THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1913 EVENING EDITION. K M 110 ELECTRIFY PnVAl Baking GOALEDD CAMP; Ivs rowder Absolutely Pure I STATEMENT The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar OMalces delicious home-baked foods oi maximum quality af minimum cost. Makes home baking pleasant and profitable ADVENT WRECK HIGH ON SID Wrecked Schooner High and Dry at Low Tide Noth ing of Value Saved. 'I'lio Ailvunt la being rapidly pound- PETES DOLAN ESTATE GIN Smith-Powers Co. Starts the Construction of High Power Line. The Smith-Powers Company will Immediately Htiut the construction of n high power lee trie line mini tlie J C. A. Smith mill electric plant to the I logging rumps at Coaledo. with a view of electrifying Its logging op uratloiiH there. The line will enrry 11.000 volts mid will transmit hetween seven and eight hundred horsepower. The lino will ho eleven miles long. It will pro bably take about two months to com plete It. The eonipany has olcctrleal donkoy engines coming from, the Westing house and Cicnornl Kloctric Compan ies, and It Is possible that the Allis Chalmers Company may also send out one. It will ben sort of an experi ment all around In securing nn clee trlcal logging engine adapted for logging operation. Left $23,407.75 in Notes and Mortgages Divided into 1 Ten Parts. .Messrs. Frank Norton. Charles cd to pieces on tho beach below Coon Stuuff and Cleorgu Itotuor this Head, and at low tide Is high and I morning completed the appraise dry, tlio people being ublo to go over ll,'t f s,l,, r "'o '" ',', nml through her. She Is lying on her ' "M1'- 01l of o ot known piti able. I noon of Coos county and Oanlliior, J. K. irrlce of Mnrsiiiiold was one ' who ",ol lloro recently. They of tho scores of visitors who have foliml ,,1h entire estate ti nslst gone to the wreck and sccuron some, oi notes nun morigages tuiti u 10 cxcollent pictures of her. She Is n i ,"'IJM 1!3. J0i.i5. total loss. Sumo of the crew and ' l'u'r 1)l,111- " nopliow. Is ndinlii Cnptaln .Mont Hton have been trying ' JHtrntor or the estate. .Mr. Mlako lo got hoiiio of their personal effects , ll'ft ' w"l d ' estate will bo but have not yet secured anything of I divided eiiually between the ten vnluc. Various one havo secured fnnilllos of his uenrest relatives. Dleces of her and some of the resl- '''l.ere are eight or inoro children hi clouts of South Slough have carried ' (mo "f "' I""ni'H of tho heirs off most of tho things that aro mov able. Captain Maegenn of the llreak wa ter suggested today that If Captain Mont Kton or tho llfo saving station crow had thought they could have run n couple of lines rroin her to the piling of tho Jetty and on the rising tide swung the Advent hack into tlio channel so that she could have got Into tho bay. To do this would have been necessary soon aftor she hit or Just before. The crew of the Advent tiro nil Scandinavians, Captain .Mont Kton being (lie only one known on the bay. Thoy are stopping at tho (iraml room ing house In North lleud. .lohu Suiul- sirom, one or the sailors was sllithtlv hurt. ' LODGING TO BE A RAILROAD OF TEiiNAL ( Con 1 1 n u cjdJimPnKJL and we herobj agiee to defray the liccuHsarv expenses thereof. Respectfully submitted. TERMINAL RAILWAY, llv Arno .Mereeu, President. I)y .1." 