THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1913. EVENING EDITION. If V I OF I mi1 jpp High Grad e Men's Clothing, Shoes si Haberdashery IT A ftf ATCD CD C A VC. "Never before were you able to buy J&AlYllVlCiKLiK OJ I O: high grade Merchandise so cheap." Extra Special for TomorrowSaturday $20 to $25 Men's Pine Suits, Extra Special $12.75 Remember that I never carried a suit in stock less than $20 reailar, and from that up, These clothes were not damaged by fire or watsr as you would imagine, but are nice, up-to-date styles and patterns, being of the Strauss Bros, and Collegian Brands, (M? 7c For Tomorro'w.. Jl.i J 25c Men's Heavy Cassimere Hose, black, Tomorrow, Saturday, 3 pairs 50c Men's Pure Silk Hose, black and tan, OC:r Tomorrow, Saturday :.. 10c Cotton Work Gloves, Tomorrow, Saturday, 4 pairs.. 50c 25c $1.50 and $2.00 Cluett Shirts, Tomorrow $1.15 The largest selection of fine bluett Shuts in Coos coun ty to salect from; not an old pattern in the lot, Nice clean, up-to-date merchandise, . (M lir For tomorrow, Saturday . .P'.lj $, 00 to $1,50 Cluett and Monarch-Shirts, rr Odd lots, Saturday's special OjC 50c Men's Fine Neckwear, ' Tomorrow, Saturday jjC Special Reductions on Rain Clothing Aquapella Pants and Jackets, Rubber Boots, etc, etc. Take advantage, No restrictions made in this entire stock with exception of contract gain, Don't miss this grand Yours anxious to please, goods, Everything is reduced and marked to sell at a bar-opportunity, THE TO GGERY ssBga.rs3Eag2flsaaauMasii COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MAI.ONEY DAN E. MA LONE .Editor and Publisher Ni'Wb Editor Cominmuiraiifcy Developeinnieinill: TIDES l-'Oll FEHKUAUY. SSIIIra.. 1.27 8.16 3.12 10.09 Ft... 2.3 r,.o o.r 3.0 Till) greatest Injury done to any community Ih by sending sur plus money to develop uno'hor ooiniuimlty when there Ih de velopment work to ho duno tit homo. Thoro Ih no sortlon In tlio I'lil'od' Suites tixliiy In greater need of development tlum Conn liny and C'ooh county. Thero Ih no wet Inn that offers us Inrgo rewards for Investment. Thoro Ih no place wlinro tho Investment in prolocted with hiicIi cor tnlnty of permanent value and projective profits h Cooh Hay North Ilond, Mnrshflold, llmilscr Hill, Eastsldo, CooHtou tliey aru all good. When a smooth Htrangor approaches you and wnulH to Bull you ft Florida fruit far in or California cat ranch, just auk him wi.uI'h the matter with Cooh Hay. Evury additional dollar that Ih put Into tho development of Cooh Hay and Cooh county IneronBcs the vuliio of ev ery othor dollar. You can see every lot and pleco of land In Cooh county 1 10 fore you Invest. You It now tho proHpectH and pohhIIiIIUIch of this portion. You mnko an Investment hero from $10 to $10,000, with confi dence and certainty that tho viiIiioh 'are suhstiiiitlitl. Why take chances? m Fnriiwuy Minis aro fair. Itut Investments hero at homo lire more secure. Tho Hinooth promoter palutH a pretty picture of tho orange groves nml celery fleldH of Florida, hut ho forgets tho fever and does not mention tho iuIiihiuii. California Ik a groat state, hut there Is grief as well an gold In Its viiHt expanse of garden. Tho pot of gold at tho end' of Hie, rain bow Iiiih never heeti found and tho gold In tho golden opportunities far away Ih usually fools gold. Invest your money at nome. M- WITH THE TOAST AMD THE TEA -:: -j: (JOOD EVENINO. Cliannlng obsorvi-H that thoro In 0110 thing which makes all men truly eunul and which may placo In tho front rank those most doprossod in worldly con dition. Ho says, "I refer to tho boiibo of duty, to tho