The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 18, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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COOS BAY TIMES . t WTH the toast
M. C. MALONNV Ktlllor mid Pub.1
JIAN K. MAI.O.VKV News Ktlitor
Official I'lipor of Coos Count).
OKJ.'iriAI. I'Al'HU OI-' Til 12 CITV
l-'Oll SCIIOOfi fJIIU.S.
OS ANOKM-JS hns followed tlio
g precedent of the Snn Fran-
cIsco filrls lilKli school. Tim
1,500 girl graduate of the southern
city appeared In kowiih iiuiiu of
which cost more than $r ami most
of which cost only $ This Is
the "recipe" for the $2.50 rowii, ns
announced by Supcrlntonilcnt of
Schools Francis:
Tlvo yards of dlnilty at 25 cent
Two ynrds of silk ribbon at 20
cents, -in cents.
Flvo yards of lace at 15 cents, 75
Thread, notions, 10 cents.
Totnl. $2.50.
Tlio girls mnde their own pretty
frocks, working after school hours
for four or tlvo weeks before tho
closo of the term.
Uniform clothing for school chil
dren Is an abomination, but uniform
cost of tnnterlal. with vnrlety In do
nlgn ns tho tnsto of tho girl dictates,
Is wholesome, delightful, encotir
nglng. So grunt a naturalist ns John Hur
roughs says In none of his charming
assays: "Tho American schoolgirl Is
tho most bewitching crcaturu In the
world." i
And when to this native witchery
Is added simplicity, tho craftsman-1
ship nf tho needle daintily piled, tho
Bwcotuess of (Utility and tho Individ-'
mil touch of a ribbon and a bow1
nnd n bit of lace, tho
i I
A grandfather Is no longer
a sorlnl Institution. Men do
not live In tho past. Thoy mere
ly look bnck. Forward Is tho
universal cry. Walter Scott.
schoolgirl Is the most charming I
mm uiuiioinn:iii riuimuiis un uio
I must go down to the sens again,
to tho lonely sea nnd the sky,
And nil I ask Is a tall ship and a star
t steer hor by:
And tho wheel's kick nnd tho wind's
song and the will to sail's
And a gray mist on tho soa'a face,
nnd n gray dawn breaking.
I must go down to tho sous ngnln,
for tho call of tho running
. tldo
Is a wild call and n clear call that
may not be denied;
And all I ask is n windy tiny with tho
white clouds Hying,
And tho Hung spray and tho blown
spume, nnd tho seagulls cry
ing. I must go down to tho sons again, to
tho vagrant gipsy life,
To the gull's way anil tho whale's
way whero tho wind's like n
whetted knifo;
And all I ask Is a merry ynrn from
u laughing fellow rover
And n unlet sleep nnd a sweet d renin
when tho long trick's over.
A coquette Is n girl who H.vnill-
Viiiurlcnti cntes her affections.
Rapid Fire Weapon Stolen Tomorrow Niflht to Be Made
,r0Nmea?mEl'paaso,SfctrS MraUlc b Bi
Illr Amoi llM I'rrM to 'oo liar Tlmo.l OllllllSt
131. 1WHO. Tox., Feb. 18. Major T1)0 cninmlUuH In chnrgo of prc
Clnrk, district udjntnntnt I-ort Ulss, .mrat0111, r,. , t, ")K doings" of
tlecinros that ho n.-is no report or tno th(3 KM.B nt M.l80c j,nn tomorrow.
theft. Ilowover. tho disappearance
of the gun Is virtually verified, llu
chlta la nearly twenty miles from
tho nearest point on tho border. How
the gun was stolen Is unexplnluod. A
largo uaullty of ammunition for the
gun has also disappeared.
light beer hns
been known
sui'i'iiii.ssio.v of m:vs.
AI'AIMSIl road before tho nows
papor Institute, at tho Univer
sity of Washington, contribu
ted by .Jniues Koeloy. president ofi
tlio Chicago Trlbuuo Company, salt)
that tho chief development of the
modern nowspnper Is to bo along the
lines of personal sorvlce.
