The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 28, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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(Earn latj Sims
,, fnun.1 tl.r..KH TJmwjwmt
1 "' . .... .1 t Tlmv
rjtgiiiiig"'-1 ' "
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i iuiii l;s(us"1" '" .,
4. Consolidation of Times, Const Mall
and Coos liny Advertiser.
No. 192
HI. AAA"' Tlio uuiHt .
.vow is vbrit TIMK. I
V iiniill ixl In The Tillies mint I
roliniin limy bring you rpiults mi- I
mediately. Try on... 1
25 AND 1 DIE
U Loss of Life in Dc-
struction o ubwb uU
ing Houbu luuaj.
THriUUun duii-"11""
L Ahfini n Dnzcn Escape
Motel Register Burns and
Victims unKiiuwii.
! f'ftiti !lirl.oH 26. nu,l pur
".!. .... Iiiirnn to dl-nth
' i :; , a riru which
?ror,d the l''11,1' " m'1"
: ...If. m the torrllik- iniin-li
rt.nimM Hint two ..persons ;
" . . . .-1..1.I Tin
.Insane rrom in"';
, dlicoterctl nt v o clock
, Km,r later nrenieii
CI """" . . I It .......
nctil It tinner romrui. n "
ltd to the liiilltllnx 'wture It
lie act that the hon-l register
f, Mtrojed m.iKi-8 i " .
i!a i Hit of tlo ileml. though
Imager says nnoni iiny
L,.,.-J rtthnra nlioilt tin- hotel
E'jre'niany Rtiusts had not reg-l
L.ti and tlmt tno mini imiuiier
. n-trlr 100
Tie Mine of the flro Iihh not
jd.iirolneu. it bianco in inu
Ir cl the building hut Kulnud
it bndy he'0"-' " WUH u'
mi. The lower floor of the
U!ai s mruplcil by tno iif-
..1 Clotilng i;o., inner Liquor
and tte Ailnms KxpieM un.
- itock of all three wiih do-
(hlr lliien Kmiiic1.
Utthmt-n. policemen and others
tie Tklnlty declare tlmt not to
id i doztn persons escaped
3 tbe liurMiiK Htrneturc. .which
i entirely wrapped In flnniL-H
i tbe fire companies renehed
Mrs. Nelson and Daughter Fa
tally Injured by Fumes
From Turpentine.
llr Aoolatwl ITmhi to CocM Ilajr Tll.tff,)
NBWHBRO. Oio.. Fob. US. Mm.
IL .M. NoIfoii anil 'her 12-your-old
ilfiiinhter with fntiilly liiirnt-d HiIh
morning, rollovvliic tlio oxplonlon of
which In-Ill lii-titi-d on
Htovo iiriarntory to iimklni; a
Tho inotlicr anil HaiiKhti-r In
haled tho riaini-H anil tho pliyrtlcliuiH
Htutu tht'io Ih mi hop of n-vovery.
Tho liniiHo wan not liurncd.
i u ni It,,,..,,,,,,!,,,
Here's Ouir Good, Glad
Haimd., Noirtlh Beod
Reynolds, the Mexican, Who
Eluded Him at Drain, Is
Found Hiding There."
(Hprlnl to Tt.o TIiii.-h.)
ltOSt:illT,, Kh. 28.--A. lUt-
mildK, a Muxluiti convict, wiih n-
cApturco at Dmln yi-Htcillay, nftr
hu villi: oxcancil from Hliurllf (Iiiup.
