THE COOS BAY tIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1913 EVENING EDITION. MMnW wunvraat! jn?rr-'V? jn?jHiJn'KK r-'nuntvnwciuuuni 21 FORMER COO SHARE IN 5 COUNTY ii WILL $400.00010 ESTATE SlfiVKUTOV .lOtHNAI. t.'IVKS DK TAII.S OK IMMKXSi: POHTIM: to AviiK ir mtoTiii:iM.-r..v OK MRS. JOHN SWIHill OK .MAIUSIIFIKMl IS OXi: OK TIIK IIIMItH. Tho follow me ttiry In tlio Journnl of Sllverton. OroKiin, will be of in terest on Coon Ifny hnenuse Chtis. StorlliiK. innitlonod In It Is n brother-in-law of Mrs. John Snyder of Mnrsh fleld, and Is ii former resident of Coos County, nnd also bemuse or tho old New Vork efltntcs In which n nuinbor of Coos Dny people nre Interested: "C. SterlliiK of this city learns that a fortuno Is duo Mm from Ills great grandfather's oststt.. John Howard r-iiniu to America In 1773 and today flu generations hnvu uttornoys who are slftltiK the ovl doni'o to show that they are the rightful owners of a vast estate val ued at $100,000,000. "John Unwind mine to America boforo tho revolution nnd built u tfltely mansion tit Altnuiount, Now York. An nssoclntloti of his heirs has been formed by about sixty of the Howard descendants living In and near Schenectady. iMra. M. M. Kent of Tncoma, Is also ono of tho oldest living de scendants of John Hownrd. She tells of tho earlier family being held ns hostages by Indians. She also tells about tho Hownrd coat of nrms which wss on a smnll locket and worn by hor mother for forty years. The locket was lost, however, and can not bo used as evidence. "Iicsldes tho family crest, the old family blhlo Is supposed to record tho family history showing tho re lationship between John Howard who built tho "old stouo house" nenr Altnmoiit and tho Howards of lllr nilnguain, England, whose enormous estate passed to tho ciowu on the death of the Inst Kugllsh heir, Nicho las Howard, In 1 SHI'. "Tho family's last resting place rt Altnmoiit, was Hltuntod on it knoll near tho mansion. The only grave still marked with n ImttdHtono to show tho location of tho burial spot. is that, of ltobert Hurst Howard, n grandson of John Hownrd. The stone, broken off and lylnx lint, from tho Inscription evidently was erected by a sorrowing sou or daughter of tho deceased Howard. ItoiiKhly chiseled In the slab nre tho words. In Memory of HOWARD II U It ST HOW AItl who died Juno I. WVi. Agod 71 years. Knthor has departed before mo Allllctlon no more be shall see Ills work has Tho rest of the Inscription on the slab has been effaced by the w ather nnd cannot he deciphered. "A marked coincidence is the fact that tho only Howard burled on the estate, whose grave Is marked, died in the same your In which occured tho death of Nicholas Howard, the last of the KiikIIsIi heirs to the Ulr iulnghniii esinie. "The estate in (he HehlerherKS has passed out of the possession of the Howard destendaiitH, nnd Is now the summer home of Cardiier C. Leonard of tho tlrm of Cot roll and Leonard, Albany. "Tho hone and faim have under gone a ioiiihikiiIiIo transformation. Tho iintliiilty of tho hoitso Is distin guishable from I lie rear, where the rough stones used In its construction can bo seen, but the Keuoral appoar anro litis been altered. Tim plain smooth stone side and front of the house are painted white, and tho whig of the bulMlng has linen sided up, ghlng tho structure n modern tipponrance. "An artistic garden and garden will litis been built In front of the house at n cost of t-overal thousand dollars. Spacious barns have been erected on tho estate, which Includes about COO acres, and a house for into of n cure taker has been