Mte MEMBER VOU WORK PQR YOURSELF WHEN YOU WORK fOR OTHERS (Eons (Ztotwa liDiT ARTICLES .,, ,s. found thnmBLT"" tir ""',i,! : itt:"" T'"'v frol rCMIII MEMI1KH OF THE ASSOCIATED PRES .. .-i.u.l.r.l In 1H7H MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1913 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull (n 1 no Mid Cooo Bay Advertiser. yu- loCm ' xwvii r.swi"!""-" - " JL AAAVI.US T,o Const Willi. NOW IS VOI'It timi:. f A smiill ail In Tin Times mint H column limy lning you icmiUh iiii- ffs mediately. Try qui-. E RISK FPU H III OF MEXICO RESUMED IN LAST MIGHT '.-i!. as RC- p of Mutual. Charges Oi viuuuiun. dipt CENSORSHIP IS NOW BEING MAINTAINED tails of Engagements Can't Be Teicgrapncii w umw-u States lotiay. . .. ... ....... n.v Tlmm.l flDAuiKUl! -nr ""- tlKXICO CITV I't'i). ii. in.v P'." . ii....n.i iMu fiiriiiiiiiin. Tho Ens devchi....l .1 character I1;.' ..ii.... ii.m h Mini on In n f ??..".""" I, .,. ...HHibio Rnnimlt tho tlctnlls becnuse of tlio (tc (cnBorBinp . . ,, . IflRhtlnR tliroiiBJi i o .. .. h jurrnenvy...... "-"" hi At nOOIl 11 innmiini " !..i. Tlw. 1 nllml HtlltCB Olll- r. ...i ,iioii-i,t Hiirriiiiiiillni! It. in Clch there were iimuy Aniorleuns, li not toucncii u " " ktlles, after tho removal of tlio fed- il battery will' it imu iieruiuwiu ksn Uio llro of tlio rebel gunners Fthe arxennl. ... Mutual thnrges r uoiuuou hi i i u Lilstlco In Mexico t'lty led to Its Ll.. linn nt .I.VI'II fl'l'llll'lt ) II H t Illgllt Id a renewal of IlKb'ltig. Tho Mu- bo covcrniiieiit lias pinnioti iiyim Ftt near the eitndi I nnd moved ItH fenon during Uio nrinisiico. mo fc.rlfnn nmli.-lHHV UIlKT SUPpll' Willi It off IhroiiKlioiit oBtinlny. REBEL LEADER IS EXECUTED Mexican Federals Kill Former Orozco Commander and 20 of His Gang. til Amo IttcM I'rt.a lo (.'ant llnjr Tlmrn. ) EL PASO, Tux., Fob. 17. lunn N. PorriiH, u robot chief, nud 20 follower, wore executed Saturday on tlio lluu of tlio Orient railway nenr Clilliunliuii City. The feilornl troopH nlHii captured I7 otlicrs of l'orniB' Kroiiii, who wero taken to the atnto capital toilny. Porrns I was n niomhor of tleiiernl Paacunl Orozco'8 original HtnlT, hut recently I had liccii operating Independently. I To li 1 m hud been accredited ninny outrages. ask rou stati:.mi:xt. of nsm Unills Ulllilitl AUVlse ! Mnilintl I'lllllllllllllS. 0r Aii Ui4 l'r lo I uo IU TlmM I RVASIIINC.TON. Feb 17. HpboIii- i mklnir lnHlililll Til ft to trilllH- t to conKress muli fm-lB rii?nrd- kfORdllloiiH lii Mexico City iib may i lie Incnmnntlliln with nubile Ill- test tro Introduced toilny liy bttor Anhurst of Arizona and Ay- i ot cw i ork. Kvoms or njr I.nuc Cnpllnl Inc Vein Cm. I mlny. I tt ,lrai.lvM l'n to vi' lly Tlmm.l SIEXICO CITY Fob. 17. Mnny trH's '-nve i'""nrtnl in tlio ill- rlon of Vera Ciiu. v. s. m:ssi:i.s tiii.ui:. irrlfan Wiu-olilns Due al Vera Oil. Todav. I III Ac In.) Crrfi lo i ... (lay Tliiv. I IVASIII.NOTOX. Fell 17. Hear alral Souiherlaiid. nlioiird the pwed cruiser C ilorndo. moved im Maiatlnn to Manzlllo. whoro tntNAnu-rlcun ileiuoiiHtrntliin reported, The I'nlteil Stnlos r-of-ar Vcrnioni nml .Vebraskn frc due at Veru Crusi today. H IMM KI.I' KSTATi:. uIf ('(iiiimllii... Il..i, i.'.mii.M. I jf In Hill to liip-iriMii-nic li. ( -..j rir-3 is i iay tiiiin. P'ASHINT.TflV I.VI. if . a o,.. Ie rennrt mi Dm i i i i i in. Nte tho Hockelclicr foiiiiiln- VII onlproil iinlii. .... i... n.. . .