Kine, So Biiililenly did tho who was talcliiK him Jrom I'omillle
It rrarh irv Hurt of tlio . tin, ainln iw.. (.... Im m fil.nn
,. ..... . , ."-. -- -:--i... .... -M.,w ...t ... j ... i..'.., .,
kltet Ibll IDW 111 tllOKO WllO fill rililmrf 41 1 lliliilnn l.,t1l
h.u!p bad lhiie to reach the iioIiIh ixnipcl from tho 1'orkliiH
unit, ind none were nnio to .0tl. Slwrlff Oiiko placed Itoy-
1 to tie nre drapes. Tlioso who I nolils In a room mid umk nil hhi
limpe did io In sranty ntth-H. Ii'intiilni:. KovnnlilM iiuH.-cdwl to
tin 1 the flrcram reiulu'd tho't.Hcaim from n wlmlow. AfJ-r a
: tbe liulMlns vw n nines of (.rll itoyrnldH wan dUrorr.wl l n
Jm The flienifn haw mimy . Drain woman, ho IiuvIiik hldili-n
til windows In tho two iif,imHir with Iiuni-nvlsod clothlui: In
iiorK but berorn tho Inddoru n i-lonof. When dlHcover-d. ho
4 he railed, tlio roof henna to Utiirtoil to rim, but ho wiih iiiiUKIy
1 m u uoi n miikio poiHoa ovortalu-n. Sheriff (JnKo Jet
Hr Chief Slater helleveH 10 or
I'c wiles aro In tho ruliiH mid
I r IjIrr beneath liiimln-dH of
cl ditrit.
My four bodies had l-un ro-
m before tho llronion woro
" from tte IiiiIIiIIiir.
I'aper Carrier ll,i
W Steiu. a paper enrrler, wns
tbe heroes of the lire, lioforu
v,,.fn rrlVl'1 " rushed Into
' KIMIntsnd nBelstl tlm i,fir
Wtiiar.lhd piinu.u iin i,..i.....i
"i'"l from the hulldliiK he-
iTOupiea irom the effects of
' ioie.
Nold, who represent the.
;t of tho hotel, prohnuly
-M?rf.a n,a(, fOOIldltlOHH
btlteed that tho Iobh of
I ,.r.C,.,h.e.b,1"ll''B. A few
Drain at onco for Salem.
(let awny from Oroitchtown Hun'thn hit huh Hhinw
Conn- on to the dniicln' tlo Kills aro all In line, i
The hnpjiy folltH aro crowdln' at the wlnilows and the door
And tho riddle'H miiltlii' numlc that It novor ninde huforo! '
(lot away from Orouclitown! It ain't tho plnee to Htny,
Whore lonoBome Winter never Iiiik a rony dreiim of May;
What'H the iiki- of travel. hcnrltiK tronlile'H load?
Don't yon hear tho iihibIc i'IiikIh' down tho roud? f
honoHome place Ih (iionchtown never any light;
Not a Htnr to twinkle throiiRh the hIiiiiIowh of the iiIkIU; I
Why hhould yon he stnyln' In mich a Holonin place?
(let whore tho IIkIu Ih look tho mornliiK In the race. I
I-'ar away from Trouble Hint only would doHtroy: I
Itendy lor the dmii-in' we'll hnvo a round with Joy!
Don't you bo a-countln' of your tribulations o'er
When tho HiIiIIo'h niakln' iiiiihIc It never made liurnro!
Selected. i
IIK action of the .MaiHliVlelll Chainbor of Commerce in .mloroliiK
and npprovliij; the Xnnh llmill Juhlloo celebration or tho com
lllolicollioilt of work on the now rallwnv v.iIcch Hut imlvnrunl
wntliiipiit of the city or MarHhfleld.
.MiirHhrield ipJoIcoh In North Ilond'H Joy, Ih pleaned at her ploiiH
n ro and proud or her prosperity.
Why not? We are iiolKhborH and frlomlH. (led mid KOORraphy
Iiiih plncod iih whore our dcHtlnloH nre Inevltubly linked for nil time.
Tho rutiiro of thoHe Hlstor cltlos. North Item! nnd .MnrHhrioId. are
Inextricably Intertwined, ludlvldtinl iKiiorance, Indirreront-o and even
ntinow HulflHhnoHH limy poHtpoim but cannot prevent the Inevltablo
ilesilny of mutual development.
No man living can at present place his fliiKer on tho exact point
on HiIh peninsula that Ih to he the fiilim. commorclnl contor or the
vlt. that Ih to he. Hut every por-inn who Is a resident or North lleuU
or Murohflold, Kastsldn or Hunker Hill, CnoHton or Charleston Hay
will partlclpato In Hh proHperlty and Rharo In Its success.
