THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1913 EVENING EDITION. coosbay TiMESnnrrm ptiicc Al. C. .MALOXEY Editor ami Till). WAN K. .MALOXEV News Editor Offlclnl I'n tor of Coos County. OFFICIAL PAPKIt OF THE CITY OK MAItMIIFIHLI). ONE ()()! POINT. A and our oxtlnrt clilvnlry, tlicro life, our viuiIhIiIiik nmuuot'B, LONG with our vanishing wild arc n fow things dlsniuiirlng which it Is comforting lo know iihout. And ninong thorn must ho niiinhoi ed tlio vniilRhiiiK iint'k. who. ne cordlug to u Washington writer, Is rnjddly losing prestlgo ns well (is mimcrlcnl forco. Thoro nro 10,000 fowor lnodlcnl students toiluy than eight years ago declares this observer. Thcro tiro fifty loss medical colleges so-call ed, and t ho death raro Is on tho decline nnil tho standard of health higher. Medical advertisements, medical practices and medical diplomas are being subjected to a more rigid regulation. And the community Is to be congratulated upon the grad ual elimination of pernicious quack. I PERSONAL OVERFLOW I KMIL E.M.METT of Catching Inlot Is a business visitor to town to day. MR. II. P. HOWARD of North In let was a Mnrshfleld visitor to il ny. MRS. C. CORNELL or Camp 7, Coos City, wub a .Mnrshflold visitor to day. MRS. LOUIS OORR wilt leave to morow to visit In Southern Cali fornia. HERMAN SMITIIGALL Is In the city today from his Catching In let home. IL A. CHURCH was a business vis itor In Mnrnlifliilil liuinv from i .North Inlet. juaiih) ih iiiiioiik me Catching Inlet ranchers In town rcfr tho day. IL I). MALL will bo an outgoing .passenger on tho Drain stage to morrow morning. ARTHUR HODOINS returned to Camp 1 this afternoon after sev eral days In town. MR. and MRS. T. M. C'OLVKIl nro spending the day In Marshfleld from Catching Inlet. UEHT HOLLAND returned tlilu morning from a visit at the Ross liomo on Isthmus Inlot. ERNEST HARRINGTON, timekeep er at Camp il was In Marshfleld Saturday evening visiting his par ents. V. 13. I1RYAN and wire or Onnll n it will leave to morrow on tho Redondo for an extended visit In California. MR. nnil MRS. H. VARNEY return od to Coaledo tills afternoon after n visit on South Coos River with Mr. and Mrs, Ilyrd l.itttln. E. W. WRK5IIT left Siitiirday for Portland after looking after In terests here. He Is said to be llgurlng on buying more properly on the Hay. 2IELEN SMITH and EVELYN LANGWORTIIY returned to Mnrsbfltdil last evening alter a Sunday visit at the W. II. Smith linnio on Coos River. ALICE CIH'RCH. who spent I ho week end lit the T. M. Culver )luro on Cnti'hlug Inlet', returned 1o her high school duties at North Hetid this morning. MR. and MRS. GEO. A. HAINES returned today from Rlvertiiu, where tliey huvo been visiting with Mrs. Haines1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Harrison. MASTER I1ERTRAM will loavo to morrow for California, where ho will visit with relatives until his mother recovers from tho Injuries sustained In tho recent fire. XV. A. COOLEY and wlfo will leave tomorrow for San KranclHco and may return to his homo In Okla homa. Two or three lodges and other friends have assisted the couple who have had such hard luck. C. D. CHR1CHTON. of IMrtor Rios., arrived lioro yesterday from Gur dlnor to tirraugo for tho Porter tug to tnko u cargo of coal from hero to tho SliiBlaw. The tug will prob ably undergo repairs boforo ho leaves this trip. SDR. ROIMNS and family will leave tomorrow for California to mnko their homo. Dr. Robins enmo hero a fow mouths ngo from Spokane aind wns iiiiablo to securo a real donco and this coupled with tho Ill-health of his wife caused him to decide to leave, P.. I CROUCH, a former Cooa county boy, but now holding a i;nod position with the Califor nia Cable Railway Co, of San Francisco, loaves for that city to morrow aft or n pleasant visit with relatives and friends on Coos Ha tiud In the Coiiullle Valley. LOCAL OVERFLOW. I . Cmw County Facts Sec. Motley of tho Mnrshflold Chambor of Coin