v'""" ' """" " ' """ r PERSONAL notices of visitors In tho city, or of Coos Uny people who visit In otlicr cities, together with notices of social affairs, nro gladly received In tho social de partment. Telephone 133. No tices of club moctlngs will bo published and secretaries itro kindly requested to furnish same. .Music. I lovo the murmur that begins Among the reeds nnd 'cellos, When nil tho vnrled violins Tune up among their follows: I lovo tho little pnuso, for then What Joy tho short suspense Is: Ilut, oh, tho leaping pulses when Tho overture commences. 1 lovo each heart beat of tho drum, Each breath when flutes ore dy ing. Tho world, I feel Is overcome Whon clarinets are sighing. I lovo tho grandiose sweep of strings That tears me with its passion; Save one, thero are no nobler things For God or man to fnshlou. And this would bo my dearest choice, I would glvo tho music's splen dor To wntch her slug, to hear voice In nonio old song and tender; . I would glvo every trumpet call To hear one ballad ringing From her who cannot sing at nil And who doos not care for sing ing. Selected, - Representative Ilttyo has Intro iluced n bill Into the Missouri logls loturo prohibiting women from wearing dresses that button up the back unions tho buttons bo as largo no n dollar. Tho bill provides for r lino or 1 to $3. wl'tb a Jnll sontonco for persistent offenders. Representative lloottger Ib tho father of tho law which has passed tho Iowa legislature thnt makes It lawful for a husband to rcfuso to pay nny bill of his wlfo that ho iloon not consider roasonnblo nnd necessary, so that If an Iowa lady Is tempted by u hundred-dollar hat or a pearl uecklnro It's up to tho morehnuts who sell hor thoso gew gaws to get their money If they can. These bills show us thnt tho mlghty mnscullno Intellect Is ngnln t,i iijiiiiiik nun uiu Kiuiu liruuioillB of government thnt aro too pro found for women to understand or to participate In, so that tho fran chise has been withheld from tho fooblo-mluded box Bays Dorothy Dlx. Yot If you want nu oxnmplo of vIcoiih clnss legislation, you would have to go to darkest Russia to 11 nd anything tho equal of thoso two inonsiires. Think of tho grinding tyranny of man, clothed In tho panoply of power, basely tnklng advuntngo of tho fact that ho constitutes tho governing power, nnd that woman has no voice In limiting tho laws Bho must obey, to Issue odletH con cerning how she Hliall miiko her 'clothes, and what she shall spend on them. Could anything be more unjust? In uny thing moie calculated to make the worm turn? Should such nn action not ho a clarion call to arms to all women to protect their limllenalilo rights to have such fas tenings on tliolr clothes as thoy ploare, nnd to button or hook or pin themselves togothor as In their judgment they see lit? Thoso who object (o giving wo men tho right to vote say that they fonr thnt women would bo proju tllced nnd partisan, and not able tn tnko large and comprehensive views of great iiuestlous as men do. Perhaps ho. Ilut wo have yet to hear of any woman legisla tor who has over considered such a thing as meddling with tho clo thes of innii, or trying to got nny law passed that would curtail his Ilborty lu dress, or prescribe tho nuinbor or size