built. "Tho whole stoiiohoiiso"' estate founded by John Howard In the eighteenth century has ghen way to modern proKrcsshe methods of far- Oil, How I Ifclted! What lonsr ncrvr-rackinc days of con stant torture wlmt MlvtpIetiH iiIkIUh or terrllilo ucoiiy, cou. tant ltcli, until It tccmeil I must war on my very ikiu tuon m nam tauoi my anil liculeUI Tho irv llrnt ilron ticrlptUm for Kuzenui Ktoppid that awful I Jtcli Instuntly: yes, tlio cry moment t u.v.u. touciua tlio iiiiiniiiK wmii tho tor- turo erased, A ;'5o bottlo iiiovcn it. U.D.I), tins been known for onrs ns the only ubsolutely rellalilo rezoiiiu roiiiL-uy, lur 11 wumhh imii hip (iiha tiling, and now. known by the name 1 of Hard Scrabblo farm sends Its full iinta of blooded stock to the state nnd county fairs every year. "The following letter from ono of the heir's to our fellow citizen, Char les Sterling, will be of Interest and shows tho progress made lu getting evidence. Schenectady. Jan. 12, 101 .'1. Mr. Chns. Sterling. Sllverton. Ore. "Dear Sir "I received your letter and In nnswer will state Just how I nm re lated to tho Howards. There was a Jnmes Howard and a Hubert Howard. They were sons of John Hownrd who camo to this country from IJnglnml. As I understand, accorodlng to whnt your sister. Mrs. Anna J. Adams told nio you are n descendant of Hub ert Howard's family, nnd 1 nm sure I am a descendant of James How ard's family. Wo have been trying to locate tho old blhlo for tho past three years and did not get any trace of It until we got an answer from M. T. Adams of Albany. He rend thu Knickerbocker press. His law yer wroto to us nnd told us we could seo the blhlo nt his olllce. A com inltteo of four went to Albany and met Mr. Adnms with the bible nt the lawyer's olllco. That was the first tlmo wo had ever met any of those descendants. Tho only ones wo over know tiro tho James Howard's de scendants. Wo started nn ussocla tlon nbout two and one hnlf years ago nnd elected olllcors for the pur pose of Investigating tho Howard tate. Mr. Austin WIllinuiB was presl dent and ho had a large nuinbor of proofs, most everything except tho old bible. Ho mndo some progress at first and receUed some letters from Knglaiid nnd wo wero ntilto en couraged, but nil at once ho seemed to lose all Interest In the business and wo did not hour from him for a year and finally wo wont and had a talk with him, and ho said ho did not have time to attend to It, but If wo wonted to go ahead with It he would glvo i'n n copy ()r a tho proofs ho had In lilt, poBJosBion. Well, tho 111 t thing wo did was to ndvertlse for tho blhlo and have elected now olllcors. Wo had the meeting here In Schenectady and wo started new. Mrs. Anna J. Adams was elected Piesldont nnd Mr. M. T. Adams vlco president; my husband. Mr. George D.igonhart, soeretary, and I whb elec ted treasurer. All thoso present nt tho mooting gavo five dollars each toward paying tho expenses of the lawyer, who wo engaged to look nf or our Interests In Kngluiid. Tho lawyer has sont somo money to niiKland nnd thoy Imvo started searching tho records over there. Now If there Is any one you know who Is liiterost.ed in I lie undertaking and would liko to help us, kindly lot us know, because It will tnko some money to pay tho expensoa, but If each ono glos a row dollars It will amount to itilto it largo sum and 1 am sure wo will use tho money to the best advantiige. Hoping to henr from you again. 