THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1 913 EVENING EDITION. Dayton Bicycles HWS m WjI s(x s Monkey See, Monkey Do, Or Imitation Is the Sincerest Flattery It's" Our Turn to Try a Clearance Sale Till March 15th We Offer Truss Frame Daytonia Bicycles As Shown in Our Window, at $28.50 $28.50 $28.50 Wc will make no changes in equipment at this price. A deposit of $5.00 will hold one of these wheels for you till April 1st, no longer. j Al our regular prices the buyer has the option of i of any brake made (except Corbin 1 woopeed, which 1 comes at $5.00 extra). Any shape handle bars and four styles of saddles. We Offer Good Used Bicycles At $12.00 $16.00 $20.00 We expect to have a Dayton Motorcycle here about 'March 7th. Marshfield Cyclery Agents for Agents for DAYTON BICYCLES DAYTON MOTORCYCLES Phone 158-R 172 N. Broadway I Times rou ricimuAitv. Below la given tho tlmo and height of high and low water at Marshfield. Tho tides aro placed In tho order of occurrence, with tholr times on tho first lino nnd holghts on tho second lino of each day; a compai Isoii on consccutlvo heights will Indlrnto whether It Is high or low water. For high water on tho bar, lubstrnct 2 hours 34 minutes, HEALTH AND STRENGTH arc bettor than riches and much easier to attain. aow is tho time to build up your strength, tone your entire system nnd establish a solid, perma nent foundation of health. Begin with a good wine. n e imvc several excellent ones let us rec ommend Kexall Sarsaparilla Tonic. It will clear your blood, impart tono and vigor to all your or pns nnd help to strengthen and build up your wwy, brain and nerves. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE "THE BUSY CORNER." MAIN 298 US 0RPHEUM TONIGHT 0Ll)n(laUTTimA 8tory of lho WCHtcrn UtR' 'Tin " "SORTER A good drama, onfi. PLWK GIRLS' ROMANCE" A i FlifornIa. nmniico produced In COMINY! n.iji..,n - - ,..-., ... n,Ms c , 1,,a"'ui l'e" -"til. "AH 1UU JjIIVIj u ui " hpecinl feature. Co mo and seo It. Matlneo 3 o'clock. Established Admission, Itrc, Never more. lira.. r.,13 Fr... c.a lira.. 0.27 Ft... fi.l Mrs. Ft.., I Irs. Ft.., o.:u 1.8 1.27 2.3 1 t.B t i). a i2.r2 o.i 7.1(5 5.9 8.1 C 5.C ip. i i 5.0 7.21 1.1 1.58 0.1 3.12 0.5 11.10 1.1 0.0 0.0 8.38 1.0 10.09 3.9 WEATHER FORECAST. 4 nv Associated Press I OREGON Fnlr tonight nnd Wednesday. Variable wIii'Ib, moHtly northerly. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For the 2 1 hours ondlng nt 1:13 a. in., Full. 25, by HouJ. Ostllnd, speclnl government me teorological observer: Mnxlinuni 10 Minimum 25 At 1.13 n. in 25 Precipitation uono Precipitation slneo Sept. 1, 1912 4I.CC Precipitation Bnniu period previous year 43.13 Wind: Northwest; clear. ;; A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT lMBEn, UTIl '. -" 'ii.AUIjl'.a, MOULDlNCiS, SAHll A!U I'""'"' "uoi'lNG PAPER, ETC. UEL H1T.T. IV rrivr nv naivn rvito wnnn. KXElB. . -. Mwnw nnniiivav IMS HUUIU UllVnui"" Conic,'.) Friday. There will ho n gold ami hIIvci- medal DemoreHt oratorical conteHt next Friday ev ening tn the Sumner hull by North Ilond COIlteBtUlltH. New Road Work Tho second bridge on tho new rond from North Inlet landing to InkeHldo Is Hearing completion, tho llrst bridge having been llnlshed about n month ago. Invitations Issued. MrH. Alex Iiiind has Issued Invitations Tor the niurlrngo of her daughter, Emily Marie Lund, mid Victor Ilrauu, which will be solemnized on March 8th. (lues to Myrtle Poloiil. ChnrlcB Fonalor of the Hub Clothing Store, iiccompaiiled by Ills uuphew, Harry Fonalor, left yesterday for Myrtle Point to open the now branch of the Hub Clothing Store In that city. First Straw lliit. The Oregon WANT ADS. FOR SALE Eight pin-. .1. M. Culley, CntcliltiK Inlet. phono 1311. FOR SAM-: New vMltle tyH-wrltcr enHy payments. AddreHH Box O TIiiich olllce. WANTED Girl for general house work. AddreHH 729 South Fourth or phone 309-.1. , FOR SAM-' A good nine room houso nnd throo lota. 112x120 foot. In