of tho buttons on his waistcoat. No lady representative bus yet nrlMm in the equal rights states legislatures mid prosontojl a bill to regulate whether a man should hold up his trousers by 'the use of a bolt, suspender button or safety pin, or n nail. Nor have the wo men liiwinnUors arrogated In them nolves the rlg.it to decide whether a man should woar long trousers or short, or take off his hat or keen It on in nubile nlucos Yet men have punned onlliiMiueH for bidding women to wear trains on tho street, or to keep on their hum In a thcatoi, or to lift a hat pin more than six Inches long Personally, I am lu eiiilie nm p.ltliy with Representative llai'fc In 1 to. abollsH the drts thai in lun'oihd up Pi tho lmik. and It It, ii 1,1 ijdtd an amendment to ,,ii, ii .i deaiti penalty lor any i ''n.ikir to so construct a gar- ii r, I : , uuld pmk my trunk and n lot MlMiurl by the uet train. . m- UcpnM, utattie lttietiger's In, i n Hi 'iii Kootl can be sold. It is i .nk i ipotisin, and the were ii! i i f ii man presuming to do E ! w ii.n iiin-chnset, are reasonable .m I in i'i try for a woman Is not (I in- Imhi, lor an lnstuut. What r U.Vh i man know about the kind of quiUib of clothes that n woman1 needs? Nothing. Absolutely noth ing. Why, only the other day In Now Jersey a Judgo decided that a dollar was enough for any woman THE COOS, BAY CONTRIBUTIONS concerning social happenings, Intended for publication In tho society depart ment of Tho Times, must bo sub mitted to tho editor not later than C o'clock p. m., Friday of each week. (Exceptions will bo nllowcd only In cases whero tho events occurred later than tho tltno mentioned.) SOCIAL CALENDAR 41 I MONDAY I I Progress Club with Mrs. V. F. I McEldownoy. I Fifth Street Sowing Club with I I Mrs. Dlnln. I W. C. T. U. with Mrs. Fannlo I Wheeler. I 1 I TUESDAY I I Lndlcs Episcopal Guild with I I Mrs. 13. S. Dnrgclt. 1 I Royal Auction Ifrldgo Club with I I Mrs. .1. II. Mllner. C. W. 11. M. with Mrs. R. A. I I Copplo. I I WEDNESDAY I Methodist Ladles Aid. I Priscllln Club with Mrs. Ray I Chapln. I Ladlen Auxllllnry of the Prcsby- I terlan Church with Mrs. .1. 1 Cox. I THURSDAY I A. N. W. Club with Mrs. .1. T. I Hall. I I FRIDAY 1 II. Y. P. IT. Social with Miss 13vn I Dresser. I Y. P. S. of tho Norwegian I Church. I Parents and teachers meeting nt I Central school building at 3 I p. in. I - to pay for a corset. Think of tlnt. ye stout ladles who uchlevo straight front llguroB by means of cunning ly dovlsed stnys that cost well. It's no mail's business what they cosi. Tho result Justifies tho ex pense. If this Iowa law Is enforced, Iowa will bo the next suffrage state for the women will rise up en tniisse ami demand thu right to buy what they think Is necessary, Instead or what hubby thlukH slio needs. Does anyone suppose that tho Iowa women will sit supinely down nnd wear her last year's suit, wliWili Is perfectly good, hut whoso skirt Is six Inches narrower than the now style, and whose coat Is six Inches longer than the fashion, bo- cause in iter iiiisDnuii'H judgment 11 spring suit Isn't necessnry? Not much. Thnt luw giving hub by the right to decide when sho needs 11 new hat, mid whether u willow plume Is necessary, and n diamond bracelet can't I'o done without, will