The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 15, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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Dayton Motorcycles
. g-i' .5
V ha i" ordered a Day ton Motorcycle on the
gtw,njrth i.l' i-iM'lain claims made Tor it by the Hum
jufnctmvr ami 1 ho agents. They claim that it lias
more Pwor than any other machine
on the market.
As soon as it arrives wo will invito any and all
other dealers In arrange a tryout on the largest,
steepest hill wo 'an find.
If the Davlon don't make good, wc don't want
it and will turn it over to any "headquarters" or
"rest room" willing to handle machines turned
down hy "thcr dealers.
Wo have absolutely nothing at stake in the niat-
ltci e.vTpt the understood fact that anything han
dled b.v the M,ush field Gyclery must make food,
IHIIlM til""" '""'' ''".' muni vo iioi-tmoo,
Wo don't have to lake any more machines.
Wo w-'iilil nut order this one until the company
IvoiiM win' ti that.
About the mile ill 117 seconds that reminds me
iof the toper who was told that a camel could go
three inonili- without a drink, lie said: "That may
U lint who in II 1 wants to be a camel?"
Wo nover exaggerate and we never slalo'what we
Ido not believe to be true.
For the present, wo believe that the Dayton is
the Hill Climber, with its .J-inoh tires.
Marshfield Cyclery
Agents for Agents for
Phone 158-R 172 N. Broadway
Depend On Us
Your doctor will never have
the slightest cause for complaint
about the way wc fill his prescrip
tions. He will praise the fidelity and
tactness with which we follow hia directions, and the
Pre, fresh quality of the drugs wc use.
But our medicines are not more satisfactory than
our prices. It is this combination of high quality and
lw prices that has built up our business.
we sell many very good, ready-prepared remedies
'or different ailment:.
Are you troubled with corns? We can give you
a positive remedy for their painless removal and cure
-REXALL CORN CURE. It relieves and cures the
most stubborn and painful corns and bunions. It is
absolutely painless and sure in results. Sold with the
Bexall guarantee.
Wkhart-Parsons Drug Co.
MAIN 298
ir.Ilrs.. 1.07 8.37 3.G9 11.01
I'U. .. tl.G 0.8 3.7
llnys Pinpeity. John Karl hnB
purchased tlit iioithonst t'omor of
Park and llrondwny, from A. Illreh
lor $10,000. Mr. Karl recently
lllOVOll ill'O tllO large llOIIBU on tlic
SUM' Hunching "You ran toll
llii' folks Hint tl'o report about
IllllllH Liu-sou having rented lilu
i ranch and retlie.l from running la
untrue." Hiild Mr. I.ursou yesterday.
1 "I am going to stick to tlio fiirni
nwhllo mid hIiow theso young follows
linw to farm. A wholo lot of
FOR HAMC Choice i-litilmili plants.
J. .1. Cllnkcnbenrd. Phone 31 Go.
WANTED liiuly wnlt I'css ill Aiciulo
KOIt SALE ltns( hushes, 1! anil it
yours old, JG vnrltluH, 0 colors,
'J 5 to 3G con In onch. Mrs. it.
II. Drows, Phono 387.
FOR SAliK Itarii, :tl)Hl! In all
cedar framing. mortised and
bolted, in. 000 foot of lumber In
It $100. Soo L. T. Mntthows, 210
Second Court Btroot.
TO TRADE A tf.llMH) lloriilcsH
Phonograph for a Remington
Typewriter, llox A TIiiiob olllcc.
FOR SALE Ciiliiuilila pliouogrnnli
and ton records, nearly now. All
for $lo. AudrcHs li, Times of-lleo.
WANTED Wiiiiinu, or iniiti anil
wlfo to caru for elderly Invalid.
Apply Judge C'oku, First .Nation
al Itiiuk llulldlug.
l'Olt SALE ST." Michigan cn-li ifK
iHter. You may liavo It for $-.",
If taken at once. Ekblud's I laid -waif.
Dy Assoclntod Press
OREGON Uniii In west to
nlgnt and Sunday; lain or
hiiow In onst. Southerly wlndH
1 Igh nlong const.
For tho 2 1 liourB ending nt
1.13 a. in., Fob. in. by licnj.
Oatllnd, special government me-
toorologlrnl observur:
Maximum nn
Mlnlniiini 45
At 1:13 a. m 17
Precipitation none
Precipitation Blnco Sept. 1,
1!12 (2.85
Precipitation smiio period
previous yonr 38.73
Wind: HouthwoHt; pnrtly
l'Olt SAl.l'J l'oiiilecn room house,
with bath, lot 15 x 100, nfnr Park,
North Ileuil. Only $3r00 If taken
Immediately. Phonu iun North
Item! or Inquire Times olllcc.
l'Olt HAIilC I'orlnlilu iwo'ovcn sec
ond hand hotel range, cheap.
