THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1913 EVENING EDITION. Dayton Bicycles 1 onkey See, Monkey Do, Or Imitation Is the Sheerest Flattery It'sOur Turn to Try a Clearance Sale Till March 15th We Offer Truss Frame Daytonia Bicycles As Shown in Our Window, at $28.50 $28.50 $28.50 Wc will make no changes in equipment at this price. A deposit of $5.00 will hold one of these wheels for you till April 1st, no longer. At our regular prices the buyer has the option of (of any brake made (except Corbin Two-Speed, which comes at $5.00 extra). Any shape handle bars and four styles of saddles. We Offer Good Used Bicycles At $12.00 $16.00 $20.00 We expect to have a Dayton Motorcycle here about March 7th. Marshfield Cyclery Agents for IDAYTON BICYCLES Phone 158-R Agents for DAYTON MOTORCYCLES 172 N. Broadway HEALTH AND STRENGHT arc bettor than riches and much easier to attain. aow is the time to build up your strength, tone your entire system and establish a solid, perma nent foundation of hca'tli. Hegin with n good tome. We have several excellent ones let us rec ommend Rexnll Sarsaparilln Tonic. t will clear your blood, impart tono and vigor to all your or- n-- m.ii iu suenginen and duiiu up your Mly, brain and nerves. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER." PHONE MAIM 9QR US Our ORPHEUM TONIGHT U. ttmt ,l8lit picked from lust weeks' program four flnu SKLlrS!TA-1 Western story. Mn 1 1 "OM!. MATt'HSlAKKR-A lliin'iif' rftv.... rjHMi funny comedy featuring liutry.' l',U'll,,0l'NIA REDWOODS A iilctiiru of tho logging In- "KVwS!Ml?SI0XKI OPWOKIl A Drnmn. 3UtJnJ , . I,u;"y S YOU LIKE IT In tluco reels. .1 nvlm-k Wednesday afternoon. l.stnbllbiitHl Admission, loc, Never more. -kjsjp' i Y.f cm irm; h." ,'ts- TIDES FOR FKRRUARY. Dolow la given tho tlmo and holght of high and low water at Marshfield. Tho tlilcfl nre placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on the flrst lino nnd helirhtH nn tho spcoml line of ench tiny; a compni- iBon on consecutlvo lielglitB will Indicate whothor It Is high or low wit tor. For high wntor on tho bar, substract 2 hours 34 minutes. Ullllrri.. 5.00 11.01! r.l!2 11.01 Ft... n.:i o.a n.c u.o anliirs.. n.13 u.r.t en n.'ic Ft... fi.a o.:i n.o i.i aCllta.. (i.7 12.52 7.21 0.0 Ft... (i.l 0.1 1.1 0.0 27'Mi-h.. o.:n 7.1 c l.ns 8.38 'Ft... 1.8 5.9 0.1 1.0 28 I Int.. 1.27 8.15 3.12 10.00 ,Ft... 2.11 5.0 0.5 3.0 ! WEATHER FORECAST. 4 Ily ABsoclntcd Press OREGON Fair tonight nnd Tuesday In north; ruin or snow tonight or Tucsdny In south. Northlcrly winds. local temperature record. Tor tho 21 hours ending at I: III a. in., Feb. 21, by llonj. Ostllnd, special govuruiueiit me teorological uhsorvor: Miixlmtiin II Minimum 2!) At 1:13 a. m 20 Precipitation 01 Preclpltntlon hIiico Sept. 1, 1012 II.CC Preclpltntlon snuiu period previous yonr 13.13 Wind: North; cloudy. Lenvo Tnmomiw Thoso listed to lenvo on tho Drain stugo tomorrow nre: Sir. Plorco, S. Ornlf, 8. .lacohs, II. S limn nnd J. K. Weber. Eggs Cheaper. Tho retail prlco or Eggs in sinrsiiilolil droppuu to 20 renin todny. F. S. Dow says that this Is the lowest prlco eggs huvo been nt this hcuhoii In six yonrs, Tho low prices itro prevail ing all along tho roast. Not .Married Portland pnpors Btato that tho report printed thoro rocoutly about tho ninrrlngo of Frod WANT ADS. WANTED Another girl ut tlio Lloyd Hotel. FOR HUNT Two furnished rooms. Heferoiicu required. Address S, care TIiiioh olllco. FOR SALE 200 acres hill and bonch laud, 25 acres bottom laud. Fine orchard, sovcu room Iioiibo, good barn and outbuildings. Near Allegany