r MX&ssb&ssszzi "BBaaLj---,aa THAT THE HAMMER IS BURIED LET EVERYBODY GET BUSY AND BOOST (Earn lag Exmm NOW r hut Ain'irMM NOW IS VOl'lt TIME. A smnll nd In The Times mint ((iliiinii limy bring you results im mediately. Try one. found """""J' Tl""'s wn"t timii mg"j j-ry - MEMBER OF TIIK A8SOC1ATKI) PItES ifctjlh .. . ..ii..i.,,i in turn t ...mill l.flW'""""-" " " ,, lffl . AAA VI. ., Tlu Coast Ainu MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1913 EVENING EDITION 12 PAGEs" g f HONG SEES NORTH CONSUMPTION ( BEND RAILHUAU ihLHIll COMMON-OSER CLAUSE STANDS 4 Consolidation of Timet, Const Mall and Coos liny Advertiser. No. 193 inn Rloplllirl m m ra. . J Work."'" IciRQT TREE ON RIGHT Irlnal '".Tmv m miAM PUT . ut- VVHI im i - Many Speakers Unite in Por- WM (or BaT ...... i..taPon 1500 mill 2000 U !e assembled, the lieglniiliiB of I attraction of mo soimium . . aXf in North Urnd w ....do U ono of the largest crowds " -- I. In. I mi f'nnu IlllV im ever bschiu".-u .. r i public function mid wns rep- UKntatlvo of tlio entire uny cc "cnirlth many present from ntoro "... .nihimlnatln feeling provnll- Jind was u-lternted by auvurnl ifur. i alniii. Prior to uiu i-uii-ii .... v ; - ... - ...a..uuI.iii turmoil (ill "ruin avenue nml bonded by tho k riMid concert Imnd. Next ,jie the "Coos liny llnmnior on . itrttcher borne by It. P. Koliqu jSj Walter Mncl.eod. Next fol- 'ottd Wilsons ncnu wagon, uriv ,t by C. D. Lash. Next In lino trrc atitos of prominent citizens sl the Coos liny linnil. Al the part tlio grave ror mo hirfii nf ilii! Coos liny liiim.nur" llil already been prepnred nml the itrraonles of tlio nttornoon nogan. Dr. Ira D. Ilnrtlo wiih iniiHtor of fcmmonlca nnd Introduced tlio tirlom ii'cakers. J, 0. Mullen on bohnlf of the. ;wp!e of North Ileiid welcomed At vliltors. He rend telegrams ton Mayor I. J. Simpson. W. .1. TOey, II. A. Sumner nnd Mnyor town of Myrtle Point, felicitating He people of North Ilcnd nnd foci Day on tlio realization or iih kmi for a railroad. A. II. poruyslilro followed with i little talk on "knockers." J, W, Dennett of Mnrshfiold Me and maJo n clover folk. C. I Peck did likewise. Mayor Straw wns Introduced by 1 Barlle as ono of tho two ron- Em of Marahfleld, the utl.er bo : the Smith mill, thut hnd nc oipllihed eo much for develop- i:itae ton. Peter Logele nlso snoko brloflv fl the great things In ntoro for m Bay. Trie In I'nllrn. rc!loloK the tnlliH. V. It. Slinn- '', ma oldest IIvIi.k mini In 'orth Bend, wns Introduced to mart Milling of tho first tree. Mr. 'spsoo came trf North Head with ue m 1865 nnd with tho ox 'Ptloa of Mrs. Charlon Kcklinrf l i oldeit living resident of that ;V im rather waa n cousin of :'?!. A. M. Simpson dipt. I-Mnr --.'Ma UBS Inlor lnlin.l. .,... I mwl 'ii W It. Simpson In startliiK ' Mng of the tree. rollons tho regular coremonleH .orth liend Coniemrciiil club wrt refrcahments to tho Im- - crown. Clams, ernbs nnd T.i , lemon'o and beer ut rapidly, Tit best ftf ln.,l f.vll I.I.. -'- " la the crowii nn.i it ,..nD .. ; throng thnt witnessed the of the public ceremonies. 4lTCn,IB.mer Wh,c, yplfl0ll 1 Hear, k7 ..i ' . ".,'" "" ...J. ".."" "" "UIKIIUll IUU German Specialist Will Open Public Clinic in Ndw York Claims Relief Within One Week's Time. Illy Amoc Ulnl prim o Coon IlAjr TlniM ) NHV YORK, Mnrch I.