Pioneer Hardware Co.
l'Olt SAI.i: Modern M'M'ii room
Iioiihu , with concrete liitBomunt,
Two IoIh 10 x 110, attractlvo lawn,
beautiful vluw, Boutli faclug. Con
tra 1 Ave. Snap If taken nt once.
See Held about It, Coke IUiIk.
l'Olt A Kooil nine room
Iioiihc mid three IoIh, 112x120
foot, In liny Vluw, for $r000
ciihIi ir taken hooii. Apply to
ChnrleH ArlnuilKon, phone 10-1.
or P. O. llox nnn, MniHlifleld, Or.
l'Olt SAI.i: One HOI vkk Incubator.
Will trndo for liens. Phono C-J
l'Olt SAMv One U!) foot launch
with cabin; nlso ono 2C foot
Iniiuch. Phonu C-J
l'Olt HUNT Two room Iioiim hi
ICuHtHlde. $1. Phono 1011-J.
l'Olt SAI.I': Cooil motor boa I, 20
reel Iouk, 3'j h. p. oiikIiio.
C'henp ir tnken nt onco. Apply
llox (I, Times ofllco.
l-'Oll SAliK Kiirnlsheil tent rnliln,
cheap. On JoIiiihoii nvenue, be
tween Fourth nud Fifth Stw.
l'Olt SAI.K On easy terms, a new
modern liuit;nlow on So. Fourth
St. Owner lenvlnj; town. Phono
l'Olt HMM fiooil imyliiK hiislness.
llnrRnln. Inqulro Oeorj;o Wol
Btonil, 117 North Front St.
I.O.ST Gold rhiK with tluw-eyo bet,
Thursday. Reward for roturn to
Tho Gunnery.
l'Olt S.WjK i:ijlit horseMiwtr holl
er nnd six horsopowor eiiKlno,
ready for uso. Will sell for hair
price. Address 13, Cure Times.
FOR SAM') Rose peiviinhiln and
docorntlvo plontH F. A. Sacchl.
FOR SALIC LnyliiK pulletH. Cor.
llrondwny nnd Codnr. Bon Wright
WAXTICI) Mnlil for fjenernl house
work. Phono 389-J.
T,1E uixnow.'!? I!'!':,,7r 0, aia xicw picturics.
LTii... N,) An h'terestliiK offering.
"Sicily. x AN,) SL'ltRO UXDIXGS A great portrayal of tho
M0XKV-A ,,
" luilioilt. m.i.t .... . ....
H". . ' ici-t oi iiiugiiier.
lprt,am o'f nU,!IKe s,,mly afternoon nt 2:30. A flno
1 "" ''OW Pictures.
MUhed Admission, 10c, Never more.
FOR ItlCXT FiiniMieil houso of
nino rooms. Inqulro room 201,
Hotel Coos.
Leghorn, MncFnrland strain;
Rhode Island Reds, ICtllott strain,
aeo Charles E. Jordan, EaBtsldo.
WAXTICI) Woman or girl as nurso
for elderly Invnlld. Cnll Mrs.
FOR SALIC India Runner duck
eggs for hatching. Comor of
South Seventh and Ingorsoll Sts.
William Shook.
WANTED A mold for general
house work. Phone 297-L, or
13 GO Central avenue
four lots In Eastsldo. Apply to
James D. Cllnklnbeard, Sumner,
quarters and good cooking. John
Karl, 510 N Droadway. ,
FOR SALE Dry wood. Ilr and al
der, at Campbell's Wood Yard,
Ferry landing. PhoiB IBiMj.
WANXE1 Twelve experienced min
ers ard timber raen.- Apply Beav
er HIU Coal Co.
people who wanted to rent my
ranch wanted mu to retire, but I am
not going to."
Komotlcl House Peter Johnson 1b
remodeling his homo on Market nv
enue and Fourth Btrcot.
Workmen for Road Twcnty-sov-cn
men arrived on the Nnnn Smith
last evening for Wlllott & Ilurr or
Myrtle Point.
llll hy Auto A Bailor off the
Adeline Smith wns hit by tin nuto
on Front street liiHt night nnd
Knocked down, but was not hurt.
, For Xew Vessel A. V. Estabrook
and wlfo arrived hero todny from
San FiihicIbco. Mr. Estabrook will
consult with Kruso & Ilnnks about
u new vessel to bo built nt North
llend for the Sluslnw run.
