LENTY OF MEN AND THINGS SEEM EASY UNTIL YOU TRY TO DO THEM fflooa 3tm?a LOST ARTICLES . ,,(.sl rmiiiil lnoiitil' TIiiu-h want Head them! fso tlioml They pet ii".iil"- MKMHEIl OP THE ASSOCIATED I'ltKS """" " .. . ii-l.-.l I.. 1UTU MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1913 EVENING EDITION. i .,,vmm I'istni""""-" A Corwolldntlon of Times, Const Mnll riiiI Coos liny Advertiser. No. 188 OL AaAVI., Tlio Const Mnll. NOW IS VOIR TIM!. I A small nil In Tin Times waul I column limy I irlng you results im H mediately. Try one. K a POSED madero i ARE SLAIN III MEXICO GUY FH ER PRESIDENT IZ TALKS General Hucrta Claims It Was Accidental, Diaumiy h Attack of Followers. ciniAlS WERE BEING TRANSFERRED TO PRISON Jnited States Keeps Advices Concerning rossimu hu tion Secret Today. 1117 iUir'''r inemw liny Tlin. ..kvipo riTY Tcli. 2 I. Francls- U I Mmlcro ami Joso Pino Snnrez, P." '' i .....ul.lnnl mill vlco iiruHlilunt. Icipcctlvcly nf tho Mexican republic, icre Bliot nmi mucn nnuuu), ........ n attempt was nimlo to rescue tlieiu J." nnlnlmihlll! tllllt WIIH trilllH- KcrrlnR tliem i tho ponltontlnry. OITICIAI- KRSIOX GIVF.X. Claim Investigation Will Silbsliiiilliitu llctrh story or Troiiino. ,-., , r ' n M llfly TIIIH 1 Mi'Vlf'M I ITV Pell. 1M. All Of- iHiariiivisllrii't''" 'f " tlcntliHh of Ex-1'resldeiit Mmlcro .mil kx-vico n,-l,lniit Smir, K.lllllllllV lllullt Will i.. i.,.iih i'iiiiii 1ml the nelieral bo- Kief prevails n will HiiliHtautlato tho CniM-il ir Iiiiiu nf the occureiu'o In Irhlcli It I.) (liilin '(I that tlio party transferring Mir o men ironi mo palaco lo tin penitentiary wore at tacked by alleged ByniputllUors of Madcro, Jim rm ami other authori ties nrc cnni(' in tlielr ileclaratlotifl that the government wiih uetlng In pnml fnl lli mill that the dentil of the prlsonem wis solely from unfor- icen clreiniiHtaiii'es. WItli tlio pas ting of Mmlcro the general opinion prevails that the tenseness of tho iltimtlnn litis Ik .mi relieved. There li a marked tendency of all flussos to accept the new order of tilings. l'ori: rii's sorry. ri'iilKT IKvpl) Allcctcil Over Condi- Hun III Mexico. 117 A-"- IVI I I (It I (MM Iklf TIlMM ) KOMI' 1-Vli :' I I'ni.o 1'Iiik ivnu i , .... . .... ...... ...... rriatlv nfforlpil liv the news nf the eatli of Mttdcro and Sunroz and ex pressed concern iner (lie uurulv fctatc of affnlrn in Mexico. 1IEI IRK SEVEN RULERS DIE IN MEXICO Madero Last of Long List Who Have Paid Death Penalty for Ruling. tlljr Amoi lalol I'ii-m lu i'ihm 1 1n y Tliura.? :ew youk, Feb. 21. with tho killing nf Mndrro and Suarez In Mexico City yesterday, tho lint of those who paid the fatal price of ruling Mexico vnn IncruiiHcd to hov 011 nnincH, hIih'o Just a little more than a century ago when MIkucI Hi dalgo Y. Costollo, tho pnrlHh priest of Dolores, nroso an the "liberator" of Mexico, clutched tho control from the feeble himilH of tho Hpunlsh vice roy. Ilo made an unsuccessful cam paign and wiih caught and Hhot lu July, 1811 MAOERQ FAMILY SI 0 Nephew of Murdered Presi dent and Relatives Depart 'from Mexico. Ily AMollr1 I'n-n lo Coot Ilajr Tlniri.) VIOUA Cltt'. Kelt. L' I. Krneslo Madcro, who wait flunuco nllnlHtor lu tho cabinet and who waa a ne phew of l'raiclnco Madero, arriv ed hero with IiIh family and prob