd no mnt tw hetber It la a physician's Weriptlon, a family or n "Wiity receipt or a mlx- tV 'W knc l.lla nn n. " tike tho Bamo enro tOQDounAln. hlt your patronage. We Don't Care whoro you go you cannot' got your proscription dlsponsed with nny moro accuracy or with hotter quality Ingred ients than horo. "Wo mnko It a rulo to uso tho puresf, freshest drugs nnd no sugstl tutlon and wo guarantee you that yourreclpo will ho filled JiiBt as tho doctor ordora. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER." MAIN 298 US 0RPHEUM TONIGHT tip. kffUon?KY'S L0VK AFFAAHl" (Sellg) A comedy of nr iBE ASG ACU0SS TIIE CO,XTIXET" (Edison) A good droinn. AX) OP CEYLON'" n.Mlci., A nnn.l n.lnnf.il iilrtmn. ,J'S0S'Fvri'',S two recl 'cnturo coming Wed. "Tim LIOX , Establish Admission, Itrc, Sever more. Meet Tuesday. Tho Womnn'B Auxiliary of tho Eplsoopnl church will meet at tho rectory tomororw afternoon. All tho Indies of tho church uro Invited. To Onrdcr Engines Tho Drook Ings Lumber Company Is figuring with Mnrsliflold people on tho pur chase of olght doukoy engines for tholr new plnnt In Southern Curry county. Not in Content MIbh Ruby Wnt klus was not ahlo to tako part In tho DoiuorcHt medal contest at Sumner Inst Friday night owing to the Illness of her mother, and WANT ADS. MOXEV TO LOAN One, two or three years on farm and town property. From SI 00 to $10, 000. Address Ilox A. I)., Times o(Il co. tQassWeavini? lb.r.r'1 . l,,;1 Montana Street. You Auto Call Foote PnONE 144-J NIGHT AM) PAY Stand front of nianco Milliard Parlor TWO NEW OARS After 11 P. M. Phone fWT. Residence Phone 3-J. KOR HALE A few settings or thor oughhrcd hlack Minorca eggs. C. 12. Nicholson, 721 North Second strcot, Mnrshflcld. KOR RENT Two nice rooms fnrii Ished for light housekeeping. I'hono 242-Ii. LOST On the Mrcct Hutimhiy n $10 hill.. Finder mny keep half and kindly return half to Chus. Lapp. KOIt SAM': One .Ii'icy Cow, slv years old. Fresh In Mnrch. For particulars Inquire Ilox C, nt Times. '(lt SALE Eggs for lintrliliig. White LnngBlinns, $2.00 por l.i. Illnck Mluorcns, $ 1 . " 0 per lfi. Phono 112-.!. KOIt HUNT Two nice rooms fur nished for light housekeeping. I'hono 212-L. KOIt SALE JUOO ll. iimro In lino condition. Works slnglo or doub le Phono 290-X. WANTED Hoiimj cleaning, linking nnd Ironing, and slnglo Jobs of liouso work. Por hour 1C cents. Ilox 572, North Bond, Oro. I.OST Friday, Gold lironch on black velvet ribbon. Rowan! for return to Carl Evorlscn nt Coos Hay Bnkory. KOIt HUNT Two or tlireo rooms for houso-keeplng. Phono 1C5, North llcud. WAXTER All Coos county breed, ors of Huff Orpingtons to com municate with Box 7G5, Marsh-Hold. WANTED High class building nnd construction foromnn opon for en gagement about March 10th. Ad droBS, Foreman, Times olllco. KOIt SALE Tlireo good hits, 75v 140 feot, In tho most doslrnblo rosldenco section of South Fifth streot; nlso two lots with six room liouso and barn on Soventh Btreot. Will sell cheap If tukon at onco. Apply to owner, 902 Soventh streot, South Mnrsliflold. WANTED Ilousowork liy day by compotont woman. Phono 309-R. WAXTUI) To evcluingo or sell. Kour acres of tho host truck or garden land In tho country, modorn liouso, largo now barn, ovory convonlonco, go with land, on water way, coun ty road, doslrablo location, ton miles from city postofflco, vnluod at Four thousand dollars, will ox chnngo In pnrt or wholo for city ronl estato, with buildings or with out buildings, will assume or tako mortgngo in difference, for values In North Bond, Plat B. Marsh Hold or Mllllngton. Stutsman & Co., Marshflold, Oregon, Rooms 7 and 8, 130 Broadway. WANTED Seven or KJcht room modorn bouse. Will