DOES NOT MASTER HIS BUSINESS, HIS BUSINESS WILL MASTER HIM F A MAN : fflflna umtwa ...... r.i.Miil lliiougli Tllm" "'"'" nie i""" ... .i.....i Use tliomi 'nicy !.mKJ;""' ' - " ...... pcMIM"; MEMBER OK THE ASSOCIATED I'ltES NOW IS VOllt TIME. I A small nil In The Times want I column may bring you results mi- 1 mediately. Try one. I msT ARTICLES mm i.M...hlUlinl In 1H7H DL XXXVI. The Coast Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1913 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. A. Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall Mn ion nnd Coos liny Advertiser. ,,,u '" I aIeiaTsli id THREE ESCAPE IN MEXICO oandsPf'lXS0- WI'Tml 10 nuuiwj ". BIS COROW VICTIM ATTAUK LM5I ouiuuhi nsul Garrett at Neuvo La- fodo Attacked ny Mexican in streets ineru. I tn. .- -,li!f! IV. i roirt liny Timet 1 I'. ..nv l,'.,l. 'r.. Tim Ine by liiiiuiiiB of Boris Corow. m."Uh "; i..u. unti.liiv nl FAmcrirnn row" " . Lac whni t':reo oilier Americans P .. ...I..... ........ ..I.U wi Pipil hero loihij with the Infor- lllon Hint Ambassador Mhoii 1 ri,nu(-"3fp,i ,lu' "1ur,u """ . . ...W...U fur t lift 111(1. tlon of Aiiici Kan.s III the vlrln- i of Ml) (HMiiriPiiiiri'B. v iiiipui ' . ..1.. .....Illl.l f(,..TI Vlll.V'l rrci uii.nn'"... .."... rcilo thai he wax attntkei yos- av in mi " i'.v nun.w.i- ' i , I... Iin.l .'fifiMiul lllf. o:t of irlmin.tirt operating from .... .. .... ......... ....l.l.l.i.r i t :ioon nnu "" vi; . m IfllCllS i llll'UOS IN I SITED STATUS. lo llnitlicr of Slain Prphhleiil ie Students. IB, A" : Utrl rn lo i m llay TIibm 1 TJIACA. X V . I'i'l. 25.- TJvur- Miulero, whtisn ehler iirotterrH, inrlro nnd (ln-tiivti. v ero kill lit lie ov"lirow ol the MinVro tniHrullon hi Mexico, believed tiviivliiR nicnibeiB ir tlio fnm lil iwk refuge In i he United v. Kvurlsto lmn obtained a ..i 'r, tii llu. State A.t!iiMlllllnil llriir nl f'nrll. anil t'urlos. nn- itr iVotliiT. Js studying at St pna unitary Arauoiny in wis ilo The lumbers w. II meet lo lit KlIlHIlltatlOII. M 0 II FROM SHUTS SUIT Huerta Government Orders Place of Entry on Texas Border Closed. Ilr . miril 'im In t'no lift? Tlm 1 MHX1CO CITY. Foh. 25.--Tim MexliMiu government' today t'oiiiml ly declared cIohci! the plnic of entry nt l.nrodo on the Texan fron tier, ai the Hame time ndmlttlni; that the reheln ueru In ikikmmsIoii of the town. SEND IOOOPS I th Bend Awaits D'isnositirwi pf Pase at Bigene Affect- mg wiisey ueai. I'p to Into tliiij h'lcinoon no word fw-n ritclvfil i out ICnveim na tht ilUinbliioa if the ult of J Uaam for n rrroiver for Ma- v. Mi'mn'n .iopurtleh. The t thai no Wiinl Km! Ii.x.i rn. "il w Ltlv veil hj many to In- "e mat nib i,ihv imil not leon tJran lllll una liirt.ii.. l,.l-....i..l fs sonio tirniH uoIlk rouchod. v.u,uS o;U oeveloped In tlio t". evontblinf uppanatly walj- ,18 tho dbi;olMoii of thin ease. ' ord m bti rucylvud froik 'i. mi. h js oxpecwa that i miirn to Mm Uny noon. F' HMCra ahont hU i.iwhIIiIo l." roiiicctlijis ,r nflout hut I - k .serj i, ,.-jivuil U that l i v fjionsir lur the lino ro- r "wwroratcl tf. hull, froni K Held n iriiudnd. California. Pp anuoiniit'iiunt runconiliiK b is etpecteu and nno man I II tru'ii i. ... .i. ...... ... I ini: . : " "" "lu Jli'iuu oi llllev rinnl inl.i .1 ooingii herH uiihm n f,.,.. .!.... wwttlB tho l"jitlnud Tolt'Krain 1 "User was Iihvi.... i... tr .. S3 or tho Hutitliorn Pacific we here as Wlisoy has nev- S.01. ,rien,11" ,ef" with tho Htpi ....",,c a1"' lht toad la ier' w l'"-"tlcnlly having In ii' "'"" u tunned tlio 11 several years ago. 