THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1913 EVENIMG EDITION. COOS BAY .ES : I OfA I OVERFLOW I. O. .MAJ.OXKV Utlltor and mi). lAW"!!. 1 T Llll LVMY I1AV I.'. MAI.flMSV Xhuh I.MIInr I PAN K. .MAl.OMSV ch Kililur Ufllrlnl I'lipor of (.'oos County. OFKICIA1, I'AI'UK OK Till: (TIT or MAHsni'iixn. I.V TIIK AVALWTIIK ()!' (i()l,l), I ww AIU.Y ill llfo Mr. Joint O.l Kfl Koekofellor rpI liiniHcIf lo " flght ngnliiHt thu iiovorty whirn lmd 8liiii(il Ik liionil upon, ills fntlier'N table, which hail eauwd him to Hlmur wlmn otlii'i i-'nlliiruii had Ikoh wnrni, whlcli lmd put re strictions upon itti education nu greatly (lualit'.l and for which lio had an iiiiubumI Klft at iiliaortiliij?. Ho fought to Hiich pnrpoHu that for the ciiibo or pnveity hu overcatno lie nrtiulret thu emtio of grout wealth, for every advuiHlty lie mas tered he became ho much more the ulavu of vast posHeBHlon, Ileluilil him now deliiKud with money, caught In an avaliinchu of The otliur day a lump mini millions of dollars watt to bin account -a windfall but merely added to thu upon Ids back, which hut Observe Holiday public library will row, Washington's National holiday. The Marshilold hu closud tonior blrthday being a fiOltl of ten placed which weight rhained him tli noy hags, which the persons who jib a prisoner Is Heir linos In closer, lie has told wealth- and untold four. PeeMon Itcscrvcd. Justice I'en ntipk has taken the ease of Hlako vs. Hlake under cotislduration and will anuotinco his decision In a day or two. ..10 Dlakes are cousins and live on CntchliiK Inlet and claims and counter claims tiro voivud In thu aeiiou. lu- lins property or to reckon go and come fought with more to his mo could but cause Kiiard him now guarded to draw iin-lle lieyond his own pow- and he Is not free to as he likes. Ilu has poverty and all the doors of trensure vaults are opened to rain their holdings upon him and around him until lie scorns like an Insect caught- In a pit ,of loosu runulng sand. One may wonder If .Mr. Itockefol ler honestly taluks Hint tl e light lias been worth while. And wo may wonder, too. If the persons who envy him have any conception Jit nil of what tliey are eiivitig. TRUTH (18001 Locate Heir. C. .1. Mahoney. who Is hero from Florence, Is fig uring on locating In Mnrshfleld I nntl opening u law office of his' own here. His return to Marsh Hold would ho welcome news to his i many friends In Mnrsliflom, lie hnv Ing been reared here. .Marslillcld Data Sec. Motley Is today compiling a wrlteitp of Marsh Held for the Oregon Almanac, the of-' llclal booklet completed by the Ore gon Immigration department for. honieseokers. The books are dis tributed throughout the world and i Mr. Motley will see that Coos Ilnv Is ! I properly represented In It. StaffoMl on It. Through a mis understanding the name of John ! I), (loss was put on the committee. In charge of the KII;h' home sub-' scriptlou list yesterdny, in place of' I). Y. Stafford. The .committee I cjuslsts of Messrs. Stafford, Kotnor and (ioodrutu al"' tltuy aie plumilng, to make the campaign n vigorous one. I New Council. At a meeting iii-st ' .Monthly night. It Is expocte I thtt arrangements will he complete! fur thu application Tor a dispensation to start the Council of Itoyal and Seluct- .Musters, the link between the Masonic Chapter and Command ery. in Mnrshfleld. This will com plete the York Kite ou Coos liny. SEMI FIRE Mil I tor Times: KccmiRi of alleged unwarranted crltlf Isiiih. I have been urged to state the facts about the Injurl s sustain ed by Mm. Ilertraui In ilm receni lire. From her blazing