Enlarge Riillillng. Harry Noblo
Is making nrrnugemeiitH to add a
third story to IiIh building on
South llrondwny, now occupied by
Charles Powers' grocery nnd Aug
ust Olson's shoo Bhop.
Ploneer'H Itlrlhilay. .1. C. Huynes
one of the best known pioneers of
Coos county, tomorrow will cele
brate his S3 id blithdny. Ho Is now
milking bis homo In Myrtle Point
with .1. E. Schilling. "Undo Jerry"
iih be Is fiimlllnrly known, enmu to
Coos county In 18GS.
Fire In ISuugor Mrs. Jennie M.
Stewart, whllo In Mnrshllold today,
received word that her homo In Unn
gor caught tiro from u tin lluo nnd
wiih Boniowhnt dininged. Luckily
Mr. Stewart wns at homo nt tho
time nnd succeeded In extinguishing
tho blnzo before It hnd got under
Smith lor Governor "1 would
not Impugn .any of tho inotlvoM of
the Senator from Coos and Curry,
us being political," said President
Mnlarkey. That this may liavo been
sarcnstlc is witnessed by Senator
Smith's reported ambition to be
come Governor If l.o may. Orogon-
f 1111.
Enter on I.11111I. Fifteen men
enmo In from Murshfleld yesterday
morning nccoinpnuled by a cruiser
nnd nn nttorney and went out In
the hills on Rock Creek, near
Ilrldge, whoro, It Is snld, they In
tone! to squnt on somo of tho old
Central Pnclflc, grant lands. Myr
tle- Point Enterprise.
Rig Charivari Parties In town
todny report a chnrlvarl pnrty last
Tuesday a veiling on Mr. nud .Mrs.
Giistnfson of Loon I.nke. Mr. and
Mrs. Gustnfson expecting the ovont,
had prepared a great spread and
all tho neighbors and friends from
Allegany to Loon I.nke were present
nnd hnd a flue time.
Too ."Many Answers, "Tako out
that house for rent ad of mlno,"
remarked E. A. Anderson today. "1
liavo rented It nnd have had about
GO calls and they nro still com
ing. Last night', ono woman phonod
at 10:30, got me out hod and want
ed to rent It hut sho wns too Into.
Times want nils suro bring results."
Appeal Cases. It Is niinounced
by C. I. Rolgnrd that a now trial
will bo asked III tho case of Ran
dall vs. tho C. A. Smith Interurbau
Railway Company, a personal In
jury cuso which was decided for
tho defendant nt the lust torm of
court. In case tho now trim Is de
nied, It will bo carried to tho su
premo court. Attorney Stoll nlso
nnuoiinces that tho case of Parker
vs. tho City of Mnrshflold nud the
C. A. Smith Company, decided for
the dofeudnnts nt tho Inst torm of
court, will bo nppcnled to the su
premo court.
Your money will go even further
if you tftkc good care of what your
money buys.
LLe'll refund your money if you
are in doubt aboul the values in
the clothes we sell, Your money buys
bigger than par value in these
Hart Schaffner & Marx
suits and overcoats
This store Is the homo of Hart Schnffnor & Mnrx Clothes.
Inlet wns spending todny In tho
CHAS. JACKSON of Ross 'nlct Is
In Murshfleld.
MR. WHARTON of Gould's Camp,
I Allegany, is In town.
W. C. I1RADLEV left for Portland CHAS. ST. DENIS Is a business
on business. visitor to town todny.
JOHN DARKER Is In town todny c- C URIDGES of Coos River Is
from Sumner. I" tuwn on business.
LOUIS STONE is In town todnv from. ,'1' - "ILL Is In town todny from
Catching Inlet. I Coos ltlvor on business.
J. E. Xonh left todny for Portland MISS SIGNA STORA of Coos ltlvor
for a short stny. I Is spending the day tu town.
In town on business. i visitor todny from Coos ltlvor.
todny from Sumner. I Inlet Is In Mnrshllold todny for
MRS. WM. 1IAYDEN of Sumner Is 8ll,,rt v'Blt'-
visiting Mnrshlleld today. A. T. HAINES Is expected homo ov-
MRS. ELIZA WIIITII of Mllllcoina erlnnd this nftomoon from his
Is In town spending tho day. trip to lown nnd Oklnhomn.
GEO. WATKINS loft this morning MRS. 11UFFUM. who hnB boon mnl:-
for Portlnnd nud Snlom on busl- lug her homo with Mrs, A. D.
Hess. Trnor, left todny for linker City,
MRS. C. A. ST1FFLER of South In- Oregon.
lot wns shopping in Mnrshflold W- " STL'LL of Allegany enmo to
todny. I Marshfield this morning to rccotvo
MRS. FRANK IIONRON of tho Isth- inoillcnl aid for a painfully In-
mus Is Hiiendlni: tho dav In Mnrsh- Jureu nnnn.