nbly will depntt for soino polrnt in Cuba on a Cihau Kuubont till uf- ttM'IIOOU. SUS SODN Porter Brothers Expected to ocgin urivmcj Birj Bore at Ten Mile This Week. Pardon ....1. ... ,...., t, "'in- 1 nmi iiiiniiuer to- ir report that (.inal coiiKtructlon VOrk nn Hi.. 1.1.. - tt . Ij,.' vv U,K '""' 1 ironi acno PtM Creek to T.n Mllo la ken will rln tnli week Men and mnchlnory lu , " v'"",i mere now ror ne work, iofflDlSr,iCopc",iacn ,,rotl,ors Imvo lori,..L. . '"" "' Kauo roauy pi track laying They are worklne r u ,rom HiliolkM towardH Ueedn- 1 .v " 1 wnrhinjc Bovon daya N,:-, -tl.or. fcor wl. "i-iiik iweiuy root fWi. ' '" 1K. but In Sen ,,roll!(1'H will probab- K J? lli'.thora will er- Thn V',U."'K lunnoi. kogiD. V. "'" c"c I'ompany Ih nr- 0111. ..r ,"1 niiKo now ware- r. "r l"'"-""Bon8. ow ?. "a a. at Porter Brothers 'Mch .V.'""' .,!"" nt Floronco. lV re8Ba?,,a ,W,U n,n u steadily 0 feu nf 1 ,mvo ovor 30,000,- RfcTli-'fi.'""""'1 hi. iho ' .""iiik very nroanor. -fowh2SS"tnn, "trance. nouri servleo Is given. "WTAIJCB IS 1IACIC. ne paper says: " of the ,?0,' MRlneer in o Bay ij ntructlon of tho " tr i ?i rStu."'Pl last evening 11 rerytli . "forn,n- Ho Bays uOoWnB?.?. looking well In ", h?t he u ,",.,?"; Fontaine W ' Heel win 1 ?ny wnen SB ne. hut V mgln on the th?,.has "LUlvl c.om'nenco kl. " still u.i "i'ng opens V.?f'"6 w" it?J "l.!'6-. but if 'uv m ghtv ." lis on we'll today." Boon- said Mr. Fon- sis "am ",M, to vnnSi: i'ONR - niu 7j , , FIRSI REVOLT AGAINST HUERTA Gives Out Interview in Egypt That He Will Respond Only to Emergency Call from Mexico. Mlj Anno lito.l I'riTi lo Coon liny TlmM 1 KKNI3I1, Ugypt, Fob. M. Por forlo Diaz, rurtiior dictator of Moxl co, declared today that he Is hold liiK lilniHolf in readliieKB to respond to n call to his country In cjibo of foreign complIcntlouH. If this Khould not occur, he will not re turn to Mexico until a Bottled gov ernment Is re-estnbllHhed and his re-nppearaucc on the scene could bo made without tho risk of being wrongfully Interperted. He ex pressed hope that "hands off Mexi co" would continue to bo tho poli cy of tho United States. Ho ex pressed groat confldenco and re spect for the ability of Provisional President lluertn. SAIL SUNDAY ON REDQNDO Steamship Leaves for San Francisco With Large List of Passengers. The Itedondo nailed yeaterday for San Francisco with n canaclty list of piiHsongerB and considerable freight In addition to tho cargo of lumber from tho C. A. Smith mill. Among tbosu sailing on tho Ite dondo were tho fololwlng: Mcm. M. Ttoney, MrB. II. Similar. John Ashmul Frank Ashmul, .1. It. Ashmul, Mrs. M. Ashmul, II, A. Ilrown. V. A. Ilocltlns. A. J. Little, .1. It. Fisher, .1. V'elcrmllit, C. A. Mc Cabe. A. P. Davis A. Kughthart, Frnnk O. Uavls, K. .lennlngs, J. 8. Hare. John Franollch, Vincent Mch, I.oiiIh Stndiilck, Mih. Hay Drown, Mrs. .1. V. Carter, T. W. Shulloy, Mrs, A. Hunt, Lord M. Shulloy, Chas. A. Marlntt, A. Hunter, T. II. Ken ney, F. M Ilunkor, A. I.lndh. Otto Hlllspson. U. A. Carlson, F. Fitzger ald, T. Finning. ELS ABOUT TO LEAVE HERE Gasoline Schooner Will Go to Eureka for Run Out of Humboldt Bay. Tho Ttamlolph, a small gnsolluo schooner which tins boon plying nut of Coos Hay ports for some time, Is now taking on a cargo for Curry county ports