-.Vl ...Mill If.l lliU nVII- t8 to four. TAKIJ IIOItlHMt TOWNS Mvlcin Iteltels Occupy Two I'iiIiiIn On Tomin Holder. (Iljr Amo. Ulr.1 1'r.m lo C'imk IU)r Tlnim.l imOWNSVlM.K, Tex., Feb. 17. Without Herlmui rcHlHtunce, Mntn niornB, n Mexican town ncroBH tho Uio (Jrantle from HiowiibvIIIo, pann ed Into tho hnuilB of Mexican rebulB tlilw mornliiK. TIiIb Ih tho Hecond Tex bordcr town to bo occupied by tlio liiBiirrectoB ulnco the Diaz revolt, tho othor beliiK Nuovo Laredo. to o ovi.u vi-rro. I1 Try to Pass Ww liniiiliadiiii ii n .i ... ... t, "m llirr IIU I, iE'tal'Orr..or tVmm h.Jf A?N' ro1'' ".sun- l"l 01 Ihn lln. ...... imiii....i.... Blmii.. ... "'"".""""H ,?"' IPfMiV"" "" veioeu last Friday lot ia ;..?.. lou" i0!" m- iv vivrrme tlio nrnBlilont'n IL YOUHG II LEADER i Oman Ju: - . to Ate! : u,rls tnaeavor - ''iy luuay. Infill... . . VMM J t Lo5s-,,V'ri,coo,r'a''r,ra"'' rl,B :. '-'"-UlBh '" and .: ""enipted to -HbS "weeded In B0l- ns-jls- hnHltr itr er liey. the young Turk iJ.?.e5r.made a (HRntD ..,. B"'8arLt0flrnlerc0 'e flanks "uw nf i.." ",l" : Ha I. --, iril in '&&? $$?" ,1.1. . " 'UIO' 'Wt.ot-: rtleitt." 'La to a rennu fln .I?..,nde by ,iBnat; ot mFS v th" trnn torr lera "for iops, Vln 111 'ttiinnr renewal of llal. usui, im dlsatfec o I as8aada- ueiuveil L MEXICO CITY Former Coos Bay Man Wires from Scene of Mexican Trouble Is Quiet. Tho Tlmt'B yentorday received tho followliiK Bolf-explanntory tole Kinin from N. 01non lit Mexico City, tho moBHaKo beliiK Bunt via CJnl veaton owIiik to tho wires north from Mexico City to Kni?lo Pohb, Kl Paso nud Laredo IioIiik out of coin inlsBlon ns a result of rebel activi ties In that suction: "All well. Leavo hero today for North. KvorythliiB quiet." It Is believed that N. OIboii Is N. S. Olson, it former resident or MarBhflold and of Ten Mllo, who has beon realdliiK at Albany for thu past yenr. Whllo hero, Olaon was uuynged In tho lnaiirnnto bnsl-nesB. PATTERSON IS SENTENCED TO JAILITAFT SAYS UNITED STATES President of the American Cash Register Company and 28 Associates Given Prison Terms. Ill AMorlpJ I'rtM lo Cooi tir TlmM.l CINCINNATI, Ohio, Feb. 17 John II. PnttorBon, president of tho Nntlon al Cash IlcRlBtcr Company, who with twcnty-olKlit olllilnlR or former olfl TO FIX VALUE OF UTILITIES Railway Physical Valuation Bill Amended to Include Other Carriers. IHr Amo Intel rrcra lo Cowl liar TIiun.) WASIUNCTON. Feb. 17. Tho LnFoloHto-AdaiiiBoii railway vnliin tlon bill was tentatively amended today at a henrlnj; before tho Son aio InteiBtnto Commerce Cotnntlt tte, lo extend tho vnliintlou to tok'Krnph anil express property ns voll as any other "common car lleiB of luterstiito commerce.' elnls of tlio company were convicted or criminal violation of the Sher man anti-trust law, was Bcutonccd today to pny a fine of $5,000 and to servo olio yenr In Jail. Tho twenty-eight other defendants wero Bcntenccd to terms ranging from nlno months to n year In Jail and to pny tho costs. Formal notice of appeal to the United States curcult court wns given oy attorneys for the defendants. IS ONL T RECAUTIONS DENT MORGAN IS VERY ILL ELKS' 616 NIGHT ON WEDNESDAY Elaborate Preparations for a Large Initiation and Social Session. Tho Elks nro guys who aro going to put another rod lotter holiday