apartments, Airs. Nortrnin. clinging to her little son. landed on the sidewalk In front of her husband's store, with clothing on 11 ro. Tho lady rushed Into the store and her husband. nrlnclnnlH' nut in,. n... entirely out, by tearing oft" fragments of her clothing and miming with Ills bare hands. I know because I was there. The poor lady was dreadfully burn ed and badly shocked and In nurd of Immediate ministrations of a doc tor, game tho, and wishing her hus band to try to save some of their property. Shu was then hurried across tho ntroet to tho Hist National llnnk building with the Idea of taking her to tho nlllio of Dr. Mlngus I know, because I had the Idea and took her across. Upon gaining the head or the stair way In said building It was stated I)r. Mlngus was out and his olllco ClOBOd. It was then mmm iiki-hi.ii rmm ,.,. ndjacent olllco wheeled a couch Into tho hallwny and the Indy was placed upon that. I know because 1 put her there. Dr. llousowortli then appeared and Btnted he would Immediately admin ister a sodatlve and remove the Inilv nt once to the hospital. know, be' rntisc ho told me so. Ask hlni? Wraps were thou procured from tho tolephone olllco and substituted for n man's coat about the lady's shoulders. I know because it was my cont. Ask the telephone girls? As soon as Mr. Men ram learned nls wife had been removed to tho Hospital he followed at once ami him self returned the aforesaid wraps. I don't like lo rob any one of n little cheap glory, but at the time of the occurances slated there were from twenty-live to tlfty people pres ent. ArIc anybody? It Is not true the laily was burn ing In the First National Hank buil ding, or that she wns on lire after lonvlng her husband's store, or that anyone put any Die out after that time. Kven Inordinate vanity never Jus titles fnlsehnnd. especially when It Injures another. Mr. Hot-train's store was In Imuil Ilnilt lielll ami IiIm wltn l.n.t ,,-.,,... possible euro she could have under tho circumstances. C.KO. W ATKINS. lnxnov mi i,i, tjiiowixo. The llaiidou Woolen Mill Is Instal ling a new r..". horsf power holler. The woolen mill u working over time these days In order to llll a of orders that have come In. The fnbrle from this mill In becoming ho well known thioughout the coun try that the demand Is growing all the time and It may bo neceary to enlarge tlu mill In the near future to supply tiw demand. IWtudim He-roidcr Lost In Sand IIIIN Ilube Lynns came In yesterday with Low Key xer from Lyons homeslend In the Sand Hills. Mr. Keyscr has been vis King there for a row days. The other day when Keyzer went out, Mr. Ly ons says he got lost In the sandhills and wandered clear back to Dyna mite to git his bearings, lie Dually got back as far as the llorsfall ranch where he got one of tho big tuitlll gun stews from "(Jarllc," who Is looking after the llorsfall place. With this aid and the Instructions of Oarlle, Mr. Keyzer llnally found the Lyons' ranch. .HMK1H JOHN F. HALL loll for North Inlet to inspect county road work there. today some MAY DKMIQNT returned to Myrtle Point today after n few days' visit with friends In this cliy. MISSUS CLAl'SUW CltAINK and IIKLOATIO nf'Huudou aio expect ed here tonight eu route to Cortland. -IJY OAM.UiK CASIJ. lllg Suit XgHliiNt UoM'hurg Physician DlmaUsed. ItOSKIU'Kd. Ore. Feb. 81. -Tho rase of DeUw LMngntou ugulnst Doc tor lirnree K. Hotutc for $20,000 damn-ii-h ., dlsmlsKed by Judge Hamilton upon motion of the plain tiff's attorney, w. W. Cnrdwell. Liv ingston was suing for permanent In juries alleged to hue been sustained from Dim tor Homk while being treat ed for