morco, has been renuestod to prepare n rovlsod wrltoui) of Coos County for tho Oregon almanac, which will soon bo issued, liny lllock George nnd Frank Torry of tho "Hluo Rldgo TIkoih." whllo talcing In tho North Hontl cele bration Saturday, purchasod a block in Steamboat Addition, North Head, from Henry Songstnckon for $1100. Postollleo Change Tho olght-hour Ony will go Into effort In tho Mnrsh flold postolllco nnd tho dorks nnd employes will no longer havo to la bor ten hours. In consequence of tho change, two additional clerks will bo nddod. Thoy will bo Miss All co Curtis and Miss Flossie Simp eon. In tho past olghtoou months, ttho business has grown so rapidly that tho forco has been practically doubled. If you havo anything to soil, rout, tirade, or want holp, try a Waut Ad- uncc oiurr is New Vegetables Attraction on Market Portland Retail Prices. PORTLAND March 3.- The Tel- ogram says: At some of tho vegetable stands today buyers who aro willing to pay tho prices asked for tho stuff, can find 191.1 nsparagus, potatoes and rhubarb, the season's tlrsr of ferings of Bprlng truck. They, of course, come from cniifornia, tnu supply Is limited In tho extreme and the cost of the commodities ....... il...... 1.1 til.. tl.Vllt. Kilt I.Vll tho now asparagus dealers are rink-1 lug 50 cents a pound, for pntiitooft , 10 to 15 cents and ror rnuimrii, 25 to 30 cents u pound. Tor tho present the stnplo vege tables, which have been In the mnrket more or leas all winter, are tho main dependence. Celory of good quality Is to bo had at 111 to 15 cents u bunch, cauliflower at 10 to 15 conts u head and sprouts at 15 cents a pound. Cabbago Is still plentiful and cheap at 2 to .'1 cents a pound. For sweet potatoes tho season is practically ended. At tho fruit stands thoro Is tho usual abundance of npples, and on nil grades and vailtlcs of the fruit tho denlers are quoting tho low' prices of a week ngo. Common to Talr grade apples aro to be luld al 10 to 20 rents n dozen nnd at pro portionately low prices by tho box. Tho medium grades nro going gen erally at 20 to 30 cents a dozen nnd rnncy stock nt 10 to 50 cents. Oinnges also tlguro largely In the fruit dlsplnys, despite tho fact that Hie greater part of tho South ern California crop this year was ruined by frost. Tho best of tho offerings nro retailing nt 50 ro 00 cents n dozen, whllo fruit u little less deslrnblo Ih obtainable for 30 to 10 cents. Florida ornnges nro In tho mnrket In n limited way nt 10 conts. Cnlirornla grapefruit of good size holds at two for 15 conts, whllo the Florida article Is going nt two for a quarter. In tho llsh mnrket thoro Is still a rulr Interest In Columbia river smelt, 10 pounilH ror a nimrtor be ing the quotntlon, hut tho season for that IIbIi will end soon. Mean time the markets aio llbernlly sup plied with other varieties and deal ers roport all moving actively. Chi nook salmon Is firmly held nt 20 cents a nonnd. whllo stool head finlmon Is going at 15. Halibut re tails nt 1214 cents a pound, son porch at two for n qunrtor, silver smelt nt 10, salmon trout nt z cronnlos at two for 35 conts, florin dors at three for n qunrtor, shrimp nt 15 cents a pound, crabs at 12V6 to 1 7 VG cents npleco and razor clams at two dozon for a qunrtor. Tho only changes In tho poultry inurkot noted this wook aro sugni advances on nous mid chickens. For rnncy hens tho denlers nro ask ing 25 cents u pound, while broil ers nnd rryers nro going nt .hi to 10 cents a pound, according to size nnd quality. Dressed ducks nnd turkoyB hold at 30 -vents a pound and geese nro retailing nt 25. Tho week has brought no change In tho butter market, rnncy crenm- ory products rotnlllng lit 15 cents a pound or 00 cents a roll. Eggs havo boon working grad ually downwind as a result or more liberal arrlvnlB from thu country Fresh locals, candled, aro going nt 30 centB a dozen today, and will probably bo selling nt a still low er price a week lienco. Along the