THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1913 EVENING EDITION. 8 BAKING POWDER The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE .(ContliMicdfnim Miss Katlicrlno Smith, Miss aindyB Wmont, MIbs Helen Dow, Miss Myrl Cox, Mlsa Mildred Wilson, MIbb Kflto Church, MIbb Wllda UnrrlB, MIbb Adolnldo Clarke, Miss Frcdn Holm, MIbb Mnrlnn Senninn, Miss Virglnln Clnrke, MIbb Lillian Seaman, Claud WllBon, Oeorgo Lccocq, Albert Cnrlylo, Harvey Walter, Fcstus Wnl tor, Chnrlcfl Sodnlla, Will McDonald nnd Duncan Ferguson. IIOXOK .MISS DAVIS MIbb HhIIIo Dnvls wan tho guost of honor ut n ninsqtiorndo costume and handkerchief shower laBt Thursday ovonlriR nt tho Flyo homo In West MnrBhlleld with MIbb Desoto Flyo us hoBtcss, Miss Dnvls loft on tho Dreakwator today and on her arrival will lio married to Chester Kndlcott, who Is connected with the Kastsldo Prlnt Iiik Company. Tho houso was bcautlfuly deco rated In Oregon grnpo and hueklo borry. Tho ovonlng was spont In unities. In tho guessing gnmes, MIbb Kdlth Hlldonhraud won llrst prlzo nnd MIbb DcbbIo Ayro second. In tho gnmo of "pinning tho tnll on tho donkey," Mies Kttn DrookH won llrnt and Miss Sylvia Dnvls second. After tho gninos nnd at a lato hour n two courso luncheon wjib Borvod hy tho hostess. Wo kIvo n list of tho guests nnd chnrnctor ropresentod: Hnlllo Davis A maid of honor. Sylvia Dnvls Topsy. Etta Drooks Sis Hopkins. IJontrlco Smith Spntilsh Dancer. Kllznboth Ayro French maid. Myrtlo Kdwurds N'urso girl. Floroncu Ilcnham Mnrthn Wnsh Ington. Kdlth Hlldenbrnnd An Klk. Eliza Ayro Irish innld. Allco Curtis Cow girl. Iluth Mnthows Cow hoy. Allro Cox I mil u n ninldon. llosslo Flyo Sailor girl. j. .;. .. ary 10, was solemnized ono of tho prettiest house woddlngB of tho sea son, when Mr. Charles Spooner nnd Miss May Messerlo woro united In ninrrlogo by tho He v. II. I. Hutletlge, nt tho homo of tho bride's brother, Fred 0. Messorle, on Catehlng Inlet. Tho brldo was prettily dressed In white mcssnllno nnd woro n veil Mrs. Fred U nnd Mrs. Thomas Hooke, Mr. nnd Mrs. Joo Olln, Mrs. Kern, Mrs. Incobs, Miss Charlotte Hooko, Miss Knintii Johnson, Miss Kthcl Vnn XIIo. Mr. Tom Storn, Mr. George lleglle, Mr. Walter Piitmnn. I kxjov maxqukt i 4. The niombera of the Mnrshllehl FIro Depnrtnient nnd their wIvcb nnd swoethenrts Inst night enjoyed tho annual banquet of tho organization. It was Informal, dnnclng. curds, mu sic by Koyzor's orrhestrn nnd other diversions being enjoyed until mid night when a sumptuous banquet was spread, the latter being, pre pared by tho wIob of the llrcmon nnd Mr. llngomolstor. There were no tonsts or tnlks. Tlfo Odd Fellows donnted the hall to the llremen for tlio orrnslon. Among those present wero C. L. Alhroeht nnd wife, Dan Keating and wife, L. K. Dlivcn nnd wlfo. C. C. Pratt nnd wife, J. G. Kin ney nnd wlfo, Del Hliodcs nnd wife, Nick Stnmbono nnd wlfo, J. W. Davis nnd wlfo. Win. Abel and wife, Alfred Mntson nnd wife. Geo. Gulovson nnd wlfo, Messrs. Hubs N'nsburg, George Lccocq, A. Trlbbey, Win. Sleep, Guy Lnttln, .1. Martinson, L. W. Traver, Dtinenn Ferguson, Jr., II. Carlyle. Max Kriigor, Hobort Lnng, Frank .Mntson, Gordon Smith, Leslie Ulnn clmrd. Homer Mnuzoy, Kd Llndborg, George Pratt, George Seeling, Misses Adolnldo Clarke. Wllmn Harris, nil- la Prntt. Kdlth Hnwkmnn, Miss Holmes, Anna Smith, Hutli Mnt thows, Kdnn and Klslo Hnwkmnn, Vera