'Othlne J1 V,,", lk',,,, total fi llas llvoloped In Cnt "t!" Mtu. Sun a and u5,xo,n n"a Mesar8- hMu JUeecr ' tho South- right r.?0 uce" u,,8" nroiintl ri?i or? Is expected soon ,, ruit In actual work "riwi. tarl"K ot tho right MM,,eut Dixon. "" fetS',- nwrot ,an,h 20 a mo,lth a S3Li P!. ..lPolnt.nent n"ey dPflT i l" e"rs. ir t date! net Is no! c,080(l lfre :, "I'lu.iuioiis may ,h fltSS le specially true " Present l miioy. Un a salns.n ,la,ls- " tho . Rust f '"7 tlloa with thea f,l.are to bo lecognlzed A m Be',"1,, "enctual value , .? a lew tin,;; ,... : """ re 'a the hainvn i MRlr K n ttlt DaI:n days of flapld United States Hastens Men From Northern Forts to Mexican Border. IMf Aodtcv1 I'jim lo Com llr Tlmf.) CIIKYKXNIJ, Wyo.. Feb. 2D. 'Tho Hccond of the fourth nectloiiH. In which the Klovonth Infantry under tliu eonimaLd of Colonel Arthur WYJllliiuiH, witl bo trniiHported to Gal .vtmtln, left liort O. A. HiiKsell thlu morning. CeJieral Clarence KiIw&tiIb liii wiih Inst '.night directed to take, command of thn nlxtli hrlgado In the juuscnt affair Jiirttead of proceeding to tho Philippines under earlier planx lb milking plaim ;to dupart with the tMlllpi. STAirr Titoop.s. I'oti .KJieililan Men Utemly to 1'nve tiiIh j;tiUiig. IMr A'u Uim I'riM lo IW IUj- TIium.1 CHlt'AOO, Foh. 2f. -Freight earn for currying haggngo mid eqiilpment to CalVfrtton and ctiachiM for tho men and olIlceiH of the 27tlrhifantry woro on Hlillug "t Fort Sluic'dau today. Major Ue4ieral WlllJain II. Carter commntidlug the necond dhlwlon mid IiIh Htnff M'jl leavo tojilglit and will bo followfO linineillately ,hy the 'Ai'oopa. .m: sjiu-nji). TrT,iK State TK-oops Kent from l.a- l4t.i t. Itl'IIUllht llll. Jlly AmuM!I Vih a Can Uy Tlmw.l l.ItKI)0. Tt'MiH, Foh. 25. Thn Te.xn Itangern Jorco hero received order today to proceed to JIiowiih vlllo. -Texan. One troop of the Fourth United Suites cavalry -Mot loft her from HrtvnvHle cntj'.vlng eiiulpiiiwit lor 30 ulaytt' Held ser vice. tiumu's to um:io. Srveutli Inlnntiy Sent to .Mexican Itoi-dcr Toihiy. Ill Ao. IUM l'r lo Vvm liny VlmM.l IVM.iOSTINK. I'oxiiB. Feh. 25.--Tho Soventh Jnfantry and part of the JS'lnoteentji Infantry wore or dered today to proceed to l.nrodo. Texas, JiiHtead nl to GulvoHton, its original iU'utliintlon. TO PHOTKtT Ti:'At?. Senator Slifjutl VtH .More lT. S. Tjwoiw Along Holder. Ily AMoUfrl J'rM ! fti" Dr Tlni. WASIIIN'GTOX. Feh. 25. Sena tor Shopard of Texas today inado roiuesentiitloiiH to tho Btato depart ment with n vl(?w to gettlnff great or protection for tho Taxas-Mexl-can frontier. Ho declared that thcro is much looting "lonK tlio lorder. DENIES LEASE OF 999 YEARS Government Will Prosecute Action to Dissolve S. P. and U. P. Companies. ' IDy AMoUtled ITm lo Coo Uay Tlmwl ST. LOUIS, Fob. 25. The order of tho California Railroad Conun s slon denying tho application of tlio Union Pacific for a OOU-year loaso of tho Ilenlcla cutoff botweon Oak land, CnU'fornla, and Sitcramonto, wjll not affect tlio governments plan for a dissolution of tho Union Pacific and bouthem Pacific mer ger. Attorney General Vlckorsham said today. AS DM EOS SENT Gov. Colquitt of Mexico Car ries Out Threat and Has State Troops Guard Rio Grande 'Section. Illy AMoclatnl I'm., lo Coon luy TIhim 1 AUSTIN, Texas, Feh. 25. "The cessation of the apparent' hostilities at .Matamoras and Ilrownsvllle Is hut temporary, 1 believe, ' declared Governor Colquitt today. Colquitt suys his olllco Is besieged with pleas for protection at points all along the border null federal illil not be ing available ho ordered the Texas militia Into the Held. The Gov ernor said that he foil that the secretary of war and the oflleluls nt Washington llo not rally reall.u tho situation along the herder. General Steover, commanding tho federal troops at San Antonio. It Is understood, suggested to wasiiiug ton the advisability of border guards but received no reply. Colquitt believes the action of the federal government In sending troops to