8Sf ' TnR.3Liu.-rrt THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1913 EVENING EDITION. 7 liJoww'itisfyfeesfflK?:aEp'- ,., i.ii.li In qualify. I irici-i lectric Irons . r..... KirO!i(Miainl f,i"5eHKl I rUli.B COI..1IH.H. 1.73' ,ri)s, ?:i.ao ! Jeff ,os Bay Wiring Co. 037..I ll N- u"luw"' .. .ma i ten smud fl, M ""' ft , line no mensurod todny TODD IPtncrt Cutter mid Tailor. C :'. at minlnlrH Sitltfl $in up r ru ' t L Storage Company nr ( ltonrd. Mcr. ,t Packers. CnrpotB Cleaned, 'nmlturo racked. Shipped, Stnlned mid Hopaircii. r,ni St IllOtlO IOC Front si. ... r. iT-n nnlprB ni uuin t ..... .w That Roof Fixed NOW 8ec COUTH ELL punvr' nvi Do You Leave Your Doors Unlocked? ... wAiii.t nnt fin Mmf. ntul vnti tould no more, bo without tiro In fcancc. Tlio open door would alt tho uurfiiar, ami mo nro -. i. i.ia nu tnaltllmin Tin FIQ 19 JUDV li.un.."..". -- n no favorites, but attacks In- T(d and Ullllisuruii jiruiiuriy te. Don't risk your snvings lor i small cost of a policy. Ours arc- tho safest and bost. I. S.Kaufman; Co. Marshfield and North Bend Auto Line GOHST .M KINO. Proprietors. a rzm$ssss& urn, l a , " i(Ml: LEAVE MAHHIIFIELD M3AVK NORTH HEND. 7:1C A. M. ' 7:00 A.M. 8:00 A. M. 7:45 A. M. 8:45 A. M. 8:30 A. M. 9:30 A. M. 9:15 A. M. 10:15 A. M. 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A. M. 10:45 A. M. 11M5A.M. 11:30 A.M. 12:30 P. M. 12:15 P. M. 1:15 p. m. 1:00 P. M. 2:00 P. M. 1:45 P. M. 2:45 P. M. 2:30 P. M. 3:30 P. M. 3:15 P. M. 4:15 P.M. . 4:00 P.M. 5:00 P. M. 4:45 P. M. 5:46 P. M. 5:30 P. M. 6:30 P. M. C:15 P. M. 7:30 P. M. 7:00 P. M. 8:30 P. M. 8:00 P. M. 9:30 P. M. 9:00 P. M. io:30P.M. io:oop.m. 11:30 P.M. 11:00 P.M. 12:30 A. M. 12:00 P. M. Lcavo North llend Alton's News stand. Lenvo Mnrnhdold Chandler and lJlanco Hotels and Busy Cornor. THE ItECOKI) PHOTOGRAPHING ARSTRACT COMPANY Have photographic copies of all rocords of Coos County to dato, abstracts of titles, present ownors, or any othor Information relating to roal CBtato furnlsbod on short notice HUSINKSH OFFICE: 117 North Front St., Marshfield. Phono 151J W. J. RUST, Manager WK Wlhli MAHi YOU 1 each set of old Fnlao Toot Bt us. Highest prices paid for Gold, Silver, old Watchos )kea Jewelry and Prcclou ices. Money Sent by Return Hall. hits. Smelting & Refining Co. Established 20 Years. ICIirxtnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. TO DHNTISTS. will buy your Gold Fillings. lid Scrap, and Platinum. Hlgu prlcss paid. Iger Sewing Machines leave them for ront op for salo. f amenities Hopnlrod. pppllcs and Needlos for Salo. W. J. ItlTZ. I'ark Au MiirNliNMil. Phono l:.". FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo Equlpitcd with wireless nnd Ruhninrliio bell SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD for SAN FRANCISCO SUNDAY, FEB. 23, AT 1 1:30 A. M. All PiuwcnKrr ItoxirvntJoiiH From Sim Francisco Must llo Motlo t HO." Fife Hulldlug, or Ionihard htrcet Pier ii7. All reservations must ho taken up -t hours before sailing. INTEH-OCKAN -TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE 44 O. F. McGEOROE. Ajront. fin Citv Laundrv Pl WOltlv ROOII Ul'livwi,"1 lot In any Combine. ' i I H hours hoi ; for women. , I fur Aki'iiIn call atiyHlirc. I mono i:i:(..i. THE NEW Steamer SPEEDWELL CAPT. I1UKTIS, Master. Sails for San. Francisco from Coos Bay About February 26th TIUO SPKKDWELTi Is speedy nnd has excellent passenger accom modations, largo clean and airy rooms nnd electric lights nnd wireless. For freight nnd passage, apply, A(. F. Kstnlirook Co. Titlo Ouarniiteo and Alwtrnct Co., '(Ii:t.