Albrecht nnd Miss Sorcnson. I SOCIAL CALHNDAIt I wki ix .Missoritr Tho mnrrlngo of Mlsa Dora Standlsh of IIuiuo. Missouri, and Mr. CnrI Messerlo presided at Thompson, both visitors this summer tho piano, playing the wedding march ns the brldnl couple entered the room. Tho bridesmaid was' Miss Koso Mossorlo and tho grooms-1 man Mr, Gilbert Stoekel. Tho brldo ami groom stood under 11 largo bell draped with wlilto roses nnd Oregon grnpc, as tho ceremony was suld. 1 Tho brldo Is tho daughter of Mr.! nnd Mrs. John Messerlo of Catching Inlet nnd tho groom bun inado his homo with Mr. nnd Mrs. W. I. U0110-. brako of Catching Inlet for several ' years, but of Into has boon In the U. ," S. army at Fort Stovena, Oregon, I where ho Iiob served thrco yoars. j Tho wedding wns a quiet one ns only n few eloso friends nnd roln tlves woro Invited: Aftor tho ceremony n thrco course dinner wns served by Mrs. Fred Mes sorie nnd MIbb Hose Messerlo to tho following guests: Mr. nnd Mrs, John MesBorle, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Collvor, MIbb Horo Mossorlo, Geo. Messorle, Gilbert Stoekel, Andrew Masters, Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred G. .Messerlo, bnby Kvorott Mossorlo, Hev. II. 1, Hutlcdgo nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Chimes Spooner. v On Thursdny nt 11 lato hour tho fallowing persons mot nt tho Mcs sorb homo for n chnrlvarl: Ed Jnckson, Al Fostor. Hnrold Mooro Wultor Knluo, nnd Albert nnd Jull 1 us Gunnoll. v v I nt tho C. II. Wnlter homo nnd known to mnny Mnrshllold pcoplo, wiib sol emnised two weeks ago nt Hume. Mr. Thompson Is a distant rolntlvo of Mr. Wnltor's, nnd Mr. Thompson hns born Junior member of the linn of HoITcb and Thompson nt Utimo. Tho young couplo are guests nt tho C. II. Walter homo for tho present, hut will build a home hero as Mr. Thompson Intends to locnto perma nently In business. : MONDAY Progress Club with Mrs. W. M. Dlnkc. Fifth Street Sewing Club with .Mrs. Whereat In the evening. TUESDAY Roval Auction llrldgo with Mrs. C. F. McKnlght. Lnilles Episcopal Guild with Mrs. Otto Schettcr. WEDNESDAY Jolly Dozen with Mrs. William Hiiln. Presbyterian Missionary Society with Mrs. Kcttrlng. Ilnptlst Ladles Aid. THURSDAY I A. N. W. Club with Mrs. Fannie I Hazard. Young Ladles Aid of tho Norwe gian Church with Miss Jennie Johnson of Ferndnle. Social Sowing Club with Mrs. Evn Gninniill. FRIDAY Lndlcs Art Club with Mrs. Jnmos Cowan, Sr. Irish Crochet Club with Mrs. Alvn Doll. by nli 'enroll Chambers of Portland who was present. Refreshments were served al the close of the meet ing. Those present were: Mrs. Eiiinin Nnshurg, Mrs. J. M. Fpton, Mrs. W. I.cdwnrd. Mrs. L. M. Noble, .Mrs. Sylvester Jones. Mrs. Hnrry llradlleld. Miss Maud Reed; Mrs. Otto St hotter. Mrs. J. S. Coke; Mrs. Fannie Hazard ; Mrs. .Mary Mi Knlght; Mrs. (leorgo Mureh; Mrs. Hugo Qulst; Miss Alice Hutler; Mrs. .Initios Ferry. Archdencon Chnmbors nnd Rov. Ilrownlng. Tho Guild wll moot ngnin next Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Otto Schetter. V Tor, R, Aff T..-i t.. x uu .. j n, A uuay, ieb, jjj The Famous U T 1 1 xiunic juuinai ratU M1! Ladi les At This Store .. ... r 4 1 ls ftfktllf M- ft t t a ! - - II v iiru wuii; i;m.-i,v uiii,ui m i ms v ., urn jiiiuiu.