abdominal trouble with an X rny machine Cnrdwell said that his client wns loo 111 to appear In court and thnt he probably would novor bo nblo to do so It Is tho law that In porson Injury cases tho causo of action expires with tho demise ot the person Involved, T. C. UCSSF.LL and wife of Heaver Hill are here today to bid adieu lo Mrs. Itiissoll's sister, Miss Sneddon, who will leave on the llroakwator tomorrow for Dla niondvUle. Wyo. ItHV. (!. LUItOY HALL was at North llend yesterday to super vise some Mulshing work In tho cabin of "The Lltellue.' the new colporter boat, which wns taken there yesterday. He expects to have the boat completed soon and will have a big dedication service In the near future. .TAS. DAVIS of the Until II led liurber Shop returned yesterday from Spo kane, where ho was called by the llliess of Ills son. The latter In getting along nicely but will go to California for the beuellt or his health. Mr. Davis reports It very cold at Spokane, the streets being covered with snow all the tlmo ho was there. W. A. lll'CKINS.. who has been In charge of the New lluslutws Department of the Oregon Power Company here for the past year will leave In ft few days to visit at his old home in Des Moines, Iowa, lie will later return to Salt Lake City, where he will locate, ills departme from the Hay will be greatly regretted by the many friends he has made here. LKW KKYSKU. Sit., father of Coos Hay's well known orchestra lender. Lew Keyser. arrived yesterday from San Francisco to visit his son. Mr. Keyser was former! v collected with the V. S. engineers' service and visited Coos Hnv tlilr. ty-llvo years ago. Ills arrival this time was a result of somo of Lew's booster letters, which pictured Coos Hay's prospects so alluringly that he determined to make n personal Investigation. lie ex presses himself as highly plensod and will probably remain for somo time. t.-oi'i' is sK.vvroit. Federal Judge Wins Toga In West Virginia. Illy Am Uia PtvM to Voo llty Tlnim ) CIIAHLK8TON. W. Va.. Feb. 21. Federal Judge Nat hah 11. (toff wns elected Pnited Slates Senntor from West Virginia by the legisla ture In Joint session today. IllJTTKH KLKCiiUC SF.HVICF. The Handon Power Companv is now operating their new plant and the day current will now be a por nianenr fixture. The onl lmd fea ture of the change is the fact that Handon now Iirk no ctirfow or flro whUtlo since the abandonment of the old power plant, but these will no doubt be arranged for In the very near future Handon Itecord or. Times' Want Ads bring results. ' North Bend News T. It. Wilcox and family have moved hero from Eugene and are occupying tho former Hroullllnrd resilience. J. 0. Mullln and A. S. Hammond will leave tomorrow for Portland and Salem and Mr. .Mullln will probably go ou to Kugonc to as- ..!.. r. t..l n,l 111 UIWMllltir till! niDl ., W. .HUIIVUU II, IllhU'l'M v,iv case of 11. J. Isaacs vs. Major Kin ney. The stilt Is for about $:i(), OU0 and was referred to .ludgo Har ris by .ludgo Coke. .Mr. McLuod luft Tuosduy overland. They want C. S. Wiusur appointed receiver. f 1.. At. .,!...,. I. .id a.lil ,i.t lrllu V. I.. ,1111,1 HU IIIIO CJVJI14 ,11.1 IWIF, on Shurmitn avenue to C. 11. Marsh tor $lt;r0. Peter Loggie has been appointed deputy assessor for tho town of North Demi liv County Assessor T. i J. Thrift. I Mis. lllnford and baby are here from Oiegon City to visit her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. J. W. Crout. .Mrs. Warren Painter and Mrs. it. A. Wernleh huvo gono to San Francisco tor u short visit. Win. Huttys of MeKlnloy is visit ing at' tne homo ot his grand