The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 19, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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Parish at Center City, Minn.,
Wants to Secure Coos
Bay Pastor Now.
Hov. John Osliind, pastor of (lie
Coos Iluy Swedish Lutheran congre
gation, Ims just received u en 1 1
from the Swedish Lutheran coiiki li
gation at Center City, Minn. Tho
call is a very -alluring ono, tho
Center City parish being tho larg
est In the Minnesota conference of
tho dononiinntlon and tho remuner
ation being much greater than ho
is now receiving.
Aside from these Inducements, ho
is seriously considering the call bo
causo It is from tho Hcction whore
ho was reared and educated. Ills
pnrontB II vo near there. Ho was
educated at GtiBtavtis Adolphus Col
lego at St. Peter, Minn., and later
took his final courses at the Uni
versity of Hlmiesota and Potomac
University, completing his theolog
ical course nt Atigustana College.
Tho Center City parish Includes
churches In three towns. ' Center
City Is about 100 miles from St.
This Is the second or third cull
thnt Hov. Oslund Iuib received since
coming to Coos Hay and until now
ho had not entertained tho idea of
loavlng Coos Hay becauso ho likes
his parish hero and also tho country.
amo.vcj tiii: sick.
Mrs. Christino Kruso of West
Marshllold is suffering from n badly
sprained nnklo, sustained while do
ing soiiii) housowork.
Mrs. Fred Kruse, who iccontly
tindorwent an operation at Merry
hospital for appendicitis. Is at the
homo of her pnicuts, Mr. and Mrs.
Escott In South Marshfield. She In
recuperating slowly.
Ferdinand Ilnuschlldt. the IS-year-old
son of Mr. nnd Mrs. T. F.
Ilnuschlldt of Knstslde, who under
wont an opcrntlou fur appendicitis
nt Mercy hospital this week. Is re
ported, to bo gottlng along nicely.
Ills enso was a lather serious ono.
Through an error. It wns stated the
other day that ho was a stepson of
-Mr. Ilnuschlldt.
Mrs. W. j.'. Miller Is reported
ill nr their homo In South Marsli
field. A number of ruses of whooping
cough are loporten in Marshfield
and a little epidemic of it is feared.
Mrs. F, V. Hortrum who was
badly burned In tho llro that de
stroyed the Donaldson block a few
wooks ago, Is reported to bo doing
nicely at Mercy hospital. It will
bo a few weeks beforo sho can
leave tho hospital. It' is not cer
tain yot whether nklu grafting will
bo necessary to rcstoro tho cuticle
lost from tho burns.
Mrs. Agnes Hutchinson, who has
been quite ill nt her homo with In
grlppo, Is reported Improving,
fluy Kendall, who has been suf
fering from la grippe, Is reported as
Mr. Fnrrell stated thnt tho head
quarters of tho San Francisco nnd
Portland Steamship Company will bo
moved from San Francisco to i'crt
lnml nt once; that tho Orcgon-Wnsh-Inutnn
rnnd will take over tho Ore
gon & Eastern rnllroad, and thnt
tho latter rond eventually be extend
ed to Pond In cast central Oregon.
Tho Oregon & Knstorn railway proj
ect, which Is bolng built from Vale,
Ore., westward across the state, was
taken over from the Oregon Short
Lino on January 1, and will becomo
n subsldnry line of tho Oregon-Washington
railroad, and when completed
will ho operated as such. Tho llrst
section, 110 miles, now under way,
will carry tho road to Dog Moun
tain, and thonco will be continued
to connect with tho Deschutes rond
at Uend. This will glvo tho Orogon
Wnsblngton Compnny n complete
double-track system from Portland
across Oregon to tho Idaho boundary.
Tunnel lliul One.