On tho subject of newspaper eth
ics, Mr. Keoley expressed tho opolu
lon that "supprosslou of iiowb Is
more, of a wrong than printing of a
piece of news that possibly might
bottor Imvo not been written. By
Improper suppression of news a
newspaper soils 11b soul and botrayH
Its readers. To my mind It In tho
high treason of journalism."
"It Is nt times a tlllllcult position
In which to bo placed," Mr. Keoley
nddod, " to know that broken hearts
will follow tho publication of a eor
talu piece of news, but tho editor's
larger duty Is to tho community. As
a general cannot mako war without
innklng widows and orphans, so an
editor cannot do his wholo duty with
out causing tears to How. A nows
papor has a llxed duty to Its readers.
When It issues a paper It enters Into
nn Implied contract with those who
purchase thu paper to suimly them
with till tho news."
to geucrnte u dark brown tnsiu.
I "A man never realizes how
I much furniture ho owns tin-
til he comes homo late nt
i night nnd tries to get to bed
I without turning on tho light."
Wednesday, night, unnounco thnt It
will be one of tho greatest events
on Coos Hay since Nullum discover
ed the Pacific Ocean.
In addition tj tl.o Initiations It
Is announced thnt a program will
.id presented at the It. 11. U. (Dig
Hoostor Ilanqiiot) thnt for variety
and lltorary excellence will eclipse
o ft I ti In itfiti nftnmtttnil ttittuliKt it
KiiKUHiMiifiil i:poetctl nt Miiluiiiiinis ,- (I,1U,,. 1)l8trct ,r
i Hostou).
Tho prngrnin will lucludo a spir
ited debate on the question:
Titoniu: xi-uu itoui)i:it.
(MX A mo Mtil l'i nil io Coo IUr TlmM.
imoWNSVlI.1.10. Feb. IS. A
force of cnvalry and Infantry left
Mntainorns, opposlto bore, early to
day presuniubly to meet tho Mexican
fedornl soldiers, who are ndvanclng
on Mntamoras from the Interior. Tho
Mntainorns garrison wont over to tho
Dlnz cause yesterday. Thero ! gen
oral alarm In Matamorns today, and
they summoned nil tho city forces
In preparation for defense.
l S. Troops In Kiumns Ordered
(Jet Itciitly to Move.
til f" Ittfl.l I'rrn to Cool Uar Time.
LKAVKNWOItTH, Kan., Fob. 18.
Orders to hold the seventh Infan
try nnd tho first battalion of tho
Itosolved. That tho United Slates
t'liould intervene In Mexico.
Atllrmatlve Al Poweis and Dave
Nogntlve Geo. Kotnor. nnd Geo.
Dave Stafford has beon st inlying
Spanish for (tho Inst six wcoks and
has a few sentences in the original
t Mexican that he will hurl at his
I opponents during the debate. Geo.
Kotnor says that a Spanish sen
tence from Dnve Stafford Is almost
as bad as a Jail sentence. Will
Kkblnd says ho suspects Dave with
having secretly furnished the nnines
and addresses to the Spanish pris
oner in Madrid who Is seeking n
tew inousnnti titulars to escape
nineteenth Infantry In tloatllness for l """" ' '
active service wore received at Fort fr0 ' l nnls dungeon.
I.i.iiv..ti .nrl. .l..v r.., H,n .nn Al POWCIS Will llllVO tlll O
Leaven worth
today from tho wnr
Most women know
men than men know
Fondly tlo wo hope, fervent
ly tlo we pray, that this mighty
Bcourgo of war may speedily I
pass away. Yet If God wills that
It continue until all tho weatlli !
piled up by the bondman's 250 I
years of unrequited toll shall be I
mink nud until every drop of j
blood drawn by tho lash shall be I
repaid by another tlrawn with I
the sword, as was said :I00) I
yonra ago, so still It must bo said I
"Tho Judgments or the Lord are I
truo and righteous altogether."
With inullce toward none, I
with churlty for all, with firm- t
ness In the right iih (led gives I
us to sou tlio light, let us strive
on to finish the work we are In I
to bind up tho nation's wounds, j
to euro for him who shall have I
borne tho battle nud for his wld-
ow nud his orphan to do all
which may achieve ami cliorlst n
I Just nnd lasting poaco among our-1
I hoIvos nud with nil nations. I
I Abraham I.lmoln, Second Inau- I
I gurnl. I
. . 4
Hnvo your job printing dono nt
Tho Times ofllco.
