THE COOS 6AY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OftEGOM, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1913 EVEMIMG EDITION. 1 RAY GROUNDS TO BE DISCUSSED Pacific Coast Cities to Be Beautified as Result of a 'Frisco Meeting. PORTLAND, Kob. 20. The first Pacific ConBt Playground and Rec reation Congress will ho held In Ban Francisco, February 25-28. This gathering will bo of great In terest to all concerned In the com ing of Immigrants to this coast and bail been called with the special Idea of preparing educators and so cial workers for the problems that will have to bu met on the opening of tho Panama Canal and the con sequent rapid growth of thu Coast centers. Leading educators of tlio United States will address the meeting. Two thousand children will par ticipate In an immense athletic demonstration, giving exhibitions of playground gymnastics, etc. L. II. Wler, field secretary of the Recreation and Playground Asso ciation of America, will go from Portland to attend tho congress and make an address. Ho said: "Ouslncss men nud teacners, ns well as social workers, will hear much of Interest nud vnluo nt this congress. This Is a part of a tin-tlon-wldo awakening to the need of providing wholesome recreation for children and adults In all cit ies. It will' he a step toward as similating tho hordes of people who will flock to this coast upon the opening of tho Panama Canal. Wo realize that an ounce of prevention Is worth more than a pound of cure In handling tho problom of conges tion with Its attondnnt evils of bad houHlng, vlco and dlsoaHe. Unrth education through school garden contents will bu a topic for discus sion as woll as the question of tho wider uso of kcIiooIIiouscs for edu cational and recreation purposes for adults as well nB children." GIRL STILL HELD. Abductor of Heulnti Willnrd of Co qulla to Turn Htutc'M Evidence. SACRAMENTO, Feb. 20. With n prison scntenco of from one to ten years staring him In thu fncu on a whltoslavo charge, Herbert Hubbard, arrested noro n row days ago for complicity In tho nttomptod abduction of nlnoteon-ycar-old Hotilah Wlllnrd of Coqulllo, Ore., announced his In tention of turning state's evidence against Earl Ooldsworthy, tho prin cipal In tho caso. JIu will bo hold as a witness against Ooldsworthy. Hubbard and tho girl wero close ly quostlonod by City Prosecutor Cross, nnd their statements wero ta ken down In shorthand. Tho girl Is being hold hero In tho Detention Homo. Attorneys for Ooldsworthy obtain ed n writ of habeas corpus returnablo Monday, but Inasmuch ns n local com plaint ImB already been mndo against him it Is declared by tho City Prose cutor that such u proceeding will havo no effect. PAY LONG-STANDING OKI IT. DENTON, Tex., Fob. 20. Tom Fltzpatrlck of Denton recently re ceived 30 cents by mall In payment of a twolvo-yonr-old dobt of 10 cents. A note accompanying tho remlttnuco read ns follows: "About twolvo years ago I borrowed a dlmu from you. With bnck Interest and compound In terest It would amount now to ;I0 cents, which I Incloso." If you havo anything to soil, rent, trndo, or want holp. try a Wnnt Ad. Hints on Hair Health If you uo our treatment, we will Ither atop your hair from falling: or pay for the treatment ourselves. Dandruff U a contagious diaeiiaa auuad by a microbe, which if not raanorai ru baldntaa. Thli aaieroh oftra coium from a comb r aruia belonging to aomrona elan. If y.u ar troubled with dandruff, ItekUi acajp, falling hair, or baldness, w. ballava that ileiall "03" Hair Tonla will do mora than anything elaa t tha dandruff, dtatroy tha arm. maka the acalp htalthv and atop falling hair, and, if thrra ! any Ufa left la tha roots, alio promote growth of new hair. I We believe that probably 05 per east of the raaea of luddiirat could Va overcome if people would only uaa Tteiall "03" Hair Tonic, for a tcaaonable Umt, at directed. 