Into tho abort month calendar. Ac cording to a circular letter Just Issued they promlso that It will bo tho biggest night thnt has happen ed on Coos Day In many moons. Tho letter anya: "Heretofore February line been famous for threo great daya Lin coln's birthday, Sr. Vnlontlno'8 day and Washington's, birthday. It ro tnatns for Mnrahflold Lodgo 1160, D. P. O. E. to punch a hole In tho calendar and add another red lot tor day to tho abort month's mem orable dates. Wednesday, Febru ary 19, Is tho dato that will hore after bo told In song and story na tho night that a now record In Elkdom was mado on Cooa nay. Twolvo mavericks, mostly from tho wind-swept environs of tho Clty-by-the-Sea, have boon rounded up and will bo horned nnd branded In tho most approved manner. In ad dition there will bo other stunts and dlverBlpns that niaketh the heart glad arid the cheerful smile, to Bhlno Hko 1000 candle power lcandescent.-" FHANCK AKTS 11USV. v iftjtw?' Pn,t t0 CoM vr 'riiUM J .PARIS, ,Fobv 17,-7-Th.Q French government has In preparation an oxtonslvo plan for Increasing the strength of tho army Jp counter balance -the new military hieasures now nena nc ueioro tue ummou Imperial parliament. Report That Noted Financier Was Seriously Sick in Europe Is Denied. (Iljf Aho UtrJ I'n.i lo Coot Par Tlrnm.) LONDON, Feb. 17. J. Plerpont Morgan was taken suddenly 111 In Cairo, Egypt, according to a, dis patch from Homo to tho Exchange Tolcgrnph Company. Tho dispatch adds that Morgan Is being brought back to Naples on board tho steam Bhlp Carouln, accompanied by two ph.valc'nns nnd two nurses. J. P. Morgan & Co. nud .1. P. Morgnn, Jr., received cnblogrnnis from J. Plerpont Morgan stating thnt his health Is better nnd thnt prnbnbly ho will stuy for two weokn, cancelling his trip to Na ples. DENIAL IS MADE. QUIET ODTSIOE MEXICO CITY American Consuls Report No Difficulty at Various Other Cities. Illy Affo. Ulrl 1'rr.i lo Cooa Hay TlmM.) WASHINGTON. Feb. 17. Re ports from American consuls at various pnrtB of Mexico Indicate that the people aro awaiting decis ive news from .Mexico City. Con aiils nt Durnugo, Frontra, Juarez, Negates. Hermoslllo nnd Saltlllo report those places (inlet. From Juarez tho report was that there was no change In tho Hltuntlon. " COQUILLE GIRL IN TROUBLE New York Friends or .Morgan Say Ho Has Recuperated from IIIiicks. (11 AMo.Utcl 1'nn lo (ooa liar Time. I NEW YORK. Fob. 11. From nu thorltatlvo private sources It Is leamod that J. Plorpont Morgan Buf fered an ncutu attack of Indigestion throe or four days ago but It has passed off, and now ho Is in his usu al health. Ho Is leaving Alexandria today for Naples. Ho expects thon to tako his usual Journey through Itnly. Beulah Willard Taken Into Custody as Witness in White Slave Case. SACRAMENTO, Citl.. Fob. 17. Iioiilah Willard, 11) years old, it comely brunette of Coqtilllo, Or., was suddenly and unexpectedly Bep arated from Earl (loldsworthy as she was about- to board a train for Grants 1'nKn. The girl has been , remanded to tho custody of tho probation ofllcers and son' to tin i Demolition Home, whllo Umdswor thy Is facing a charge of attempt- ilng to pnnder and Is in a cell at the city Jnll. Attempting to pander Is a felony chnrgo, nud If convicted Uoldswor thy will go to tho ponltontlary u oaring tho brand of a white h'aver. Horbort