There wiih n young latly from Kent.
Whoso grnniinar wns terribly bent,
Shu said to her llame:
"I'm glad you have came.
Hut I'll miss you so much when you
've went."
4 Jay Towor.
We knew her quite well, nnd n blun
der Of hers often rends iih asunder;
She said this is true:
"1 seen what to tlo,
Anil I dono It." Now ain't she tho
Frank Cohan.
Ami Inter thoy went for u walk
Oh, my! but the neighbors did
When she said, "Me nnd him
Must be right in the swim,"
IIIm face It got whiter than chalk.
W. J. Conrad.
Hut the mnltl had a change of affec
tion, And she jilted the youth of selec
tion! When nsked why, hIio said: "Cuz,
Kinder sot'ins, dear mo buz.
You iiln't the feller you used to
I,-1, v
Hay Olllvant.
Souic girls acquire the art of
flirting to save themselves from
falling lu love.
A man seldom laughs nt misfor
tune nrter bo gets a personnl Intro
duction to it.
It Is a waste of time nud money
to advertise for lost friendship,
says ii phllosophor.
We would rather have our faults
overlooked than to overhear them.
Few men can look back at their
past without wanting to dodge up
an alley.
mohi: thouiim: im:xjs.
Ittilguiiii uiitl Itoiiiuaulii Have Se
Illr AMOflito.1 I'itm to foot Day Tlinwi J
LONDON. Fob. 18. Tho tension
between Itoiimanla nnd Hulgnrla, In
connection with thu Halknn situation,
hns becomo acute. European pow
ers, however, hnvo now taken stops
at both Sella and Huchnrost to lesson
nnd closing speech because of Ms
experience on the city council. He
has nlso been giving some time to
a study of International law.
Carl Hvortson will uellver n lee
turo detailing his experiences
"When I Wrestlotl wiih tl'e llurg
lar whllo My Wife Telephoned the
Dr. Dlx will tell of the first
springtime Journey to Cnqullle In
an nuto over paved streets.
K. S. Hargolt's topic. "I want to
trade my Ford for n Hying ninchlile,
tlin f rift Inn nnd tin iff in tt twnStt
iu iut Hint i( WIIVI 1 III VII l(4w ... . .. . "
Hon between the disputants Is pond- mu, '" ;Vr. wo,n . lot mo
lug. Andy Davis 'Til b0 thero If the
North llcml stage Hue goos on the
F.nwAitns csons fiikk. ,"""-" .. , ,
Harry Winkler "I would llko to
Xortli Cni'olliiii Man Acciit-etl of llilb- B0. tMo wlr nn(l kl'1 I,10l oftcn, but
In ltelcnsctl. , ohA, '" Cominorclal hill."
Illy AiwodXiKl rrrMloComllayTlmM.l I There Will (list) bo II IllllllllCr Of
CHAIIL1CSTON. N. C. Fob. 18. ""P.r "nprqmjitu tnlKs by Hnnk
Charges against William Seymour
Ftlwartis, of tho Republican candi
dates for United Stntos Senator that
ho had tried to buy the voto of n
member of tho legislature, wero dis
missed today by Justice Gilchrist, be
fore whom tho warrant for Edwards'
arrest was Inst weok sworn out.
Wells. Ivy Condron. K. D. McArthur,
Willis Kennedy, J. W. Hlldenbrnnd
and others.
J. W. Carter has beon advised to
jinvo tho reserves ready for action
If tho Mexican tlobato gets boyond
control of tho Judges.
It promises to bo n big night.
SAIih opens tomorrow morning nt 9
in Johnson nulldlng. Seo big. adv.
wul.tlllA llltlTJ'JHS .IIIR'P HI.'
. ..... . -. "-
I At Tnrtlim r U'I1;' t-rw Delivery. I'ilOXIJ
Inl I K 1 1 1 1 M I f 0,,r "')1" tK 1'"OXK w-J
III I II U U D Li L ' "),,:s' '""" wi biK iiiti:
SALE opens tomorrow morning nt 9
In Johnson Hulldlng. Seo big, adv.