Waterfront. The Adeline Smith arrived In Inst evening from Hay Point after a good trip up tho const and will probably sail early tomorrow. Tho Firield sailed from Hiiudou todny for San Francisco. Llbby COAT. Tno Rtnd YOU liavfi ALWAYS USED. Phono 72, Pacific Livery nnd Transfer Company. The Sign of Good Candy Always AUTO FARE 20c Round Trip between and North Bend MARShTIELD N0RTH BEND AUTO LINE Gorst & King, Props. ON I PROGRESS CliUll Tho Progres Club enjoyed a de lightful session at the home of Mrs. Ward M. Illnko last Monday. It wns "Colonial Day" and tho monibors enmo garbed In costumes of a cen tury ngo. An excollcnt pnpor was rend by Mrs. Ward M. Ulako on "Co lonial Customs," glv.Ing a vivid word picture of Revolutionary dnys. The mombcrs also gave some old time recipes. Refreshments woro served. Thoso present woro: Mrs. W. 1 McEldowney, Mrs. Eng lohnrt, Mrs. E. M. Harry. Mrs. II Scngstackcn, Mrs. I. S. Kaufman, Mrs. .7. M. Upton, Mrs. Dan Mnloney, Mrs. McCrary, Aire. A. L. Iiutz, Mrs. A. L. Unrker. .Mrs. W. M. Mnko, Mrs. M. C. Maloney and Mrs. Han son. I - MASQI'IIHAOK HALL. A nunibor of ladles of West Mnrshflold are making preparations for a masquerade ball some time in I the near future. It has boon or- roiicouiily Httitod tint It was to bo " Non '' ' ' her nro Interested In tho plnn. -I .MEET IX FERNDALE. . Tho Ferndrtle Sowing Club wns pleasantly entertained nt the homo of Mrs. W. Spado Friday afternoon, tho diversions being sowing and conversation. Refreshments were served, tho hostess being assisted by Mrs, R. IIn.ll. Thoso present wore: Mrs. W. Rlehnrds, Mrs. O. Terry, Mrs. C. Anderson, Mrs. J. II. Ilnuscr, Mrs. R. Hall, Mrs. W. Spado nnd Mrs. E, O, Hall, the Misses Suslo Mnicolm, Torn Lund, Elslo Larson, Jennie Johnson nnd Mae Hall. Tho club will meet with Mlns Jonnlo Johnson on Fri day or this wook. I WEI) AT COLD HILL. MarshHold friends havo rocolvod announcements of tho marriage or Miss Ednu Hnyes or Gold Hill, Oregon, nnd Frank J. Schmidt or Portland nt Gold Hill. Miss Hayes visiting in .Marshfleld last rail, spending most or tho tlmo hero with Mrs. Jnck Davis. Tho young rouplo will resldo nenr Woodlnwn Station, Portland. Miss Anna Johannsen who for tho pnst three yours con ducted a vory succossrul HAIR DRESTING ESTABLISHMENT In San Francisco, has located In MtirBhlleld, nnd is now prepared to glvo scalp treatment, shnmpoolng, nnd facial manage, using oloctrlc dryer nnd vibrator. Hair work, switches, Janes, curls, purrs, oil'., done to ordor, olthor rrom combings or now hnlr. U-J2 X. Fourteenth st. or Phone IMSt-L .Il'ST RECKIYKD A largo shipment of Electric Cut Cilnss Shades. Call nnd boo our stock of glnss waro. Wo also havo somo of tho latest designs In shower fixtures, from two light to five. Everything In electrical supplies. Barnard & Langworthy STADDEN ALL KINDS of PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK, Itroiuldo Enlarging and Kodak Finishing. Low In price, high In quality. Electric Irons Wo Imvo a few second-hand irons in good working condition nt $ 1.7ft. New Irons, $:).ftf) up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J 1G3 N. Hrondwny EAST Kit SUNDAY, MARCH Jlilltl) Got In lino. Ho measured todny TODD Export Cutter nnd Tailor. 27S Front St. upstnlrs. Suits $15 up Pictures & Framing Walker Studio Do You Leave Your Doors Unlocked? You would not do that, nnd you should no moro bo without fire In surance Tho open door would ndnilt tho burglar, and tho tiro Head is Just as Insidious. llo plays uo fnvorltes, but nttacks In sured and unlnsurod property nllko. Don't risk your savings for tho small co3t of a policy. Ours nro tho safest nnd best. I. S. Kaufman (8b Co. FOR A GOOD WAT II on nx. JEWELRY E. C. BARKER JEWELER Pino Wutcli nnd Jewelry Repairing. 