daughter, Mrs. Ira It. Hurtle. Mis. Matt Stora returned yester day fioiu a visit with her daugh ter. .Mrs." J. C. Toello at Portland. C. A. Smith lias gonu to Dullards to assist In the now box factory which tleorge (elseudorter and other North llend parties tiro op- iintliif llifir.1 I f'llnili.u K'lnir la oMIl .mil.. Ill nu a result of tho stroko of paralysis whloli lie recently suffered. .Messrs. Ilartlo, Kern and Woods lave been linestlgatlng the Pony Inli'i water sys-eiu that ICnglneer iklc.ardson suggested recently. .Ma jor Kinney has offered to sell tho city the land needed for $1000 per acre and give all the necessary wa ter rights free. It was to have been taken up at tho council meet ing next Tuesday night hut Major Kinney's sale to W. J. Wllsey may change the situation. O. Clllhertson and Mr. Miner, wno came hero recently from Hen ton Harbor, .Mich., have bought some or the old mill machinery ut the North Hend mill and will prob ably Install n utniill mill .... nil. burtson's much on Kentuck Inler. W. II. Smith. Charles Smith, Hurt Smith, Hdward Hoyles and (Soorgo James have taken a flvo-yenr lease on (illbert Cillbertson's conl lnluo on Kentuck Inlet. They will con tinue the shaft and expert to open yards in North Hend for the sale of the product. Mr. (Hlhertsnu Is to receive fto cents u ton royalty. Somo of tho men were formerly jun K"'?ed tc the Mlllleonm f'ne. ' Denny Hull and other North llend basebtnl fans are talking or inning proiiminnry steps to raise funds ror tho North Hend baseball team ns they want to start the sea son early. A benefit dance may ho given soon. C. S. Knlser has taken the con tract to erect a concrete smoke stack 10." feer tall for the Simpson Lumber Company nt the Porter mill. It will be nine feet across at the base and the first forty feet will bo lined with brick. K. V. Kruse litis bought two lots U Porter Addition from IM Smith of Holsu nud will probably erect a flue home there this summer. Frank Klsslmlnger. formerly en- - :u ' " it i..s;:uhI u.ulmsa In North Hend. hns written friends here that ho and his family will soon return to North Hend from ban Pedro to locato. i Kdltor McDanlols of the North llend Harbor announces that he Is figuring on Issuing his paper semi weekly. The North Henu High school girls will sorve sandwiches, coffee and cake to all attending the .North Hond-llnnilon game hero to night. Tho Oregon Trust Company. i, i ,ib mini huh week by Messrs. Van Zllo. Ilolllster anil ( roves has been reorganized and the following olllcers elected: Pros dent. F. K. (ilazler: secretary and treasurer. II. J. Isaacs; vice presl lout. K. M. Shrlvor. Tho North Hend rllv rmmnii meet next Tuesday night to discuss he special city election for rlmrtor amendments, bond Issue, etc. It Is proposed to call tho election for the last week In April, children of North llend Heights have uoiie to Wmu1iI....i.. she was culled by tin, Boiious III boss of her sister. Mrs liiuintlett of Gold Heach who has been lsltlng at tho homo of her brother. C. S. Wlnsor. will Seaule ,10n'W t0 vWt roh,,,vo In '"'. SI"I,S0" " wlfo nud ......i iuum.u yestoruny from Snu era lie sco where ill,... i, i. socure medical tieatinent for the imiur. A. M. (ireeiimiL'li n,,. i.... . ... - ,, r" nv iliniitcilir or the ban Ittunon, returned here yes erday on business. u0 reports lint the San llumou had a good i1,,,..'1Ul',, l8 ,mv,llK lun" irhlnery Installed now and will soon he ready for the nui. nnvir innouth ili:xi). Motheis and Tmrlirrx Club will Tlm,'vS":r1"1!, T,,,,s feinoon. lie North Hend Motheis and leachers Club will meet at the lentrsl school building