liny VIow. for SG000 ciihIi If taken soon. Apply to Chnrh'H ArlnntlHon, phono 40-1. or P. O. Box 555, MurHhfiold, Or. WANTED Another lrl at tho Lloyd Hotel. FOR SAKE -ill acres hill and bench land, 25 acres bottom land. Flno orchard, uovon room houso, good bnrn nnd outbuildings Nenr Allognny landing. Phono 304X1. J. H. PRIC1C, Allognny, Ore. WANTED To exchange or sell property of n vnluo of $1000. Modom houso, largo barn, tho boat of gnrdon landB, consisting of nbout four ncros, on county rond nnd waterway tributary to Cooa Day City. What have you? Call nt 13(5 North Ilrondway, Marshflold, Or. Stutsman & Co. WANTED Furnished or unfurnish ed modern house or housekeep ing rooms. Apply Hox D, Times olllco. WANTED Twelve experienced min ers nnd timber men. Apply Beav er Hill Coal Co. SEED POTATOES. FOR SALE Wo have u limited supply of flno Durbank seed po tatoes produced from seed brought from Wlllainetto valley to Coos Hay Inst year. Phono or call early. Tho Bazar, Phone 32, Marshfiold. FOR SALIC Three full-blood white Pokln drakes. Apply Warren Bes- soy, Marshflold. Phono No. 31CX1. WANTED Some ono to buy the Bnrtlo house In North Bond. Must bo moved off right-of-way nt once. C. II. Marsh, Right of Way Agent. FOR SALE Choice rhubarb plants. J. J. Cllnkonboard. Phone 31C5. WANTED Mnld for Bcnernl house work. Phorfe 389-J. FOR SALE OR RENT Houso and four lots in kbbisiuo, wijm? v James D. Cllnklnbeard, Sumner, Oregon. FOR SALE Dry wood, fir and al der, at campeeii s woou iiu, Ferry landing. Phono 1B3-L. FOR SALE Horse, wagon and har ness. Elthor togetner or separate ly. Inqulro Warner Grocery Co. ICmernld, tho student publication nt Oregon University, contains n long "Josh" Btury on Ron Chand ler of Marshflold, Vernon Vnwtor, for being the llrst ones out this year with straw hats. Swallows Pin Tho llttlo dnugtcr of Mr. and Mrs. E, R. Hodaon of South Coos Ktvcr Inst evening swnllowcd n largo shnwl pin nnd cnused con siderable fright to her pnrents nnd tho neighbors. SJio was reported getting along nlcoly today. Wed Sunday. Murshfleld frlcndH of MIbb Hulllu Davis have received word Hint Bhe and Chester Endl cott were married there tit 4:30 Sunday afternoon, soon after the arrival of tho Breakwater, on which Miss DiivIh went to meet her flnucc. Plan European Trips Soverul MnrHhrlcId people nro said to bo plan ning ICuropenu trips for this summor. Among them aro said to be Mrs. Hen ry Scngstncken nnd Miss Mario T. Malonoy, I). Ij. Rood and wlfo nro also figuring on an extended trip, which mny tako them abroad. Roosts Coos Bay Secretary .John Motley of the Murshfleld Chamber of Commerce, has received n copy of the annual edition of the West CoiiHt Lumberman of Tacomn. It contains a wrltoup of Coos Day and pictures of C. A. Smith, D. C. Grceiie and Mr. Motley. It Is u moBt uttractlvo Issue. Merge Cafes. Fred KnutlBon hnu sold the Baltimore Cnfo to Frank Smnllwoou of the Merchants' Cafe, who will consolidate tho two in tho present location of tho Bal timore. Mr. Smnllwood will con duct tho merged cafes ulono and that he will iiiuke a success of the new restaurant Is certain. Damages .Machinery Robert Sar tor reports that someone broke In to the Twin City Laundry nt North Bend lust evening nnd stole : wrench mid other tools, after breaking a part on tho big wash ing machine. They hnvu a line on some parties mid may have them nrreHtcd later. To Start Work Tho Hpeclal com mittee appointed at tho annual meet ing of the Marshlleld Chamber of Commerce to solicit funds to main tain the organization, will ntnrt work today or tomorrow. Tho committee will consist ofo ueo. Rotnor, A. J. Mendel, I). C. Green, Ivy Coudron nud Hugh McLuln. Coal rir Railway. The tug Ros coo Is loading (.00 tons of coal nt the Llbby bunkers hero to bo taken to Iteedaport for tho Copenhagen camp. It will almi taken another cargo soon to Florence. C. D. Crlchton of Porter Bros, arrived hero yesterday to tnko charge of this work, as well as the