take two year loaso. II. W. J Caro Times. KOIt SALE Good wagon. Apply Wnrnor Grocory Co. WANTED Girl for general house work. Address 729 South Fourth or phono 309-J. WANTED Twelve experienced min ora nnd timber men. Apply Beav er Hill Coal Co. WANTED Maid for general house work. Phono 389-J. KOIt SALE OR REXT House and four lots in Enstaldo. Apply to James D. Cllnklnboard, Sumner, Oregon. KOR SALE Dry wood, fir nnd al der, nt Campbell's Wood Yard, Forry landing. Phome 15L. Tf von have anything to soli, rent. WEATHER FORECAST. By Assoclnted Pross OREGON Fair In cuBt to night nnd Tuesday; occnslonnl rnln In west; southerly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For the 24 hours ending at 4: 13 a. in. March 3, by DciiJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorological observer: Maximum fi2 Minimum 4ft At 4:13 a. in 40 Precipltntlon is Precipitation since Sopt. 1, 1912 45.41 Piecipltntlon snnio period Previous year 43.42. Wind- Southwest, cloudy. tho report giving her ns ono of tho unsui-rcBsftil participants wns erroneous. Auto Speeding Marshal Carter has nrrcsted 1). Ii. Foote on tho chnrgo of exceeding the speed lim its Snturdny afternoon when ho wnB hiking n lond of loggers to tho North Bond colouration. Meet Wednesday. Tho llnptlBt MlBlonnry society will hold a mls Blonnry meeting nt tho Baptist church Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. It. It. Corey as loader and Mrs. John Nngle us hostess. Buys Stoic .E. O. Hall, who line been In tho rent estato business in Mnrshlleld has purchased tho gon oral merchandise Btoro of Cnpt. W. C. Harris of Sumner nnd expects to movo his family to their now homo Wednesday. Council Tonight The Mnrshlleld city council will meet this ovoning to tnko up various matters. Among tho things to come up aro Terminal Railway-Southern Pacific franchise mutter, tho Improvement of several streets and tho permit for repairing the DoladHon block. Gets Gridiron Honor. Gordon RnsmiiRsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Rasiniissen of Marshflold, was one of the sixteen men who receiv ed thu "Orange O," tho honor be stowed on football players of the Oregon Agricultural College. The Bwcnters nro high honors of the gridiron thero. Foreign l-uinlicriiimi A. G. Vim Eeldu of Amstordnui and II. lloyer of Tho Ilagiio nro hero to get Ideas from tho C. A. Smith mill nnd tho Smith-Powers Company for a mill which n company thoy represent will put In on tho Inland of Java. Thoy nro to vlnlt the Hammond compnny nlso beforo going to tho Orient. Bullet In Shoes. George Rotnor received on Saturday a shipment of shoes from an eastern wholesale house. Tlireo bullet holes wero found In thu box. Ono of tho bul lets lodged In tho heel of ono of tho shoes. It Is presumed that someono must have snot Into tho freight car that carried tho shoes across tho continent. Kino Hydroplane V. C. Gorst Is plnnulug to leavo on tho Rcdondo for San Dlogo to try 'out his now hydroplane. Mr. King may go with htm. Edward Steele, who Is now there, snys the now hydroplano will boat unythlng evor turned out. Mr. Steele wns formerly with Good nun's garage horo and may run tho hydroplane for Gorst & King. Took Calves. Some tlmo ago, UoiiIb Nelson oi South Marshflold took up Homo stray oiiIvcb which ennio to lila plnco. Hu tried to find tho owner nnd ndvortlsod that ho had them. Snturdny afternoon whllo tho family wns nwny sonio ono camo and took tho calves without notifying nnyono or get ting permission. Whether It was tho owner or some one else ho doesn't know but Marshal Cartor nnd othor olllcors have boon notl llod and troublo may rosult for someone. Xnrow Ehcape .Ins Wntt, n