after which Bho will go to Kuroka to ply out of Humboldt Hay. Cnpt. Anderson hns made ar rangements for her to run rcgulnrly between tlio Klamath Hivur, Kurekn and San Francisco, malting a spec ialty or ennncry shipments. Tho de parture of the Randolph will reduce the number of small vessels plying between hero and nearby ports. It Is expected that tho Mncleay Ks tato will soon put another small ves sel between Coos liny and Uoguo Riv er to take tho place of tho Osproy. which was lost horo last fall. Tho Httstlor Is taking ti spcclnl load of lumber to Chotco from the C. A. Smith mill ror the Brookings Lumber Co. A. S. DIBBLE DEAD INS Only $10,000 for Inner Chan- Former Coos Bay P?"ic'ent nei work uregon Here Passes Away in South- in Six Months. ' ern California. UNITED STATES NOT EXPECTED TO INTERVENE IN MEXICO ITED STATES 0 JVJadero Troops Near Chihua hua Rebel Today; Sonora May Also Rebel. (Ilr Auo Ulrl I'km lo l'oo liny IIhim.1 Kl PASO, Tex Feb. 21. Former M micro troops at Stiaz, Jioar Chi huahua, have rebelled against Hu wrtn's government and declaro they will not permit trallle botwteji Chi huahua nmi tho border. They woro at Sua, ax part nf tho guard tor tho Mexican Cent nil road between Juarez and Chlhunliua. This lu tho first open declnratJou of tho troops of tho deposed provident In northern Mexico. Tho Juarez Madoro's followers nro Btlll under arms but nro guarded carefully by tho federals in tlio town. Titouniii: l.v soxoitA. Ktato Olllcluls Session Looks Like Paulo on Stock Market. iny Awo. lalcl nH to fuo Hay Time. HERMOSILLO, Sonora, Fob. 2. Tho opening session of tho special meeting or tho Sonora stato congress today was as uproarious as a bcsbIoii of the stock market in panic times. Epithets and ehargea woro shouted across tho chamber. Deputies al most enmo to blows but no definite commitment was mndo either wny on tho question of wliothor Sonora should declaro loyalty to or open re bellion against the provisional gov ernment of Huertn. Henry Sengstacken. secretary of tho Port1 of CoriH liny, today re ceived tho following bolf-explnua- torj letter from Cnpt. 11. H. Robert lu charge or the Culted States en igineerlng ulllco nt Portland: "Replying to your letter or tho 1Mb lust., Inquiring as to the pur pose Tor which the Itom of $80, niM) In tho pending river and har bor bill Is made, I would statu that $10,000 or thin amount lu to ho used In maintaining the bay chan nel by dredging. Tho balaneo or $70,000 Is ror equipping mid op erating the sen-going hydraulic dredge Col. P. S. Mlchle. ".Mnlnr Cnvanniiuh recuutlv In formed this olllco that It would re-J qulro nbout six months ror tho dredgo Oregon to comploto tho work bolng done at Grays Harbor. After this Is Mulshed It Is believed the dredgo will bo available for work at Coos JJay, ir funds nro provided." WIUTK SLAVE LAW. Federal Statute Ujihehl by U. S. Supreme Court. ny AMoclaltHl Pni lo Coo Uy Tlmea.l WASHINGTON. Feb. 24. Tho Federal "whito slave traffic act" of 1910 was uphold ns constitutional today by the supremo court of tho United States In an opinion by Jus tlco McKenna, VETOES ROAD HILL. Governor Lister or Washington De livers Knockout to .Measure. (Dy Auo.laled I'rfii to Coot llay Tlmw.l OLYMPIA. Wash., Feb. 24. Governor Lister today vetoed