Parties arriving hero from flnr
dlner brought a report thnt It had
been discovered thnt the tunnel be
tween Winchester Creek nnd Ten
Mllo Inkes will ho very hard to
drive, test holes showing thnt tho
material was a hard kind of clny
to handle. It was said that the
enginccts cstltnnted that it would
take two years to comploto ti'ie
jiMMWWBBfiGMP!HlrHHnil" -i jkct wtwig
(Continued from Pnie 1 )
I Along the Waterfront. !
It. II. Olson Is nrraiiKliiK to
launch the Umpire, the new scii-ho-lug
launch which he and other par
ties are building nt lOmplre. The
Empire will he taken to Alaska, n
man named Anderson heading the
company which will operate her In
the northern waters,
The Alliance Is duo In Into todny
or early In tho morning from Eu
reka and will sail nt 0:.10 tomor
row morning for Portland. The
Urenkwnter Is duo In early tomor
row morning from Portlmul. Sho
made a fast trip up last iline, nnd
ronched Poitlaud nt 10 o'clock Suu
day morning, several hour ahead
of schedule time.
Captain Pete Olson of the Hust
ler, while at Florence tho other
ilii) ''ought the two "R-horsepower
rnxollue engines from tho wrecked
Wllhelmlnn. Ho bought them as
n ?poi ulnllon. getting thdiu verv
Ci'iih Schooner to lit Hcenulkcil Af
ter fining Aground.
A Portland paper says;
Hauled nut on the ways nt the
Supple shipyard the gas schooner
Mlrene, which went tinhorn on rr.e
bench near N'ohulom week bofoio
last, will be placed In readiness to
go to sea again. It is not thought
thnt Hie sustaluod much damage
when she went aground. .
The Mlreno nrrlved on Frldny
night and proceeded to the ship
yard, where she was hauled on the
ways. She will be recaulked and
tightened up wherever necessary.
She was flouted fioni the bench
near Xehalem bar last Sunday af
ter being nshoro for several dnys,
Sho Is said to have been Insured
for JS000, which Is ample to cover
tho cost of repairs.
The Mlrene wns built In the
shlPMird of Kruso & Hunks at
North Uend by F. C. llarnes and
Captain .1. J. Heyuolds. Her maid
en voynso was from Coos Hay to
Portland nnd thence to Seattle, nr
tor which she proceeded to the
north with cannery supp.tes. it
wns while on hor first trip as a
freighter between this pint and the
southern Oregon ports that the Ml
reno went ashoio.
Large Croud Wltut'hscs Punish-
incut of 1'icMilciit's Slayer.
liy .-o an I 1 ... tu loo. 11. y lllll 1
Threo uf the assassins of the late
prosldont ,of the Republic of Sal
vador. Dr. Manuel E Arnugo. were
executed today in tho presence of
n largo crowd.
.T. T. Twohy nnd .Tohn C. Twohy,
of tho firm of Twohy Pros., accom
panied by Timothy Casey, ono of
their sub-contractors, arrived out
froiutho Sluslnw Saturday night on
their way to Portland. They had
boon looking after the work on tho
Coos Iftiy lino. Eugeno fiuurd.
Miss Dennis Donovan, who lias
been tho guest of Mrs. William
Holtchert, left for hor homo todny.
It Is reported that (Hazier &
Isaacs have purchased tho Oregon
Trust Conipuny business here.
Messrs. Holllstor, Van He nnd
others owned tho Oregon Trust
L. .1. Simpson Is still In Snn
Francisco nnd no definite iidvlces
have been received ns to when ho
will return nero.
(). W. Shelloy of Myrtlo Point Is
United States. Ho was born from
Scotch Americnn pnrents in tho Wn-
bnsh district of Indiana. Novembor uf
10, 1S42. Ho wns scarcely ten yenrs
old when his fnthor emigrated to
Oregon, thin u wild nnd Hparscly
sottlcd country. He received but llt
tln ediicntlnn nnd lived n wild and
ndventurous life. Three years later,
.Miner, men n uoy 01 iiuriueii, ion ,
homo to try bis fortune in Cniliornin. f
Very little of a rellablo nnturo is '
1 . MIII..H... 111.. .1..-I....