woll known Mnrshlleld real estato man, yestordny nnrowly escnpod denth by ncctdontnl poisoning. Ho wns tak ing sonio mcdlclno and reached up In tho fnmlllnr sholf to got It and took a toaspoonful without noticing the vlnl. Instantly ho discovered ho had taken carbolic acid, and ho rush ed to Dr. Ilnyes' olllco and tho latter phoned n physician. Tho latter gavo him sonio Instructions as to what to do until tho physician could arrive. By this prompt aid, tho poison wns ovorcomo nnd ho will not sustain nny pormnnont injury. Auto Accident Guy Greonlonf, a driver for tho Twin City Auto lino, narrowly escaped death yesterday morning. Ho was taking Joj Win sor, Mr. Taylor nnd two others north and nenr tho Porter bridge ho mot unothor auto. The coming auto was running nbout 40 miles por hour nnd Instead of turning out for him. kept tho middle of tho rond. Ho had turned to ono Bldo, but tho first machine struck him and throw his auto over against the brldgo railing. Tho railing smnshod tho windshield nnd dam aged tho front of the cnr. A wutch In his vest pocket was bioKon and the key Jammed Into It, but luck ily hq escaped Injury. Tho Identi ty of the other nuto has not beore ascertained by Manager Kinney yet. Fresh Shrimp Oysters Kippered Salmon Kippered Herring Stauf f Grocery Co. Phono 102 Maskey's "andles. I If you need more hangers to help take good care of your clothes, wc will furnish them at low cost, VOUR profit in buying here is important with us. We put your profit into the merchandise. You get more value for your money here, we honestly believe, than anybody else offers. One reason is that nobody else in town can offer you" these Hart Shaffner & Marx clothes WOOLEN MILL STORE This Btoro Is tho homo of Hnrt Schnftnor & Mnrx Clothes. PERSONAL NOTES JAS. STOCK of Sunnier Is lir tho city todny. A. C. BOONE of Catching Inlot Is In Mnrsliflold todny. L. D. SMITH of Coos River was In town this morning. A. E. ICRUSI3 Is hero from Prosper on business and pleasure. W. W. 1JRYAN nnd wlfo or Gnrd- Iner are Mnrsliflold visitors. ROBERT ROOKE of l.oon l.nko cnnio to town this morning. CHAS. CROUCH of Hiiyncs Inlot Is In town todny on business. HARRY STRICKLAND of Hiiyncs jmui is in .Mni-snriok for the tiny. MRS. MARY KRICK eimio from her Coos River honm to. day. MRS. C. M'CUM.OCH of Hnvnes Inlot Is visiting friends In Mnrsh lleld. F. B. ROOD and wlfo of North Coos River wero In town this morning, MRS. CLAUDE PIPER of North Coos River, was In town this morning. MR. nnd MRS. J. E. NOAH of North Coos River wore In town thlB morning. N. MOON has returned from Gnl Ico, Oregon, whore ho has spent a few weoks. W. B. PIPER and wlfo of North Coos River camo to Marshflold this morning. HOMER HOLVERSTOLL, a resi dent of Fnlrvlow, Is In town to day on business. MR. and MRS. JAS. LANDRITII nnd sou aro In town today from South Coos River. MRS. GEORGE FERRY has return ed from n short visit with San Francisco frlonds. C. J. BRUSCHKB returned last evening from a business trip to South Coos River. NEI.g AUSTED returned to Gould's camp this nfteruoou after spend ing Sunday In town. T. J. KOIII.STAD and wlfo nro In Marshflold today from their homo on Coos River. JOHN HENDRICKSON and fam ily of North Coos River camo to Marshflold this morning. MRS. W. E. DUNOAN bus returned from n few months' visit with frlonds In Snu Francisco. MR. nnd MRS. CAL BRIDGES camo down tho river this morn ing from North Coos River. JACK FARLEY enmo to town this morning from Coos River with a supply of fish for market. MRS. LEONARD MASTERS and daughter, Olllo Richards, of Sum no r, woro In Mnrsliflold todny. MRS. ANDREW STORA and daugh ter Slgnn, nro among the Coos