(ll7 Santa Marina llldg., San Francisco. Marshfield. e That Bundle for Me ; 'quaro deal nnd a clean shirt. lion sauti:u, wn City Laundryi 2? I'll CnM.I hiteDuck Button Shoes for adldreii. l!0,.e.P?.,ont tlior niitton L v, jUle8- nn.l MI,BH. ni igectric Shoe Shop Muto Call Foote l)VI:!rji. t n70N. CARS' 1Hr,0r nlence Phono j. " ! iIaaiI n.n l0THVK TO COVTU Wvx.,o S? u,Her,eb' Blvea that 'seal- snoa rnin "iva hy tlio 'Wield nn 0I U1 Clty o' lkiliV.2? c"ty. Oregon. mt. tr;1,"8..0 P. M.. J3' for the m ' ot J'arch, lon ,! .mProvoniont of that a ui nnii .. . - - ' 1 "ne of ? ' rtVCo from tho ut line, ft? 8Aroet So,ltl t the rf.tof..Jo?.rth Street South 'to Oresan """nnold, Coos i "p or the if. ;:"" y v. ilnhJS!. nP"1on of all nor. In .:'.,,01-U tiler, h. .?" mBt b0 l a , 1 9 renul. "'luimuco .tMi' ior tb.ir ....: " """ ii liipap "-:'d :: S::1" whw wii ' fio pit. i;'i st at tho of S. S. ALLIANCE KQUIPPKI) WITH WIItKIiESS SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOR COOS BAYj MONDAY, FEB. 24, AT 6 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 (JUNNKCTI.VO WITH THIS NOHTII HANK IIOA1) AT POKTLAND NOItTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phone -It :i O. F. McOKOItOK, Agent. UQUIPl'KI) WITH WIHKLKSS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILINGS FIIOM POItTLANI), Tuesday evening of each week at 8 P. M. SAILING FIIOM MAUSIIFII3L1), Saturday, February 8, Saturday February 13, Saturday, February 2-I. Phone Main SJ5-L. J. O. MILIiEIt, Agent, u,s "company ":,411?1IM wl,'l'l will niS "v? Per l9 fad ,.' fbe forfoitod ) con. rt "! li laid in inc .i . ' awai'iiflil tlm 9d-T,111 p aa City with-1 !iX.1Iamon rn.,., ... I ."a' to relt .,v llB?rvo?, fM ;eJ this -,st , W Ist aa of February, J0.N' W. DUTLB3R. Recorder. Steamer Washington Sails from San Francisco for Coos Bay, With Passengers and Freight, Thursday February 20,' at 5 p. m. K. 8. DOW, Anct. Ocean Dock. Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call at PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and make sole tiou from the large stock now ou baud. ir. Wilson has in his employ tho only practical marble and granite cutter in Coos County. And nono but the best work is turned out. At the Churches (Ministers and others are request ed to hnnd In tho Sunday church no tices not Inter than Friday ovonlng to Insure Insertion Saturday.) 4 , 1 FIIISV HAPTIST CHUItCII. I O Albort F. llnssford, M. A., Pastor. lllhlo school at 10, with graded classes and competent teachers. Morning worship at 11 with sor inon by PaBtor Hnssford. Junior Society meets In tho c.iurch at 2:30. All childieu nro Invited. Young Peopled service at C.30 for ono hour. A special Invitation is extended to all young men and women. Kvenlng worship at 7:30. Pas tor llassford will preach tho fifth sermon in tho sorleB on "The Way of Life." Many are finding theso services most helpful. A chorus led by Prof. Oeorgo Ayre readers worshipful music. M'dwcok service on Thursday ovonlng at 7.30, for ono hour. Wo bollovo that a Sab bath well spent will help to bring a week of contentment. Como with us nnd wo will do you good. 4 SWKIMSU IiUTHIJIlAN, .? Dr. John 13. Oslund, Pastor. Sunday School, 0:30 a. ni. Morning sorvlec, 10:45 a. m. Luther Lcnguo C:IC p. in. Evening services In Hngllsh nt 7:30 ). m. At the Lutheran church In North llend, Monday evening, February 21: Class of catachumens, C:30. Preaching service, S o'clock. CATHOLIC CHURCH. ,' Marshflold. Rev. A. R Munro. Mass at 10 o'clock Sunday morn ing, tho Row Father Munro officiating. 4 I MKTH01MST KP1SCOPAL Rev. II. T Rutlcdgo, Pastor. Sunday school nt 10 a. ra. Morning services at 11 o'clock. Kpworth Longuo at 6:30. Kvenlng Rorvlco nt 7:30. Junior Longuo Thursday afternoon at .1:ir. Prnyor meeting Thursday ovonlng at 7:30 o'clock. You aro cordially Invited to nttond theso sorvlpcs. Junior Longuo service Saturday afternoon at 2,:t0. KMMANUNL KPISCOPAL. Rov. Robt. E. Drowning, Rector. 8 n. in. Holy Communion (2nd and -1 tli Sundays.) 0:30 n. in., Sundny school. 