a bill providing nn annual tax lovy or a mill and a hnir ror a state road. Tho hill would yield a reve nue or $1,500,000. Tho House today killed tho bill extending tho provisions of tho wo men's olgut-nour law to canneries, HAND DANCK at EAGLES HALL next SATURDAY night. VY AT LOS ANGELES Four and a Half Inches in 24 Hours Snow Falls on Coos Bay. Illy AwoflateJ Prwa to Coos Day TlinM.J LOS ANGELES, Feb. 24. Near ly rour and a hnlf Inches of rain have fallen slnco noon yesterday. It Is tho heaviest rainfall chroni cled In tho records of tho local weather bureau. SNOW OX COOS HAY. Rain ami Cold Followed, by Con siderable Sleet and Snow. Saturday night, Coos Hay exper ienced a considerable fall of snow following tho cold weather and rnln. It lasted only a few hours Sunday morning. However, in coniraBi wmi mo weather of tho Mlddlo West and or Southern Caliromla, It didn't seem bad. A. S. Dibble, n former well known resident of Coos Hay, died Saturday nt San Diego of a compli cation of diseases, according to word lust received hero. lie had boon badly crippled for a numbor of ycniH with rhoumattsm, He was about 00 years old. Mr. Dibble resided In Mnrshflold for a number of years until about 1H08, when tho family left ror San Diego. For it number of years ho and his family conducted the Mnrshtlcld hotel In tie It. II. Olson building, where Wilson's Undertak ing parlors are now locnted. Lator he engaged In the real es tate business and platted and put Hay View Addition on tho mnrkot. This addition lies between Marsh Hold and North Rend and Is west of Ferndalo. Ilo Is survived by a wife and four children, tho three sous being Sid ney, Lclnud and Early. Continues Mobilization of the Army on Southern Coast Preparatory to Action." Illy Amo latpil I'mi In Coo llay Tlrnm.) WASHINGTON, Fob. 21. Com plete orders were Issued Into todny to moblllzo tho entire second army division at Galveston. Preparatory orders were Issued early todny. The regiments nf tho brlgnuo are not up to wnr strength. Tho en tire Second division as It exists to day will aggregate less than 8000 fighting men. with perhnps a thous and auxiliaries. Theoretically this division should be 18,000 strong. Later formal orders were pre pared to actually start tho Sixth and Fourth brigades on their way to Galveston. Tho orders nro for n inooveineiYt o ftho sixth cavalry nt DesMolnes, and part or tho Third cavalry brigade to bo prepared. It was expected thnt Secretary Stlmp sou would issue tliem Into today. PROIli: GUN THEFT. American Troops and Ranchers Held For Gun Disappearance. EL PASO. Tex., Fob. 21. Ameri can troops nre on trial for the theft of n mnchlno gun or thirteen states cavalry at Hntchln, Mex. The troop ers from Hntchln hnvo been detained nt Fort Hllss, Texas, anil three Amer ican ranchmen hnvo boon arrested a few mllos from the border. Tho dis covery of sneks or army reed led to tlio civilians' arrest. A largo quan tity or grain disappeared with tho mnchlno gnu. Tho theory Is thnt tho gun was stolen by Americans who intended to fioll It. GEX. CARTER'S ORDERS. Head Army Olllcer Instructed to He Prepared for Service. Ily '.' u.oj rrtM lo lova llay TIiiim CHICAGO. Fob. 24. Genornl Wil liam J. Carter, commanding tho tcc ond division or tho United Stntos army, was