Hubbard, a second youth also Is under arrest, charged with lining an accompllco of (loldswor thy. If Ib tho Intention of tho authorities to turn thorn over for prosecution under tlio white slave laws. Tho federal authorities have boon notified. Tlio young woman declared Goldsworthy tried to have her enter a notorious houuo nt Ne vada City. Miss Wlllnrd wns n waitress In thy McCnllen hotel nt Rosoburg un til about two weeks ago. GET READY TO RUSK TROOPS United States Army and Navy Prepare Troops for Mex ican Sarvice. fir Aaio. Ulrl I'nii lo Coot Hay Tlmr WASHINGTON, Fob. 17. Ronow cd activity In the preparation for a posBlblo movement to Mexico wero indicated by hurried orders to the ar my transport Meado nt Newport News, to Ball to tho Philadelphia Na vy Yard. Expeditions of marines usually aro assembled there. No or flclal explanation In forthcoming. President in Letter to Presi dent Madera Officially Denies Intervention. EXPRESSES HOPE OF MEXICAN PEACE Says America Has Eeen Very Lenient During Past Two Years Await News. VIHWOFMADERO. I WASHINGTON. Feb. 17. I Two prlVnto dispatches from i President Mndcro to peruana! I friends In Washington todny J I simply said that ho "expected , I dellnlto resultB very soon." r TROOPS IN TEXAS. Third Cavalry Prepared to Move on Short Notice. Illjr Aio. Iatp.1 1'itm lo Cooa 'lay Tlinw.l SAN ANTONIO, Fob. 17. Tho third cavalry at Fort Sam Houston was ordered fiom Washington today to hold Itself In readiness to take tl o train for Galveston, prepared for foreign Bervlce. li.ODO MEN I1EADV. Many Murines Called to Philadel phia for Emergency. llr Aorlall Prr.i to Coo. Otr llmra. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 17. It Is roportod thnt tho navy yard hero hna orders Issued for tho mobilization of 2,000 mnrincB drawn from soveral naval statluua on tho Atlantic coast IS HEIR TO LARGE ESTATE Chas. Sterling, Brother-in- Law of Mrs. John Snyder, of Marshfield, Lucky. Mrs. John Snyder of South Mnrah flold today received a paper from Sll verton, Oregon, In which It la stated that her brother-in-law, Clins, Ster- llncr la nnn nt Mm )lflrs tn un CBtatO at Altamount, N. Y valued at over $4,000,000. Mr. Sterling la marriou to Mrs. Snydor's sister, and the fam ily formorly lived In Marahflold and Coqullle, Mr. Sterling being employed as a enrpontor. Tho SUverton paper states that tho proporty Is ono ofthe old long term lease properties In Now York nnd wns originally tho propoity of John Howard, Mr. Sterling's grandfather. A number of the heirs Uvo In Sche nectady, N. Y. and others In Birming ham, England. Mr. Sterling has two children and tho family left Cooa Co, a number of years ago, living at Vancouver for a time, but later locating at Silver ton. Tho estate Is similar to the ono to which Jas. Bonnett, chief engineer at the C. A. Smith mill, recently fell heir to. MEMORIAL TOR SHERMAN. WASHINGTON, Fob; 1'7. Tho momory of tho late vlco president, James S. Sherman, was honored by servlcea In tho senate chamber of tho capltol Saturday, Thoy were Joined In by'Taft"" the cabinet membera, the aupreme court juagea uuu hiuuiiucih memuera oi tne onumuwuu i-unm. NEW TYPE OF A. F. Estabrook Here to Close Contract With Kruse & Banks for Ship. A. F. Eatabrook of tho A. F. Estabrook & Co., owners of tho Speedwell, FIfleld and other ves sels plying