THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1913-EVEHIHG EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES f with the toast WU C. MALONKY ICdltoi' ntul Fob. TAN K. MAI.OXnV Sent Keillor Official Paper of Coos County. "OKKICIAI, PAPKIt r TllirCITV OP MAUSHFII.Iil). H?oinTKXi:ss ovkk ti:m:imoxk. rr- VANSTON, which Is n (own In fc.H tho state of IHInolH. offcis It- AND THE TEA (iooi) i:vkxix. g m i mwwm,,- PflDD! C ARTPQ I 1 1 I I I I I II I I I I I II mn&M ainii wnm ; lu nn pjr-iftj kk SOCIETY NEWS MOTiir.its mkktixo. l Wear your learning, like your r j I watch, In u pilvato pocKet: ami I fin lint null It out ntul strlko It i ..i.t.-nlt tn fllirm- Hint vim Imvo I I inv.v.,. . ........ ...... .. --- tit r 1' I one. cnoaiuniciu. i iniei esiiiiy oommuniuauuii IS ""now to aiaki: KitiKxus. Received from Marshfield Man in bast. Eelf ns tho standard of corrert .-- . . I .f... l.l.H ,.f ... Knvrsntlon mor the telopiionl Th,wn? to no rff . I. n. o.r , Man in t3St. Hollo," says Mansion. Is cruJe. " ' ".".. "l " " ",'", i r.iitm. rnn- ti..v Times: mnnnotod ntul n sign of bad """M..u ,""."'. .,,.. ,,,. i t.-- . .li,i wnnU-sf from S II lino I iwt mni'll t1ll lllll III" ll" 10 II.V U U I""-'" " "" "'" "I""" ' ... . . I . it tins tot mil ii nit1 iii mm , .,.,,.. ,,.. o'l-liii'li n. in. m B:30 i). in. I have n sockynrdB Halutnlloon. It is i" "IU.UI" l"v" ""' ""' "" ,,...... V. i,no, .,,.. i,nt., i.. lira iiuum imi.iiii, hi int.- u-s.t, iiiiiikv.o ... It Jnrs. Thereforo Ev 111- forcodlng t too sudden nnston Indian jm.v th -et neginning or your dialogue ocr ,. -. , , , ,, ,,. ,. ,,,, ..i.m,! ...,,- fn,.,,!,,,.!.,.,,, thq. 'phono. .,,., .i...., ...., .... i.nforo shinned one concern at ono Itino Into 'has put J he WVoX ? the To ponder ?jf i sign, or perhaps wo should It Meyer " ."'"jlili " i'0,?." o ban. on hello" as the com- And It Isn't a trick or a chore. Illg America, bright now incrchnndlBo for the people of Coos county. Without doubt, wo now have In trannlt more piece goods, men's, tivniistnn has substituted "Good one, O Tho committee on mothers' meet ing Is planning tin exceedingly In teresting progiam for Frluny nr tornoon, March 7. and It Is likely the meeting will be In tho Cen tral school building. Speakers will be' present from North Hend and .Marshfield. and all mothers are halted to attend- tho wiling motl.eis being espei hilly In vited to be present. It is expected that at this nice, lug definite plans will bo made for the establishment of n .Mothers" Club In .Miushliolii. The committee has been untiring In its efforts. ino Nordstrom, agod seven months, who Is staying with hor grandmoth er. Sho enjoyed It as much as any one. Thoso present were: 1. A. Alford, Mrs. I. A. Alford, Mrs. Joslo W'yant, Alta Wynnt, Mrs. Mattlo McOuffln, Mrs. .1. W. Hrlggs, Mrs. Lena Johnson, Mrs. O. A. Mintonye, Hdwln Alford, Dollle Wyiint, Hlvn .lolmson. Curl Minto nye. Byron llrlggs. Anry Mlnlonyo, Anils llrlggs, May Nordstrom, Murlal llrlggs, Lolaud Clinse, ltayinond Chase, Hazel Vent llrlggs, J, W. Mt (luffln. Chas. 10. Strang, K. F. CIuibo, Leslie Chase, Loulra McOuliln, Miss .Minnie MeUullln, John W. llrlggs, Mrs. K. F. CIuibo. Hollo MrUulIlii, Mis. Mlclmol. May Mlclinol, Tod Mi chael, (loldlo It. Michael, Mario iMl chael, Wray Michael and Ktdon Michael. wn ix