Ilrownsvllle will aid ma terially In quieting tho situation. .MANY HUMOUS UNTUCK. Itepoi'ts About Americans Itelug Tlireatencd Are False. Illy Ao Utc1 I'rrai to .Wi luy Time MHOWNSVIt.LiO, Tex., Foh. 25. Today's Investigation of tho rum ors thnt Americans wero threatened In .Matniiioras, Mexico, last night shown that the Btorlos were much exaggerated. Tho military com mander In Miitamorns levied on tho Mexican residents of tho city to maintain protection against hnu dlts. Americans, however, were not molested. While tho rumors were In circulation last night, the Tcxub State troops were ordered to tho border WILSON QUITS l J. POSTS Hands in Resitjnation as Gov ernor Effective March 1; "Fielder Succeetls Him. Illy Amo lml l'rvtt lo Coo Iiy Tlm.t.l TUTiNTON, N. .1.. Feb. '-'5. Preilldeiit-elect Wilson resigned tho Kovcrnoishlp of New .lorsey today to takf effect Murch I. Governor W'IIhoii wrote his resignation In Ills own hund-writlng. Wilson will attend the corenion Ich, when uls hu'cuushiiCi dames Fltddor, president if the state .sun at, Hiicutieds him. ' 0 IN CONGRESS Senate Passes $180,000,000 i Pension Budget and In I junction Bill. I (My Amoc lIM 1'rrM to Coo. Hay Tin" ' WASHINGTON, Feb. 25. T..e Senate pnssed tho pension hill tar rying $ ISO. 000. 000 and passed the Crawford bill restraining lnjtinc- tlous to suspend state laws. ; The house resumed tho debate on ithe naval appropriation bill. The ' labor committee reported u bill to fix an eight-hour day for women , workers In the District of Coliiui . bla. The money trust investigating I committee held a final meeting. TH9 F DOM UO Two Boys Remove Rubber from Machine and Sell it for Junk. George I.Iugo nud -lolin l.udd, two young Marshfleld hoys, will lie taken beloro .ludge Hull In ju venile court this aJtornoon to ex plain why they took sonio rubber tlies from an auto buckbonrd of Dr. 11. P. Howard and Bold them tn n Vnrlli. I'liinl Htri-ct liinl; deal er named Green. The bids only re celved fifty cents for them, but In order to remove tho tires did con siderable damage to the machine. Hi- lfmvnr.l Rill lined the Illlto and ft .spring wagon bore sometlino ago nud hud them stored in ino An derson building on North Front Htrtmt. Just north of tho Enstsldo ferry landing. When ho went lo got them yesteroay ho found that tho Hum on three wheols had been mutilated and the tiros removed. Ho contiulted Marshal Carter and the latter bought of fireon's shop. iir linwnrri went thorn and on In quiring about buying rnhhor tires was shown tho oiicb tnai nan neon ttikon from his machine. Green told about buying thorn from tho bids and after being npprelionded, they admitted to Marshal Carter thnt they had taken thorn. Tho I.ndd hoy insisted that ho did not got nny.of tho four bits they re ceived for tho tires. W-3WIS' MHMVKKKTAFFS' BALK TOMOHHOW. Threo flavors. IB rrs. lu. HANI) DANOK at KAGLKS HALL noxt SATUHDAV night LOSE LIVES IN IP TO POLE Two Members of English Ex pedition to Southern Mag netic Pole Die. My Am Uti-J J'rm lo Cuo Hy Tlrnn. .SYHXKY, N- S. . Feb. 25. Two ineinbors of tho Mawsou Ant arctic .expedition, Meiir. Nlnnls, an Ungllshmau, and Dr. Mortz. SwIsb. havo dU-d. Mawxm and tdx com panions have bt-en left for tho winter nt AdelleUuid. a barran trnct, because they wore unnlile to reach their ship, tlio Aurora,' bo fore she WW) compelled to leau. The party left Tasmania In 151 1 accompanied 'by a largo body of scientific men to oxploro thorough ly the regions around tho Southern uim. nolle mile. Once strain tlio Ilrltlsh nrmy is affected by tho loss of n brilliant offlcor, l.loiit. 