between llandon nnd Snn Francisco and Cooa Ray nnd California porta, stated today that ho expected to close a contract soon with Kruso & Banks for the construction of a largo now ves sel, similar to the Speedwell. He Is now figuring with them. Ho said that tho new vessel would bo very Blmllar to the Speed well, only It would havo consider able lighter draft. She la to be built for the Sluslnw lumber trade. Ho said that In a, way tho now vessel would bo of an experimental typo. Ho reporta that the lumber business Is picking up and that tho prospects aro unusually good. Mrs. Estabrook Is with him on tho trip and they will leave as soon as he concludes tho contract with Kruse & Banks. The now vessol will probably bo completed this suinmor. CARD OK THANKS. Wo take this means of express ing to tho people of Marshfield tour deep appreciation of their kindness to our dear brother, George, during the 'past six years arid especially during his Illness. We thank you. . Mr, and Mrs. W. S. McCutcheon. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnson, MIsa Mlntn McCutc MUCH INTEREST IN COOS DAY A. T. Haines Tells of Trip to Iowa and Oklahoma Many Coming Here. ' "I am cortalnly glnd to got buck to Coos Ray," romnrked A. T. Haines, who arrived homo Satur day afternoon via Drain from a bIx weeks' trip to Fort Dodge and Storm Lake, lowa, and to his for mer home at Enid, Okla. "During all tho trip, I only saw ono stretch of green country after I loft this vicinity nud thnt was a hurley field In California. Thero wero no green pastures, hillsldeB or valleys until 1 got back near Cooa Ray again. "It was very cold In Iowa and that section and thero was consid erable snow on tho ground tn Okla homa. Tho latter was considered a good thing thero as It will tend towards good crops this summer, but tho weather was qulto cold. "Ruslnefcs conditions wore only fair. lawn la always substantial, but Kansas and Oklahoma, whoro they havo had poor crops for a cou ple of years or bo, tho conditions nro bad. "At San Francisco, I had qulto a visit with C. J. MRUs, who as sured mo that tho Southorn Pacific was going ahead with their work ns rapidly as possible. Ho Bald that they woro waiting a littlo on MuiBhflold nud whllo nnxlous to como into Mnrshflold, would not make a tight to do so. "Coob Ray Is woll advertised and everyone I saw was anxious to learn mora about tilts country. I tried to do a little boosting nnd it looks as though thero will be a big Influx of people bore this spring. Parties Informed mo that all of tho reservations on tho Breakwater at Portland for Coos Bay havo beon taken for two weeks ahead." TO KEEP WILSON OX. Prohldent-Elect May Retain Place With Princeton University. 11 A0(late4 1'reaa to Coot Da Time.. ) PRINCETON, N. J., Fob. 17. President Elect Wilson may retain an official connection with Princeton University, whllo ho Is president of the United States. Soveral gradu ates have placed Wilson's namo on tho nomination lists us an alumni member of the board of truatoes. FOR PANAMA FAIR. Oregon Legislature Committee Fav ors $200,000 for It. SALEM, Fob. 17. Tho commit in nn ovlilhltlonu and fairs of tho House sent In n late report recomx mending ?2Q0 ooo ror tne rana-ma-Paclfh Exposition. Twenty thousand dollars of this sum is to be expended in maintaining an ex- 3nT (11 Amo Mini