i.LHsnxi: I CLUBS uvntiston nas siiiisiiiiiicu "uoou - . , ,. ,nn, i. " ,, ,. corning," Good afternoon" and To biiiIIo nt he str Bor . ou oe . b j one i i. n,1 ni-onliur." noronllni! to tll T(J tlllllk cheerful thoughts tllld to Cl)08 COIIIlt. ilmo of tho day. and uttered In a ,. , fl' V1CI v nof It the folks don't buy new, up- Iilensaiit, llosuroly voire regardlogs "'",',, V ' 'i ... i , . . T . i... lu,,,,lu ""-';"'" i i'"h ; nf expenso and long dlHtame tolls. I'o hold out ot.r hand to a l.ioihei nt tlu, very lowest prices, it will Wo llko the Kvnnstim uplift, and Aml cheerfully sa Howl-ilo. i,L, ,L,t.au8o they do not go to tho it Kvnnston can iiuike It work in ln n wnJ' tlint ll " Iillow tni,t vou Oolilen Itule store in Marshfield or Handon for tbelr supplies. Through out past connections and association! with somo of tho, ft fflw nvntil.iln Hint lid lUOail H" Hope ro'rthe genorol adoption of the 'I'"118 11 t1"1''8 t-xpected of you MntH 13 1 If 1a i9 rrfnnt I tt fMilnmvn l.i the pla'ce to glvo It it real test. If I,e honost In all of your dealings, largest and Bhiewdest buyers In tho 3t does not degenerate Into "Morn- J, trllu t0 ouv woril ,uul J0,ir country, wo have been ablo from in'," "Aft.," and "Kveiiln'." It may llonio; . , , , tllc ,lr8t U) Ket " tho ,I,8l(l0 ,n Tjo said to bo acid proof and will A"d '011 wl11 nmko fl'1-,'"lH 110VL'r the buying world. None can buy ,go anywhere. Chicago Is a suburb Aoubt It cheaper. Tow buy so cheap, -of rjvnnsloii and It will take only a Wherever you happen to roam. Tho Golden Kulo stores nro now few yenrs to try It out there. , Condemn not the brother who fill- doing a much larger votumo of j torb, business than any similar concern tfl?ri-.ltinitlATM)X IX .MAX- Nor faw" t,lc r'c l,n,t tl10 K11'"1' ln the county. We expect to make NL'IIS Ol-' AMCIMCAX MKX. Hpcak kindly to all who nppnaeh this our banner year in tho way - you, of progress mid development. Mils. HKNItOTIN of Chicago, n And give up nil whining at fate. , ny tho first of the month many club-aiiil-soclety woman of Anon. 0f these new goods will bo on dis- hoiiio promlnenco tliero as n -tt-H- pln in tho Golden Utile stores lu Jix-nl loader, Is tiuotod as asserting Dave Stafford says: "The bnro MnrslilU.d and Handon. that tho manners or American men Idea of getting bald Is distasteful. ' Wo will hnvo n swell lino of lini'o deterlorlated illstresslngly dur-1 -tt-H- 'cloaks and suits. ling tho last half century and that I "Uoinomber," romnrkod Guy, U. A. COI'I'M. ohnvlor seems to have dropped out Chanibers. who can't forget he was j oi nociai iiiiercoiirso anil utigiisu onto endiuun In an l-.iKs .Minstrel Information was received last week of tho marlage of Jcnnlo M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Hub erts, of this city, to Carl K. Schmltt. at Kugeno on Kobruary II. Tho bride was born bore and lias a host of friends In this vicinity. They will mnko their homo nt Crcswell, this state, where the groom is tho mali nger of tho Mohawk Lumber Com pany. Myrtle Point Knternrlso. Tim niilscomil Guild will moot Tuesdav afternoon at 2:. '10, at tho homo of Mrs. C. K. Terry. Mrs. C. II. Dnngiin will ontortnln the Hastern Star MatroiiH AsbocIii tlou at tho home of her mother, Mrs. M. It. Smith, next Friilny afternoon. -I lIASTSIMi: DAXCK. wiijii wi:i