Receiver Asked for Union Bacji
ana paper uo., Capitali
zed at $27,000,000.
Ill)- Aw laiiM TifM to foo lUjr Tlmi 1
THENTON, N. J.. Fob. 1S.
Chmicellor Wnlkor In the courr of the best modlclno inndu for nil dls
chnncory today flxetl March S for "idcis of tho kldnoys. for bladder
uio neuriiiK of the petition for-tho irreguinntioa mid for bnckncho and
t lulled and wet feot result in
congesting the Intomal orgnns, nnd
Inflamnintion of tho kldnoys and
bladder, with rhounmtlc twinges nnd
pnln In tho bnck, gonornlly follow.
Use Foley Kldtioy Pills. Thoy nro
THE ritio cr ,. (l V?" W
E- .y
( y
Lb-E M S
Torlc Lenses I.. mk lleilor anil (Je
(.'ic.ilcr i'lcld of Vision.
Get Your Eyes
Examined and
Glasses Fitted
appointment of n receiver for the
Union Hag nnd Paper Company, a
Now Jersey corporation, with $27.
ouO.OOO authorized cnpltal, engag
ed lu tho business of the manufac
ture mid sale of paper bags, paper
mid pulp nnd wood, with brunches
In virions sections of this country
nud Canada.
rnoumnnsm. Thoy do not contain
'abii-formlng drugs. Tonic in ac
tion, quick in results. For salo by
Lcckhnrt &. Parsons, Tho Husy Cor-ror.
Red Cross Drug Store
State Licensed Optician
Worknmu Hurl. A workmun
employed unloading the Adeline
Smith hud his hand quite Imdlv
crushed today. Ills name could
not be obtained.
Unique Display. A cougar kill
ed several years ago bv Frank
Uogors of South Coos lUvor nnd
mounted by him Is being display
ed In the Gunnery window nnd Is
nttractlng much nttentlon.
J. AUCIIII-: JOHNSTON returned to
day via Drain from n trip to Port
land. II. H. HULTMANN Is innklng n busi
ness trip io uurry county.
is teaching tho Racehl school at
South tnlot Is visiting friends hero.
Sho hns only two pupils nnd is ro
celvlng $00 per month.
S. c SMALL hns gone to Coqiilllo
valley points to look after some
paving which the towns are llg-l
urlng on. Mr. Small re. ailed
tho other day that- a few years I
ago while sheriff nt Havre, Mon
tana, ho stopped a fight In wlfich ,
Luthor McCarthy, who has re-'
cently Jumped to pugilistic famo, 1
was one or the principals.
FRF.D HAINKS has returned to tho
bmUh-Powers Hallway coustrue
lon camp, after spending Sunday '
with Mrs. Haines bore. Ho ro-
'"iB i iuu Kooa progross is bolng
mado on tho rond and that tho big
bridge isjienrly done.
ben a ulrl mni-ria -nii i, j
Let Us
Show You
sonic of tho newest
things in made to meas
ure fabrics.
Made to Fit
The Royal
North llcml
a girl mnrrles unit
gossips say her mother mado
Thi' TlK&b- """" 4M
katinj? !
Itlnk opon Tuesday ovenlng
gontlomen with ladlos only,
froo skates. Skates reserved
phono held until 8. Phono 405.
Wife of Well Known Coos
River Ranches Succumbs
to Long Illness.
Mrs. John Hlasca, wife of a
well known Coos Itlvor rancher,
died nt their homo this morning
nfter n lingering Illness. Tuhurcu
losls nud cancer wore" the onuses of
Mrs. Hlusca wan taken III over n
your ngo nud It wns then icportod
thnt she wtis suffering from tri
chinosis but this wns denied. Mr.
Hlusca took her to California a
few months ngo In hopes of find
ing relief for her but tho trip wns
In vain.
Mrs. Hlascn wns nhout thirty
eight years old and whllo of Swiss
origin wan born In northern Italy.
SI e nud .Mr. Hlasca wero mnrrled
here. No children survive. Her
slstor, Mrs. Spooler, from near Snn
Francisco, wiih with her when alio
The fiinurnl will bo held Wednes
day morning nt 10:110 from St.
