22SBC3k'i ' " JBBWBU -CXbSs jR NEIGHBORS SEEM TO BELIEVE THAT ONE GOOD TURN DESERVES TEN OTHERS (EflflB mist ARTICLES Sim? NOW IS YOl'll time. ... r....iul thiotigli Times want nit' ui-i - f . .. ...i !.... iidtitf 'rin.v A Mitiill ail In The Times want m1. Itomljin-nn - -z column way bring you results nit- Urt rrstur mediately. Try one, MK.MHEH OV THE ASSOCIATED I'KES vvvWI listmiiiiiitu ' -" AAAVIa The Const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1913 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES. lyWr'WW 11 I iM A. Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall kikI Cooh Hay Advertiser. No. 187 UssmsmaBssaaBmLczsssms ? an s IE! gftYS LOCAL PEOPLE III 10 BLOCK WiLSEY DEAL MEXICANS IRE PEAGEA OLE NOW REORG at Eugene B Magnate Leaves for mnn Tndav With Affi davits to Stop Suit. CEIVERSHIP MIGHT BLOCK IMtuui irt i iuimo tlsey Said to Be ncatiy to Spend $buu,uuu improv ing; BCI1II1U UUUbi nuuu. clarlng Hint the llolllstor lJ was trying 10 menu up mu L for the nile of his Coou liny hurtles to W .1 WIlBuy. nnd unt Him i'oiii nii'"s "'" ...o Htorj, Mujor i. i'. ivimioy ion afternoon via Mrtlo Point for feeno to rlglil mo rocciveiHiiiii FKCCdliiBS iiiBniuit'ii u ii. .1. ics. .MnJfr K'liuu curried with rjiiic nfflilnviis ot u hh nor luatlonal Ilium cr lie na ncriiiiiiijinlcil iiy (;. A. hlbrcdo mid u ih not uniiKoiy TAFT SPEAKS IN NEW YORK President Makes Final Public Appearance Outside of Washiiiflton Today. My Aaoi latel 1'riM In foot liny Time 1 NEW YOItK, Fob. 22.- President Tnft l spending Wellington's lilrthdny In Now York, making wlmt probably will ho IiIh Inst public up ponrnncu outside of WiihIiIiikIoii Ik-. fore IiIh retirement from tlio urea- Ideney. Ilo will attend the ground breaking of the menioilal to tlio Amurlcnn IiiiIIiuih lit Fort WiuIb- worth. Chiefs of fifteen tribes tV J Wusa will meet liim ' ff" Western reservations will Heo Kngene for tlio hearing hoforo del Harris in i Monilny. Mr. liter lift overland mm morning Portland an. I stilted lieioro vine tha' He expected to ho k on Hiiis n.i wiinin a Hiiori le VIr Wll-'j mid iiiinpiiratlvoly lit is say alioiit lil.-t negotiations for Kinney pnpcrtlcs lie Heenied regret thnt Hie mutter wiih given (much iiiiliilciij iih ii wiih now. itated tlint lie lind enteroii into ktracts for (lie piirchusu of the Ire holding;) lint thnt before ho k It, affairs mind he strnlghtoii- out so tint Mnjor Kinney nor the 1'reHlilont turn the Hint opinio inn or eurtii ror the monument. TIiIh nfturiiooit lie will dodlcnto 'The Light lloiiBe," a new Instllii tlon ror the euro or the blind mill nfrilcted. Toiilijlit ho will uttoiid a testimonial reception mid dinner uiiiler the nuspleea of tho American Pence and Arbitration League. 1'li.WS )!' WILSON. Consular Reports Indicate the Reitjn of General Huerta Is Generally Accepted Today. Illy Ammlnlo.l Prrm lo I'oos liar Tlmm.J WASHINGTON. Fob. 22. Con Hiilur reporlH today Indlcnte a nioru Kuneral iiecoptnnee or the new reign In Mexico. At Vera Cruz, whoro HnrloiiH resistance wan threatened, the military authorities havo ne quIcKcetl and will work with the new administration. Tho coiihiiI at .Muzntlnn reports a recognition or tho provlBlonal government and ul ho at (Jtiudulnjurn, In tho Htnio of blualoa, which iiIho had hIiowu signs of leslstnnco. Iiiib fnllon In lino. Tho Hnino Ih true of tho Btnte of Nuebvo Leon. There Is Home doubt or the attitude or the poo pie or