soox. I speech. Sliow, "no mntter how looso tho J OI1ITCAUV. m.A H.... ..u..t..t.t.. u..i .. . . ... .. iiiu iiLxiiniiiiuii iuiiii.iiii.v ri-riin mi u orcnii, ino water is always iiuo. i .foundation of fait. It does not bet- "Vos." said Jay Montgomery, "and Goorgo Klvls McCutchoon. tho :r tho deplorable caso to uso tho no mntter how dirty tho ocean may youngest son of Win. 10. nnd Kall- 'nilhoinlnem" argument to tho wo- i,P the title always washes the thn C. McCulcheon. (deceased), men and say "loitre another. Bliore." And then tho band played, was born at Carlton, ".ainlilll coijn- LTMt.t no l.n.l ' ,.. n..n.f... I.... 1.1 1 con .....I t.t, VI t--f,W II. .11111. , lOO., illltl I died nt Colfnw Plnrnr Piuiiitv. Pnl.. '.Intl. 20, 1013, of tuhrculORl8 of the throat. in "Vou'ro as bad. tint It Is fair to contend that tho responsibility for the regrettable re sult rests larKcly with the women. Vhey liaie not held thcmsehcn to In- xlHtenco on lino maiiiierH niuoug -::-::- WAS HAVIXf! IT. My frlond Harry Jackson is not n Most of his life was good card player. Mo admits It- Bpont lu Carlton. For six yearn """"l" "" '"""" i.nn.i.f, , . ,,, lu ltlltliifitu Hilt Hint ifnn "",l "" """ emilUII III .MMIMI1I IOII1, JtlieniHolvcH and from men. Where " ?" '" . 'V P'?' ."," ",?t.'i"? Inivlna been emnltned l,v ili llimli iwtva n.. (.. to ,..,...,...0 ic no reason wily inn ptiiiiior ill oruigo ,,.,,.,,-.-..- - -"- uiV i i v ' inn iiiiiiiiivin uwv jfroin their mothers, uherc men are to actnilre Hue behav Jtonii) tlirough the lull noincn of tho fnmll Mtlinut Iftnu ' . . .' ... .. tfiftlli OOCIII llleecllllg IS 1111 USliaiiy or ,v V . . . ...... nmuln im t.ili.LMiiitl. fiiw.i-iiif.i. nslly actulred after the .child. has .. .. ."'' 8 . wiiy i .u.i.n.or , i . .- --.; ; - "' , ' ' Hl IIIJ. ICHII." IIU JVIIUII. , ,,, ..- . - iMii III u ii il ! it t Itf lilirn ono evening last week should read m,'ll, -mpnii. nivlnr ir ii t nt ,l10 riot net to him every llmu Marry ...T i n 7. """V,, ', no iiutu ir not nt . ' . , .. High ehool of Carlton, of Mc.Mlnn- Inlliivuco of the J11","1'," " . I" l'liriiiu an ... Co,j0, ,. , f Valentino's iv urn iiiHiiliihln ,,!,d pay tho postering partner flmil- I".0 ,,?,.', "' . "' . '""y I) aie insoluble i hlni with gnnHhlng ? 'ool of Telegraphy of Janesv e. ina.i.. Ms. Ho spent two years In Wis- Miss Hutli MatthowB onterlalnod tho other evening nt n delightful llt tlo "Klmonn Party," complimentary to Miss Hallle Davis, who is to wed Chester Kndlcott, formerly of Co ciullle, booh. Tho houso was prettily decorated In pink for tho occasion. Dancing nnd music preceded refresh ments. Among those present wore Misses lOdlth Illldenbrnnd, Sylvia Davis, Cora Dyo. Mrytlo Lund, Jo scphlno Conies, Florence Ulnghnin, i:il.ul)cth Ayro, ITessio Ayro, HcbbIo Fiye. Ivy Hill, noatrlco Smith, lOttn llrooks nnd 101l7iibotb Arlnndson. This Is tho second m u ninnber of Cupids vIctorloH lu tie olflce of the Coos Hay Homo Telephone Co.. and It Is expected that iho dates ot the marriage of two other young women connected with the olllces will bo shortly niinoiiucod, the prl.e winners being two well known .Mm nil field ouug men. Tlwi ilnn i'i l-l von liv tile lOastslllO Social and Athletic Association Sat urday evening was certnlnly a groat success, and every ono expressed themselves as having had u very en joyable evening. There wore 2117 people present. A largo crowd from Marshfield. Sunnier. Hay City, Bun ker Hill attended the dance. Tho music was furnished by Hllorbeck-s orchestra from Mnrshflohl. Supper was served nt midnight and then the dnncdig continued until .1:30 n. in. The club expects to glvo nil other dunce In iibout tlneo weeks. Olllsl. Mr n,..1 . 