The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 01, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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feat Would Ym Do With a Million Dollars All lour Own?
Here Are the Answers of More Than Three
Score Coos County People to This
Interesting Question,
Strong Sentiment of Altruism Runs Through
AH Replies Help for Community
and Help for Others.
i.'lli: Is liinv more tlimi sixty Coos county peoplo would spend
H''n,ou. limn Hlxty million ilolluiB-- If thoy hud tlio money. It
Id n hopeful "",1 "u,l'f'il HK" Unit tho spirit of ' nltrnls'ui
lilnos stronu anil lirlKlit In nearly nil replies, while 'nonrly all n re
' ctlcnl I" ll determination to mil 'part or It iihIiIo Tor porsonul
l ami protection, for pleasure and for travel, all would devote
"'uch of It t clinrltiiblo and philanthropic purposes, li spi-uks well
for tlio good heart and iinseirishiiess or Cooh eoiiuly peoplu.
Tho syinpciHliim was vory successful and developed much Intor
ft, not only among !'11' contestnnts, hut uIho .anions The Times
readers generally. Tho tiiHk or selecting tho wlnnerH wim a diffi
cult ono for Hie Judges. They did It cheerfully and olllcluntly.
The Times tlilnlca. Had hereby oxtoniln Its tlinnkH to Superintendent
Tledgen. Superintendent llnuli and Rev. OhIiiiiiI for tliolr kindness.
Tho following are tlio principal let turn received during :o
contest You will find them worth reading and will enahle you
to ilfk tlio one you would choose for winner If you were Judge:
If I had n million dollars I
would first liny nie some nite
clothes, then 1 would hnvo it nice
iiiinguiow limit, and I would liny t HlHtur who
a Ilve-passenger car nun take mi IiiihIiiphm. i
frlomlH out for ti Joy rldo once in
a while.
And I would buy n kodak and
outfit ho that 1 could take lota of
plctu ion.
And 1 would take a trip to San
Francisco and seo bow everything
In thero and tiieii after a while I
would return to Mnrshflold and
work right nlong, but take it ensy
once a while.
Hoping tliiK Id Interesting you.
MIhh Lily Uidmark.
"woFl7 usiT'sTk'FeTl'
If I were to become possessed of
n uiilllon dollnt-H, I Bhould divide
It Into rirtliB. To my brother anil
are both engaged In
would give one-fifth
Two-firtliB I would Bet aside for
my little brother and myself In la
ter years.
The laBt fifth I would iibo to
provide for my parentB' old ago and
I would make my homo with them
during their llfo.
I would bestow charities where
they wero needed and welcome,
and I would build n Catholic
church In my homo town.
My life work would be to rear
my baby brother and set IiIb Btand-
' arils of life. He should hnvo tho
WOULI) HELP THE S. P. I 'best of education nnd a profession
" """" "" --- "for bis life and mine would not In
'ltll WIXXKRS.
K. W. Lewis.
Stotvall. two
First Mrs. 13. L.
tUe dollar Ki'lil piece,
Second .Mrs.
three dollar.
Third A I vii
Fourth Mrs.
ton. to imiiiiiiI
Fifth Mrs. .Iiist'phliii
one pound Imx candy.
Sixth Mm. Amelia A. Dodge.
one iomal Imx cniiil).
It. It. Plukoi
box candy.
ThistT'TiTi". i
If 1 had n million dollars I would
Bt on my Coos Ulvor rami. Improve
It mj make It Ideal. I would havo
npeedboat, I would travel exten
ilvtlr I would help noor hoys ami
run to get an education by paying
Mr way through college. I would
137 small farms for several of my
Irivndi and iiay off several small
tortjagea, buy shoo ami coal ror
poor families, help all my poor rolu
'ItdiDdall my special friends. Just
m tlnnp the inilllini and watch
-farmers wife, Mrs. 13. I.. Hes-
l'h a million dollars I'd buy u
Inomo on t'oog liny.
' "ve gardens br vegetables nnd
Tie floers I raised should bring
sooa encer
ToMme one, ovory day in tlio
wk;mm (he limiKry reed, I
ague denied who me in need.