Mfo Ih but a hrlof Journey at heHt. Too brief for bitterness and
blckerliiKH. Lot im lli;ht tho iiiIIph with smiles Instend of sneers.
If our erfortH ho hflpfiil, not hurtful.
Mural riold needs North Hond nnd North Hem! iipccIh MiirHhrield.
Our latorestH nre mutual. Our tlovolopmeut numt bo dual. It Ih lin
pohslhle ror either city to urow to 20,000, which Ih considerably Hhort
or tho 200,000 that In coiiiIiik, without overlapping tho otlior. With
our destlnloH ho Inevltubly linked there Ih no room ror rivalry except
in co-operative, coiiHtructlve effort.
That's why .Marshfleld Hhould bo merry at North Head's Jubilee.
Thill's why all who poxhlbly can should Join In the celebration iih a
compliment to our hIhuii- city, la any event North Hond bus Marsh
lleld'ii assurance or kooq win and K"(i(l wIhIips. The entire city of
Mnnriiricld will he thert- la spirit. Our coiiKiatulatlous aro not cant,
am! our good wishes ani Kenulnc
Vortlt lleud: llor ,our ood, rIik! hand on It. May tomorrow's
sun m.hor In un era or prosperity nnd proKiess that will ho pt-rpt-tiinl.
May tho colohratlou that marks the commencement or work mi your
new railway w.ork a now tn of enterprise) that will ninko your em
bryonic city a metropolis tor miiKiilflcout dlmeiislons.
Ninth (lend, here's to you, llnth ofT and hurrah! Three cheers
and a 'tii;or. It may hnvo hic-u a little .hIow In i-omlni;, hut it'b here
nnd the wonrlim-m of wnltlup Is forgotten in tho .HiinllKht of ssccchh,
Nirt'lt Hond Iiiip niiii" Into her own.
. i8!1" Jj'1'!? .!?'- j'i'L1 . jJ'j' jl'jL.. nn
T i ES
Thos. F. Flynn Commits Sui
cide by Gas Route as Re
sult of Family Trouble.
Mr Amodttr.! Pn to Coon Illy Tlmni.
DK8 MOINliS, Feb. 28. ThonuiH
F. Flynn, a prominent can tnllBt.
committed suicide early today In his
bathroom. His death was caused by
fcns. Ho left a noto snylng domestic
troubles were tho causo. His wirp
Is HtiliiK for a divorce. T-aBt week,
Stolla McCoy, a ronner Dps Moines
telephone lrl, but now or Sonttlo,
Hiiod him Tor $".000, nllcKlni; brcncli
of proinlse.
President Wilson Denies In
viting Former Venezue
la President.
(Ilr Ami. Ialp.1 1'n-u Io Cool Uf Tlinn.)
I DIAZ Wllili Itl'N.
- .
MHXICO CITY. Foil. 28.
Felix Dlux todny formally uc
cepted the cnndldnuy foe pres
ident of Mexico, offered him by
the committee reprnHoutliiK the
party orKiinlxod ror that purpose.
Senate Passes Webb Liquor
Bill After President Had
Vetoed Measure.
Mr .uorlite4 IV to Coo lly Tlmmi,
WASHINGTON. Fob. 28. Tho
Semite- paHsed tho Webb hill over
Taff'B veto, by a vote of OH to 21.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. -President
Tuft in a special iiiossiiko to
H I lAAVInn ,.. .
eJMi....b,,."f. """" """icoiiKress today vetoed tho Weld
ail o prohibit tho Hlilpnicnt or in-
lata morning is b, Hnvo, J xclB "nunr into "dry states.
'lted from Bimilnr lti T,' letslon of tho coiiBtltutlonnl
m "om similar condl- y wnH t, ,,1.0B,(enfs principal
I niTGfl IN
Si5?a,1From Pornd
"71 Maps and Ab
51racls of Property.