7"" occupy thu lloKers i,n lr' Will,, Mnrshllold, wS t ,J ' i Just vacated. Ul Murck,J Mr. and Mis if qt, Francisco are mL "-uAk tho deslgnor of tho l .,lloti nnd camo her,, i, 1 ,Adcllefev HollnfromherlonCt ho to Hiiporvlse 2 ,fl' tho vessel. """ailm,. a ... . Mrs. Dnvld Miibscii, ,t or her hb er. Mrs Wni. "" I" Myrllo Point InsuS A .t. ' ' W. II. Scott mill ttlfi. i lilninilng to le!Ul. tho ZyS elded to remain hero ', ly lesuino hoiiBolicei-liiB rl1' boon milking n,r home .uL and Mrs. Louis cic.rr reccntlr l v ; Miss May Heiuictt. daiirdi. Mr. nnd Mis. c ,,?rti I Is tiiklng a course In nur.TB n Lane llospltul 4. l"4 gra.limio next October n niedlatoly come i tio n. T oxtoni od stay I'rcparat Sn" now holllir mmli. tl,'. ""I1" h spring coiniuenreaicnt cxcrcll? she writes tuu sho lffl?,5 was I u tho chits so that R I'oino homo for n visit. ' . .. ... Vlrirn tOlfintwiw i ii.. !'.0'.."!!?n... ''.?.. !.u? "Mrtteft 'of Mr. and Mis. it. y, p,.!,?" . West Mnrshlleht Inst wk " I S A J. ' Mrs. A. 10 Whim and littler, Benton, WiibIi., aro gucslut t, homo of hor BlBtor, Mrs. Wm Ek v,,"i " ""tin iivuii, inr tn cnllod horo by tho Illness of S inothor, Mrs. Clark, who raikat, 1 homo with Mrs. A J Savage, iwl Ul llilltlllVl WORTH BEND NOTES. IXI'OU.MAI, I O IWUTV AT COtJCILLi: 1 .iiiissoi tho auo of f. t s n tn ug t" '"' if habit, an Instinctive aciulroinent Harry was get lug a I ttlo peovlsh. um'"l"'"'" ."' .. (Ul.0rt01. of by the boy or lrl through Imitation "U 1 ft) low anybody s load." ho re- cnrHon bniul n d was con nect- ,if tho soilal UHtiges or the father and orted. "he llvo mo. It'll bo anybody's WV, l. "? " 1' L TZuul mtli -mother. Actiualntanies with mere but yours! ' 1 I rt t, lo n wnnners may bo obtained through Ills brother sno.te.l anil subsltlod. !' o on nccomi t rtr ii liniii.iit. iiiil iiuiiiiiui n iiuin .... .....n ii., ti ...w. ...... .. ..... ... . . ... ..... ,i iitu ,.n,.,iu in .ifwM.ii-i.iiiiti in-', mcii may ir no sain or mm wolt rather than an Integral part of "For tho love of Mike, Jackson." ,nt " " 11"' t to love niiio'H social persontillty. Good breetl- ho cried, "didn't you boo mo call for '""A ,,.,. n ,. , , , Ing Ib the lino .lower or lire In a homo a spado or n club? Haven't you any . ' " ' - ' N0,nt '?, Cnliror- wlioro tho images or rellned society black suit at all?" Jn ,0 ,es .(. honoflttlng his -.ire the ruling force In the dealings "Hiiro." camo back Harry, with a ,nJ". hut, although ovoryth ng Hietwcen the nieinbeis or the ranilly. delightfully annoying yawn, "but I'osslhlo was dona by tho family. Women are mistresses of hoi let I'm keeping It for your funeral." ""rHos nnd doctors, and nlthougb n this country, illctatois ir con- Ami thu next round, as Iho king ". ",n" ..1 ".rft ."' desperate . ' . . . iiipiii r.. hia u to would sny, was on tho partner. "i - - I - COQUILL10. Ore.. Feb. 17-A very ngreenblo surprise party was tender ed Mis. Michael anil fnmllj