11. Plunngnn, Secretary. We hoped thnt the people or .Maishfleld might desire to express their views at an election, voting for or against our Inking up ne gotiations with the Southern Pacific for the assignment of that part of our franchise covering a steam road. Receiving no answer from the cltv council, wo take this means of laving the matter before the people of t!.c city so that If it Is thought desirable that the cltv couih II ur ine."" fir such an e'oetlon, the people will see that such an ob-c-tlou is called Immediately. Should no such steps be taken wltlin a reasonable time, wo will tnke It for granted t at the people desire the Terminal Company, its stockholders and directors to use their own Judgment In taking up. and. if thoroughly desirable, currying such negotiations tlnough as :..:;. ti.u best. Youri very truly, TICR.MINAI. RAILWAY. Ilv Arno .Mereeu. President. Innagnn. Secretar. MANLY SUITS FOR MANLY LITTLE LADS Wo lmvc just lvi'oived a fine lhii ., ., mouse Suits mid Norfolk Suits for ii, years lo 12 years. Thoy arc the fllI11IHMj gj lino, so named bceauso thnv wmw m,,. i , mn l...i ..!..! ! 1 SJ... .1 ' . "w m nut siyte js mn wiicnucuci io not saei'iiit'cd lo snn i,oi,t. '" i i i.i ,i i , , ---" HUM ak. columned, pop mo larger Jiuis, the Xorfoll- with two pair of rroiisors you will find fos Tj you havo been looking i'or. Tliov frmihi,,. J lioarain'o and service ai a ' reasonable price Y must see these suits to appreciate (he virtuoso the positive saving to you on each suit. Priced From $300 to $6.85 "Money Talks" HUB DRY GOODS CO. O 'Council liuiltling. Market Av 'cnue. XOTICK. You aro hereby notified to re frain from soiling or giving any intoxicating lliiunr whatsoever, ro HARRY (IM.IIRAITII. Dated this Jiitli day of IVhruurv. 191U. .1. W. CARTER. City Miiraliul. Mrs. Harry (iallinilth. Tho 10 relatives and estates which will receive one-tenth of the os tnte each are: Peter Dolan of .Mnrshfleld. .Mrs. Win. Illanchflold of Mnrsh Held. John Dolan rts.iito of Mnrshrield. .Mlko Dolan of Cinrtllucr. Joseph Dolan or Port Ash de Fort, Canada, Prank Dolan of Ottawa, Cannda. Mrs. Clias. Iliauchfleld of West Ostotto. Canada. Thomas Dolan of Ottnwn, Cana da. Mr. Joseph Sarsfleld, Cobalt, t annua. Mrs. Maekey IJstato of Portland. Oregon. I.efi Xn Will. Mrs. Orlllln. who tiled n few weeks ago nt her homo in Plat II. left no will and her husband lias been appointed tidiuiulstrntor. Ho and a daughter. Miss II. .lonophlno Orlllln. aro the heirs, the propertv consisting of three houses and lots A womnn often looks as well iik uie uispiay in a snow winnow. 1 Hut a mn ti never does. That little girl of yours she'll soon bo having her hair "done up," and, too, she will bo outgrowing her child ish ways and you haven't had hor picture taken since she was. in long drosses, You don't exactly want to keep hor as she is but you do want to keep tho mamory. Last of the .Operations, on Tidewater on Coos Bay is in Sight. Wltl In a few months, the Smith Powers Logging en m p on South Coos River will ho the only logging being dono on tidewater on Cons Ray, and with possibly one excep tion it will be the Inst, unless an other growth of tlniher warnuits It In years to come. The Merchant tract- on South Coos River Is tho Inst standing timber to be left on tlduwater. All of tho rest of tho logging will hnve to he dono by in 1 1 road. Sometime this summer, tho two logging camps or the Stulth-Powera Company on Isthmus Inlet will be closed down, 'i ho two are six and seven nml are located nt Coos City. They will bo moved to tho new logging road of tho Smith-Powers Company beyond Myrtle Point. The Snilth-PowerB camp op South Slough will nlso bo closed down In nnothor eight or nine months nml moved to the timber beyond Myrtle Point. mo houtli Coos River camp hns botwon three and four years to go. there being between .0.000.ti00 and "..000,000 feet or timber there to got out. Cninii " was moved re cently from Isthmus inlet to Coal edo where Camp 2 Is located. The llrst tlmhor that tho binlth Powers road beyond Myrtle Point will tap Is about 12 miles from thnt town, i hen there Is nlniosf a solid body of Umber on each side of the road nml by tlio construction of spurs mid extensions, R Is snid thai sulllcleut timber is available to run tho C. A. Smith mills heront tnoir prosont capacity for flftv years. The Could nud Iloeek camps on North Coos River and Hodges