" hi? imy w,re 'rom
r. autjne ,1, rney ,iere' SIr-
? l' that thihe rei,0rt8 clr
lhneeotLh,7OWas mother
,f7, ,re .!S?Uat'ons with W J
e" Tiiook,3 ""i
eiin Da ?i tl10 negotia
te ?"XSn Jo vort
lt ,.'l Marshs: :,uu ot ret"rn
N8erlattUiro aSn today
""i Weed '""""ion hns
" nlBi, 'a '"'U
consldorntiou In his veto.
General Huerta Sends Delega
tion to Meet Northern Re
bels Who Awatt General
Orozco's Action.
Mr Amoui.i I'rtM 10 l"o lur Tlmi-" 1
I.AUKDO. Tex., Feb. 28. Peace
dolcRnlPH, rcpresentlnt; Provisional
President lHicrtn and somt- nnthorn
Mexican revolutionist! mot nt Nuova
Larodo todny. The j;overniiient en
voys announced that tlio revolution
ists had aRreed to reroRtilze Uuortn.
Tho rovolutlunlstB denied thU nnd
said Gcnornl Orozco iimst otDrJally
assont to any nrrnnKcmpnts.
fd-poi-t ul KIIUiik of Third llrotlu-r
Is Continued.
Mr AoilttJ I'ru. to Coo4 llr TIiiim.)
WASHINGTON, Feh. 28. Olllclal
nntiouiiceiuent of tho 4 oath of Kinll
lo Mndoro, a brothor or tlie former
president of Moxlco, jh oontalnod to
day in a dispatch from Ambassador
Wilson, who ri-portod that ICinlllo
was shot while leading a teibel force
In the northern Mates.
There Is no confirmation or tho
reported denth of Itnoul Mudero,
another brother. Wilson says con
ditions In Southern Mexico aro
rapidly Improving
Lieut. Becker, Murdero of
Rosenthal, Bunkoed Los
Angeles Men.
Mr AuoelateJ 'rr lo Cooi Bar Timet 1
I.OS ANGRLKS. Fob. 28. Llout.
Charles Hockor, n Now York pollro
otllcer, under sentence or death for
tho Uosonthnl murder, was one of
tho Inner ring of promoters who
controlled tho swindling syndlcnto
which hus beon operating hero with
tourists as tholr particular prey.
This information was given today
by District Attorney Fredericks by
four Los Angeles business mon who
nllowed tholr cupidity to induce
thorn to enter a "wire tapping"
scheme In Now York which cost
them ?20,000. Theso four men,
whoso names woro withheld, wore
escorted from hero to Hoboken by
tho swindlers, who paid their fares,
some time before the murder of
Rosenthal disclosed the graft sit
uation In New York.
General Rosalie Jones and
. Fellow Suffragettes Are
in Washington.
Mr AmoclattHl l-mi lo Coo liar Tlmwi.l
WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. Gener
al Rosallo Jones and her suffrago
army marched triumphantly Into
the capital shortly before noon to
day, through tho capital grounds
and down Pennsylvania, with an
escort of local enthusiasts and cltl
zons which fairly choked tho tsroets.
It was ono of most romarkablo
demonstrations over seen in Wash
ington, -rim nr-pslilentlnl limuiniratloii could
hardly have been presented a moroj
ontliustnsuc spociacio man una i-unn-sylvania
avenue, as the plucky, dls
liovoled bands of suffragist pilgrims
swung wearily around tlio Poaco
monument for tho final stago of their
250-nillo march. Tho Incoming pres
idents havo not recturnod to more
clamorous applause than did tho
company of women which vorltably
fought tholr way through tho walls
of shouting humanity. Tho police
were powerless to control tho crowd
which overflowed from the sidewalk
and choked the long thoroughfare
from tho capital to tho suffrago head
quarters. Tho marchers were greatly re
lieved when Informed of tho receipt
of a telegram from tho national suff
rago headquarters announcing 'regret
that there had been a misunderstand-
House Committee Considers
Question of Making It a
National Amendment.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. Whe
thor the Houso shall decide to ro
rognlzo tlio Suffrage movement pro
viding for amendment to the con
stitution, granting oqual suffrago
or whether tho question shall be
left to tho states to settle Individ
ually is a problem that a special
sub-coniniitteo is to solve. The mnt
ter is in the hands of Hopreson
tatlvo Hobson of Alabama, Repre
sentative Porter of Pennsylvania
and Representative Trlhblo of
Georgia, members of the Houso
committee on oloctlon of prosldont,
vice president and representatives.