tor their regular meeting, l'rlday nfterno,,.. follows' The 1"'0"nu ' PIUIIO Mlllo Mlu Mil. !.... I i..... ! Home (iiirdeu and School liimet- -Supt. A. (5. Itaau. ' UImmiiwIou for all. Violin wilu u. A, Hrowti. ,, ILVXDOX TOmlvTiiFV. At the last meeting of the Wo men s Commeuial club. a eiean-u, Y ., V'u l,rol'ol. It was titmlly decided to set aside one daj In the ilrsr week of April for that -j'e. The ladles have de "he, o hold a Sweet Pea Inhibition the latter part of August and wis, ev eryone In Ilniulnii nn.i o ,y M".J? !! the conttT w hi T i uo,n UUIUIB "' i' ilhlron will bo given. Handon Itecordor. PETER LOGGIE HARD WORK OF GIVEN PLACE SENATOR HI TO GET Gil ALONG II Member of Port Commission Named Field Man of Rivers-Harbors Congress. ' Peter l.ogixle of North Hend. member of the Put or Coos Hay coinmlssion mid one of the best known residents of the Hay has been honored bv the appointment ns field representative of the Na tional Rivers and Harbors Congress. Tho appointment was ninilo upon the recominendntlon of L. J. Simp son. .Mr. Loggie being assigned the Oregon territory and also oilier parts of the const. Tho position Is largely honorary, the National Itlvors and Harbors Congress de fraying only the actual expenses. Tho work will only take up a small portion or his lime. Mr. Loggie Is closely In touch with the work, having attended ses sions of tho National Rivers and llarhots Congress and conseiiuently iMl tin (i It lit ii i In ititinn irfwtfl III Id II III 'U IHIIV " U "I'lllU f,f-'M ! sionary work for the organization. llo Is particularly gratified over securing tho appointment, not only tor me aouor iiseu ami uie oene ,i. i ii'in i.i, i mi ti, w.i u. fin riiiiu 1,1 it. I, ill ill; iiiiiii t.v ,i ,wi v"n Hay. but because it will enable him I. .. a I .... I.. , .1 . to muse an cmciisivo mm in i;'i. with the orgnulication. Inspecting tie Panama canal, many harbors In the Pnited States, Including those ou the (ireat Lakes, thereby giving IiIm opportunity to gain some very beneficial knowledge for the future development of Coos Hay Harbor. Strenuous Committee Hearing Novel Machino i tw Exhausts Coos County Take Wealth from SSI Lociislator. Snnrl Ma d-'WI - itu n nn - .. MII SALK.M. Feb. 2 1. Absolutely exhausted by the siege to which ho has been subjected. Senntor 1. ti. Smith of Coos and Curry wiih obliged to leave the Slate Capital tiiid go to Ills rooms to rest until morning, passing up temporarily morning, pausing up u!iiiui,iiii, i ,,u urenn llf 'ici p further consideration of the two Minneapolis lui, comni , ' compensation acts and the womau'ii Ing their cauii, uv-w h . lj ,.l,r1,l-l. ...... 1,111 liiifiil'.. !!,. iifilillllfC. Hllll f II I . . "' lll Oj I IM... . . J IIU IOIIOW-ll niimlon ltecordi horo owing t forls that hui. past to work n a his scale: I IIO Ocean ! ,!f!:r' 'rom "'" "o of ., J , . . ac 'I I """ 1101 AT TIIK HOTKLS. j TIIK CHANDLICR !:. W. Lauf mtin. Portlund; D. W. Ilertram. San Francisco: D. R. Morgan, Handon; John Wagnor. Myrtle Point: II. A. Httutell. Sun Francisco; S. (1. Luiuleu San Francisco: Perry Lanulng, Snn Francisco: J. C. Fuller. San Fran cisco: Lew Keyzer. San I'rnnclsco: II. A. Kerry, Chicago; tleo. I'. Sto rey. Portland: J. (1. Sterling. Myrtle Point: Karl F. W. Knclc. Chicago; F. W. Wilson. Situ Francisco; C. L. Jensen. San Francisco; I). R. Mor gan. Handon: L. I). Heaters. Port land. LLOYD IIOTKL J. W. Renfro. Portland: II. S. Ilonklus. Handon: II. Hippie. Ifuntlon: Archie Rosa, Han don; Kruest Dalklns. Ilamlon: .loin. Cardner. Handon: J. Windsor. Dan don; Thus Chalburn. Handon; Har ry McNiilr.Handon; Ralph Cluisten son. Handon: Fred HnnesyMlandon: Stanley Ilatler. Handon; Read (Jul ller. Itandon; Fred J. (iercke, San Francisco. IIOTF.L COOS John Lodgun. Co nledo; Olnr HJorke, Smith Ihislu: Oeorgo Cllnkonbeard, Coos Rlvor: Mrs. T. K. Hessey. Coos Rlvor: 1). 