Monica's Catholic church, tho llov.
Father Mu nro olllclutlug. Thu
launch Rainbow will leave tho
Hlasca home nt ii : :10 tomonow with
thu funeral party. Hurlul will bo
Dentil at Coqulllo.
J. C. Suvage, formerly editor of
the Coqulllu Sentinel, wns bore to
day and reports that Mr. Vnrney,
nn aged resident of Coqulllo, died
last night. He was quite advanced
in years nud had lived In retire
ment for some time, lip Is sur
vived by Hovernl children, ono of
whom Is II. L. Viirnoy of Coqulllo
nml another Is Mis. K I wood of Myr
tle Point.
sale at tho MKTIIOIMST church
Wi:i)Xi:silAV, l-'I-:n. II), after I
Council Fails to Pavm-h,
of OrnanizntinniW
't by subiMpi
'I'll., n '
".. 'n las? Sg
city council, ilt , "tll,be(ri i
Mowed by he'eo 1C ft.
Coiiiiollmnn Winkle, '? "
"mil been Inform ' h M
owed tho band for o,T
uoceniber and ns(C( " i
son nhout It, jr -. ,'a.B,rr,
tlio baud had been a if115'
wiiii:. ii t... ".'n) m .
i tliom ror IJccomlior, tho ,'
.allowed hum tuily or , tln
nst vein-, nn .?. ,or tarn.
Hupport hntl 1,0..,. iiroMTO
imiltTon for Vr S'o ' Z'EV'
with tho iim,i,...,.. .'..'," MK
5S",'"7M! ....inn. no sad thai .1,;
lil Paid the band 16uo tf
..... ,,. vmi that .. -,wns
two months in nrrca ,,,,
WIIH nnu' (in llw. 11.1..1 L '"1
I Tho . on cf f. n '-.
.,...... i .. .' rapPM4
"" "tuiuill ISKIIlg aof uh
Although tho ,-lly will K
port tho band, nearly mZt
noy has been plcilgcd to u&
tint firrrntilvtiiiMn .":"
month has been promised mite
pf the lunilliiK citizens lu,
been solicited it will r,
Ilttlu more tlinn $tr0 m '
tO HIIUDOrt Hie ni-cinl ,'
"BltlliUtt a
yonr necuuso of t'-p old debtc
u'so bocuuse iir niiini- in.....,
punsos. iho Masonic open Q
reilllll linllll' Ini-rnnlnJ III .
month this year.
Howovor, tho band will let
tallied and thu baud mcmbtrttl
in mo ursi election, xrxxUl i
otherwise to hnvo tho matter id
nilttod to tho voters so ttntn
year u tax levy v ill bo aiit ;
keen mi Jio orninlzntlon.
mm wm m&mmn imh,m h
.JkS r
",v $?&&' ar rfKrTr j'aK . ri
11' yon wnnt the latest improved spring ciisbia
t'l'itine, loot board and pedals, rims for 2 '5-4 or J
inch tires, enough clearance space Tor skid eta
lubricates automatically, and ninny other iinimn
incuts, yon must buy a 1913
And yon will bo hwkv W von rnn lmv nil Iu!
after April .
The Portland branch house have just wired us U
their first carload has been all sold and the swd
carload will reach Portland March 1. put of ft
car coming we have already placed orders for
Y7 n o fiv i?
we mamn MmIw&
All Sold on Coos Bay
and will be delivered immediately on arrival.
.Tack Carter also has tho Indian fever and d
soon be ono of ns if he can convince the council-
Tim Tiuii'nti Arn.....i . ' i .. ,rnm nlicad
all other machines in improvements. Watch the i
or makes, how thoy will follow next year.
In 101O n, u...u. tt . . n., nut '
-- ....- tu Lxuuueu iuamiiacciiriiig " .(va
19.7o0 Infliniis! T?m. 1010 4-1, :il ii-nrlilL'O 3oF
machines and oven fiioso fimivnc will not siiPPv l
rlmniil ....,1 .. .-. , . in llfl Bl!
WV...UHUI iiiui some Of 1 in hirn mins nvo Slut' w
Bide an Indian and keep' ahead.
Drop in at our store and let us show you.