C'nmuieii and thnt or tho iToops at Agun Piletu. Thero Ih a re-port or rebol activity near San Lills Potosl and a demand Is for the surrender of thnt town tint tloro Ih nothing to Indicate what rebel organization Ib back of them. 1 . IIZITION OF MEX CAN GOVERNMENT PROCEEDING SLOWLY ItK.MKMHKIt VASIIIX(JT()X. AinerlcaiiH ami Melcaiis Unite In Ceremoiiles, I Mr AmucUIM I'nn lo Coui liny Tlim M10XICO CITY, Kob. 22. Anioil enn rcBldeutH ,of tho Mexican capi tal, relieved from tho anxieties of bombardment and fighting In tho BtreelB, today Joined In a colobra tlon of tho birthday of (leorgo Washington. Many men or tho col ony met at tho United StnteH oin bnssy, thenco ninrched to tho. Btntuo or Washington mid deposited wronlliH at Its base. A iiunibor of prominent Mexicans participated In tlio ceremony. S TO 0 IH AERDPLAN IS CAPTURED 1 E SLEET STORM i S 1.000.000 Bulfjarian Flyinn Machine Is Chicago Suffers Heavy Dam- Iple bit whereby lie could pay every utor ami luive alioiit $2rill,UI)0 himself If oiitHldi-rrt would not Mere. Ilo declared that nioHt Ml creditors were willing to sot- i mis way ami mild tint ho had limits from a " number whoso Xew I't evident Will Stay Clove lo White Mouse. (Mr .M( U(ol I'rtM In Com llr Tlm.) XHW YOIMC. Feb. 22. PreHl-dont-olect WIIhou went back to of the creditor would havo i I'rlncolon today for tho I mil week iirlnex mi It I at homo before ho koch to WiihIi- IaJor Kinney wn ipilto wrathy IiiBton to become president of the i mornlns over the obataclus United Stntee. Ilo Hald It probably rh he claimed some .North Ilend woulil ho IiIh Innt vIMt to Now were putting In IiIh way. He ric In a long time, no expects that hu Inn mado arrango-l lc pretty close at tho White iioiiho tor we vera i iiioiuiih alter Iiih Inauguration. He Iiiib amiouuced a dcHlro to dovoto all bis time to IiIh work and for that reason lias do clded to accept no formal Invita tion for ii period of six months af ter .March I. 1 1 Ih trip to the Paua- ie were being iihciI In tno suit!""1 v'nnul Ih tho only plan definite- t they did not w.uit any further I 'J' 'uranged tbim far for WIIroii'h i7vMiiiii urou iiiiiK. ' Mcr. early even on,, on the linv Ih pus h iieo the Klnnoy-WllBoy CO Iliroil'; l mill would i en nt-n obgfncle IicIiil' nlnced In tb. ! -. . -.. .... ; oi w coiciiiiiniailon. llesldcH 'ing tha title to vorv valuable Pty and the 'ettleinont of ics whiijo Imlk'iH huvo boon inrlilly ttlllli.ir.B8ld for num., . Ihe larrc tract could he w available for drveliininent and liiree amount nf fnr,.ii.., ...... ni uM he brought In heie to aid In fuming loo'l liny eicnin", S II Cnthcart na Maiiira-or 0f the (loorue Wood- ' "'ic. i' A, Mctlln ami Hnli Jlarsden, hr . Blgued allldavlts uej nau not given coiiBBnt tn r names or the pnnleH thoy rop- -' -v'h icinie pminiitra in tho against ivlnncy. How ninny Mis not know l "' BU t(i ' 8,"t would havo tho P"'Wili aet nalilo and ' Ub. nBor of .North llend an- "w receiver to settlo up Klnnoy'a liiLHWAT Mi OF COOS BAT Winfjcd by Turks Over Adrianople. I Mr Amo lalM l'rr. to Com Hay Tlmw 1 COXSTAXTINOPLH, Feb. 22. A lliilgarlau military aeroplane re coiiuolterlng over tho rortress Adrlnnoplo today was hit by age from Frozen Rain and Wind wires Down. Illy AmviUIM I'rrn lo Cuo Hay Tlmm CHICAGO, Fob. 22. The dam ago or tho sleet storm which grip lied the cltv tblrtv hours, wiih todnv of estliuatcd at n million dollaiH. The a city is Htill practically Isolated