mHwmwmsmmA bVERTY IS NO DISGRACE BUT THAT IS ABOUT THE ONLY VIRTUE IT CAN CLAIM OIoos Saw Exm$& mST ARTICLES NOW IK VOIR TIME. A sinull nil In 'Pie Times' mint column iiiny bring ynu rcMiIti im mediately. Try out-. ,,, , round H.ioi.uh Times want Tkm.1 """' u,,t' ""'"" T'"'y tpi mm"" member or tub associated pres ... .. .1 I. ItfO )L XaaVI. m fi'ho Const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1913 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. R. ilZS SAYS HE WILL IT ACCEDE TO HUERTA NOW A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull m ini Mid Coos Hay Advertiser. ''" lal exico Today Facing New Revolution uy nusiuunu ot Noruium rcu i. ATE OF COAHUILA CbNIUn ur aiunivi L.m Mnrinrn General and Bandit Leader Also Heads Body oi heneis. tn. A- alilel I'. 3 l '"" "' Tllm"" 1 KAOI.B PASS. Fob. 27. Govprnor irranza ot tlio Biniu 01 w''"' "" irientn mcfl snggr to tho AhsocIii- a Pre ni iufiiu " " ... r wluh mnnbntlfii ll.v to tny all reports to tlio effect tlmt I 11 dealing wuii mo Ho-fiiiicu iiuuitti nernment mid to siuiu i armor mm ........ iniKiitinn oven of cons dor- p any sort of a compromise." Car- miacnlil In WClllltl Hiimtl uih wr wiu lutliutloniil gou-rnniont iigtilnst all Ids. I nv ulvolt begun. nlliil Sliiles Will Maintain lllir Curve mi Mexican Hornet'. - -j i m i.ji tu? riuif l ! WASHINGTON Kelt. 27. Owing the news that a threatened re-' bit of Clovcninr ('11rrnn7.11 of Con ulla lmd nrtmilly taken form, mlll- iry nuthorltku hero concluded It Ib i early to carry out anj pinna for conilik'rauli) ivdiutlon or tlio Amor an military force on tlio Mexican order iO.VOIIA (iOi:i(N()lt LEAVES. order Stale In Mexico Without Ollk'lal Head. Hr Ae--Uir. I'nsa lo -wa Ilay Tlmca.l DOUGLAS, ArI.ona, Fob. 27. lie border tlato of Hciuora today without nn olllclal head, Govern- r Mavtoreim Ik mulilntr for tlio irder uud Jh expected to crow this (lornoon, Tlio state Iiiih no vice wernor. IThren Immlrcil volnntonra ilni-lnir le licit! left the liurrnrltK at f'hl. iiabtia city .uid escaped to tlio lilt Mobilization Ih ronortod at irluua points In Chlhualiua Btntu. IT ML 10 BRIDE OF 105 narcellina Leon Died Five Days After Marriage to Man 86 Years Old. A h'cM i n u Hay TIiiim LOS AVf'fi i.'o 1....1. .. .. - ... """'"" rvu, i. Itapw- '" and excitement killed Mareolllnn JbCTi flvA.l mr. .. i . ireoEth nf ixin.i .....i I....1 ..I... ?Btffj!r wny "I,(l obtnln th0 C01" ,u. " in iiuirry mo man ., .,lfe who f01' m' 't'f waa lorn. mV"."'' . . " ,0 " "?"" . llu- 'eath prostrated tlio huBband who la rnml iie?,h lcr't Klvos Mad- irtlAB i . "' " 'o. Ulll III UQ --.. o iM jinn. J'OH I.IKI' suvrKViM," u suirgi.ini Ml,j. ' 0lvtlII lVlllll C.kU..l4...Y.. UiVnnv ... iulrii... ieu- -7. "Militant !ffiU,M cnnectcd with tlio 'arki .,"''' .?. """Jungs In. public or life . ,l" pcnal 80v, M t.nhwnda' by Travowo Hum ;MmiiiC ',rotutr. In asking ninre. ,oe1!?.' "rreated for "". MAKE WAR ON HUERTA FORCE HUERTA GRANTS FIFTEEN DAIS Til TURKEY WILLING TD GIVE UP Former Bandit Leader and Madcro General Will Lead Revolt in Mexico. tllr Amu. Inlisl I'nu In 'oo lldr TllllM 1 KK l'ASO, Toxiib, Fob. 27. Frnn cIbco Villa, onco a loader of bandlta and later mailo a Ronoral of tlio Insur rectoa by Madoro, la reported to have taken tlio Hold In Bonora, ami la huuIc InK veiif'.eanei for the death or IiIb fornior commander. Villa yeaterday dlaappoaiod rrom Kl Piibo, where ho Iiiib been hIiico Ida eBeapo from thu penitentiary In Mexico City, llo had been Jailed by I Inert a. Villa liaa a Hi ron a follow! iik. SAYS HGAfl LETTER LATE Denial of Existence of Money Trust by Financier Pre sented to Committee. Illf AinoclttrJ I'riwi lo Coo Iljr Tlni'., WASIIINdTON, Feb. 27. A