Inst Wed. nosilny evening. The ouasloii being one or tho boys' birthday, nnd a fan well party ccmblnci, as the family moved to Myitlo Point tho next day. To show tho estcom lu which th" family was held In, tho gentlemen of the Farmors' Union presented Mrs. Michael witli u handsome morris rocker. Games were Indulged In un til 11:30, when a sumptuous supper wns sorvod. The center of attention for the evening was llttlo Mno lOmol- i The Social Kinbrolilery Club has adjourned until after Lout. .j. .;. ;. The A. N. W. Club will meet next Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Carl lOvortsen. : : : The C. W. H. M. will inoPt Tiiosdny afternoon. March I, with Mrs. It. A. Copple. V V V Tho iOpworth League of tho Meth odist Church will hold a business meeting. Wednesday, March 12. : Mrs. n.ti Giniimlll will oiileilaln lh nii'iiibers of tho Social Sewing Club ThursJny nftcrnoon, Fob. 27. J ! f The Jolly Dozen Club will moot WediK'Hdiiy. Feb. 2C, with Mrs. Wil liam Galo of Bunker Hill. .;. .;. .;. Goo. V. Murch and wlfo nro pleas antly located In their now homo on Klevouth street, Just south or tho I'ome or their daughter. Mrs. Hugo , ....,--,--- I III' I ll'nllj Ullllll I.1U1ICI AIJ t loty will give a social Thtnia afternoon In the Mlznah t!u room. W. II. Piper of North Coci Rltj was nt North Bend Saturday, i Tlio Mlsslonan Boclcty o( tit tliiHeil Brethren chinch ll k'ii ineetlni; with .Mm Hcnchon. j Wod nesdiiy aflernooa, Mr. nnd Mrs. It L, Simpson r4 daugbter, Margarer who iptatm oral weeks lu Sun Franciwo, tt expected homo the last ol r week. NATIONAL BANK I'OU l'LOllFtri FLOUI0NCI0. Ore., Feb. 17,-r-i Lane County Sttte ft Savlmbut lias llled its application with tit complrollor of currency tohimVi Institution converted Into a nitloti! Imnk with nu niithorlmlrapltiliKKt or $ro,ooo. Tills win bo firtttiti al bank In tho western part of Luc County nnd will do business ute the name of the First National Bui of Florence disct: but they iiinnot expect men Jbo courtly lu inuiiiio" or ihlvnlrous in troliiivior when women tolerate rude- ns lu vain. He -ti-- "ns n patient sufferer tin the as Vim one Inrnlllhlo cure for sea- T'"!11.1?? TUl1 M. The Only Original Fire Sale! thoughts were of tlio brotliois and sisters he was leaving bolilud. He inss of innnneis. uerorm or tno Hlckness stav on laud degenerate tteliiiMor of men soiinny will on hoi kdonls of gentlenianlliiess and lady- ciottliiK married Is so easv that Klu,, niuI ,,rny',, ,V'IUl n!1(l for l,lni Ifiooil. Mcunwii ie lei me nimneiw ,,,, la,..,rt ro suspicious or it come only when women Insist often after n mini has done his ?"k , , ' '" pn0, " TO nn,, " loldlng the slaii.lard of miniueis ,iutv Ir refuses to stav done llu 10H,tl,1 ,n ,ho "' '! Kpocliil and live up to their own lino ' .) - ' "wo. ' matron or the hospiml fnlie their boys In hand WOMHN VOTING' II. stobv koi i tiii: i.v. County Death camo at five minutes nnst eight. Saturday, January 25. Clasp lug tho hand or his nurse lu both or his ho said with n sinllo. "God bless )ou." nnd went home, Thus ended a true and noble llfu at (KrUK ' HUB II. llilllll III sunlit of tlu 1-iilli.L'n unltloinniiCti ,',u " ' "" "" " IHO lork Coffey p.op..hes to f-' tlicio nro iiomiy savInK hankM ror i ! tt.K0.of 31 yVm- ,a her n Inw that will luenipt ,,,'',?, " h ' ho "" wns 8''ll'Ied to bis o ...Ill .I...I "10 llllKlll'll. nt,.l .... 