ordered today to hold him self and his divisional hendqunrtors olllcors In rendlness lo respond at any moment to orders to proceed south. Tho Fourth and Sixth brig ados which received similar ordors are In Carter's division. Has Not Determined to What Extent Huerta Regime Be Recognized. AMBASSADOR WILSON GIVEN LARGE POWERS Believe That Only Attack on Americans or Foreigners Will Cause Intervention. (Ily Ai'orlatM I'km lo Com llay TimM.l WASHINGTON. Feb. 24. Tho ox tent to which recognition may bo ex tended by the United States to tho Huerta government In Moxlco hns not been determined. From tho pres ent Indications this depomls Inrgoly upon the recommendations of Am bassador Wilson, who has given lnrgo discretionary power lu tho mnttor. Tho trnglc events or Sundny are ".ho ly to hnvo some bearing on tho mat ter. It remains true thnt probably tho only extreme Joopnrdy of Ameri cans and foreigners In Mexico bo re garded as sulllc' v for n depnrturo from thnt policy. PLANS FOR PEACE. Commissioners or International Fo rum (Joes to Mexico, (ny Amo lalivt I'nn lo Cihm llay Tlmra KL PASO. Tex., Feb. 2I. Dr. Henry Allen Tupper, commissioner or tho International Poaco Forum, loft hero today ror Mexico City. Tup per had arranged ror a conforenco with Pedro Lascuraln, minister of exterior relation In Madoro's cabi net and a vlco president or tho peace forum. Ho will not treat with tho Dlnz ndherents now lu power u' tho national capital, FEW NEW DEVELOPMENTS. CALL MORE TROOPS. United States Keeps Advises From .Mexico Secret. Ily Amo. latcl 1'riM lo Coo. llay Time ) WASHINGTON. Feb. 24.- Tho reeling or anxiety over tho situation In Mexico continued throughout of ficial circles during the early part of the day but nn additional dlspntchou woro mndo public to throw any fur ther light on the situation. It was felt thnt Ambassador Wilson's mes sage stating thnt the diplomatic corps would not nttond tho luncheon nrrnngod for todny by Goncrnl Huer to, at which the situation was to bo discussed, will prove n sulllc lent In dication to tho Moxlcan authorities of tho purposo of this and other gov ernments to await dolluite assurances that the bloody tragedies just onnct ed hail not occurred through any connivance or tho Mexican administration. STAND OF ENGLAND. Fourth ami Sixth Hrlgadcs Ordered to Prepare for Service. Illy Aiwoi laltHl I'iim lo Cooa llay Tim. WASHINGTON. Feb. 24. Tho Fourth brlgndo of tho Second Army division and tho ontlro Sixth brigade woro ordered today to prepare to entrain to join tho othor troops bolng mobilized, MEDAL FOR MARINER. Captain Rosti-on of Ctirpnthln Is Honored for Titanic Service. Ily AMO! UteJ I'reai lo Coo llay Time, J NEW YORK, Feb. 24. Captain H. Rostron, commandor of tho steam ship Carpatlila, when sho rescuod tho survivors of tho Titanic last April, arrived from England today to ro celve a modal voted by congress. Tho award YllI bo made In Wash ington. L S SUIT IS BEGUN Government Action Against Striking Telegraph Men in Chicago Begun. ny Auoclat! Troa to Cooa Day Time.,) CHICAGO. Feb. 24. An alleged "labor trust" was nttneked todny by tho Fedoral government In a civil suit (Hod hero against two local unions, Nos. !, una 134 of the International Urothorhood or Electrical Workers, engaged In a strike