THE COOS feAY ttfoES, MARSHPIELD, OtfEMN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1913-EVENIIlfl EDITION. ilUm WOMEN'S FASHIONS, FRILLS, FOIEL1 SPRING STYLE a )) here aim: latest edicts ok imkiiiox. 1 Nealiciee Trousterettes Just Reach to the Knee and Have Saucy Sashes. NI3W YORK, Fob. 10.-A stroll through tho shopping dlntrlct ro veala many now fads for tho ultra fashionable, who aro always more than engor to adopt anything now coming via Paris. For Instance, there Is tho ncgllgoo "pantlcB," or troiiBerottes, or whatever yon wish to call tho fomlulno of pants; thirl; thin Btocklngs decorated with bnt- terfllos, green snake chiffon gloves and nil kinds of hosiery n la mode. Tho BUffrngotto colors wore to bo found, too, but they lacked tho "V. P. W." lotters. Perhaps thoy will bo adopted later on If the rainy weather continues. Those freaks of fomlnlno -nucy conio direct from tho ultrn-excluHlvo Parisian creators of faBhlon and aro quite as dar ing as their description sounds. These trousers or trouseruttus are built of chnngcablo taffetas In deli cate shadcB and they Just reach the knee not a bit longor, bo I nm told by one who Is supposed to keep abreast of tho latest fads. Thoy aro supposed to resemble tho Knick erbocker, with the addition of side plaiting or a bnudod frill to finis' thoin nt tho knee, and they are attached to tho blouse (it Is said) by n brond crushed bolt of tho miino material. A rakish biibIi n la tore ador ntldB to tho saiiclncss of tho coBtumo, which, bo It understood, is designed for boudoir uso only And thlB Is all that It was poslBblo to learn of these "troiiBerottes' from a shopgirl who was too timid to demonstrate tho now fad by the usual manner of window display domonsrntlon. To continue tho stroll through the Bhopplng district whero tho latest In ncgllgoo came to light will con vince fto most ardent skeptic Mint tho fnsliloiiB of other seasons are tamo and trivial besides tho "fev erish" fancies of this spring. "Ton can't go wrong on your warm-wen-thor wardrobe," you aro pointedly told by Miobo who aro well ac quainted with what Is coming IIiIh BeaBon. Tho loss you atlhoro tc tho established rules of order and neatness tho noaror you will come to tho boulevards of Paris. Imag ination only Is tho dead lino. Mario to Look At. Another thing notlccablo to the uninitiated lawman is that now mode of matching tho glovea and Btock lngs, for liiBtanco. Tho Irion Ih to tnko u mlnty pleco of chiffon, dec ornto it with Hiinkes embroidered In groon sequins Mint look alnrmlngl) llko tho bIuiioub creatines they aim ulato, and miiko It up Into g!ovo and stockings a In inorio. Tho ef fect Is blznrro, to bo true, but the fashions of today aro, wo aro told fronted to bo stared at. Thoro nl o nro stockings of loose-meshed alii; not entirely covered with tiny Jot and steel and IrlricBcout beads and then ngaln thoro nro otherH ol sonibor Imckground, all sprinkled ncr with crango and Bcnrlot and bilghl bluo butterflies. Next to tho stocking in point or nolso come shoes, tho smartest of which have tho long vamps of tho LoiiIh XV. period, with tho loos cut off shnrp ly at tho oml. A novel notion Is to iiavo tho top of tho hIiooh nindr of the sumo uuitorlnl as tho waist coat, that mnterlal hinting strongl of tho tapestry curtains In our grandfathers' old-rnBhloned fumed oak llbrnrleB and living-rooms. And. too, hools nro higher than over, ami bo is tho cost. Another now whim Is tho bou tonnloro mndo of feathers, to be worn with n scnrlot glory of a Bhlmmorlng satin gown. Tho fon thor flower looks quite real and tho fnahlonnblo women nro going Into tho Bovonth degree of ocbIubv ovor this dnlnty Fronch frill. Then again, thoro Is Bomothing now in linndkorclilofs, too. Tho latest thing In this lino, romea from