IWUMV11 111 llllllK lllllll'l a IIIU 11111111(5
tho seven years ho roamed aimlessly
through the wilds of northern Cali
fornia and southern Orogon. Gold-
diggers, lumbermen nnd trnppcrs, In
dians nnd outlaws woro his compan
ions. Tho erratic nnturo of the
young poet wns unintelligible to tho
rough nil venturers with whom ho
enmo In contact and they considered
him iraik-brulnod. When ho bo
enmo u "squaw man," sharing tho
tent of u young Indian woman whoso
trlbo lie had Joined, ho lost ensto with
tho white men altogether. Ho was
treated with contempt, like nil
"squaw men" nro and rotnlloted by
leading the Indians In their attacks
upon tho whites.
After his return to his homo in r
ffnirnii lin Itnrrriii f 1 LitMilt lint I ti tlirt IH
olllce of Ucorgo II. Williams at Eu- H
gono, Ore, who nit; rward bocamo nt-1 k
tornoy genorni 01 inc uniieu amies.
T to roiiowinir year no ticcamo nn ex- t
press messenger In tho gold-mining M
iIIhIi-IcIh nf lilfitio. ulilcli iwiHltliin lin f
rnali'nnil Ifi lmr.riiiw. Hw ntlllnt nf Hit M
"Democratic Heglster," a weekly M
nowspnper In Eugene. Ore., which Fj
wns suppressed by the authorities
shortly afterwards because of the
bciiiuoiis ammeter 01 us eiiuorinis. it
It wns whllo ho wiib editor of the H
UPinocrnuc register, tnnt no no
enmo acquainted with "Minnie Myr- FJ
no, a rrcquont rontritiutor or poetry
tri tin lin.inH A 1...I..? .......
iu lliu mi'(ji. it. iiin-i i mil ioiiii n w
mllnu'nfl liv limit timrrrnL'n iitwl twn EJ
uiiiiiiit-u tvuiu il Hi li'Hllll in lliu nil- u
ion. Tiieir married lire wns not imp- H
11V. linu'nvnt lliu wlfn nnnn unn. P.l
nratcd from Miller and took tho,
youngest child, u hoy. with her, while i
tho dniighter. Miuid .Miller. In Inter m
years well knoVn ns nn nctross, re-
mnlned with hor father.
In 1SG3 Miller opened n lnw
llco in Cnnon City. Oregon. W
Lllvlng in thnt young nnd struggling
town ho distinguished himself liy
loading nn expedition against the
hostile Indians, who nnd nttneked i
the settlement. In ISM Miller wai,
ARLIEST of Early
Spring1 Arrivals
f ALUE GIVING is the one thing that has made this store
so successful; we're determined that the man who spends
his clothes' money in this store shall get more value for it than
he can get anywhere else so-called "special sales" included,
The Store With a Conscience guarantees you 100
per cent satisfaction; or your money back after the test ol
wear without a quibble
The most stylish people you know, those who buy the
best things to wear that they can find, usually owe their
smart appearance to a Benjamin Suit.
You can pay a lot more money for clothes than we
charge for these; but you'll not get more value for your money,
Let us prove these statements for you any day.
See Window Display
66fcJSIT?r IT- A ff !?
iun! 1 a iin
Hub Clothing and Shoe Co,
Our .Myrtle Point Store will open about March First.
I vmtmxwunMm mr'p
l.n o wV.l, n ' nnVdon. v I n U I !n(1 V1.1" J.'"'?" ' nt COUII-. 1 IV LMUIUIUL
just recovering from a severe at- VsTO Tus'Tlternrv activity helm '
tack of pneumonia. .Mr. Shelley L, ' ;. -i'1 ",2ft ii iL.
will leave on tho next Hedondo "b' " "" . or .,li ''' I ".. ,,'u. .. ,
with his son for Southern Califor
nia whore the latter will spend
some time for the benefit of his
houlth. Miss Hunt will accompany
them to take caro of Master (Sordini,
Stage Huns Away Mr. Dnyni.
representing n flro alarm system,
came in todny via Myrtlo Point. He
reports thnt tho stuge ran uwuy
nnd nil the piinnoiiKors nnd to mnke
it hasty exit from the rig. The
damage was slight and mi one was
hurt. The load Is in bud shape,
he says.