11. K. S. Nlnnls of the famous Itoynl Fu sllllers regiment, a cIobo friend of Captain Lawrence Onkes of tho Innlskilllng Drngoons, who perish ed with Cnpt. Scott. Nlnnls was killed by falling into a crovnsso'nenrly a year ago. SALVATION AH.MV Pltl.K. General llooth Proposed for Nobel Award This Year. Illy Aoi latal I'rtH lo Cooi llay Tlmen.J LONDON, Feb. 25, Gon. Ilrnin woll Hooth. head of tho Salvation Army, has been proposed as a can didal for tho Nobel peace prize this year on tho ground that tho Salvation nrmy is n great interna tional peace factor, LEWIS' MW-IVKEK TAFFY SALE TOMOKHOW. Threo ilavors. 15 CTS. LU. The Power of Your Penny Not so long ago the best buyer was tho man or woman who could "dicker." Tho buyer and selior spoilt hours in arriving at a satisfactory price. In those days tho huyor could never be certain of tho quality. Advertising has benefitted you In these two points, among other things. When you buy from THE TIMES advertisers vou do not have to haggle about tho prlco. nor worry your mind auout tho quality, noth are fixed, and tho best to bo hud in tho city. Tho power of your penny Is Increased, and has n more certain value through your reading advertisements. By closely and constantly reading THE TIMES advertisements you can still further Increase tho buying power of your penny. ' '' k NEGOTATES PEACE m PRINCIPAL REBEL DANDS TODAY E DICK ON WALL Huerta Orders That Tributes to Former Dictator of Mexico be Replaced. Illy Amkii Iiiim) I'ron to Cuoa llay Tltnra 1 MEXICO CITY. Feb. 25. A re vival of the Diaz Influence In Mex ico Is Indicated by an order Issuod by Provisional President Huortu to day that alt portraits of tho former president, Porflrlo Diaz, be re stored to places lu public buildings from which they woro romoved by Mndct'o. Several large pictures of the old dictator wero loplaced Im mediately In the corridors and halls of tie National palace. MADEROS QUIT MEXICO TODAY Relatives of Slaughtered Pres ident Taken Away by a Cuban Gunboat. Illy AuorlaKxl I'rrtl lo Coot liny Tlmra, VERA CRUZ. Fob. 25. Sonora Francisco 1. Mndoro, .lr and Senorn Frnnclsco 1. Mndoro, Sr., wife ond mother of tho Into President of Mexico, arrived hero enrly today In a speclu! car from Mexico City, es corted by tho Cuban Minister, mid went Immediately on hoard tho Cu ban gun boat. They wero mot by Frnnclsco 1. Mndoro, Sr., and Ernes to Mndero, who nrlved yesterdny. As soon as the party had gone nhoard, tho gun boat sailed for Havana. Their dopnrture from Mexico was with the consent of the Mexican government. Later tho family will go to Now Orleans. OIL CASES DROPPED. Oil Tevns Indictments of Stniuluiil Companies Quashed. (Ily AhoiUiikI Pitta to oo lUy TlmM.) DALLAS. Texas, Feb. 25. On orders from tho Dopnrtniont of Jus tlco nt Washington, the Indictment brought here for violation of the Shormnn anti-trust law by olllclals of tho Standnrd Oil Company of New York, the Standard Oil Com pany of Now Jersey and tho Mng nolla Petroleum Conipnny of Texas woro nolle prossod today. Tho in dictments wero dropped ngalnst both tho companies and olllclals. Kill!! T ES S Man Who Shot AI Boyce for Eloping With Mrs. Sneed Is Exonerated. (Ily Awx-lateJ I'rm to Cool Day Time VERNON, Toxas, Fob. 25. John Real Sneed was declared not guilty of tho murder of AI noyce, Jr.. at Ainurillo. Toxas, last September. Snood shot Boyco to death upon what was said to bo their first mooting after Royco eloped with Mrs. Sneed. FAST FLIGHT IS ET M French Aviator Flies from Paris to London in Three Hours and 5 Minutes. (Ily Amoc lalil 1'rna to Coon Uay Tlraw LONDON, Fob. 25. A now rec ord of three hours and llvo minutes for tho lllght from Paris to London was made today by a French aviator, Marcel G, Brlndojono. of Dos Mou llnals. Ho crossed tho channel In a fog. Ho maintained nn average speed of 94 miles an hour, New Administration Endeav ors to Put End to Revolu tions in Mexico. CLAIM