River guests In town for tho day. MR. nnd MRS. JUD MILLS of Sumner are spending today In Mnrsh'flold' on business and pleas ure. P. C. BEATTIB and his mother and son enmo to Mnrsliflold to day from their North Coos River honi. WALTER KING came In from Hoick's camp today und will leave on tho Rodondo for San Joso, Calif. COUNTY CLERK JOE WATSON wns nn over Sunday visitor In tho city, returning to Coqulllo today. BLANCHE CUTLIP roturuod last ovoning from n Sunday visit with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Ii, Cutllp of Daniels Creek. MRS. TOM M'GINNIS and children spent Sunday with Mrs. McGln nls sister on South Coos River, returning homo last evening. ntns. .tknnie LANDRITII of North Coos River wns In town today nccompanlod by lior unugntor, Blancho, nnd sons, Philip nnd Ray. MR. nnd MRS. WM. SCHROEDER. who wero Sunday guests nt the Carl McCulloch homo on Hnynes Inlot returnod to town hub morn ing. miAR m'pitlloch roturuod to Mnralifleld this morning nfter spondlng Sunday with bU bro SOCIAL CALENDAR I - ! MONDAY I' Jftli Strcot Sowing Club with .Mrs. Dlnln. W. C. T. U. with Mrs". Fnnnlo Wheolor. TUESDAY Ladles Episcopal Guild with Mrs. E. S. Bnrgolt. Royal Auction Irrldgo Club with Mrs. J. H. Mllnor O.W. B. M. with Mrs. R. A. uppio. thor. Carl .McCulloch of Hayncs Inlet. I CHAS. JACKSON Is hero from Ross down', "1,V.l.?uny'. vv4 .mij is in town ror tho dny from North Inlet. MRS. MOBLEY of Mllllcomu Is a town visitor todny. 55. T. SIGLIN of Isthmus Inlot Is In town on business. HILL1S 8IIORT Is In town from Lnkesldo on business. MR. nnd MRS. DAVE WALLACE aro Ross Inlot vlsltora todny. A. GUNNELL of ditching Inlot is In town todny on business. MRS. WILLIAM KING of Mllllco- ma Is i town todny. EDWIN DOLAN of Camp 0 wns In Mnrsliflold Snturdny ovoning. W. 11. BONEBRAKE of Ross Inlet wns In town todny on business. DAN MATSON. tho Cntchlng Inlet rancher, Is In town on business. MISS MARTHA ROSS of Isthmus Inlot Is visiting in town for tho dny. MRS. CHARLES OAUNTLETT of Emplro passed through horo to day ouroiito to Gold Beach to visit at tho homo of relatives of Mr. Gauutlott. DR. BIRD CLARK and MRS. IVY wwi.i.b or Norm Bond woro Sundny guests at tho Leonard Masters homo In Sumner, return lug homo this morning. M. A. M'LAUOIILIN, foromnn of tho South Slough Camp of tho Smith-Powers Company, spent Sundny horo. Ed. McKoown and hrldo will probably go thero this weok. JAS. WATSON, county clerk, wns hero from Coqulllo Sundny to visit his sister, Mrs. H. W. Fol Biiin, nnd at tho homo of his parents, Judgo nnd Mrs. D. L. Wntson nt Coos City. MR. nnd MRS. T. F. HAUSCHILD, who spout Sundny nt tholr Coos Rlvor ranch, roturuod to North Bond Inst ovoning, whore thoy nro lu nttondnnco on their son, Fred, who Is rocovorlug from np pendlcltls. M. GLASS, tho San Francisco trav eling man who Is woll known lu this section ns tho "human brass baud," hecauso of his un usual ability In Imitating tho various Instruments, 1b on tho Bay for n short stay. ANDREW OLSON of Lakeside was u Marshflold visitor today, com ing In to nttond tho funeral of Andrew Johnson of Hnynes Inlot, which wns hold yestordny. Quito a numbor from Hnynes Inlot and tho Ton Mllo Section woro lu nt-tendauco. TWIN CITY AUTO STAGE LINE Marshflold depot, Hlllyor's Cigar Stand. . , , North Doud Depot, S. S. Jennlng's Store. Round trip 20 cents. Wo treat you right. The Hammer Is Buried at N. B. But SARTER haB dug up sevornl now drinks to tempt your palate. Drink, and quit knocking. THROAT RELIEF 9mmr DRAGEES for Coughs, Cold-t, Hoarseness Irritation of tho Throut or tho liurny.v. "Wo Bend, Or Careful Drlrera -;- Good Cara trade, or want help, try o Want Ad,