from Ttirl.lBh shell and fell IiibIiIo tho the outside world, nearly oveiy tel lines. It was piloted by a Itusstau egraph and tolophono wire being olllcer, I.loutenaut XlkolnR, who down. The storm ceased UiIb morn wiih niiiile a prlnonor by tho TurkH. lug. FATAL CRASH IN BERKLEY PRISON GUEST Wllsei's Ithr III..... ttLJI..0 """ t n!n i ; '", l"pcriy now, J Win to extend nln n i,if '7,' '"'Proving it bo- tf rL li '". l,lncot O" tho red n,i , 0, ,nict will ho ,v ina crniln.i ,..i 1..1 , ... . tohil?'0' ' '"o. to - ijik ieai estate re. ltaik it r...... ,. hll i "" wmii. s live n0lVi'8ey "or hl8 n8a rtlcallv , .' ,So n""iinced, It la Jl SS Cnerr'f,n tlmt thoy are be- Komi Tm ,?V to Trinidad, number i , ''"corpoiated by 1 lOllOftoH . . w,u Bnio as AVa tHV? '"nchlns Sumner m, i l WeB0"J and ""wa PacttCy.80,d .. the IvethV1 .tlio Southern Pa- contract far "EAr,l,MM'erks Co. l fall wn. ho costruction. 'n,ii::''..i8oy and ti. i.n..i, Hind," who Is 1 renrn.I?..BUPP?8Cd to be a indicate .h l or the for- ealls. mill ch Wll8e- Is rep 5. made tlio trli. ninn.. . " wuntv Tni somo time in mS' & Portland name of Turner .? ot SWiSfs. ""ro(l ?8 '" ce tnev Z . v Blrmegic r0a( Then S tllro,'Kl With L?.onaneA too WIlsoy still v? llle Day u.m ' l,rolorty it. br the ci.ww? Blvon Engineer Hindmarsh Plans to Leave Monday; Wheeler Locates Here. There woro few now developments in tho Coob Hay railroad sltuntlon today. Engineer Hindmarsh, who hns boon working for a couiile of wooks on tho grades, etc., in North Ilend will leave Monday morning, presum ably going to San Francisco to con sult with Chlof Engineer Hood and others about mutters. Ilradford Whoolor, tho personal representative of Chlof Engineer Hood Bent hero to look after engi neering the right of way, has brought hla wife horo and will spond sometime on tho Day. Thoy havo ar ranged to in alto their homo in tho former Dr. McCorninc rosldonco on Mnrkot nvonuo. Mr. Whoelor Is In chargo of the work hero, being em powered by Chlof Englncor Hood to adjust affairs without first submit ting thorn to tho San Francisco or llco for approval. Nothing now lias dovolopod In tho Terminal Railway-Southern Pacific negotiations so far as could bo as- orn Pacific when tho Pacific-Great Western was transferred. Genoral Manager Hitchcock of tho MacArthur-Porks Company Is now on tho Coast and It may bo thnt Wllsoy has gono to Portland to confer with him concerning the possibility of tho continuation of tho Const lino from Coos Hay to Trinidad, California, whoro it will connect up with the Gould system nnd mako n through coast lino from San Francisco and Portland. The Southern Pacific has boon ronowing Its old survey of coast line. Two Killed and Two Hurt Mme. Bernhardt Plays at San When Key Route Train i Qucntin for 1950 Con Hits Auto Today. j victs Today. tlly Awn-lit! I'm to Com lly Tlmm. ' ! iny AhwIiim I'ivm lo Coot lly Tlran 1 OAKLAND. Oil., Fob. 22. Two SAN FRANCISCO, Fob. 22. On uion were killed and a man nnd a stago amid scenery painted by child Injured when a Key Routo prison hands, Sarah Ilcrnhardt ap- train running to tho pier Htruck an poured today in tho prison yard at nuto today. Tho dead nro A. F. Sun Quentln penitentiary for tho llolton and W. R. Garrison, mid pleasure or 1UCO convicts. ' Many tho Injured A. G. Smith mid his outsldo guests witnessed tho porfor- C-yoar-old daughter, Sylvia. All are inanro at tho Invitation or Warden lloylc. Tlio action nnd