11. Johnson. Cuiiulllo: J. J. Cllnkon beard, Coos River: Mrs. Davenport. Coqullle; Chiis. Popo Handon. C. Jensen. Sun Francisco; F. (J. Shaw. .Myrtle Point. HLANCO HOTKL Mrs "Mil s'mi. Ferndale. Cal.: Coiiullle. W. D. Home, M. Nosier, Coiiullle; W Portland. eight-hour bill before tie coinmtl- tee on Industries, of which ho Is eiiairmnu. Just as he had about made up his mind as to what he should do In regttid to a compensa tion net, Sniltii received three doz en letters from certain trades, urg ing him to vote against tho Law slto of Whiskey sturt to oUt IS'JS itntidotnh .. Hun iKik ,..i rn.i..i.. ... .",u ' .i. . ." "ll n ; :,,.V" ..un:!K1' "-u Lot. til- niu hum llllj nr lu-n i 1 Joiiklns or ,i,. ... '. Jf 11 f"i hnnlliiir .i. . ,.. r ' an "oin t,n B...1 tho contract to thu beach '"- Miiitnw J iiihi- rence elective ineasiire nud for thudork. where tin- ,n numtifi j"1 Day compulsory bill. This now wns unloaded In tilu Ji, ' complication proved too much for his tihvslcnl canacltv. The Lawrence workmen's com pensation act was reported favora bly in the senate and soon will come up for third reading. It was signed by Smith, Kiddle and Wood, While refusing to sign the fav orable report. Senators Day nud Dlmick of tue Industries committee did not dissent. "Wo did not desire to be cap tious." said Day. "The nninud ineuts I favor will hu offered from the floor of the seunte ou third rending ami the Issues fought out' at that time." . Two features favored by Senator Day are the elimination of tho workman's contribution to the in surance fund nud basing the d:tes ou a sliding scale ranging from niie-foili'ili or I per cenf to tlboilt I per lent, so iih to include the let-s hazardous occupations. lie contends that under the present flat rate of I and '4 per cont, which Is said to be in to 20 times what mime of the occupations are acttitilly charged nu ler Wu.Mim ton's experience, the less hazardous occupations will not avail the.u sclvos or the provisions oi the com pensation act. but will carry straight liability Insurance, thereby depriving workmen engaged :ii such less hazardous occupations of the beuellt. HASF.HALL AT IIAXDOX. Win. Trliiir ; J. II. Davla, Coiiullle: S. J. Jordan, Plan to Orgaule There This Strong Year. Teiini CAT S.VVKS FAMILY. Tabby (.'hex Alarm of Flro In Pint- ,,, lain) Home. PORTLAND. Feb. 2 1. -Mr. and Mrs. l. A. Short, whoso resldenre near Capitol Hill wns totally de stroyed by fire, attributed their es cape from death In the flames to their Perslnn cat. Dolly firoy. The couple wns sound asleep and the rooms were rapidly filling with smoke, when they were a wakened ),VV ". KkIiik at the bed covors, I he feline lo n f.i.nv ,,r f.,.. half surfocated by smoke had Jumped on the bed and rlnwed at tho covers until Mr. and Mrs. Short wero nroused. "lliero I bill lltlln .1....I.I ..... wo both would have boon suffo cated hnd tho cat not awakened us In tho nick of time." declared Mr Short. "We hnd barely tlmo enough to hrow on n row clothos mill mnko our escape with tho cat. All our furniture and most of our personal effects wero destroyed ' ,i.. zo marten from n defec- 11.11 II1IU, The llaiidou Recorder says: Handon will probably have the fastest ball team this year In the history of the city, af least present Indications hid rnlr ror a classy team. We have some inlgnly good mntoiinl