1 roninln Yours Truly, .Mrs. (Joorgo Dagenhnrt. Mr. Sterling has some hopu of getting his Hhnro of tills Immense '".m1"1"!' "Mil If he does, Sllverton w III tnko n boom. Ho biij-h that ho will begin by helping tho Sllverton Journal to tho front. Ho would seo to It that our paper Is largor than tho Oregonlitn mid that wo have lino type machines and everything nec essary for a metropolitan newspaper." UHlt.YKY XOTKS. . . , Now that Marshflold Is eonslder nt the possibility of having a pub lic library building. It will be of more than usual Interest to make .in culmination of the library eon littous In cities about thu same lze as Marshflold In this state. Below are statistics, compiled from the report of the Oregon Li brary commission for 1!)13 and the Oregon Blue Hook of 1911, show ing the towns, their population, Income and cost of building: Albany, 4275; .3 mill tax, cost of building, $17,G00. Ashland, 5020; cost of building $17,000. linker. 07-12; Income $3000. Dallas, 212 1; income $1000; cost or building, $10,000. Hood River, 2331; Incunio $1750; cost of building $17,500. La (i Hindu. 4342: Income $2700. McMinnvHIe, 2400. Mnrshfleld, 21180; income $1020. Mod ford SS40; Income $3000: est of building $20,000. Newberg, 22C0; Income $1000; 'ost of build $10,000. t'he Dalles, 4.SS0; .2 mill county tnd .1 mill city tax; cost of build ing, $10,000. t'tilou. 11S3; cost of building (5500. Of these libraries, linker, Hood liver, and Thu Dalles nro count) ibrarles conducted nnd supported y the county and thu city. The statistics given above must uake uvery person who cares for ho growth of tho elty consider, lood Hlver with n population less Inn that of Marshflold is to have i $17,500 library. Its Income Is J 1 750 n year, ns compared with the iicomo of the Mnrshfleld library, vhlch Is $1020 a year. Dallas with a much smaller pop ihitlou than Marshflold Is to have i $10,000 building, and It- liaa an ueoiiie only $20 less than the ilaiBhflold library. McMlnnvllIo, also with less pop ilntion, Is to have a $10,000 bulbi ng, so nlso is Nowborg. Plucky Ittle Union, with less thnn one mlf Marshfleld'H population, Is dunning on a u500 building. Un on has also been on a tax busls dure tile beginning of 1912. Let us seo what Mnrshfleld can do. IIKLIM.Nti TIIK LinUAHV. 1 1 KA ll'll WAU.VI.VO. ''iulled mid wot feet losult lu onucstliig tho Internal organs, and inrinmniii'loii of tho kidneys nnti bladder, with rheumatic twinges nnd pain In tho back, Kouerally follow Due l-'oloy Kldiioy i'llls. They are tho bout modlcluo made for all ills ortletf. or tho kldnoys. for blnddor iriegiilmitles and for bnckncho nnd rheuiuiiMsm Thoy do not contain t'lii-rormlng drugs. Tonic lu nc tii'ii. icicle in results, Kor salo by L(khmt & Parsons, Tho Busy Cor i ir The Sign of Good Candy Always TZ White Orpingtons The Oregon Agricultural College, Corvtillls, Oregon. Alice Llndsey Webb, lMltor of Press Uulletins, February IS. 1913. Kill tor The Times, Marshflold, Oregon. f)enr Sir: I have n clipping on my desk, alien fiont your paper before hiistmns nnd kept until I should ;mvo leisure to write you. It Is leaded. "Heinoinbor the Library," Hid suggests gifts or books. I vn nt to give a book to tho library, Mid can think of nothing hotter linn that literary classic, Mnrntilny's Warren Hastings." It Is proba bly one of tho best blogrnpnlcal es Hays lu the Kugllsh language, and no library can have too many cop ies, ns It Is so frequently Included n tho required reading list for both high schools nnd colleges. This "opy Is one I used myself lu high chool, nnd Is well annotated, Tl.ough a bit travel-worn It Is still lu good serviceable condition and I hope will prove welcome. If overyouo who rend that note of ours In The Times would send you what they could