Creek are boyond tho reach of lldewator. The McDonald & Vniighnn ennui at Danlols Creek Is now boyouii the rench of lluewator. a logging rond having to bring the logs to tho river. Tho ieI)onnlil & Vaugh nn enmp Is now shut down for re pairs ami Improvements on the log ging rond. but will resume oper ations In a week or so. Jus. II. RAILWAY MEWS ! ur mm on JAPANESE COOK ATTACKS MAN Supt. Dixon Returns But Is Not Certain When Work Will Start. "I ilout know Just when wo will start construction work In North Bend. I came back In now. prepared to go to work Just as soon ts the company la roady." This was the statement of Supt. Dixon of tho MacArthiir Perks Com pany, who returned this morning from n trip to Hugene. He stilted thnt ho had not brought any con struction equipment yet. as there wild considerable clenrlng to be done before the actual const ruction could start, ijo said that they bad equip ment for this work here since they came In n year ago. prepared to start work on North Slough. He said that Knglneer Wheeler of the Southern Pucllle should bo the man to say when tho work would start. Mr. Dixon says that good progress Is being made by tho Porter Pros and Twohy Mros. on their commits out of Kugene. He said that the rallR would bo laid as far down the flu slaw as Acme this fall. lie had no new advises as to when Porter Druthers would start work between the I'mpqua nml Slusluw. Mr. Dixon was nccompanled down from (inrilliier by Mr. Wllsoy nud Wurren Reed. Mr. Rood said that thero was nothing at (lardlnor but thnt Copenliiigons were getting nloug nicely with tliolr work. Mr. Dixon said that Oeneral Mali nger Hitchcock of the MncArthur Porks Company is now In San Fran cisco mid wns planning to visit Hu gene mid Portland, but whether i.n would come to Coos Hay be had not I noon uttviseii. Contractor Copenhagen who wns expected here last evening did not nrrlvo, but probably will come In this ovenlng. i California Girl at Point of Death and Mother Badly Hurt by Oriental. Ill o InfPil Vntn in Omw Wny Time 1 DAVIS. Oil.. Feb. 20. As n re sult of a murderous attack by a dis charged Japaneso cook, Miss Agues Armstrong Is at at the point or death with a bullet hole through her bend und the bullet lodged against tlio spine. Mrs. R. II. Armstrong, inothor or the girl wnH shot In tho arm, breast mid foot, when hIio grappled with tho Infurluted .Japanese. Her condition is not dangerous, Tho husband and rather Is paralyzed and could not aid his wife mid daughter. The affray occurred nt tho Armstrong ranch two iuIIcb west of here. Tho nssnllant escnped. The girl was nsloep when sh was shot. ItKliKAKH M.xv MEf. Quiet Restored In fnlnt Crrck )& lug l)Mrlr(. I Ur MO, Mir I I' ) io (,, fo, tlM CHARLESTON. Vn., Feb ! Fully llfty perrons, who vere'uk iiiiii iiimuuy ny I ne mllltllluM lieetioil with tl senior. In o. .l Creek Coal country liave be leaseu, leaving annul novcntjlij temporary prison at Painter Cri Junction. The iiiitmcM Mr. .. ently censed Ml tlio mlact art' tier ueavy guaru .MORC.W STII.I, ILL Italian .Mcillcal Spcrl.ilM CMil l.gypl to Cure for Ilia (Or Amu laid I'r n io Cmi CijTbt! LONDON. Fib 20.-Tie 6 change Telegraph rompan- lui dispatch from It'imo si) lot it Professor (lulseppe llasthndU, 4 best known uiedlrnl specU.U: k Italy, wns today sammo-ed ton ro by .1. P. .Morgan, Ilnvo your Job printing dono nt Tho Tlmos olllco. llljr Amo'IMpI I'. 