Ijfolld the minister n homo.
r4 bav M ..i .. . '
rA' "V""" ' ""
tn. ' . movln Pictures dean,
1 none tut wholesome thing bo
:Jtue boulevard we'd spin.
4ltttriton; nil jump in.
'llMle the boulevard and Jetty.)
ins. i;. v. I.owls.
,wii" vnmT f
'ft&hat ,,nx KrownTwi-
lonlj i w,vb"U. I
'ffif . 1,alf "f ,,,la """'oy
M linseed 'Sin,,.lhl" "'"-
Wl.I" llnon rnb1'11'".
M! w for stock, or 8 fcr.
"'thtir.. lUK'"n it; imv
rW!Lr.crPS advertlsl, n.:,.
n """ iit'iuunil-
IUiiM ,
--- -. w, ,fc fUll'
f r ririT"T7ri z7: f
I would build a homo for children,
not necessarily orphans, but bright'
children In need of cure and educa
tion. I would have Instilled Into
their minds the principles of truth,
honesty and Industry.
I would employ specialism to miike
n psychological study of each child.
so that their best talents would be
cultivated to lit them ror their lire's
They should be taught the prin
ciples or economy, seir government
and temperance In all things.
My aim would be to lit them to be
come strong men mid women capa
ble or rilling positions or trust,
governing the nation and the com
ing general Inn.
Mrs. Josephine l-'rnine.
North Ilend, Ore.
i sT.vTTr"iMriK" i
I am heir to a million dollars
(mil I Khali make Marshflcld fam
ous as a residence place.
I 'list, shall build model play
grounds ut the schools with an out-of-door
kindergarten. Next a pub
ic pa i it Willi iiiiii'I :M pr '!'!. '
miming, also Crock tl enter. I
should also build four hundred
iMiiall, artistic homes to rout very
reasonably, Charleston Hay would
be connected with .Maitdiflold. Co
liillle. Ilandon and .Myrtle Point
by nuto Hue.
Tho best In literature and an I
would place heforo the people, an
that Is nil Coos Day lacks to make
It tho most' desirable place In t'.e
I'. S. to live.
Amelia A. Dodge.
I would Invest In bonilB. .Mar
riage bonds draw minus ten per
cent. They are not very secure In
I would buy a bottle or hair
tonic, going on the theory that an
ounce of prevention is worth a
pound of cine.
i would donate several bottles of
cream to the S. I', to bo used as
a siubstlliitu ror low spirits, In
North Ilend.
I would on various occasions
make small payments to Itocnrder
llutler, reasons for said fines to tie
furnished by .larsbal Carter, wno
has started u crusade against in
toxicated Individuals.
1 would ciult working my
Ralph MrC'laln, Camp 1.
Idle. Together wo would trnvel
and study the old inuBtorplcres of
art, music ami statuary. .My own
life In Inter years 1 would leave in
tho hands or "Our rather Who art
In Heaven."
Anna Truman.
AIva Stovall.
-- t
!' ! m hTT;
i2?l ray ?f",e Gat Giver.
I h ??!. ?- unequal.
li I1"1 other Riih.. '' l'rvls
Rfi?te S Other 'T'M
ruVty. ?jy- nI such
l& " ",S g,lt well be
tttV ill "o. U,ln88."
vj fin. ,,. "'I tho .
:: T
ir I hud ii million dollars ami
round thoy nil rang true. I woulu
salt down a goodly portion ami the
rest 1 would blow in on u handsome
home, an automobile, hosidos, not
forgetting, I hope, to give the poor
Homo or tro ronifoi'lH they aro do
llied. And, oh, what a wondrous
reeling of pride would swoop o'er
my heart, to hold mi my money
hags and say, "Prosperity, hore is
your start, right In thla Coos Hay
country, (Jilt-edged Investments
aro plain to see, while I am sleep
ing or waking, you are doubling
and trebling tor nio. '
J. Percy Morris. North Ilend.
i "yoT?TTrTn?M'nri7"iTrxnT i
As n cltlzon of n Christian coun
try and n momhor of n Christian
church, I would set aside one-tenth
for tlio Lord's work, giving n par
Bonngo to ono church, an organ to
another, pnylng InilobtoilnosB, etc. 1
would assist nioii hurt In carrying
on Industries; also widows nnd chil
dren. Deserving poor young peo
plo would recelvo liolp to obtnln ed
ucations. Tho Concort Hand would
recelvo balanco for nmlntoiinnco.