binding. Phono 30-1X1. J. II. PRICK, Allegnny, Ore. social calendar - I I WEDNESDAY. Homo Stlsslonnry Society of I .Methodist church with Sirs. I ClntB. Davis, 11th and Cen- I trnl. Krlbs. Jr.. In Colorado wns a "Joko report." Sir. Krlbs is well known on tho Day, having visited hero 11 num ber of times with relatives nt North Dcnd. Itelatlvo Dead Sirs. Sarah A. Pettyjohn, gnindmothor of Will Pet tyjohn of Slnrshlluld nnd of Doll Pettyjohn, formerly of Slnrshlleld but now of Salem, died at Salem last week of heart falluro, aged 85. Sho crossed tho plains by ox team In 1817, settling nenr Salem. For Pottery Plant Peter Scott, Si'., Is organizing a stock coinpnny to start n pottery plant on Coos Day. Ills boh, .Inmos Scott, la nn expert pottery worker nn dthoy hnvo dis covered a big deposit of lino el.iy ftr the work. Sir. Wnlllng of Poll taiid, who tins been here Inspecting the rhiy deposits In tills section nUn plf.tiB to orgitnlzo n stock coinpnny heio to stnrt n brickyard and tlh plant If ho lluds tho clny suitable for tint work. Ten SI lie Shooting Neptune Young of Ton SIllo was In Slnrshllold today on business nnd reported that Saturday night, his wlfo hnd n very narrow escape from being shot by Fred Sluetzol. Sluotzol was return ing to his homo In n rather hilarious mood and was shooting promiscuous ly as ho passed tho creamery. One of tho bullets struck the wall n few feot from whore Sirs, Young wns standing. Steps may mo taken to proBCcuta Sluetzol. In AlM-rdreii Mrs. Peter Scott, Sr., stntes that John Frnntz, tho former Coiiu; lo .Man, wiio Is being sought by relatives at Iowa City, town. Is at Aberdeen. Washington, whore ho recently bought a ranch. She and Sir. Scott met him at Aber deen, lie formerly worked nt New port nnd on tho Cotiullle. Her at tention was aUniclnil hy an Item in The Times stathfg that Cashier Slast of tlio Cotiulllo Dank, hail re ceived 1111 Inquiry nbnut him. H11IN Todny Tho Adellno Smith Railed about noon todny with her llrst lumber rnrgo from tho Smith mill and was drawing about eighteen feet of wntcr. A lnrgo number gathcrod along tho waterfront to sco tlio vessel go by. She hnd n good deck load. Captain Olson wns nccompnnlotl by Designer Hough nnd F. A. Warner of tlio C. A. Smith Company. Tho nr timl amount of her rnrgo had not been reported this afternoon. 7ALUE in overcoats here means intrinsic quality in the goods; the fabric, weave, style, tailoring better than you expect for your money. But more than that; it means having for you the things you want. WOOLEN MILL STORE This storo la tho homo of Hnrt Sclinftnor & SInrx Clothes. LOSES iuo toe. WANTED To exchange or sell property of n vuliio of $1000. .Modern Iioiiro, lnrgo barn, tho best of garden lands, consisting of about four acres, on county road and waterway tributary to Coos liny City. What hnvo you? Call at 130 North Ilrondway, Slarshflold, Or. Stutsman & Co. WANTKD Furnished or unfiiriiMi cd modern house or housekeep ing rooms. Apply llox D, Times olllco. Late Tuesday night, I), Romuf, n Inboror employed nt Morales' camp, on tho South Fork, was brought to tho Whlto Cross Hospital to un dergo trontmont for a crushed foot, nnd which necessitated tho nmputn tlon of n too nt tho first joint. Tho rails upon which the steel dump enrt travels suddenly spread at tho point whoro tho victim was standing nnd boforo Romuf could got out of its way passed over his foot resulting as nbovo Btatod. Myrtlu Point Enterprise. RUSINESS CHANCE Well estnb llshod, paying business In Slnrsh llold for snlo cheap. Goo. Wol stoad, 117 North Front streot. FOR SALE