THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 19 13-EVEMING EDITION. f 4 It B T MS E WINNERS GIVE Judges Announce Victors in "What I Would Do With a 1 Million Dollars" Contest MOISTS UP II ARMS MWJ SPEC AL 0 -I PRIZE WINNERS. First Mrs. 13. L. Uessey. Second Mrs. 13. W. Lewis. Third Alvn Ktovull. l-'ourth Mrs. H. II. Plnkcr ton. Fifth Mrs. Josephine Frame. Sixth Miss Aniclln Dodge. Declare That Planks Across Streets to Stop Speeding Are an Outrage. Mnrshfleld nuto owners are tin In nmis today ns n result of Street Commissioner l.awhorno splkltiK plnnks ncross the streets nt vnrlons lilnces tit keep the machines fiom running too fast. The planks woro put on Central Avenue West, mill South Hroadway Saturday and to day aro being placed on North IVroadway. It Is expected that an nnneni win no mauo to mo council Tho Judges In The Times' loiter to have tho planks removed and conlCBt on "What you would do with somo other moans of keeping tho a Million." completed their work speeders down to tlmo devised. Just lioforo noon today. Their task Some woro blaming the city coun- waa not an easy one as there was a cil for the obstacles hut City Ru ble stack of responses. icordcr Hutler stated today that the The best letters were sorted out council as a hndy had nover nrted first and from these, tho Judges mado on such a matter. He said that their selection by carefully marking maybe the street committee. Mar- tlicni. slial Carter or Street Commissioner Tho best of tho letters will be l.awhoruo could tell who order printed In Tho Times within a few ed It. days, probably next Saturday, and The obstacles are declared to be will bo an unusually Interesting f- menace to machines, whether run- turc. nlng fast or slow. It Is said they Tho prizes are now waiting at the are likely to break springs or oth- Tlmcs olllco and will be delivered to or parts. In addition to cutting up tho winners when they call for tlmn Tho following Is a self explanatory statement of tho Judges: "Editor TIiiich: "Your Judges In deciding the let' the tires, "It's an outrago." declared Ward M. Hlnko yesterday. "The man who devised It ought to suffer for It. If they want to prevent spool tor contest took Into consideration,! Ing. why don't they arrest the of- brovlty, (approximately ono hundred fenders. Prosecute tho violators words) neatness, thought (sweet but don't reasonableness), iind originality, and machine.' respectively submit tho folowlug: First plnco Mrs. 13. U. Homey. Second placo Mrs. 13. W. Lewis. Third placo Alvn Sloval. Fourth placo Mrs. It. It. Pinkor ton. Fifth placo Mrs. Josophlne Frame. Sixth place Amelia A. Dodge. Committee, F. A. TII3DOI3.V. .1NO. 13. OSI.UND. A. 0. ItAAII. spoil a man's tires or AMO.Vfl 'IIII3 SICK. Neptune Young, maunger of the Lnkosldo Creamery Is in town. Mr. Young Is suffering from an abscess on his right hand mid Is hero for medical trcatiuetn. "It Is worse than an outrage. declared V. C. Oorst. of the (lorst & King nuto line, today. "They I are not onoly milling tho big plnuk iiicross the street, but are leaving I the spikes sticking up. Wo havo tried to run our cars In compli ance with tho regulations and give good service and It Is a slinmo to have our machines damaged by con trivances like taose. You can talk about had roads and good roads but those planks are worse than any chuckhole. If any of our drlvors vlolnte tho speed law, havo the olllcers arrest and fluo them, but don t destroy our machines. "Not only aro tho machines nion aced, but If a car strikes one of these planks right, it may turn over and with a big load of pass engers, the consequence might be very serious. ' NORTH IM3.VI) NEWS. Itov. Father Springer roturned Friday from a missionary visit to Florence. Mrs. Oscar Ohmnu and children Hl'.