-i iiiii iimuiiiu una HOWS .V M The Ladies' Home Journal Patterns stand in a class by themselves. They aVc iln. jnii timif.if Mild so sininlo llnii .. i.:t.i tht'in with satisfaction. They are modest fotrl I Oc and I 5 c Each The host evidence of their worth is HV C11RA illustrations shown between the covers of a I M ....1.1.. CSI..I.. M.w.l. ' M MlMlllll IVIl- IHIUA, ('nil nnd (jcl n . HUB DRY GOODS CO. 0 'Council IJuildmg. Market Avcd iiovaij auctiox iimixji: IlKACII PAItTV I OATCIIIXfi xijKt wkihx 1 KlltK.MK.VK PAKTV. I ..4 I A Jolly crowd composed of Kvelyn Flnnngnn. Ornce Williams. Kdlth 1 Horn, Klslo Ilnll. I'nt nnd Oeorgo Flnnngnn, duy Stutsmnn, Oeorgo Johnson nnd Leslie Isancson. with Miss Cnriientor nnd Mlsu I'nlmor, 1 spont Inst Sunday nt the bonch, where thoy enjoyed n substnntlnl lunch nnd a Jolly rldo home. I I PAHTIKS I , Miss Doslrco Wyntt entertained n number of hor friends nt the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. T. A. Snllng. Thursdny evening. Tho diversion of tho even ing wns music nnd enrds, nftor which n nanny innciioon wns served. Those enjoying tho evening woro: Mr. nnd Mrs. T. A. Snllng. Misses: .Tennotto Sexton, Florenco Fnrloy, Messrs. Alnn Leslie, Ouy Kondnll, nnd Howard ICIrlc. At hlgli noon Wednosdny. Fobru- Tho North llond flroinoii gnvo tholr monthly curd pnrty Thursdny evening. Tho evening was spent In playing whist, nftor which ro fieshnionts were served. Thoso prosont woro: Mr. mid Mrs. Hurl Mlchnol, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoy Ilrnlnnrd, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. Lnnmls, Mr, nnd Mrs. Nick Unities, Mr. nnd Mrs. Joo Kniery, Mr. nnd Mts. Larry Ltlllho, .Mr. I I KI'ISCOKAL wl'ILI) I The Royal Auction llrldgo Club members woro entertained at n brldgo luncheon Inst Tuesday after noon hy Mrs. Horsey Kroltzer nt the family homo on Flanagan nvenue. As usual, nftor tho luncheon the members spent tho afternoon play ing brldgo nt which Mrs. K. K. Strnw won tho prlzo. Tho club will meet next Tuesdny with Mrs. C. F. Mc Knlght. Mrs. Kreltzer's guests Tuesdny wero: Mrs. F. A. Parsons nnd Mrs. W. 0. Chandler nnd tho membors enter tained wore: Mrs. A. L. llousoworth, Mrs. J. T. Harrlgan, Mrs. J. II. Mllnor, Mrs. K. K. Strnw, Mrs. Fred Powers, Mrs. R. K. Ilooth, Mrs. W. Scott. Mrs. F. K. Hague. Mrs. C. F. McKnlght, nnd .Mrs. K. K. Cottlns. .?. .r. a Mrs. Olivia Kdninn, Mrs. A. h. Hous worth, Mrs. Win. Ross Smith,, Mih. Nets Hnsmusseu mid Mrs. F. L. 'Sum nor, to whom tho hostess, assisted by Mrs. W. II, Curtis, sorvod refresh ments. Tho club will meet next week with Mrs. .Tallies Cowan Sr. .MKDAI. COXTKST $ I I PltKSltVTKHIA.V liADIKK - 4 I When You sf m 1 i You Buy Service The I.fillvH Auxiliary of tho Pres byterian Church glvo n pot luck din ner nnd old fnshloned rng tacking Inst Wednesday at tho homo of Mrs. C. II. Wnltoi' on South Fourth stroot. It wns nit nil dny session. The In dies cut nnd sowed enrpot rags, and during tho noon hour lunch wns ser ved pot luck fashion, llosldos tho lnombors the guests at lunch woro: Ml nti.l llo nt 1I..l....n w 1 I .'