against tho Postal Telegraph Cable Company. As part ot tho labor war against tho telegraph company, tho govornmont charges officers and employes with combin ing and conspiring through acts or violence and depredations to injure the Postal Telegraph Company b wires, intorrero with the transmis sion or governniont and commercial messages in Interstate commerce, Tho alleged interteronco was ' de clared to bo deliberate. Tho gov ernment asks tnat tho defendants he enjoined from obstructing Inter state and government messages ov or tho Postal lines, from cutting, burning or otherwise Injuring Its telegraph lines and from Interfer ing by threats or Intimidation or force with employes or prospective employes of the company MEX FROM MCIIRASKA. Four Train Loads of Soldiers Leave For Galveston, lly Awo, laltxl I'rnw lo Cooa llay Tlinm OMAHA, Nobr., Fob. 24. Shortly after two o'clock this afternoon the first soetlon of a troop train carrying tho fourth Infantry left for Fort Crook, Galveston. 'J ho loading or tho second section bognn nlso. Tho train will run in four sections, W Times' Want Ada bring results, BEST OF BOUT Murphy Given Draw Decision Rivers Knocks Out ' Brown. ny Amo. Ule I'lf to Cooa llay Time,. J SAN FRANCISCO, Fob. 24. Tho Wolgnst-Murphy bout ended a draw. Wolgast had all tho hotter of tho go In tho last six rounds. Will Not Kccngulo New Government lu Mexico Now. Ily Awo lail I'm, lo I'uua llay Tlmei.) LONDON, Feb. 21. Tho HrlMsh government will not rocognlzo the now govornmont of Moxlco until It has beou conllrmod by tho gonornl election, according to nn authoratlve statement todny. OF CONGRES S RIVERS WINS GO. Knocks Out Ilrown In Tenth Round At Vernon. ny Atioi liti-l I'rraa lo Cooa Ray Timet. 1 VERNON, Fob. 24 Rivers knock ed out Drown In tho tenth round Saturday. MRS. PAXKHURST HELD. Xoted SiinYnglst Charged With lioinh Outrage. Dy Asioi late! i'rtaa to Cooa Ilajr Tlmta LONDON, Fob. 24, Mrs, Emollno Pankhurst was arrested today In connection with tho destruction or the country residence of David Lloyd Georgo by a bomb explosion last President Wilson Announces He Will Call Body to Meet April 1. (Ily Aaaoi latcl I'nn to Cooa Hay Time,) TRENTON. N. J.. Fob. 24. Presldont Wilson nnnouncod thnt an oxtrn session of congress will bo convened Tuesday, April 1. With his Inauguration only a week off, Wilson has not yet been able to make his filial cholco on tho porsonuel or his cabinet, His most Intlmato friends belleva Hrynn will bo secretary of state. It Is known thnt Hrynn and tho president-elect hnvo boon In frequont communication. IRON WORKERS MEET. Reorganization of Union Planned nt Indianapolis Meeting. (Ily Aoi lattxl 1'reaa to Cooa llay 'HuiM INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. 24. A re organization of tho International As sociation of Hrldgo and Structural Iron Workers, all but two of whoso cxocutlve offlcors were convicted Inst Docombor for promoting tho McNa mara dynamlto plots against "opon shop" contractors, is planned at tho association's annual convention, which opened todny. Tho sessions nro secret. Presldont Frank M Ry an, who received a seven-year son tenco for tho dynamlto conspiracy trial, who Ib now atllborty under bonds ponding an appeal, Is favored by somo delegates for reelection