THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1913-EVENING EDITION. We Hustle Right Along on the pluinliliiB Jolt wo tueklc. u roiihln't afford to tlo work bo moderately ami thoroughly mul waste tlmo on It. Tlmo nioaiiH mo ni'v to u mid muss to you. ho wo utrklo llio Jolt promptly, finish ami (lopart the Hiuno way. Try our kind or plmnbliiK. You'll llko our work, our methods and our bills. Willcy & Schroeder ilint North Front Street. PHONE 77-.I fi r ' p l Ml ll nniuimir. I o AT THE s'kr u&Si , Special music by the nmlo quartet " , jA M - ' l ! : , .iP. jsr- s.i 1p" I ...... v...... ,.jw I I NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. I T"" Science Department. The physics rlnss lins been stu dying the effects of changing the states of substances and the practi cal applications made of the heat and cold derived from such changes. Tho liquid air machine, manufac ture of Ice, and the cold storage process wcro discussed. The means of transference of heat have been studied this week also and the prin ciples of heatiiiB and ventilating buildings studied In detail. The chemistry class experimented with the metallic element sofllum. studying the physical and chemical properties and also soveral of Its compounds. The elements born and silicon were studied In class. Tho manufacture and blowing of glass were taken up In connectliui with tho study of BlHcn. At the Churches I SO IT I MARSIII'IELD. Eluhth Grade. Miss Dodge, principal of tho Hun ker Hill schools, visited the eighth grade on Wednesday. A lutter received this week from Edna Lnndo, who was a pupil In tho elgth grade early In the year, but who Is now attending tho Poi iola school In San Francisco, Hlates that she Is enjoying her work very much but docs not llko tho cllm nto of San Francisco as well u that of Coos Hay. In a grammar test given the II division this weok good papers were handed In by George 'lorry. Kdyth Sumner and Itnlph Ilenliom. Laurcnco H'orton, formerly n pu pil In this grade, has tnken a pos ition at tho Smith mill. Sixth ami Seventh Grade-. Tho Blxth and seventh grades liavo memorized tho poom for the flrst month of the second semester. In an arithmetic test good pnpors wcro handed In by Ruby Cooley. Jcsso Frnntz, Guy Clausen. Ernest Whereat, George Hansen and John Dye. Mrs. E. Kelley. Miss Dodge. Miss Kstelln Wlcklmid and Violet Itohor son vlBlted tho room on Wednesday. I'lfth Grade. Tho pupils of tho Fifth II receiv ing 100 In spelling for the week nro: Cronjo Noble, Walter llng luiul, Howard McUughlln. Dernlco Mlrrasoul, Gladys Ferry, Stella llaglund, Marguerite Lecoeq and Hanoi Collin. The pupils of tho Fourth A io celvliiB 100 In spelling for thin week nro I.oulso Oldle.v. Donald Allen. Evelyn Fourier. Ilerschel Clausen, llnrold Currey. Whltford Hall. Fer dinand Ucocq. .Margaref Powers. Wnyno Gosney. Helen Lococq and William Kroluor. Jenuette I'pton wiih out Friday on account of illnesB. Thhil and I'oiuih Grade. Thnso perfect for tho week In spoiling were: Until Lnndqulst, Ce cil Larliupoiio, vioiot inuimm, Marjorle Alarcey. Itayinnnd llur rowB. Arthur IlillHlriim. Sumner Dodge. Enoch Anderson and May belle Mcl.uughliu. Marjorle .uareoy. Until Slice. Reu ben Laudqulsi and Francis Sacchl did very good work In paper cut ting for their nrt work. Second anil Third Grade. The following pupils bad perfect lessons for the week: Mrtle Conk llu, Erma lloiUon. I.lllliui Johnson. Walter Sneddon. Ildiert