uen- eral denial of the oxlatonco or poa alblllty of a "money truat" waa proaontod ti the Uouau money truat eommltteo today In n Ioiik letter boiU by J. V. Morpnn & Co. nt the Invitation of the committee. Slm ultniKMiualy I'ujo gave out a reply In which the committee Informed Morgan & Co. that .Kb rcnucat bad been mndo .lauiiary 27, alnco when the copimltteo had boon at work on Ub rcpo.t for one inontli "Your memorandum," tlio reply concludca, "manlfeatly cornea too lato to bo of any value." The Morgan letter laid at tlio door of the preaout banking and currency lawa leapoiiBlblllty for any "concentration of money ami credit tlmt may exist." Provisional President of Mexi co Will Grant Amnesty to All Who Will Surrender in That Time. tPr Amoclalfil I'rrM to Coo liar Tlmm. MEXICO CITY. Fob. 27. Presi dent Huorta drnftod a bill granting nmneaty to all PollHenl ofTendoroa, J'who ahnll present theniaolvcs to tlio authorltlolH within fifteen ilnya." TIiIb nicasuro was hurled to the Chamber of Deputies, which Is In ex traordinary session for iiulck action. KmlsaarlcB of Kmlliauo .npatu, who la Bald to bo biding in tlio atnto of Marloa, aro hero to confer with Hu orta. They aro said to bear Instruc tlona of their lender lo arrango torma of Buronilor. Sovontcon ZapatlulaM, who advanced lo the edgo of tlu fed eral district eight miles from tlio capital, wero Captured today and ex lllr ak.ix lIM I'nu to Coo liny Tlmo 1 MEXICO CITY. Fob. 27. Conll ileuco In the lluertn administration nppeara to dally wax stronger If faith Ib to bo placed In government ronortfl as to the rapidly vanishing rebel spirit throughout the republic. Plots and eonspIracIcB against tho Provi sional President arc still talked of In whispers, but thcro la at least an out ward appearance of harmony be tween the leadorB of the now regime. The collapso of tho revolutionary movomentB In tho north and south uppcarB Imminent. Tho lntcat ad herent to the government Ih General Orozrn, who sent n tolegram declar ing his allegiance. Hmlllo Zapata on the other hand remains obdurate, al though many of hla supporters have coino Into lino with tlio now order of things. xami:s m:w AMMASSADOU. Culled lluertuV Action Will Causi States to Act. lllr Amo jatM run in Coin r TlmM WASHINGTON', Feb. 27. The appointment by President lluertn of a new ambassador to tho United Statea In tho person or Etnlllo Kn baso Ib expected to have tho effect of bringing to a "speedy Issue the question of recognition by tho Full ed States of tho provisional gov ernment of Mexico. MOTOR BANDIT CABINET JOG TO CASES ENDED, UNIi LABOR B"SSSSLST President Wilson May Name ies of Murders, Robberies and Arson in Paris. Representative Wilson of Pennsylvania. Illy Aho lair.) I'rm lo I'ooi nr TlmM.) III A.xxMttHl I'm. lo Com liar Tlnin.) IM1MC 1,,, ? MM... f r-ltil f tho gang or 22 motor bandits, who i WASIIIXOTO.V. Fob. 2,. The held Pnrla In tenor for months. !,h's lo"1 ,ln,)"r(",r r?l'rc80,J ended today. A verdict of guilty . tntl In President Alison a cabl waa leturued ngnlnaf eighteen on ' not may bo recognized in the se counts or murder, arson and rob- V''1"" of "S,ire"?nta ,vo. ,llln,n bory. Kour, Including three wo-1 Wllm of Pensylvanla, to bo aee iiiuii, wero found not guilty. Thoro , ' " ho newly created .Jopart woro no fewer than 22 murders, I '" r labor, 'lhls Infonnn Ion. tlui vli'tlmn linliiL. c. hnnffoiliH. iank'""K whii hiiui iuiiiil-ui umitua, moBBuniurH. frolirht nirontn and no- '"' to political leadflra at ADRIANOPLE TD SECURE PEACE FRANCE FEARS FUTURE WARS Ministers of War and Finance Ask $100,000,000 for Strengthening Militia. Illy Awlalc.l I'm to Com lljjAVImM PARIS. Fob. 27. Tho French par liament was united