Furniture for tluco rooms. Pnrty buying enn rent house. Address Dox II, enro tho Times. WANTED Twelve experienced min ors and timuor nion. Apply Beav er Hill Coal Co. HKKU I'OTATUI'.H. a l'OU SALE Wo hnvo u limited supply of flue nurbank seed po tatoes produced from seed brought from Wlllnmotto valley to Coos Hay Inst year. Phono or call early. Tho Daznr, Phono 32, Slarshflold, WANTKD Whlto Slliwircn eggs for setting. Apply or call phono 31G4. A Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. fVJlBER, RETAIL DEPARTMENT UtI. SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS.' HOOFING PAPER, ETC. THE r.i,. "ll lllLTi IV TW" tiv Tioivn rtm -wnnn FXE inn 183 SOUTH DROADWAY FOR SALIC Three full-blood white Pokln drakes. Apply Warren Des- soy, Slarshflold. Phouo No. 31CX1. Fresh Shrimp Oysters Kippered Salmon Kippered Herring Stauff Grocery Co. Phono 102 Mnskey'fl "nndlcs. PERSONAL NOTES JOHN DKNSON Is In town today from Temiiletoii. NOKIi NOAH of North Coos Hlver is In town today. JACK PIHRSON of Tomploton Is In town for tho dav. JOHN PETERSON of Tompleton Is In Slnrshflcld today. ALEX RUTH Is a town visitor to day from North Inlot. ROSCO 11IASCA Is n Slnrshlleld vis itor from Coos River todny. L. F. PRICH, tho Sumner dalrymnn, Is In town todny on business. II. W. SANFORD of Sumner Is In Slnrshlleld for tho day on business. FRED WEAVER nnd fumlly wero guests of friends In North Rend. HENRY STRICKLAND of llnynes Inlet Is a Slnrshfleld visitor to day. W. C. DRADLEY returned todny vln Drain from n business trip to Port land. RAY PINKIJRTON Is In Slnrshfloltl todny from North Inlet on busi ness. J. C. REATTIE. tho North Coos River rancher Is In town 011 bus iness. SIR. nnd SIRS. ANSON ROOERS are In town today from South Coos River. SIRS. J. R. JOHNSTON of Alle gnny Is spending tho day In Slnrshfleld. SUSS MYRTLE WEATHERnY of North Inlet Is visiting in Slarsh flold today. W. R. JENNINGS of llnynes Inlot was a business visitor to Slarsh- llcld today. FRIJD HANSEN Is in town todny from Sumnor looking nftor busl- nes interests. AMOS DROWN mndo u business trip today to Slnrshfleld from llnynes Inlet. L. W. DROWN, who has boon visiting nt W. II. Perkins', left for Wy oming Saturday. SAS1 FRY returned to Allegnny this afternoon nfter spending Sunday In town. SIRS. J. 11. DAVIS of Coos River cniuo In vln Drain today from n trip to Portland. PETER nnd JOHN MICHAEL DRINK are business visitors to day from Allegany. SIRS. A. II. OLSHN of North Inlot Is spending tlio dny In town shopping and visiting. ARTHUR nnd CHARLES SleCUL- I.OCII nro spending tho day In town from llnynes Inlot. WALLACE CROUCH enmo to Slnrshfleld this morning from Hnyues Inlet 011 business. PETER PETERSON nnd his son, Charles, nro spondlng tho day In town from Haynos Inlot. SIR. nnd SIRS. TOSl SMITH of Dnn lols Creek nro spending tho dny In town on business and pleasure. SIRS. ANNIE DELL Is In Slnrsh lleld today on routo to Ton SIllo nftor n visit with hor Mother. WANTKD S01110 0110 to buy the Dartlo hotiBo In North Bond. Slust bo moved off rlght-of-wny nt onco. C. H. Slarsh, Right of Way Agent. FOR SALE Choice rhubarb plants. J. J. CUnkonboard. Phone 31C5. WANTED Mnld for general house work. Phono 3 8 9-J. VOn SALE OR RENT Houso and four lots in Eastsldo. Apply to James D. Cllnklnheard, Sumnor, Oregon. FOR SALE Dry wood, fir mid al der, at Cnmpboll's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phono 1ML. WANTED To lease n few lots for some time, not too far from Smith mill. Dox C, Times ofllco. FOR SALT Now visible typewriter easy payments. Address Dox O Times