Hobson is an enthusiastic supporter
of the suffrago cause. Ho gained
fame as tho hero of tho Morrlmac
In tho Spaulsh-American war and
later attained considerable noto
rlety through a UlBBtmejifgt;
Ing over who should deliver tlio suff
rage message to President-elect Wil
son. "General" Jones was assured
thut her pilgrims would ho permitted
to deliver the message providing an
Intorvlew could bo arranged with the
now president after tho Inauguration.
Now SPRING and SU.MMKIt stylo
SHIRTWAISTS Just received. Priced
from 75 O up. COOS RAY CASH
Mr'A.o. Iap. IfrM to Com liar TlmM.l
NKW YORK, Fob. 28. Presl-donf-oloct
Wilson branded iih untrue
this artoruoon tho report that ho
had invited Clprlano Castro to at
tend the inauguration ceremonies.
"It Is unqualifiedly raise," said tho
Castro, when questioned, donlod
that ho stated that Wilson Invited
111 in to attend the Inauguration. He
said he was going to Washington or
1iIh own accord.
Vfiiciichi .Mao Who Insulted Aiucrl
ciin Honored by Wilson,
Mr A', lalril I'rfta to I'ooa lla- Tlmra.
WASHINGTON, Fob. 28. Ameri
can Minister Hcaupro at Havana tele
graphed the State department today
that former president Castro of Veil
ozuola announced that ho hod boon
Invltod by President-elect Wilson to
attend tho inauguration. Ho will
leavo Saturday for Washington and
will roturno to Havana within a
few days.
Program Completed for Jubi
lee There Saturday After
noon from 2 to 6.
Large Number of Marshfield
Citizens to. Participate in
Final preparations are being com
pleted this nftornoon for tho big Ju
bilee mid celebration, which will
ninrlc tho beginning of clearing tho
right of way for tho Southern Paci
fic construction In North Hond.
Acting Mayor Falkensteln of North
Hond has declared a half holiday for
tho occasion, and all the mills and
factories will be shut down. Whllo
no holiday hns been declared In
Marshlleld, the Hpeclal commlttco of
tho Chamber of Commerce will soe
that there Is a big crowd present
from here. Mayor Straw has Issued
a statement urging nil Marshlleld cit
izens, who possibly i :i, to Join In the
festivities at Nnrt. .end.
Tho scene will ho on tho old A. M.
Simpson homestead, where Captain
Simpson entered In ISfH. The mnu
selected to start tho cutting of the
first trco is Robert Slmiisou. who. al
though not a relative of Captain A.
M. Simpson, Is ono or tho oldest liv
ing pioneers of Coos Hay. Ho camo
bore In 185(5. Captain Kdgar Simp
son will finish the work.
Prior to tho program, tho North
Hond band will head a pnratlo from
Virginia and Sherman streets tn the
purk. The .MarHhfleld baud Ih expect
ed to Join in It
Tho committee In charge hns ar
ranged so that antes can go direct
to the sceno on iflnnk roads. A olitnk
turning table Iiiih been put in so Unit
nut oh will not havo to got into the
Program of the Day.
II. C. Dlora announced today that
tho following wiih a general outline
of tho program aranged:
Chairman of the day Dr. Hartle,
SpeakerH A. II. Dorbyshlro, Poter
Logglo, Nell McLood, J. W. Dennett.
C. It. Peck. W. S. Chandlor. Judco
.1. S. Coko and others.
"Hurlal of tho Hammer," with
band playing funeral dlrgo.
Cutting down trco Robert Simp
son and Captain Udgar Simpson.
Speaking program.
Lunch and refreshments, Includ
ing big clam bake, crabs an 1 sand
wiches. .Mil) or Straw' Request.