1 We don't want you to take our word fur this. We want you to teit the merlti of Ileiall "1)3" Hair Teale at our riak, I( you uie it and it doaa not give aatlafaction, Jiut eeme back to ua and tell ua, and no will immediately hand bark to you the money you paid for it. Von promiie ttothing, algn nothing and your mere word will bo taken for it. We are dependent upon your con fidence and patronage, and wa would aat make three claims, or make this of ex if wa did not believe that Heiall "OS" Hair Tonlo (a the very beat hair reparation you can uae. Two aire of tot tin, 60a ami 11.00. You cau buy llexall "03" Hair Tool la thla ooramunity only at our itora; L0CKHART PARSONS DRUG CO. The Duty Corner JUrahnald ! JfegaJJ Stort Oregon Tiara III Raaall flior In nearly 'rr town Jf fJf itVh "! Btaua. (ada ui Ort Britain. There la a different UaiaU JUaedy for nearly every ordinary human 111 1 VI,;U!1, d'in"l for tho particular 111 lor whlon It la recommended. TV lUaaJI Store r. AmarWe CmtMt Drug Sto Fisher Auto Service Win, Fisher, Proprietor. Phone orders to Hlllyer's Clear Stand, Phono 18-J. Aftor 11 p. m. phone 6-J. Night phono 181-n, MrkftIi, Oregea, SAYS MAN CAME FROM ANIMAL Narrative of Adam and Eve Is Merely Typical, Says It. L. Paddock, In College .Speech. EUGENE, Ore., Feb. 20. Adam wns not the first limn upon this earth, neither was isvo the first woninn, ami tho serpent nnd tho garden of pnrn dlso aro probably figures of fiction, according to Bishop R. L. Paddock of tho eastern Oregon dloceso of the Episcopal Church, who nddreBscd COO university men nnd women. Mini was probably not mado In 24 hours, as the Blblo states, according to the bishop, but developed by evolution from tho animal, during six long ages of many million years. "The story or Adam and Eve," he declared, "is a story told In very simple wording for tho children of thu race; It conveys tho beginning of spiritual humanity. Adam and Evo wore merely typlcnl of other men nnd women nlready existing." "Itcn.Honnblo Religion" Tlieuic. Tho theme of Dlshop Paddock's ad dress was "Reasonable Religion," un der which ho condemned thoologlcnl divisions, nud declared thnt the real problem or immorality lies in us physiological effect upon reproduc tion and perpetuation of mankind. "Tho averngo man of tho west to day Is craving a rcasonnblo religion one based on common horse Bonsu," hu snld. "Wo must come down from ecclesiastical diversions at which tho averngo man rebels; como down from tho clouds, nnd select thnt which will Hweep tho streets. Religion may supply Ideals, but It must havo enough of tho utilitarian to prompt men who think to live strnlght. "It Is not so much thnt wo got men Into heaven, as to getting heaven In to men. Tho problem of morality Is tho problem of making tho race bet ter. "Wo must keep our bodies snered not to nvold punishment; not to avoid disgraco, nor detection, nor pain; wo must keep our blood pure, not merely to nvold giving pain to whom Cod gives as our llfo com panion, thus to Btiffor for our de gressions, but thnt wo may glvo to tho world children not damned by our own mistakes. ".Man's Llfo Must llu Clean." "It is natural for man to want to live oven after ho is dead. Ho can do so through his children. It is natural for men to wnnt to do good and contlnuo somo good in tho world; ho does It nnd continues it by so liv ing that his child will not inherit n tendency toward dopravlty. Hut his own llfo must bo clean throughout. It Is too Into to say, whon