power of discerning and doing right to tho Inward monitor which speaks in the namo of Clod, to tho capacity of vlrtuo or oxeolloneo, TIiIh Is the great gift of God. "A PKAYElt." God, though this life Is but a wraith, Although we know not what wo UBO, Although wo gropo, with llttlo faith. OI vo 1110 the heart to light and lose. , . . From compromise and things half do no Keep me, though all tho world do rldo, And when at last tho light Is won, God, Keep mo still unsntlallod. Louis Untoruioyor, It's a poor 11111I0 who has no lcick coming. Tho mnn who wus never occu pIob n neutral position, Soldiers como to blows when thoy respond to ouglo calls. -M-U- Somo of us aim so high wo will novor hit anything on earth. Ono of our ostoomed follow citi zens who has n holpmato soniowhtit sivon to belllgoroiicy, has for a number of years kept a memoran dum book In which ho has "jotted down" a brlof history of their many quarrels. On tho back of this book ho has printed with pen and Ink tho following Inscription, "Our Scrap Hook." Holow this log end ho Iiiih written the names of himself uud wife. Tho volume Is nearly full and ho says that ho ex pects lo stmt a new ono before Easter hats aro ripe! I AIJE MAHTI.Vti SAYINOS. I 4 Abo Martin, tho Indiana funny man. writ us: "Specie Moots Is at homo from th' penitentiary an' says that two terms Is enough for any man." "Toll Hlnkloy says a tourln'-car Is like a baby: everything happens t' It tli" second summer." "Folks that blurt out jlst what they think wouldn't bo so bad If thoy thought." Ono wny to remove weeds Is to marry a widow. Lovo Is novor so blind that It can't seo an engagement ring. 1 -AS YOU LIKE IT. over If you havo gono Ashing, never will You know 'his truth I say won't When I mako this two-odgod state ment, nhvnys away. Hlg llsh got novor a weigh. . OOY. MAItSIIALL THEME. Ylco Proldciit-Elcrt Iteaclio Wash, lugton Today. (liy Awe latM l"rw to Coot lliy TlmM ) WASHINGTON". Feb. 2S. Vlco President-Elect Marshall arrived hero this afternoon and was mot by a committee Including a delegation headed by Senator Kern and Hop resontatlve Dixon. His arrival marks tho beginning of tho Inaugu ral period. WEATHER FOHEOAST. : Hy AsBoclatod Press OUEtfON Fair tonight nml Saturday. except Increasing cloiidluesH, probably followed by rain In northwest portion. LOCAL TE.MPEHATUHE 11 ECO I ID. For the 24 hours or.illnc at 1: 13 a. m., Feb. 28, by llouj. Ostllnd, special government me teorological observer: Maximum 18 Minimum 27 At -1:43 a. in 27 Precipitation none Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1012 4.1.07 Precipitation uaino period previous yonr 13.21 Wind: Northwest; clear. W. ('. T. l .Meeting. Tho W. C. T. U. will moot Mondny after noon at the homo of Mrs. Fannie Wheolor, Instend of Saturday. 1 Major .Morrow Due Captain T. J. Mncgenn reports that Major Morrow will bo In Portland Saturday or Sun day and ho expects that ho will bring somo good now a for Coos Hay har bor and bar. 1 (Jets Auto Ooorgo Ooodrum to day received a 1013 Cadillac touring I car for Cnrl F. JohiiBon. Mr. John son nnd family will loave soon for California nnd will tako tho auto with him to tour that stato. , Meet Today. A mooting of tho directors of tho Terminal railway I will bo hold this afternoon, .lust what Is coming up nnd what buar Ing It will hnvo on tho negotla- ; tlons with tho Southorn Pacific for t the steam frnuchlso Is not cennlu. Play Handon Tho Marshflold high school basketball team loft this morn ing for Handon, whoro thoy will piny the Handon high school team to 1 night. Prof. Ornnnls wont with tho ! toil m nnd Ed Holt