11. ..I..., ...!.. , . w. tK, ..:.; :.- w.aifilnSi:; xi,50w.r,ffiS Sb: nX " "" "V'. tV. . s'Sm" rir'ffi'nclJount! 1!i .l"X"f.J..!J"",V"! l I.'.... 1...,. ..f. ............ i. ftt .. .. I l'l 11111 I IH ! . tl lll.'llllll'l lltlU II lllllll I m O HII JIK I Htm I t ther hidy voters Irom tolling their age ciien thoy icglster. The lady ot- tb will doubtless applaud the res- ., '"; " ;"'' , ' " '"""', w ,,,... J"T "f MeM inivllle. Oregin. the olutlon or the county cloik: but wo ., ,, ".,.. ;';....'," . ... eryu-oovor Ills body was conduct doubt ir tho sentiment will be en- ,'.".:' ' ' ' "' u ed by Prof. J. S. Wallace, n college "So you didn't Bpond the 2 cents?" 7 """ i,," Vrm,in, L "vwli ,,'t;"m8t fii.a,........! ,i. ...i,, i.. i Also in nccordanco with Ills le- shSp ns ii function to bo exeiclsed ,.0. ,ln i10 rnnllctl- "lint n Vniiow I1!108! tlio L'Jrd Psalm was road nnd 'n common sense. I ,,, K 'J l0,m ,c' ,',t !"'?"" is favorite liynins. ''Lead, Kindly Chivalry need not hang Its head & e? a In 1 ."-iKortMncT. IWU'"?0-. X .W-coiiBolnto' Aor mush heciiiiBe tno age or tno ..ilu " nun noiuy nnu lonueriy Jesus Is .. .... ......... ... ........I ... ........... t ------ Miiiiiiiii vuier in ri'uu. leu m iiiii-i if record. Let the lady who does jot wish It so be content to forego i hor "ins mincing itininnc.i i y ino '.vorage wo '' , "So you didn't Bpond tho 2 cents? tnoiiiili:n tim miH'i muuwci iiuvjii THX Ll'.OS. I Calling" wero buhk by a Bolectod ' quartet. Many beautiful flowers covered tno casKot, tho lyro from nowlv iic.iulred pilvlle-o. Why . ,'D,rfllaro "es which nro often iho Coos Bay Concert Band stnnd mliuing and frivolous reluct- i oat nmircllnB to the anilnblo Mr. jr t Its hend. I III IIIMU lllh I IHS l iMitwiin ivitiii- i iii ( .1 - j .inco about the admission of .leais?, Ali!'1'1 '",' "', , , 'V Tho service nt tho grnvo wns con- llltu It. Mint lilt tn 'wilint , V..a ...n 1 .., it tnu ttllttlT 11 ua Itlll- 4t Is nil wrong; nnd whoever It was ',.. w0.r" " J "ul wtM0 Jl,Bt cliioted by Carlton lodge, No. ms, -hnt tlrst sad woman does not liu- (U"10I,".,1. .J"1 ',, ,,vii.inB mr ti,!l- ' .' F" of wh,ch Aweaaoa wns prove with ngo libeled the sex. , ' '""",5 '"I ,iV V. " i . H " f'l'or. Ho wns nlso n nioin-Soinid-heaited. level-headed women V.?""- u wn8 n' l'r"'Uilo of tho i,or f Mnrshflold lOncnmpment nnd tfnrnu'iini.i tvtll ntittar tiu iminll . UUUK. liml llllt l'lntltlv anfcirn.l til .. J.iBt'so soon as they call to ila , lnXe2 J P. m s ho w the n '" ,,,BV,ct,on wl,h th'o Kngles lodge of1 tthese grnclous women wnose ngo I ,M",cf0, , ,'.,! ju st a llttlo mnnov T the samo place. aits upon ti-oin as a mautlo of i w,' ',. " f,B. " ' "wot,VI"0 l ,, '"jo body was laid In tho family vtonor and loveliness , "u l0,,, ' 1JI ' a ' 'lot bebldo the graves of his pnr- Wonien who wish to vote, should.' ,, i,1,1,",1, ,",. ' , ,'J "' """ f"'8 , Mcllrl.lo cemetery to n'valt and we believe, will, be willing to U" h " ' " f . " - . the resimoctloi, day. . onrorni to an mo reiiuiremenis or U10.., ,vi,01.0 ' ra,,,iff ,,,' George leaves ins only brother, lift In... nil. I hwl.,.,,1 Dint ttll I """ W UUl O I COlllll J,0l Ollt II II (1 Spntt Ilia lllilrtt 00n.. M.... , r. It Happened Right Here in Marshfield Kam merer Says: "He Could Not Take Care of the Crowd, But They'll Be Back" mobs may bo counldoicd as in tronslderable measure fit and pr Ver tesr. Portland Telegram. IIOO'S IIOO By John W. Caroy. " I IIIIIKO II llllO I ' "tft .hid, j, v., 11 1 novor Would care to bn ,m, ' 'J.0.11".'