niotivo or tho scones chosen woro explained In a little pamphlet printed on tho prison press and distributed nniong the audience. Sho spoko In Fronch. ADD TROOPS HTJkBsb United States War Depart ment Gets Force Ready for Wilson to Handle. tlly Amo UtM I'rfti lo I'oon lly Tlmm WASHINGTON, Fob. 22. Tho Firth Ilrlgado Second division or tho reorganized army consisting or four Infantry regiments commnmled by Ilrlgadler General F. A. Smith, hns boon ordered to Galveston, Tex., to bo In readiness to embark for for eign sorvlre, Thoro Is no present purpoBo, the olllclnls Bay, of despatching troops from Galveston to Mexico. Today's order Is simply ono of tho BtopH taken to havo troops In rendlnosB for an emergency, in fnct It Is Intimated, ono of the purposes is to provido Wilson proper fncllltlcs to enrry out nnv plan ho may havo In contempla tion, regarding tho Mexican sltuntlon but tho movement of eourso does not commit him to n policy nf forcible intervention. The movement Ih taken iih n pre cautionary inonHiiie. The summary execution or Madoro, regarded oh the constitutional president or Mexico and his constitutional ad vlBers without duo proccHH or law might possibly bo Interpreted iih demonstrating the iiIihcuco or prop er government In Moxlco and or tho oxlotcnco or a practical state or anarchy, according to some admin istration officers. Other troops scattered through Texas and Now Mexico will Join the movement. All railroad trans portation has boon arranged nnd tho men aro practically rendy to entrain on an hour's notice, TO PltOTKCT TK.VAS. icsldeiits of Dorkoloy. 1 L SKXATi: Wll.fi VOTK. WJI1 Decide Question of Adding An other Member to Cabinet. I iny AaiorUleJ I'it.i lo I'ooa Hay Tlmm, I WASHINGTON, Feb. 22. Tho sonato agreed today to voto next TuoBilay on a bill to creato tho Do Representative Foss Says the partmont or Labor, which would (,'ovenior Coliiil(t Will Send State Tiviops to the Hinder. fllr rn il1 'rrn lo Cooa IK) TlllIM 1 MARLIN, Texas, Feb. 22. "I think the prosldent Is nil right, but ho docs .not sconi to understand that if tho foilurnl government does not protect tho hordor with troops by Monday, tho state of Tox aa will.'' TIiIh wiih tho doclnrntlou of Gov. Colquitt of I'extiH today in discuss ing the situation along tho Rio Grande. MOVK FROM KANSAS. 150(1 Men and IUO Olllccrs Shipped to (ialvcNton. , (lly Amo Ulcl l'fr lo Coo. luy Tlmi 1 LKAVKN WORTH, Kan. Fob. 22. Flfteon hundred mon nnd 120 or llcors, comprising tho Seventh United States Infantry, and tho first batal lion of the nineteenth Infantry of tho fifth brlgado will entrain tonight for Galveston. Uncertainty as to Whether All Will Accept New Regime in Republic. HUERTA STILL TRYING TO ALIGN ALL PARTIES United States Consuls Indi cate He Is Meeting with More Favor. , Illy Aiwoi UlrJ I'rcti lo Coot lly Tlmw MEXICO CITY, Feo. 22. Tho acceptance of the now administra tion lu .Mexico Is not so general Qo was first thought. To tho states ot Coahulla, Sonora and Yucatan, which from tho moment of tho ov ei throw of Miulero declared that they were not in accord with the now conditions, must now bo added part of the stnto of Oaxaca where tho Serrano Indians refuse to ro eognlzo the government ot Provi sional President Huerta, Tho gov ernor of Oaxaca Jh ho alarmed by tho disturbed cor VMoiib or tho stato capital, that he oBkou relnrorce nionts rrom Moxlco City. Hotweeu the federal capital mid port or Vera i ruji