I would build a homo, a rest af
tor JournoyH to seo beautiriil works
of art nuil hear Inspiring music.
On these journoys or nt home 1
would buy works of Amorlcnn artists.
Mrs. Lliinle I.owIb Wilson.
' WOl'lil) lltJV A I'AU.M. "i
' If I had n million dollars 1
would look Coos county over and
tho most sultablo placo for my
purpose, r would buy about 200
acres of improveu land with some
fruit on, there I would build a
lnrgo, neat, roomy house, firoproof,
with porches out around from ov
ory story, with hammocks, rockers
nnd comfortable Beats, furnished
throughout for comfort, with long
tables woll spread. In this house
I would civo n homo to homeless
old people. I would help ueiwMfv
MarshfloUl by Improving streets,
setting palms and holly trees and
beautiful plants,
Mrs. K. It. Hondorson,
j v7i i i,TJ i riTi7i"s It i aTJs.m. :
If I had a million dollars my
very rirst investment should bo a
year's subscription to the Appeal to
Itensou ror every householder or
worker In our country. Then 1
would establish such a propaganda
or moving picture lecture courses
and lutei collegiate socialist socie
ties that this country would rind
out what is the matter with It tie
fore tho passing of tho next decade.
Sincerely yours ror the revolu
tion. Flora I. Foromnn.
Denmark. Oregon.
l 7i7T TAM .TKS.lcKriTKAM I
ir I should suddenly rail heir to
a million dollars, that Is If It wore
a hot dny, 1 would make a dive for
tho Ice crenm parlor, nnd If It were
a cold day, I think that I'd mar.e
u dive for the hot tamalo man.
Next thing on the program would
bo to migrate to Germany and tnke
up u homestead. I'pou It I would
Install mi Incubator and hatc:i a
railroad for Coos Hay.
Tho remainder of my llfo would
be spent In mi aeroplane construct
ing castles In tho air.
Shirley I'otorson.
Turn sa 1 1 1 Ks"Ti7idTiT IsMta i .h."J
If 1 should fall heir to a million
dollars I should Invest about one
half or it in Coos county. First I
mIiuiiIiI hnvo built n S.'o.uoo llbrnry
In the towns of .Marshflelil and
North Henil. Tlion I sliould hnvo
erected a $100,000 hospital In
Marshriold. As Coos Hay has no
home ror orphans, 1 would thou In
vest about $50,000 In one or these.
Olio-tenth of It, 1 should Invest
In tho noted Coos Hay coal mines.
Lastly. 1 would buy a block or
stock In the railroad, now being
built to Coos Hay.
Consmueo Clark, North Hond.
" w7riTi7"uK7J7i7t'i'n"Axs.
I would buy n nice homo near some
big city nnd build ii home ror or
phan children mid n hospital for
tho poor mid old who aro sick and
In need of tare. 1 would glvo my
paronts n nice homo and enro for
thorn also,
1 would caro for all of tlieso nnd
seo that thoy wero not In need of
anything. J would educnto tho lit
tle orphans and caro for thoni also.
1 would Iiuvo a nlco enc to drive
them about'.
Mrs. Harry Hampton.
Conledo Camp No. 2.
7 .xi,'i7rrisT7' vTkw "
One million dollars would bring
mo happiness, in Unit J could
through Its use iirlng happiness
to many others. Ono-ionth that
sum could lio iiHcd to secure me
an Income to provide while using'
the other nlno-teiiths In relieving
tie wants and needs of othera.
Sickness. siiinIor, Ignornnco and
crime thrive where poverty pinches
hardest, ami money, some people's
God. worshipped for Its powur. mid
held In excess of their nctunl needs,
could be distributed among thorn1
who have none, bringing happiness
to them mid to the givers, as well
H they could ho cured or the dis
eased mind that make them look
at money as they now do.