3 tol'ootRirTlMr Another dispatch from Roiil MnrKnuH condition Is creitir ai proved. The Rending or SuiuHl wns n mutter of precaution. If you havo anything to tell, ril trndo. or wnnt help, try a ffnltjl Th e Fort Get a Kodak and take pictuies of her occasionally and thus pie seive a life-photograph, Kodaks Are Inexpensive and wo will teach you how to dew lop and tinish the pictures. HI) M'KKOW.V MAIIIIIKI). Repori That Foivniau of Smith Slough Oinip Weils In Cnnaila. Mlko Mel.iiugnlln. actlnir fore- ninn or tho Smith-Powers logging enmp on South Slough, hns receiv ed a letter rrom I'M McKeown. the roremnn who loft n few months uco to visit nt his old home In Cnnail.i. stntlng thnt lie wns married there. Tho news came ns a surprise mid Kd's friends are not sure whether to tnke him nt his word In tho letter or wbethor he Is inerelv Jok ing them. Some claimed before ho left that tho trip to eastern Cana da was for matrimonial purposes in .ir, .uciveown uenieii them. A. II. Powers heard from him recently, but ho did not sav anv Ihlng nliout having won n" wife. Nelthor did ho say whon he would return, but It Is expected, that ho will bo here soon. BASKET BALL ET CM 0 T pturr part.vkr or rrotiihr. Red Cross Drug Store QUICK DEMVHUY. PHONi: 122-J jf' (Jeorge M. .Miller l,cuve. Ihinene to aiieuii .loaiiiiin'.s lunerul. RUOKXB. Fob'. 20. (Jcorgo .Mel vln Miller, brother of Joaquin, went to San Francisco to attend the fu neral of his brothor. Georgo Mil ler has been engaged in tho real estate business In Hugene and in ro especially the western part of l.ane county for the past io uar. Joaquin Miller alwa.Ms had great Intorosr In the Sluslnw iniintiv .,.i on his trips to ICugono ulwavs made n trip to that as et wild "countrx. and. Instead of tnklng the stage or a convenient team, the two would make the trip in ;l two-wheeled cart The brother recently form ed the Joaquin Development Com pany, to develop water powers and Plat towiiille I., tlw. i... i... '. to be opened by the building of t". e railroad to Hie Coiut Men me pre'tv sniart lu other respcits but tin j seldom are able wri. 'whflK,r n b,on,, ls "'o nork of art or uature. IIAXDON IIK.II SCIIOOI. TKA.M , WILD PI.AV .MAKSIIFIKM) illl.ll hilltHM. UKRK THIS' KVKNIXfJ. The dual home came of basket imii Will he n lived Thursilnv tili'dt i... i tweon Ilandon and Marshliold lilchi schools In tho old tnbornnelo. nil. ....i. i., ... t iiuiikii una Kiiiuo may not noni to I iieciito uio eiininplonshlp, ns CoqulUo has not lost n gamo so far this sen son, It will have much to do in de termining tho position of Mnrshflelil. ns by winning this gamo thoy would bo tied with North Uond for second place. Ilandon hns n Strom: team, nmi i said to havo oxeollent tonm work, M'lilnli nniiiilml ..t,t. .1.. ..,..,,. m ' """"i "iicu twin mo uuiiiiy or n couplo of their players to make bas kots, moans that tho homo team will havo to oxteiul thoiusolvos to win Marshliold will uso tho snmo tonm ns it hns in its previous games, mid upon its home lloor has always shown up strong. Thoro being no nenvy practice tins week, tliov uimni.i bo 111 oxcollont condition, and put up a fast game. Tho .Mnrshfleld tonm will linoup ns follows: Kruse. captain, guard; McDonell, guard: Soainnn, guard; Lococq, cen ter; Clark, forward; Carlson, for wnrd. Tho prollnilnnry gamo will bo played between two teams composed of girls from tho local high school Pleasuro soon pnlls on those who aro in u position to do just us they please. IS A CAR YOU CAN AFFORD TO RUN "Buy a Light Car" is the advice you liearfr automobile owners everywhere, Heavy Cars cost too much for tires and gasoline, The Ford gives four and five, times the gasolir; mileage of a heavy onr. Tim hoavv cai requi-. big engine and excessive fuel consumption to moe; it, The Ford upkeep and operation expenses are just one-fifth of any other make, Strength with light weight is the principle of J Ford design, Materials are used scientifically Weight and strength are in right proportion, iw result is a car which stands up under the most se vere service; a car with big ability and low operat ing and tip-keep cost, Place your order early or it will be im make delivery, Come to GoodrunrVs Garage whenever you want anything for your autoni' Geo. Goodrum Ford and Cadillac Representative.