today to appro priate $100,000,000 " for a renewal and Increase of armaments and war nintorlal," Tho request waa mad6 by tho inlnutors of war and finance in a note which aald," Rccont wars liavo shown convincingly that the na tional menus of defense should bo kept abreast of tho progress of sci ence and military art. Any Inferior ity In this respect would bo more dlf Ilctilt to remedy during u war." COAST LEAGUE OPENS APRIL tho I fl..l.liHl 1.1B .lllW..i rHIlm TllAlltvll llroinen. Ono prisoner. Carouy, the j-i" ". ''i " . "niiarehlst 'bandit," who was ron- Ropresentatlvo Wilson haa boon on- deinned to prlaon Tor lire, commit- (,or?0 "V Ul American t adoration ted Biilcldo with polaon siu.posed "' 'nho1; " ,wn.B nt . " l'j??ri?C ... i.v i. .,ni i.i... . im retary or tho United Mlno Workers iinRrif1 ..... ,.,.-. ...,n. 1 .-,. nt .In. Ill vMlll'rjCII. .n.wii.u iini.i,. ' ... i... .inn.i. The Maine of Louis D. IlrnndolB .. .inj,v Ib still known to bo uppermost in Four wero later hentenced to , " rthm .iTSio" l nSf ,in..ti.. vonrinon ntlinr. worn son-' Beretary or coiniiicrco I1B tho post m,i m in... tor.n of inmriin. I "w noiil ly becretnry .Nagoi Will niont. nirobably bo called herenfter. WS WIFE WEARS STORY L PASSES SENATE IVtrkL.AntfarCutic Explorer I Wised of HllshanrW w Near South Pole. 117 AuooiitA. IVP. . ... M ' "" fooa Dai Time. 1 V&..Lady Robert N arrive A f tho Antartlo ex- hAoranB,eilero t0(lay on board -(i ,rm hn S J?oa. as sno rocov- l be hri S,'0cU 8h0 Ba,d' shemoto bo." I1 th ni'vV:.'?. ."'an a HLAYirivn 1 -V'KHV, " Provision Made That No Structures Can Be Built in Small Towns. lUy Ao laiil I'rit l' I'ooa IU Time WASHINGTON, Feb. 27 After an all night sosalon filled with hlttor fltruggle over public building expen ditures, tho sennto nt 3:G0 o'clock thla morning passod tho public buil ding appropriation bill, cnrylng nn incroaso ot nearly $10,000,000 over tho $25,000,000 passod by tho Houso. Ono swooping nmondment Inserted Just beforo tho passago prohibited tho erection of a building or pur ehnso of a site or postolllco pur poses oxcltislvofy In a rlty with post al receipts of less than $10,000 n yenr. This change would hold up Indoflnltoly tho erection of sixty or Bovonty buildings authorized In tho bill. U REASON RULE LAWSUGGESTED REPLYTO W New Lesgislation to Guard Against Legal Restraint of Trade Proposed. Uy AaaoflatM 1'r.ra lo Cooa Day Tlmt.. 1 WASHINGTON, Fob. 27. Tho U. S. supronio court's so-called modification of tho Sherman anti trust Invv to invoko tho "rule or reason" In decisions on restraint or trade Is attacked in various terms In a report presented to tho sen nto by tho Jntorstato Commerce Commission today, which points out tho clangors that "uncontrolled and unsullied judicial discretion," makes emphatic demand for amendments to remove- from tho courts tho power to detormlno what aro "rea sonable" restraints of trado. Tho report was tho result of tho coinmltteo'a long Investigation Into tho operation of tho' anti-trust law. Tho eommltteo recommends now laws to doflno exactly what com binations aro unlawful, so that both tho business Interests and tho courts may have a staridard on which to proceed Will Send Answer About Pan ama Canal Tolls to Sec retary of State. ly AOflitM I'rria to Cooa Hay Tlmeo WASHINGTON, Feb. 27 The nlm of tho Urltish government In present ing n rojolnor to Secrotary Knox' last noto nssontlng tho right of tho United Stntes to exempt Its coastwJso ship ping from tho pnymont or tolls In tho Pnnoma canal lioforo tho retire ment of tho present administration Is understood to bo Influenced by a deslro to eBcnpo tho Intimation that It wishes to deal with tho Incoming democratic administration. There