be 11 dead letter law or else all feminine Iowa will trek to Reno. Or course, as a matter of fact, when men puss Iiiwh regulating women's clothes, women simply stand aside nnd smile. It nuiuses the men nnd doosu't affect the wo men, who go on wearing what they please, for, although men, when 11I0110 with membitrs or their own sex, may advocate such mensiires, 110 man has the nerve to try to enforce It on his own wife. There ure some places whero mi- gels dure not tread, and oven the fool doesn't rush In, nnd one of these Is a woman's wardrobe. I .M. E. LADIES MEET I Tho Homo Missionary Society of tho Methodist Chinch gave 0110 of Its regular silver tea parties last Wod nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs, Chas. Dnvls In West Mnrshllold. After a busines meeting, thero was FRENCH BONBONS 40 CENTS A POUND Saturday and Sunday at STAFFORD'S Special Candy Sale SPlliKh LA OOltStiTS iuy li obtained In Mnrthnalil from ilr.s'. Anuio Holland, Govsottor. 352 So. 5th St. Phono 200X. TIMES, MARSHF1ELD. OREGON, a missionary progrom composed of papors by tho dinerem moinuors. Tho subject of tho meeting bolng, "Sacred Hooks of tho Mormons." Thero was a good attendance and much interest shown. Later in tho afternoon refreshments were served by tho committee. Tho next meeting of tho society will bo Mnrch 2fith, with Mrs. J. O. Langworthy. Thoso nrcsent wcro: Mrs. Leo Urown, Mrs. M. 11. Drown Mrs. Georgo Dolt, Mrs. Win. Dash- ney, Mrs. Dresser, Miss Eva Dressor, Mrs. 0. Meyers, Mrs. Mllo Sumner, Mrs. Itahskopf, Mrs. Daxtor, Mrs. Helen Daldwln, Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. Wesley Smith, Mrs. Woodward, Mrs. Torrey, Mrs. M. It. Smith nnd Mrs. Mi-George. Mrs. Morrow nnd Mrs. Collin. .;. . . PRESUVTERIAN WOMEN I There was a meeting last Wodnes tluy nftemoon or the Presbyterlnn Missionary Society with Mrs. E. Kett ring In South Marshllcld. During tho business session Mrs. A. L. Uutz was elected to tnku charge of tho yearly program. Tho Home Mission subject was "The American Indlnn," with Mrs. Hurkhiirt. Mrs. 1. S. Smith, nnd Mrs. C. II. Wnlter. giving short talks on It. Tho Foreign Mission subject wns "Corea," nnd was handled by Mrs. Chas. Lowrey. After the reading of nn Interesting paper by Mrs. A. L, Ruts'., tho society adjourned to meet Wednesday, March 20th. with Mrs. Chas. Low rey. Those present nt Wednesday's mooting wore: Mrs. .1. 13. Hurkhiirt, Mrs. I. S. Smith. Mrs. C. II. Walters, Mrs. W. Duttou. Mrs. Chns. Lowrey, Mrs. A. L. Uutz nnd Mrs. F. S. Dow. J- .JOLLY DOZEN Tho Joly Dozen Club was ontor tnlned Inst Wednesday nrtornoon by Mrs. Wllllnm Gnlo. Alter n lilcnsont nrtornoon, dur ing which nn Interesting pnp r was read by Mrs. George Rourke. tho hostess served rerreshnients to her guests. Thoso present wcro: Mrs. W. F. Squire, Mrs, George Rourke, Mrs. Ray Hush, Mrs. Alfred Snow, niul Mrs. L. Chrlstcnsou. Tho next meeting of the club will bo Wednesduy. March 12th, with Mrs. L. W. Ltiugdon. J I IIRIDGE PARTY I Mrs. 13. E. Straw was hostess nt 11 Royal Auction Hrldgo party last Saturday afternoon nt her homo on Pino street. Tho homo was prettily decorated for vthn occasion, Mrs. Straw was assisted lu receiv ing nnd serving by Mrs. .1. T. Ilnr rlgau and Miss Hutchinson. Thero