transfer ring of henvy innchlnery for rail road construction. In Arloua Herbert Rogors to day rcreircd n letter from his father, S. C. Rogers, stntlng that they nro enjoying tholr stny In Tucson, Arl.., nud both fcol Improved In health. They expect to spend u couplo of months nioro there. Mr. Rogors says that Arizona Is not tn It with Coos Bny, that ho walked for ovor a mllo near Tiibcoii and didn't ace oven a blade of grass on tho desert sands. Sends Data. The last of the data relative to tho now survey of the Coob Bay bar nnd Inner harbor wna sent to Cnpt. Robert by C. II. Writ-lit on tho Breakwater last Saturday by Engineer Charleston, who hud tlio survey in cnarge. mi: Charleston exnects to receive or ders for n aurvoy of tho Coaullle river In tho Into spring when tno work cnu bo done without being hnndlcnpped by freshetB. Is Insane. .Inmes Lonrmoud who camo horo a couplo of years ago from Scotland. Is confined In tno city Jail on an Insanity charge and unless ho Improves win be com mitted soon. Ho Is snld to be also suffering from severe alcoholism. no iiungiiics mm no m uuuciuu with vermin, that the olIlcorB want him. that his child Is being drown ed, etc. Ho tins been "baching" In Bny Park, near tho jninos i-'oriy homo. Ho know Mr. and MrB. Forty In Scotland nnd they hnvo been trying to naslst him, nnd so has A. handles. Ho Is about 3G yenra old and has u wlfo anil fam ily in Scotland. Hearing Not Set As yet, tho Ore gon Railroad commission Iiiib not fixed tho date of tho hearing on the complaint of tho cities of Marshflold and North Ilend vs. tho Coos Bny Wntor Company. J. C. Green, ono of the exports Investigating tho compa ny, has returned to Snlom nnd Btnted that It would tnko Mr. Stubbloflold nnd him n couplo of woeks to draft their roport on affairs horo. Ab soon as this Is submitted, it la expected thnt the commission will fix tho dato of tho hearing. Tho Wntor Compnny hns filed an amended answer to tho complaint of Mnrshfleld, stating that tho ordinance requiring them to put in now mains nnd hydranta did not specify tho prlco the city wns to pay for tho service and further that tho mains ordered wore In sparsely aet tlod sections that would not pay for mnlntalnnnce, and that nnywny the wntor service Is "good, aafo nnd auf-flclent." LEWIS' MID-WEEK TAFFY SALE TOMORROW. Three flnvors. 15 CTS. LB. Be sure your customer is satis fied; that's a good business prin ciple for any man. It's Ours. VfOLJ know what a selfish world this is; everybody trying to get some thing; more and more. We are trying to get satisfaction, and we've learned that the best way to get it is to give it. WOOLEN MILL STORE This store Is the home of Hart Schnffncr & Mnrx Clothes. PERSONAL NOTES W. R. DICATT1E or North Inlet Is In town todny. T. P. PORTER of Allegany Is In town for tho day. MISS ELNA SELANDICR of Sumner Ib In town visiting. REV. CRONK of South Coob Rlvor Is In town on huslncs. JOHN MICSSICKMC or Catchliii' Inlet Is In town on business. I. I). GOSS went to Ilniidou yester day on legal buHluesa, WALTICR STULL of Allegany Is a Murshfleld visitor today. A. O. ROOICRS of South Coos Riv er is In town today on business. SOCIAL CALENDAR TUESDAY Royal Auction BrldgoMvlth Mrs. O. F. McKnlght. Lndlcs Episcopal Guild with MrB. Otto Schottor. WEDNESDAY Homo Missionary Society of Methodist church with Mrs. CluiB. DavlB, 11th nnd Cen tral. Jolly Dozen with MrB. Wllllnm Onlo. Probytorlnn Mlsslonnry Socloty with MrB. Kottrlng. Baptist Ladles Aid. to Salem with n prlsonor nnmod Roynolds, who was sontonccd for larceny nt Bnndon. Reynolds Is a Mexican. NOTICE TO THE P.UIILIO. Do not buy your tickets for tho High School minstrel, Feb. 27, from any one Not wearing a RED TAG. RAND DANCE at EAGLES HALL noxt SATURDAY night THE Memory of Freshness and Flavor Lingers When You Eat Stafford's Candy MISS CLARA WRIGHT of Suninor la spending tho day In Marshlleld. MRS. PETER GUILLIAMS of Dan iels Creek Is a visitor to Murshlleld