(Ultl.X IHItDS AltUIYI Warden l'lnlcy Gtn Shipment of Part ridges for Oregon Preserve. SALEM. Ore, Fob. 21. Gnino Warden Flnley Is receiving ship Kiml'r KWm S"t"nmy of Jo,, moiitB of a Inrgo numbor of Hun- l rOQIIIIlll. ,,,.,lnii i,rii,rl,liru ,.,ll, lm '.,, M I !.... ,... c...... .. ry.....i. pni'ii'Wii ii,v.. itiu miiiiic- So day TAXES ILLEGAL Oregon Supreme Court Deci sion Will Affect Many Districts. ROSE1WRO, Ore., Feb. 21. A very important decision, nnd ono that will have the effect of reducing tho amount of money to bo spent on the roads of Douglas County by about $72,000 was handed down by tho Oregon Supreme Court on Feb ruary 10, when tho high tribunal held that all special road taxes levied throughout the state during tho years 1910, 1011 and 1012 woro Illegal nnd could not bo collected. Accord ing to the decision, tho supremo court found tho law governing tho lovylng of special road taxes uncon stitutional, and without effect. Tho original law giving tho voters of the county, or road districts the right to levy special road taxes was passed by the stato legislature In the year l!)0:i. and upon being submit ted to tho supremo court was held constitutional. In tho year 1000. howovcr, the bill, or law was amend ed, and to Biieh an extent that It was rendered unconstitutional. The chief grounds on which tho special road tax law was declared unconstitution al by tho supieme court was that It failed to designate tho qualifications of n voter. In fact, the amendment so ('Imaged the original taw that It road to tho effect that the taxpayers In any county In the stato might vote a special tax for road purposes. Tho amended law made no reference, whatovcr, to tho qualifications of a voter simply being to the effect that tho tnxpnycrs were eligible to vote. In Interpreting tho law tho supremo court hold that Inasmuch as many non-residents of tho stato owned nnd paid taxes on lauds In tho several countloB they would hnvo a perfect right to vote nt tho special road elec tions under tho terms of tho 1000 act. Tho law utterly failed to doslg nato tho qualifications of a voter and inndo no rofcrenco to age, sex or resi dence of the porson desiring to vote. Tho Bpoclal road lovles through out Douglns County for tho year 1012 range from ono to ten mills, and would hnvo raised approximately $72,000, This sum, under tho tonus of tho ruling of tho Oregon supremo court cannot be collected. QUIT TUNNEL WOUK. Mr. and Mrs. (ioorgo Smith of Commission will liberate in gamo ro th Coos Ivor woro guests to-, Hflrv0H various parts of tho state. y at the Robert McCnnn homo. Tim i,i.-,i ni,tninn,i trn, n.,.,. ru in . '. , V'I"""1H or souiir gnry through a Philadelphia liouso JiX lii- "r ' Su'imy W"h ""r. A fcMV of tlu' ,,lr,,H "'"orated In Wcst 'iM.h.n (",ai0PU, "'T'?',, lorn Oregon havo thrived and havo v! Ji. . . i"i M,,n,,i,f, "' wa8 nlso proved to bo xcollont gamo birds n fth.1.1 t' mJ ,Hllor.,.,,,.r,,,,y-.. foveral hundred will bo obtnlnod In W , V,r,ol.,V "I" Un U'r '"" ll,, Hhliuiieiit and will be turned lor of Mars. field vhdted In Nurih i0H0 ,,n gamo preserves ownod by llend estcrday. ,,l0 Htnt0 or Oregon. Havo your Job printing dono nt tiio 'limes ollleo. EUGENE, Ore., Fob. 2'. Itlga of one kind and another brought In about twenty-four men from tho Notl tunnel, who woro scared out on ac count of tho accident on Monday, Thore was ovor 100 men on tho pay roll there and most or tho men nro staying right by tho Job, which Is ouo of tho safest tunnel Jobs ovor undertaken. Tboro have been only two fatalities so far and tho first ono of these wns almost a sulcldo, as