!'. 13. ChnBO.
i MAXv7To(7:i i'dkas" "fi" ox7.y"Tukam. "i1
If t had a million dollars, I would
llrst of nil. Improve tho Coos Hay bar,
1 would build a boulevard from
Mnrshflehl to tho Ocean. Then 1
would construct a resort such ns the
popular beaches of California afford.
I would build an electric lino to
convey the people. Thero would bo
a generous swimming pool of heated
salt water. I would build a gymna
sium for our young people. I would
hlro tho band by the year and would
pay thoni handsomely In addition for
every concert. Would donnto a sub
scription to The Times to every fam
ily In the county.
! A Cl7l77)7ficX's'l'AltK7
I would buy a better home for m
parents, then I would buy it piny
park In Marshficld with many swings
and merry-go-rounds In It. I would
nlso build n swimming pond Then
I think It a good Idea to have a hos
pital built In Marshriold, as so many
accidents occur. Then I would buy
school hooks ror the children ns so
many of their parents are poor and
can not afford books. Then I would
buy n pony.
j . von7 TirfvKii i
ir 1 hud ii million dollars I'd
surely travel around the worlu.
I'd hnvo my parentB with me, and
about a dozen of my friends.
Wo would tour thru California
In comfortable automobiles, and
visit the mission ruins In tho oven
lni' when tho moon shone brlghto
over all mid everything was still
and solemn.
After visiting In London nnd
rails, we'd spend the spring In
Switzerland, when tho hillsides were
covered with llowers of every de
scription, above which rose the
snow covered peaks of the moun
tains. Japan could not bo missed. Then
I should get homesick and take
the fastest boat for dear old Coos
Hay, where I'd live, contented that
It was the host placo to live. In all
tho world.
Margaret StHiiitiuek.
ir I should Inherit a million
dollars I would buy it good number
of the host building sites In this
city, erect for myself the most
modern cottage that could he plan
ned; then I would build from one
to .100 worklngmeu'H cottages, and
rent them nt cost to people who
come to Coos Hay ami aro unable
to find any kind of a house lit
to lle in. We must make, provi
sion to keep tile people hero who
come, rnther than seo (lieiu take
the next boat out tor want or mi
abode to sleep ami snore In.
If I had a million dollars, I
would be soirish and provlilo for
myself first. I would Invest $50,-
000 to provide for my own neotlB
through life. The remaining part
1 would donate to somu charitable
Institution In our city to be used in
a milliner deemed necessary by tho
Institution, for relieving suffering
niuoug the poor and to provldo
medical nttenllon for those who
'vorp unable to do so thouiBolvos.
Hy so doing I would consider that I
had done my part toward others
and would reel froo to enjoy my
own In my own way.
'TIb hut a dream!
""trip Tuocxp t7ii; "voiim i
First, 1 would Hko to take a trip
around tho world, und thou try to
find tho most beautiful plnco, Thoro
I would llvo. I would build a house
on an Islet1 nenr a largo city, In
inidBt of delightful gardons, mid
surrounded hy wntor. Whon I
looked toward tho sen, ns far ns I
could boo, I would see many steam
ers passing hy. Ab I looked tow
ard tho land from my windows 1
would seo a beautiful vlow of the
Then I would take a trip to Am
orlcu again, sailing mound tho Pa
nama Canal mid then to tho Pan
ama Exposition In San Francisco.
Frank Gee.
If I woro In Mr. Dennett's place
and had a million dollars loft to
me. First of nil I would pay off
nil our dobtB, then I would buy n
nico touring car, thon I would
build a nice bungalow In Hunkor
I mi. thon I would buy a nice busi
ness storo, and next 1 would And
nil tho deserving poor and 1 would
got thoni clothes and food and find
a position for thoni, and inst of all
I would see that 1 had enough to
llvo comfortably on all tho rest
of my llfo
isauoun ,-uatgeiiu,
Empire, Oregon
I "vo r lT""i7. V K I P EX I I.V I
err oit.
Forth would I go to Coos Hay.
I'm sure I could thoro spend my
money. Thero I would buy auto
mobiles. I'd oven Invest In some
lots. .