Electric Franchise.
ltuuuet l-'ilihi) The Marshllold
1'lie Department will hold Its an
nual biimiuet for the members,
tholr wlveu nnd sweethearts, which
will he given tit the Odd Fellows
hall Friday night.
.Meet .Monday. A mooting of tho
Shriuurs Social club will he held
next Monday night.
I1KN M'.MIM.I.ISN and wlfo of Myr
tle Point are spending a tow
dnys in .Muwhfleld.
IIH.N'HY 1'I.OKUKU is hero from
MM'tle Point on bushiest..
h'slabiiHik Company lliiw Not Ta
ken Over Srlii'.inci'N nt Kloreuce.
('LOItKXt'lC, Fob. IS. Johnson
Porter denies the report on Coos
Hay that the Kstabrook Cnmpnm
has taken over the Tidewater Lum
ber Company nnd tlnoe sailing
schooners. it Is stilted that the
only possible foundation for the
report Is that the Kstabrook Com
pany Is acting us Snn Francisco
ugeuts for the schooners,
Tho Tidewater mill will start
sawing in a short time, prnbubl
ullltln two weeks, wns the btate
incut miido to us Wednesday by .1.
P. Portor, president of the com
pany and confirmed by tho superin
tendent, Mr. Duttou.
.dr. Duttou stated that the com
pany would like to get beveral
htcameis to cuny out luinbor from
the mill, but hnve none In view
Just at present. On this account
tlioy will ship tho lumber by
schooners till they can arrange lor
btemueiH. The conipan, owns
three n-hoonors and will probably
fcneuro others us soon as they nro
Mr. Portor advocated Issuing
U'oro bonds If nocesbnty by tho
Pert of Sluslnw to have the work
done without delay, and dopend
on congress for a further appro
priation to assist with tho work,
lie thinks that $75,000 will bo suf
tiilem to extend tne JettiiM out
.aiohs (lie bar into wmr sk rut
iu depth.
write poems, dealing mostly with CollllCilS At!oi)tS PlailS fOT
the ndventurous life of tho west.) C1I nnn Ulnnll, nf Ul,l,
Ho nilbl shed tlrst n collection nf vitiuwu uiiii ui vyuii
poems In pnpor covers, called "Spec-!
linens" and next n volume with tho
tit lo ".loiuiuln ot nl," which con- j The Hnstsldo city council hut ev-
tnlued a defense of .lonquln Mur-ienlng made preliminary airutii;o-
lotta, the fnmoiis Spnnlsh-Amerlcan ments for nbout $11,000 worth of
outlaw, who had been tho terror stroot work to bo done there this
of California for ten yours. From Hummor. Hocorder l.ontnn was In- A MIMdOV DOl.ljXitS""
this Miller took his pon name struotod to post notices of the Hut there Is still oppoitunlty to
".lonquln." under which ho pub- adoption of plans for the work. The wilu. the prize-winning letter
llshed nil his suhkciiuout works. Improvements projected nro K stroet Anyway It will bo well worth while
In 1S70 Miller went to London, from Second nvonue to Tenth Blroot to sit down and toll In lOe words
where he publlsliod In tho follow- nt. an ostlmntod cost of $11, IS": Just what you would do with a tim
ing jenr, iiih nuiiKH oi mo nierras ' "in utuiiuu iroiu k hitoki io li lion dollnis
nun -r.iciric I'ooms." During his street nt an ostlmntod cost of $i.