tho victim ran In before the six min utes had expired, which was the time tho fuso wan sot for. TI-TI DIED SUNDAY. Former Xotoihius Resident of Chin it ton n Succumbs. TI-TI. a rather notorious charac ter died estordny afternoon In Chinatown on North Third street. Heart failure is given as the cause of death. She had been ailing for some time and Coroner Wilson de cided that there was nothing that would warrant nn investigation. Slio will be burled tomorrow. Her nge on the death eeitlflcate Is given as IS years. She had long been a resident of Mnrshflold. A number of years ago, she was n central figure In a rather sensa tional murder case here. TI-TI was a mixture of races nnd her matrimonial iccords shows that she had husbands of several dif ferent races, tho last being a Chin aman. Several children survive her. Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. INCORPORATE GOLD REACH The movement to Incopornto tho town of Gold Hench. slnrted tenta tlvelv Inst fall, which has been hi bernating during the winter months Is heulniilng to show signs of re niilmii'lou and u ID. doubtless, be a live Issue this spring. Curry has tho doubtrul distinction or being tho only count In the Btnte with out an Incorporated town. Gobi Heach Globe. Low in price, high in quality. Electric Irons We liave a few seco'iiMinud lituis in good working condition nt SI. 75. Xt'w irons $:l" up. Ccos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J 1C3 N. Drondway BENJAMIN CLOTHES STETSON HATS STETSON SHOES ARROW SHIRTS All sold one 'iyCASJ OXLY. Better values Tor less money because "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe iMarslilicld. Bandi on THE KKCOUI) PIIOTOGHAPHINO AHSTItACT TOMinw Hnvo photographic copies of all rocordB of Coos Countri.;! abstracts of titles, prosent owners, or any other Information f.wl to real estate furnlshod on abort notice. " HUSINESS OFFICE: 117 North Front St., Mnrslifloltl. Vlm w. J. RUST, Manager EAST 131 1 SUNDAY, MARCH UiJKD Get In line. Do measured today by TODD Expert Cutter and Tt'lor. 27S Front St. upstairs. Suits $1". up Union Storage Company W. A. Heard. Mgr. Export Packers. Cnrpots Cleaned Fiirnltiiro Packed, Shipped, Stained and Repaired. 3S2 Front St. Phono 100. I.cavo orders at Going & Harvey. Llbby COAL. Tno kind YOU ALWAYS USED. Phono 711, Pnrlfh lilverv nnd 'lVufir fmiiiinnv next IIAXD DAXCE at EAtJLES HAM., xt S.VIVRDAV night ! GREAT EXCITEMENT OVER THE ECLIPSE "Are Mm going0" said n dalnt little girlie to her lniskj compan ion. "Wal. 1 leckon jes." annuel lantern-Jaw. "Don't o wan' to go along?" Scores of girls are asking the Mime question, and the name answer is being kIvimi by wore of IIkIii wolghis, liPHvWiInlitH and ronllier weights. You don't have to ask the cause of this eilieiiiont. You don't even hnvo to nsk the date when nil the local live ones will take their wives or sweethearts or their near sweethearts (o stroll out toward tie Masonic. Ever seen n county fair? Ever witnessed n baseball gnine? Ever I been to n circus? Ever ruined your corns nt a rire sale Ever l heard a K""d chorus, that sang both truth and poetry? Have you? Then slip down to the Husy Cor- I ner with your dollar and rosorvo two good seats lor the High School i Minstrel. It h u better buy than I any real estate ninn In Mnrshfleld cniihi tell mmi about. The Easy Laxative In Justice to yourself you .should try Kcxull Orderlies, your money bnck If you don't like them. They are n enndy con fection that really do give easy relief from constipation. Good health la Inrcely ilrprmlont upon tho IkiwcIi, When they Iwronin UikkUIi tint viwlr iiiAtrrml tlutt It thrown olT by the ytriii ncciimu Intra. This conditinn