today. WILLIAM WARD of Daniels Creek la a Murshfleld business visitor today. J. T. HALL returned this morning from a business trip to Loon Lake. MRS. PAUL RAUBACH returned to Ten Mllo yesterday ufter a few days In town. GICORGE NOAH came tn town this morning from the SI Noah pluco on Coos River. P. A. SANDllERG, now city engin eer of Bnndou, spent Sunday with relatives hero. MISS BICRYL NOAH Ih visiting In Marshflold today from her homo on North Coos Rlvor. MRS. R. A. CHURCH nnd son. RUS SICLL, nro in town today from their North Inlet home. MARTIN O'NICIL, who has a home stead on North Inlet, wuti a North Bend visitor todny. MISS LULU IIODSON of Coos Rlvor Is in town today onroute to visit at tho Byron Hodaon place on Ross Jnlet. B. O. PER HAM will loavo on tho Drain stage tomorow morning for Modford and othor valloy points on a ten days' business trip. F. A. HAINICS returned to his work on tho Smith-Powers road yesterday ufter spondlng Sundny with his family In Mnrshfleld. MR. nud MRS. CHARLES SELAN DICR returned homo yestordny nr tornoon nftor upending the any with Mrs. Mary Grant of North Mnrshflold. JACK FLANAGAN and WILL DUN CAN and WAIT SHORT have gone to Rock Crook, nbovo Myr tlo Point, to ereet cabins on tholr homesteads. JOE ROONEY roturnod last ovonlng from a trip to tho Coqulllo Valloy. He will leavo this nftomoon for Cnmp C. where ho has charge of tho stntlonery engine. CAPT. C. E. EDWARDS came to Marshflold from Allegany this morning and will ovorseo tho in stallation of a wnter deflector In tho Steamer Alert. W. W. GAGE arrlvod from Coqulllo last ovenlng and will contlnuo on Fresh Shrimp Oysters Kippered Salmon Kippered Herring Stauf f Grocery Co. Phone 102 Maskey's "andies. J. II. FLANAGAN nnd family nro planning to leave tills week to visit relatives In San Frnnclsco. T. S. SMALL of North Inlet hns leased the North Star Hotel from Captain Ned Galloway. Captain Galloway will move Into his now homo nenr the landing tho llrst of the month. 1C. L. ROBINSON nnd E. G. FLAN AGAN nro ut South Inlet, mnk Ing n survoy of tho wntorwny for tho resident) there, who nro plan ning to petition tho Port Com mission and County Court to hnvu It Improved. TOM HALL returned todny from a trip to Loon Lake. Ho reports that thoro Is conaldornblo snow in tho mountains beyond Golden Falls nud that It Is vory cold. He flays tho roads nro In bnd shnpo tho other side of Golden FnllB. L. W. BROWN, mi old employe of tho C. A, Smith Compnny and Smlth-PowoiB Compnny, who hns been visiting friends hero, Includ ing A. 11. Powers nnd C. A. Smith, and Mr. Perkins, left for Hot Springs, Wyoming, whore he will spend somu tlmo boforo re turning to Minnesota. Ho hns retired from active work. SIJPT. FRANK SMITH of tho Coos River Hatcheries Is expectod to arrive homo Thuradny on tho Breakwater from Snlom, whore ho went to assist Master Fish Warden Clniitou In somo matters before tho legislature, Mr. Smith found that thoro was no troublo nbout tho Coob River Hatcheries, tho agitation stirred up horo sometime ngo about the dnngor of them being abolished bolng without foundation. J. P. MORRIS wns down from North Ilond today on business nnd roporta that tho Klnnoy-Wll-noy deal Is still tho center of Interest thoro. Mr. Morris had a flno contract for disposing of the Klniioy property, hut will not attompt to enforce it na such an action might tntorfero with tho sale to Wllsoy nnd ho Is vory anxious to seo tho denl go through, as ho bollovea It would bo beneficial to all of Coos Bny. tOAD OF MILK DUMPED IN BAY Tho Coos Bay Ice and Cold Stor age Company accidentally dumped n boat load of milk in tho bay last night while unloading, and tholr patrons hud no milk for breakfast this morning. This will mako no dlfferonco with BARTER'S ICB CREAM na ho uses cream and uot milk In making It. VI N O L THE MODERN TONIC RECONSTIU'CTOR containing tho medlclnnl extrac tives of Fresh Cod Livers with peptounto of Iron. I 1 t fW kiiiMfcB J t tfc J