to work from ami In Temp Osborn. the new pitcher who is well known In baseball circles of the northwest, wo certnlnly have a wonder. Osborn will ho one of the twirlers of the Handon team this summer and will bo mm. n. i-iv,. ,. good account of himself. In all nrohahliitv thorn win i... a chum. j ie.igiie ugain this jonr and Hmidon fans me In favor of Satur day nud Sunday games and will work to this end, i "" mook oi. 1..... i . . :, :"."' ii i ,,,. w i "ii i in, Uhon ussen.hiul. tho bR fa. I Hltuply a huge traction Vt nndo to run .... i "w Sf5 nower. lb., r ., ..." " l.K built of struct ,' Z 5.V IS feet In I..I...H. . "rJd! H.,',,h; "!!!! V10 w"' w.r.i ...w ....i.,u in iiioutitvtl are li-J lIl'IIIIIM 1.1. .Ill l-.w.l .. I . . 1C "1 .reoMndlhitnauolXK , A digging Imlder nt t'je t end of the ilred;;e coniliti f , eniiiesH chain of two foot b-Y that digs and delivern the r-l it lurgo shaking wrccn to t." ...nun n... 111(1 MirOtg) Ki , MllVlllir l.,.u " '... the dredge. ...i.. .....i .. . niA-iiicii reniriiiigai pan J IlVm.lliiv .Ii.. .. ..,. . r f H ii, ui-i oil top ct IV miiiHuiK screen ninilsliei i- .....v. ..ii..ij uir an siuicKjrj "inuPi Thu dredge Is si if nranc' -i i mi automobile. uiM, t3 f0llr U wheels, and can in uin lnt;li of tne wttter ah n , i y )Cll ns own iractiie potter L-'.v by it iri-hoi'sepiiwir enlne lite dredge win ! signed t; 1 riiiiitii imsseit. a minliii; t;j' nud dredge opera or nf i;tj years' experleifci Imvlni; i . n Hlmllar dredge on Nor.ic'l' AhiHka. dining the summer i.ji or Kill. MltlMl'S OF II.WIiO.Y. News or tho, Told by the Recorder. Thou, nevi.r.iimv u-lwi l.m ha. tho Kmorgency hospital for at::; ot weens, is getting inueli tetter Oil Tlllirillnv llnvt n n.fntln.. l!ll held at the hall of the Handon C: menial Club to discuss tho !" of .organizing a brass batnl ford' (Inn Charles Cessna Ih llxlng up I property, rocentiy purchased ca a ll'ntnc ut fnnt tm 1 1 tit linn rAmnllttil IT 1 VUl uvivui, II II It II (IV It UWl"'" will be u credit In that parted! city, iiio house is being tnorcupn M....i,i.l..l,k.. ...... .. ,....... rav lJ . UIIIWl.UIUII, HUH li.llllL'U, IIC- wanes nro Doing put in, T...u ...... I.. , I.I..H ll.. If J-llUl DIU1I (O tUIIOIUl'l I.."' would not he so much ncandil I' tuo worm if moro poonie tered? Fertilizers Rest results always follow tho use of a too,! iniii.i.i.. f...... ...... In your garden or field. Wo have GciTI Purpose Fertilizer Lawn Fertilizer Bone Meal Also a complete lino of Garden Seeds Onion Sets Grass Seeds Seed Oats Seed Potatoes Come mid see us beforo buying Your Sunday Dinner hn thr hpst monl nf llin maab if wmi rhnnfi it t ........ ... irom our list of fresh, crisp vegetables and choice, fresh fruit, There is variety and appetizing goodness hi uvuiy arucie, READ THIS LIST: Fresh Ripe Tomatoes Nice Hot House Cucumbers Choice Radishes Crisp Celery Parsley Bunch Turnips Fancy Cauliflower Good Cabbage Fancy Head Lettuce Brussels Sprouts Coos County Hot House Lettuce Bunch Red Beets Carrots Rutabagas Parsnips, , I SPECIAL California Home Pickles, all 0 Sc KinfS. twn IWtlne fne V I wf f w I4UUIUU lu.HHM.H..a.- C.a.. n-l!f r . r- .. icinuy oiiiiiornia uranges and orape rruit. Fancy Florida Oranges and Grape Fruit uiiuiuo nuu raKima Apples rresn ym Lemons Cranberries RnnnnnR - whiiumhw Phone Your Order Early, OLLIVANT & WEAVER PURE FOOD GROCERS GOOD PLACE TO TRADE Phone 275-J Cor, Central and Third St. t WeTVfit'BWWW-nnty., lEe Bazar "Store of Quality." Phono 32. HSga&yvwagi ii nllftl MWmMWW I HI lW wy Your Meats UNION MEAT MARKET 'Phone 58 AndYou Will Always Have Pure Wholesome Meats. nt .