Pnrls. of coiiibo, is to have your handkorehlef tho bump color as your gown. A pink kerchief with n bluo gown Is going to bo n grave fashion error boloro tho season la much further advanced. Some of tho now ones BUggest tho despised Imiidauua of farm days In everything except size, 'thoy nro navy bluo. brown, and red and six Inches square, worn for docorativo purposes only. All tho uoiiraio colors are represented in tho collection. Hut nbout those tea trousers you really miiat Bee them. Fascin ating, positively fascinating -ut lenst on n store dummy. New Thing In Slllc Will Mo "Pussy Willow" .Nasturtium Hniun and Apple Green .Vow Colors. NEW YORK. Feb. II. Hero are tho newest Bprlng and summer styles ns set by the National Tailors' and Uressmnkers' Association in con vention hero: Spring and summer conts are to bo bolero, exceedingly short and much trimmed. Tho newest tnllor-mndo skirt Is tho conventionalized regulation rid ing skirt, full nbout the saddlo mid tailoring nt tho foot. Tho "plpln rock" paddock coat, with patch pockets, made of covert cloth, Is now. "Pussy willow" Is the name of a new soft silk, witli satin Ilnlsh, for lining. Tho "moth and Hume" Is the now mnntlo or wrap suitable for evening. It is Oreek In effect. NnBturtlum brown will be much worn. Ditto npplo green. Summer evening coats will be short hip length. High waistband will prevail. "Tapestry ratine," a now Ameri can material, will bo much worn. Ottoman shades and comblnutlons will bo fashionable, lied and gold and such striking effects will be used as trimmings. Hrllllaut (lowered and colored linings will bo used. HUNTS CUP ()' TEA. Leigh Hunt, In one or hs "Indi cator" CBsays, gives a mlnuto ac count of tho preparation or "a cup or ton after initio own rashlon. An ounco rubbed- to powder and deposi ted in Its sliver reclver, with Just cold water .enough to saturato It. Alter standing twenty minutes, hot water on tno boil was poured on It, and tho lid' was closely shut down, whllo tho cup waa placed on tho spout to cntch the aroma thouco Is suing. At tho expiration or a mill ute It was poured out. portion or crenm wns Instnntly arid od, to provent tho oscapo or tho es sential oil floating on the surface. and Just Biilllclont sugar to neutral ize tli slight bitter. Oh. heavens! to Blp that most exquisite cup of de light was bliss almost too great for earth; n thousand years of raptures all concentrated Into tho spneo of n mlnuto, as If the Joys or nil the .vorld had been skimmed tor my po cullar drinking. - - NELL HONE LATEST TINT Alice Itlue and Helen Pink I Are X.'iw Koigoitcn i The Alice blue of the period of KooHovolt and the Helen pink ol tho presidential period that Is drnwlnir to a close have both given way In the color bcIiciiip of things feminine to the Nell rose Hint is the choice of Eleanor Wllson.daugh ter of the President-elect. Everywhere women's wear Is shown there Is predominant the huo of the outer potuls of the gor geous American llenuty. It Is shown In everything from I ho top most tip of the tallest hat to the cap of the largest shoo that a wo man limy bo Induced to wear. Like wise If Is In the frillH and frumps, belts and bodices. Mains and trim mings and even a cloak here and there that mny bo seen to beat ad vantage when the Joy-glvIng rains fall thlckcHt. From her debut tho daughter or President-elect Wilson has favored :liln particular shade, and wore It even during tlo rage of the palest pastolles and the denllest wnltes N'ntural'v. then, when the favorite c(dor of the year was loft to her choice, she selected this Aiueilcnn llenuty tone. The world of fnahlon has taken It up with enthusiasm and where MIhb Wilson has used It only for evening gowns or for a touch on hut or tailored suit. It Is now to bo worn for morning and