woro threo tubles of bridge and Mrs. J. II. Mllner won high score. After cards tho guests worojiervod dainty refreshments. Thoso present woro: Mrs. Fred Powers, Mrs. E. Mln gus, Mrs. .1. II. Mllner, Mrs. A. L. HoiiBoworth, Mrs. Dorsoy Krcltzer, Mrs. D. M. Richardson. Mrs. Claude Nasburg, Mrs. F. E. Hague, Mrs. F. K. Oottlns, Mrs. W. S. Nicholson, Mrs. J. T. Ilr.rrlunn and Miss Hut chinson. ItlimiDAY PARTY Miss Zollu Swlnford was hostess to n number or her young friends Inst Saturday afternoon at n blrthdny par ty lu lionor of her fourteenth birth day. A pleasant afternoon wns spent In games, after which the guests woro sorvod rerreshmunts. Thoso present woro: Edith lluwkmnu, Edna Hawkmnn, Mnrgiierlto Wlsoinnn. Hnzol Cownn, Augusta Cowan. Helen Roes. Mary Miller, Edna Rees. Irene Fourlor, Ruby Pltinnu, Abigail Ledward, Edith Ayro, Miss Steuholn, Gladys Ferry, Esthor Sulllvnn. I ROYAL AUCTION UltllKiE . I 4. Tho Roynl Auction Hrldgo Club wns ontertnlned this weolc by Mrs. C. F. McKulght nt her homo in South Mnrshllold. At 1:30 o'clock, tho hostess sorved n luncheon to her guests. Tho nrtor hours woro spout nt cards, Mrs. Kroltzor winning first prize. The next meeting will be with Mrs. J. II. Mllner noxt Tuesdny nrtornoon. Mrs. McKnlght's guests on last Tuesday woro: Mrs. W. F. Mlllor. Mrs. E. F. Mor rlssoy nnd Mrs. A. T. Haines, i.ub stltutes ror club inembors, nnd Mrs. A. L, Housowortli, Mrs. Dorsoy Krolt zor, Mrs. F. E. Hiiguo. Mrs. E. E. Straw, Mrs. W. H. Scott. Jr., Mrs. J. T. Harigan and Mrs. Fred Pow ers, .. 4. EPISCOPAL GUILD The I.ndlos Episcopal Guild met last Tuesday nrtornoon with Mrs. Ot to Sehottor In North Mnrshtlold. Attor tho buslnoss sosslon, tho nr tornoon was spent lu n social tlmo. Rrrosliiiionu wero sorvod. Thoso present woro: Mrs. L. M. Noblo. Mrs. Fannie Haz ard. Mrs. Drowning, Mrs. J. M. Up ton. Mrs. Kininu Nasburg. Mrs. 1 1 mis Hwil, Miss Maude Rood, Mr. F. A. Golden. Mrs. ('. K. Werry. Miss Alice flutter and Rev. Drowning. The Guild will meet next Tuesday with Mrs. K. S. Dargelt lu South warsiincui. M. mtoTuuiuioon The regular monthly meeting of the Methodist Brotherhood was held last Wednesday eveulug at thtt A. J, Drews' home. After the regular order of busi ness was attended to tho evening was spout In playing games nrtor which refreshments woro served. Tho Hrothorhood meets every SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1913 EVEN1MG EDITION. Now conies tho inpour of Spring Stocks. Shedding- (heir vi'iipninirs and unfolding their beauty every day the new. Come and see what fash ion has given the world of women for the Spring of .191. 'J. Everv counter has style secrets to tell and new ideas to display. SPRING STYLES yOU 10 DUV. (i arc ouiv iwu jimi iu imn; ,wm iuj ikm i'uiii)Kui and up-to-date' our merchandise is, and when you are ready to make your pur. cliase you win not lorgei, us. Uurs not tne rcsponsininiy km- uiu hi.vu-s wiu-n uk-.v at-u oau, nor the credit when good. Our duty lies in knowing and showing the vpit lat est in such a wav as to satisfy the most critical shopper. That is why vvc have such a beautiful line of Serges, Cheviots, Tweeds, "Whipcords, Ratine and I Jed lord I'ords, eic, etc., lor nuiis, cojhh jhui tticsscs. Also 1913 Materials for Wash