sojourn in London Miller wns tak- '-. and u plnn for
What Would You Do if You
Had That Much Real
'A lorgo number of communica
tions have been received by The
TltnoB In nnswor to tho question:
E. H. Fish of Bandon Wanln
Fine Showinn at Panama
"Cooh county by nil nieani itnl
have u flue exhibit at the Fna
ICxpoHltliin In San Pronclico U
should be stinted at onrehc
to u'uL a uood snare." uld t
Fish, formerly of tho Urad!y Co
dy Company of Marshfield, tuti
located In iinndon, where kf "
recently honored by clec"lMt3
iii'iuddoncv itt the llaadon CC-
OrlKlnnllty. counlcd win. i.mi. ini finii. -Ml of Cool -
lllllllfiviliu 1I1UII hllMHIt. fir llrirlitinu ...., ....
I'll up by society and became a Third avunuo calls for an c.xpondi- sense Hlouo may win thnt ilvo dol
much sought nftor guost In drnw-Jure of about f 1220. lnr Koid niece. Then thorn n in Rnv.
lug rooms. Tho romnntlc ulinhus D. C. Clroon of tl.o Hlectrlc Pow- oral other prlzos somo of tlinin
surrounding his personality, his oc- or Company of Marshfield was at cash, with which ou mnv oiioii
centric vny of dressing nnd of tho meeting to ger n fianchUe to bunk uccouut und'sturt acuuinulut-
boaring ,iiiuolf interested society P"t In oloetrle lights, hut theie lug that million "-uiiiihiiiu
mid ho was fairly overwhelmed wero some clause in the franchise sit down this' ovenlnir o.. tomm-.
with Invitations Ills poon.s were which the council wished to have row ovenl g id vr tc yo "p eas
read by everybody nnd there whs ehnngod, unci tho matter la to be of what to do will a m I on ld.
no mnu itioio popular than he In fettled nt tne next meeting, the lnr. "miiun ui
London nt thnt time. Ho used to councilman and Mr. Croon iiutnir
entprtaln his hosts wltli accounts certain that the fiainblsn wi.ioii
of his life In the wilderness, his vvll Ibe presented nt the next meet-!
im,..s if iiuooki.(;s.
tights with Indians and outlaws, his Ing will be accepted bj the council- m , , , '
experiences In the gold fields nnd "f- K l.uiulier Industry in
In tho cumps of tho Indians. While' -" ' lp In Ciury 'oiii
of those accounts were to I 8 f n minif t r
extout truo. though oxnggor- inu UllLV nP
mil supplemont-ed with seusa- 111 LI 1 tt I IT f !U
dotnlls. othois woro niuolv' IBIlU UUUI MlJ
us. llko his uccouut of hU' wwi nW
Ho Itullt
soma of those accounts were
somo ext
nted and
.IWIinflillln.,.. I.. 11.. II ,
i""vinin III IIHUir .MClllllglia fh I"" !" Illllm
expedition of isr.R. As a matter of R 111! 1 11111
fact Miller nevor saw Walker or II nhr H I II r
Nicaragua, which did not pievont' fl U I I Ilia I
him, however, from giving the most1 fc-i- 1 1 1 U U.
vivid descriptions of tho tropical j -
bioody tat.r0riVnn,diti!lne Laroo mber of Ladies At-
wiin uie uostiio imilnus,
....V01 n,s "ot,' tiom Knglnnd
Miller found himself a colobrlty In
his own country. Ho was well
miunii nun una no itimcult
tend Openinfl Fire Sale
at Ladies' Emporium.
Tho vicinity of the Johnson build-
' ,J ,''', Hrooklngs, prosldont of
tho HrookliiKH Lumber and llox Co.
of 11 Khland. Calif., whoso company
i int. been opeiatlng a sawmill, box
tact my and a wholesale yard nnd
a lino or nine retail yards In
fcowiiurn Callfoiniu, is now staying
at tho Ferry ranch (which his
company owns) on the Chotco river!
i. .!'.r' eo,,,lt' Orogon. Ju an!