also, conditions nro very un certain. HoiIIoh or federal troops have been sent to tho cities Jiilapa and Orizaba lu the state or Vera Cruz to maintain a balance or pow er. Trouble in Chihuahua. Governor Gonzales Ib virtually hold n prisoner In Chihuahua City. It was leportod lodny thnt Gonznlos wnH prevented by tho rogulnr troops rrom leaving the state capl ml and combining the various Vu doro ractloiiH or Chihuahua. Gjii zalcs was a strong supportor of Madoro during the rovolut!"i and: remained loyal to him. In hit, ,- i ltal, however, are stationed soma 2000 federal troops, a majority of which aro regulars. Gonzales so far has not dared to resign nor has ho accepted the provisional piosldoncy. The volunteer troops are moro numerous In Chihuahua than in any other stato and nil nro nciioved to bo eager to Join lu u, counter revolution. , CATCRING INLET CHANNEL SROALS VI KM) HATTER Y OUT. United States Must Strengthen Navy. provido another member of tho cabinet. It passed the house last sununor. lly AhocUIoJ I'rru lo Coot Day Tlmm, WASHINGTON. Fob. 22. Opposi tion to tho naval bill, carrying $140, C18.3C4 was actlvo when considera tion on that moasuro was rosumod In tho House today, and Indications woro that It would bo inipossiuio to MApVEAGII EXPLAINS. Secretary to Treasurer Responds Senate's ltemiest. (Dy Auoclaled I'rtii lo Cooa llay Time WASHINGTON. Fob. 22. Secro roach a voto boforo Monday. Thoso tary MncVongh In rosponso to Poln opposing tho bill object chiefly to tho provision ror construction ot ino iwo battleships, Representative Fobs fa voring tho bill declared that .the Panama Canal would Jncreaso ono hundrod fold tho causes of interna tional dllllcultles and our forolgn policy could bo no stronger than our navy, doxtor's resolution today sent tho Sonato nn explanation of the author ity for Issuing orders requiring a de posit of customs recolpts In tho na tional banks. Take your SUNDAY KVEXIXO dinner at CHANDLER HOTEL. Music by KEYZER'S Orchostra. tho OASTRO TO CUHA. Leaves Now York Suddenly but Says Ho Will Return. Dy AsioclateJ Prcca to Cooa Hay Tlmea NEW YORK, Feb. 22. General Ciprlano Castro, formor president of road I 0( tin Urn i:,J na othi.ro V'u" '-'"""or Venezuola. loft Now York suddenly J?s or entro.,,. "'.'?" A10 ws today for Cuba. Ho said that thero M7rV,r entrance fni ,, Ta ,iay for Cuba. Ho said that tliero LCT Veileri, m the Pa-; Was nothing secret about his trip, It C ",UI out ... oat of these i belntr merely nleasuro. and that ho 801 turned 0Ver , ' oTliey ' wo"ld "turn to Now York some time r t0 tUo South-jin March. "Thrift Is the Best Means of Thriving" Your cost of living Is ono of your biggest problems. lt la tho problem of overy housowlfo. Tho value you receive for every dollar you spend should bo a matter of serious thought for of eourso you want to "thrive." One of tho greatest helps to thrift Is the reading of THE TIMES overy ovenlng. Its pages aro filled with suggestions for thoso who would thrive. The advertisements toll you where you can buy flno fur niture at a big saving nnd household articles at much below their usual cost; and whore you will find clothos that are real bargains. nead THE TIMES closoly and constantly; read It every night and get tho messages of thrift that the best store keepers aj-e sending to their customers each day. Vort Riley Sends Troops to Galves ton Today. iny AMOdatttl I'rtaa to Cooa nay Tlmra FORT RILEY, Kon., Fob. 22. Flold