llorroiiKhs. Ileiijuinln .less. Alice Kniiison. l.lod liaworth. Frederick llonglaud. Sieen Magnus Emerson Neff. Wesley Green. n.niultl I'nuner. italpb linn sou. .1 1 tli it Nonlstroni and Tludina lilnck. l.oreu .less wati absent Thursday and Friday. Palatini: this week Included the whiter boy and tie valentines Among those who did vor neat work were: Dniiiuu Dashm.. Alton KurdoU. Eriun Hudson. Adraiuo Gardner and Callsta Walters. -I CENTRAL SCHOOL. Primary. MUs Dodge or Hunker Hill xls Iteil the room Wednesday. The pupils made valentines this weok. Mrs. Howard was a visitor Thursday. l-'ict Grade A, Mis Coio visited one atternoon. llnml-pain'ted valentines were a feature In art work this week. The Hist daffodils of tlie season were also painted In water colors. Second Grade. Mrs. Halllnger visited t' e grade TiWkdny. Irene Woodworth has been aliment on account of IlluohS. Arthur I'pton met with nn ac cident by falling from bis wheel and was absent from school on 'I till d Grade. Pupils absent the past week weie Key Hill, Kimono Jo no, Dorothy Ferguson. Helen Flanagan. Archie Vln Camp ami Siolla Storgnrd. Tlilrd Grade made valentines on Thursday. l'oiulli Grade. Mai Ion llnrsfall. .limns Eddy and I'earl Thorrlault are absent on ac count, of Illness. The following pupils had perfect spoiling losBons for tho past two weeks: Robert Graves, Luello Douglas, EUiol Davis, Charles 01- (Ministers and othors are request ed to hand In tho Sunday church no- .Iccs not later tnan iri(iny evening 10 nsuro ItiBortion Saturday.) . I FIRST HAPTIST CIIUItCH. I ; Albert P. Bassford, M. A., Pastor. lllblo Bchool at Is. with graded classes and competent teachers. Morning worship at 11 with ser mon by Pastor Hassford. Junior Society moots In tho c.iurch nr 2:30. All children nro Invited. Young People a service at 0.30 for ono hour. A Bpecial Invitation Is extended to all young men and women. l.VmilniT u-firnlilii lit 7: .10. Pas- to Uassford will preach tho fourth sermon in the sorlcB on "A Young Mnn Who Saw Life." Many nro fliidlnir these Sunday evening ser vices most helpful. A lnrgo chorus led hv !rof. Georgo Ayro renders wor8hlnful music. Midweek service on Thursday evening at 7.30, for ono hour. Wo believe that a sau- linth we snout will Help to tiring a week of contentment. Come with us and wo win no you good. - SWEDISH LUTHERAN. Dr. John 15. Oslund, Pastor. Sunday School, 9:30 n. m. Morning service, 10:15 n. m. No evening service. At tho Luth eran church in North Hend, Sun day school 2 p. in., services, 3 p.m. . I CATHOIitO CHURCH. Marshfiold. Rev. A. It Munro. Mass at 10 o'clock Sunday morn ing, the Itov. Father Munro of ficiating. -- METHODIST EPISCOPAL Kov. II. I Uutlcdgo, PaBtor. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Morning services at 11 o'clock. Epwortli League at C:30. l.?t'rt,il,if ann'lnn lit 7?.10. Junior Leaguo Thursday aftornoon nt, Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:au o ciock. You nro cordially Invited to attend theso Borvlcca. Junior Leaguo sorvlco Saturday afternoon nt 2.3u. . I EMMANCEL EPISCOPAL. I . Itov. Itobt. E, Drowning, ftcctor. 8 a. m. Holy Communion (2nd and I th Sundays.) 0:30 a. m., Sunday school. 11 n. m., morning prayer and ser mon. Holy Communion llrst Sunday of each mouth. 7:30 p. in. Evening prayer and Sermon. 1'ildny I'venliig. 