nlso accompanied them. The Mnrahtiold high school I girls' team was not able to ninko tho trip this time. .Meet Tonight. A public mooting 11ns been called to bo hold at tho Marshflold Chambor of Commerce this evening to mnko nrrangoiuonts for n public recoptlon to Senator I. S. Smith on his return from Sa lem, where ho has done such 0 in dent work for Coos county In the Oregon legislature. Tho nffnlr will bo non-partisan. It Is called for S o'clock. Ono ArreM Last night, n Mexi can who was colobratlng, was takon Into tow by Marshal Carter and this morning when It was found that he did not hnvo any pesos, ho was given a Job cleaning out tho lire room for Englneor Stutsman. Whether ho wns Maderlsta, mourning for tho loss of his leador, or a Huorta follower, celebrating tho laTior's victory, Mar shal Carter did not ascertain. Instill Klevatoi- An Otis olovn tor which W. S. Chandlor ordored last October for tho Coko building arrived horo today and will bo In stalled at onco. It Is n ton-horsepower olovator with n passenger cago five foot squaro. Tho Coko building will bo tho first office building in Marshflold to hnvo an olovator and It Ih t" o second ele vator lu this section, the otlur be ing In the Chandler Hotel. Still Wry Low There Is llttlo chaugo In the condition of Leo Wob nior, tliu Empiio pioneer, and today very little hopo wus entertained for his recovery Yery Low It was stated today that .las. Learmond, who, while de mented, throw himsolf under a log ging train nonr Hunker Hill yester day. Is still unconscious. It Is doubt ful If ho can recover. No Puiiiicililp S. C. Puter of Portland, who Is hero on some land niattors, says that ho and E. L. C. Fnriin are not working togother, tho report circulated horo being omin ous. Ho Is horo on private business and looking after somo tlmborluiid, he says. Jlnvi' Soon Frank Smallwood, who will merge the Haltlmoro and Merchant Cnfes, this morning closed the Haltlmoro and will overhaul It before moving his other restaurant In next week. Fred KuuiIhcii, who sold the Haltlmoro has not decided wheothor or irot ho will leavo tho Hay. . . l)loN 'loday Andrew Johnson, a native of Sweden, died today at Mer cy hospital at North Head. Ho wiib 71 yonrB old nnd for many yonrs mndo his homo with tho C. E. Han son family on Hayues Inlet. Ho has no rolatlvcs In America. A compli cation of diseases caused his death. Tho funoral will bo conducted Sun day morning at 1 1 o'clock by Hov. Ir. F. Hongtson from WIIsoh'b chnpel. II11II1I New Itoail O00. Bnydor Is down from Daniels Crock, where ho has been omploycd at McDonald & Vnughan's camp. Tho camp has been shut down for nwhllo owing to somo changes and oxtonslons lu tho log ging road. About two mllos of now rond will bo built and the camp will soon bo moved furthor down. Whllo tho now road will not bo completod for somo time, It Is oxpected that log ging operations can bo resumed In .1 weok or so. Prospects Oooil E. W. Wright of Portland arrived hero today to look aftor proporty Interests. Ho Intend ed to return on tho Hronkwnter to morrow, but hnB decided to romnln over and attend tho North Hend colo brntlon. Ho snys that many In Port land nro much Interested In Coos Hny now nnd that thoro will be n big Influx hero this summer. The Coos Hny-Eugeno rond will bo finish ed to Mnpleton soon, Porter Hros. nro planning to rush tho rest of the work mid a steam hIiovcI will bo brought to North Hend soon to start actual construction there. Along the Waterfront. The Nn nn Smith crossed out lit 7 o'clock this morning for Hay Point, having miiilo a new record horo. She crossed In, londod