I got married I'll brnco up, or 'After I bo como engaged I will bo n hotter man.' If wo aro to bo Bticcossful fathers and mothers wo must prepnre. It will not do to reform boforo tho birth of tho child. It Is then too Into. Tho child will bo horn, not necessnrlly with dlscnsp,, but with developed passions for lowor ldcnls. Tho man who would reform whun tho tliuo comes looks upon murrlngo not as n factor of evolution, but ns n means of gratification of tho animal In stincts." A FRESH SUPPLY of FRESH OLYMPIA OYSTERS JUST HE OEIVEI). Frco Delivery. PHONE your ORDER to PHONE 7.1-.T. tice ! WE ARE NOW OPERAT. 1XO ON THE EIGHT-HOUR SCHEDULE. EXPERT AXD SKILLED IjAIIOII EMPLOY ED IX ALL DEPARTMENTS. SATISFACTION GUARAN- TEED. Coos Bay Lamumdliry N Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKHN, MKr. Coqulllo Olllco Phono 191 Platting Lands a specialty. Farms Timber Coal and Marshfield Offlco H-J, Gonernl Agents "EASTSIDE." C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT IiU.MI.KH, LATH, SHIXGLKS, MOULDIXGS, SASH AND DOORS HOOKING PAPKIt, i:ro. CUT THE WKh HILL IN TWO UV 1 AUTO PARE 20c Round Trip between Marshfield and North Bend MARSHTIELD N0KTII BEND AUTO LINE Gorst & King, Props, l,mv In lrlet, I.IkI. In iiiiitlly. Electric Irons Wo liuvo n few second-hand Icons In good working condition at $1.75. New Irons, $:.&() up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J 1C3 N. Broadway EASTER SUNDAY, MARCH HU Out In line. Do measured today TODD Expert Cutter nnd Tailor. 27$ Front St. upstairs. Suits $1G up NOTICE. Notlto Is hereby given that tho sli;iintures of an actual majority of tho whole number of tho legal votors of I.nkcsido Precinct, In Coos county, State of Oregon, hnvo beon obtain ed, In tho iunnner required by law, by Androvv Olson, to n potltlon ad dressed to thu County Court of Coos County, Stnto of Oregon, praying that snld Andrew ulson ho granted n license to soil spirituous, matt and vinous liquors, and tormented elder In quantities less than ono gal lon, nud that' said petition is In tho words nnd figures following, to wit: Petition for Liquor License. To tlio Houornblo County Court of Coos County, Stnto of Oregon: We, tho undorslgiied, legnl voters nnd actual residents of Laltcsldo Precinct, In tho County of Coos, Stnto of Oregon, respectfully potl tlon tho Ilonorablo County Court of Coos County, Stnto of Orogon, to grant n llccnso to Andrew Olson to sell spirituous, ninit nnd vinous liquors, nnd fermented elder, lit quantities less thnn ono ga.lon, In Lnhealdo Procincf, Coos County, Stnto of Oregon, for tho period of six months from tho sovontli day of March. 1013. Said business to bo conducted In tho Northwest room of snld Andrew Olson's Btoro, In snld precinct. Adolph Llndros, William Jutltl, J. N. Shlrln, N. M. Young, .T. II. Nnoburc, Ira E. Whcolcr, J. Vonburgor, Fred Muotzol. R. M. Wiodor, Chns. J. Furhop, Frank Howron, I'nui fiaubach, E. Vanburgor, Fred Karl. H. R. Ilolcomb, Onrl Cnrlson, Chas. St. Donnl Aug. I.nksouen, Henry Janl, P. L. Roundtrco, Wm. Roundtrco, Charles Brooks, Rubo Brnlnard, O. E. Dlvolblss, W. Ingorsoll, A. Ingorsoll, Andrew Olson, Potor Monognt, Carl Schroodor, Claude Nohlo, W. II. Short, II. E. Runsou, J. Tuestrom, P. L. Clmlno, Henry I.allman, A. Carlson, Alex Kelson, Chns. Proscott, P. G. Jordan, C. W. Calof. Ludvlg Sorantson, C. E. A. Slestreom, Oscar Ralmuatkl, Jiimos O, Senstrum, And notlco is further hereby glv on that I. Androw Olson, will, on tho fifth day of March, 1913, or as soon theronftcrns tho mnttor can bo hoard, apply to tho Honorablo County Court of Coos County, Stnto of Oregon, for such license. ANDREW OLSON. (Ilrst publication Jan. 31, 1013, and last