-OwIiik to tbo wldoHprend attention which has been drawn to tho tt.berculo- Hmiroainiont of Dr. Frledniiinn. the ion mm TO POOR PASSES gogos checks on SEVERAL MARSHFIELD RMS (lermnn bacteriologist, announce ment wns made today that Prled ninnn will open olllces nnd for two weeks conduct n nubile clinic, wlioro the poor nB well as tho rich will bo Heated. A number of Amerlcnu physlc'lnns will bo Invited to at tend the clinics and to nsslst In the dltiKiiosIs of ciiBea and to wntch them afterward and lonrn Dr. I'rledmann'H method. Ho asserts that within a week beneflclnl of- rects will be apparent Expect Terminal Railway to Oppose Change in Fran chise; Their View. It Ih expected that at next .Mon day ovoi.Iiik'h i.ieetli.B of tho city council, a reply from tho Toriiilnnl Hallway relative to tho proposal or tho city council to chniiRo the com mon user clause In the railway franchise will bo read. A moutliiK of tho directors of tho Terminal Hallway wns hold yesterday and It understood that this was ono of tho matlerH taken up for iIIsciishIou. Tho Terminal Hallway Is under stood to Hold that to attempt to chai.Ko tho "common user" c Inn. ho at this tlmo would be detrimental, nnd nlso tha.t tho present common usor" cIiuiho at this time would bo detrimental and also tl at tlio pres ent common usor clause Is ample. Thoy tako tho vlow, It Ih Httld, that the cliuiho In tho present franchise specifies that It Is a common user clause and that If, as some claim, It Is defectlvo In tlio wording, tho courts would Interpret the Intent of tho council and people In tfrnntliiK It nnd hold It to be a common iieor. Furthermore iih intimated In their provloim letter to tho coun cil, they hold thnt the directors of tho Terminal Hallway will Hafo Kiiard the Interests nf Mursuflcld la any negotiations or deal that may bo made to the Southern Pacific. It In also expected that the re quest for action by tho city coun cil on tho request for a special election ut which tho people of .Marshflold will express their wish about turuliiK over tho finncl.lRO to tho .Southern Pacific. There have been no particular ilovolopmoutH In the ncotluilont between tho Southern Pacific and Terminal Hallway, but It Is likely that HomethluK will bo done soon. APPEAL TO THE UNITED STATES WILSON GIVES UP OEFIGE NOW Americans in Mexico City Un ite in Request for Encour agement from Home. Illjr Aoclte.l I'rrm to Coo llr Tlmn.) JOE RIVERS WEDDED TODAY President-elect Retires to Pri vate Life Today Quits Governorship. Illr Auorlaird I'rcii to Coo lux Tlmi-i.) THENTON. March 1. Woodrow of next presl- be his Ih pniililno.l ....i... a" .:;'.,"" "k" .." ""'" In resolutions niilllshed lv ih e ....r "?Vu" "? ri! 'I"-,!". 'L-i -tnl, 7..KU y... md iiviu u iiiiinrtiuo UPllTOnnnt l?nvitftwti Im Vim. I..-- ".. nu viiiui iii 1U1 lltJI" .MEXICO CITV, March 1. A re-U. I80n cuaH to he Kovcrnor qtifst to tho neonlo of the t'nlmrf '.'uw .''orsoy toiiny nnd until State to in,i n .w...... ..,.,'. rn?l?tt.. )'Kme nn.l ,,rniir..,,;..r, . . .T V,, " ,,tM,l.()' .l'10.1 ' States ho Will people In heir effo h V o ,n. ." l" " .cl ,zun-.. W, " - - "" ".ii:niiiiiiiiiiiii ill I ii ut i nnnnt l irilll.l i.nif.ni.iti.il. It lb rixutl Mill VI niill'IIL. day. mootliiB Inst night. Tho speakers deprecated tho publication In the united stutes, of nrtlcles mlsrepre ey. Wilson's administration has been one of reform, most of tlm re. (forms set forth In his Inaugural Sntltlllir llln M(ivlriiii iinnnli. Ut,..., monts about street" W ami timt 'T's' ZZlTti: A lercans sought safety under the son entered tho building. A crowd itniV.. i'!,lS. rr 'Io',0,1,iet1"1- , "f tlioiianilii raised a cheer as united States AiiiliuKtunlor vu. ' n.n .... ... ' to Mexican Pugilist Claims His Schoolmate as Bride in Los Angeles. Illr AMOrlatc.l I'rm to Coon Itny TlmM. I.OS ANGULUS, March 1. Joe Rivers, the Mexican lightweight pugilist, was married today, his brldo being Miss Pnullno Slert of Santa Monica, n native Callfornlnn of Mexican descent nnd who wns Joe's schoolmate before, ho entered tho ring to make his fortune and n name In pugilistic initials. Tho wedding was performed by Justice .i. w. siinimcrrioid in tlio court room, before a throng of smnll Htlgnnts Interspersed with repre sentative sporting men and fight rfnns. The brltlay couple will re main hero until Tuesday when thoy will leave In company with