I would buy stock mid bonds In
their railroad, and even havo my old
appendix cut out by Drs. .Mliigus
and llousoworth. There I would
buy nil tho drygoods of tho old
Golden Rule up on Hrondwuy .Hut
I surely must hnvo a whole mil
lion to live on old .'oos Hay for
ever. Mrs. It. F. Hush.
Murshfleld, Oro.
i Tv"7j7hi idea7 I
I would uso tho niuount necessary
to buy out nil tho "knockers" and
hold backers" on Coos Hay. And
tho remnlndor I would glvo thoni as
a bonus to lenvo tho state forever.
And 1 will bet you that $5 prize (If
I win It) thnt I would double my In
vestments In flvo years.
Yours for luck,
North Ilend, Oregon.
f 7r"l7ELPKl'ir7i7EA. I
I'd tuko $-100,000 to buy 40,000
acres of laud, making homes ror
1000 happy people For tho $500,
000 I'd glvo each one n check lor
$550 to start with. Tho remain
ing 100,000 would bo plenty ror
mo, nnd lii fact, any ono to llvo
on comfortably.
Tho payment to ho niiido on the
homes: Ton years to pay In. First
two years, no Interest, after that
live per cent.
Could nn honest" poor man wish
for a homo on better conditions, or
could all tho nilllon bo used to bet
ter ndvantngo?
Empire, Oro.
First. I would put my mother and
father In best of circumstances, thon
I would put my children In best of
schools. I would erect a modern
homo and havo a homo for tho
old and young and boo that no one
needed. I would go among tho poor
families and find out their wanta nnd
give a helping hand to overy ono. I
would like to dovoto my tlmo among
tho sick and poor afflicted. I would
Hko ono automobile. I would like
to visit some large cities. I would
Hko to dress Just modoru nnd put
Bomo monoy In real ostato and boiiio
In banks on Interest,
Coaledo, Oregon.
I would send agents everywhere
to buy up every .thing that was
ugly In order to destroy It. I
vould buy all the ugly houses, the
itroclous buildings that are a dis
grace. I would pay salaries to
:ad slngeis nnd to bad actors that
thoy cease performing. I would
create a school of lawyers, from
among which I would chooso tho
besr to defend worthy causes. I
would build In overy part or Amer
ica and Europe Immense sheds with
gigantic kitchens, where twice a
day all the unfortunates might got
food. I would look lifter tho Idle.
i Wo77Tr77ELPTi7E I '7)011
I would follow our Muster's ad
vice In Luke IS. 22: "Sell all that
thou bast ami distribute unto the
itt: i"id thou slmlt have rrensur
In Heaven and lollow me." mid
Luko 12::i:i. "Sell that yo havo
and glvo alms; provide yourselves
bags which aro not old; a troas
u ro In Heaven that falloth not:
vhero no thief appronchoth, iioRher
moth corrtiptutli."
j: n
1 would buy a nice little homo
for my mot hop nnd I. Thou I
would get n largo automobile to bo
ised ror giving children and othors
who were deprived or such pleas
ures nice long rides.
Next would he a nice gasoline
launch to take all thtnto wishing
to go on little ouilngs and who ure
not aide to pay fnro. Tluui I
would romoiiibor til too widows
and orphans wno are in ueod or
food mid clothing mid things to
make them comfortable. 1 would
also send out missionaries to proach
the Gospel tiiroiighout the land.
Ji " wocLfTni'i u77t7i lTva v i
If I had a million dollars I would
build a railway to Coos Hay with
the help or Its boosters.
I would then buy liomos for nil
tho poor peoplo of Coos Hay and
presont with a five years' sub
scription to tlio Coos Hay Times.
Then I would go to Iloston to a dra
matic art school and study to bo an
I would go to Europo to tako a
course In music and whon I had fin
ished my courso I would travel
around the world, Including tho Unit
ed States, and thon conio hack to
Now York City nnd go on tho stage.
" wonriuTi L7f71 RmJ;: '
If 1 had a million dollars all
my own I would pay my dobtB and
buy a nlco homo on Coos Hay und
If I had any loft I would put It In
tho bunk on interest to kedp mo
In tho winter whon It Is Btornilng.
and In my old ngo.