11 n. m morning prayer nnd sor m on. Holy Communion first Sundny oLcnch month. 7:30 p. ni. Evonlng prayor nnd Sormon. Friday Evening. 7:30 p. in. Evening Sorvlco nnd Dlblo study. ' Sorvlco In St. Mary's church, North Ilond (2 p. in.) nnd St. Lulco's Church, Emplro, (3 p. in.) ovory al tornnto Sundny. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS. - C. J. Colo, Pantor. Soventh Day Adventlst sorvlcos aro conductod every Saturday as follows: Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Preaching services at 3 p. in. Como and spend an hour with us; wo will do you good. I PltESIlYTEItrAN CHURCH Marshflold J. E. Durkhart, Minister. At tho First Prc8byrorInn church orvlcos may bo expected on sabbath as follows: Sundny school nt 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Young Peoplo's Mooting at, 0::10. Evonlng worship nt 7:30. Prayor meeting on Thursday even ing at 7:30. Splondld music by tho choir at Conductor S. L. Millar, Norfolk, Nob., on Donosteol Division of C. & N. W. Ry. Co., recommends Foley Kidnoy Pills nnd says: "1 have usod Foloy Kidney- Pills with vory satisfactory result nnd endorse their ibo for nny ono nflllctod. with kidnoy trouble Thoy nro all right." Sold by Lockhart & Parsons, The IJusy Cornor. I Will furnish Your House on the Installment: Plan W. K. Wiseman 841 North Front St. Rus. Phono 29fi-X: Hob, Phono 160 The Star Transfer and Storage Co. I nrnnnrnit tn An nil kinds of hailllDi on short notice. W meet all trains and hoauj and wo also have tlio latest tvle Reynolds Piano Mover. Wf guarantee our work, , L. H. Heisner, Prop. Phones 98-R. 120-J 1-L FREE DELIVERY Wo deliver ton, coffee, sugar or spices to any part of tho city. Phono your order io jjui-j. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House 184 Market Av. O'CoueoII Bide. II 'Saw amid Heairdl at Ctaiirclh The Same Being a Visit To the United Brclhern Church of North Bend. . By A. GLOBE TROTTER & & & GOING to church and listening to a sermon when the pas tor Is n womnn, Is like eat ing strawberries In winter time. It Is so rare. Hut the "strawberries" woro extra good. At dinner In a restauiant Sunday night 1 asked a young mnn next to mo where he wns going to church. Ho tepllcd: "I think 1 shnil go to the United Hrothron." Another young man licni d us talking and said: "That womnn Is certainly n good talker." I asked him: "Whnt womnn?" nnd also If ho were n member of that church, thinking thnt ho might be a booster, true nnd loyal. Hut 1 learned ho wns not oven a mem ber. 1 ulso learned that tho wo man spoken of wns a pastor In full charge. Now, In my trnvels, I havo often In tho different towns mado Inquiry for tho pnslor, or his numo and residence and I have had t? Walk many blocks and nsk a number of people boforo I could find ono who seemed to know. Hut hero wns n pastor well known nnd whose rep utation nnd Htnndlug wns offered mo without do ni and. Perhaps tho dllllculty 1 experienced formerly In not being nbio to locate tho pastor was not wholly duo to tho tnan himself, but to the people of tho town. Any rate It struck me also fnvorably that hero was n town, with people In It who nt least know tho linstors, and with pnBtors of siilllclent size tp ho seen, heard and know'n by the people. So I round In the pulpit of this church n woman, Mrs. R. N. Lowls. She Is not ono with ministerial manners, not ono who performs tho functions of her olllco In a mere perfunctory manner, hut being a womnn still she throws herself In to every pnrt of the service with wholohcartcducss that draws her followers aftor her. llehlnd tho pastor was a hymn board with hymns announced. This wiib evidence thnt the service wns no matter of Impulse but hud been previously planned. When the loader said: "Let us go to Ood In prnyor," thero wns a hush that Im mediately fell upon all. All over tho house all heads woro bowed. 