... .nil. .ii. n. .i. i, tiiiuii.'n, .in. rim Tn,iin n i ., .i TH Foiiton, Mr. Dodson, Rov. Tliirltlinrt, ho Ladles Oull, of tho hplscopnl nn,i Mr. nmi MrH, Cnri Ti,oim,ioii Tho Indies of tho Auxlllnry are prepnrlng for n spring snlo of rng rugs and othor housekeeping arti cles. Tho mombors presont Wednosdny wore: .Mrs. K. Kettrliig. Mis. P. W. Dodson. Mrs. K. (Ininmlll. Mrs. I. S. Smith, Mrs. J, H. Hurkhnrl, Mrs. II. Hlsliop, Mrs. J. Cox, Mrs. H. N. Fon- ton, Mrs. II. Mohr. Mrs. V. S. Dow nnd Mrs. L. W. Lnnudon. Tho guests of the nftornoon wore: Mrs. A. Tlodgon, M,rs. W. II. Fo ley, Mrs. Chns. Lowroy nnd Mrs. W. II. Konnody. Ono now meniher wns eleetod, Mrs. W. 11. Foley. The next meotliu, will ho Wodnoa dny, Mnrch nth. with .Mrs. Jns. Cox. Church met last Tuesdny nftornoon with Mrs. Colby Porry nt her homo on Cnnimorclnl nvenuo. After tho usual business nosslnn tho nftornoon wns spont In sowing, nn unuBunl fenture. of tho nftornoon, nowover. wns a tnlk to tho moiuhors i There wns a (told Medal Contest last Wednosdny ovenlng In tho Mothuhdlst Church. A largo crowd greeted tho contestants, of which thoro woro seven, nnd tho Judges, Mrs. Wllllniu Mugeo, Hov. Hutledgo nnd Hov. Osluud decided that Miss Klna Selaiider of Sumner was tho winner of tho medal. Tho inutile of tho evening, which wns much enjoyed, wns by tho initio qunrtette of tho Christian Church. Tho contestants woro under tlu direction of Dr. Itlrd Clark. I IRISH CHOCIIKT CliUll I ; Mrs. 0. It. Flanagan entertained the Irish Crochet Club nt tho. K. K. Kelley home on South Fourth street yesterduy afternoon. A luncheon wns served ut I:. "to o'clock by tho hostess, usslted hy Miss llolvu Flnn agau. The htitiho was decorated with lings and small hatchets woro used as pliuu cards. The nftornoon wns spent lit cro cheting. Mrs. Flnnngan'H guests woro: Mrs. Hondry, Jr.. Mrs. McCrnry, Mrs. Hon MrCrnry, Mrs. John N'nglo, Mrs. Walter Hill, Mrs. Alvn Doll Mrs. K. K. Kolloy, Miss Ivy Hill, Mlstios Uessln nnd Ilolvn Flnnngnn. The club will moot next wook with Mrs. Alvn Doll. TIII.MItLK OLUIt CLIIIS. $2125.00 &Xpea Delivered in Marshfield x'.w.. : n. :... i.-..i ... i , .-wYt t.- Lin- ittiii- uii'i vimr onierinu vou are of tho season. oing to jet all the joys Enormous saief Ford Cars Made All Over the World KOKl) cars are the most popular cars on the American market today. AVhy should you wait to place your order when you know vou are coin" o buy a hordf It may sound like hot air when I say L am not goi.m- to be able to supply the Coos county demand. 1 am dailv trvinir to iS?t Ford cavs hut the only way for . no to make deliveries is to "have some come direct trom iactory in carload lots. . BUY A FORD FOR $700.00 Jxemeinber the l'ml and get bis value for your money, inent. service depart- QOODRUM'S GARAGE i The Ladles' Guild of tho Kplseo pal church will moot next Tuoaday afternoon with Mrs. Otto Sehettor. . Mrs. C. F. McKnlght will enter tnln tho Rojnl Auction Urldgo club members noxt Tuesdny nftornoon Tho I.ndlos' Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church will meut on Wednesday, March 5, with Mrs. J Cox. : The Presbytorlaii Missionary so cloty will moot noxt Wodnosdny with Mrs. K. Kottrlng, Mrs. Whorent will ontortaln tho I' Ifth Streot Sowing club next Mon day ovonlng. : Tho Prlscllla club will meet on Wodnosdny ntternoon. MurrOi r. with Mrs. Ray Chapln. : Tho Progress club will meet next Monday nftornoon with .Mrs. w M. Hlnke. The Soclnl Sowing club will meet next Thursdny nftornoon, Feb, 27 with Mis. Evn Gnmnilll. Mrs. Willinm Galo will entertnin tho Jolly Dozen club next Wednos dny, Fob. 26. Tho C. W. II. M. will moot Tuob dny, Mnrch l, with Mrs. U. Copple. 