Suits, Such as Linens, Crashes, Corded Weaves and Mercerized Poplins, Do you know that the standard length of Suit .'Jackets for the spring and summer of 19.13 is fixed at 27 inches? But it is no hard aiid fast ruk as an inspection of our beautiful lino will prove. Many of the standard loiiirili nthiM'K n lit.tln Iniiirop op a little shorter, according to tastn niwl snifn. bilitv. Simplicitv is strated o.y llie JitCL Liiitt an in mtr iiiiiwri-u juiiR-nirt niu ur niuiHu us nicy are attractive. Mannish in effect, many of (he tailored -suits are not un like tho models worn by men. The most favored style is that resembling a vniinir lium'u miiI Xli'iellr in iloi'iul. ciiliiwiiv' I'rniif. inclcni'. lfliurni' :i tlin ., vsiw. ......... ....... . .., - ., , , . ..v ,,ll back than at the front, notched collars, single breasted closings, plains, sim ply trimmed skirts. These are the leading characteristics of milady's fash ionable tailor-made of Long Coats to cover Spring Frocks. These arc simple affairs with straight lines, sometimes they have a touch of gay braid or a bit of silk and then again they may be perfectly plain. fourth Wednesday In the month, tho next mcotliiK place has not yot been decided upon. Thoso onJoyliiK tho Wednesday ovenliiK meutliiK were: M. I). Sumner. F. C. Hlreh. II. I. Uutlodge I). II. Savage, A. J. Drews, Leltoy Ilobertson, E, II. Campbell, Italph Hlshnp. David Nelson, I. S. Kaufman. G, N. Holt, F. L. Sumner, Leo Hyorly, F. C. Weaver. Kdwln II. Joehnk. W. F. Irish. It. W. Morrison, II. E. IVultmnn, J. Leo Hrowu, S. L. Mickey, II. L. Ilnsklns, II. E. Collin. .;. .j. I I 4. EAST El IN STAIt Doric Chapter of tho Eastern Star guvo 11 social last Tuesday ovonlng In their lodgo rooms lu tho Masonic building. Tho program committee, Mrs. Hugo Qulst nnd Miss Ruth Al len prepared the following program, which was enjoyed by nil present: Ilecltntlon .... Miss Francis Fronso Instrumental duet .... Mrs. J. T. Hull and Mrs. Carl Evortson Ilecltntlon Miss Silverman Vocal solo .... Mrs. E. L. Robortson Recitation Mrs. E. E. Kelley After tho program, dancing nnd cards woro enjoyed until n late hour, when light rofreslinionts woro sorvod. The social wob for the Eastern Star nnd their families and It Is estlmntod thnt about 100 wero In attendance. I WEI) IN SACRAMENTO Many Coos liny peoplo will bo In terested In the announcement or tho marriage or Miss Corlnno Dlllmnn nt Sncrnmonto, Cnlir., tho othor dny. Miss Dlllmnn Is ti grnnddnughtor of tho Into E. II. Dean, whoso big lum ber lutorosts on Coos Uny formed the nucleus or C. A. Smith's big opera tions here. Hor mother wns Miss Stella Doan and nn uncle, Ed Dean, was tho son-lnlaw or Mrs. Mary Mc Knlght. Concerning Miss Dlllmnn's marriage, n San Francisco paper says: "Miss Corlnno Dlllmnn nnd M. Jos oph Unburn Pearson woro mnrrled lu Sacramento during tho week, nt tho homo or Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrlos Francis Dlllmnn, tho oveut having boon or much promiueuco In tho capital city. AI sb Ua Sonntng went up to be ouo o the brldosmnlds, It was n large and ruMhloiisble wedding, marked by much artistic elaboration. A wealth of ilowera adorned the house. The, young women lu the bridal party wore Frenthy gowns or chiffon, all In tones