nfternoon dresses, shopping uiul outing cos tumes. In Hie heat or chasing a gulf hall ovor the links this summer blnzers or Nell rose will bo the proper enper; and even In tho strenuous noss or a cross-country tramp mi lady will nut be in quite the height oT rashlon unless her blouse, or tlo at lenst. Is or this favorite color. It Is rathor warm looking for I"" u(......l ....I I.... II.... ....... I t iniinll1""111 nuur M!iiiiin, ii ii l nun niKiii- i smaii i ii,.,. i,i,,i,.i,. .,,,11,1.... ..i. .... itja iiin.iiui'ij lllilllllim. nilliu IUI street wear It is decreed. Noll rose Is a tririo more on the rod than American beauty, al though It Is very distinct rroin tho coiIbo tl at wan done to denth last summer. It presents a vivid con trast to the Helen pink that was the choice or Miss Tat't nnd that during the regime or President Taft has been the favorite for evening mid afternoon gowns. Union Storage Company W. A. Heard, Mgr. Expert Packers. Cnrpots Cleaned. Furnlturo Pnckod, Shlppod, Stnlncd nnd Ropnlrod. 182 Front St. Phono IOC. lenvo orders at going & Harvey. Have That Roof Fixed NOW Bco' COIlTTIELL imiont: mm If you huvo anything to soil, rent trade, or wnnt holp. try a Wnnt Ad T5o Star Transfer aftd Storage Co. Is prepared to do nil kinds of huulln, on abort notice. Wf. moot all train ind boats nnd wo nlflo have the late? ityle Reynolds Piano Mover. W gunrantuo our work. L. H. Heisner, Prop. Phonoa 98-n. 120-J n-L Sickness Causes Sacrifice Ilocauso or HlekncHa ono or the boat grocery propositions ob lalnnblo Is for sale; with It goes n lot 50x70 nnd two-atory building with storo 25x:i0 and l-c living rooms nbovo, wntor rlghta Included, giving you the best wuier nnd all nooricd rroo; It's piped Into building. Price Is Right and Terms Are Right Also ono nnd ono-rourth aclires with 30 bonrlng fruit trees and good 10 room hotel (only ono In town) and SIS foot rlvor front and wharfage; boat landing on place; $2500. with $100 cash, balance LM0 yearly with C por tout interest on doforrod payments. Those two proportloB cau bo Bold together or separately thoy aro located In Coquillo valley, nro No. l and imnulnuly good buys. ( FOIt UKNT-Flvo unfurnished rooms, FRENCH REALTY CO. 3 1 5 , N. FltONT ST. MAUSHFini.D, OH. Iow In price, high In quality. Electric Irons Wo have n few sccond-lmiul Irons in giMHl working coiidltion nt 91.75. New irons, $:t,00 up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J 1C3 N. Broadway Pictures & Framing Walker Studio Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HKXRY SHXGSTACKEX, Mgr. Coquillo Olllco Phono 191 Platting Lands n specialty Farms TImbor--Coal and Marshflold Olllco 14-J. Qonornl Agents "EASTSIDE." C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL HEP.VRT.MEXT Coos Bay Business College You know what you arc worth today. What arc you going to be worth five years from today? When we build a house we have a plan. When we build a ca reer, most of us putter, dawdle, dream dreams, and wait for some favorable breeze to waft us to harbor. Lack of business training is not only a handicap it is an absolute block to your advancement. Will you con sider this a little while you are building the man or woman who later will be YOU? Start right by .starting NOW For something worth while. Positions in abund ance and no trained hc!p. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Telephone 402. T,,l,, r'orinin mice e "" 11 ii. . ""' illllfl 1. i wmr t"gcther ftl S JftiW Twin City Auto Stage Lme HBlll .lorry ilniiov. formerly with tin raliico Cafe, baa Inaug urated a new automobile stage Hue, between .Marshflolri and North Dcntl. Tho sorvlco Is known ns tho "Twin City Stngo Lino," and atarts with two Boven-pnssenger Cadillac machines nnd will have more If the sorvlco warrants it. Ho Inaugurates a round faro of 20 contn botweon tho two cities. 