from their book shelves, your llbrnry would i-ecelvo tho proverbial "feast of reason and flow of soul." Cordially yours, ALICK LINDSUY WEBB. KeriiiH untl leaves (lie. xklu ni. unit winter lion-, better payors. IHGGS FOR SliTTING $1.50 TO $2.00 liu tie I 17-.I or Ull.'M,. healthy us that of a child Alt other (IrtigKUts lmvo DDI). Pro- i I'Olt Bcrtptton no to them It you can t eomo to us- hut don't uccept huiiiii tin i-mi.t i Hue inline. Hut If yo.i come to our atari' o nro nn ri.rtfiln it tlm DtYll ulll .1.. ......... that wo offer you n full n l.ntiu mi I this Kiiarantee If ynn tin not Hint tluu Ir tflknti nu-iiv llm llili AV TkViP i ioita you not a coin. ' line Watch nnd .lewelrjr Hcpjiliing Red Cross Drug Store. '-'(HI I'ttuit St.. .Miirshflold. dOOli W.VH II OH KI.VI. JKWKLRY E.C. BARKER JKWKI.KK Don't Blame Your Over Worked Stomach When your stomach will sot digest food, tho worst thing 70a can do Is to take 1 lot of digestive medicines. True, they glvo temporary relief, 'but your itomach ii the sufferer. Iou of ap petite, lndleestlon, dypepil and head aches can only be permanently rellered by removing the came. In many caaea, various remedies taken to relieve these conditions result In ruining the itomach and prerentng It from dlgeatlng food In a natural way. If you want your itomach to do 1U own work properly, without reaortiag to artificial dfgeitlTei or predlgeitel iwuua, ubo onyuo xonio vermifuge. Take imaU doeei regularly, preferafly ww uwn, in a. inui ume your itomach will again do 1U own werk ana you wm eat heartily, keep well and enjoy living. Jayne'i Tonic Veral luge Is not a dlcestar In f,n it tones up the stomach and intestines. Sfving you aU tho nuUlment and itrength from the food you eat. Many forms of supposed indigestion are tho result of intestinal narait. ror which Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge Is unsurpassed. Insist on Jayne's; accnt no other. Millions hare praised it fir ." iuu emmy join, now oy drug- For GOOD SHOES Right nnd Good Prices, go Repairing at to AUGUST OLESEN 215 South Itroadwny. Our Meals Look Good tnsto good and are gool. Cut from groin fed sunk, tln nre swei-t. tendor and .Inky. Hotter K t s send )ou a nice roust or somo sue culont chops Then u II knw what prime moat riuU l UAltSIIKlKM) O.VBll AUHKKX. FOURIER BROS. Mtirslilleld Teloplioueb North Uerrf S31-J Two Mnrkct 51 (& Jzd s -bf r-r.TT f NtXfri.': C .v-J-V r .fASMvx, j& --.'-j&UKki'.K ' VSj .LyiiCi ' 'W&KPg? & --ftf Wtf I "I Pictures & Framing Walker Studio RANCH SNAP Thirty acres on Kentuck Inlet with 1500 tlr piling and 800 cords shluglo bolts. $1000 cash nnd bal ance on time. Will sell land or timber together or senarnroiv. WM. J. LEATON ICb So. Broadway, Mnrshfleld, Or., or phone 109-R. ' Coos Bay Business College You know what you are worth today. What are you going to be worth five years from today? When we build a house we have a plan. When we build a ca reer, most of us putter, dawdle, dream dreams, and wait for some favorable breeze to waft us to harbor. Lack of business training is not only a handicap it is an absolute block to your advancement. Will you con sider this a little while you are building the man or woman who later will be YOU? Start right by starting I0W For something worth while. Positions in abund ance and no trained help. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Telephone 402. Twin City Auto Stage Line Jerry Kinney, formerly with tin rnlaco Cafo, him Inaug urated a new nutomohllo stngo tine, between Mnrshfleld nnd North Iiend. Tho nervlco Is known ns tho "Twin City Stngo Lino," nnd starts with two Bovoii-passeiigor Cadillac tnnclitncs and will lmvo moro If tho service warrants It. Ho Inaugurates n round faro of 20 cents between tho two cities. This, ho holloves, Is nil tho Bcrvlco Justifies slnco tho now wntorfront road reduces tho tlmo and also tho cost of tho service. Ho him mndo nrrnugonients for tho through servlco only, leaving tho local service to tho local nu tos but In caso of an emergency will provldo local service for through patrons. Ho will havo his headquarters at tho 3. S. Jennings storo In North Qcnd, Phono 1151. and at HUlyer's Cigar Storo In Marsh flold, Tclcpliono 18-J. Tlio hervlce will connect with nil bant and train schedules. Tho regular schedule Is ns follows: Loaro Mnrshfleld Leave Xortli llentl 0:45 a. m. 2:40 p. m. 7: If. a. in. 4.1C p, m. 7:10 3:1C 7:45 4:10 7:45 3:40 8:10 S:1C 8.16 4:10 S!G 5:45 8.4C 4'4G 9:15 C:1 9:G 5.15 lo.lG 7.15 9:45 5:40 10:40 7:45 l0:i 6:15 UsiG 8:15 10.jr, 7H5 11:45 8:4G ,, ., 8:16 12:10 p. in. 0:15 H:5 0MG 12:45 9:45 ":0 10:15 1:15 10:15 12:15 p. m. 10:45 1M0 10:45 " ":1C 2:15 11.15 J:" 11.45 2.45 11:45 J:J5 12:15 n. m. 3:10 12:15 n. m. g!lS 12:45 3M5 ljjOO Round Trip, 20 Cents Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. IIRNllY SENGSTACKK.Y, Mgr. CoqullU Office Phono 191 Platting Lands a specialty. Farms Timber Coal nnd Marshflold Olllco 14-J. Qoncrnl AgontH "EAST8IDR." Taxes! Taxes! Taxes! You have but thirty days in which to pay your taxes and secure the tliree per cent discount. Give us a list of your property and that they are promptly attended to. we will see First National Bank Of Coos Bay taxe: By furnishing us with a list of the property on which you wish to pay taxes, we will ascertain, free of cost, how much your taxes are Flanagan & Bennett Bank ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE Wolfe! WK AUK XoU. Ifl (IV n "Ui KiaiiTtol Nrin.'iu . "l """ KXPERt, BK : Mlion Bo l.'ll IV ... " ', 4"''' "lU'AliTnl SATISIMtTION TKKIl. Wi Bay Co Steam juanx FEsiD TDMN.IAMI.V (mMxT """.."J 1.HUUCI, '""" iatM' "nii T M. WHIOIIT. J co.vntAtTion a.m, -. 11 . uilillKH EfltlmntPH riimi.t,. . R'T. . "".d "pwincttio., & ,nn7i .An.??Uoii ..uuu. 1I1UUU 1Z1-K, OUVIA i:iia.i. 2"f Aleolwno.TliCMptit Sclontlflc Swedish Muim aymnullci ilSO H. Hlxth St. 11mm TOLL OSTLIND, J Plftfin 1in m-A 1 41t S. Sixth Street, pffl TjKltl KILKV UALUXOBf x Pknlit ud TtarWl uusiuenco-tumo, 237 80, Br mono ll-L. IY7AI. S. TUIU'KN. W ARCTnTKOT Marshflold, Oretoa. ru. w. Aioimow. - DoatliL 171 GriniM Uulldln. am TliMtcr. Office Hiom MM W a. CHANDLER, iUul Itooim 001 and 802, Colt! MnrMi field, Ortfcs. rii, a. j. iiKNimrs " Modern DenUl Putal We aro oqulppod to do ltd I work on abort notlcnttiri lowest prlcos. EitDUital Ladr attendant. Colt KU, Chnndlor Ho'.ol. cboci W'A R. J. MONTGffli Real Estate and Insofi 244 North FrontStradl New and Second Hand I sold 011 U10 Iniudlnxit M IIAIUIIXOTO.V. DOTLB ll :mi I-Yont BL Phoiia 10-I N16 BUNKER HILL L0T51 FOR SALE nt new loctloo ICO Front Str. AUO. FniZEKl Rarnard & Lan ..i.4 illicUJ Boo our ni"""" . 1 . DTTTrftB WOOD Kiasunuu "w0 r.vMW.n AltT GLABSIW' rOIlTABLBOTA2I', I IHP g Unique Pantato TIIK SIODERN JJJW'JjSSM UO I'lllO A -- I., .nnf tMXt SOll . nwirnnuifllir. rf goo unnnw, nur A11M Goo"; Cars. Creful Jg reasonamo cum.. , "Will ko anywneri .j Stands Blanco "' t Cigar Store. payPHfnM" Night I'nona "., , SK SffiJSSA'-l r delivered J . ,-!! dO It. QrM b,- ciiABon nrr c'iw Tfl akd Storage CM I, prepared to do all Wfl on short notice. J and boaU and weiw UoTtf. style Reynolds - guarantee our g i u MpisneTf -. 4 phoM 98-"' lirf . if i m. 1 jf&iJWjk.