or pink, and tarried Dresden bitmiuets or spring (lowers. The bride's gown was of unusual love liness, and was made almost entirely of rose point, A veil of real late covered the gown." I'ERXDALK SOCIAL O The Young Ladles Aid of tho Nor Woglan Church mot last evening at tho. homo of Mis Jennlo Johnson in Forndnlo. Tho evening was spoilt In sowing nud conversation, after which re 1FEIMG STOC .. i' n i ..i i..... ji i... i Ihe keynote of the day, and the day. COAT AGNES & MATSO: ca freshments wero served by the host ess, nslsteed by her sister, Ednn Johnson. Those present lust ovonlng woro: Dona HJollo, Then Larson, Torn I uud, Elsie Lnrson, Cora ami Mnble .MauilBiin. uiimi and .leiiule Johnson nnd Mrs. Thorp. Tho society will meet ngnln Thurs day evening, March tilth, with Mrs. W. Olson or Uny Purk. .j. .j. ! I MINME-WIS CLl'U I . Mrs, W. Urown wns hostess to tho Mlnnlo-Wls Club inembors lust Thursday nrtornoon nt her homo on South Hrondwny. Tho tlmo was spent In sowing nnd nrt work and In tho Into nrtornoon a business meeting wns hold, nrtor which tho hostess, assisted by Mrs. H. Roycrart, served a very dainty luncheon. The club will hold Its noxt meeting Thursday nrtornoon, Mnrch 13th, with Mrs. Chns. Davis In Wost Mnrsh lleld. Mrs. Hrown's special gnosis Thurs day woro: Mrs. M. LaChopolIo. Mrs. H. Roy '.T"' .MlsH Kvn Orossor, Miss Inez Ruldwln and Misses Mnxlno and Ellznboth Jones. The club members present woro: ,. 'Ii1 W',"' ,erk'"8. Mrs. Chns. Da- Is Mrs. F. II. Dressor. Mrs. Holon Unldwln. Mrs. Mary Thompson. Mrs. h. h. Ko loy. Mrs. Chas. La Chapollo, n ,?, A,fone.8: 'Mr8 Joll Bashnoy and Mrs. Wm. Iloaglond. A. X. W. CLUH The i. 7i v nini. , Hnznrd at her home on Market Avo. 1 ho nrtornoon pased In sowing and talk. At a lator hour Mrs. Hazard ?erJ8,C,J by,Mr8' cKnlght, sorvoi rerereshinents. ' Thoso presont woro: ?", K' E- Alien. Mrs. G. A. Hen ii V,' ',,r8' Cnrl Kvortsen, Mrs J t "nil. Mrs, E. MnK8. a'lrV. Oon, SPRING 1913 RS. A. GL AIKEN M Ainnouitices Hr OpeoSog of SPRIMG MILLINERY oday, Mareh 3, amd Followiimg Days it is wonderfully demon Murch, Mrs. W. P. Murphy, Kn. Mnry McKulght, Mrs. Clms. Stauff, Mrs. Ij. M. Noblo. Mrs. E. O'Connell, Mrs. M. R. Smith nnd Mrs. t. F. Sqilro. Tho noxt meeting will be with Mrs. J. T. Hall, next Thurstliiy after noon, Mnrch 6th. SOCIAL SEWING CU'll I Tho Social Sowing Club mot Thun dny nrtornoon with Mrs. Kva Cam mill In South Mnrshflcld. Tho Ii dies spoilt tho nrtornoon dolnc nee dlo work, ndor which dainty refresh ments woro served by tho hostess to her guests: Mrs. Jock Swnnson, Mrs. Geo. Ayro. Mrs. Del Rhodes, Mrs. J. C. Swlnrord nnd Mrs. Fnlknor. Tho club will moot with Mrs. J.C. Swlnrord Thursdny nfternoon, March 13th. FIFTH STREET Cl.l'll Tho Firth Street Sowing Club met last Mondny ovonlng with Mrs. Ma Whorent. Thoso present woro: Mrs. Mnry Thompson and ! Mattlo Hlaln. . . Tho club will moot noxt Monday ovonlng with Mrs. Hlnln. . . I OLUHS I A -M """ Tho noxt mooting or tho Fifth Stroot Sewing Club will bo MonW ovonlng, March 3. with Mrs. HlaU. Tho next meeting or tho Mission nry Society of tho PrwWn Church will bo March Cth with Mrs. Chas. Lowroy. . Tho A. N. W. Club meets nest Thursday nftqrnoon, March 6th. n Mrs. J. t. Hall. Z JL ! "jUSijV'lr'jr LSSJ'