7:30 p. in. Evening Sorvlco and lllblo study. Service In St. Mnry'H church, North Pond (2 p. in.) nnd St. Luko's Church, Emplro, (3 p. m.) ovory al ternate Sunday. Archdeacon II. I). Chainliers will preach In the Episcopal chinch at 1 1 o'clock Sunday morning and 7.30 Sunday night. 4 SEVENTH DAV ADVENTISTS. 4 C. J. Colo, Pastor. Sovonth Day Advontlst sorvlces aro conducted ovory Saturday as follows: Sabbath school nt 2 p. in. Preaching services at 3 p. m. Como and spend an hour with us; wo will do you good. 1, I ciii'itcu ok cnmsT. I . 7.. O. Downrd Minister. 10:00 a. in. lllblo school. 1 1 : 0 o a. in. Communion sorvicos nnd sermon. il: 30 p. m. -Prnver mooting. 7 : 30 in in. Preach hijg senjces: son. Fred llillsiroui. Lee Vln Camp ami Kiidnlnh Johnson. M ..a ll,i,.ull i'lutl.1,1 Cfllnnl ,111 I ..,. ,11.1k.,.., 1,.T.., k-fc..... Tuesday. Seventh Grade. I liuel Cowan was absent Frlda.x moruiiiK It. O. Thorpo, Pastor. Services will bo hold In tho Norwe gian Lutheran Chapel at Marshtlold, Sunday. Feb. 111. at 11 a. m. Sundny school at 10. Norwegian services will bo hold In tho Swedish Lutheran .Church at North Hend, Sunday, l-cb. 10, at 7:30 J), m. Sunday school at 10. CHHISTIAN SCIENCE. Christian Sclcnco hall, 237 Thtrc Btroet North. Subject. "Soul." Service Sunday nt 11 a. m. Sunday Bchool 12 M., Wcdnosdaj ncndlnr room open on Tuesdays Thursdays and Satt rdaya, 3 to 5 p. m I PHESHYTEKIAN CIIUItCH I Marsh field J. E. Durkhnrt, Mlnlstor. At tho FlrBt Preabyterlnn church orvlccs mny bo expected on sabbath as follows: Sunday school nt 10 a. m. Morning worship nt 11 o'clock. Youhb People's Meeting at ii:.10. Evening worship nt 7:30. Prayer meeting on Thursdny even ing at 7:30. Splendid iiiiibIc by tho choir at morning and evening worship. You nro cordially Invited to nt tend nil of theso services. Hrlng a friend and como. Subject of sermon Sunday even ing, "Tho Mnn Who Mndo God Weary." Tho muslcnl progrnm for the morning service at tho First Pres byterlnn church Is. Voluntary. "March from lann- liouser Offertory, Andante op. . WitBuer 20 Beethoven Anthem, 'Hlessod Aro tho Mer ciful" Arthur Herrldgo Solo, "Jesus. My Itofugo' ....Dunks Mrs E. L. Itohluson. 4 I PHESUVTEItlAN ClU'ltCH I North Hend Suudiiv school nt 10 o'clock. Christian Endeavor at G:30. . I I'XlTKIl ItltETIIHEN CIIUHCII I A , , North Ilonil. Mrn. II. N. Lewis, Pastor. Sabbath school, 10 a. m. Christian Eudcnvor, 7 p. in. Preaching 11 n. in. nud 8 p. m. Prayer nicotine, Wednesday evon I hi? nt S o'clock. A I CATHOLIC CIIUItCH North Hend. Nov. Father Snrlncor. Rector. Mass will bo celebrated at t o'clock Sunday morning by tho Roi Father Munro. 4 I .METHODIST CIIUItCH I North Rend. Tho services Sunday will bo as fo) lows: Rnnilnv itrlinol 10 n. in. Vesper Clrclo and Epvorth League 7 p. m. Sermons by tho pastor 11 n. m nnd 8 p. m. READY HV MARCH I. Tug Akntuii Appioachhig Launching Stage nt t'iMN Hay. Tho Orcgonlnn tnys. "P. A. Daly, superintendent of I lie Alaska-Portlaml Packers' .Wo ilatlon. lias returned from North Hend. Coos Hay. whero bo Inspected tin, tni? Akntuii. under construction In the Kruse & Hanks yard for his concern. She Is expected to be ready to launch about March 1. The tug will be brought to Portland to have hot- engines nun minor nisiaiiou. Tho boiler has boon completod nt the plant of the Willamette Iron nnd Steel Works mid tho machinery Is o.xpi'cted to reach here this week from Portland, Maine. The Akutau will lead the company's fleet of salmon hhlps to tho Nushagak river. Hristol Hay. About the first of the month the Herlin