2(10 Front 8t Mnrshfleld. THE ROYAL TONIGHT - 7777JT '&&; ; j;VvV -'Vi Kli tJBwt;; lift jLjiSKgS, ' ' I BIG A FOUR. Ed Harrington l Margaret Elenore Frank McSorley IMaudia Melville COMEDY COMPANY Presenting the Uproarously Funny Musical Farce- LITTLE M3SS PORTLAND At Minutes of olid Laughter, Af v Mirth, Music and Song. Wo guarantee more laughter to the square minute than there, are inches to . a million feet of lumber. Sure cure for the blues, dyspepsia, mumps and lock jaw. 4,000 feet all new pictures. Complete change of program every night. Balcany 10c Lower floor 20c Coos Bay Business College You know what you arj worth today. What are you going to be worth five years from today? When we build a house we have a plan. When we build a ca reer, most of us putter, dawdle, dream dreams, and wait for some favorable breeze to waft us to harbor. Lack of business training is not only a handicap it is an absolute block t ) your advancement. Will you con sider this a little while you are 'building the man or woman who later will be YOU? Start right by starting NOW For something worth while. Positions in abund ance and no trained help. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Telephone 402. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Rf arsne Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. IIEXRY RIJXOSTACKEX, Mgr. CoQtilllo Ofllco Phono 101 Platting Lands a specialty. Farms Timber Con! and Marnhflold Ofllco 14-J. Gonornl Agonts "EASTSIDE." Taxes! Taxes! Taxes! You have but a few days in which lo pay your taxes and secure the three per cent discount. Give us a list of your property and we will sec that they are promptly attended to. First National Bank Of Coos Bay TAXES By furnishing us with a list of the property on wish to pay taxes, we will ascertain, free of cost, how much your taxes are Flanagan & Bennett Bank ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING Tht DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE S tic ' WB ARE XOW ()P1,:UT IN" OX TIIK KlnilMlocB' sciiicdule. i:X,.KI,T SKILLED LAROU ,3,,, ED IX ALL UKlMHTMUttB SATISFACTIOX uu TEED. s Lamnmd PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DEX.1A.MIX OHTI.IM), uonsuilliig am, Aiclillect. Phono Hl.'t-L "" UTf. T JI. WUIGIIT, J COXTRAClOIt AVli 1, .. . 1IUIW1KII Estimates furnished on requeit PlntiB and Bpcclflcatlona furni j ( C8lr,1' An honettt Job gum, tood. Phono 124-It. r livia i:dma., Afitnlifitm..rriija.....f-A Scientific Swedish Alnssago, Medic Oymnustlcs BB H. Slvlh St. .l0ne mm I OEL OSTLINI), Pllllllt Tlllll'r nnil n. i b S. Sixth Street. Phone 10H pEI EHIi HI LEV IlALUXGliii " Pll.lllbf nnil T...I... Roldonco-8tudio, 237 So. Droidtij Phono 18-L. WM. H. TURPE.N, ARCHITKCT Mnrshfiold. Oregon, II. W. MORROW, " Dentist. 171 OrlmoH Iliilldliig, over Gnu) Theater. QIIIco Phone !K0. Wf O. CIIAXDLIIR, Archlltct Roonm HOI nnd .'102, Coke IlDlldUi field, Oregon. r-R, A. j. HExrmY'8 -' Modern Dental I'trlon. Wo aro oqulppod to do high dm work on short notlco nt thi rcr; lowest prlcas. Kxnmlnatlon frn Lady attendant. Coke Uldt,., On Chandlnr Ho'nl. plinnn 1IT-J. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Streel. New and Second Hand Furniture sold on (Jio Installment Un. IIARR1X0T0X, DOYLK . CO, .1(12 Kront St. Phono SIO-Ii .MnnhflcW, Or. BUNKER HILL LOTS FOR SALE nt new location 130 l-'ront Str. iluMM AUO. PKII5K.V. Watch Our Space For Something New Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice ltou Phono your ordor to 30W. mi MnrUot Av. O'Connelinw Unique Pantatoriii THE MODEIIN BYKIW. OWagg PIIE8SBRS nnd HAT IIK.NOVAWW Agent for JUiwurd H. BWj Co., Fine TnllorlniJ. M mnko your next nIL , .&! !05 OENTHAL. riione-3W ( City Auto Servicj roaaonahlo cbnrges. ," 7Ba. "Will go anywhere at ny Stands Blanco Hotel and w m. at na nv Phones 1 ,u f?W!5oni i6..AUC. Prop1! ; ' , WHEN YOU WANT A.MBfS GER HOV Something or dellvereil nT ana won ao iv. chas onAxnv TTB Star Transit j and Storage Co. .......... !WdW is prepared to do fii """". ,n ti on short notice. Ws meet , and boats and wo auobare ff( sty 10 ueynuiuo - guarantee our work. L. H. Heisner, W Pnones o-n. N Mi