Rivers' innnngcr, .loo Levy, for Denver, Omaha, and thenco to Chicago where ho will leave his bride while ho goes to Now YorK to oegln training for n ten round battle with l.each Cross April 1. of iti:i)iii:i,D is nami:i). Ilrooklyn Man to Ho Secretary i onmicrce. Illy AmwUtr.1 I'riM In Coon Hay Tltilf., NBW YORK. Mnrch l.Tho Ilrooklyn Knglo mnkes tho iinriunli II ed nnuouncemont this afternoon In n spoclnl dlspntch from Washington thnt Representative William C. Red Held of Ilrooklyn hns accepted tho Secretary of Commerce in Wilson's cabinet. .,.'". It Was nhoilt IS llinlma W. Bennett nresnninii n mall hanimers, tied N fft In .fcrt-wZ!1"""-.. . .. Ek c im ' l"e MncAitnur bvJ.lll.prMWt tho clear ItiiS. .r5? vlBorouBly iara.to ha'o the actual "l under wav wiii .. . " expects equipment hero KAii".. itlrt ihl . 7 Kl"" ouoii i Uia bridge? conduction IB GIVES t TpERS u,Eu"Pean Natinno tn ie wth oon "::'... Terms KhVn ii i.. . ' u ,ui h -" rrm in i.. 1,-DO.V. Possible. " najr Tlraw le reel " -Turkey has Hotft1' UrDnrese"-vedly i tho hi... ' "fopean powers u-m, ; Ca0nClUd6 ,,eiu' 8 ' Hnte at EAgltjs nALL - "'6UI TO UTIRG STEEL Engineer Hoey Says That the Rails Will Soon Be Put in on Coos Bay Line. KUHKNH, March l.Tho lOu gono Guard wijis: "If this weather keeps on long wo will soon bo lay ing steol on tho Wlllainotto-I'nclflc," said 11. P. Hooy, chief of the South ern Pacirie construction engineers at this city. "Wo aio gottlng rendy to rush tho work all nlong tho lino Immediately," continued Mr. Hooy, "and In a fow days there will bo a groat deal of activity. Mnnngor lltchrock, representing MncArthur, Porks & Co., has just boon ovor tho lino and Is now In Portland conferring with Porter Ilros. with a vlow to pushing a largo force nt onco on tlio lino bo yond tho Norl tunnel. Thero la already consldorablo activity there I cannot say on Just what dato tho laying of steel on tho Wlllaniotto Pnclflo botweon Eugoiio and the Not I tunnol will begin as that de ponds on tho woathor but unless It breaks tho work will begin very soon." ..., . ,..i ."...-:,.:.. I v",u'"1" viison mnue nis way f. ...iu '"iV..".. ", l. '"....?'. """'Kitno sennto chamber where Fielder viV.,.u" i-'.m.uuu nur- awaited lilm. The ceremony wns WCOH, I li.,.f I.M, .!.!., .....I. ...i .. ....;.. I llilliu IUUK IIIU OHIO IIS acting governor, which his olllclal title will bo until his successor lb elected next fnll and takes olllce. A round or cheers was given nnd It wns over. "Tho peoplo of this country nro going to ho sorved conscientiously and expeditiously,'.' wns tho nssur nnco Wilson gave In tin Impromptu speech or fnrowell. Wllson'B od dress wob brier but was Impressive. Ho spoke in measured tones with apparent emotion. It wns his fnro well to the state. REBELS NOW NEW HEN TOR WILSON CABINET STRIKE ENDED IN NEW YORK 0 LOST $2510 ON HORSE RAGE Jacob Harter, Washington Rancher, Victim of Old Swindle in Denver. njr AocUtel !' to Coos Ilay Tlmo J PUEBLO Colo., March 1. Jacob Harter, a wealthy rancher of Hltz ville, Washington, complained to the police early today that ho had been lleeced of $25,000 in Denver by three men ho met at Los Angeles. Tho al leged swindle was worked by meanB of supposed bets on a mythical horse race. H. J. Waters of Kansas for Agriculture and Goethals for Navy. . Illr AmoII(J rmi to Coo liny Tlmn.) WASHINGTON. Mnrch 1. Sev eral Democratic lenders In congress who nro known to enjoy tho con fidence of President Wilson, de clared today that thoy wero con fident that Henry Jnckson Waters, president of tho Knnsas Agricultur al Collego, at Manhattan, Kansns, is foromost iu Wilson' consideration for tho post of Secrotnry of Agri culture, It wns said that while tho Sec rotary or tho Interior would ho a man rrom tho rnr west, ho will not bo Governor Norrls or Montana. Tho snnio lenders declared tho con sideration