ami Levi G. Purges will como up to the har bor from their winter quartern at Goble to begin loading supplies for morning. tne iar iioriu. rnrouguoiit ine (ma in u reading contest Wednesday J sago this season they will bo able Claude Post won tlrst honors. Her- to coiuniunlcnte by wireless with man Glossop second and Wilfred tne stations along the coast. They Mcl.aln third. v III start north about April 10." FREE TO YOU MY SISTER Froo to You and Every Slater SirP erlng from Woman's Ailment Jam b woman, know wouinn'i nfferlnirt, 1 bsTu found tha cure. out tht hulp of a doctor. Mt ii cutil uniewtiml w om,..i BufftTlnBS. XVhnt w o "oiJVn k,to " 'M'Uici. know tetter thn any doctor " know tlwt my'homi. tnatnu'iit b f. nnd ire euro for liucorrtioii or Whili.K dnchin,i, UKml io "J ttmt, Utini it Oiimn 0i ftctlit; nio m la but. tick ind bcwili, ttiiinf loin lnli, nifiiVigiu. cil.H., Inlin, m Mt i iMli.cliol,.d,i!(iter."i tliilii, tinlant, Moil, ind tliddii troitbttt km tiuiij ( iikgimi pculnc to our in I want to avml you a cgmpltd Un i; Itutatil allrarf Im to rirovo to you that you can euro yourself at Ikhuo. Pnally. quickly and nrclr, Rniu-iiibiT, (ill coil icu nothi.. tn ... .. ,t , kith th triatuuiit n coiiipUti' trial niidlfrou w bh to oontlime. tt will con you only aboul ISccnUn wit or U than two c.-iita a lay. II will not Intorforo with your work or occuimtl in. Jgil imd no rour man md tUmt. tell nif how von nutter If you with, and I wtll end you tho treatment for j ourc i- .'.tlr, H f V.v n lain w nu2 KifA.VLr,V,r.,n.,."llil .. l wm M' ,,'y ' cl. my lHiik-W0 $ OM MfOlCli J ?' wiVh on must havo an onerntlon, ' you can dec lde. f ir v.i-.clf Thi.uv.iM.U f wonun have curia ";X Lome n.i'nLnrw Ltrf' U?,.TOT,A" " ",f M"' UA" 'I iiTwBl "pliln . i'.ii..i.VIi.i . i. " awa NiHilllj r and elTotualU eurm 1 . u, , rrh.nn, i.reui flickiuKsund IU if" B Ul"r Me,u,r"nl" I" youi.B Uidlw. t'luiuj.neU and h.alth ,Vib . rwult, ffwii t.ll m,yenVre"r ?lt thu""! T.r.y?,to If a'' "' ri',ur ow '! rMI,y hnow and 111 gladly Mronil'nhuuu and MbuJ? NTTi,,im",rMl "'""''V'""1 '.''n'tmakiawomeSwell, MRS. m. summers, DoxH - - Notro Damo, Ind., U.S.A. ,.,.i,M,vn .ttiKTitAfrn rosiPANV T"". avo 'XtogZhrcop e o al ro onis Coos County to, date, n&f&V$ir. or any other Information rolat!nB to real estate furnished on short not co ..,, ., 1B1, I11ISIXKSS OIT'ICK: H7 Htirtll i-roiii ni., ..""." W. J. RUST, Manager Twin City Auto Stage Line .lorry Klnnov, formerly with tin rnlaco Cafe, has Inaug urated n new automobile stage line, between Marshfiold and North Hend. Tho scrvlco Is known as tho "Twin City Stngo Lino," nnd starts with two seven-passenger Cadillac machines and will have more If the service wnrrants It. Ho Inaugurates a round faro of 0 cents between tho two cities, 'llils, bo bollovos, Is all the scrvlco Justifies since- tho now waterfront road reduces tho time and nlso tho cost of tho service. Ilo lifts mndo arrangements for tho through scrvlco only, leaving tho local sorvlco to tho local au tos but In enso of nn emergency will provide local sorvlco for through patrons. Ho will havo his headquarters at tho S. S. Jennings storo n North Mend, Phono 1151. and at lllllyer's Cigar Storo In Marsh llold Tolephono 1S-.L Tho scrvlco will connect with all bout and train schedules. Tho regular Bchedulo is as follows: Leave Marshfiold - Leave North Hend C:J5 n. m. 2:40 p. in. 7:15 a. in. 1.15 p. in. 7:10 3:15 7:15 4:10 7:45 3:45 S:15 5:15 oik 4-10 8:45 5:45 s-lB :" 9:15 c:io S:45 4:4" n:45 :15 9:15 6'IG 10i5 7ij5 9.45 5:40 10:40 7:45 1rtin 0:15 11:15 S: 15 J" ,1! 