ami sallod lu about 22 1-2 hours, tnk,lng on uboiit 1,000, 000 foot of lumbor. Captain Magoo wiih highly ohitod ovor tho work, having planned to mnko a now rec ord. Tho Olondnlo willed from Handon today for San Francisco with lum bor. Tho Sausallto sailed from Han don for San Francisco yosterdny. The Iiihiiiio asylums of nil civil ized countries nro now ovorburdon ed with pntlonts as novor before. Dr. T. H. Hyslop of London, a load ing brain specialist, prodlctB that In "0 years half tho world's popula tion will bo Insane. The Sister Team In n comploto chuiigo of Vaude ville at The R.oyal TONIGHT Tho Sister tenm has pleasod Miolr audiences nnd hnvo another 'taking change for tonight. IN PICTTHE.S Cousins of Shoilock Solnx. ..At Liberty nml A (Jood Press Agent ThnnhoiiBor. HolYiuuu's Legncy nml lliiininiei's Vocation Koystono. (aumoiit AVeokly, No. 10. 100(1 feet of nil bran new pic tures. Always the lx'.st. ADMISSION Loner flivir. Me. llnlcmiv. iiw. ''Good Appetite Waits on Good Digestion." a iul GOOD EATABLES helps both. Here's n list that will help vou in planning your Suiulav dinner: FRESH VEGETABLES. Choice Cauliflower Fresh Iripe Tomatoes Crisp Celery Nieo Head Lettuce Fresh Turnips Cabbage Carrots Parsnips Potatoes CANNRD Y EG STAPLES H. P Asparagus Tips IT. P. Maine Corn ir. b. Tomatoes H. p. String Beans H. P. Peas. "FRESH FPTJIT "-Oranges Lemons Bananas lM-esh Rnnoh Eggs, 25c dozen. PHONE 32 TTe BAZAR. HOUSE OF QUALITY WANT ADS WANTED High class ImlMint ul construction foreman open for rj gagonieut about Mnrcli IOtn. All droHS, Foromnn, Times ofDce. FOU SALE Thrw riknI lot., ;i 110 feet, III the most deilnl resldonco section of Soutb IV street; also two lots villi ft room house nnd bnrn on Swr street. Will soil cheap If ttlr nt onco. Apply to owntr, II Seventh street, SJiitu Mariwct WANTED Housework lir dJ comiioteiit woimin. Phone 10HJ l'OK HUNT Two furnlslifd rooa Keforonco required. Addrmi euro Tim oh olllco. FOR MALE Second Imml autwl bllo. Ono llvo passenger RuJ blor, $7r,. Apply Nelion mi Works. M V'l'KU Til ifliaill!C or I acres of tho best truck or t In.i.l In tlw. nmmtrw modern I largo new bnrn, ovory conTealtw go with land, on water way, ccc ty road, dcslrabio locauun. .".l ll.. nn.lnfflW Mill iiiiios iruni i.-iij' i'""'" Mi nt Four tlioiisiind dollara,lu'1 chnngo In part or whole ford' ronl estate, with bulldlngiortu out buildings, will ossuww"; mortgngo In difference, ''''" In North Hend, Plat D. " Hold or Mllllngton. s'u": Co., Mnrshllold, Oregon, Roost- nnd 8, iac Ilronuway. ManWel'J STIIAYR TAKEN UP .U my I BOB, SIO llllli in win re, " .1. two stray cnivcs auuui "- Old IIUVO UUeil llinvi. -r. - mny havo sanio by I,rv,1D 'i! oi.i.. ...i ....vim. tnr feed anltJ biiIi utiu '-i;-"B - "7, If .fl cinimou in 00 u " expenses inciuiwu. .,fCv LOUIS NELS0.V FOIl SAIil-J O001I 'K0I, "" Warner urocury v". WANTED 800 trtM- bank approves my""";, tel will lot mo hnvo this WWJ only for sixty dnys at J Mr. M. C. aiaionoy " ' jd who I am and what 1 flJ monoy for. Alllllc', Times. WANTED Olrl '' J work. Add-ess 729 Soutn or phono jou-j. lioarf WANTED Another fihi Lloyd Hotel. rlenccdj i, WANTED Twelve OM""l,r BrtT ora and timber men. APP'7 er Hill Coal co. WANTED Somo '?thlBW nnrtlo house In 15SMf.flJ Must bo moved off nh,M C! at onco. C. II. Marsh, v Way Agent. , WANTED Maid for BO"1 h0U work. Phono ! ....... ai Fon sale on HFrvr-.-Fply . s in ""'"""Ij 5uniii'l mii.mnnHiUi 1 Jnme3 u. uiiur""' four lota Oregon. FOU SALE-Dry VoodV dor. at Campbells osLi Ferry landing. VboL- If you have anything to Mltjg roHo nr want helP " a 9 4Hr' ill VMWV W " s