K-'lirrHti'4 poisons which nri'iilnto tlironghout th ImhIv, tendins to crrnte nmtiil tongue, bud breath, headache, dull brum action, nervousness, biliouunoa mid other uuuoyances. Avoid hnrali enthartlei nnd pliyiio. They Kive but temporary relief, They often ncicrnvnta the real trouble. They nro particularly bad for chil dren, delicate or aced (lersous. Come in tablet form, taste jiul like enndy uud are noted for their eaty, toothing nctloa upon tho Iwueli They don't purte, Rripe, causo nausea, looacneas, nor the mconven ienccs nttendaut upon the dm of purKiitiws. Their action U ro pleas, ant that the taking of Iteiall Order lies nhuoit bocowca A iloaire iuilead of a duty. Children like ltexall Orderlirn They ure ideal for aged or dclicuto nrrsom ns w ell ns for the most robust. 1'hey net toward relievhu: centipa tion, nnd also to oercoue its eau-a nnd to make unnecessary the fre quent use of laintive. They nerve to tone and strengthen the nerves and muscles of the bowels nnd asso ciate organs or gland. Alake Us Prove It We guarantee, to refund every penny paid us for ltexall Orderlies if they do not gie entire satisfaction. We ask no pioinlses nod vre in no wavnhllgntnyou. Your mere word is Kiitlicirnt for us to promptly and cheerfully refund t!i money. Doesn't that prove that Iteiall Orderlies must be right? You must kuotr we would not dare make such a promise unless we were positively rcrtnin that Iteinll Orderlies will do all we claim for them. There is no money nk attached to a trial of Iteiall Orderlies, and in justice to ymirtelf, you should not hesitate to test them, ltexall Orderlies come in conven ient vest-pocket siit tin Ixnes; 13 tablets, 10c; 30 tablets, JAo; 80 tablets, 60c AUTO PARE 20c Round Trip between Marshfield and North Bend MARSHPIELD ' NORTH BEND AUTO LINE Gorst & King, Props, Have That Roof Fixed .NOW fwo aoitTiiru I'linvr ( FAST AMI COMMOniOl'H Steamer Redondi KqtilpiM'd with wlrclens and subninrlno boll SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD for SAN FRANC SUNDAY, FEB. 23, AT 11:30 A.M. All Pnmenger ItfervnflotiH Krom Snti IViiurlxro Must HeSMeJ hu.s tiro iiiiiitiuiK, or ioniDiird utrect rier 7. All reitmJ must no tiiKcit up -I hours lieroro sailing. INTKIt-OCKAN TRANSI'OIITATIOV CO. IMin'F; 44 C. V McOEOHOE. Anil THE NEW Steamer SPEEDWELI CAI'T. HUKTI9. MiiHtrr. FREE DELIVERY Wo dcllwr ten, roff'i mikiii- or spices to miy pint of tho city. j Phono join- onlcr to :i()l-,l. I Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice house ' 1HI 'Miiihct v. O'Coiinoll nidi:. Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay About February 26th Till! fil'I'.KDWIIIih la speedy nnd linn cxccllnitna&KiigtriM mount ions, nunc clean mid ulry rooniN anil electric lignti ulielcsN, 1'or frelulit nnd niiHPhne. ntudi. A. V. INtnluooh Co. Tltio (iiiiiriiuteo nnd AlmtrutCll ll:t-(ll7 Suiilu MiiiIiiii llldtr.. Situ IVuuclsco. )bn)M Do You Leave Your Doors Unlocked? You would not do that, nnd you should no moro bo without llro In mirunco. Tho opon door would ndnilt the burglnr, nnd tho llro fiend is Just ns Insidious. Ho plnys no fnvorltoa, but nttnclts In surod nnd unlnsurod proporty nllko. Don't risk your snvIiiBu for tho smnll cost of a policy. Ours nro tho snfost nnd boat. I. S. Kaufman (Sb Co. pw ALLIANCE fWUIIMMH) WITH WIHKliL'SS SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOR. COOS BAY. MONDAY, FEB. 24, AT6P.K ROUND TRIP, $18.50 (XVNKrn.vo with this noktii hank iioad at roiirufll NUItTII PAOIPin UTKAMHIIIP CfMH'ANY. I Phono -II O. V. McOi:OHCE,iPl Singer Sewing Machines Wo hnvo them for rent or for salo. Mnchlnes Hopalrcd. Supplios nnd Noodles for Snlo. W. J. HIT', !l I'niU