"v rresuiout Hrooklngs said
coucornlim the plans or his com
pany ror oporntlons which it has
ong beon understood woro con
templated, says tho Langlois Lcnd-or:
"Aftor a continuous run of thlr
III !... n.. c,,, ..,.! ... ... .., i. tOOII VOIlrs. nur uni..,..lll ... .,....
o" r.'nt,,a!;r..bera,ry0ras! TZ ? Uown pinunoK
oo ins niul articles 'li Jn U',,,lvontlon' Tho mngnot wns the ',,." '"'V0 "xhawated our tlmbor
reguiar contrl u tor t. Ik hill ! S,,ro ?ul nt tho Ln!Ue3' Kl'orlmn. S fe. ,n . hu S Hornurdlno
nnd periodlcnl tress end n - I T,, Btor0 wnB crowded as a boohlvo " ' ll18, Uo a, mow planning
pChllsled a mthervolu u nde. the nml , J,,,8t ns , bllB'- The ladles found ?on '",?"? I1 0,1CO tho Jll8tnlln"
Hie "Sonus of I SJiIil. roal urgnins, and buying started Ji " .', ? .. lHiliorlii plant on tho
Snn iru nf 1..v c --. w mo oiui i.iinilS, nrnmntlv nn,! ..nnll..i..i n..i..
prose voiumo. out t oil -Lifn ...'.'... v". ,l-" " iii,,.i,. ,.. ,."""" ""'
Among the Modocs: I'nwiitton t . .,1J" ""?. .i0"?"1?.wnB. tliroS ,,;"' '"TP vomny
lill'l' " CM...... .1 I.. ... ....
Const about two miles northwest ol
long tho Modocs- Vnwiini. Ttiu A" uny lonK tl,oro wns a throng ,' " ' '" -"r'T eouniy. This
more 1 an twent b oks ' ,,01" J" i T u ".f "V"10' Tho B00,,B woro Sel? l5..,1"',0101,1. I,nrln,r- wll0l
ids. Pssn)s nml ',,ln O t u ' ll) ,B' gh,tly ,ll,nmgc,'1' nml 8oraf n(" ,"" '.oai lUroct rro' the
. .... ...... """ IMHjn. .ll UIO nf nil lllll rorn annrtnnn.l nn-.ll inrS, ail llll.tfl.lnlr. l..i..i. i
latter "The nanltes" and
necaine quite populur. For
io" i , V .:. : .. ""'.""vv -suiiiiub, 0i,i-.. ."....,',''" "ifiuii; iwo-
i iMHiviinsinniiini. iniim.'a i. .. cniit.. "uim Dtiwiniii win. Ain.Hu
....-..,,. ,, ,6 TOmu. ...... mttiiiu L'lllII
"i I I lliu ll in hiiii li ill i"iTi o r fntr n A I. a .. iu 111111 111- 11 iu rnu I.-., in .
the conditions in the . Yiii on L i,i nt.r?aI uarenln prices, if you woYo -mvo log pond, a modern town,
region. For a numher " SS.I I "0t Ul0r t0(lny- co'" tol"orrow- So mort,,nin1l5?,k,n,I!j l0Cntcrt "
lived tho lire or a rocluso on oSiJ? S . q!10 slto n,onB tho
illlT llltH JUUISI 111 Ills Mill in unni.l. - VMkV.lli.lllM!
mint, h
.... 1. 1.. ... "I'wl
mi urn t.oiiuu 1 110 up gits, ' near
niinoud, California.