1 thought how different' this seems from churches whero I huvo visited. I havo seen "worshlppors" sit bolt upright (tnd never oven "kink tho neck" In prnyor, much less close tho eyes. This prnyor was an np poal to tho King of Kings, nnd by ono who Buoinod to bo well nc-j (liinlnted with Him. It wns not a congratulatory prnyor, thoro wns no tolling Ood how good and groat Ho Is. "O, Ood, help this congregation to grasp whnt Jesus Christ really Is," nnd "Ornnt thnt wo may tako our part In saving men; put it so, upon us thnt wo will bo His mess engers nnd go to them nnd take Thy messngo oven to tho vory cita del of tho human heart. Opon their eyes thnt they mny seo thy pow er, opon hearts that they may lovo Theo, opon enrs that thoy may hoar Theo, opon wills thnt thoy mny yield to Theo or Jesus sako." Tho sermon wns a missionary sormon nnd porhnpa ninny would havo considered themselves most unfoitiinnto to hnvo happened In whon such n messngo was to bo de livered. Evon I myself might havo felt so. Hut If I did I soon forgot It for whon I henrd her say In course of hor nddress. Tho Gosm1 Is for tho World. "Tho gospel Is for tho world. Yon ennnot box It up. For when an Individual refuses to testify to tho power of God, that moment ho begins to dlo. Thoro Is ono thing in which I bollovo it Is right to ho covetous, that Is, tlio spreading of tho gospel. Wo should covet tho fulfillment of tho promises of Christ. Wo spend too much time In dronmlug nbout our goldon harps and what kind of robes wo nro go ing to wear, whon nil ovor this wholo world pooplo nro porlshlng for want of tho inossngo of life. Good Returns Coming In. "Already It Is manifested on ev ery hand tho good offects of tho missionaries of tho Christian relig ion. Tlio FIJI Islands wero onco In habited by the worst cannibals. Now wo nro told unit ineso isinutis morning and ovonlng worship. You nro cordially Invited to nt tond nil of theso sorvlcos. Hrlng a frlond and como. Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Morning worship nt 11 o'clock. Young People's meeting nt 0:30 p. in. Evening worship nt 7:30 o'clock. Prnyor meeting on Thursday ev ening nt 7:30. Splondld music by quartet choir nt morning and ovonlng worship. A cordial welcome uwnltH you at all of our sorvlccs. Hrlng u friend nnd come. CHURCH OF CHRIST. ?4. O. Downrd. Minister. 10:00 n. in. Hlblo school. 11:00 n. in. Communion sorvlcos nnd sernion. 0:30 p. m. Prayor meeting. 7:30 p. m. Preaching sorvlcos. Snoclnl music bv tho innio quartet and choir. NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. I 6 - . II. O. Thorpo, PaBtor. Sorvlcos will bo hold In tho Norwe gian Lutheran Chnpol at Marshlleld, Sunday at 11 a. in, Sunday school at 10, Norwoglan sorvlcos will bo hold In tho Swodlsh Luthoran Church nt North Hond, SuiidHy, at 7 3u p. in. Sunday school at 10. . - CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. ! Christian Sclonco hall, 237 Thlrc street North. Subject, "Minn." Servlco Sunday at 11 a. tn. nre Inhabited by tho grentest cliurch-goerH In the world. Tho Moravian missions In Greenland, that once Important field, have now been discontinued by the hoard, saying that the country lias beeu practically Christianized. The Gospel lleneflts Ituslncss. "It Is n mistaken theory thnt 'commeiTo nnd business nnd Intor stnte affairs come first' In tho de velopment of a country. This Is not so, however, for on every hnnd wo learn thnt civilization nud bus iness follow In tho wako of mis sions. Educntlon cannot chnngo the human heart of tho heathen; philosophy ennnot bring nbout this change; for the heathen has had philosophy nil through the ago, Nothing but tho rolllgn 0( Jesus ChriBt can change, tho Ideals, of lfo nnd mnko It new In all respects. A' oY demand Is fronted