'Ihls, ho bolloves, Is nil the service Justifies since tho now watorfrout ronri reduces tho time and also tho cost of tho survlco. lie has tunrio arrangements for tho through Borvlco only, lonvlng the locnl florvlco to tho local nu tos but In cubo of nn emergency will provide locnl service for through patrons. He will hnvo his headquarters nt the S. S. Jennings Hturo In North Head, Phono 1151. and nt Wily or 'h Cigar Store In Mursh flold, Tolephono 18-J. Tho sorvlco will connect with nil boat nnd train schedules. Tho rogular Bchedulo Is ns follows: Leave MarMiflclri Leave North Itcuil C:-IC n. m. 2:10 p. in. 7:15 a. in. I.1C p. m. 7:10 3;ic 7:ir. i:io 7:4G 3:45 8:15 5:15 8.15 4:10 S''M (5:-IC S-4G 4-40 a:,r' ,i:1 . omb (:15 9:'c C1G 10.15 7.15 9:15 5:40 10:40 7:45 10:10 ,i:ir' I:1B 8:15, 7'Ar' "!" 8:1D ,, ,: 8:15 12:10 p. in. !):15 "I1,?, 9:4G '-''-"r. !i:45 JJ '? 10:15 i:i5 10:15 12:15 p. m. io:45 1:40 Ki:45 "-." ":1C 2MG 11.15 r 11.10 2.45 11:45 ",7 1-:15 a. in. :i:io 12:15 n. in. . Jill 13:4B 3:45 1:00 White Orni U'lllln. I.. " Vl mjCM-l.,,1 IHQGS POR stl TO 41 - '"""''1I7..K.. UniqueM i'iumoiiliimuki;; ,i .. .. in ;;'"" ,'"r '''wniH Co-. Miw Tollori,. "lake net! ,f,' wri:NTnAi7 . i f-r A . -y nuto "una Car. Cinw, fa nndo -Dlanco HtW , Tli.h II ' V''OtH lght Plionn 46 HAKKliK It riOOUAU Wlli:.V YOU WAM) i:it nov-soo, hi or dcllvrml PIIO.VR ,. and wo'll do It. Qi, auiu. Round Trip, 20 Cents North Bend M Corner Sherman ni I I nvl m r-. ... ... 1 . .maiuu II.-VI, f IJ.UUV, Shriver Rea lat Nat'l Hank Dldj jl PROFESSIONAL Dl TOIH), tiii: TAIWR, Vli luifca i-J ....IF IflMXI J Will mako your initio J way to please jou, (Uij 27S Front St. DK.V,M)II.V OSTIJXH - Coiisi Milling Wi Architect. TAXE By furnishing us with a list of the property on which you wish to pay taxes, we will ascertain, free of cost, how much your taxes are, Flanagan & Bennett Bank Plume I DIM, Mud T M. Will ) COX ItlfillT, O.VTHACTOR , HL'ILDCR Ksllmatca furnlited tl Pinna and spcclflcatloul If desired. An bonettJ toed. Phono 12MI r li via i:ii..i, V- JleclianO'Tbtn Scientific Swedish Musu Oymnaiua !lli.- H. Slvth St. TOKI OKI, OSTLIM), Piano Tuner ttd I 41b S. Sixth Street, rw Taxes! Taxes! Taxes! You have lml thirty days in which to pay youv taxes and secure tho three per cent discount. Give us a list of your property and wo will see, that thoy aro promptly attended to. TtlCHL HILKl 1 pifcnlit ut ' Roaldonco-Studlo, JJI 6o. I'hona l-u W.M. H. TUIU'E.N. AHCIHIECT MarslifleldJrfjJl f-vir v tnilltOW. U Dtf it I firlmna Ilulldlllg. CO Theater. Ofl ! O. CHANDLER, The First National Bank Of Coos Bay W. rooiiih soi Md 8051 Nnrshflew, ' Pit, a. J. iinxrmrs .'.Vs aro equipped to "'. nr re EU i ...i i. nHondant. C": Chili. 'Inr HoI. PJ! TiVMUKIt, TaTII, SHIXOLKS, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOOHS noonxa papkh, inc. " ' CUT TUB Kl'KL HILL IN TWO HY USI.VO OUK WOOD. riioxu loo. 18U SOUTH HHOADWAY First ClassWeaving promptly iione nt Gardiner's Rag Carpet Factory Cor. Union and Montana Street. North Bond, Or Phono 131. V. S. 11UOWX a. II. 1IODR1XS Marshlield Paint Decorating Co. Kstinmtes Piirulslicd. Phono 1H7-L Mnrshflehl, Ore. A modern Drick . utidiug, Eloctrl Light, Steam Hent. Elegnntly hiuibuou itooma with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Mctlln, rrop. Hates: BO cents a duy nnd upward Cor. ttroailwftv and Market R. J. MONK RealEstatcandlns 244 North Fron Npw and Second HaJ ?4 i, ln3tUme' soiu " " HAIJItlXOTO.V, VOW .-. a. 303 Fro" "-, Phono illO-h FOIl A GOOD WATC II Oil FIXE JEWELRY E. C. BARKER JEWELER F,,IOUtl;h niul Jo"oIry Repairing. HW Front St., ftlurslificld. BUNKER HILL M FOR SALE ICO Front Sg. ? - Ummm1 Barnard & W windoff mnio?!$ SS ririM ii - aw1!