fore tho noxt noto Is llkoly to bo de livered to Ambassador Bryco for Sec retary Knox In tho course of a day or two, and will bo In tho lino of de velopment In a logical way, of tho Initial British contentions regarding the accessibility or the canal to all nations, Including tho United States, on even torma and of arbitration of tho Issuf between the two govern ments. Season Will Last Thirty Weeks This Year Venice Takes Vernon's Place. (Ily Aaaoclatcil l'rraa to Cool Day Tlinra, SAN FRANCISCO. Fob. 27. Tho playing schedule of the Pacific Coast league was announced by President Alien T. Damn. Opening clny Is Tues day, April 1 Portland playing nt San Frnnclsco, Venice (formerly Vernon) at Los Angeles and Oak land at Sacramento, Tho full sea son will bo thirty weoks, closing Sunday, October 2C, As tho change In the nnino or tho Venice club hnd not been made when the Bchodulo was adopted by tho directors, 'It was decided that tho nnme Vernon should bo used, but that tho games arranged for that team should bo played on tho grounds to bo seloctod Inter by tho rum. in acconianco with this pro Sultan Finally Concedes Partly to Terms Imposed by Balkan Nations. APPEALS. TO RUSSIA TO ASSIST HER NOW Czar Will Oppose Bulgaria's Claims of Indemnity Offer Considered. tly AiaoilMiM I'rr.a to Cooa Hay Tlmca.J SOFIA, Feb. 27. Turkey baa at last signified her readiness to nego tiate peace with Bulgaria on the bn bIh of the cession of Adrlauoplo. Tho Turkish government haa solicited tho good olllces or Russia, Tlio Bul garian council met today to iIIscush the subjett. REPORT IS CONFIRMED. Turkey Now Willing to fllvo Aililiin uplo to Get Peace. Ily A latftl PrM lo Cooa Hay TlmM J ST. PETERSJ"'UO, Fob. 27.--Dlspatehcfl roceivt ' iero confirm tho report that tho Turkish government has expressed u willingness to sur render tho fortress of Adrlauoplo. Russia will not support Bulgaria's demand for a war Indemnity from Turkey. TROW SSELF ODER wuw in tin wi null iu twin mm uu" ..i,.,,,, M " . v .. . . . vision Venice tnkos tho place of Vor-I "?"""' recovering his mental bal non na it appoura In tho printed sche dules', it is stated, howovor, that only Sunday morning games aro to bo played on tho Venice grounds, tho other "Vornon" dates being plnycd at I.oh Angeles. Tho Venlco team will act as tho homo team at Los Angeles whenever tho Los Angeles team Ib on tho road. J. Learmond, Mentally Weak, Injured in Bunker Hill This Afternoon. .las. Learmond, n resident of Bunk er Hill, who was detained a few days ago in tho city jail on a charge of Inaanlty, was badly Injured soon af ternoon todny by being struck by n Sinlth-Powora logging train in Bunk er Hill. It la charged that Lear mond practically threw himself mi ller the train In nn Insane attempt to end his life. Ills Injuries are so vere but It la not thought that ho was fatally hurt. He Is bolng car'od for at tho A. La ml lea home. Learmond was released from Inlt the other day when ho began to show LEAVE TODAY ON ALLIANCE Steamer Sails Early This Morning for Eureka with Good List. Tho Alliance sailed this morning nt 3:30 for Eureka. Sho nad con siderable miscellaneous freight out of hero, somo being for reshlpment at Eureka for San Francisco. Sho also had n good passenger list out In addition to tho through pusson gors from Portland. Amnnir those sailing on the Alll- nco wore (lie rollowlng: W. flansley, R li. 