or Colonel Georgo Goe thals, builder or tho Panama Canal, ror tho post o.r Secretary or War, has not reachod tho point where it could bo said thnt ho wns being considered to tho exclusion of other candidates Mexican Government Claims Insurrcctos Are Fall ing in Line. Illy AmoiUkhI l'rv to Coo. lUjf Tlmra.J MEXICO CITY, March 1. General Chehecampos and n forco of 1200 men, seasoned by years of sorvlco In Orazco's army will Join the gov ernment troops, undor General Au boro, In n campaign against tho rehol Governor Cnrranza, In tho stato of Coahulla, according to tho War De partment's ad vices today from Tor reon. With this forco of approxi mately 5,000 mou will bo In tho col umn and should have ltttlo dim culty in suppressing tho revolt. Car ranza Is supposed to command only 2,000 men. Olllclal reports say that 3500 reb els havo surrendered In the states of Pueblo and Vera Cruz, 1900 in tho stato of Mexico and a number of small detachments In many cities In other states About 50,000 Garment Work ers Return to Work Af ter Long Strife. ' My AwoiltlrJ I'rrti to Coo. Hay TlmM,) NEW YORK. March 1 Today bo Ing Saturday, not nil or tho 50,000 garment workers affected by last night's settlement or the strike which began December 30, return ed to tho shops, but It Is thought that by Monday practically alt will havo resumed their places. Wm. Edmonds Wanted Here on Warrant Charging Several Crimes. PASSED WORTHLESS CHECKS LAST WEEK Alleged to Have Forged Geo. F. Smith's Name to One of Those Cashed. Win. Edmonds, who hns been on tho .Hay slnco Inst rnlj nnd who was Interested with Georgo Smith In n Coob River rish cannery pro ject, Is now being sought by tho oillcors to make good n number of worthless checks which ho rioated here. Most o rthem nre snld to bo ovordrnfts on his siiinll nccotint, but one Is Bald to bo n forgery. A warrant hns been sworn out for Edmonds, but ho Is supposed to Iinvo left hero a week ago todny on tho Ureakwutcr for points unknown. A number of I -cnl rirms nro said to havo surioiud by Edmonds' operations. Among them are John Herron, Pretiss Drug Co. nnd oth ers. The check cashed by the Prouss Drug Co. was in payment or sup plies and wns ror about ?30. Tho check cashed by John It. Herron wns ror $57 and Is declar ed to bo a forgery. It was drawn In favor or Win. Edmonds and signed by Geo. F. Smith. On tho hack it was endorsed by Edmonds. Edmonds worked IiIh gamo hero rather cloverly. Last Saturday wiih a holiday and the ImukH were not open. Tho next day was Sunday nnd. this gave him two (Ivh In which to make his gotawa) ..; ' no thero was a possibility or his op erations becoming known. Ho I sanld to havo opened a small ciiecuing account nt tlio Flan agan & Ilonentt bank nnd n week ifgo Thursday clrculntcd his checks protty rreoly n.nong firms where ho hits muilo n smnll acquaintance. Ho was a mlddlo-ngcd man.- It la hoped that through tho oIIIcoi-h at Portland to got n lino on him. Take no Chances Buy Known Quality You have no excuse for buying "a cat In tho bag" today. Those who tnko n chance with "something Just ns good," in vnrlnbly get "something worse." Advertising eliminates risk. It has placed business on a high piano. No longer need the buyer bownre. Merchants manufacturers tioth realize that the Square Denl Is their most valuable asset. They must not only make customers but must keep them. Bear this In mind when you road tho advertisements In THE TIMES. The manufacturer, who ndvortlses continuously and persistently, could not nfford to do bo unless his goods were such ns to make customers and keep them. Ho Invites vou, through his adverting, to test his sincerity, knowing that ono trial will mako you a remanent customer. You tako no chances In purchasing products advertised In THE TIMES. Each advertisement carries an unwritten guar antee of honest quality and