7:45 11:45 8:45 10!'o s:l5 K:10 p. in. 9:15 11:15 0:45 12:15 9:45 11:40 10:15 1:15 10:15 12:15 p. m. 10:45 1:40 lu:45 12.45 11:15 2:15 11.15 1:10 11.45 2.45 11:45 1:45 12:15 n. in. 3:10 12:15 a. in. 2:15 12:45 34Tj 1:00 Round Trip, 20 Cents STATEMENT OF CONDITION OK Flanagan & Bennett Bank MAIISIIFIKLI), OltE. At tho uloso of busluoss, February 4, 1913, nKSOUKCES. Loans nnd niscounts $4S7,929.2fl UnnUIng House ; 50,000.00 Cash and Sight Exuhnnxo 221,151.77 Total $759,081.03 LIAHILITIKS, Cnpltnl Stock Paid In $ 50,000.00 Surplus nnd Undivided Profits (50,08 1.7 1 Deposits ' C4S.99C.29 Total $759,0S1.03 Taxes! Taxes! Taxes! You have but thirty days in which to ppy youi' taxes and secure the three per cent discount. (live us a list of your property and we will see that they are promptly attended to. Th First National Bank Of Coos Bay First ClassWeaving promptly done at Gardiner's Rag Carpet Factory Cor. Union and Montana Street. Phono 131. North Ilond. Or A modern Brick . uildlug, Electrl: Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL COOS O. A. Metlln, rrop. lUtess BO rents a day nnd upwardi Cor. liroudwar and Market W. S. 1JUOWN & A. II. UOIXitXs'roil A GOOD WATI It Marshfield Paint Decorating Co. insinuates iuiiiIkIhmI. MAKSIUTKLU OUEGON OK riNK JEWELRY E. C. BARKER JEWELER White Orpingtoa imer inycru -ljotii. ..... EQ5,sls.ETn I'hiine 1 I7-.I or "cm. Unique Pantaloriii THE MODERN )Yi:ilS.CLmja I'RESSERH ami HAT nvx. AkciU for Emiard H. stnui Co., I-'Ino TnllerlnK. Let , enn cENjntAL. STADDEN ?,;, ,i's..".'.i''l , ...,M,,,0 JV1 Kodak rinlshl,,,-. RANCHus5 Thirty acres on kdb, , I will ir.nn n I," KMtutkil WnBlo bolts.' ' li'ooVfiJ I anco on time wm m "" "'h"iner or hiiii..;ii WM. J. LEATO 1CS So. nrou,lwnlAV or llllOlin 1(lo.t,H -- i,n. wiikv vnn w.ivt i OER HOY Something I II O N K 120.J, anu won do it. Chargti ablo. niAs fliiANnv. North Bend Real ft(i) Corner Sliernian nnd Wuiid nuxiuu loot. i l.uuu, oa teal Shrivcr Realty Co, 1st Nnfl Hank Hide North I PROFESSIONAL DIRECT kAMAWM 01)11, THE T.UUm, AM) mtrss Rxmil T' Will inalie your suit to order bl way to please you, s to lit 1!7S Front St. I'piiihl B EN.IAMIN OSTMXI), CoiisiillliiK Knlnctr Ml I Aicliltrct. Phono lOIt-L MnrsWIfUO J.M. AVRKJIIT, COXTIIAtTOIt AND itrii.iirit Estlinates furnished oa ftp Pinna mill Rlirrl flCltlODI IVS If desired. An honct Job fd tood. IMiono lL'l-ll. OKI VIA I.IMKl.l, fnliiiiin.Tlicranllt Scientific Swedish MaiMje. U uyninaitics S. Klvili St. l'hone ! tnui, nvri.iM). J Piano Tuner nil Rfl 41b S. Sixth Street, i'bomj" Kltli RILEY IIAIiLIXCER XT IMi.nlst wid TH Roaldonco-Studlo, 237 So. B1 Phono lB-tfc. W.M. S. TURPKX. ARCIRTECT Marshfield, Orego DR. W. MORROW, Dentist. .-1 -, Il.ill.llnff. Otff 141 uriim """.;:" Theater. omieVlmt. W Q. ., rtni""- Rooms 301 and !J02, Colel"5 Marohfleld, urvsu- - r iii.'vrmY'S V ' MtHlern Dent.l wH We aro oqulpped tc i o , ork on short not c.tW lowesi pneoa. ""raB!,o Lady attendant. Co' TO nk...n.. TTntal. DDOne U' R. J. MONTGOffl Real Estate and Insur 244 North Front Street! w. A Qernnrl Hand U .., .. i. in5tnlInKn HARRINGTON, I0E . r ""s lliuiiu o-- Rl INKER HILL L015 FOR SALE at new location ISO FrontSg rine Watih nnd Jewelry Rennlrliic. 200 Front St., Marshfield. Barnard & US Bee our v,u;'",TljltfS. WOOD BliKOTlHO Iffipoj PD0N3 1W