Feb. 2S. 1913.) USING OUH WOOD. ,82 S0UT "HOADWAY Coos Bay Business College You know wnat you aru worm wuay. wnai are you going to be worth five years from today? When we build a house we have a plan. When we build a ca reer, most of us putter, dawdle, dream dreams, and wait for some favorable breeze to waft us to harbor. Lack of business training is not. only a handicap it js an absolute block to your advancement. Will you con sider this a little while you are building the man or woman who later will be YOU? Start right by starting NOW For something worth while. Positions in abund ance and no trained help. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Telephone 402. Twin City Auto Stage Line Jorry Klnnov, formerly with tin rnlnco Cnfo, has Inaug urated n new automobile stugo line, between Mnrshflohl nnd North Rend. Tho scrvlco Is known as tho "Twin City Stago Lino," and starts with two Bcvcn-passongcr Cadillac machines nnd will havo more If tho sorvlco warrants It. Ho inaugurates a round faro of 20 cents botween tho two cities, 'lhls, ho hollovos, Is all the service Justifies since tho now waterfront rond reduces tho time and also tho cost of tho sorvlco. Ho hau mndo arrangements for tho through service only, leaving tho locnl sorvlco to tho locnl nu tos but in cnao of an emergency will provide local Borvlco for through patrons. Ho will hnve his hcadqunrtcrs at tho S. S. Jennings storo In North Ucnd, Phono 1151. and nt lllllyor'n Cigar Storo In .Marsh field, Telephone 18-J. Tho scrvlco will connect with nil boat and train schedules. Tho regular schedule is us follows: Lento Mursdifleld Loavo North lletitl G:4G a. m. 2:40 p. m. 7:15 n. m. 1.1 C p. in. 7:10 3:15 7:45 4:40 7:45 3:45 8:15 5:15 8.1G 4:10 :-H r' c.jr, 4-jg J:ir' 0:1 SA ;-,V 9:4G C:lG 9:H G'1C 10.15 7.15 9:45 5:40 10:40 7:45 IOmo c:l5 H:15 '8:15 in..r 7:45 11:45 8:46 1U,'U' 8:15 12:10 p. m. 9:15 H:!S 9:-5 12:45 9:45 JisjO 10:1C 1:1C 10:lo 12:15 p. m. io:45 i:40 lo:4G I-'IB 11:15 2:15 11.15 1;10 11.45 2.45 11:45 ' 12:15 n. in. 3:10 12:15 n. in. -'IS 12:45 3j45 1:00 Round Trip, By furnishing us with a list of the property on which you wish to pay taxes, we will ascertain, free of cost, how much your taxes are, Flanagan & Bennett Bank Taxes! Taxes! Taxes! You have but thirty days in which to pay your taxes and secure tho three per cent discount. Give us a list of your property and wo will see that they arc promptly attended to. First National Bank Of Coos Bay First ClassWeaving pruuipuy uono nt Gardiner's Rag Carpet. factory Cor. Union and Montana Street. Phone 131. North Bend, Or W. S. I1HOWN A. II. HODGIXS Marshfield Paint Decorating Co. Estimate Furnished. FOR 20 Cents J r A modern Brick . ulldlug, Electrl Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Mettln, Irop. Hates: 50 cents a day and upward "r. nroauway unci fllnrkot A GOOIj WATfH on wive .tun'CT.nv E. C. BARKER b. lth i ! &nr. 31 timber h .M "'ry tQQSt $1.5 iv tin: tm, '':ssnu AgMINL W-.I11H n..-.''" "Ml CM fcaontM. 'Will Etanditv Cigar Atom Vt.V. M ' "auk riciii "rtiinrm "'HEX tot, OEIt DOT- ! , -.j Hr w,u '"I UI. North M Corner S'.t 110x100 Shriveri 1st Nafl Pictures! Walk PROFESSION jAaAVWWwJ BK.VJ AMIS ( Phono 103-L M. WRICK I rovn Katlmatei td Plans nd m If desired, lit teed. Fhott 1M r uvia amii v iitt&i Scientific St&l to !I'J3 S. Sixth Et TOEL 0STII5J, J riuo 41b S. 81ithS rjKHL mini ResldenStoftl) W n. w. wobi'j 1TI RrlmM Thettr. ryr 0, ciUW Rooms 801 ut riu a. """ U Modoi' Wo are equif' work on i; Lady ottendut Cbnnrtlnr ' r. j. m Real Estate 244 North fn New and SccoW sold on tfce W HAIUtlXCTO' " PhonojH BUNKER 0 FOR 8tp wo r0tttJjojt Barnard Jj wood tr.Ba Ph.Mo m-L Mm-slifisld, Ore. J