! mul ,lU oBor Bistor, just comftirtau y nxT '' ', ifelv '"n.M CC,,,,!,U,l,,mi, ,,,Cr My wire and I htne never exchnn- L J1"1' ! . .:,e .. get! a cross word. .. i in '" " "H me. H you don't think it's a good thing "t! Joi o l,u I illJ! im'l n.CnUL'a ror you I don't want you to do It. .i...1'..,0 '.,s l,,v? ,m" '.von- Pvo novor seen such wonthor be- "V ""., VJ -"r " m?u,lUM'8. ."tro Who halls from Jionnlp Scotland, roro. K'nnsns City Star, whore the hoatbor dots tlio loa, and ' whore ror Annie Laurie they would . n. uiihVS ST. VAl.KXTIXi:. Jay 'em down and deo? Who builds a library or two or three most every, Vniontlne. Salut Valontlno. drink a1 lny and lines tho s.inio with mlloa rousing toast of books, and gives It all nway? , To your noble Undo nnd his V hca got no iibe for cruel war nor i,0,lfl j,nn,ol ,,ost. belllcoso Cap J nks Who loves to Long you've boon lostricted to ox- ' HIIOU tilt Uttll lltlll til ii nut iiitiiiuii Tlie soul Is sure in Ilenven " A FUIF.Nl). Along the Waterfront. The Uustlor has returned from l'loienro with a cargo of shingles and lildcs. It is now loading n enrgo of lumber nt tho Smith mill for tho liressiona mini' tin. I im-cn ' xbo links? Who'd s Ho our erstwhile I ... ......1.... .". '. . President large and juicy gob-a "'tli'Sri J" w o del verednt Che't'co" '! h?ma "8?,,ll".h,'?,",,?,,0,.1Unt A"'8 bCeV ,,Bht n1' "At an dlstanco so K Gobi loach 'ffi him up a Jobr Who pins tho horo ope could you freight lattor comnanv la 1 ittini modal on the guy nM.o lost his log? For the postal rogn atlons old you 11 TH ' S '" " 8aW" oot mon. IfB A. Cariicslo (with tho to four pounds In .iX' U Tlio Btonmo im-i ...... Jrcent nn tlin "iiiu "1 .. .... ,... ..VQ, ToBtal depnrtmont statistics show Jlhat tho souvenir postal card is com-YK-Ung seriously with tho govornmont product, obsorves the Argonaut. Last year the number of govornmont post al cards used was only a little more r jun one halt that of 1911, But this year, good Saint Valentino you suroly have good grounds For rojolclng, Bluco n Valentino can weigh 11 pounds! Valontlno, Saint Valentino, drink a rousing toast To your helpful Uncle Samuel and his noble Parcel PoBt! W. n. Curtis. orner arrived in hero todny from uiu oiuiui io loan with lunibor. Tlio Nairn Smith sailed early yestordny for liny Polut with a cargo of lunibor. Tho Uochelle sailed yesterday wlh a cargo of lumber from Co- Southern California, You are certainly a chump for not taking advantage of the greatest opportunity ever $8,000 Stock of High Grade Men's Apparel at your disposal not damaged; as you might imagine, but boxes broken, things mixed up in general and existing in quarters that subjects me to a move most any time, I don't know where to go, do you? Don't want to pack this stock until I am provided with another place, but I AM GOING TO SELL OUT REGARDLESS OF COST. NOW IS YOUR CHANCR " m mm m High grade Men's Clothing, Overcoats, Shoes, Hats, Hab erdashery, of all kinds no restrictions Take advantage. Yours, Anxious to Please, THE TOGGERY I i