'Jviiueiou, v Kohberg, J. Spahn, Nick Moran. Annie Wheeler. Geo. Wheolor und W. Ogglesby. . Keep House As You Would a Business 'If you 'were running a business yon would have to run It systematically and 'efficiently. Otherwise you would soon be out of business, Apply tho, same rules of system and efficiency to house keeping and you will have an Ideal homo. 4 Efficiency In buying Is ns Important-, as valuable, and as praiseworthy as Is efficiency in tho general administration of n great business. Practice efficiency In home buying, and save monoy, time, and effort. Tho best way to do this la, to purchase everything for per son and home from reliable stores. Read tho advertise ments In THE TIMES closely nnd constantly every da, then you will know where to buy, wjien to buy, and what Jo buy to best advantage. Tho bestj piorchantHg on Coos Bay ad vertise regularly Jn .THE TIMES. . A A ROUGH TRIP New Steamer Lost Part of Deck Load in Storm; Nann Makes New Record. ' The Adollno hmlth had a decid edly rough trip on hor Initial voyngo from Coos Bay to Bav Point, reach ing her destination yesterday about 18 or 20 hours lato. Brlof tolo graphlc advices received by C. A. Smith from dipt. Olson state that tho weather was unusually bad and that tlioy wero compolled to lot go part of tho deck load. Tho Ado llno 'carried a big dock loud nnd In thq storm tho slight list that was noticed when the Adeline wont down the bay became more pro nounced, "Wo gave her a lltllo of tho roughest on hor first trip to got her used to It," remarked Mr. Smith in talking of the incident today. "Tlio lumber lost is slight. In fact, tho' amount of lumber wo liavo lost, considering tho groat amount wo liavo shipped, Is prac tically nothing." Mr, Smith will probalfly loavo Coos Bay on the next trip of the Adeline Smith. Xiiiiii Smith's Record, The Nann Smith arrived In this morning and will sail tomorrow morning at G o'clock, according to present plans of Capt. Magee. This will mean that she has coino In here, loaded about 1.1100,000 feet Jf lumber und crossed out to sea again In about 22 VG hours, ' 'Cupt Mugeo repoits thut the weather has been quite rough oft the coast for somo time. Ho mot the Adoliuu oft Point Arenas. PACK SACKS all SIZES and PRICES, Tho GU.VXERV. anco nnd friends took ehnmo of him. This morning Mra. E. M. Smith nnd Mrs. Ross when walking down thu track aaw him lying on tho railroad. They tried to get him to got up and go awny oh they expected a train would bo along soon. Ho would not tnlk to them nor could they move him. Thoy finally railed Mrs. i1 d dlng nnd sho tried to assist in mov ing him but ho would not move. Fi nally Mrs. Codding sent ono of them for tho section crow, which was at work noor thoro, nnd when Lenrinond saw tho. men coming ho got up and started awny. Somo of the crowd wntched him and snw him get off tho track when the logging train raino nlong. However, soon after tho oiigluo passed him, ho threw him self under tho ears, Mra. Coddlii" and othors seeing Ids action. Loarmond Ih about 3C years old and mine horo from Scotland about two years ago. Ho boa been "bach ing" In Bunkor Hill near the Jus. Forty homo. Ho has n wlfo and fam ily In Scotland. WASHINGTON LEGISLATURE. Kcwdon Tlircc-Koiii ths Over Without Important Law Being Enacted. Illy Auot lalcl 1'rtva to I'ooa Hay Tlmoa OLYMPIA, Wash., Fob. 27. At noon today, three-fourths of the leg islative session had expired without a slnglo Important measure becoming a law. KINNEY TELLS T W Gives Out Interview in Eugene Saying Sale Was Ar ranged Years Ago. Tho Eugene Guard prints the fol lowing Interview with Major Kinney "Althoug owing to 111 health, I sold my terminal franchise Interests to W, J. WIlBoy for one-half of what their value will bo when doelopment has begun, I deBro to say that, fa miliar as I am with the American continent trom Now Foundlaud to British Columbia .'mil from Maine to Oregon, I know of no spot where a man with ajnIIBon doMarsranlnvost (Continued on Page Six.)