4 I LADIKS AHT CLUII 7 I v 4. Tho Thlmhlo Club mot nt tho homo 0111 Mrs. A. II. Derbyshlro of North Rend Inst Friday. Mrs Kdgnr MeUan- "'" "" l" Ktiest or the afternoon. Refreshments were served. Those prosent wero: 1 J,1rl8('lin''- K'nlser. Mrs. It. F. Oob hard . Mrs. Irn 11. Hartlo, Mrs. S. S. JeniiliiKH. Mrs. Roscoo. Hnzor. Mrs. I. C. Wallace. Mrs. Ifonry O'Mnrn, rt, ,' .,I- ''"''O'Hhlro. Mrs. Kdgnr :I',,)'"Il'I.1 ,rs. H. k. llitrn.ostor. Mrs. Chns. Wllllatns, Tho noxt mooting will 'be hold nt Vf'e ,',or,i?.of -Mr81 R- v' Oul'lmrdt on Mnrvli nth. IXKOR.MAL. tho wiiJy ?".1(,,,0' Wio lma spont nr M,,0r-n"tJ,1 ,,0,,, of lior SlB- nr.'. M,?;. ? .C- ""Mo". I Honvor n'li,re ror "or Homo "wiu Wyoming. nt Hor early roturtt lore will bo wlahcd b innny friends bIiq i,a, aZl Hay. Mrs. Russell JnSJf!"! thu major portion of th u,; ' Mrs. Chns. Vnn tint.. .1. , boon spending tho vilni M. pntentH, Judge nnd Mr. Knld, Okln.. will return to CWJ nhout Mnrch 10, nccordlni 7, 1 terMr. Vnn IJuyn has Jmt teahl " A. A " K .." ''"SRie. a ioj-v-1 of Mrs. Mary MeKnluht t I turned to his homo In M".i(A Wash., from 8nn Krnnclm, t iiu weni 10 receive iroitnptf.l nouru iiiuu'k oi riicumatita xrM.. Mt .-. . .. I iiiin. mii ii iwi rninicr Hi J(ml A. Wornlch of North Beti J sponuiug n week or ten din tJ irieuuH in aim rrancltco. Miss I.niuh. who linliiv Ing ut tho Herbert AnnitrccdJ tit Aorin iieuii, icit for Peril lust Snturilny : ; Mrs. Herbert Armstrong ct.Vrl llond loft this week for Wuhl ton in response to a mctunol mg that nor rntlier was 111. Mr. nnd Mrs, llrndfonl fflcil recently nrrived from San fn co nnd have taken npartm!itJ .Mrs. Ilrownlng In the M resldonco. 4 Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T. Ilarrlnul dnttghtor. Miss Mable Uaa .Mrs. Klllo Fnrrlnger. Mini Hiilu Fnrrlnger, nnd he composed ti party who autwdUil boacli Sunday, wlicro tner tijepti lunch, luotorliig home In Ituunil teriioou. Mnyor nnd Mrs. h. J. Slm4 North llond nro expected how w wnnlc frnin Snn FrnnclsCO. Jfel4 !'. McCollum, who has Un 1 Ing rolutlves In Snn Fram Iko, t also rottirn with them. : llr I 'V MfCnnnnc rltt Iloikoley, Cnl., Hint lionndMrtl Corninc mny coino ncre " llrst of April for n short itr. A A Xf.. m,.l Mm llrnilford Wit hnvo lonsed the "former J, T nine homo on Mnrket avenue w .if u.x'ni-nl inonthl. " Whoolor is In chiirgo of theS- Pnelllo work on the Day. I"1"' horo us tho representative ct w Kuglnocr Hood. a .: ta vn.i rntiiorall. f ormtrll .Mny Stnuff of MnrahfleM, undtri! nn onorntion nf Une hotpM Cn. I.Hn.w.lanr tlllj U'CeK. " .1 gottlng nlong nicely accordlnftjo Inst word received by her u Mrs. J. T. HnR. ADDITIOXA L ' SOcilTTV NKU$ imoi; i. Tho Lndlcs Art Club mot Frldny of this week with Mrs. F. H. Storoy Tho nftornoon wns devotod to nool dlowork nnd .Mrs. Storey's guests wore: Mrs. Ivy Condron. Mrs. .1. M, Hlntt Mrs. F. M. Flyo. Mrs. W. 11. Curtis', Mrs. K. D. McArtlmr. Mrs. Jnmos Cownn, Sr., Mrs. W. K. Honglnnd, SEED POTATOES American Wonder Beauty of Hebron Salinas fiurbanks Oreeon Burbanks AVhen it comes to seed potatoes it is fj llOasf I'm- inn f c., T 1 . i-K, .liof VOU and am in n position to supply tho farmer w the best seed obtainable. BLIGHT, DID YOU SAY? What price Coos County paid this last year 1) Hilt mr tlin on, 1,1 .-i'.-l i.l. ..,n nlll L'l'OUD fi ,,,v auiuu um huuu ill tiiu otm GET NEXT! PLANT GOOD SEED T will sell anv one from ono snek up. F. S. DOW n k . v-.v 'nunc -IO. y.-"- r w-mAtW rmF