ALlTmPORTANT BANDS REPRESENTED Pay No Heed to Small Insur rections in Other Parts of Republic Now. MEXICO CITY. Fob. 25. Vnrlous deputations of followers of rebel Zo imta, enferred today with Huortu, preliminary to entering Into co-opora-tlon with thn new government. It is olllclally tlednrod thnt with tho excoptlon of three states In tho south easterly part of the republic nil tho states of Mexico havo recognlzod tho now administration. Lively nctlvity on tho pnrt of tho rebels continue in many sections but tho government Is not alarmed, as the negotiations for ponce have been begun with nil the more Important bauds. (Ily Amo. lalcl I'r ' Cmit Ily Tlmni J WASHINGTON. Feb. 25 Ambas sador Wilson will continue to ex ercise his own dlKcretlou lu dealing with the new .Mexican government and some satisfaction Is derived from his report that not only Is tlio new governniont very friendly townrd the United States, but It has shown u reasonable disposition to meet tho requests for protection of American Interests In Moxlco, which were lu a large dogree Ig nored by the Mndero administra tion. Olllclals do not expect Im mediate restoration of pence In Mexico. Already General IIu. ta Is offering terms to Orozco's ioI lowers with some degree cf suc cess. Indications are that si. r negotiations with tho Znpatlsluu have failed, therefore a decision has hcoii reached to begin u most active campaign against that parry. Tho threatened despatch of the Toxas mllltla by Governor Colquitt Into Mexico Is not expected to ma terialize. The governor would luy himself open to a charge of viola tion of tho national uoutrnlltv laws entailing severe imulslimont, as the law recognizes no difference be tween n govornor of a smto and nny othor civilian. TREAT WITH HUERTA Olio of Oroco's Hands Negotiates Willi Government. (Ily Awu Itinl I'rtM In Coo Hay Timet 1 SAN LOUIS POTOSI, Feb. 25. General Arenum Argoumdo, ono of tho most active loaders of tho Oro zco forces arrived at Hallnns with one thousand followers. Ho Is treat ing with representatives of tho now administration. The robol bauds practically control the railroad to Tainplco. NO HEVOLT IX SONORA. State Congrchs Refuses to Comply Willi Governor's Wishes. (Ily Amo. laid I'nu lo Cikm I la." TImm ) HERMOSILLO. Sonora, Fob. 25. Sonora will not revolt against Huer ta, Tho stato congress adjourned to day without taking action. Although dlsnppolntod by tho failure of con gress to support his position, Govor nor Joso Marin Mnytorouu has not tondorod his resignation. QUIET IX LOWER CALIFORNIA. No Signs of Trouble Auioiik People There. (Uy AMorlatM I'rtM to Cooa Uay llmea. SAN DIEGO. Fob, 25. Roports from Ensonndu today aro that tho people of Lowor California, aro ap parently little disturbed by tho con dition of troublo nnywhoro In tho ponlnsulnr, It Is clutinod. All tho border towns nro well guarded and quiet. LISTER IS SUSTAINED. Washington House Supports Stand Taken by Governor, Uy Aaaoclated I'rtaa lo Cooa Ily Tlmea OLYMPIA. Fob. 25. Tho Iioiibo by a vote of 00 to 3-1 sustaliiend Govornor Lister's veto of tho stato highway fund bill. GETS UNUSUAL TENT. A now kind of lent Is on display nt tho Gunnory today and Is attracting much nttontlon. It Is a sample and thoy oxpoct to got moro of thorn. It Is of sllknllno material and although absolutely waterproof, tho matorlal of a tent 7x9 foot wolghs only about four pounds and can be wrnppod up In a small package that can bo cnrrlod In tho bottom of 1 pnek sack. They aro used In Alas kn and elsewhoie and sell for ?l2.ri0 Tho tout and the prlco nro a ievela tlon to nil who seo thoiu, SEE the now SILKOLIXE TENT. IT FITS tho l'ACK SACK and WEIGHS LESS than a HLAXKET. At Tho GUNNERY. l'ACK SACKS all SIZES and I'HICES. Tho GUNNERY,