l'rr to Co. lln) Time li WASHINGTON, Feb. 17. Mexi co City Ib virtually cut off from tho outside wor.d today by tho Im position of nn Iron censorship. With) no direct iiowh dlspatciios frntm there nnd oul olllclnl dispatch from AmbasHtidor Wilson which simply said thnt fighting wnx re sumed and the armistice broken. (Taft and tho officials waited in . suHpoiiBe. Tlio llrst dispatches ear j ly todny filtered down from Mexl ' co City to Vera Cruz and snld that hostilities wore resumed. Tho Mexican embassy declared that no dlHpatcliPB whatover hail beon re ceived there nud that It was de pending upon pdess dlspntchcB for Its Information about lighting In Mexico City. Tuft's reply to Ma dero'a nnnenl for non-lntorventloti wont forward by telegraph en ly today. Tho anny Iiiib gone iib lar 'ns It can under the prccnt ar rangements for u possible " movement to Mexico. Tnft's reply to Miulero's appenf. to withhold American Intervention was made public by Secretary Knox, nml Is ns follows: "From your oxcolloncy'B tologrnni which reached me on the 14th, It appeared that your excellency wan soiuowhnt misinformed us to tlio policy of the United Stntos toward Mexico, which has been uniform for two years or as to naval or othor iiionBures of natural precaution. Tho auibasHiidor telegraphed that when you woro good enough to show him your telegram to me, ho pointed out this fact. "Your oxcelloncy must, thoro- foro, bo awaro that reports which appeared to havo reached you thnt orders had nlready boon glvon to land forces woro liiaccurnto. Tho amhiiHRador who IB fully Informed Is, nevertheless, again Instructed to afford you any desirable Infornin- i tlou. Fresh assurances of friend-A-ship to Mexico nro iiuniicoRsnry af ter two years or proof or patlenco and good will. "In view of' tlio spoelnl rrlnud ship nud irolntlnns botwon tho '.vo countries 1 cannot too strongly Im press on your, excellency tho vital iniportnuco or tho early establish ment' of thnt pence nnd ordor which this government tins long hoped to sco, both bocauso Ameri can citizens and their proporty must bo protected nnd respected and also because this nation aym patlzos deeply with tho nffilctlmm' of tho M ox I can people. ' "In roolproontlng tho anxiety shown' by your excolloucy'a mes sage. I feol It my duty to add sln coroly and without reserve that tho course of events during the pust two years culminating In tho pres ent most dangorous situation cre ates In this country extreme- pes simism and tho conviction thnt tho ' present paramount duty Is tho prompt relief of tho situation, "WILLIAM H. TAPT." FREE TOLL IN I Senator Root's Amendment to Hit Coastwise Shipping Beaten in Senate. 11 AuoclaleJ l'ra to Cooa Uay Tlmea.) WASHINGTON, Fob. 17. Senator Root's proposed amendment to tho Panma Canal law to repeal tho pro vlelon for free passago of American coastwlso shipping, waa rojoctod by tho eonato commlttoo on lntor-qcen-lo canals. Tho motion to tablo It car ried, Boven to threo, Brandegep. Pago and Percy oppoBing. ...... I Tho decision of tho' rtniinltteo. Is ,,, bollovcd Wjlrovent' uctidfii, ,M Uk , . ., Senntq tWlH stfsHfbii. No report AY 1 11, , .,. V?A .in. l.n innilit.W tllLirW'-WuPbG .l.iiiiiilli.. TV.! IVin Rtiiitir'taol'i Root nmonuinent to put ht a mm orty finding. i ii ' ' i ' If you lyivo nnythlng to sell, rent H m