ofllco. FOR SALE Horse, wagon and har ness. Either together or separate ly. Inquiro Warnor Grocery Co. Hood River Apples I have arranged with the Hood River Apple Grow ers' Union for regular ship ments of this famous apple. The first shipment will arrive on Steamer Break water. Your grocer will have them at very reason able Prices. F. S. DOW. Sirs. George Steinmcniinii of Al legnny. WSI. GARRETT, foreman of tho Smith-Powers camp at Coalodo, spent Sunday in Slnrshfleld. F. A. WARNER, of tho C. A. Smith Company, left on tho Adellno Smith todny for San Francisco. JASIES MERCHANT- canio In from his Denver Hill ranch to spend Sunday with friends In Slarsh flold. JOHN KEUFB, who came in from llnynes Inlet this morning 011 business, returned home this af ternoon. GEORGE KINO, who wont to tho North Inlet country last Friday to buy livestock, returned this morning. SIRS. LEONARD SIASTERS nnd hor dnughtor, .MISS OLLIE RICH ARDS, nro spending tho dny la town from Sumnor. ALICE nnd HELEN FLANAGAN wero over Sundny visitors nt tho I). L. WATSON homo In Coos City, returning this morning. DR. II. P. HOWARD, u recent ar rival from Everett. Wash., nnd who Is now located on North Inlet-, Is In town today. J. C. DAVIS of Plat D has leased tho Chnrles Turner placo nt tho head of Wlllanch Inlot nnd Is mor lng his family thoro today. CAPT. W. C. HARRIS and son, CLARENCE HARRIS, camo to Slnrshlleld from Sumnor this morning to attend to business. W. F. PIPER returned to Allegnny this nftornoon, nfter n few dnya stay In Slnrshfleld, following nis return iroin n trip to Califor nia. J. S. DROWN auditor o ftlio C. A. Smith Coinpnny, loft Snturdoy ou tho Nnnn Smith for San Frnnclsco, after having completed tho audit of tho local olllccs, FRED GEHRCKE. formerly em ployed In tho Smokehouse, hns returned from n bIx 1110111118 stay in California nnd says Coos Day looks very good to him. NEIL WATSON was In from Coon City todny on business connected with tho construction of tho fine ranch homo that Is being built ou tho Judgo Wntson property thoro. REV. G. LEROY HALL roturnod thla morning from Sumnor, whoro ho pronched last evening to n good houso In tho llttlo Sumnor church. Next Sunday Rov. Hnll will lmi.i services at Cooston. MISS ANNIE RANKIN, who hns beon employed nt tho Lloyd Ho toi, loft todny for hor home 011 Dnnlols Creok. SIlss Rankin foil down stairs at tho time of Mm flro in the Donaldson block nnd wns Injured so badly that tho physlcIaiiH ndvlso comploto rest. A. F. ESTADROOK nnd wlfo roturn ed todny from Floronco, whoro Sir. Estnbrook wont to examine tho hnrbor and channel boforo nwnrd ing tho contract to Kruno & Dunks for tho steamer that ho Is to huvo built for tho San Frnnclsco-Slu-slnw run. Captain Jensen, who looks after construction work for him, Is nlso hero. AT THE HOTELS. I COOS Alniop S. Johnson, Port Orford W. Hurlhurt, North Dond; T. II. KI110B. San Frnnclsco; J. N. Goodmnn, Coos River; Roy Clark, San Francisco. DLANCO R. Hotchkiss, Eurokn; John O. Haro, Oakland: L. L. Crouch, Coqulllo; C. F. Rorgman, Coqulllo; John TollofBon, Jr.. Easr sldu; James SI. Merchant, llaston dorf Donch; John Dlnsca, Coos Riv er. LLOYD II. Poppolbaumy, South Inlet. CHANDLER A. H. Slooro, Port land; II. W. Logan, San Frnnclsco; S. S. Jncobs, Portland; J. Grnlf, .Minneapolis; Win, Randolph, Port laud; Henry Dlock, Portland; A. W. Hlnz, Holllstor, Cnl.; Ilnlfour Spiko, Dtldgo; C. S. Hamilton, San Frnnclsco; C. D. Crlchton, Yaquliia. VIMOL THE SIODRRN TOXIC UECOXSTUUCTOU containing tho inedlrlnnl extrac tives of Fresh Cod Livers with poptounto of Iron. IjhIWIImW