l'le Ivlllcd nnd Three Hurt .War- of tho
ivi norado, Colo,
IUy Aw it... ,0 , 0vM u-y T ,
tlmbor noldlncs
WASIIINUTOX, Fob. 10. Pro-1,. "With thoao initial Installations
toss from the munufacturors of "tore will come nil tho In strles
nlckol-ln-the-slot machines resultod Jiievltably following lumborlng in a
In Indefinite postponement by tho fertile country, and In all mv trav
'ironsury dopartiuont or circulation '8 I lmvo nevor seen a nioro for-
When n young man calls on a
girl nnd takes the-cigars out of hU
vest pocket nnd las them oft the
mantel, she alwajs putuuls not Ui
or tho proposed now nickol. si hod- tile country than Curiy county I
uled for February 15. am nlonsmi nva.. i, J, ,. U1?.. i
Sim- iiinfiiiim .,..,.,..... , u,. ;.'.' '"" "- iai a
KlSTfW C0,- 19- V'"n-I that j.t .. thoV" Ud wlirfo low .VoUroSinPlOJPOi
lath in an explo-Ion In Soa.rav.'. machines to rer.ue co, ," r'ni.v n ' !.t. .?roe!l!n- L'"er and Bon
Tllllli. ..m. m. ,... . ... - --
W...U nml uvre tonay.
If you have anihln-
j trado, or want help, try
" .... ... -- - .v.. . n vuuiiiain nnai'nraa wninii i
Three woro eis and "slugs" designed for fraud, yards at 1 ted nnds iTvr.i ,'ll,"oor
tne government was about to pl.i.e Hcrnardlnn S ' IUvol(l. San
In ilrculntlnn a fhe-n-nt piece 1 o l, Sou r ,m "Htl p points
to sell, rent. (K"lsn of which would ..'.ictuall o Pkc w i be n '."(,ar ,A bra,lch
n Want Art. .nullify their Inventions. F uuisco v. "n,"tlJ,c,l Snn
itanasco, Mr, Hrooklngs mite con-
should unite In mlslne rands b
tho purpose, put up n good m
lug nnd mnko a fine illplirs
resources. Coos county "u -
grent bonorits from the fair. i
Oinn nny other place eicept w
immediately around San rf-
nnd It Ib up to us to je
most or tho opportunity ';''
bo started at onto and n JMH v
put In chnrgo or tlio wpr.
JJitllUUli IO I'fO' . . .
Tho city eountll hns wuncJJ '
rino plnn ror tho IraproTeseto
tho town. They pUnS
Front street throiiBli the ton ?
. . l Inn" BM'l J. I'
do this, It will bo n3J
move tho KIllnKon bunding -
K. or P. building. The yU "I
linvo tho property f,nuXrtS
tho cost hut many think i J
town ns a whole should ptf f
or it." . . ,. . u
.Mr. Fish wns tho ftrt;
party or Iinndon VrtZi o 6
or to attend the big dotal
MnrshrioldElks lodgo tonhjw .
candidates rrom I5and.on.ArVo
Initiated Itno tho roysterlM
doiu. Among thoe who v J,
ing to .Marshfield on J,,f
nro Col. Kosa, corgo Wife
.Mcuinruiiii, ur oi p- TMPj
Kruss nnd wife, Geo. r. '
nnd A. A. Dlmmlcu aim
or Miora will como on tnl e ,
sldorablo street ou the ft t 1
company's now plant " l
150 miles nearer Ban FIWJ A
tho southorn inar ..,,, m
other mill capablo ol i"'u
cur goes.
ii i. r(ii,...iN Hint1 1"
Itesculng Prl'O'f'U'
ROSBHURO. t?."'fr0i;3
to oxtrlcato himself from
tho county Jail, Clyde C y
gives his address ' fop
was sorlously ouni -- iM',
and arms horo when tne
an adjoining cell bec"
When the flro ; wai J ij
interior or tho Jail ,2"!uT,tf
smoko and somo ' ""h9 pris'5
....! i,. rnscil ug tna i . i
Ulltl WIIB mux---" ,. l " J
ii wns locked WjAH&t-i
hour later tho fire "
It la boliovod that
lighted cigarette .
Ing coll. J
..t,ti. l.-nuMOeiU. l
i'wu in..' - torerow
cottnge; 'B"