Ave. Mnrshfleld. IMioiio l.ll-X. Twin City Laundry (JOOl) WOUK GOOD SKUVIt'i: Not In any Coinbino. H hours work for women, Our AKentN cull nnywliere. Phono U(l;i.,l. CAUTION: I'leaso bear in mind that Hciall Uemedies are not sold by all drujv gtsts. You can buy ltexall Orderlies only at The Iteiall Stores. You can buy ltexall Orderhei in this community only at our store: LOCKIIART PARSONS DRUG CO., Tc'0?,r MARSHFIELD The 50& StOI'O OREGON TUere Is a HexM! Store In n"rly wty town ami elty In tl o V-M- states. f,r , i , reslllrltsin. Tnero is a Uuli rent IWI .11; leily (or nevlv i M ortn , J J, , ,,,' ich rspeUllydifineii (or tu pittleular ill (iwwlil hit up . ' Hits Rcxall Stores nro America's Greatest Drau Stores Orest I 111 Ul - Save That Bundle for Me A SQtinro deal and a clenn shirt. IlOll SAKTKIl, Twin City Laundry l'lmiiH uti;i-.i i'ii (',,11, You Auto Call Foote 1MIOXK 111..) X10IIT AM) DAY Stand front of Ilbineo llllllatd Parlor TWO XKW OAltS After It 1 M. i,,oue BTi Healdence Phouo .8-J. Careful Drivers .;. Good Onrs VK MAII, YOU 1 for each sot of old Fnlso Toot aont tia. Hlgbost prlcos paid for old Gold, Silver, old Watches broken Jowelry nnd Preclou Stones. Money Sent by Return Mall. Plilln. SiiiellliiK ,M HeflnlnK Co. Established 20 Years. H: Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. TO IIK.NTIST8. We will buy your Gold Killings fluid Scrap, and Platinum. Hlgu est prlcos paid. KQUPPKI) WITH WIHKLKSS Steamship Breakwatei AIAVAY8 ON TI.MK. SAIMNGS KHO.M POHTLAND, TuoMliiy cvcnliiB of each 'l H P. M. I SAILING KHO.M .MAHSHKIKLD, Sntiirtlay, ribruar)' , SlttrV(l leuriiaiy 1.1, riutiirtlny, l-ebrnury 22. Phono Main iVi-Jt. "j. O. MII'LEB, Al1 NOTICH TO CONTRACTORS. Notleo Is heioby givou that seal ed bids will bo received bv tho Common Council of tho Cl'ty ot Mnrshflold, Coos county. Oregon, until hnlf paBt seven o'clock P M ?,n.Io,n ?"' ,,a" ot March. ia.13, for tho Improvement of that portion of Hnll Avenuo from tho cast lino of Krone street South to tho east lino of Fourth Street South in tho City of Mnrshflold, Coos County. Orogon, nccordlng to tho plans nnd specifications on fllo in tho oflleo of tho Recorder nnd thero opon to tho Inspection of all per sons Interested thoreln. All bids must bo In accordance with tho requirements accompany ing said specifications, nnd upon blanks for thnt purposo which will bo supplied upon request nt tho of fico of tho City Engineer. A Certified Check of fivo per cent of tho amount bid must ac company tho bid, to bo forfolted to tho said City of Mnrshfleld in caso tho contract is nwnrdotl the contractor nnd lin fnllc tn ., ,.. a contract with tho said City with in 1IVU UitVS, Tiio Common Council reserves tl'0 rlirht to rolert nnv n,,.i , bids. ' ""u "' Dated this 21st day of February, 1 J 1 J JOHN W. I1UTLER, Recorder, Steamer Washington Sails from San Francisco for Coos Bay, Passengers and Freight, Thursday February 20, at 5 p. m. F. S. DOW. Aget. (X1 First ClassWeaving promptly dono nt Gardiner's Rag Carpet .Factory Cor. Union and Montana Street. Pho 131. North Dond, Or V. S. DROWN A. II. HODGINS Marshfield Paint 8b Decorating Co. Miniates Furnished. Phono 1H7-I, Mnrslificld. Oro. A modern Brick uildlug, Electrt Ught. Stoam Heat. Elegantly turnlshed Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL O O O S C. A. Metlln, Prop. Ktes: 00 cents u day and upwards Cor. Hroadway und Mnrket White Duck Button for ChlUren. Also now Patent Wlg,rf, i Shoes for Wef l.ckfll Fichor Auto Ser Wm. FUhcr.; iw&ff Phono raoi .- (, r ,,, - Stand Phono 8-J' Aonell-M phono 6-J. is sn gooJ II ill i nn i T.T'a'o BW iNortii diiu "; -.(' Shriver Realty 1st Nat'l Dank im J M Sisw HnlRrnsBnl m 't ' iHsMTsM