Mayor Straw has Issued tho fol
lowing i-olf explanatory statomont:
To the Citizens or Marshlleld:
Tho people or North Hond have ox
tendod iih an Invitation to bo pres
ent in their city tomorrow nftornoon
at 2 o'clock, and to Join with thorn
In celebrating tho roininoiicoment of
netunl construction work on tho WII-liimotto-Paclllc
railroad. In ordor to
show our appreciation of tho courte
sy extended us anil to asnlst In pro
moting tlio fooling of friendship that
lias existed botween tho two cities
for so many yonrs, I respectfully ask
all thoso who are ablo to do so to at
tond this celebration.
B. 13. STRAW,
Steamer in Early This Morn
ing After Good Trip Down
' the Coast.
Tho Hreakwator arrived in . tills
morning from Portland with a ca
pacity list of pnssongors and fi&0
tons of freight, tho largest cargo
sho has brought Into tho Hay In
many weeks. In addition to tho
miscellaneous shipments, there was
an auto for George Goodrum.
Tho Hronkwator had a good trip
down. Sho was compelled to re
turn to Portland nftor leaving thero
Tuesday In ordor to got a steel
baso of ono of the hoists repair
ed. The, Hieakwntor will sail at 2
o'clock Saturday afternoon lor Port
land. Among thoso arriving on tho
Breakwater were the following.
Chns. Koller, Hort B. Smith, Mrs.
J. B. Mills. II. It. Miller, Mr. and
Mrs. Herrlngton, W. A. Hahr, O.
C. Noblo, Mrs. C. C. Noble, Mrs.
A. Horrlnger, Mrs, Drain. Mrs. Al
lison, Ruby Bndlcott. Frank Me
Sarley. Mrs. Frank McSarloy, T.
B. Smith, Geo. Mix, Jamos Cart
ilght, B. A. Ilnlloy, Mrs. C. A.
Haor, Fred Marks, Mrs. O. Trow
hrldgo, C, C. Wantonnutto, Mrs.
W. F. I.onnhorn. Goo. GrlibboB,
Mrs. A. Wilson, R, h. Wells, Mrs.
Quackenbuph, J. II. Thorson, B. W,
Wright, Goo. Thorson. D. Coons, C.
Coons, H Coons. Dill Coons. Mrs.
I B Patterson, IJ, Jenklnson, J,
Jurlch, Mrs. Mean), C B. Meant,"
Secretary Will Leave Panama
Canal Toll Controversy
for Successor.
(fir AnaolatM I'rcta lo Cooa liar Timet.
WASHINGTON. Fob. 28. The
rejoinder of the British government
to tho Inst American note regard
ing tho Panama Canal zone tolls
question, was delivered today to
Sooretary of Stato Knox by Ambas
sador James Hryco, Though nat
urally of great Intorost to Knox, ho
will make no effort to consider it,
but will allow tho. negotiations on
tho Amorlcan sldu to bo continued
by his successor in olllco.
It is understood that tho British
noto after a repetition of former
arguments contains tho flat propos
al for arbitration of tho Ibsuo, ac
cording to provisions or tho exist
ing spoclnl arbitration treaty be
tween tho two countries, which will
oxulro in Juno.
J. T. McGulro. Miss X. Savage, Mrs.
II. B. Coleman. Harry Smith, F. G.
Florlan, Mjrtlo Mlllor, II. R. Kel
ler, Mrs. W. C. Pulley. Abo Huklnst.
W. W. Lawloy, Mrs. W. W. I.nw
loy,' W. I. Brlckloy. S P. Watts.
R. B. Brown, Mrs. P. Mltvtioll. Rail
Luty, Mr. Bayllss, U. C. Baylls.
Burt Shoultz, A B Jensen, Jack
Smith, R. Shorych. B. B. Sawyor.
J. L, Jonos. Mary Howaid, Martin
Wiikstroni, Mrs. Wickstrom, 11. Sev
erson, W A Ilasham, M J Doro
thy, G. A Dnden, Joo Adams. J
C. Oster and' oloven steerage