W. J. CONDRON will lenvo this af
ternoon for South Inlet on business.
J. 1). CLINKENI1EARD of Sumner
JASPER YOAKAM of tho Coqulllo
valley wns hero this weok nnd
reports that ho has loused one of
the Adam Perchbnker ranches for
this season.
finnan Haddie
Arrived on Steamer
Headquarters at
Stauff Grocery Co.
Phono .102
Maskey's '''andles.
TEe Royal
A two-reel feature, one of those
Thanhouser pictures that are al
ways good, and two oinor reeis.
present "Turning tho Tables." a
very comical feature.
Sunday at 2:30. Don't forgot that
starting Monday, roo. 17, tne itex
players will be at the Royal.
Ih In town looking after business GLADYS and KAY Howard of North
Interests. , lulut inndo n trip to Murshfleld
MISS LENA MATTSON Is ono of tho "' morning, roturnlng homo In
Catching Inlet visitors to Marsh- ll nftomoon.
Held today. CAPTAIN W. C. HARRIS of Sumner
S. SHRIVER of tho Shrlver Realty I Is In Mnrshllold todny on business.
Co. of North llend Is In tho city Ho reports that tho ranchers nro
on business. I getting ready to tako udvnntngo of
MR. nnd MRS. E. L. RODERTS of tho nlco wonthor.
Catching Inlet nro In town on busl- JAMES DYER nnd wlfo nrrlvod from
ness and pleasure. 1 Wcddorburn Inst Thursday nud
T. W. IIIGG1NSON loft this mom- will make an oxtonded visit with
lug for Portland nnd other north-1 Mr. Dyor's sister, Mrs. Kin mn 1 1 II
nrn points on business. I born, of Mllllcoina.
ditching Inlot rancher wns In "1 MRS. C. A. PERKINS nro
Mnrshlleld todny on business. I Htod to lenvo on tho Drnln-Gnr-
MRS. P. D. 11LAKE of Catching In- Hor stage Monday morning,
let made a trip to Morshflold this MR. and MRS. JACOR MATSON ro-
inornlng returning this afternoon. inriieu 10 town mis morning ni-
MRS. E. VARNEY and daughter loft
for tho I.attln homo on South
Cons River this afternoon for n
OTTO GROKE of North Rend manu
facturer of the Coos Dav Ilonuty
Cigar, Is In tho city calling on
tra do.
Wash., Is 011 the liny looking ov
er tho country with n view of lo-
tor n fow dnys visit with tho
C. IC. Johnson family on North
OLIVER LARSEN of Femdalo is
homo for a fow days' visit from
Coos River, whole ho Is nt pres
ent engaged In linuso building.
Ho expects to lenvo again noxt
CHURCH will glvo u CAKE SALE
REV. O. LE ROY HALL will go on THURSDAV, Fob2lst nt tho LIT
to Kentuck Inlot tomorrow to THICRAX HALL on Commercial Ave.
conduct services nt tho school
limine thorn. I
Theso WARM DAYS hnvo a ton-
ROI1ERT DOITGLAS arrived horo
doncy to drlvo one to HARD DRINK.
unvw in.'cicn 11. n'i,'iiinivnilV
this weok to tako a position as ,....,..,."..',. 1. ,..,. ...i,ii,
C& ConZnvWmi ,h """" - only li had. h
donbrand & Posuor. wholosulo I. O. O. 1 FUXKRAL NOTICE.
liquor denlers of Sim Frnncjsco, Moinbers of Sunsot Lodgo, No. 01,
Is In Mnrshllold on business. nro requested to moot nt I. O. O. !.-
JAMES M'KEN.IE, tho Charleston hull at 1 o'clock Sunday to attond
black Band miner, hns gone to tho funoral of tho Into Ilrothor
Southern Douglas county to pros- Thomas MUllgan. Sojourning Ilro-
pect somo ore claims thero. titers Invited.
REDDEN LYONS. Jr.. of North I. LANDO. Socrotnry.
J. Loo Brown, Ph. G. Polit. AV. Swanton, Ph. O.
Everybody Welcome
to inako 71 rni'koi avoimo their headquarters for
meeting friends and acquaintances. You will find
seats, phono servico and a wish to accommodate
you in every way possible. Our patrons know and
newcomers will soon realize when they trade here
that our aim is to give
A Square Deal to All
which includes the most efficient and up-to-date ser
vice possible, pure drugs and chemicals, careful
compounding of every prescription by Graduate
Oheniists and The Leading Stove for Selected Ag
encies. At The Store for Quality Goods.