for western Ideas and clothing and the com-, modlties of life through ftn,l hy menns of the missionary. Yes, commerce in benefitted and busi ness Increased by the nilsslonnry. Missions do more, directly nnd In directly, to open the markets of the world than wo can realize. MInmIoii Giving Ih HIcnmmI. "Homo sny 'Charity begins nt homo.' Hut, I Bay to you It does, but It docs not stay tnoro. The , mnn who refuses to glvo has tho hardest time nfter all. Ho seldom has much, because God cannot trust him with much. God loves tho cheerful glvor, but the shut purso Is n curso to tho ciiubo of Christ. It Is far moro blessed to glvo than to receive, sayB God, nnd who would oven dnro to recall what ho has given? Has any ono ever been Impoverished. "Missions nre a good antidote for church qunrrels. Thoso who nro busy advancing tho causa ot Christ throughout tho wholo world never hnvo time to talk nbout their neighbors. Generally the peopfo who do not bollovo In foreign mis sions nnd who say thoy beilovo In homo missions, bollovo In noither ono." Rev. Lewis an Active Worker. Thoro was n chair In tho pulpit, but never onco did tho lady pastor use It. Tho choir scorned to lenn much on her support in rendering tho special music. I wondor If this church leans much or alto gether upon this woman who Is pastor. I remember hearing of i church onco whore one of the niuuw hers stated that tho pastor was willing to do nil the work and ttiu mombors woro all willing ho should,. Thoy woro cortnluly hnrmonlous. Mrs. Lowls Is a southorn lady, was ordalnod to tho ministry in 1903, I learned lntor In conversa tion. She hnH been In tho nctlvo ministry for 17 years, and Iiiib hold ninny splondld pastorates. Sho stated that tho women, In her de nomination, often succeed ns pas tors, whoro tho men fall. At ono time sho wns president of tho min isterial association whllo sho wns pnBtor of a church In Evorott. Washington, Sho holds splondld resolutions from thnt body. Whon nskod whnt sho thought of Paul's admonition to women not to talk In church sho nt onco re ferred mo to tho Scripture saying "you seo prophesy monns to preach prophetically. Tlio Old ToBtnmont boars testimony to tho pronchlng or prophesy by women. Dqborah nnd Huldnh both woro womon nnd thoy preached. In tho Now Testament wo read: 'Your young inon nnd maidens shall prophesy.' Philip, tho ovaugollst, had four dnughtors who woro propliotcssos nnd Prised la was undoubtedly n helpor In tho ministrations of tho word," Doing thus taught, I hnd nothing to say. After all, I don't bollovo Paul really monnt thnt womon who nro culled should not pronch, por hapa ho meant that thoy should not tnlk In church, discussing the lints, nnd gowns, etc., thus disturbing tho mooting. Anyway, If Paul could havo heard this w.omnu speak ho would hnvo been willing to tako It all back. H ho could havo heard hor I bollovo ho would hnvo sat straight up nnd "took notice." I did, and I'm not Paul. rfs. Sunday school 12 M., Wednesday 8 p. m Rending room opon on Tuosdaya, Thursdays and Satt rdays, 3 to G p. ra. I PHESHYTEIHAN CHURCH I North Hond Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Christian Endeavor nt 0:30. UNITED HRETHREN CHURCH I North Dond. Mrs. It. N. Lowls, Pastor. Sabbath school, 10 n. ra. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Preaching 11 a. m. und 8 p. m. Prayor mooting Wednesday ovon ing nt 8 o'clock. CATHOLIC CHURCH North nend. Rov. Father Springer, Roctor. Mass will bo colobrated at S o'clock Sunday morning by tho Rot. Fnthor Munro. METHODIST CHURCH I North Hond. Tho sorvlcos Sunday will bo ns fol lows: Sunday school 1 0 a. m. Vosper Cirelo mid Epworth Longuo 7 p. in. Sermons by the pastor 11 a. in. and X i). tn. For GOOD SHOES nnd Good Ropnlrlng at Right Prices, go to AUGUST OLESEN S15 South Ilroadway. ,