honest price. Read THE TIMES' advertisements closely and constantly every day and keep in touch with tho best to bo' had from the most reputable dealers in this city. LEE WEBSTER PASSESS AWAY Well Known Coos Bay Resi dent Succumbed Today to Long Illness. ' Leo Webster, one of tho best known residents or Coos Hay, died at his home on North Second street this morning, aftor n prolonged Ill ness or a complication of diseases. Ho had been vory low for sovoral days and the ond was not unoxpocted. Mr, WebBtor's domlso caused tho deopest of regret among tho largo number of friends that his geniality had woii for him. A doop reador and especially of historical matters, ho was a llueut conversationalist and the most gonial of companions. Mr. Wobstor was bodn lu Wll G. A. R. circles. When but fourteen-years-old ho was mustered In as a drummer boy iu Company B of tho Thirteenth MasachuBsotts Volunteers and Borved throughout tho Civil War. Ho was In most of tho principal on gagomonts In Virginia during tho war. Mr. Wobstor was born In Wil mington, Delawaro, Mrty 0, 1847. Ho camo to Coob Bay about seven years ago and was for a number of yenrs Identified with tho Southern Oregon Company nt Empire. Lntor ho be came associated with A. It. Daly in Marshfleld and was in this business until sickness compolled him to glvo up active work. Ho Is survived by ono son. Nlnlan, and his wife. Ho has a brothor and sister in St. Louis and brothers In Fairvlow. Oklu., nnd Horkoloy Springs, W. Vn. Mrs. Chns. Mahaffy of Coos River is also a rolatlve. Tho funeral will bo held Monday morning at 10 o'clock from the Pros bytelran Church. Intorment will bo In the Coos Hlvor cemetery. Mem bers of Baker Post. G. A. R.. will act as honoray pall-bearers, while tho members of Hoo Hoo will probably constitute tho regular pall-bearerB. CORN PRODUCT TBDST ft HIT CORNCOB PIPK PIERCE. "Tho corncob plpo member" is tho appellation given to Plerco of Curry by tho Houbo. Whenever "tho gentleman from Curry" makes. It is Invariably tho corncob. Portland Oregonlan. Government Attempts to Dis solve $80,000,000 Con cern as Combine. lly A mo, Ulix I'rtM lo Coo Day Tlraw. 'NEW YORK, Mnrch 1. Tho (IIh. solution of the Corn Products Ho rinlng Company, an allegod stnrch-gliicoHo-Hyrup trust Is sought by the federal government Iu a civil suit riled horo today charging tho $80, 000,000 combination with entering Into a conspiracy and contracts to destroy competition In violation ot tho Sherman law. Asldu rrom tho dissolution, the goverumeat asks for an Injunction prohibiting the al leged restraint or trade. It Is al leged that tho defendant combina tion dismantled many' o tho starch and glucose factories It absorbed, soiling tho properties In most in stances under covenants that tho land conveyod should nevor or not ror n long term of years bo used In connection with tho manufacture or similar products. Tho alleged trust and its predecessors are, charged with having taken con tracts rrom olllcers and directors of certain absorbed companies not to engage In business for a period of years, TELLS" ABOUT VICE IN EAST Iljr Aodli)4 I'ri-M to Cocw Day Timoa CHICAGO, Mnrch 1. -Fifteen hundred whlto men nnd 300 ne groes llvo off tho earnings of tho "whlto slaves" and women In tho undorworld of Chicago, according to testimony given today by a rormor cadet to tho stato commis sion investigating conditions lu Illi nois. Tho witness declared that ho know what ho was talking about, as ho said ho was lu close touch with tho underworld ror many yeartf. Lloutenunt Governor O'Hara, tho head or tho rojumlsslon, after searching testimony which tendod to show that many victims or tho whlto slavors tako their first down ward stop .bocauso of low wages, ordorod a list of tholr employers to bo prepared and Biibpoouacs is sued for tholr presonco boioro tho commltteo.