Hattory No. 2 was ordored Im mediately to Galveston, Tox., pre pared for actlvo sorvlco by an order from tho War Department. VOR COAST ROAD. Pioinolci". Sujk Line Will Ho Hush ed South front Coos liny. That tho Portland-Sou Francis co Railroad Company will begin construction work in tho spring on tho Hue from Maishtlold, Oregon, to Trinidad. California, and that the road will bo completed In three years, Is tho word given out by E. M. Chester, ono of tho Incorpora tors, says tho Del Norto Triplicate Tho company has ordered 9000 tons of rails for snrlni; work nnd j Is prepared to spond $14,000,000. 1 1 acuiiu urruiigumeuis uuvo ueen made with tho Southern Pnclflc company whereby thoy will hnndlo ull construction material for tho now company and also take care of the pnsBonger and freight traffic that will bo built up and will nec essarily pass over tho now ronds. REYNOLDS FOUND GUILTY. Judgo Coko re-filled tho circuit court jury on Wednesday, and heard the caso of tho stato against Her man Roynolds, charged with bur glary, tho crime having been com mitted In Uandon. Tho Jury found tho prisoner guilty and sentence was pronounced yestorday at 10 o'clock, Reynolds getting an Indotorminato sentence of from ono to sovon yoars In tho ponltontlary, CoquIUo Sentinel, Capt. Masters Says That Un less Something Is Done, ' Mails Will Be Late. That tlio Catching Inlet channel Is becoming badly shoulod mid Ull soon seriously Interfere with tho Coos Hay mall service Is tho stato incur of Capt. L. G. Masters of Sumner. Ho says that tho hoad watots of tho Inlet aro bo badly shoaled now iih to only bo naviga ble at certain Hinges of the tide. This morning Captain Masters took up the matter with Henry Song8tacken, secretary ot tho Port of Coos Hay Commission and urged thnt something bo done nt once. Ho inoy also appeal to tho county com inlBHloners. Ilo says that ono reason ror tho channel shoaling so badly thero was tho logging operations or tho Smlth-Powoi'H Camp B, which caused much silt to flout down the Hiiiall creek to Catching Inlet. Ho says tho worst of tho shoals Is within 150 yards of Sumner nnd estimates that a dredge could clear tho channol in about u wook. Ho says that unless something Is done soon, tho Incoming mail may bo do layed at Stimnor during tho latter part of March until about 9 o'clock In tho' morning. Tho old railroad whoro tho handcar used to bo put Into sorvlco has been torn out so that tho mall has to bo carried lu sacks and Mr, Masters says that tho Incoming mall la too heavy to handle lu this way. Contractor Laird refuses to handle If beyond Sumner nnd Mr. Masters says ho can't biro men to carry It down. Ho says It Is either up to tho Port Commission or the county court to improve tho channol or tho pcopto will havo to sufror from late malls Take jour Sl'XDAY EVENING dinner at CHANDLER HOTEL. Music by KEYZER'S Orchostra. MYRTLE POINT ELECTION. Tho special school mooting hold Monday afternoon to olect a director to till tho unoxplred term or Arthur Drown, resigned, brought out oven a larger voto than that for tho pur chase of tho Dixon grovo proporty somo time ago, which vote had beon the heaviest cast at a school election horo for many yoars. Of 48 votoB cast, Thos. Dixon recolvod 28 and P. L. Pholan 20, tho formor being de clared duly olected. Myrtlo Point Enterprise, Take your SUNDAY KVEXIXO dlnnor 'at CHANDLER HOTEL. Music by KKYZKH'S Orchestra. ft?a?ir. fcaJfc. "aT"'