It. A. Padgett.
j, K
I would do like Maud Muller.
"Feed tho hungry and clothe the
poor, bo all would bless mo who
loft my door" I would lny awake
or nlghtB to do this properly; and
would like to buy tho wnterworke
and iiiako Marshflold a prosent of
them, but thnt would cut too big
a hole In my million So I would
Just bo satisfied with smaller phil
anthropies I might build a hotel
for country peoplo to enjoy mi old'
fashioned meal In
I know whnt I would do if I had
a "Million Dollars." I would go to
school and get well cducnted. Then
I would go to n "music ncademy"
and study music. I would come bnck
to Marshllold and teach music In the
in the "spring" I would buy a few
acres of laud at the "ocean beach."
I would build a lino "bungalow." I
would buy some nice furnltiiro mid
n "piano." I would have benutlful
roses In my garden and a nice green
I would buy nn "automobile" to
go down to my "summer home." I
would buy it "motorcycle for my
Edith Johnson,
Ago 1 1 years.
. x j:
A million dollars Is a lot of money
for any one to give mi Idea If how
to use. A biislnehs proposition may
lie alright, but to i" human, I would
give to the ellg i' poor, farms,
homes, nlso those that wero In need
of odiicntlon. I would gladly do nil
could for them.
A good library for our city.
A good college.
And a few up to date Hats. Theso
would be n groat credit to our city.
Whew! A million dolurs Just
think or it!
Let us all take n cigar and dream
and ilrenin.
Win. LoUwnrd,
I 7v7?lDl7ELp"(Tl7rin)l7E"x V
Well ir I had a million dollnrs I
would go to some largo city mid plelc
out about twelvo children thnt woio
very poor and dress them tit for n
long trip. Then I would tuko them
down to tho city of Pnnaina, nnd
across the Isthmus to Colon. Thon
across tho Atlantic oconn to Eurasia,
then through Egypt, nnd through
Palestine. Also over to China and
Japan, Then across tlio Pacific for
home, where I would put thorn In
school mid each month send them
enough to buy their school suppllos.
After that 1 would build n chlldron'a
Miss Abigail Ledward,
1208 Commercial Ave.
i vorLir.sAri7ix"7i7c7 i:
If a million del la is I did owi
lu a hydroplane, I'd like to roam
On the water, I would have It run.
And ir I could fly like Ohrlstor-
I would Bull In my ship from morn
till night,
Ami catch nil tho wild ducks III
my fllKht
I would lutvu such run, und oh,
whnt glue,
To seo tho wild ImnsU scored of
Fop to tho mountain side they
would hlo,
When thoy would sue n monster
llltu ma fly.
Over tlio mountains ami ovor tho
Ilastlngly onward I would then
I would go to 'Frisco to sue tho
It must bo so beautiful up In tho
Then hack to Coos Hay again I
would roam,
For thmo Is no placo Hko old
home, aweet homo,
M. E. II.
i 1i7pi7a(i7i7 CHARm'" I
Tho 111 st Ihlng would bo to seo
that it miis woll lutosteil in U.
S. bonds and first class stocks.
The noxt thing I would build n
comfortable' homo ror myself, Just
comfortable. Then there mo about
a half dozen families that 1 know
to he really deserving that I would
helii to do the hiime thing for In
putting n sum of money ut interest
to pay for thoni. Thon 1 would
buy it tract of land near sonio town,
divide It Into two or moro aero lots
with comfortable homos on each
lot, and put a reasonable runt on
thoni; tho rout to apply on the
purchase, price if desired,
Then I would sit down and
watch thnt kind of charity woik.
A. 1). T.
IX -
,: n
l would doiiuto to MnrBhflold
$100,000 for a salt wator systoni
for flro and sew ngo purposos
$200,000 ror wator privilege front
South Coos River: $20o,mio for
even and sightly dock nnd ware
houses, entire longth of w liter
front; $100,000 for electric ami
powor plant; $50,000 for parks.
$:'j,000 for free market. $50,000
for hospital: $50 ouo for Rotunda
$25 000 for public Ilbnm' $100
nan fnr nnnrtntent houses. tfiO.OOC